[PFS_Aerondor] 06-12 Scions of the Sky Key Part I - On Sharrowsmiths Trail (Inactive)

Game Master Aerondor

Dwarven rubbing translation




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Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

Your recent investigations and recovery of agent Eylysia’s papers have already yielded
results. Under my direction, a team of scholars has tracked down the long-retired Society
ciphers the gnome used and translated many of her entries. Although many of these
records present valuable leads, one is especially timely and exciting.
Several months ago, the Pathfinder Society recovered an incomplete relic called the Sky
Key. Its missing components disappeared millennia ago, carried by dwarven refugees to
the far corners of Avistan and beyond, and the Society has struggled to follow these faint
trails to piece the potent device back together. It appears Eylysia may have found one of the
pieces centuries ago! She writes of a visit to Tar Kuata in Osirion, where she not only met
with the Iroran devotees there, but also the curious order of dwarven monks known as the
Ouat. According to her journals, some of the resident dwarves’ ancestors arrived long ago
from the distant north bearing a broken treasure of wire and steel. Based on additional
context and several magical divinations, I have reason to believe Eylysia—and you—may
have found one of the lost pieces of the Sky Key!
I have contacted Venture-Captain Norden Balentiir in Sothis to prepare for an
expedition. You have already demonstrated your resourcefulness by uncovering this
information; when I assemble a team to travel to Tar Kuata, I hope you will consider
joining the expedition.
Highest regards,
Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin

The Exchange

N Half-elf 7 :: HP 57/60 :: AC 22 T 15 FF 18 CMD 27 :: Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +6 :: Init +7 Perception +18 (Low-Light)

Dot, for now.

Grand Lodge

Qiggong Zen Archer 4 | HP:28/28 | AC:23 T:19 FF:16/20 | Speed:40 | CMB: +5 | CMD:24 | F:+6 R:+7 W:+10 | +2 more vs. enchant | Initiative:+8 | Perception:+19 | Stealth: +9 | Low-Light Vision | Immune to Sleep | Mage Armor


Grand Lodge

M Human (Kellid) Shaman (Heavens)/3
HP 26/26 AC 17/11/17 CMB +2 CMD 13 F +3 R +2 W +8 Init +0 Perc + 9/+12 in shadow


Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

Ambrus was true to his word. Barely a week later you were back in his office and that night aboard a ship bound for far off Nantambu. Six more weeks of slow ship board travel followed, but now you are here, and boy is it hot.

Ambrus's final words before your leaving were clear "The Society needs friends down there. Make them for us."

The reputable merchant and ally of the Society Aya Allahe paces one of the back rooms of Sharrowsmith’s Exports, a walled trade compound on the northern edge of Nantambu in the Mwangi Expanse.

I wish I had more to offer,” Allahe apologizes before even presenting what information she has. “Nieford Sharrowsmith never truly retired from being a Pathfinder, even after he started this business. I think, in his mind, he was still the young adventurer that hiked through jungles and fought off troglodyte tribes. Sharrowsmith’s attitude changed over the last few months—I think he was concerned for his legacy and how history would remember him. Would it be for his discoveries or for the export business that dominated his later years? The answer, I fear, was unpalatable."

She pauses to look around the team.

It was no surprise when he packed up and left on an expedition. But that was months ago, and neither the Society nor I have heard from him since. Sharrowsmith has never left for this long without leaving some word as to his status or sending rather demanding missives about business decisions while he was waist-deep in some jungle bog. When my own contacts failed to turn up any useful information, I had no recourse but to go through his private notes.

Allahe motions to the mess of documents scattered about the office.

What caught my eye was this translated rubbing. It appears to be the most recent piece of a very large puzzle Sharrowsmith was researching and indicated that he may be somewhere in the Bandu Hills. Traders from Fort Bandu have confirmed that he paid the garrison a visit, but that’s where my trail ran cold. Something happened out there, and Praetor Sylien—Fort Bandu’s commander—refuses to correspond with me on the matter despite knowing how close Nieford and I are. All I received in response was that Nieford had ‘done enough damage for one lifetime,’ and that if I wanted to discuss the matter further I would need to go to Fort Bandu in person.

