Javell DeLeon |
Okay. Just a bit more info.
@Kalsgrim: As Ruler, once you've selected where to apply your bonus, you can't change it. (Highly recommend Economy) :)
Only the Spymaster can change his. And during the Improvement phase only(As per the description). And his bonus last from one Improvement phase to the next, so, possibly Stability?
And taking over Oleg's results in a Stable. And a Stable requires a house. So I believe they would come together. And they are free since we acquired them. So you can actually build something else, if you wish.
As far as Edicts go, now this is just me personally, I like:
Promotion level at minimum Token. Mainly because taking a hit on Stability is dangerous. If we fail a Stability check--even if we roll a 1--we need to finish at 4 or less for the difference. Otherwise, +2 Unrest. I actually like Standard best. But 2 BP cost per turn gets a bit expensive early on.
Taxes: I like Normal. I think it works well. Loyalty can get built up pretty well. It's gonna get hit early on, but building a monument at some point will help that a lot.
Festivals: I like the 1 per year. But 0 is fine also if that's what you want. I actually like the +2 bonus to Loyalty best. But there again, +2 BP is a bit expensive early on.
Again, just my thoughts on the Edicts.
Will let Kalsgrim start us off. It's only fitting. :)
What you're gonna be spending is 1 BP to claim, 1 BP to prepare. The road is free since one is already present within the hex. After that, it's whatever bldg you want to purchase.
You'll start out with:
Economy: +15(+16 actually, due to the Stable)(I put your Ruler bonus here. You can change it to any of them. But whichever you choose, that's it.)
Loyalty: +12(+13 actually, due to the Stable)
Stability: +11
*(I didn't set the +4 Spymaster bonus, though. Just fyi. )
This is barring what you set your Edicts to. Claiming the capital hex will give us a Control DC of 21.
So any rolls you make have to tie or beat that number, for us to be successful in whatever. For this 1st turn it'll be Economy only.
@Warforged: Do you want us to roll the Events? Or do you want to?
Kalsgrim Lodovka |
Dotting. It is getting late here (US PST) and I have to turn in, but I'll give a stab at the first turn in the morning. Looking forward to it! I'm trusting the first round will be a bit of a learning experience, and if I post anything incorrectly, we can adjust as needed to get it nailed down. Thanks guys, I'm looking forward to this!
One question: how far do we need to get in kingdom building to get the PCs going at level 6 in the main story thread?
Other Mastermind |
The events start at least 9 months later, may be more, but we can set the kingdom building's first five moths and then run parallel, because the kingdom building should move faster in game time than the adventuring.
As for events, the first year is free! Unless you wish to include them, in which case, you can roll them It's faster.
Kalsgrim Lodovka |
Kingdom Name: Frieland
Alignment: Lawful Good
Size: 1
Control DC: 21
Population: 250
Unrest: 0
Treasury: 47
Base Value: 700 gp
Edicts: +2
Events: +0
Leadership: +13
Resources: +0
Alignment: +2
Unrest: +0
Vacancies: +0
Events: +0
Leadership: +10
Resources: +0
Alignment: +2
Unrest: +0
Vacancies: +0
Edicts: +1
Events: +0
Leadership: +12
Resources: +0
Alignment: +0
Unrest: +0
Vacancies: +0
Other: +0
Promotion Level: Token (+1 stability, 1 BP consumed)
Taxation Level: Normal (+2 economy, -2 loyalty)
Festivals per year: 1 (+1 Stability, 1 BP consumed)
Ruler: Kalsgrim Lodovka (+4, Economy, Loyalty or Stability, used for Economy)
Councilor: Svetlana Leveton (+2, Loyalty)
General: Tuck (+4, Stability)
Grand Diplomat: Lukasz (+4, Stability)
High Priest: Janku Tolliver (+3, Stability)
Magister: Servayn Krolz (+4, Economy)
Marshal: Garick Nowicki (+3, Economy)
Royal Assassin: Davor Mason (+4, Loyalty, -1 Unrest/Upkeep)
Spymaster: Corso Gaczi (+4, Economy, Loyalty or Stability)
Treasurer: Oleg Leveton (+2, Economy)
Warden: Kriger Eilifson (+4, Loyalty)
Capital Hex:
Turn 1.
Kalsgrim assigned Ruler bonus to Economy.
”If we are going to draw settlers to this land, let us focus on making sure they have the means for livelihood to support themselves and their family.”
Corso assigned Spymaster bonus to Stability.
”Corso, I need you to keep an eye on things. I am worried about the stability around here while we are getting things established. Let the citizens go about their business, but make sure if anyone looks like they are trying to be disruptive, let the rest of us know."
Edict Promotion level set to Token.
”Before we focus on bringing swarms of settlers here, let’s make sure we have their basic needs met. For now, let’s see if we can just get a few people here who are either very independent or have key skills we will need."
Edict Taxation Level: Normal.
"We do need to levy some taxes to fund the government. Oleg, you are charged with keeping the funds separate from our own as individuals.”
Edict Festivals per year: 1.
”The people need to know what we are doing here, and I think the best way to get the word out is a celebration of our founding. It needn’t be too elaborate, but enough that outlying farmers, trappers and traders will come in for it.”
