GM Derek W |

Venture-Captain Brackett stands in the opulent Grand Cathedral of Aroden in Almas, the intricate stained glass window onto Andoran’s bustling capital speckling his thin, hawk-nosed face with colored light as he presents your orders.
"The Society has been granted a unique opportunity, and I hope you are up to the task. Last week I received a missive from the nymph queen Syntira of Darkmoon Wood to the north. It seems a deadly plague afflicts the fey of the Wood and they are desperate to find its source and a cure. While we would not normally waste our time and resources on this sort of endeavor, this particular situation presents us several
potential boons we can not pass up."
"Syntira has long attempted to improve relations between her fey subjects and the human inhabitants of nearby Falcon’s Hollow. Sadly, the Lumber Consortium agents who run the town are not open to a diplomatic solution, and tensions remain high. The Society stands to learn much from the fey, both about their magical nature and the elusive First World, and we could certainly benefit from a powerful ally in Darkmoon Vale. Do whatever you can to get the bottom of this plague and find a solution. We must show Syntira that the Pathfinder Society deserves her trust."
"We believe the strange disease may originate from a cursed relic known as Isandrea’s Basin rumored hidden deep within Darkmoon Wood. If this theory proves accurate, I want you to obtain the basin and bring it to me for study. I imagine an external force harnessed the artifact’s power and guards it heavily — so be prepared."
"One Lumber Consortium logging camp in particular was involved in several conflicts with the forest’s resident fey over the last year, and both Syntira and I believe that starting your investigation at this cutyard will prove most productive. I will provide you a map to this location as it’s a good place to start your investigation. Once you have located and identified the disease, seek Syntira herself and aid her in any way possible. Stock up on provisions here in Almas before heading up-river, as you may find Falcon’s Hollow too small and provincial for many of your needs. Don’t dally too long, however, because the disease is quickly spreading, and we want to stop it before
it gets out of hand."

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Wait, and what is to prevent us from catching whatever it is that is being caught? We might want to take measures to protect ourselves, though I do not have the knowledge that would answer such a question... other than not going, and that doesn't seem to be a good answer.

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Calanthe was quite impressed by the journey to Andoran. Having faced the ire of the largely Chelish nationals within Korvosa for much of her life, the young witch was excited to see a place where - at least according to rumours - every citizen was equal to one another. Of course, she still carefully hid her bat-like wings and goat-like horns; even in a nation as open as this there would no doubt be people who would judge her for it.
She watches out of the stained-glass windows as VC Brackett speaks, rather awed at the sight. However, the talk of a horrible disease quickly snaps Calanthe back to attention.
"That sounds horrible" she says pityingly. "Those poor creatures... I will do my best to save them."
She turns back to the group, eyeing them up briefly. Thank goodness; she was familiar with all of them. Xavian had a good point as well.
"The disease may be limited to fey only... but it would probably be a good idea to purchase antiplague and take other precautions while we are here in Almas... just to be sure."
Calanthe directs her next question to the venture-captain, "What are the symptoms of the disease?"
Calanthe will purchase a chirurgeon's kit (400 gp) and a masterwork backpack (50 gp) before we leave.

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wooowwweee! lets get rolling! as for the disease... umm i dunno. Im sure we will be fine! Contilo says with a cheery attitude.
Contilo bought a masterwork darkwood light crossbow and a scroll of invisibility.
and Hey! since this time we are going to be outside it looks like i will be able to ride HayHead more this time! he felt neglected from last time when we were down in those sewers!
Contilo seems to be almost shaking with excitement at the thought of another "adventure"

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Xavian purchased MW Studded Leather, a MW Cold Iron Rapier and (50) Cold Iron Arrows. I should already have a MW Backpack and a MW Darkwood Shortbow.

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With the wealth from his first mission, he invests in a suit of Andoran chain mail and a handsome finely crafted longsword to replace his battered training blade.
buy chain mail and MW longsword, sell studded leather and base longsword. 94 gold remaining

GM Derek W |

Venure Captian Brackett looks the group over and answers their questions.
"Let me tell you a bit more about the basin. Legend states that an evil dryad created it to harm humanoids lost in Darkmoon Wood who wandered into her glade. Locals say that it curses any water it holds and that anyone who drinks from it succumbs to a deadly wasting disease. Some believe that while the basin was created to infect humanoids, it possesses an unfortunate side effect wherein it also infects fey, who succumb to it much faster than humanoids."
"According to Syntira’s description, the infected are covered in small white pustules and quickly weaken and wither to their deaths."
"We have not heard reports of any afflicted humanoids in the area — only fey — but you should use caution as humanoids can catch the disease. It may be in your best interests to prepare for dealing with the disease before heading to Falcon’s Hollow, as Pathfinder Calanthe has said."

