[PFS 8-23] Graves of Crystalmaw Pass - The Red Arm of Absalom & Friends (Inactive)

Game Master GM Red

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Sovereign Court

Ironfang Invasion | Loot/Provisions | Combat Map


Sovereign Court

Sirettis's Familiar | HP 68/68 | AC 18 T 12 FF 11 | Init 3 | Perception 10 | Saves 9/8/11 | 11 Witch | Female Sylph (native outsider) | CMD 16 | Spells -/6/6/6/4/3/2 | GM Reroll +2 | Overland Flight |

Mister Peppers and Miss Poshkettle seemed like they were in quite a hurry. It's not like Sirettis had never left without explanation or permission. She was free now, she didn't have to ask anymore. Old habits die hard.

Another day, another day watching ships sail back and forth in Absalom. Sirettis looked about, watching sailors tie ships to the port, load and unload goods, or leave the pier to find a bar. She kept to herself. Sometimes she would change her form instinctively to remain inconspicuous.

It wondered why she was wasting so much time among the weak- it wanted Sirettis to rise through the ranks and gain even more power. Enough to be an asset. Sirettis wanted to enjoy her time here, first and foremost.

Eventually though, Sirettis received her summons. She knew it was time. "Come Isa, we must go now."

"Awww, and I was getting used to flying again. You'd better not stick me in a net again!"

Sovereign Court

Neutral | Human Male | Samurai 10 | AC 25 (T 15/Fl 21) | hp 93/93| Init +3 | F:+9 R:+6 W:+4 | Perception +1 | Yurei hp 72/72 | Arrows: 24 | Crown: 8/10 | Resolve 3/4 | Challenge 2/4
Enlarge: 40 charges | Bless Weapon: 4 charges | CLW: 20 charges


Sovereign Court

Ironfang Invasion | Loot/Provisions | Combat Map

At the conclusion of your previous adventure, Master of Spells Sorrina Westyr asked you to meet her on the rooftop terrace of the estate of Reyshal ik Jalman, a genie who has proven himself a valuable ally to the Pathfinder Society. The Society arranges for you to travel from Absalom to the Opaline Vault, the largest city on the Plane of Earth. From there, a wizard working for Reyshal ik Jalman's family teleports you to the outskirts of the border outpost of Lodehollow.

Luminous crystals shine like stars high above the building as the genie Reyshal ik Jalman spreads his hands to indicate the surroundings. "From these humble beginnings, we're going to spring toward future glory - provided we can tame the border region. The war between our beloved Opaline Vault and the treacherous efreet of the City of Brass has devastated this region and crippled its economic potential." The shaitan strikes his fist against the railing. "Just a few days’ travel from here, on a road called Crystalmaw Pass, the forces of earth and fire collided in a battle so fierce that no military commander has been willing to return to the site. Now that this particular battlefield has been abandoned, bandits have taken advantage of the void to infest the area. This is where our interests align, Sorrina?"

The Master of Spells Sorrina Westyr steps up next to the towering shaitan, "Indeed they do, Reyshal. We have recently learned that Crystalmaw Pass is a potential route to a forge called Kandirion’s Pyre. I believe the intense heat of this forge, created by friction between the planes, is the key to breaking apart the Untouchable Opal. I need you to scout a path through the Crystalmaw Pass and, if possible, make sure that the area is safe for both the Society and Reyshal to operate in. Teleportation is unfortunately out of the question due to the violent elemental energies of the planar confluence. Lodehollow itself is about as close as it is possible to get to the Plane of Fire via teleportation without risking disaster.

"You may find an ally along your journey. I have learned that my former adventuring companion Grave Treader is in the region. I thought that she had perished in the Plane of Earth, as the Society’s initial attempts to locate her failed. However, Reyshal informed me that she had struck a deal to work for his family for a time in exchange for passage back to the Material Plane and her weight in silver. She left his family’s service some time ago. Without the protections of the genie estate masking her location, I managed to scry on her, but learning that someone is standing in a cavern on this plane does little to help find them. Once Reyshal’s agents began discovering pieces of the reward Grave Treader received for her service, a silver statue made in her image, we narrowed down her location to somewhere along Crystalmaw Pass. I would ask that find her and bring her back with you—if she is willing.”"

The Master of Spells hands over a sketch of a Shoanti woman with intricate white tattoos on her face. "This is what she looks like. Do you have any questions about any aspects of your mission?"