Upkeep Phase.
Stability check. Not needed first turn.
Pay consumption. 2 used on edicts, treasury down to 48.
Fill magic item slots. Not sure what is needed here.
Unrest. No roll needed.
Improvement Phase.
Select leadership. No changes.
Claim Hexes. Claim Oleg’s hex, 1 to claim, 1 to prepaid, treasury down to 46.
Establish and improve cities. Build a Smith, treasury down to 40.
Build roads. Do you have to claim a hex to build a road in it?
Establish farmlands. Do you have to claim a hex to establish farms? Can you establish farms in the capital hex?
Edicts: No adjustments.
Income Phase.
Deposits. None.
Withdraw. None.
Sell valuables. None.
Generate Income. 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (18) + 18 = 36 / 5 round down to add to treasury. Add 7, treasury up to 47.
Event Phase.
None this turn.
Kalsgrim Lodovka |
I know they are expensive, but we should prioritize building a guildhall and a market. They add to economy and are “gateway” buildings for others (that is to say they aren’t required to build others, but the halving of the cost makes it foolish to not build them first). A castle, an area and a cathedral are the other gateway buildings we should work toward. Cathedral if we have a loyalty issue, arena for stability or castle for defense.
And since we aren’t on a river or lake, I’m assuming buildings that require being next to a water border are out of the question for Providence. Is that correct?
Kriger Eilifsson |
Awesome! Well done, Kalsgrim.
Fill magic items slot will be used once we build a building that has magic items included in its build. i.e. Caster's tower, Black market, there are several. These are just examples.
When you claim a hex, the only thing you can establish is a farm or a city. You can't build both on one hex. It's either/or. So, no to establishing farms within the city.
So yes you do have to claim a hex to build a farm.
Yes you do have to claim a hex to build a road. Unless there is a road already built. Then it's free. Otherwise, yes.
Also, you will have +2 added to your total BP. You disregard the UPKEEP PHASE for the first round. So, no consumption cost in first round.
Your edicts are actually set for the FIRST time at the end of the Improvement phase. So that's when they officially start.
You are also correct on the water border issue. No buildings that require water can be built here.
In that sense, I would suggest we work our way toward the Stag Lord's fort and build a city there when we can.
And I totally agree with building a Guildhall or Market, myself. That cuts the cost of building other buildings in half.
I would also suggest Theater, Town hall, or Garrison. We obviously can't build them all, but we could build a couple of them.
Of those 5 buildings(the 2 Kalsgrim mentioned and the 3 I mentioned) think about which one you fellas might want to go with, and I say we build one of them in the next turn.
As far as that goes, we could actually build an arena next turn. That's a bit of a gamble, though. But it does cut the Theater OR Garrison cost in half. Food for thought. :)
I'm at work an had such an easy day was able to stop home for just a moment. Gotta roll now, be back later this evening.
Kalsgrim Lodovka |
So the way I see our first district shaping up is as follows, where S= Street, E = Empty city square, H = House, St = Stable and Sm = Smith.
S E E S E E S E St S
S E E S E E S E Sm S
Kalsgrim Lodovka |
Turn 2.
Upkeep Phase.
Stability check. DC 21, 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (2) + 15 = 17 Rut row. What's that mean?
Pay consumption. 2 used, treasury down to 47.
Fill magic item slots. None.
Unrest. O, so no roll needed.
Improvement Phase.
Select leadership. No changes.
Claim Hexes. None.
”We could really use a center piece of the city. Some place where we can gather for the festivals, but also some place that is versatile. Some place we can gather for market days until we get a dedicated marketplace. Some place we can gather in case of attack that’s better than just a loose collection of houses and shops. How about an arena? It can fill in a lot of gaps temporarily until the treasury allows us to build those other dedicated sites. And to make it look like we using the expenditures well, let’s go ahead and declare more festivals: one for Erastil and one for Milani at least. We can figure out a few more in the days to come.”
Establish and improve cities. Build an arena, treasury down to 7.
Build roads. None.
Establish farmlands. None.
Edicts: Festivals to 6.
Income Phase.
Deposits. None.
Withdraw. None.
Sell valuables. None.
Generate Income. 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (11) + 19 = 30 / 5 round down to add to treasury. Add 6, treasury up to 13.
Event Phase.
None this turn.
After Turn 2:
Kingdom Name: Frieland
Alignment: Lawful Good
Size: 1
Control DC: 21
Population: 250
Unrest: 0
Consumption: 2, treasury down to 11.
Base Value: 700 gp
Economy: +19 (+13 leadership, +2 edicts, +2 buildings, +2 alignment, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
Loyalty: +12 (+10 leadership, +0 edicts, +1 buildings, +2 alignment, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
Stability: +23 (+15 leadership, +3 edicts, +5 buildings, +0 alignment, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
Edicts: [/b]
Promotion Level: Token (+1 stability, 1 BP consumed)
Taxation Level: Normal (+2 economy, -2 loyalty)
Festivals per year: 1 (+2 Stability, 1 BP consumed)
Leadership: no changes. +13 Economy, +10 Loyalty, +15 Stability.