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Ugh, I don't know anything about such medical matters. I hope you guys have some idea.
I think I have everything I need otherwise.

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"I... I am a trained healer of the church of Pharasma," Calanthe says to Xavian, trying her best to seem confident in her skills (a failing endeavour no doubt). "I am not sure that I've heard of this disease before, but... hopefully we can figure something out..."
Heal: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8 Do I know anything else about the disease?
The tiefling muses for a few moments, one hand on her chin. "It sounds like... it's a waterborne disease... in that case... we should probably be very careful about eating and drinking while we're at Falcon's Hollow... we should bring our own food and water so that we do not accidentally become infected..."

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Xavian will make sure his waterskin is topped off and safe while they are on this adventure. He should already have rations.

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"It is said that the clerics can cure diseases. I don't think bringing the prelate along is feasible, but Is it possible to acquire this power by scroll or potion? Would the Pathfinder Society foot the bill for such a magical item or have a contact here in Almas for which we might find one?"
Tristan would have little knowledge of magical devices or healing at this point.

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I think Calanthe is right, if we stick to our own water and food and be very careful about anything we eat from that area we should be okay... i think... mind you, i know nothing about healing. or diseases, or forests... infact all i do know is cold.
Contilo looks around slightly discouraged from his sudden realization of his limited life experience, but then instantly perks up.
Perhaps this is my chance to learn!

GM Derek W |

"Agent Tristan, we are not sure if the usual magical remedies are effective. Simple cure spells seem insufficient to stopping this plague. However, there is a local herbalist healer in Falcon's Hollow, I believe. You'll need to check with the locals to be sure."

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Calanthe will buy some rations and another canteen before we all leave. Also, changing my 0-level prepared spells to detect magic, detect poison, purify food and drink, and stabilize.

GM Derek W |

The party makes their final preparations, and gathers in the Lodge building. Captain Brackett gives them the appropriate directions, and the party makes an uneventful journey to Falcon's Hollow. The group soon approaches the logging camp they've been directed to.
The light in Darkmoon Wood is dim under the thick forest canopy, and an eerie mist blankets the damp forest floor. A humble cutyard fills this man-made clearing. Thick darkwood stumps cover the ground and the scent of sawdust lingers in the air. Two rows of tents line a central path strewn with abandoned axes, saws, chains, and coils of rope. Over the unnatural silence of the forest, sounds of terrified screaming and ripping canvas carry from the far side of the camp.
Ok, I'll have a map up by morning at the latest.

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What's all that? Xavian will head quickly in the direction of the screaming with his bow out and ready.

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Calanthe pales upon hearing the sound of screams, and hurriedly grabs her crossbow.
"I don't think we have time to sneak around," she replies to Contilo as she follows after Xavian.

GM Derek W |

The party rushes forward, with Tristan and Belvica in the lead. As they enter the clearing, they can see ahndgul of loggers fending off two big wolves. The wolves are clearly undead, with gaping holes in their bodies. The holes are filled with brightly colored flowers. The wolves seem intent on killing the logger for now, and do not move towards you. The loggers retreat back into thier tents.
I've put a link to the map at the top, but I'll embed on here too.
Contilo: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
Xavian: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Calanthe: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Belvica: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Tristan: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21
Ok, you guys get a surprise round while the wolf-things are distracted!
The order: Tristan, Belvica, Xavian, Contilo, Calanthe.

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knowledge ?arcana?: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
Contilo will move up to the northeast to stand beside Insnare and shoot his new crossbow
lets see how this baby works!
range attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
damage: 1d6 ⇒ 2

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Knowledge (Religion): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27
Calanthe frowns deeply. Those were clearly some form of undead, probably a zombie, but... flowers? Was this some kind of fey trick?
"Remember... use weapons that cut!"
She will prepare to use her healing hex on one of the two undead wolves, holding the charge for now.
This is a surprise round Contilo, so only a single move or standard action.

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Xavian will fire an arrow at the undead doggie on the right.
Bow: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
Damage+Sneak Attack for flat-footed: 1d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + (4) = 6

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Tristan will move to close the gap between himself and the wolf-things acting as a barrier to the others as they fire ranged weapons. If any of the wolves try to move past, he will try to strike them. As he approaches he cries out:"In the name of all that is Good in the world, these abominations must be stopped. Back foul beasts and take the death that all creatures of the world deserve. I banish you back to the grave..."
No effect on the undead yet, just theatrics. Move straight forward 20'. Take any AoO if the wolves try to come past.