Reyshal flashes a wide grin and cuts in, "I have magnanimously provided the finest gear and provisions for your journey, these will be waiting for you outside. I have other pressing business to attend to, so I must unfortunately take my leave. I wish fortune on your endeavor.” As Reyshal walks away, Sorrina smiles, shakes her head, and gestures towards the stairs. "Reyshal is quite generous, but I do not know if he understands the meaning of the word ‘humility.’ Let us speak more on the way out."

Sovereign Court

Ironfang Invasion | Loot/Provisions | Combat Map

You might ask around Lodehollow for more information about the dangers you might face with a Diplomacy check to Gather Information. You may instead roll Kn (Local) or Kn (Planes) for this check, but the DC is 10 higher.

Diplomacy DC 15+:
A drunken dwarf miner explains to you, "Fighting shouldn’t be your only choice when dealing with local inhabitants. Like the xorns: they look weird—okay, very weird—and they’re aggressive when protecting their precious gems, but many of our mining operations have dealings with them for their knowledge of valuable ores."

Diplomacy DC 20+:
A stern Obsidian Fist mercenary draped in a red cloak with a black fist emblazoned on it warns you, "The border region is especially dangerous where the Plane of Fire exerts its influence, you should be prepared for blistering heat and rivers of lava. I used to fight in that inferno, and I don’t plan on going back."
For succeeding here, you all gain a +2 bonus on Survival checks to navigate through the Crystalmaw Pass.

Diplomacy DC 25+:
A sullen oread trader tells you a story of her misfortune. "Our trade caravan was taken to Sundered Stone’s camp in the Crystalmaw Pass. Their leader had a crystalline skin and armor covered in crystal spikes. He wielded a large sword that seemed to be of efreeti origin. Two women stood out from the rest of the oread bandits—one was an ifrit and the other a human with a tattooed face, and they both looked dangerous. They forced us to give up most of our goods as a toll, though I’ve heard that others have lost their lives to those scum, so I suppose we should consider ourselves lucky."

You may already know a thing or two about the Plane of Earth

Kn (Planes) DC 15+:
The perpetual war between the Opaline Vault and the City of Brass is a constant drain on resources that could be otherwise spent to develop new regions for mining and habitation. The ravages of war leave many denizens dislocated and without means to support themselves, especially if they are unable or unwilling to join the fighting. Some of these displaced people take up banditry in order to survive.

Kn (Planes) DC 20+:
The region of heavy gravity extends far beyond Lodehollow. This makes sudden drops and rockslides especially dangerous, not to mention the strain of traversing under its pull takes on the body.
For succeeding at this check, you all gain a +2 bonus on Survival checks to navigate through a region of heavy gravity

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Brawler (Mutagenic Mauler) 10 / Skald (Spell Warrior) 1 | HP 95/95 | AC 23, Touch 14, Flatfooted 20, CMD 27* | Saves F+13, R+11, W+7 | Perception +4, Sense Motive +5; Init +2 | Knockout: 2/2 | Weapon Song Rds Used: 5/5 | Status: N/A
GM Red wrote:
Reyshal flashes a wide grin and cuts in, "I have magnanimously provided the finest gear and provisions for your journey, these will be waiting for you outside. I have other pressing business to attend to, so I must unfortunately take my leave. I wish fortune on your endeavor.” As Reyshal walks away, Sorrina smiles, shakes her head, and gestures towards the stairs. "Reyshal is quite generous, but I do not know if he understands the meaning of the word ‘humility.’ Let us speak more on the way out."

Gallix's eyes practically bug out of his head as he first sees Reyshal. He stands agape as the shaitan strides about the rooftop terrace, his muscular arms pointing this way and that, his abs and pecs popping out so much that Gallix feels sure he could hurt himself if he somehow managed to run into them. When he finally leaves, Gallix turns to the Master of Spells and finally speaks, "I don't know if that humility stuff matters all that much. I LIKE him!"

Diplomacy (gather info): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

Gallix tries to ask around town about what dangers might lurk outside the Opaline Vault, but he keeps trying to speak to the natives of the Plane of Earth in Auran, apparently forgetting which elemental plane he is on.

