PFS PbP Gameday 3 #3–25: Storming the Diamond Gate (3-7)

Game Master slin2678

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Sovereign Court

Signups will be here!

All characters must be PFS legal, and I will only be taking 6 at maximum. The map will be on roll20 once I get the scenario so... yeah. The first six will be chosen.

Sovereign Court

Some things that should be noted: At least one post per day will be mandatory, especially when in combat. Speaking of combat, it will be run in chunks, meaning that if more than one of you go before the first enemy, you can post your results, and only then will the enemy go. It will look a bit like this.

Player with Init: 20
Player with Init: 18
Player with Init: 14
Player with Init: 13
Player with Init: 10
Enemy 2: Init 2
Enemy 3: Init 1

And then we repeat.

Sovereign Court

Bump? Anyone? Really good fun here ^_^

Dark Archive

I will dot this for interest.

I have several PFS characters in the 4-8 range. Dotting. I'll gladly take a seat and play whatever seems most needed. (Life Oracle, Slayer, Skald, Inquisitor, Investigator)

Sovereign Court

1. Ser Clay

Alt 1.
Alt 2.

Come on everyone! We just need 3 more players! I'd rather not run a pregen for this one, but I suppose Kyra is better than no table at all ^_^

I will probably submit my Impiricist Investigator(7) or Life Oracle (5). Will post with character profile once I convert it from my paper PFS folder to digital.

Dark Archive

Undot me, I got picked up at a different table.

Liberty's Edge

I have a level 3 nagaji melee druid, a 4th level dwarf inquisi-tank, or a 6th level half-orc kensai whip-trip magus. I'm sure one of them will fit into the party.

Sovereign Court

1. Ser Clay
2. Lavode
6. Kyra (Possibly necessary if we could only get one more player)

Alt 1.
Alt 2.

Liberty's Edge

Still got 2 weeks. I will be astonished if you don't fill the table in that time.

Shadow Lodge

Dotting with interest but not committing to a spot yet.

Grand Lodge

1. Ser Clay
2. Lavode

Alt 1. Mystic Theurge or Barbarian (I can't play for credit, but am willing to make table size)
Alt 2.

Liberty's Edge

Right fine offer Kroama.

Sovereign Court

Got a lvl 4 magus for the job

The Exchange

L 6 Wayang Shadowcaster Illusionist here for consideration.

Sovereign Court

1. Ser Clay ?
2. Lavode ?
3. Logain lvl. 4 Magus
4. Jakarno lvl. 6 Shadowcaster

Alt 1. Mystic Theurge or Barbarian (I can't play for credit, but am willing to make table size)
Alt 2. Morphing (Possibly)

The Exchange

Probably a good idea to bump this if you'd like more people. :)

Sovereign Court

It seems you've done so for me! Funnily enough, I was going to do so later today ^_^

There are still two potential slots remaining people!

Sovereign Court

I hope we will be playing low tier ;). Don't mind high but not sure how well I can do then.

Sovereign Court

It's been a while since I played this, but I remember dying in the high tier... Too be fair, I was an unoptimized character, and it was my first ever character with insanely bad stat makeup, but hey, it was still a death. I'm sure if you are even slightly optimized and we play high, it would be better XD

Sovereign Court

With one spell hit I can entangle, shaken and fatigue a target ^^. And with a keen scimitar I can easily crit with spells ^^. As long as I don't get my ass handed to me next round when the big bad wants to hurt me. Or if he's undead :S. Than I am screwed :d.

I'm a level 3 wizard, but that might not be ideal as we already have a level 6 character. Nevertheless, I will be up to the challenge if you select me.

Sovereign Court

Arr, this be a PFS adventure in a public forum... meaning that if you ask, and there are slots available, you're in automatically!

Update! I'm level 4. Forgot to apply my last two chronicle sheets, lol.

Dark Archive

Sorry, I've been posting with the wrong alias. It's Gabriel Arken that is PFS legal. Reginald is his brother that is not PFS legal. Apologize.

Sovereign Court

1. Ser Clay ?
2. Lavode ?
3. Logain lvl. 4 Magus
4. Jakarno lvl. 6 Shadowcaster
5. Reginald lvl 4 Wizard

Alt 1. Mystic Theurge or Barbarian (I can't play for credit, but am willing to make table size)
Alt 2. Morphing (Possibly)

That's a lot of arcane. From the looks of things it is almost definitely going to be a 3-4 though. You might steamroll this one.

Silver Crusade

Well, you fragile folks can hide behind me!

This is the dwarf inquisitor tank mentioned for Lavode up thread.

Sovereign Court

I have me one of those dwarven tanks. They are awesome.

Silver Crusade

This one is only moderately tank-ish. Has full plate and a decent con. But no DR, d8's not d12's, AC isn't stunning, and can't free action heal like a paladin. Really I think a paladin makes the best tank, followed closely by a high DR barbarian.

