Savage Souls (Inactive)

Game Master rungok

These characters are prepared to die:
Ordric, Count Ethelred
Kearan the Short
Alder Claybourne
Drystan Kressothe
Annalise of Astora

Loot Tracker
Initiative Tracker

Party XP: 6
Next Advance at: 10
Party Rank: Novice (6/20)

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Does spirit influence pyromancy at all? I set mine at a d10 and I want to make sure that investment isn't going to waste since it's a hefty one.

Johnnycat93 wrote:
Does spirit influence pyromancy at all? I set mine at a d10 and I want to make sure that investment isn't going to waste since it's a hefty one.

It does! Spirit is Pyromancy's primary attribute. the skill is based off it too (like miracles).

Alright, here's the statblock I have so far:

Female Human (Novice)
Power Points (10)
//Hand-to-Hand (1d4)

Agi d6, Sma d4, Spi d10, Str d4, Vig d6
Charisma ; Strain ; Max Strain
Hindrances Blind (Major), Loyal (Minor), Pacifist (Minor)
Edges Arcane Background (Pyromancy), Firekeeper, Heightened Senses, Heightened Senses (Improved)
Skills Fighting d6, Flame Control d12, Healing d6, Knowledge (History) d4, Knowledge (Occult) d4, Notice d6, Persuasion d6
Gear coiled sword

I still need to calculate secondary attributes, assign gear, and choose powers. I like madcasters backstory so unless he has objections I'm probably going to piggy back off of that for my own character. Running with the idea that at the height of the First Age of Fire, each Astoran noble was attended by their own personal firekeeper.

Sure, let's have it that every noble house has at least one fire keeper much like they would have butlers, maids, and other groundskeepers.

It probably made the manors safer, too, as creatures of the dark tend to avoid fires kept by a firekeeper. (whether or not this is true would have to be explored in game, but at least popular perception is such.)

Hmm. Count me as very potential interest. I like Savage Worlds, and I'm a fan of Dark Souls, so I can probably put something together--depends on if I come up with a solid concept that I like. I usually play armored knight types in the games, often with a touch of Miracles; for this I might do something different, though. I see people have already put forward solid concepts with the three Arcane Backgrounds, so I might stick totally mundane.

Excellent! Though I don't remember who wanted to do sorcery, you're more than welcome to make something!

Here's Ordric, Count Ethelred.

Name: Ordric, Count Ethelred

Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6

Fighting (Agi) 1d8
Notice (Sma) 1d6
Knowledge (royalty) (Sma) 1d6
Persuasion (Spi) 1d6
Repair (Sma) 1d6
Climbing (Str) 1d4
Swimming (Agi) 1d4
Intimidation (Spi) 1d4
Riding (Agi) 1d4

Charisma +2, Pace 6, Parry 8, Toughness 6, Armor (H/T/A/L) 3(50%)/3/1/1, Bennies 3, Experience 0

Brawny - Your bruiser is very large or perhaps just very fit. His bulk resists damage better than most and adds +1 to his Toughness. In addition, the character can carry more than most proportional to his Strength. He can carry 12 times his Strength in pounds without penalty instead of the usual 8 times his Strength.

Noble - Those born of noble blood have many perks in life, but often have just as many responsibilities. Nobles have high status in their societies, are entitled to special treatment from their foes, gain +2 Charisma, and also have the Rich Edge. This gives the hero several Edges for the price of one, but the responsibilities more than offset the additional perks. Nobles often have troops under their control, as well as land, a family home, and other assets. All of this must be determined by the GM, and balanced by the grave responsibilities the character faces.
As an example, a character in a fantasy campaign might have a company of swordsmen, a small keep, and even a magical sword he inherited from his father. But he also has an entire region to manage, criminals to judge, justice to mete out, and a jealous neighbor who covets his lands and constantly plots against him at court

Code of Honor (major) - Honor is very important to your character. He keeps his word, won’t abuse or kill prisoners, and generally tries to operate within his world’s particular notion of proper gentlemanly or ladylike behavior

Vengeful (minor) - Your character always attempts to right a wrong he feels was done to him. If this is a Minor Hindrance, he usually seeks vengeance legally. The type and immediacy of his vengeance varies by character, of course. Some plot and scheme for months to extract what they see as justice. Others demand immediate results.
If this is a Major Hindrance, your character will kill to rectify his perceived injustice.

Loyal (minor) - Your character may not be a hero, but he’d give his life for his friends. This character can never leave a man behind if there’s any chance at all he could help.

Gear: 1040/1500
Knight Helm (Armor +3, Weight 4, Cost 75, 50% vs. head shot)
Elite Knight Breastplate (Armor +3, Weight 25, Cost 400, Covers torso)
Leather Gloves (Armor +1, Weight 5, Cost 20, covers arms)
Leather Greaves (Armor +1, Weight 5, Cost 20, covers legs)
Crest Shield (Weight 20, Cost 200, +2 Parry, +2 Armor to ranged shots that hit)
Dagger (Damage Str+d4, Weight 1, Cost 25)
Astora Straight Sword (Damage Str+d8, Weight 8, Cost 300)

Load: 68
Free (-0): 0-72, Light (-1): 73-144, Medium (-2): 145-216, Heavy (-3): 217-288

Count Ordric is a tall man with brown wavy hair, which he keeps short. He has piercing green eyes and wears a goatee and a moustache.

With Count Karl Ethelred recent passing and his oldest son dying in a storm, the title of Count has passed to Ordric, his middle son. Lacking experience and stature of his father or older brother, he is currently under pressure of other nobles who never miss an opportunity to increase their influence, especially over a young inexperienced Count, who has yet to understand the cobweb of the court.

Johnnycat93, Sure, that's a nice idea.