Sovereign Court

Sirettis's Familiar | HP 68/68 | AC 18 T 12 FF 11 | Init 3 | Perception 10 | Saves 9/8/11 | 11 Witch | Female Sylph (native outsider) | CMD 16 | Spells -/6/6/6/4/3/2 | GM Reroll +2 | Overland Flight |

Sirettis looks about the Plane of Earth. It feels so...claustrophobic.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14
Knowledge(Planes): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26

The Opaline Vault's many residents overwhelm and confuse Sirettis. She isn't able to get any interesting information out of them when it comes to local matters- very worrying to her.

"This war between the planes of Earth and Fire...it has drained many resources that could be spent helping those less fortunate. This kind of poverty has led them to banditry."

"Lodehollow's extreme gravity extends past the town. Sudden rockslides and drops are very dangerous, and you must acclimate to the strain it takes on your body. Everyone, be careful."

Purchasing a scroll of Threefold Aspect.

Grand Lodge

Human Bard 7| AC18 T13 F16 | HP 52/59 | CMD:18 | F:+6 R:+8 W:+6 | Init:+8 | Perception: +3 | Spells: 3rd-0/2 2nd-0/4 1st-5/5, Bardic Performance 16/19, Lore Master 1/1 | Active Effects:Flagbearer (+1)

Van utters a quick command word as he activates a wand. Casts investigative mind, uses Heightened Awareness wand.

knowledge(local), heightened awareness, investigative mind: 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 11 + 2 = 17
knowledge(local), heightened awareness, investigative mind: 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 11 + 2 = 17
knowledge(planes), heightened awareness, investigative mind: 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 11 + 2 = 23
knowledge(planes), heightened awareness, investigative mind: 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 11 + 2 = 29

Journal and pen out, Van starts going over the details. "The local inhabitants are territorial but not unreasonable, ve may be able to talk or barter our vay past some conflicts." (Local 15)

"Material plane or elemental plane, one varzone is much like the next; costly, disruptive, and a breeding ground for banditry"(planes 15)

"Ve can expect heavy gravity around Lodehollow, this vill introduce some hazards but I'll be able to point them out,"(planes 20)

With that out of the way, Van tries to understand a little more about the mission. "To be clear, our mission is to find the forge called Kandirion’s Pyre and to ensure the path is safe for other agents? Vhat do ve know about Kandirion’s Pyre? Does any faction or group currently control it?"

Moving down the list in his journal, Van continues. "Vhat is Grave Treaders interest here on the Plane of Earth? Did something go wrong that they vere not able to collect the first part of the reward, transport home to the Material Plane? You started finding pieces of the statue, may I see them" Van tries to inspect any statue pieces thoroughly. Perhaps this will help in casting a locate object later, perhaps not.

"I'm afraid I do not speak any of the local languages. Is anyone here a confident translator?" If not Van will pick up a scroll of tongues.

Satisfied for the time being, Van wraps his journal carefully and places it under his armor. "Do you have any tea, or coffee?"

Sovereign Court

Sirettis's Familiar | HP 68/68 | AC 18 T 12 FF 11 | Init 3 | Perception 10 | Saves 9/8/11 | 11 Witch | Female Sylph (native outsider) | CMD 16 | Spells -/6/6/6/4/3/2 | GM Reroll +2 | Overland Flight |

Side note: You're supposed to roll once for Diplomacy and once for K Planes. The higher your roll, the more spoilers you can read and reveal.

Silver Crusade

Spells 2nd 3/day, 1st 5/day Human AC 20, FF 19, T 12 Saves: F 7, R 3, W 8 Perception 11, Int 6 Spiritualist lvl 5 (Phantom Blade) Atk: PB +11 (1d8+7) GM Reroll +5

Stands and bows to the genie.
We will clear the areas of bandits so the area is safe. Breaking the Untouchable Opal is our highest priority and if this conincides with your bidding, then it shall be so.

Turning to the Master of Spells Did you have anyway of contacting Grave Treader directly? Or is there a token that we could have that Grave Treader would recognize?

Sovereign Court

Ironfang Invasion | Loot/Provisions | Combat Map
Van Vische wrote:
"To be clear, our mission is to find the forge called Kandirion’s Pyre and to ensure the path is safe for other agents? Vhat do ve know about Kandirion’s Pyre? Does any faction or group currently control it?"