I opted for an arena first because it improves Stability by so very much and we can get it this round; for other buildings we would have to build one or more houses first for it. And while this doesn’t give us a boost to economy this turn, we can go up by +2 next turn with a theatre if we can afford it, or +1 for a tannery if we can’t.
I will refrain from posting another turn for a while in case someone else wants to take one or in case adjustments need to be made to turns 1 or 2 due to any errors found when reviewed, or in case that failed stabiilty check throws a wrench in things...
Javell DeLeon |
You failed the Stability check by 4. Fortunately, nothing happens. Now if you would've rolled a 1(thereby failing by 5 or more), then we would've gotten a +2 to Unrest.
Man that's real GUTSY, dude! Building the Arena. I like it. Mainly because it's just flat out gutsy. I really didn't expect that. Cool.
When you pay consumption, you pay it all at once.
Festivals actually affect Loyalty. Should be: 6 Festivals per year(+2 Loyalty, 1 BP consumed)
This is where we are at now
Economy: +19 (+13 leadership, +2 edicts, +2 buildings, +2 alignment, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
Loyalty: +13 (+10 leadership, +0 edicts, +1 buildings, +2 alignment, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
Stability: +21 (+15 leadership, +1 edicts, +5 buildings, +0 alignment, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
You actually had the Loyalty breakdown right. You just missed adding in the buildings I guess.
Technically, since you built the Arena, you can switch the Spymaster's bonus to Economy. Stability, for now, is not an issue.
I'll go with the next one. In a moment...
Kriger Eilifsson |
Gonna go ahead and call that Kalsgrim moved the Spymaster bonus to Economy. If that's no good, then just let me know. Will adjust BP accordingly.
Upkeep phase
Control DC: 21; Total BP: 11
1. Stability check: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (1) + 21 = 22 NA (If I can roll higher than a 1, then we gain +1 BP) Sheesh!
2. Pay Consumption: (+1 size, +1 city, +2 Edicts) +4 BP
3. Fill Magic item slots: NA
4. Unrest: 0
Improvement Phase
1. Select Leadership: NA
2. Claim Hexes: Bokkens' hut hex +1 BP Any chance that's a Landmark hex? Or something?
3. Establish and Improve Cities: NA
4. Build Roads: +1 BP
5. Establish Farmlands: +2 BP
6. Edicts: No change
Income Phase
1. Deposits: NA
2. Withdrawals: NA
3. Sell Valuable Items: NA
4. Generate Income: 1d20 + 19 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 19 + 4 = 36 Add 7
Events: NA
BP spent 8; BP gained 7; Total BP: 10
After Turn 3
Kingdom Name: Frieland
Alignment: Lawful Good
Size: 2
Control DC: 22
Population: 500
Unrest: 0
Consumption: +3
Treasury: 10
Base Value: 700 gp
Economy: +19 (+13 leadership, +2 edicts, +2 buildings, +2 alignment, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
Loyalty: +13 (+10 leadership, +0 edicts, +1 buildings, +2 alignment, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
Stability: +21 (+15 leadership, +1 edicts, +5 buildings, +0 alignment, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
With the Farm, our consumption beginning next turn will be:
(+2 size, +1 city, +2 edicts, -2 farm) +3
Will go ahead and do the next one, seeing how there really won't be a whole lot I can do. Then, will see if Set wants to throw something out there.
Kriger Eilifsson |
Turn 4
Upkeep phase
Control DC: 22; Total BP: 10
1. Stability check: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (17) + 21 = 38 Add 1 BP
2. Pay Consumption: (+1 size, +1 city, +2 Edicts, -2 Farms) +3
3. Fill Magic item slots: NA
4. Unrest: 0
Improvement Phase
1. Select Leadership: NA
2. Claim Hexes: NA
3. Establish and Improve Cities: NA
4. Build Roads: NA
5. Establish Farmlands: NA
6. Edicts: No change
Income Phase
1. Deposits: NA
2. Withdrawals: NA
3. Sell Valuable Items: NA
4. Generate Income: 1d20 + 19 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 19 + 4 = 37 Add 7
Events: NA
BP spent 3; BP gained 8; Total BP: 15
After Turn 4
Kingdom Name: Frieland
Alignment: Lawful Good
Size: 2
Control DC: 22
Population: 500
Unrest: 0
Consumption: +3
Treasury: 15
Base Value: 700 gp
Economy: +19 (+13 leadership, +2 edicts, +2 buildings, +2 alignment, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
Loyalty: +13 (+10 leadership, +0 edicts, +1 buildings, +2 alignment, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
Stability: +21 (+15 leadership, +1 edicts, +5 buildings, +0 alignment, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
Had to forego building anything. Trying to get a surplus to work with. Alright, Set. If you want, you can go on and throw something out there. All you can pretty much do is claim a hex and put a farm on it. That would take our consumption down to +2 per turn. As of now we are still safe on rolls. Either that or you can build something small.
