Pregen Rivani |

Rivani avoids the toad-creature and focuses on her mind on that of the kobold, keeping it's mental defences occupied to stop it attacking her colleagues.
Standard Action to concentrate on my spell.

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Entangled, the many Frodericks plod forward towards the slurk. Move action at half speed
"Insistent upon joining your rider on his journey to Pharasma's courts are you?" The bards say. "Know this! You and your cold-blooded companions will feel soon be chilled all the more by the icy hand of death!" The Froderiks bring their blades down on the frog-like creature.
Free action= Continuing bardic performance = +2 attack/+2 charm/fear saves
Swift action =activate Arcane Strike
Standard action=Swing that sword
Melee attack with Bardic Performance(+1 longsword) w/entangled: 1d20 + 7 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (16) + 7 + 2 - 2 = 23
Damage with Bardic Performance and Arcane Strike: 1d8 + 2 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 + 2 + 2 = 10

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Puck looks at the center Kobold and whispers, "Sleep... " He begins to weave his hands...
Full round cast. At the beginning of my next turn, DC 17 Will Save or Sleep for 4 HD of creatures.

GM Merisial the risen |

The slurk is slashed but not slain.
Puck begins casting a spell as Rivani maintains hers
Ree Prone entangled
Kobolds 0 -2 -0
Slurk -10
6 Entangled Frodericks

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Ree grumbles annoyed by the situation! She kips up 1 panache as a swift action then moves to the kobolds nearby still within her half-move range w/entangled and tries to stab the closest one but covered in goo her aim is way off!
Stab!: 1d20 + 9 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (2) + 9 + 2 - 4 = 9
Damage!: 1d6 + 4 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 4 + 3 + 2 = 13

GM Merisial the risen |

Benny continues to circle the woods sneakily Jesanna double moves to help Froderik (botted)
The Slurk lashes out at one of the six figure in front of it
slurk attack;1 real;damage: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 101d6 ⇒ 62d6 + 3 ⇒ (4, 4) + 3 = 11
And misses them all
confused kobolds acts: 1d100 ⇒ 47
Starts babbling incoherently
The one Ree attacked runs away the other one shoots at Ree
kobold crossbow: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 81d8 ⇒ 2
But apparently is put off by his babbling friend
will saves: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 21d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
With a yawn they both fall asleep as Pucks spell completes
Bold is up
Ree entangled
6 Froderiks Entangled
Kobolds ( asleep0, asleep-2, 0)
Slurk -10
Reminder the lake is difficult terrain (hence kobold withdrew)

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Wow, two nat ones? Dice Bot really wanted them to sleep!!!
Puck laughs and motions to his companions. "Let them sleep! No need for more violence. " He looks at Froderick and smiles
"Good fortune on you, sir! " Fortune and cackle
Froderick gets a free reroll once per turn for the next two turns.

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Jesanna moves forward, uncoiling her whip as he goes. "I don't know their tongue, but I know a punter trying some rough stuff."
If she can get a shot at the enemy...
Whip:trip: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

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Froderik begins to smile when he sees Puck. He seems to laugh at odd times, but he seems a friendly chap. Indeed, his laughter may be infectious! As a hardy laugh forms in his belly and begins to well into greater merriment, Froderik feels a bit more quick on his feet, daring, and lucky.
"Good fortune, indeed!" The bard responds to the elf. Well done with the slumbering. Your kinswoman and I shall down this slurk!" Froderik jabs at the creature.
Free action= Continuing bardic performance = +2 attack/+2 charm/fear saves
Swift action =activate Arcane Strike
Standard action=Swing that sword
Melee attack with Bardic Performance(+1 longsword) w/entangled: 1d20 + 7 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (3) + 7 + 2 - 2 = 10
Damage with Bardic Performance and Arcane Strike: 1d8 + 2 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8
And thanks to Puck...
REROLL Melee attack with Bardic Performance(+1 longsword) w/entangled: 1d20 + 7 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (17) + 7 + 2 - 2 = 24
The aided bard's blade cuts true!