Exasperatedly, Allahe runs a hand across her forehead and turns her distant stare out the window. “I cannot shutter the business and travel hundreds of miles on the off chance that the praetor can help; the company would fall apart. I’m hoping that you will be able to go in my stead, speak with the praetor personally to learn what has befallen Sharrowsmith and help him return.

She hands you the rubbing.

Grand Lodge

Qiggong Zen Archer 4 | HP:28/28 | AC:23 T:19 FF:16/20 | Speed:40 | CMB: +5 | CMD:24 | F:+6 R:+7 W:+10 | +2 more vs. enchant | Initiative:+8 | Perception:+19 | Stealth: +9 | Low-Light Vision | Immune to Sleep | Mage Armor

Tophor mirrors Allahe in wiping sweat from his head. Bags, it's hot! "Of course. Pathfinders often have more flexibility for such endeavors - I'm confident your friend would not want you to abandon your responsibilities, here." Wiping his hands on his tunic, he accepts the paper from Allahe. "Nakyuk...? Is this somewhere near Fort Bandu?"

I'm sure everything here is on the up-and-up, but just in case... Does it seem like Allahe is telling us the whole truth, here?
Sense Motive/Hunch: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25

The Exchange

N Half-elf 7 :: HP 57/60 :: AC 22 T 15 FF 18 CMD 27 :: Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +6 :: Init +7 Perception +18 (Low-Light)

Good call on the Sense Motive ... it can never hurt, right?

Jal listens to Allahe’s briefing from his usual spot … slouching against one of the walls. With his arms crossed—tattoos exposed because of his rolled-up sleeves in this heat—the Varisian idly tumbles dice in his right fist, watching the pips dance and spin as he listens to the tale.

What does Jal know about the following?

Nieford Sharrowsmith
Know: Local: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18

Local rumors/legends surrounding Fort Bandu and its area
Know: Local: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

The natural threats of this region (this is untrained, so can only hit a DC10, at best)
Know: Nature/Geography: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

When the conversation turns to the letters, Jal mutters and unobtrusive, ”You mind?” before he begins thumbing through them himself … looking for any details or clues that she may have missed.

Assuming she acquiesces…
Perception, Sharrowsmith’s letters: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13

When the woman then produces the rubbing, Jal goes to give that a look, as well, chewing his lip distractedly as his gray eyes scan the strange document.

What Knowledge rolls would be appropriate to know more about Ashkurhall or Nakyuk? History, local, geography, or something else?

As he considers, he mutters to everyone gathered, ”Moors, hills, and forests I know … but jungles, huh? Any tips for staying alive while we look for this guy?”

Grand Lodge

HP 41/41 AC 23 TAC 17 FF 17 (+1 vs traps) | CMD 21 | F +6 R +10 W +4 (evasion,inmune sleep,+2 vs enchantments,+1 vs traps) | Init +7 | Senses Low-light +9 (+10 vs traps) | AP: 3/5 Dare: 9/10 L1: 3/3+
Acrob+13/+18,Bluff+5,Climb+7,C.(weap.)+9,Diplo+2,DisablD+17,Disguise+2,Esca pe+10,Arcana/Dungeon/Engineering/History,Local/Planes+9,K.other+5,Linguist+ 9,Spellcr+10,SoH+10,Stealth+11,Swim+5,UMD+9,Concentr.+9
Male Elf Magus 2/Rogue (Unchained) 3 | - (Inactive)

First post seemed to point us towards Osirion. I guess we changed plans when changing scenario, am I right? Just for curiosity, what is the scenario we skipped?
I played "By Way of Bloodcove" a month ago with another character. The events there seem related with what I am reading here now. In particular about this disappeared man. That's were Eldon's questions comes from, trying to place character knowledge at same level than player knowledge.

The skinny figure of a bald elf projects a particularly thin an aesthetic shadow in the trader's office. He relaxes his stance after hearing his companions and adds some more questions "What was Nieford looking for this time? Was he travelling alone? Do you know if anyone else was looking for him or pursuing his same goals?"