Here's Alder Claybourne, male "cleric"


Attributes : Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills : Faith d10, Fighting d6, Healing d6, Notice d6, Stealth d6

Hindrances : Cautious, Loyal, Code of Honor

Edges : Arcane Background/Miracles, Elan, New Power

Powers : Bolt(Lightning Spear), Healing, Deflection

Charisma +0, Pace 6, Parry 6, Toughness 7(2)

Gear : Staff (d6+d4, Parry+1, Reach 1, 8 lb, $10)
Chain armor (+2 Toughness, 25 lb, $300)
Encumbrance : 33/48
Money : $190

I'm still waffling about New Power vs. Holy Warrior, and I'll have a few extra small cheap items...

P.S. - future powers I'm looking at are : Deflection (if I take the Holy Warrior Edge now), Boost/Lower Trait, Confusion, Quickness, Blast, Light/Obscure, Dispel, Summon Ally. Are those ok for AB/Miracles?

Alright, I'm working on a knight type, coming out a bit similar to Madcaster's character, but I hope different in enough ways to stand apart. I've also thought of a more agile type to be an archer, but I do prefer knights for Souls games, and Astora has a healthy history of knighthood as well.

As part of the process I have a question: would you be amenable to allowing a lance to be used on foot? It essentially has the same stats as the pike, and I ask because 1) lances are used in the Souls games, and 2) the Knight Edge gives a lance for free, and I don't know how often I'd be able to rely on my horse. I'm planning to take a sword as well, but I wanted to ask--and greatlances are cool, if a tad awkward in the games.

ZenFox42 wrote:
P.S. - future powers I'm looking at are : Deflection (if I take the Holy Warrior Edge now), Boost/Lower Trait, Confusion, Quickness, Blast, Light/Obscure, Dispel, Summon Ally. Are those ok for AB/Miracles?

Boost/Lower trait would work, Deflection would be fine too. I'm not sure if Confusion would be a miracle or pyromancy. Quickness has no game translation, so that one will require me to figure out what it's assigned to. Blast would be something like Great Lightning Bolt, Light was a sorcery, dispel is fine as a miracle, and I'm going to say 'no' to any summon-style spells.

Loup Blanc wrote:

Alright, I'm working on a knight type, coming out a bit similar to Madcaster's character, but I hope different in enough ways to stand apart. I've also thought of a more agile type to be an archer, but I do prefer knights for Souls games, and Astora has a healthy history of knighthood as well.

As part of the process I have a question: would you be amenable to allowing a lance to be used on foot? It essentially has the same stats as the pike, and I ask because 1) lances are used in the Souls games, and 2) the Knight Edge gives a lance for free, and I don't know how often I'd be able to rely on my horse. I'm planning to take a sword as well, but I wanted to ask--and greatlances are cool, if a tad awkward in the games.

Yeah sure! Use lances as a foot weapon. It's awkward in the games, but that's because they're using it ON FOOT when it was meant for mounted combat. But it should be able to be used on foot too. So yeah, go ahead!

Also, knights are just fine and we can have more than one! The lack of diversity in mechanical design can be made up for in both equipment selections and roleplaying flavor. Besides, knights are trained to take hits and use their armor to survive the kind of threats that Astora is used to fighting.

Alright, in that case I present Kearan the Short for consideration--I think everything's finished. Two of the points from Hindrances were spent on an Edge, with the others going toward an Attribute boost. Let me know what you think and if anything needs changing.

You look just fine!

In retrospect, I think this is enough to do what I want it to do.

If you all want to set up how you've all known each other, etc. I'll get the discussion thread opened up for you.

[EDIT] The Discussion thread is open!
Please check in with your completed aliases.

Is there room for one more player? I watched most of the videos you recommended. The lore and setting is compelling. The character I was thinking of would be a human, not yet undead, who has honed instincts for survival and stealth; usually running away if the combat gets too fierce.


Agility d8 Fighting d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d8, Swimming d4, Throwing d4
Smarts d4 Healing d4, Notice d4, Repair d4, Survival d4, Tracking d4
Spirits d4
Strength d6 [smaller]Climbing d6[/dice]
Vigor d8
Charisma +2 Pace8” Parry 5 Toughness 6

Hindrances Clueless (major: 2 points spent on an Edge). A head injury as an adolescent impaired his ability to learn and remember information.
Illiterate (minor: 1 point spent on raising Shooting to d6)

Edges Fast Healer, Fleet-Footed
Gear Dagger Str+d4 1 lb 25 gold
Leather Armor 15 lbs. 50 gold
Bow Damage 2d6 Range 12/24/48 3 lbs. 250 gold
Arrows (20) 4 lbs. 10 gold
Throwing Axe Damage Str+d6 Range 3/6/12 2 lbs. 75 gold
Encumbrance 25/30

Okay, sure Tomtesserae, you can join. Being survival/stealth focused would be helpful. Please dot into the discussion thread with your alias and start chatting with everyone else about how you may/may not know the rest of the group.

Tomtesserae - how did you get Charisma +2? Don't you usually need an Edge to increase your Charisma?

Sorry about the delay, don't know if recruitment is closed yet. I'm trying to come up with a good name for my character and I haven't had the chance to sit down and do it yet.

ZenFox42 wrote:
Tomtesserae - how did you get Charisma +2? Don't you usually need an Edge to increase your Charisma?

An answer to this would be appreciated.

Johnycat93, you're accepted into the game, once you've got your name down, make the alias and dot the discussion thread!

GM Mercanian Thank you for accepting me into the game. I’m looking forward to this.
ZenFox42 -- Thanks for catching the Charisma mistake. I fixed it. I had selected another Edge (Attractive) as I was creating the character and forgot to delete the bonus.

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