GM Merisial the risen |

Jesanna moves up and pulls the right hind leg of the slurk into the air with her whip Froderik takes advantage to bring his sword down on the prone creature and delivers a deadly blow
bold to act
Ree entangled
Kobolds ( asleep0, asleep-2, 0)
6 Froderiks Entangled

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Ree grumbles and moves up a bit half speed flexing her wrist to have a dagger drop into it from a spring loaded wrist sheath then will throw it at the kobold that shot at her!
Throwing Stab!: 1d20 + 7 + 2 - 4 - 1 ⇒ (12) + 7 + 2 - 4 - 1 = 16
Damage!: 1d4 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 3 + 2 = 7
I think I have that right on the modifiers? +2 from bard -2 attack entangle -4 dex entangle (another -2 attack) and -1 from being in 2nd range incriment?

GM Merisial the risen |

Rees dagger falls short Benny finds a patch of clear ground to the side of the frozen river and advances along it Rivani loads her crossbow and advances. The last kobold takes off and runs into the forest into the other side of the lake
combat over encounter not so much

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Puck steps out of the woods and speaks in Sylvan. "Hello, dear dryad. We are here to fetch a hilt from an artifact of great power. It may be in an ancient dragon dwelling within the mountain." He looks at her curiously. "Did your people know anything about a dragon who lived here many generations ago?"

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Though his spell allows him to understand the dryad's words, it does not allow them to speak them. Froderik gestures slightly, while pronouncing a few ancient syllables.
He casts detect thoughts.
At a pause in the discussion between thenfey and Puck, Froderik asks, "Do you, per chance, speak or understand the language of the Taldanes, what we refer to as 'common'?"

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Jesanna pauses to look at the corpse of the slurk curiously. ”A magical frog,” she mutters to herself, ”I’ve seen everything now...
She turns and lets the others determine if the tree spirit is going to help them in their quest.

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The halfling pops up
I was trying to keep them from getting away using this path. he says.
What a purty lady you are he says with a smile at the dryad.
His rabbit jumps out of the pouch and runs over to the dryad.

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Ree picks up her thrown dagger putting it back in its sheath and tries to get the entangling "stuff" off, then joins the others, trying to act friendly...
Diplomacy to aid whoever talks to it just by smiling and looking pretty?: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

Pregen Rivani |

Rivani releases the kobold's mind as it falls into a deep slumber, breathes deeply to centre herself, and slides her dagger back into it's sheath. The dryad speaks a language unfamiliar to Rivani, but it seems that Puck is fluent, so she lets those with more finesse with words discuss matters.

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Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
With his spell cast, Froderik tries to get a sense of the dryad's even before his spell takes effect. Unsure of yet as to his ability to communicate with her, the bard, nevertheless, attempts to put her at ease through his demeanor and the helpful gestures.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17

GM Merisial the risen |

The dryad speaks in sylvan to Puck. "Your friend has a fine voice but the language he uses escapes me. I did once hear Vallahk and Quiselle speak in something similar. I know the powerful wyrm Grathatonhakis terrorised this region for centuries before dying unexpectedly nearly a millennium ago. The white dragons were too fearful to return in force until the last century. The kobolds hunt for the latest brood of white dragons and the court has ruled their hunting for food for themselves and the young dragons too greedy. If you seek knowledge of ancient times you would do well to bring your entreaties to the court. But be warned you must win over King Vallahk and Queen Quiselle to gain the fey's favour. If you wish to press on to the dragons caves I can lead you to the where the kobolds reside The dragons live deeper in."
So you can try gain the fey's favour or press on and deal with more
dangerous kobolds. I have a suspicion which way this group will go but I will leave it to you to decide. Also Froderik decided better of casting his spell

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Froderik is more skilled at Diplomacy than cave delving, but I will defer to the rest of you.

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Puck relates the Dryad's words to the group, then looks to Froderick. "You, sir, are eloquent with words. I believe you would be an excellent emissary of the Pathfinder Society." He looks around at the others. "Do you agree? I believe we should stop by the court of the Fey before diving into the caves."

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"You flatter me, sir." Froderik replies. "Nevertheless, I agree that an appearance before the court of the Fey would be prudent."

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"From the tales I have heard of the Fey, I would caution accepting any food or drink they may offer." Froderik warns.

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Ree giggles softly, "normally I'd say finding more excitement would be better, but the fey know how to show a girl a *real* good time, so I'm game!"

Pregen Rivani |

"Any allegiances we could make would be beneficial," Rivani adds. "Though I'm not much good with words. But those who are might be able to find out more about these caves from the fey."

