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Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch glances out a window as the last wisps of twilight fade over the Fenwall Mountains. Turning from the sight, she runs her hand along the rustic cabin’s wall and stands beside an occupied wooden bed before addressing you. “This,” the venture captain says, gesturing to the man thrashing around violently, straining against the bonds that lash him securely to the bed, “is our colleague, Kalkamedes. Every night for several weeks now, he has fallen into a deep slumber and tried to sleepwalk right out of his cottage. If not restrained, he marches straight north, eventually falling off a cliff or into a bog as if trying to get himself killed in an attempt to reach an unknown goal.”
As though he were expressing disagreement, the man tied to the bed suddenly begins pumping his limbs even harder, the violent spasms threatening to smash the bed into splinters. “There are those who have recently criticized the Pathfinders for our indifference to the plight of our fellow field agents. It’s time to show that’s not true. I want you to help Kalkamedes, whether he wants it or not. Several of our best spellcasters have attempted an extensive list of magical cures, but whatever sleepwalking curse or effect he’s under tenaciously resists our efforts. All we can do is keep him safe.”
Heidmarch pats him with a degree of professional affection, and Kalkamedes rewards her by trying to swat her with his head. “Kalkamedes’s friends are at their wits’ end, so we are going to attempt the only thing that we have not tried: we’re going to let him go tonight. That’s where you come in. I want you to follow him and keep him safe and in one piece. Let him get to wherever his addled brain thinks he needs to go so badly. Maybe, just maybe, if he gets there, you can find a way to help him. Maybe you can determine who or what did this to him and find a way to undo it.” Heidmarch pulls out a serrated knife. “Now before I cut him free, does anyone have any questions or last minute preparations?”

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A half-orc looks at lady VC, than looks at the crazy man thrashing I the bed. He wears as big caller and carries an array of weapons.
Does he have anything that can protect his crazy ass while he goes...well wherever he needs to go?

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"Babysit a sleep walker?" asks a plainly dressed halfling with blonde hair and mutton chops. "Ok...
Doesn't sound as exciting as I was lead to believe when I joined these Pathfinders... maybe this is just "paying my dues?"
"So, we just cut him free and watch? Oh, and I am Jameson Hogan, by the way. My friends call me Ray. "

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"Unfortunately, putting his armor would be too troublesome to put on him willingly. Whenever he's restrained, Kalkamedes acts like this," Sheila points at the man, violently struggling in his bindings, making the bed creak and groan. "As for intent, with how he's been acting, the man may lead you to something, proven he doesn't hurt himself further."
Ack, I was tired and forgot to get something in!

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Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
"Alright. Weird, but alright. How far has he gotten so far? And what do we know about the neighborhood? Was he investigating anything that we know of Venture-Captain? You know, Society work maybe?" He gives her his best innocent smile. When those questions are answered he turns to his newest best friends in the world smiles again and asks: "Any of you have a way of keeping track of him other than fifty feet of rope? A dog? Tracking skills? Magic maybe?"

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Jarlaxle regards the 'sleeping' man doubtfully.
"I am not suggesting that we put him in full plate, but a chain shirt might be advisable... we should probably also kit him out in appropriate sturdy clothing for the road... marching is bad enough at the best of times, let alone when you are in your night garments..."

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Jarlaxle regards the 'sleeping' man doubtfully.
"I am not suggesting that we put him in full plate, but a chain shirt might be advisable... we should probably also kit him out in appropriate sturdy clothing for the road... marching is bad enough at the best of times, let alone when you are in your night garments..."
"Never wear the things myself. Too much hassle when you should be more worried about making it out the window. So, about the lay of the land?"

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"All I know about the land is that the forests run quite deep and are home to many animals. I suppose that some sort of cover would be best for the man, but even in his walks, he hasn't been hurt enough to stay out of commission. I fear that whatever may be happening, may be the end of a veteran member of the society, and should somehow be stopped," Sheila sighs with a shake of her head. The bead creaks loudly as Kalkamedes struggles further against his restraints, letting out sounds somewhat between a moan and a growl, flailing wildly.

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"Be that as it may, I would feel better if we kitted him out appropriately..."
Jarlaxle begins to search around the cabin for suitable clothing/armor/et cetera with which to clad the somnambulist.

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"Be that as it may, I would feel better if we kitted him out appropriately..."
"With a rope?" Creat adds helpfully. "And a half-orc to tie it to."

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Jarlaxle finds some old travelling clothes that had withstood the years of abuse that Kalkamedes had put them through, including some old boots that have been well taken care of. While going through the items in the cabin, not finding many items to protect the man himself, the elf finds some maps of the area.
"While I like the idea, the man had managed to pull a horse while being tied to it once before, from my experience, so I would hope that Umaga here would be able to slow him down once he got moving," a wicked grin flashes on Sheila's face before reverting to her stoic self.

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"Perhaps you are worrying too much. This man has apparently already been sleepwalking a few times and survived with no watchers. If we just keep up with him and make sure he doesn't fall in any holes, or off a cliff, we should be fine, right?"

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Ahem. I said: 'Maybe we make sure? The armor sounds useful.' ;)
"If he's that strong and that incoherent though, I'm not sure how we're putting it on him."

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If you want to attempt, you all can be my guest. *GM Grin*
Checking the perimeter of the cottage, Ray finds that there is a quaint garden towards the southern side of the property, and that the other three sides have trails that go into the forests. While there is a clearing around the building that is maintained, it seems that everything past the treeline seems to be the barrier of Kalkamedes' property.

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Jarlaxle, Umaga, and Creat, with their combined effort, manage to find a small drawing left in the oven, along side other hastily drawn maps. The maps seem to be of the area around the cabin and near by forest lands. Creat and Umaga, while finding the drawing also find a small switch in the back of the oven.
Sheila Heidmarch looks at the group and smiles as she speaks, "It seems that you have found something important enough for him to try and burn. Maybe it's a clue to whatever is causing this, sleep walking issue?"
Handouts has been updated, and a link posted at the top! Huzzah!

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The sounds of gears turning and whirring, the oven shakes slightly before slowly moving to the side, taking a part of the back wall with it, revealing a secret compartment. Upon inspection, there seems to be a metal chest with slight dings in it, latched shut with a nice looking lock.

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"It seems to be a temple dedicated to a grump cat god."
Creat inspects the lock.
perception (trapfinding): 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 3 + 1 = 20

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"Huh. Can I open it?" Creat says to himself with a bit less conviction. "I mean, I should be able to open it. It's me after all."
Kinda waiting to see if I find a trap first, but....
disable device: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

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Fiddling around with the chest, Creat seems to be doing quite well with the lock. Getting overly excited though, he pulls out his picks too quickly, hearing the tumbler latching shut once again. While a failure at unlocking the chest, from the sounds, Creat knows that the lock isn't broken and he could try again.

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That's true, and as a quick look up, locks don't jam up if one fails by 5 or more (traps and other mechanical devices are mentioned, but locks left out). I gets to makes all the GMs in my area love me more, bwahahahahaha. Jarlaxle gets a plum of a peacock for this advise! Also, if someone can't pick the lock, aim for it or the hinges, chests or door, and you should be golden.

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Creat, taking his time with the lock, easily disables the mechanism. Opening the lid to the chest, the group finds some mud caked bracers, a cloak splattered in mud, a potion of blue liquid, a mithral flask with sharp edges, a dried gourd flask, and a broken longsword.
I'll be getting better with the updates. Life has been throwing mean things at me which has had my focus for a while.