Westyr nods along with Van's questioning. "Correct. We need to ensure safe passage to the Pyre for future expeditions. The Pyre itself is a supernatural forge which we hope to explore in the future, and little about as far as control goes is known to us. I doubt any one faction has power over it currently."

Kandirion's Pyre is explored during 8-25, beyond the scope of this adventure.

Van Vische wrote:
"Vhat is Grave Treaders interest here on the Plane of Earth? Did something go wrong that they vere not able to collect the first part of the reward, transport home to the Material Plane? You started finding pieces of the statue, may I see them"

"She was part of a Pathfinder team that accompanied me to the Crystal Womb, an Orvian Vault with close ties to the Plane of Earth. Without going into detail, everyone except Graves and me perished while trying to find a way out. This also where I became acquainted with Reyshal ik Jalman." She shrugs at the request. "I don't personally have any of the statue here. See if Reyshal ik Jalman is able to oblige you."

Rostam Raeburn wrote:
Did you have anyway of contacting Grave Treader directly? Or is there a token that we could have that Grave Treader would recognize?

"I've tried to contact Graves, but for some reason she left my communications unanswered." Westyr sighs. "A wayfinder might be of assistance in indicating your Society membership. I trust you've all obtained one of them by this stage?" She beams.

If there are no other questions, we will be off tomorrow IRL time!

Grand Lodge

Human Bard 7| AC18 T13 F16 | HP 52/59 | CMD:18 | F:+6 R:+8 W:+6 | Init:+8 | Perception: +3 | Spells: 3rd-0/2 2nd-0/4 1st-5/5, Bardic Performance 16/19, Lore Master 1/1 | Active Effects:Flagbearer (+1)

Van Vische blushes bright red, "That vas Reyshal ik Jalman from the Crystal Vomb! I'm ashamed I do not spend a lot of time around shaitan, I did not recognize him..." They all look alike...

"Vhy did he not bring our previous acquaintance up? I did severely out-haggle him in the Crystal Vomb, maybe he is still ashamed of that?"

Van participated in 7-13 Captive in Crystal, rescuing Sorrina.

Sovereign Court

Neutral | Human Male | Samurai 10 | AC 25 (T 15/Fl 21) | hp 93/93| Init +3 | F:+9 R:+6 W:+4 | Perception +1 | Yurei hp 72/72 | Arrows: 24 | Crown: 8/10 | Resolve 3/4 | Challenge 2/4
Enlarge: 40 charges | Bless Weapon: 4 charges | CLW: 20 charges

I would like to purchase a potion of resist energy for 300 gp from my The Sun Orchid Scheme chronicle.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28

Uesugi wanders about the settlement listening to the conversations of others as well as initiating his own. Returning he relays the information to the rest of the party.

Please see spoilers for Diplomacy: Gather Knowledge

"With the information gathered I should be able to move us through the Crystalmaw Pass. Although we must prepare for the heat. Do so if you have not already." Uesugi removes from his pack a jar with a brown substance in it. "Let us not forget to use these if you still carry them with you." Looking at Van Vische and Rostam he adds, "A valuable resource that we gathered on one of our many travels together. The substance soaks in the heat."

Repurposed Trap boon from 'Gallows of Madness: What Lurks in these Woods'

Sovereign Court

Neutral | Human Male | Samurai 10 | AC 25 (T 15/Fl 21) | hp 93/93| Init +3 | F:+9 R:+6 W:+4 | Perception +1 | Yurei hp 72/72 | Arrows: 24 | Crown: 8/10 | Resolve 3/4 | Challenge 2/4
Enlarge: 40 charges | Bless Weapon: 4 charges | CLW: 20 charges

oops let me also purchase a cure serious wounds potion with 2 PP and 2 cure moderate potions. Including the resist energy that is 2 PP and 900 gp for tracking purposes

Sovereign Court

Ironfang Invasion | Loot/Provisions | Combat Map
Van Vische wrote:
"Vhy did he not bring our previous acquaintance up? I did severely out-haggle him in the Crystal Vomb, maybe he is still ashamed of that?"

Westyr muffles a laugh. "Reyshal ik Jalman isn't the type of being I'd expect to be ashamed of anything. Even if he were, do you think he'd admit it?" She smiles. "I thank you again for your assistance back then, Van. Your continued service to the Society is appreciated."

The Master of Spells leads you ahead and pulls out a wand. "Take this wand. It contains four charges of the spell stone shape, quite handy in the Plane of Earth. It's yours to keep."