Kalsgrim Lodovka |
Had to forego building anything. Trying to get a surplus to work with. Alright, Set. If you want, you can go on and throw something out there. All you can pretty much do is claim a hex and put a farm on it. That would take our consumption down to +2 per turn. As of now we are still safe on rolls. Either that or you can build something small.
Are you saying the arena was risky because it cut down our surplus? I was thinking the +4 stability gave us the opportunity to take in some adjacent hexes to build farmlands and roads.
Are you targeting a surplus for a particular building, or just to have a buffer?
A tannery might be a good option. It costs 6, and we get two bonuses for it including one in economy.
Javell DeLeon |
Yeah, only because it cost so much. But I like the thought process behind it. It'll take a bit to get back going, but I think it's gonna work well. It's actually a pretty good plan. We can now take in some surrounding land to build farms.
Just to have a buffer is all.
Which is what I think we should do next turn. Build a farm, that is. And possibly build a tannery. Or the library. Either one I think would be good.
If we build and claim farmland, you're looking at 13 BP spent. Which leaves us 2. Barring the Stability roll and Economy roll.
If we do one or the other, the Farmland will cost 7 BP. The Tannery cost 9 BP.
What do you think? Should we go with claiming for Farmland or building a tannery? Or should we shoot for both and hope we roll fairly well for Economy?
Another thing about claim hexes, once we get 2 more hexes and build roads in them, that's a +1 to Economy. Every 4 roads = a +1 to Economy.
Edit: And we've only got 8 more turns before Events kick in. We're gonna have to concentrate on getting Loyalty up higher before then. Of course, we could compensate for that with the Spymaster. But it's quite the handy on Economy. Should build a monument at some point. It's +3 to Loyalty and it's affordable. That'll be good.
Set |
I'm not up for a turn at the moment, but it might be best to not make any big purchases for a bit, just farms or whatever, and try to bank some BP to pick up some of the stuff we were talking about in the other thread that we need.
Once the economy is built back up (and / or we have a Caster's Tower and can attempt the magic item economy thing), we can do a half-cost Garrison and then a half-cost Granary, to capitalize on this Arena thing.
Since we won't be having Loyalty or Stability checks for awhile, it might be best not to go too overboard on stuff that adds to Loyalty and Stability, for the first year...
markofbane |
Yeah, and it is all about the Economy. Do we know if it is primarily going to be the two of us doing the kingdom building, or have others expressed interest? I wouldn't want to hog it. But I have to say, this is definitely hitting my old school Civilization buttons. :)
I show the Tannery costing 6 BP. Are you counting a house in that? Tannery doesn't need a house; it can't be built next to a house. Disgusting, smelly business that is.
Javell DeLeon |
No, no house. I'm including the consumption bonus. At the moment, the consumption is +3. That's where I get the +9.
And I'm with you on the Civilization bit. I freaking love that game. I managed everything.
I'm trying to break Set down to where he will eventually post. But until then, we'll keep it rolling. Probably should go with a Farm next. Maybe leave it at that.
I like Set's idea on the Garrison then Granary bit. That little combo really builds up Loyalty and Stability.
Of course, if we go with the Theater(which would also be half cost) that kicks our Economy/Stability up by +2.
We can only build one or the other at half cost though.
The theater does lead to half cost Tavern and Brothel. Which those two affect Economy and Loyalty. I'm not mentioning any names, but, I know a guy who'd be a lot better off visiting a Brothel, than the local nunnery. ;)
Decisions, decisions.
I think this next turn go with farm only. Then, afterwards, go with one of these options. The Garrison, Theater, Tannery, or Library.
Kriger Eilifsson |
Turn 5
Upkeep phase
Control DC: 22; Total BP: 15
1. Stability check: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (9) + 21 = 30 Add 1 BP
2. Pay Consumption: (+2 size, +1 city, +2 Edicts, -2 Farms) +3
3. Fill Magic item slots: NA
4. Unrest: 0
Improvement Phase
1. Select Leadership: NA
2. Claim Hexes: Spider's nest Hex +1 BP
3. Establish and Improve Cities: NA
4. Build Roads: +1 BP
5. Establish Farmlands: +2 BP
6. Edicts: No change
Income Phase
1. Deposits: NA
2. Withdrawals: NA
3. Sell Valuable Items: NA
4. Generate Income: 1d20 + 19 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 19 + 4 = 26 Add 5
Events: NA
BP spent 4; BP gained 6; Total BP:17
After Turn 5
Kingdom Name: Frieland
Alignment: Lawful Good
Size: 3
Control DC: 23
Population: 750
Unrest: 0
Consumption: +2 (+3 size, +1 city, +2 Edicts, -4 Farms) +2
Treasury: 17
Base Value: 700 gp
Economy: +19 (+13 leadership, +2 edicts, +2 buildings, +2 alignment, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
Loyalty: +13 (+10 leadership, +0 edicts, +1 buildings, +2 alignment, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
Stability: +21 (+15 leadership, +1 edicts, +5 buildings, +0 alignment, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
Alright. Rolled terrible on the Eco roll. But, at least our consumption is down to +2 now. Off to work. Be back this evening.
Javell DeLeon |
Man I'm glad there were no more turns done. I realized this morning at work I made and error on Stability.