"I have heard something while coming to visit you..."
Diplomacy (gather information): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Eldon also tries to remember details about the given names.
K. Local: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

Dark Archive

Female Human Cleric 4 HP: 24/24 | AC: 13 | T: 9 | FF: 13 | CMD: 12 | Fort: +5 | Ref: +1 | Will: +8 | Init: -1 | Perc: +3 | Sense Motive: +3

"I have water", Selena remarks helpfully, "lovely clear cold water", she mummers slightly, before gesturing and water runs down her hair, soaking it, but very likely cooling the priestess down as well.

Grand Lodge

M Human (Kellid) Shaman (Heavens)/3
HP 26/26 AC 17/11/17 CMB +2 CMD 13 F +3 R +2 W +8 Init +0 Perc + 9/+12 in shadow

Shungur listens, frowning slightly. A sacred object, possibly plundered by a Pathfinder. Now are we to plunder it again?

"We'll go to Fort Bandu, then. Are there any supplies you recommend for this journey?"

Shungur appears relatively unconcerned by the stifling heat, although his owl looks like it is trying harder to appear asleep than ever before.

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

Brother Tophor thinks she is on the up-and-up, and quite worried about her old friend.

"Mt Nakyuk is the highest point in the hills, yes."

Jal hasn't heard anything extra about the old pathfinder, but he does know that there are lots of mining concerns in the area.

The Bandu Hills remain rich in gold, silver, and gems, despite several centuries of colonial mining. Prospectors arrive from throughout the Inner Sea region to seek their fortune. The local Mwangi tribes often retaliate violently.

Most of the larger mining operations belong to the Deeptreasure Mining Company, which has dominated the local industry for nearly three centuries. Their onetime competitors, the Gold Crown Company, are now better known for shipping and export services.

Deeptreasure agents are always on the lookout for independent miners, whom they bully away from promising claims. A Deeptreasure representative in Fort Bandu is offering a bounty for information regarding any promising unoccupied (or ill-defended) mines.

Cutting a deal with one or (ideally) both of the Deep teasure mining company and the Golden Crown would prove advantageous for The Exchange.

When Jal asks about staying alive she just shrugs. "Avoid getting eaten... by plant or creature. May be best to avoid eating too many of them as well, poisons are everywhere."

I'm not too sure about 'by way of bloodcove' - Maybe that was supposed to slip into the middle between these. It would be odd though, as that is for levels 3-7.

Dark Archive

Female Human Cleric 4 HP: 24/24 | AC: 13 | T: 9 | FF: 13 | CMD: 12 | Fort: +5 | Ref: +1 | Will: +8 | Init: -1 | Perc: +3 | Sense Motive: +3

"Mountains...yes, and hill walking", Selena murmurs, obvious to everyone that she is currently picking up the occasional word and focusing on it rather than listening to the entire conversation.

The Exchange

N Half-elf 7 :: HP 57/60 :: AC 22 T 15 FF 18 CMD 27 :: Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +6 :: Init +7 Perception +18 (Low-Light)

So Jal knows how to make contact with a Deep Treasure man, but does he know how to make contact with a Gold Crown source?
Knowledge (Local): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

Sharrowsmith, Deep Treasure, Gold Crown, the Exchange ... the pieces fall into place. Understanding lights up Jal's features, and he gives Juniper a knowing, lopsided half-smile. "I see I wasn't just recruited for my good looks."

He looks uncertainly at the group newcomer (Selena), but otherwise says nothing.

At Shungur's announcement, Jal nods along, "Yep, provisions will get real important if everything between here and this fort is poisonous. Can your company supply us with food, supplies, and transport? " He pauses briefly before continuing, "Is grúpa ar fáil go maith le grúpa rathúil. It means 'a well supplied caravan is a successful caravan'. Some antitoxin might be as important as food, as you tell it, *bhean Allahe."

*bhean = "Lady", Varisian

Jal steps away from where he was leaning, an eagerness coming into his posture, "We'll find your boss. And bring him back if we can. We'll send word from the fort when we get there."