As promised, Reyshal's store of goods waits for you outside. It contains high-quality versions of basic equipment that including food, water, camping gear, and a general map of the region.

Sorrina Westyr offers her good fortune and you depart Lodehollow for the border region. The path from Lodehollow to the border snakes through the outskirts of gargantuan caverns. Luminous crystals and other strange lights twinkle in the distance, hinting at the actual mindbending proportions of these caverns. The cavern ceilings climb upwards beyond sight and sheer drops disappear far, far below into darkness.

The oppressive gravity here weighs you down, and everything you're carrying suddenly feels twice as heavy.

If you were carrying a light load but would normally be carrying more than half of the threshold for a medium load, you are effectively carrying a medium load. If you are carrying enough for a medium load, it's now heavy, and if you were carrying a heavy load, you can no longer move. :)

Please make a DC 20 Fortitude save or take 5d4 nonlethal damage from the tire of moving through heavy gravity. Success halves the damage. If someone succeeds at a DC 22 Survival check to find an optimal path and reduce the heavy gravity (with an automatic +4 from succeeding at the earlier Knowledge/Diplo checks), the whole party gets a +2 on their Fortitude save. This does not stack.

Grand Lodge

Human Bard 7| AC18 T13 F16 | HP 52/59 | CMD:18 | F:+6 R:+8 W:+6 | Init:+8 | Perception: +3 | Spells: 3rd-0/2 2nd-0/4 1st-5/5, Bardic Performance 16/19, Lore Master 1/1 | Active Effects:Flagbearer (+1)

Listening to the rumors Uesugi brought back, "Actual rivers of lava? Makes the vampires and ghouls of homeland seem quaint."

"Speaking of my assistance back then, and how you said if I ever need anything to just ask..?" Van uses 2 PP to purchase of scroll of tongues. Also uses 1 PP to purchase a potion of resist energy.


Van goes over the map and starts translating any unfamiliar terminology to Material Plane equivalents, and then hands the map over to whoever is navigating. Van aids Rostam(?) on the survival check.

survival (aid), knowledge bonus: 1d20 - 1 + 4 ⇒ (8) - 1 + 4 = 11

fortitude: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

Is this the same day as the briefing?

Dark Archive

Active effects:
5 burn, 5% per point of burn chance of negating a sneak attack or crit.
HP: 66/66, [Overflow HP: 73/73] (7 temp HP) AC: 18/15/14. F+10, R+10, W+4, Init +10, Perc +8, low light vision, spd 30ft

Fort: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

D. calmly listens to the conversations.

This Van Vische seems to have ventured interesting places as well.
I wonder what his specialty will be.

Sovereign Court

Sirettis's Familiar | HP 68/68 | AC 18 T 12 FF 11 | Init 3 | Perception 10 | Saves 9/8/11 | 11 Witch | Female Sylph (native outsider) | CMD 16 | Spells -/6/6/6/4/3/2 | GM Reroll +2 | Overland Flight |

Sirettis leaves Lodehollow and can already feel the increased strain on her.

Survival(Aid): 1d20 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 1 + 2 = 13

Fort Save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
Fatigue Damage: 5d4 ⇒ (3, 4, 2, 1, 4) = 14
Already the increased gravity is weighing her down. "This gravity...I am not ready for it."

Sovereign Court

Neutral | Human Male | Samurai 10 | AC 25 (T 15/Fl 21) | hp 93/93| Init +3 | F:+9 R:+6 W:+4 | Perception +1 | Yurei hp 72/72 | Arrows: 24 | Crown: 8/10 | Resolve 3/4 | Challenge 2/4
Enlarge: 40 charges | Bless Weapon: 4 charges | CLW: 20 charges

Uesugi leads the group out of Lodehollow after a plotting what he intends to be a safe route to the Crystalmaw Pass.

survival+aids+knowledge bonus: 1d20 + 10 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 10 + 4 + 4 = 34

He looks back at the others as the move through the region. While the burden is more than usual Uesugi keeps the group to a path where the gravity feels slightly lessened.

