[PFS] PbP Gameday 3: #5–09: The Traitor’s Lodge (3–7) (Inactive)

Game Master bluedove

Map of Laboratory

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Dark Archive

Half-orc Growling Blade 11 | HP: 91/91 | DISRUPTIVE & SPELLBREAKER | AC: 25 | T: 16 | FF: 23 | CMD: 29 | Fort: +11 | Ref: +15 | Will: +12 | Init: +3 | Perc: +4 | SM: -1 | Speed 30 ft.
Tracked resources:
Bardic Performances: 24/25 ; Spells: 0 - 6 ; 1st - 6/6 ; 2nd - 5/5 ; 3rd - 25/4 ; 4th - 2/2 ; Weapon's Spell (Arcane Bond): 1/1

Shamak will be glad to escort her back.

"I will help you by attracting all the attention. Stay in my back, Valais!" says the big half-orc.

Scarab Sages

Active Effects:
HP 71/81(92/102) | AC 19/17 | T 10 | FF 19 | CMD 22 | Fort +16(18) | Ref +9 | Will +9(11) | Init +6 | Perc +10
Rage 12/16, Extra Claws 5/5

Thanks for running, was fun!

Gronk will accompy them as well.. When they retunr to Jorsal he'll attempt to explain all the transpired. "Well as yall expected, the dwarf was deffinitely in cohoots with demons. Some really powerful ones to boot. Should be an interesting mission to find his sorry hide.."

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Wounded Wisp Map

It was this post that had me thinking you intended to take her back with you to the Grand Lodge here in Nerosan.

With your protection and aid, Valais Durant is returned to the safety of Starrise Spire. The Pathfinder agents there react with horror and confusion when they see the state of your 'guest' but once you have explained who she is and how she came to be this way, they look upon her with compassion though clearly some fear remains.

Venture Captain Jorsal approaches her with a look of shock, pity and terrible recognition on his face. "Agent Durant?! I was sure you must have perished when you did not return... By all that is holy, I did not dream you had suffered an even more despicable fate! No, do not weep... We will figure out what that mad, demon-worshiping dwarf has done to you. The Society's resources will surely reveal a way to restore you!" He does his best to sound confident in this notion, but it's clear that he truly has no idea and only wishes to comfort the wayward agent. He arranges a place for her to rest and then turns to you with a bleak expression. "What is our world coming to that one of our own could turn such blasphemous butchery upon a fellow agent? Thurl will pay for these crimes, this I vow! Thank you for bringing her home, noble Pathfinders. I fear that lesser souls would simply have slain her where she stood and called it mercy. We will do what we can for her, even if it is only to keep her safe and guide her to a new purpose. If I had a thousand more just like you, we could seal the Worldwound on the morrow!" He shakes each of your hands in turn and releases you to your own downtime.

Grand Lodge

M Aasimar (Angelkin) Skald 9: HP 67/67, CG, AC=21, T=13 , FF=18 | CMD=25, CMB=+13 | F=12 , R=10 , W=9(+4 Sound) | Init +3 | Perc= +18 |

I was sure that the dwarf would be proven innocent in the end. Oh well. lol. Had fun and thanks for running Bluedove.

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Wounded Wisp Map

Chronicles sent out for the following characters:

Random Derrick
Sir. Pentor
Gronk Bloodstone

Still need day job rolls for Turk, Shamak and Delphinia. Also email for reporting and sending the chronicle for Delphinia. I'll leave the thread up another 24 hours or so and then deactivate.

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