GM Merisial the risen |

The dryad Enzial leads you all into a nearby cluster of birch trees packed together so densely that it seems not even a sparrow could fly through them! As she approaches, the trees seem to leap aside, clearing a short path. Each step seems to carry you farther than you expect, the scenery blurring in your peripheral vision.
After walking what you hope was only a few dozen feet, you arrive in a clearing surrounded by a living palisade of birch trees. At the centre stands a lopsided oak tree with green leaves, and two regal fey sit atop the roots while holding court before several dozen other First World beings like dryads, pixies, satyrs, and awakened animals.
They all turn quiet as you enter and turn to study you, as you similarly turn your attention to the two on the tree.
On the left, perched on the oak as he looks down on you all is a regal elf-like humanoid with birdlike wings covered with pine needles instead of feathers extending from his back. To the right, sitting on the oak’s branches which have twisted and bent to create a throne for her, is an elf-like woman wears a dress of pine needles and crown of geraniums.
Enzial curtsies to them and speaks in Sylvan. "Your evergreen highnesses, these are the warriors of whom I had sent word via the tree whispers." Turning to you all, she begins the introduction. "This is King Vallahk and Queen Quiselle, protectors of the Tusk Mountain forests-"
King Vallahk cuts in (in common) before Enzial can continue, in a voice of howling wind. He is constantly on the move in quick and powerful actions, flapping his wings, hopping from branch to branch. "Enzial says that you are attacking the kobolds and after knowledge of dragons, and seek an alliance with us for this. I know some in our court wants to have an all-out-war. Well, I have been watching the kobolds hunting to feed the dragons, and their tenacity to bring down their prey is admirable. Nature is red in tooth and claw. Let it take its course. Survival of the fittest."
Queen Quiselle sighs at this. A face accustomed to carefee joy and happiness is now creased with worry. When she speaks it is with the sounds of gentle dew drops falling at dawn. "Forgive the bluntness of my companion. We have lived alongside with the kobolds for countless aeons, if not peacefully, at least with grudging mutual understanding. It is true that recently they have encroached more and more into our territories, and we have put up resistance to delay them. But a direct confrontation? That would lead to countless deaths and unnecessary destruction of the gentle trees and animals. And if we lose and upset the dragons, no one will remain to protect the forest. Nature ebbs and flows. In time, the kobolds will retreat again, like the winter thaw. But come newcomers what do you say. I would like to hear all your voices"
Enzial looks troubled by what her lieges have said, but remains silent. Convincing the fey is up to you.
The default methods of convincing the pair are listed below. As usual, particularly persuasive strategies can earn up to a +4 bonus on a check. Also, if you have a creative way to use your other skills and/or abilities, go ahead and try it.
Though the fey are immortal, their patience for mortal squabbling is finite. You can make twelve checks the first ten should be spread as evenly as posible
Vallahk: 0/?
Influence Skills: Intimidate, Perception, Profession (hunter or trapper), Stealth, Survival.
Quiselle: 0/?
Influence Skills: Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge (nature), Perform (any).

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Knowledge Nature, Quiselle: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24
Puck stands up and clears his throat quietly. "Queen. The woods must take a more active role against the kobolds and their dragon masters. For just like the river cuts it's way through the ground, so they will erode at the foundations of your trees until you topple. " He bows deeply. "Help us get the Hilt, and we will help you against your enemy. "
Perception, Vallahk: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Puck steps forward, then trips on a root. In his embarassment, be says nothing.

GM Merisial the risen |

Quiselle smiles as Puck "There is wisdom in his words my Lord" she says turning her head towards Vallahk. "Hmmph" He responds as he sees Puck trip over the tree root
Vallahk: 0/?
Influence Skills: Intimidate, Perception, Profession (hunter or trapper), Stealth, Survival.
Quiselle: 1/?
Influence Skills: Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge (nature), Perform (any).
Party 2/12
Puck 2/2
No more than 2 checks maybe one also if your skill is weak You may look to your allies to provide aid (aid another with the appropriate skill)

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Jesanna’s eyes narrow into a stern glare. ”It might be fine for King Vallakh to wait for the damger to pass, safe here in his castle of trees. But where I come from a king is supposed to protect his people, and I didn’t see you doing much protecting of Enzial here when the kobolds came to snack on her. We did that. But maybe things are different for the fey - maybe amongst your folk it”s sitting on a tree and preening your feathers that makes a king.”
Intimidate with Stern Gaze: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15
hmm, can I used a folio reroll please?
Intimidate with Stern Gaze: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (5) + 14 = 19