Grand Lodge

M Human (Kellid) Shaman (Heavens)/3
HP 26/26 AC 17/11/17 CMB +2 CMD 13 F +3 R +2 W +8 Init +0 Perc + 9/+12 in shadow

"I agree, Jal," nods the shaman. "I can identify the non-poisonous plants more often than not, but some creatures will be looking to bite us, identification or no."

Who's got some cash on them? 50 gp/antitoxin. At least two vials is a good idea.

The Exchange

N Half-elf 7 :: HP 57/60 :: AC 22 T 15 FF 18 CMD 27 :: Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +6 :: Init +7 Perception +18 (Low-Light)

I'll spring for one, assuming Aerondor okays their availability.

Grand Lodge

HP 41/41 AC 23 TAC 17 FF 17 (+1 vs traps) | CMD 21 | F +6 R +10 W +4 (evasion,inmune sleep,+2 vs enchantments,+1 vs traps) | Init +7 | Senses Low-light +9 (+10 vs traps) | AP: 3/5 Dare: 9/10 L1: 3/3+
Acrob+13/+18,Bluff+5,Climb+7,C.(weap.)+9,Diplo+2,DisablD+17,Disguise+2,Esca pe+10,Arcana/Dungeon/Engineering/History,Local/Planes+9,K.other+5,Linguist+ 9,Spellcr+10,SoH+10,Stealth+11,Swim+5,UMD+9,Concentr.+9
Male Elf Magus 2/Rogue (Unchained) 3 | - (Inactive)

"I agree with that, I have heard horrible things about the jungle. I will also have a look at my spells, in case I have something that might be of use out of there." after buying the antitoxin Eldon feels pretty ready for the adventure.

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

Antitoxin is available

"I'll arrange transport for you up river. Then it will be a hike through the hills to Fort Bardu. offers Aya Allahe.

Any other preparations?

The Exchange

N Half-elf 7 :: HP 57/60 :: AC 22 T 15 FF 18 CMD 27 :: Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +6 :: Init +7 Perception +18 (Low-Light)

Jal looks at their hostess, "Do you have any contacts here in town with Deep Treasure or Gold Crown? Be good to check in with other organizations who might have people where we're going."

How long should we provision for in terms of food? And I'm picking up 1 antitoxin and 1 hot weather outfit, at least.

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

"I'll see you have adequate food and water... don't worry about that. Anything more you'll need to provide for yourself. Both the Deep Treasure and Gold Crowd companies are represented in Fort Bandu I don't think they have reps in Nantambu at the moment sorry."

Grand Lodge

HP 41/41 AC 23 TAC 17 FF 17 (+1 vs traps) | CMD 21 | F +6 R +10 W +4 (evasion,inmune sleep,+2 vs enchantments,+1 vs traps) | Init +7 | Senses Low-light +9 (+10 vs traps) | AP: 3/5 Dare: 9/10 L1: 3/3+
Acrob+13/+18,Bluff+5,Climb+7,C.(weap.)+9,Diplo+2,DisablD+17,Disguise+2,Esca pe+10,Arcana/Dungeon/Engineering/History,Local/Planes+9,K.other+5,Linguist+ 9,Spellcr+10,SoH+10,Stealth+11,Swim+5,UMD+9,Concentr.+9
Male Elf Magus 2/Rogue (Unchained) 3 | - (Inactive)

Eldon will try to get some information from those places talking with people at Nantambu without much success. He will then gather up together with the party "Well, perhaps we should celebrate today, it might pass some weeks before we comeback to a civilized area."

At night he will prepare his backpack with all the necessary to survive in the wilderness.

"What do you think about having a mule with us to carry food, drink and tents? We perhaps can hire a guide too." will he ask at the others.

Grand Lodge

M Human (Kellid) Shaman (Heavens)/3
HP 26/26 AC 17/11/17 CMB +2 CMD 13 F +3 R +2 W +8 Init +0 Perc + 9/+12 in shadow

"I can guide us unless there is tremendous difficulty," says Shungur.

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

And Shungur proves as good as his word.