Fortitude+bonus: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 7 + 2 = 11

use my Resolve ability to reroll Fort check
Fortitude+bonus: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 7 + 2 = 27
Fort damage: 5d4 ⇒ (2, 1, 3, 3, 4) = 13 7 nl damage

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Brawler (Mutagenic Mauler) 10 / Skald (Spell Warrior) 1 | HP 95/95 | AC 23, Touch 14, Flatfooted 20, CMD 27* | Saves F+13, R+11, W+7 | Perception +4, Sense Motive +5; Init +2 | Knockout: 2/2 | Weapon Song Rds Used: 5/5 | Status: N/A

Before leaving the city, Gallix does his part to stimulate the economy by stopping by a weapon smith's shop. Among all the unusual items he finds, one thing in particular catches his eye: a cestus, wrought of a strange dull grey metal that looks as if it was carved from the very bones of the world.

While in town, Gallix buys a potion of shield of faith and an adamantine cestus!

Following Uesugi's lead out of the city, Gallix trudges through the unnaturally high gravity fields of the plane, trying his best to remember his endurance training from all those years ago on Jalmeray.

Fortitude: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 8 + 2 = 11
NL Damage: 5d4 ⇒ (3, 2, 1, 1, 4) = 11 Fail! So I take all that.
I think I might be up to a medium load, so it's a medium load for me.

Silver Crusade

Spells 2nd 3/day, 1st 5/day Human AC 20, FF 19, T 12 Saves: F 7, R 3, W 8 Perception 11, Int 6 Spiritualist lvl 5 (Phantom Blade) Atk: PB +11 (1d8+7) GM Reroll +5

Rostam feels the oppressive gravity bear on him as he and his companions slog through to their destination. Kadris is out and ready for all eventualities.

fortitude: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 7 + 2 = 23
NL Damage: 5d4 ⇒ (3, 1, 4, 3, 1) = 12

Rostam will freely use his wand of Cure Light Wounds if anybody needs it.

Sovereign Court

Ironfang Invasion | Loot/Provisions | Combat Map

Same day as the briefing.
Nonlethal, D.Arth: 5d4 ⇒ (4, 4, 3, 4, 1) = 16 Divide by 2

After traversing the gravity-oppressive path for another 2d20 ⇒ (11, 6) = 17 minutes, a chokepoint in the path widens into a small cavern. The remnants of a pair of merchant wagons lie overturned on the ground beside the chokepoint, surrounded by several bodies. In the distance, plumes of smoke and a red glow color the landscape.

Perception DC 19:

Examining the merchant wagons, you discover definitive signs that a group of humanoid bandits attacked the caravan and made off with many of its valuables.

Heal DC 15:
Many of the wounds on the bodies were inflicted by an uncommonly large blade. A few of these large wounds are cauterized, as if the blade were extremely hot.

Near the wagon, two beasts as wide as they are tall and with three arms, three legs, three eyes, and one huge mouth pick through the remnants. One of them grabs a metal box and shakes it around, listening to something rattling inside. It smashes the box on the ground several times, determined to get it open, but the box seems impenetrable, resisting all of its efforts. The creature appears to be getting visibly agitated. What do you do?

Kn (Planes) DC 21:
Both of the creatures are xorns, treasure-loving extraplanar beasts.

Sovereign Court

Sirettis's Familiar | HP 68/68 | AC 18 T 12 FF 11 | Init 3 | Perception 10 | Saves 9/8/11 | 11 Witch | Female Sylph (native outsider) | CMD 16 | Spells -/6/6/6/4/3/2 | GM Reroll +2 | Overland Flight |

Sirettis is clearly exhausted from the gravity, but it doesn't matter. She sees injured bodies, she rushes toward the wagon to help.
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
Isa's Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15

Heal: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
"The wounds were caused by large blades. The blades were extremely hot. See how the wounds are cauterized?" Sirettis looks for any survivors before looking at the beasts.

Knowledge(Planes): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
"What...are those? Are they animals? I may be able to calm them down."