In my mind I had the Arena offsetting the Spymaster bonus. Which it does, obviously. But what I forgot was to remove the Spymaster bonus from Stability. REALLY sorry about that.
Fortunately, all of our previous rolls will still succeed by subtracting the +4(Well, except for the natural 1 that was rolled). :P And Kaslgrim actually had the right number on turn 2.
So, for the next Stability roll, it should be +17. So as long as we roll a 2 or higher, we'll be safe from the +2 to Unrest. Wait, should I have said that? *Knocks on wood* (I'm liking the Tannery more and more. Next building built, should be one that adds Stability for sure)
If you folks notice any mistakes I make, by all means please let me know. With all these numbers floating around, I have a tendency to miss things.
This is what it should be:
Economy: +19(+23/Spymaster bonus) (+13(+17/Spymaster bonus) leadership, +2 edicts, +2 buildings, +2 alignment, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
Loyalty: +13 (+10 leadership, +0 edicts, +1 buildings, +2 alignment, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
Stability: +17 (+11 leadership, +1 edicts, +5 buildings, +0 alignment, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
Here our are buildings built so far:
Arena: Stability +4; Halves cost of Garrison or Theater in same city; halves Consumption increase penalty for festival edicts
Smith: Economy +1, Stability +1.
Stable: (must be adjacent to 1 house): City base value +500 gp; Economy +1, Loyalty +1.
Javell DeLeon |
Technically, we need to build hexes out to it.
As per this:
Step 2—Claim Hexes: Each hex on the maps of the Stolen Lands measures 12 miles across, and the PCs kingdom must be built hex by hex. To claim a hex, you must explore it and clear it of monsters or dangerous hazards; the hex must also be adjacent to a hex that is already part of the kingdom (with the exception of the first hex, which can be anywhere).
Right now, we wouldn't want it anyway. Because we really couldn't support it. Once we get our Economy built up, and our land extended a bit more, then we can build another city.
And this is the cost/time to build a city:
Preparing The Site
Once you select a location for your city (which must be in a hex you have explored and cleared), you must pay to have the site cleared and prepared to support the city’s roads and buildings. The cost and time required to clear space in various terrains is detailed below.
Forest- Cost: 4 BP; Time to prepare: 2 months
Grassland- Cost: 1 BP; Time to prepare: Immediate*
Hills- Cost: 2 BP; Time to prepare: 1 month
Mountains- Cost: 12 BP; Time to prepare: 4 months
Swamp- Cost: 8 BP; Time to prepare: 3 months
And I think where it is now is swampland. So obviously, it's gonna cost a bit.
We'll get to it but it may take a bit of time.
Kriger Eilifsson |
Turn 6
Upkeep phase
Control DC: 23; Total BP: 17
1. Stability check: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (2) + 17 = 19 NA (Whew! I said a 2 didn't I? Didn't I? ;) Man that was close.
2. Pay Consumption: (+2 size, +1 city, +2 Edicts, -4 Farms) +2
3. Fill Magic item slots: NA
4. Unrest: 0
Improvement Phase
1. Select Leadership: NA
2. Claim Hexes: Hex directly east of Spider's nest Hex +1 BP
3. Establish and Improve Cities: NA
4. Build Roads: +1 BP
5. Establish Farmlands: +2 BP
6. Edicts: No change
Income Phase
1. Deposits: NA
2. Withdrawals: NA
3. Sell Valuable Items: NA
4. Generate Income: 1d20 + 20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 20 + 4 = 29 Add 5
Events: NA
BP spent 6; BP gained 5; Total BP: 16
After Turn 6
Kingdom Name: Frieland
Alignment: Lawful Good
Size: 4
Control DC: 24
Population: 750
Unrest: 0
Consumption: +1 (+4 size, +1 city, +2 Edicts, -6 Farms)
Treasury: 16
Base Value: 700 gp
Farms: x3, -6 to consumption
Roads: x4, +1 Economy
Arena: Stability +4; Halves cost of Garrison or Theater in same city; halves Consumption increase penalty for festival edicts
Smith: Economy +1, Stability +1.
Stable: (must be adjacent to 1 house): City base value +500 gp; Economy +1, Loyalty +1.
Economy: +20 (+13 leadership, +2 edicts, +2 buildings, +2 alignment, +1 roads, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
Loyalty: +13 (+10 leadership, +0 edicts, +1 buildings, +2 alignment, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
Stability: +17 (+11 leadership, +1 edicts, +5 buildings, +0 alignment, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
Alright. I'm gambling on the Stability roll on the next turn. Should we go with a Theater next turn? Or Garrison? I really like them both. I think the Theater would probably be better, due to the +2 Economy. What do you people think?
Javell DeLeon |
Theater sounds good to me then. I'll let you roll it. I've done the last 4 turns. Don't wanna become too greedy(just marginally greedy) ;) Plus, my rolls haven't left single digits the past 2 turns, dadgummit.