After leaving Nantambu with a good amount of suppplies he leads the pathfinders south. The first part is easy, travelling by boat down the Vanji river. At the confluence with the Little Vanji, Selena uses some of her contacts to secure canoes and the longer, slower trip up the Little Vanji commences. Every now and then the team needs to portage around some waterfalls, but the little Vanji is eventually conquered.

When the team reaches the ruins of Darkreach they take smaller branch known as the Dzimmi. Eventualy the canoes are left behind and the trek through the hills proper starts. Shungur locates a pass and the team starts downhill again on the south side of the Bandu hills, eventually spying Fort Bandu.

The fort is a small frontier settlement surrounded by high stone walls located on the northern edge of Sargava.

Dark Archive

Female Human Cleric 4 HP: 24/24 | AC: 13 | T: 9 | FF: 13 | CMD: 12 | Fort: +5 | Ref: +1 | Will: +8 | Init: -1 | Perc: +3 | Sense Motive: +3

I can do most of the talking if you wish", Selena offers, happy to provide assistance.

Grand Lodge

HP 41/41 AC 23 TAC 17 FF 17 (+1 vs traps) | CMD 21 | F +6 R +10 W +4 (evasion,inmune sleep,+2 vs enchantments,+1 vs traps) | Init +7 | Senses Low-light +9 (+10 vs traps) | AP: 3/5 Dare: 9/10 L1: 3/3+
Acrob+13/+18,Bluff+5,Climb+7,C.(weap.)+9,Diplo+2,DisablD+17,Disguise+2,Esca pe+10,Arcana/Dungeon/Engineering/History,Local/Planes+9,K.other+5,Linguist+ 9,Spellcr+10,SoH+10,Stealth+11,Swim+5,UMD+9,Concentr.+9
Male Elf Magus 2/Rogue (Unchained) 3 | - (Inactive)

"Sure, why not? You can go with it." Eldon nods to the female cleric and adds "Have you ever been here before? You are a can of surprises Mrs. Maya."

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

Before you go in, are you adopting any guises, openly pathfinders with wayfinders hanging at necks, pretending to be explorers....

Grand Lodge

M Human (Kellid) Shaman (Heavens)/3
HP 26/26 AC 17/11/17 CMB +2 CMD 13 F +3 R +2 W +8 Init +0 Perc + 9/+12 in shadow

I say just be Pathfinders...but I'll go with le flow.

Grand Lodge

HP 41/41 AC 23 TAC 17 FF 17 (+1 vs traps) | CMD 21 | F +6 R +10 W +4 (evasion,inmune sleep,+2 vs enchantments,+1 vs traps) | Init +7 | Senses Low-light +9 (+10 vs traps) | AP: 3/5 Dare: 9/10 L1: 3/3+
Acrob+13/+18,Bluff+5,Climb+7,C.(weap.)+9,Diplo+2,DisablD+17,Disguise+2,Esca pe+10,Arcana/Dungeon/Engineering/History,Local/Planes+9,K.other+5,Linguist+ 9,Spellcr+10,SoH+10,Stealth+11,Swim+5,UMD+9,Concentr.+9
Male Elf Magus 2/Rogue (Unchained) 3 | - (Inactive)

As they are approaching the Fort, Eldon asks "Is there any reason we should conceal our Pathfinder engagement? What do you know about this Fort Bandu? Is it not run by free people? Mmm... Perhaps if a Pathfinder has already disappeared from here, it can be useful to not let people know a new group of them has arrived to check what happened with the old."

The elf thinks a moment, looking at his equipment and the other goods the party is transporting "Perhaps we can say we are here for the minerals. For what we have told, there is some kind of fever about those minerals, it should be not weird to simulate we are miners looking for the good luck of the metal until we make a clear idea of what kind of place is this."

Dark Archive

Female Human Cleric 4 HP: 24/24 | AC: 13 | T: 9 | FF: 13 | CMD: 12 | Fort: +5 | Ref: +1 | Will: +8 | Init: -1 | Perc: +3 | Sense Motive: +3

Selena hesitates. "I'd rather us avoid being fairly obvious about what we are unless we can help it. Before we go in through, can anyone tell me anything useful about this place, or the nearby region. I'd like to appear well versed before I go ahead and start up a conversation with someone."