Sovereign Court

Neutral | Human Male | Samurai 10 | AC 25 (T 15/Fl 21) | hp 93/93| Init +3 | F:+9 R:+6 W:+4 | Perception +1 | Yurei hp 72/72 | Arrows: 24 | Crown: 8/10 | Resolve 3/4 | Challenge 2/4
Enlarge: 40 charges | Bless Weapon: 4 charges | CLW: 20 charges

"What are these creatures? They seem more interessted in the contents of the box than us. But by the way it seems to be getting agitated that might soon change." he looks at Van Vische hoping that he can shed some information on whatever the creature is.

perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15

Grand Lodge

Human Bard 7| AC18 T13 F16 | HP 52/59 | CMD:18 | F:+6 R:+8 W:+6 | Init:+8 | Perception: +3 | Spells: 3rd-0/2 2nd-0/4 1st-5/5, Bardic Performance 16/19, Lore Master 1/1 | Active Effects:Flagbearer (+1)

Was the nonlethal save for half?
5d4 ⇒ (4, 4, 2, 4, 1) = 15

heal: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (20) - 1 = 19
knowledge(planes): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13
perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

Behind you, you see the Glyph of the Open Road flying from Van's spear, and you know you are backed by the entire might and weight of the Pathfinder Society; +1 to hit, +1 damage, morale bonus if you are within 30ft and can see the flag.

"These beasts did not kill the merchants. Other than that, I've know nothing of these creatures..." Walking over to stand beside Uesugi, Van finds a good solid piece of earth to brace his spear against and gives a nod to Sirettis. "I vant a closer look at those vagons, those rumors suggested Grave Treader might be involved vith the bandits."

The Exchange

Male Human Brawler (Mutagenic Mauler) 10 / Skald (Spell Warrior) 1 | HP 95/95 | AC 23, Touch 14, Flatfooted 20, CMD 27* | Saves F+13, R+11, W+7 | Perception +4, Sense Motive +5; Init +2 | Knockout: 2/2 | Weapon Song Rds Used: 5/5 | Status: N/A

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

"Ugh, bandits! This is just like those orcs we faced in Belkzen. Looks like they came and killed the drivers and made off with the valuables. Despicable!"

Grand Lodge

Human Bard 7| AC18 T13 F16 | HP 52/59 | CMD:18 | F:+6 R:+8 W:+6 | Init:+8 | Perception: +3 | Spells: 3rd-0/2 2nd-0/4 1st-5/5, Bardic Performance 16/19, Lore Master 1/1 | Active Effects:Flagbearer (+1)

"I think this can only go one of a few vays, and I vill need this for all of them" Van casts Heightened Awareness on himself from a wand.

Silver Crusade

Spells 2nd 3/day, 1st 5/day Human AC 20, FF 19, T 12 Saves: F 7, R 3, W 8 Perception 11, Int 6 Spiritualist lvl 5 (Phantom Blade) Atk: PB +11 (1d8+7) GM Reroll +5

Rostam examines the bodies, shaking his head as he looks at the grievious wounds.

perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14
knowledge(pl): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
heal: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16

Rostam steps away from examining, I agree that the wounds were caused by a large bladed weapon of some type and not by these creatures. But I've never heard or seen these creatures before.
He turns to Gallix. Fought the orcs in Belkzen? How'd that go for you? Some of my compatriots from Last Wall lost their lives holding back the tide.
Rostam taps himself with his wand of CLW.

CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Stupid Wand

Sovereign Court

Sirettis's Familiar | HP 68/68 | AC 18 T 12 FF 11 | Init 3 | Perception 10 | Saves 9/8/11 | 11 Witch | Female Sylph (native outsider) | CMD 16 | Spells -/6/6/6/4/3/2 | GM Reroll +2 | Overland Flight |

"I understand." With the knowledge that bandits are close, Sirettis fluffs her hair, allowing the wind to blow her strands apart. The hair seems to take a life of its own, falling to her knees and flapping like a pair of wings.

Activating Flight & Prehensile Hair hex.

Sovereign Court

Ironfang Invasion | Loot/Provisions | Combat Map

As you survey the scene, the beast determined on smashing open the box turns its huge head to you and calls out in Common, its voice a low rumble. "Stay back. I saw the box first!"

It picks it up and tosses it across the length of the cavern, where it smashes against the wall and falls to the ground - still unopened.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sirettis's Familiar | HP 68/68 | AC 18 T 12 FF 11 | Init 3 | Perception 10 | Saves 9/8/11 | 11 Witch | Female Sylph (native outsider) | CMD 16 | Spells -/6/6/6/4/3/2 | GM Reroll +2 | Overland Flight |

Clearly not a simple animal...

"There is no reason not to share. We are all friends here, yes?"