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Upon hearing the words of King Vallahk, Froderik quietly considers the words of the Fey. This being claims to be opposed to “all-out-war” and yet admires the ‘survival of the fittest’! Does he not see that the two are one-and-the-same? For what is war, but the attempt of one group to assert their claim to being the most fit—a deadly, horrific display of might and dominance all in an effort to subjugate another group if not drive them to extinction?
If he cannot see such folly, then I fear he will not respond either to sensible words or calculations of reason, the bard concludes. I will see how he interacts with the others—particularly Benny and Ree as they seem to possess attributes most alluring to the king. If he can be swayed, those two are likely to be more successful at it than I.
To aid in this discussion of recommendations of strategies then, I shall employ a time-honored one as my own—divide and conquer. Ceding the persuasion of the king to his companions, at least initially, Froderik focuses his efforts on winning over the queen.
Froderik offers a courtly bow, before addressing Queen Quiselle. “Bluntness is easily forgiven, Majestic One. I, for one, will not seek to find fault in one for being forthright and honest. To the contrary, I would reserve scorn for those unwilling to speak truth, or to fully acknowledge it.”
“And it was from your fair lips, Your Highness, that truth was once spoken, but then placed under threat of being discarded. For you acknowledged the truth of the kobolds growing encroachment and the need for active resistance, but then offered counsel of inaction instead.” The bard, skilled in the art of diplomacy, speaks in a manner more matter-of-fact manner, rather than accusatory. “For evil to triumph, good need only do nothing. If the kobolds are not now opposed, then the future of this court is in jeopardy. Nature may be eternal, and so too then are its ebbs and flows. Yet, those creatures that are a part of it—the Fey included—are not. Even within the short time that my kin—humankind—has walked this planet, species that once prospered are no more. When the onslaught comes, the Fey here my yet outlive my kind. They may outlive the animals, both those feral and awakened. They may even outlive the trees. But, once these allies have fallen, then the Fey too will end—‘til even the memory of their existence here is washed away by the ebbs and flows of nature.”
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12
All this time carefully choosing just the right words, writing and revising this speech, and I get a lousy 1?!
Then, with the flair of trained thespian, Froderik continues, “It is true that the dragons—if their ire be raised—will respond with flame and death will certainly follow. But is death not also a part of nature?” The bard outstretches his hands, so to resemble the towering trees that surrounds the court. [b]“Does not flame serve to renew the forest? Does not destruction provide opportunities for life to continue and to flourish? Does the heat of fire not release the seeds from the cone? Do the embers of the dead pine not clear a path for light for the sapling? Do the ashes of burnt timber not enrich the soil that nourishes new chutes?”[/b ]
And to his pointed questions, the bard neither offers nor seeks response—allowing instead for an appreciable silence to linger in the night air following his monologue.
Perform (Act): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (4) + 13 = 17
Oh, the heavy burden necessary for the uplifting of words that come with playing a bard!

GM Merisial the risen |

Ha! Straight and to the point. I like this one" says Vallahk in response to Jesanna. However the queen does not return his smile.
As Froderik makes his speeches he realises his words and performance fall short of what is expected in a fey court
Vallahk: 1/?
Influence Skills: Intimidate, Perception, Profession (hunter or trapper), Stealth, Survival.
Quiselle: 1/?+1
Influence Skills: Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge (nature), Perform (any).
Party 5/12
Puck 2/2
Jesanna 1
Froderik 2/2
No more than 2 checks maybe one also if your skill is weak You may look to your allies to provide aid (aid another with the appropriate skill)
Some skills have a higher difficulty to achieve success Perform appears to be one of them

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The halfling will sing a song about fey and halflings working together to keep dragons and kobolds from taking over the land to influence Quieslle.
Perform Sing 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

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Hearing Bennybeck's song, Ree sort of instinctively starts to sway and dance in accompanyment hoping to catch the fey lords' and ladies' attentions...
Perform dance to aid another?: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
Regardless of how that goes, she'll look to Vallakh afterwards, taking out a tindertwig and lighting it holding it so the flame is actively burning her palm her fast healing can keep up with a tindertwig though so hoping to use this for a bonus?
"Survival of the fittest are fine and dandy words to say spoken from an easy chair, like my friend Jesanna says...but here *I* thought the lords of the fey lived for more...primal things...passion and change? You're not afraid of getting a little *burnt*...are you, Vallakh?" She'll blow the tindertwig out in his direction.
Intimidate!: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