Just fyi, we need at least a 3 now on our Stability check. No pressure though. :p
Kalsgrim Lodovka |
Turn 7
Upkeep phase
Control DC: 24; Total BP: 16
1. Stability check: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (6) + 17 = 23
2. Pay Consumption: (+4 size, +1 city, +2 Edicts, -6 Farms) +1
3. Fill Magic item slots: NA
4. Unrest: 0
Improvement Phase
1. Select Leadership: NA
2. Claim Hexes: NA
3. Establish and Improve Cities: Build Theater. +12 BP.
4. Build Roads: NA
5. Establish Farmlands: NA
6. Edicts: No change
Income Phase
1. Deposits: NA
2. Withdrawals: NA
3. Sell Valuable Items: NA
4. Generate Income: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (13) + 20 = 33, add 6 BP.
Events: NA
BP spent 13; BP gained 6; Total BP: 9.
After Turn 7
Kingdom Name: Frieland
Alignment: Lawful Good
Size: 4
Control DC: 24
Population: 750
Unrest: 0
Consumption: +1 (+4 size, +1 city, +2 Edicts, -6 Farms)
Treasury: 9
Base Value: 700 gp
Farms: x3, -6 to consumption
Roads: x4, +1 Economy
Arena: Stability +4; Halves cost of Garrison or Theater in same city; halves Consumption increase penalty for festival edicts
Smith: Economy +1, Stability +1.
Stable: (must be adjacent to 1 house): City base value +500 gp; Economy +1, Loyalty +1.
Theater: Economy +2, Stability +2.
Economy: +22 (+13 leadership, +2 edicts, +4 buildings, +2 alignment, +1 roads, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
Loyalty: +13 (+10 leadership, +0 edicts, +1 buildings, +2 alignment, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
Stability: +19 (+11 leadership, +1 edicts, +7 buildings, +0 alignment, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
Kalsgrim Lodovka |
Turn 8
Upkeep phase
Control DC: 24; Total BP: 9
1. Stability check: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (16) + 19 = 35, add 1 BP
2. Pay Consumption: (+4 size, +1 city, +2 Edicts, -6 Farms) +1
3. Fill Magic item slots: NA
4. Unrest: 0
Improvement Phase
1. Select Leadership: NA
2. Claim Hexes: NA
3. Establish and Improve Cities: Build Tannery, BP 6.
4. Build Roads: NA
5. Establish Farmlands: NA
6. Edicts: No change
Income Phase
1. Deposits: NA
2. Withdrawals: NA
3. Sell Valuable Items: NA
4. Generate Income: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (13) + 22 = 35, add 7.
Events: NA
BP spent 7; BP gained 8; Total BP: 10.
After Turn 8
Kingdom Name: Frieland
Alignment: Lawful Good
Size: 4
Control DC: 24
Population: 750
Unrest: 0
Consumption: +1 (+4 size, +1 city, +2 Edicts, -6 Farms)
Base Value: 700 gp
Farms: x3, -6 to consumption
Roads: x4, +1 Economy
Arena: Stability +4; Halves cost of Garrison or Theater in same city; halves Consumption increase penalty for festival edicts
Smith: Economy +1, Stability +1.
Stable: (must be adjacent to 1 house): City base value +500 gp; Economy +1, Loyalty +1.
Theater: Economy +2, Stability +2.
Tannery: Economy +1, Stability +1.
Economy: +23 (+13 leadership, +2 edicts, +5 buildings, +2 alignment, +1 roads, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
Loyalty: +13 (+10 leadership, +0 edicts, +1 buildings, +2 alignment, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
Stability: +20 (+11 leadership, +1 edicts, +8 buildings, +0 alignment, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
Javell DeLeon |
We will get one more BP on your first Economy roll. When you built the Theater, it's effects immediately apply. Actually, any time you build anything, it's effects immediately apply. So technically, your Economy roll should have been +2 higher. Which would've equaled 35.
So we actually have 11 BP in our treasury as of now.
Otherwise... sweet! It's looking good. Now we have 4 turns to get loyalty up.
Javell DeLeon |
Can you people make this out? This isn't our city, it's one I just toyed around with. It's actually the one I built when I did those 10 turns all in a row, I think. I'm not sure how it might show up on other systems.
And just so you know, I have absolutely no idea in what I'm doing. What you are seeing is the result of a dude who keeps clicking on things, trying to see if he can make it work(I'm dead serious by the way). I'm literally computer illiterate.
markofbane |
I could see the image. The thing about that map is for most buildings I would know what they are without checking.
Set, good point about the garrison. For this Lawful Good kingdom, it makes sense to keep the Good rolling and bust out the Lawful when we really need it.
So, the revised kingdom status is:
After Turn 8
Kingdom Name: Frieland
Alignment: Lawful Good
Size: 4
Control DC: 24
Population: 750
Unrest: 0
Consumption: +1 (+4 size, +1 city, +2 Edicts, -6 Farms)
Treasury: 11
Base Value: 700 gp
Building to date:
Farms: x3, -6 to consumption
Roads: x4, +1 Economy
Arena: Stability +4; Halves cost of Garrison or Theater in same city; halves Consumption increase penalty for festival edicts
Smith: Economy +1, Stability +1.
Stable: (must be adjacent to 1 house): City base value +500 gp; Economy +1, Loyalty +1.
