About Calanthe RossaPrepared Spells:
PFS Number: #10321-2
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#3-00 - First Steps Part II: To Delve the Dungeon Deep
Exemplar of Falcon's Hollow: You have saved the town of Falcon's Hollow from certain death. As a result, you are now a famed Andoran adventurer and gain a +1 circumstance bonus on any Charisma-based checks with any citizen of Andoran. Hero of the Fey: You have saved the fey of Darkmoon Wood from certain death. As a result, you may automatically succeed on one Charisma-based check when dealing with fey in the future. Fey are chaotic and their memories tend to run short--as a result, you may use this boon only once, after which it is discarded. [0/1] Hero of the Five Kings: For helping Torvic (and thus dwarves everywhere) find the Gallery of Wonders, you have gained a small amount of fame with the dwarves of the Five Kings Mountains. When dealing with any dwarf from that region from now on, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on all Charisma-based checks. Kayle's Blessing: You gain a +1 luck bonus on any saving throw against a dragon's breath weapon. This bonus can be applied after a roll is made but before the results are determined. You may only use this ability once per saving throw. This ability may be used three times. [0/3]
The Pharasmin clergy of the Grand Cathedral of Korvosa were awoken late one night by a harsh banging on their doors, dark clouds above pregnant with moisture and bristling with lightning. The great barricades swung slowly open to reveal a drenched and half-delirious woman, her belly swollen and engorged with child. To the expert midwives among the temple, it was clear that labor had begun. The woman was rushed to the Cathedral's hospice ward and quickly sedated with medicinal herbs, but the pains of her childbirth were so strong that the painkillers had little effect. Blood was everywhere; the church's most skilled casarmetzes was called to the scene, but even she struggled to assist with the horrific birth.
In the end, all that remained was a lifeless corpse and a wailing, pale-skinned babe in the arms of the casarmetzes, twisted ram-like horns sprouting from its head. Death had been the price for the babe's life, a grave sacrifice that was felt keenly by all the Pharasmin priests present. The casarmetzes took the tiefling child in her arms, bathing her and clothing her, declaring that she would allow it to have a chance at its own destiny. The price she had paid for the privilege was already high enough. Three days later, the child was given a sombre naming ceremony, welcoming her soul into the world and granting her the name of Calanthe. Once the baby had recovered from the circumstances of its birth, she was given over to an orphanage run by the church, the place where Calanthe spent most of her childhood. Though raised as a child of the faith, Calanthe was not at all like the other young orphans she shared her life with. Despite her grim arrival into the world, she had a sunny disposition, albeit a quiet and shy one, content to be alone in the sunshine or inside reading and re-reading the few books she managed to scrounge up or borrow from the Church of Pharasma. Calanthe had few friends growing up, learning from a young age the meaning of discrimination and just how violently many Korvosans reacted to the devil taint in her blood. Though known for being surprisingly perceptive and empathetic, it took Calanthe many years to realise that there were things she could see that nobody else, not even the priests of Pharasma, could see. Whether through virtue of her fiendish blood or the circumstances of her birth, Calanthe could see people's very souls—see the colours and shapes they took when overcome by strong emotion, and it sometimes seemed like she could almost touch them... or change them... if only she could reach out just a scant few inches further. Occasionally, very occasionally, especially when particularly emotional, Calanthe could reach for those strange, ephemeral strands of life-essence, and with the slightest of touches move energy into or out of them. Small cuts and bruises would heal, or the person would feel suddenly sick and weak. Calanthe was sixteen when she discovered an injured whippoorwill on the grounds outside of the Grand Cathedral. Knowing that the bird was sacred to Pharasma, she carefully nursed it back to health, and was shocked when it thanked her in the common tongue. Morrigan, as the whippoorwill introduced herself as, became Calanthe's confidante, and she encouraged the young tiefling to explore her natural talents. Calanthe became more and more adept at manipulating soul energy, often practicing by experimenting on the poorer folk who could not afford to pay for traditional curative magics. However, she was faced with an increasing amount of discrimination, even by members of the church; she was wicked, tainted, and a heretic for making use of what was clearly fiendish magics. As she grew older, Calanthe was faced with the realities of her situation: namely, could one such as herself continue to live a meagre life in Korvosa? Getting above-the-board employment would beincredibly difficult with the discrimination she faced. It was Morrigan who suggested she join the Pathfinder Society; it would take her away from the slums of Korvosa and into faraway lands where she could prove to the world by deed rather than blind assumption of her good qualities. The Pathfinders seemed to accept the cast-offs of society like herself far more readily than any other organisation did. With no better idea what to do in life, Calanthe set out for Magnimar, becoming a trainee Pathfinder at the Varisian Pathfinder Lodge at Heidmarch Manor. Having recently "graduated", Calanthe is both excited and terrified to see where fate will take her... Appearance:
Calanthe, while not unattractive, displays enough evidence of her fiendish heritage to disturb many casual viewers. Two curling ram's horns the colour of onyx protrude from her skull, poking through her long, silvery-white hair. Her ears are long and pointed like an elf's, but are tipped with small spiked barbs. She has heterochromia, with her right eye being a crimson red and her left eye being a pale gold. Her skin is an unnaturally pale shade, giving her the appearance of always being ill. Devilish bat wings protrude from her shoulderblades, although they are far too small to offer any real purchase in the air. Though a fan of pretty, girlish clothing, Calanthe usually wears as nondescript garb as she can find, using a heavy, hooded cloak to hide her fiendish heritage as best she can. Personality:
Calanthe is a thinker, a philosopher, and a dreamer, always wishing for a world that is better than the one she finds herself in. She is kind and selfless but extremely shy, the many years of abuse suffered on account of her heritage impacting her ability to trust in others' pure motives. Those who can prove they care for her despite the circumstances of her birth may discover a pure-hearted friend for life. Calanthe tends to have a poor sense of self esteem, berating herself for every mistake and easily taking the blame for things that may not even be her fault. Though raised in a Pharasman orphanage and more or less obeying the tenets of the faith as she knows them, Calanthe often cannot remain neutral when it comes to matters of life, death, and destiny, hating to see anyone's life go to waste. She enjoys works of art, tomes of ancient knowledge, and young children, and has a terrible fear of losing control of her mind and actions. Stat Block:
Calanthe Rossa Female tiefling witch 3 NG Medium outsider (native) Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +3 -------------------- DEFENSE -------------------- AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 11 (+1 deflection, +3 Dex) hp 17 (3d6+3) Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4 Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5 -------------------- OFFENSE -------------------- Speed 30 ft. Melee dagger +0 (1d4-1/19–20) Ranged light crossbow +4 (1d8/19–20) Special Attacks hexes (cackle, evil eye [DC 15], misfortune [DC 15], healing) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 3rd; concentration +3) .....at-will—deathwatch Witch Spells Prepared (CL 3rd; concentration +7) .....2nd—2 .....1st—3 .....0 (at-will)—4 Patron healing -------------------- STATISTICS -------------------- Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 13, Cha 10 Base Atk +1; CMB +0; CMD 14 Feats Alertness, Extra Hex (2) Traits Comparative Religion, Outcast's Intuition Skills Appraise +7, Fly +7, Heal +7, Knowledge (Arcana) +10, Knowledge (History) +10, Knowledge (nature) +8, Knowledge (Planes) +8, Knowledge (Religion) +11, Linguistics +5, Perception +3, Sense Motive +10, Spellcraft +10 Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Goblin, Infernal, Varisian SQ witch's familiar (whippoorwill named Morrigan) Favoured Class witch (3 skill points) Stored Spells:
2nd— blindness/deafness, hold person 1st—cause fear, charm person, enlarge person, ill omen, infernal healing, mage armor, obscuring mist, ray of enfeeblement, ray of sickening 0—arcane mark, bleed, dancing lights, daze, detect magic, detect poison, guidance, light, mending, message, putrefy food and drink, read magic, resistance, spark, stabilize, touch of fatigue Possessions:
397 gp, 9 sp, 8 cp Dagger
(See ITS for charges)
Shining wayfinder
Scholar's outfit
Masterwork backpack
Familiar (Morrigan):
Morrigan Female whippoorwill familiar 1 N Tiny magical beast Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +9 -------------------- DEFENSE -------------------- AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex, +2 natural, +2 size) hp 8 Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +5 Defensive Abilities improved evasion -------------------- OFFENSE -------------------- Speed 10 ft., fly 40 ft. (average) Melee bite +5 (1d3-4) Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft. -------------------- STATISTICS -------------------- Str 2, Dex 15, Con 8, Int 6, Wis 15, Cha 7 Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 7 Feats Skill Focus (Perception), Weapon Finesse Skills Fly +6, Perception +9 Languages Common SQ empathic link, share spells, store spells Note: Morrigan is a reflavoured raven.