Pregen Rivani |

"My lord, your dedication to the natural order is admirable, but what of the consequences of allowing the status quo to be maintained?" Rivani begins.
"A few observations and deductions, if I may? The kobolds grow bolder and stronger, more prey is captured, more food is offered to their dragon 'gods'. The inevitable conclusion is that more dragons are attracted by the kobolds' offerings and their primitive worship." She pauses for effect.
"You cannot believe that more dragons in this area, consuming and destroying at their leisure, will maintain the natural order for long," she finishes, hoping that her argument will carry even a little weight with the king.
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10

GM Merisial the risen |

So many low rolls on this its like you want to be asleep with the kobolds
The queen is amused By Bennys singing "Oo he even has a bunny in his hat. Nice moves" she adds to Ree "but try to be still and silent when others act"
Vallahk is once again impressed with Rees fiery speech the Quiselle merely shake her head.
"You mortals have eyes but do not see" Vallahk responds to Rivani
Party 8/12 need two more checks from Ree, Rivani Benny and Jesanna (one apiece) then 2 from where you like. Vallahk needs one more check to succeed* the Quiselle two as using intimidate to rile Vallahk upsets her *You get the feeling that successfully using diplomacy to win over the Quiselle will equally miff Vallahk. Ree may not aid another but the rest of you still can. Also do not use a skill your character has already used to influence
Vallahk: 2/3
Influence Skills: Intimidate, Perception, Profession (hunter or trapper), Stealth, Survival.
Quiselle: 2/4 (3+1)
Influence Skills: Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge (nature), Perform (any).

Pregen Rivani |

I'm pretty much out of useful skills, but I'm happy to try and aid as I get a +1 bonus to aid another checks from one of my pregen's traits.

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Know (nature): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
"What I said about forest fires didn't sway you? Because I'm pretty sure that was correct." Froderik says to the Queen.
Froderik is having a bad day.

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Puck stays silent and looks to Froderick.
I think you should take the second free one. You have the most Social skills.

GM Merisial the risen |

[dice=Know (nature)]1d20+7
"What I said about forest fires didn't sway you? Because I'm pretty sure that was correct." Froderik says to the Queen.
Froderik is having a bad day.
Possibly due to forest fires not being that big a concern in an Alaska type climate. I think Froderik will just come to the conclusion fey just don't like humans sooner rather than later.
Perhaps Ree could do his own dancing backed by Benny and Froderik
Benny or Jesanna could disprove theparty isnt walking around with its eyes shut with aids from Puck and Rivani
Or maybe save aids for final check if all the above go wrong

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Froderik tries to point inconspicuously to help one of his companions.
Perception with skill bonus from story at beginning of adventure (Aid Another): 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 6 + 1 = 21

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Stealth to influence Vallahnak
1d20 + 14 ⇒ (7) + 14 = 21
Everyone knows how stealthy the fey can be. After all, I hear that fey often live in other people's houses and no one is the wiser

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Jesanna peers forward, her eyes dancing over the king's form.
Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22
Ah, I see the king was not always one of such caution. That is an owlbear claw you wear on the thong round your neck, is it not? Perhaps the same owlbear that gave you those scars on your arm. You did not stand for injury then - you did not wait for the beast to depart or loses interests, did you? You stood your ground and did what needed to be done, and I'm guessing you still wear that claw to remind yourself how good it felt. This time the opponent is more dangerous - but you have allies to stand against it. Will you not stand with them?"

GM Merisial the risen |

Ah for some reason my last post got eaten
Vallahk is convinced by Benny's words "Yes we will strike before the dragons know what hit them" Quiselle is not so convinced "But remember that Owlbear you thought you could sneak up on that and kill it before it had chance to do anything. Why risk all we have?
"Do not try your honeyed words with me Queen. You must decide if we should fight or let nature take its course"
You have convinced the king but the queen still need convincing
Jesanna bites her tongue as she was about to speak of that owlbear
Time is drawing short. You have two chances to impress Quiselle into agreeing as well. First from Ree, Jesanna or Rivani the second can be anybody. However if you use diplomacy you would fail as the king would get the hump at the use of honeyed words
Quiselle: 2/4 (3+1)
Influence Skills: Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge (nature), Perform (any).
Vallahk 3/3 success
I like Jesanna's post but It did not actually occur

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Froderik decides to hold his tongue and aid the others where possible with those few helpful skills at his disposal.
Results hidden so as not unduly influence the choice of skills to be used.