Theater: Economy +2, Stability +2.
Tannery: Economy +1, Stability +1.
Economy: +23 (+13 leadership, +2 edicts, +5 buildings, +2 alignment, +1 roads, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
Loyalty: +13 (+10 leadership, +0 edicts, +1 buildings, +2 alignment, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
Stability: +20 (+11 leadership, +1 edicts, +8 buildings, +0 alignment, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
markofbane |
JdeL and Set, any opinion on acquiring more hexes and building roads and farms? We would really need to push size 11 to make a big difference, I think. That is the point where we can build two buildings a turn. I didn't think we were ready for that from a Stability perspective, so I passed when doing the last two turns.
markofbane |
A sensible course, to make money above and beyond the base economy rolls. Looking at the little Excel sheet I set up, it looks like a cathedral is our best gateway to the market. It gives us five item slots, +4 loyalty and halves the cost for Academy and Temple (which have their own item slots), which in turn halves the cost of Caster's Tower and Magic Shop.
Ah yes, I can see the glisten and fever in Janku's eyes as the foundation stones are laid for the massive cathedral at the center of the city...
Kalsgrim Lodovka |
Turn 9
Upkeep phase
Control DC: 24; Total BP: 10
1. Stability check: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (4) + 20 = 24, add 1 BP.
2. Pay Consumption: (+4 size, +1 city, +2 Edicts, -6 Farms) Cost: 1 BP.
3. Fill Magic item slots: NA
4. Unrest: 0
Improvement Phase
1. Select Leadership: NA
2. Claim Hexes: NA
3. Establish and Improve Cities: NA
4. Build Roads: NA
5. Establish Farmlands: NA
6. Edicts: No change
Income Phase
1. Deposits: NA
2. Withdrawals: NA
3. Sell Valuable Items: NA
4. Generate Income: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (7) + 23 = 30 add 6 BP.
Events: NA
BP spent 1; BP gained 7; Total BP: 17.
After Turn 9
Kingdom Name: Frieland
Alignment: Lawful Good
Size: 4
Control DC: 24
Population: 750
Unrest: 0
Consumption: +1 (+4 size, +1 city, +2 Edicts, -6 Farms)
Treasury: 17
Base Value: 700 gp
Building to date:
Farms: x3, -6 to consumption Roads: x4, +1 Economy
Arena: Stability +4; Halves cost of Garrison or Theater in same city; halves Consumption increase penalty for festival edicts
Smith: Economy +1, Stability +1.
Stable: (must be adjacent to 1 house): City base value +500 gp; Economy +1, Loyalty +1.
Theater: Economy +2, Stability +2.
Tannery: Economy +1, Stability +1.
Economy: +23 (+13 leadership, +2 edicts, +5 buildings, +2 alignment, +1 roads, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
Loyalty: +13 (+10 leadership, +0 edicts, +1 buildings, +2 alignment, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
Stability: +20 (+11 leadership, +1 edicts, +8 buildings, +0 alignment, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
Kalsgrim Lodovka |
Turn 10
Upkeep phase
Control DC: 24; Total BP: 17
1. Stability check: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (7) + 20 = 27, add 1 BP.
2. Pay Consumption: (+4 size, +1 city, +2 Edicts, -6 Farms) Cost: 1 BP.
3. Fill Magic item slots: NA
4. Unrest: 0
Improvement Phase
1. Select Leadership: NA
2. Claim Hexes: NA
3. Establish and Improve Cities: NA
4. Build Roads: NA
5. Establish Farmlands: NA
6. Edicts: No change
Income Phase
1. Deposits: NA
2. Withdrawals: NA
3. Sell Valuable Items: NA
4. Generate Income: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (20) + 23 = 43. Add 8 BP!!!
Events: NA
BP spent 1; BP gained 9; Total BP: 25
After Turn 10
Kingdom Name: Frieland
Alignment: Lawful Good
Size: 4
Control DC: 24
Population: 750
Unrest: 0
Consumption: +1 (+4 size, +1 city, +2 Edicts, -6 Farms)
Treasury: 25
Base Value: 700 gp
Building to date:
Farms: x3, -6 to consumption Roads: x4, +1 Economy
Arena: Stability +4; Halves cost of Garrison or Theater in same city; halves Consumption increase penalty for festival edicts
Smith: Economy +1, Stability +1.
Stable: (must be adjacent to 1 house): City base value +500 gp; Economy +1, Loyalty +1.
Theater: Economy +2, Stability +2.
Tannery: Economy +1, Stability +1.
Economy: +23 (+13 leadership, +2 edicts, +5 buildings, +2 alignment, +1 roads, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
Loyalty: +13 (+10 leadership, +0 edicts, +1 buildings, +2 alignment, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
Stability: +20 (+11 leadership, +1 edicts, +8 buildings, +0 alignment, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
Kalsgrim Lodovka |
Turn 11
Upkeep phase
Control DC: 24; Total BP: 25
1. Stability check: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (12) + 20 = 32, add 1 BP.
2. Pay Consumption: (+4 size, +1 city, +2 Edicts, -6 Farms) Cost: 1 BP.
3. Fill Magic item slots: NA
4. Unrest: 0
Improvement Phase
1. Select Leadership: NA
2. Claim Hexes: NA
3. Establish and Improve Cities: NA
4. Build Roads: NA
5. Establish Farmlands: NA
6. Edicts: No change
Income Phase
1. Deposits: NA
2. Withdrawals: NA
3. Sell Valuable Items: NA
4. Generate Income: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (16) + 23 = 39, add 7 BP.
Events: NA
BP spent 1; BP gained 8; Total BP: 32.