Thats basically asking if someone has knowledge on the area etc to tell her anything that might be useful or something. I can incorporate it into anything I say in the future, rather than looking awkward and saying "hang on, my fellow friend here can answer for me".

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

Over the trip up the river you have had ample time to exchange general knowledge of the region, but nobody (so far as I am aware) has actually been to Fort Bardu before.

Grand Lodge

Qiggong Zen Archer 4 | HP:28/28 | AC:23 T:19 FF:16/20 | Speed:40 | CMB: +5 | CMD:24 | F:+6 R:+7 W:+10 | +2 more vs. enchant | Initiative:+8 | Perception:+19 | Stealth: +9 | Low-Light Vision | Immune to Sleep | Mage Armor

Tophor shakes his head, accidentally loosing the unfamiliar hot-weather cloth from his head. "We were also asked to 'make friends down here.' Hard to do, if we don't acknowledge our identities."

Grand Lodge

M Human (Kellid) Shaman (Heavens)/3
HP 26/26 AC 17/11/17 CMB +2 CMD 13 F +3 R +2 W +8 Init +0 Perc + 9/+12 in shadow

Shungur nods. "He was not acting as a Pathfinder when he was here. Certainly his actions appear to have rash and unsanctioned. I don't think the inhabitants will automatically assume we are here to plunder."

The familiar, focused Kellid frown appears on Shungur's face like a dark cloud. "I hope," he says. Then he smiles. "I really am only good at looking like myself."

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

The pathfinder team is stopped at the entrance to the fortified town by two guardsmen.

"Hold, strangers. Welcome to Fort Bandu, who are you, and what to you bring to our walls?"

The Exchange

N Half-elf 7 :: HP 57/60 :: AC 22 T 15 FF 18 CMD 27 :: Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +6 :: Init +7 Perception +18 (Low-Light)

Incoming post ... writing it now. it might inform our face's approach, if you're okay waiting a bi.t.

The Exchange

N Half-elf 7 :: HP 57/60 :: AC 22 T 15 FF 18 CMD 27 :: Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +6 :: Init +7 Perception +18 (Low-Light)

Before we actually get to the fort,

Jal pauses as they near Bandu, taking a moment to once again wipe the stream of sweat from his face. He’s switched to clothes more suited for these ridiculous temperatures, but for some reason refuses to give up his kapenia … the Varisian scarf wrapped around his neck and thoroughly soaked with sweat.

”I don’t see a reason to lie. Allahe asked our help to track down Sharrowsmith … what’s to lie about? I figure if this Praetor has reason to dislike us because we’re looking for Sharrowsmith, then it’s likely related to why he’s missing.” He shrugs, ”At least it’s an angle, anyway.”

He pauses, looking at Shungur and Selena, ”If we need other reasons for you two to talk us into this place, you can always use my excuse. My friends back home are wanting me to make contact with the local mining groups about mutually beneficial mining deals. Invest in the local economy, as it were. I can’t imagine the Fort leadership is in the business of turning down wiling investors.”

Dark Archive

Female Human Cleric 4 HP: 24/24 | AC: 13 | T: 9 | FF: 13 | CMD: 12 | Fort: +5 | Ref: +1 | Will: +8 | Init: -1 | Perc: +3 | Sense Motive: +3

"I'm Selena", the cleric remarks, stepping forward and introducing her companions one by one. "Thats Jal over there, Brother Tophor standing a little way off, Shungur is next to me, behind him his Eldon, and bringing up the rear is Juniper. We are casual investigators looking for a man that vanished by the name of Sharrowsmith, last seen in this area. In addition, some of us have several business interests involved in local mining groups in the area, and as such, we wish to examine these, and decide whether we want to expand our operation.