GM Derek W |

All three arrows strike the left-hand wolf-thing. Calanthe correctly identifies them as some sort of zombies. The left wolf is clearly battered, but is still on its feet.
Wolves' Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13
Round 1:
Tristan, Belvice, Xavian, *wolves*, Contilo, Calanthe
Calanthe, you held your action from the surprise round. What will trigger it? That could allow you to move up in the order to just before the wolves, for instance.

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Xavian will continue the assault with his bow and arrow. After he fires he will switch to his melee weapon and close the distance to the one on the right (move 20').
Bow: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
Arrow: 1d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + (2) = 4

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Tristan raises his longsword and yells: "For Iomedae, I'll send you back to Death in her name!" and charges at the right-hand wolf/zombie.
charging longsword: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Not sure if that hits, but Tristan's AC is 16 for remainder of round after charging.

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GM: Oh, I didn't mean that as a readied action. I meant that I cast my healing hex and the charge remains in my hands so I can attack as a touch action on a later turn. Casting a touch spell normally gives you a free touch attack on that turn, or alternatively you can attack with it as a standard action on a later turn. Basically: Preparing to put some positive energy slapdown on the zombies. :)

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After the zombie wolves move...
Contilo will start shouting in his high pitched voice as he casts ray of frost at the wolf on the right (the healthier one).
range touch attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
damage: 1d3 ⇒ 3
If successfull the wolf must make a DC 14 of be slowed for one round.

GM Derek W |

Xavian's arrow flies true, striking the zombie wolf. As the shaft sinks home, the creature explodes in a burst of decay, covering all the area around it. All adjacent squares
Belvica's shot narrowly misses the other zombie. Tristan strides up to it and lands a solid hit with his longsword, leaving a deep gash in the undead beast's side.
Contilo's ray slams into the wolf's side, leaving a small frozen patch of rotting flesh!
Reflex save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
The creature seems to look more sluggish after the ray strikes.
Calanthe, just let me know what action you'll be taking.
[ooc]After Calanthe we start Round 2[/ooc}
Round 2: Tristan, Belvica, Xavian, *wolf*, Contilo, Calanthe

GM Derek W |

I suppose the wold gets a turn in Round 1 too!
The remaining zombie lunges at Tristan, trying to clamp its jaws on his arm!
Bite attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
The beast's teeth make a screeching sound as they scrape across Tristan's armor!

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Was waiting for the wolf's turn to be up :P
Charge - Melee Touch: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Damage (Positive Energy: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
lol, seriously...
Critical Hit: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Damage (Positive Energy): 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Calanthe runs across the field, pure white energy coalescing in the palm of her hand. She reaches out and touches the zombified wolf with it, and immediately the thing's flesh begins to burn away into ashes, so antithetical to the positive life energy she summoned from within her.
AC is 11 for 1 round; please kill it before I die! lol

GM Derek W |

Sorry Calanthe! We'll apply your action in that order.
The combined force of Tristan's sword blow, Calanthe's holy energy, and Contilo's ray casues the second zomie-wolf to explode! The bright-colored flowers stuffed inside its fetid corpse burst out, and fall all over Tristan and Calanthe.
Combat is over, but Tristan and Calanthe aren't sure they feel quite themselves.
I'll need the two of you to roll Fort. saves

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Xavian sees how the first creature exploded when it died and stops in his tracks.
Ewwww! You guys OK?

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Fort: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
"What on Golarion...?" Calanthe quickly brushes the flowers off of herself.

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Fort Save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Tristan is stunned by the transformation of the beasts into a pile of flowers and pokes around in the petals with the end of this longsword.
"I care not for this fey magic. Undead animals is bad enough without the pranks at the end."

GM Derek W |

The disease will begin to show in 1d4 ⇒ 4 hours. You will suffer 1 Cha damage at that time. More to come as it becomes relevant.
The survivors are wary of fey trickery, and suspect your involvement in an elaborate ruse to gain their trust. When you question them, they are not outright antagonistic, but they are also not forthcoming with information on their affliction, the events of the last week, or anything else, really.
You may attempt to use a relevant skill to convince them to be more helpful.

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C'mon folks, we've come to try and help figure out what the cause of all this is. Do you really think we'd sick these creatures on you, then kill them?
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21