After Turn 11
Kingdom Name: Frieland
Alignment: Lawful Good
Size: 4
Control DC: 24
Population: 750
Unrest: 0
Consumption: +1 (+4 size, +1 city, +2 Edicts, -6 Farms)
Treasury: 32
Base Value: 700 gp
Building to date:
Farms: x3, -6 to consumption Roads: x4, +1 Economy
Arena: Stability +4; Halves cost of Garrison or Theater in same city; halves Consumption increase penalty for festival edicts
Smith: Economy +1, Stability +1.
Stable: (must be adjacent to 1 house): City base value +500 gp; Economy +1, Loyalty +1.
Theater: Economy +2, Stability +2.
Tannery: Economy +1, Stability +1.
Economy: +23 (+13 leadership, +2 edicts, +5 buildings, +2 alignment, +1 roads, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
Loyalty: +13 (+10 leadership, +0 edicts, +1 buildings, +2 alignment, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
Stability: +20 (+11 leadership, +1 edicts, +8 buildings, +0 alignment, no unrest, events, vacancies or resources)
markofbane |
Okay, I am going to leave it there for now. That's more than half way to a Cathedral (probably another 4 turns to get there), or a Caster's Tower next turn, or a Temple next turn. Is it better to get the Cathedral in a few turns which will save building costs down the road, or is it better to get a Temple or Caster's Tower now and get into the item economy right away?
Set |
I would have gone for the Caster's Tower many turns ago (in lieu of the Arena), but you guys seem to be doing fine without, so I'd rather wait for the Cathedral instead, at this point (and then make a Temple later to the other favored god, one being of Milani, the other being of Erastil).
The Caster's Tower is redundant once we have a Cathedral, since we'll never be able to sell more than 1 magic item per month (per city district, anyway), and the Cathedral pumps out two medium ones per month. Lukasz might be sad at no Caster's Tower, but he's an NPC now, so tough noogies!
The min-maxer in me cringes at paying a high BP cost to 'buy' -4 and -2 Unrest modifiers (for Cathedral and Temple) when don't have any Unrest anyway, so we'll just be 'eating' those, but, practically speaking, if we need Unrest reducers, Shrines and Jails and stuff can serve that need later, much, much cheaper.
*If* we happen to get any minor items worth 4000 gp or more, from the Cathedral, we may start selling those until we get to the point where a DC 35 Economy check to sell a medium item is at least a 50/50 shot.
markofbane |
I'll let Javell do the next turn or turns. I'm still torn between Cathedral and Caster's Tower. You get more bonuses for the Cathedral, sure. But both give you the same magic items to your economy (3 minor and 2 medium), so you could start rolling four turns earlier to try and sell one.
Of course, we are close to start rolling for events, and I have no idea what those look like. Perhaps having that BP in the treasury is a good idea to cope with events, or is it more likely we could lose savings to an event?
Javell DeLeon |
You forgot the +4 from the Spymaster. So on turn 10 and 11 you should gain 1 extra BP each time.
Should have a total of 34 BP.
We are gonna have to build something with Loyalty this next turn. BIG TIME.
Remember, Cathedral's take up 4 squares. We already have an Arena at 4 squares. We may want a castle here as well. That's also 4 squares. I think we should build the Caster's Tower here and work on a Cathedral in the next city.
Events are good and bad. Yes you could lose saving. Sometimes, turn after turn. They all require 1 of the 3 abilities to be rolled. We have got to get Loyalty up.
I think a Monument should be next. Then a Caster's Tower. Possibly a Tavern next. Maybe a Brothel.(Hey, it's only 2 BP. Plus a house is 5 BP. C'mon. It's the least you can do for the Krigster.) :)
You bet, DW! No prob.
After the next turn, we are going to start with the Events.
At the start, Events have a 25% chance of happening. So say we roll that 25% chance, Warforged, do you want us to roll the percentage of which event occured as well? (Just fyi, it's also rolled on a d100) And then you let us know what happens? Or how do want to work that?
Because sometimes the event can be handled IC. Or if not, you can just make an ability roll for it. That's why I ask.
Javell DeLeon |
You only sell 1 magic item over 4000g once per month. But if you get several minor items under 4000g, you can sell those all at once.
Plus, if you really plan for a Cathedral, why not go for the Castle first? Amazingly enough, it's actually cheaper.
I'm still of the thought to put the Cathedral in the next city and a Castle in this one(eventually).
That way you could do Temple's and shrines and all that kinda business. You know, theme it up in a sense.
How do we determine if a magic weapon is minor/medium/or major? I think we should sell some of our items and turn them into BP.