Diplo: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27

The Exchange

N Half-elf 7 :: HP 57/60 :: AC 22 T 15 FF 18 CMD 27 :: Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +6 :: Init +7 Perception +18 (Low-Light)

Jal gives a half-ass salute at his own introduction, watching the speaker for a few moments before giving a friendly smile as Selena finishes up. "And please tell me you good folks have a gods damned tavern behind that gate. Whoever introduces me to the barkeep gets a round on me."

Just a little Aid Another for Selena's Diplo roll. :)
Diplo, DC 10: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (14) - 1 = 13

... putting Selena's roll up to 29! :D

Grand Lodge

HP 41/41 AC 23 TAC 17 FF 17 (+1 vs traps) | CMD 21 | F +6 R +10 W +4 (evasion,inmune sleep,+2 vs enchantments,+1 vs traps) | Init +7 | Senses Low-light +9 (+10 vs traps) | AP: 3/5 Dare: 9/10 L1: 3/3+
Acrob+13/+18,Bluff+5,Climb+7,C.(weap.)+9,Diplo+2,DisablD+17,Disguise+2,Esca pe+10,Arcana/Dungeon/Engineering/History,Local/Planes+9,K.other+5,Linguist+ 9,Spellcr+10,SoH+10,Stealth+11,Swim+5,UMD+9,Concentr.+9
Male Elf Magus 2/Rogue (Unchained) 3 | - (Inactive)

Eldon nods and adds "Yes, some good ale please, we have been traveling for a long way. We were called by Praetor Sylien to come and have a talk together. Do you know where can we find him?"
Diplomacy (aid another): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

"Yeah, we've got a tavern, though friends of Sharrowsmith might not be welcome there." he pauses for a moment chewing over the groups words before concluding the party may actually have a bone to pick with Sharowsmith.

"He doesn't have many friends left here. Came this way and stirred up the kobold tribes something fierce. They have been hitting the outlying mining settlements."

He gestures for the group to head into the Fort. "Third tent on the right, tell them Hadon sent you."

Entering Fort Bandu the team notices that a surprisingly large number of people are wearing bandages or carrying wounds of one type or another.

The third tent on the right is indeed a tavern of sorts. The ale isn't cold, but it is liquid.

The Exchange

N Half-elf 7 :: HP 57/60 :: AC 22 T 15 FF 18 CMD 27 :: Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +6 :: Init +7 Perception +18 (Low-Light)

Jal nods to the speaker on the way in, ”Good man, Hadon. I’ll put a drink or two on your tab, in case business takes us outta here before I can make good.” He’s about to continue in, when a thought strikes him. ”Say, I also have a message for the local mining outfits … don’t suppose you could point me their way?” He pauses as if trying to wrack his brain, ”Deeptreasure? Gold Crown? Any groups like that? I’ll even make it three drinks on that tab.”

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

Haldon nods and points to some even rougher than normal looking tents.

"Check out the shields outside them. There are a few minining companies here, and both Deeptreasure and Gold Crowns have tents. You'll do yourself no favours mentioning Sharrowsmith though."

Grand Lodge

Qiggong Zen Archer 4 | HP:28/28 | AC:23 T:19 FF:16/20 | Speed:40 | CMB: +5 | CMD:24 | F:+6 R:+7 W:+10 | +2 more vs. enchant | Initiative:+8 | Perception:+19 | Stealth: +9 | Low-Light Vision | Immune to Sleep | Mage Armor

Tophor nods to the man. "Noted, thanks. He's caused enough trouble as it is." he adds in a sour tone.

Grand Lodge

M Human (Kellid) Shaman (Heavens)/3
HP 26/26 AC 17/11/17 CMB +2 CMD 13 F +3 R +2 W +8 Init +0 Perc + 9/+12 in shadow

"We are good at ending trouble," says Shungur helpfully. "Well, I suppose I am thirsty.

The Exchange

F Human Slayer 1 | HP(9/13) | AC 1618 / T 14 / FF 1214 | F +4 / R +6 / W +1 | Perc +5 / Init +6 | BAB +1 / CMB +3 / CMD 17

A very late dot

Despite a well-timed purchase of hot-weather outfit, Juniper feels the oppressive heat. Bags, it's hot. The poor redhead tugs at her shirt, hoping to air it out and get some added coolness, to no avail. Well, at least the company is pleasant. Having exchanged greetings with fellow Pathfinders friends new and old, the slayer follows the group in what turned out to be fortunately uneventful travels, before conniving their way into the tavern, thanks to their new silver tongued cleric of something-or-another friend.