But he can use a click stick on himself, does have decent AC with the full plate, reasonable HP from con, some of the judgements and spells can (or will eventually) help with defense, and he can cast silence on himself so he's not completely clanky when quiet is needed.

He's not too shabby swinging a sword either.

Silver Crusade

Paladin/Warpriest 3 here if there's still room..

Sovereign Court

There is indeed still room!

1. Ser Clay lvl 6 Warpriest
2. Lavode Lvl 4 Inquisitor
3. Logain lvl. 4 Magus
4. Jakarno lvl. 6 Shadowcaster
5. Gabriel lvl 4 Wizard
6. Nathaniel Cross lvl 3 Paladin/Warpriest

Alt 1. Mystic Theurge or Barbarian (I can't play for credit, but am willing to make table size)
Alt 2. Morphing (Possibly)

Clay, I'm not sure what you're playing at the moment
Reginald, are you level 4 or level 1? The alias says lvl 1.

27/6 = 5.5 Add 1 for the 6 man party, and it looks like we will be playing up.

If yall dont want a 3 level guy i have a level 6 barbarian i can bring in his stead.

Sovereign Court

27/6 = 4.5 actually. So should be played down. Not sure why you add 1 for the 6 man party though, have not heard of that rule...

Anyways, playing up with 4 characters from lower tier seems kinda suicidal.

Btw Michael, Roll20 did something that made the website useless for mobiles and tablets. Do you mind putting the maps or screenshots thereof in google drive? Otherwise I can't look at them very often. I post mainly during travel with public transportation using tablet and mobile :/.

Yea ill be bringing a level 6 barb instead..

Sovereign Court

Logain Xanatus wrote:
27/6 = 4.5 actually. So should be played down. Not sure why you add 1 for the 6 man party though, have not heard of that rule...

With the .5 you guys actually get to choose whether that rounds up or down

And my mistake. That used to be a rule for Seasons 0-3 scenarios, but it was apparently removed (It existed because those scenarios were written for 4 person parties). The new rule for season 0-3 scenarios is that if you are between subtiers, and you have 4 players, you MUST play down. If you have 5 or more, then you MUST play up.

Which means if Werepox comes with a level 3, you all can decide to play up or down. If he comes with a level 6, then you all must play up.

Sovereign Court

I have some bad experiences with playing up with under leveled characters. dc's and saves get too high. My vote is for playing down. Hope the lvl 6s don't mind?

Im bringing my Barb 6 so by what he says we must play up.

Sovereign Court

Oh, and I suppose I could use roll20 for most people here, but also post screenshots. You just tell me how far you want to move and where m'kay?

Sovereign Court

Sure we cant convince you to use your lvl 3?
because we have 3 lvl 4s that might have a hard time playing up...

Silver Crusade

WerePox47 wrote:
If yall dont want a 3 level guy i have a level 6 barbarian i can bring in his stead.

I got nothin gainst a level 3 guy.

Playing up means mo money! Ill play whichever yall like, I was just told that this can be a killer so i should bring the meatshield.

Looking at it my level 3 was accepted to another game already.. I can roll with one of the level 4 pregens though if yall like..

Sovereign Court

By all means, everyone play whatever character they want ^_^ the benefit of a PBP is that no matter what tier you all decide to play, even if you decide at the very last minute, I can set everything up with no problem at all.

I will say this. If you play down, you ARE liable to pub stomp this. That's just how it would work, seeing as the scenario was written for 4 adventurers in tier, and you would have 6.

If you play up, you will have a challange. That's just how it would work seeing as it would be written for 4 adventurers of the HIGHER subtier.

And as a matter of fact, if you to only bring a level 4, that would still bump the tier up.
4.6 rounds up to 5 (you only get to choose what it rounds to when it is .5 exactly)
If this is a season 0-3 module (which this is) and you have 5 or more characters (which you would) AND you are in between tiers (wich you are), you must play up. If that's going to be the case, I would not suggest you bring the pregen, and instead your normal character.

If we have to play up there's no reason not to bring the 6.

Silver Crusade

We will crush them all!

Dark Archive

I'm open to playing up.

Sovereign Court

1. Ser Clay lvl 6 Warpriest
2. Lavode Lvl 4 Inquisitor
3. Logain lvl. 4 Magus
4. Jakarno lvl. 6 Shadowcaster
5. Gabriel lvl 4 Wizard
6. Nathaniel Cross lvl 6 Barbarian

Alt 1. Mystic Theurge or Barbarian (I can't play for credit, but am willing to make table size)
Alt 2. Morphing (Possibly)

Alright, would the first six characters on this list please post in the discussion thread with the appropriate alias?

Pox's Barb is Roary Flamebearer, not Cross..

Sovereign Court

Well everyone, it looks like a player may have dropped. Is there anyone out there (who preferably has a level 5 or level 6 PFS character) who would be willing to take the sixth slot? The current players would have to play up anyways, and I would prefer it if this wasn't too difficult on them.

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