"Ahh, stories and drinks. Now we're talking."

Hi everyone. Hope that covered all the details. Juniper is happily hanging with the group. Let's go do...whatever it is we're supposed to do on this mission! (I'll reread everything again. promise :) )

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB


Dark Archive

Female Human Cleric 4 HP: 24/24 | AC: 13 | T: 9 | FF: 13 | CMD: 12 | Fort: +5 | Ref: +1 | Will: +8 | Init: -1 | Perc: +3 | Sense Motive: +3

I'll prolly go request a chat with the leader of this place, he might have info on Sharrowsmith.

The Exchange

N Half-elf 7 :: HP 57/60 :: AC 22 T 15 FF 18 CMD 27 :: Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +6 :: Init +7 Perception +18 (Low-Light)

Id love to hit the Deeptreasure place first, if people don't mind.

Jal eyes all the wounded and bandaged people as they walk. "I thought kobolds were tiny little guys. Wonder what Sharrowsmith did to piss them off."

He cuts his gray eyes toward the Deeptreasure shield on the shoddy tent. "Id love to stop in there first. Might make him more open to giving my proposal a shot."

Grand Lodge

Qiggong Zen Archer 4 | HP:28/28 | AC:23 T:19 FF:16/20 | Speed:40 | CMB: +5 | CMD:24 | F:+6 R:+7 W:+10 | +2 more vs. enchant | Initiative:+8 | Perception:+19 | Stealth: +9 | Low-Light Vision | Immune to Sleep | Mage Armor

Tophor follows Jal's gaze to the wounded residents.

Perception: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (1) + 14 = 15            Psh. Sad trombones...

Do the wounded seem stable? Is there anyone that seems to be in need of medical attention?

The Exchange

F Human Slayer 1 | HP(9/13) | AC 1618 / T 14 / FF 1214 | F +4 / R +6 / W +1 | Perc +5 / Init +6 | BAB +1 / CMB +3 / CMD 17

Juniper shrugs. "Beats me. Those little buggers get mad at everything, though. Must be a kobold thing. I really don't care where we go first, so long as we end up somewhere with drinks."

Grand Lodge

HP 41/41 AC 23 TAC 17 FF 17 (+1 vs traps) | CMD 21 | F +6 R +10 W +4 (evasion,inmune sleep,+2 vs enchantments,+1 vs traps) | Init +7 | Senses Low-light +9 (+10 vs traps) | AP: 3/5 Dare: 9/10 L1: 3/3+
Acrob+13/+18,Bluff+5,Climb+7,C.(weap.)+9,Diplo+2,DisablD+17,Disguise+2,Esca pe+10,Arcana/Dungeon/Engineering/History,Local/Planes+9,K.other+5,Linguist+ 9,Spellcr+10,SoH+10,Stealth+11,Swim+5,UMD+9,Concentr.+9
Male Elf Magus 2/Rogue (Unchained) 3 | - (Inactive)

Eldon seems also interested in the kobolds, and anyway he follows Jal "We have heard some kobolds have attacked the are. How that happened? Why are they offended?"

Diplomacy (gather information, aid another): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

The Exchange

N Half-elf 7 :: HP 57/60 :: AC 22 T 15 FF 18 CMD 27 :: Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +6 :: Init +7 Perception +18 (Low-Light)

"I'd wager Sharrowsmith did something. Cocksure adventurer looking to make a name for himself before he kicks it? Yep ... a gold to your silver says it was the old man's fault."

Or was that question meant for the locals?

When no one objects to his heading to meet with the mining rep first, Jal heads into the Deeptreasure tent. He ducks in, looking for the tent's owner.

He gives the rep a quick smile, extending a hand for a handshake. "I hear you're the person to talk to about local mining operations. You have a few minutes to chat?"

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