Sirettis edges closer (within 40 feet) and casts Charm Monster on it (Will Save DC 19 to resist)

Grand Lodge

Human Bard 7| AC18 T13 F16 | HP 52/59 | CMD:18 | F:+6 R:+8 W:+6 | Init:+8 | Perception: +3 | Spells: 3rd-0/2 2nd-0/4 1st-5/5, Bardic Performance 16/19, Lore Master 1/1 | Active Effects:Flagbearer (+1)

Van Vische does his best to hide his surprise as the beast talks. Caught dropping the lantern for the second time today! This Plane is not going vell.

"Yes, yes, ve see that you found the box first. It looks like you are having trouble with that box, as the Varisians say; you share your vater, and ve vill share our food. Tell us what your know of the battle that vas fought here, of the tattooed woman, of the large fire swords, and ve will help you open that box."

As Van speaks he slips in and out of a convincing oratory, brief statements carrying a lingering impact. Van uses inspire competence and lingering performance to provide a minute of inspiration for the the cost of 4 rounds of performance.

diplomacy: 1d20 + 14 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 14 + 3 = 24 Attempting to improve the creature's attitude.

You beat me to the post, but I like your way.

spellcraft: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

Van stops and waits to see what Sirettis cast and what comes of it.

Sovereign Court

Neutral | Human Male | Samurai 10 | AC 25 (T 15/Fl 21) | hp 93/93| Init +3 | F:+9 R:+6 W:+4 | Perception +1 | Yurei hp 72/72 | Arrows: 24 | Crown: 8/10 | Resolve 3/4 | Challenge 2/4
Enlarge: 40 charges | Bless Weapon: 4 charges | CLW: 20 charges

"It speaks. Maybe we can aid it. It may know of the ambush that occurred." Uesugi moves towards the creature very slowly.

"We have no desire for the box or its contents. But we can help you to open the box if you will help us in return?"

diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29

Dark Archive

Active effects:
5 burn, 5% per point of burn chance of negating a sneak attack or crit.
HP: 66/66, [Overflow HP: 73/73] (7 temp HP) AC: 18/15/14. F+10, R+10, W+4, Init +10, Perc +8, low light vision, spd 30ft

If need be, i can use the box as my object for my blast, pound it untill it breaks.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Spells 2nd 3/day, 1st 5/day Human AC 20, FF 19, T 12 Saves: F 7, R 3, W 8 Perception 11, Int 6 Spiritualist lvl 5 (Phantom Blade) Atk: PB +11 (1d8+7) GM Reroll +5

Sees Sirettis cast a spell...

spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

Recognizes the spell as Charm Monster and thiinks to Kadris, I hope this works

Swift action: wand of shield comes out so it's ready to be cast.

Seeing the honeyed words of the resident Samurai, Rostam adds his own voice to the discussion. Honored Uesugi is correct. We would love to have your assistance in our quest

diplomacy aid: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (7) - 2 = 5

However, the black scar across his eyes is really off putting and it really doesn't help.

Epic Fail

Sovereign Court

Ironfang Invasion | Loot/Provisions | Combat Map

Slide 2 in the link in my header has a picture of what these beasts look like, if you're curious.

Will save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
The creature falls under Sirettis' charm, and stops its box-smashing to consider Uesugi's words, putting its third arm under its "chin" in thought. "Oh? Please, if you think you have a better chance at opening it than I do, be on with it, but I am nearly four times your size, human. If my strength does not work, why would yours?"

The other earthen creature stops rummaging though the overturned wagons and looks pointedly at its comrade. "You're too trusting, Ohm. They are going to steal the contents for themselves."

Ohm sighs, folding its three legs under itself to sit down, then looks at Uesugi expectantly. "Go ahead, open it. But I demand that I get to keep the metal goodies inside!"

Sovereign Court

Neutral | Human Male | Samurai 10 | AC 25 (T 15/Fl 21) | hp 93/93| Init +3 | F:+9 R:+6 W:+4 | Perception +1 | Yurei hp 72/72 | Arrows: 24 | Crown: 8/10 | Resolve 3/4 | Challenge 2/4
Enlarge: 40 charges | Bless Weapon: 4 charges | CLW: 20 charges

Uesugi nods at the creature and heads over to the metal box. Drawing his adamantine katana he slides the blade just under seal to cut open the lock and doing his best not to damage the contents within.

Did you need me to roll anything?

Sovereign Court

Ironfang Invasion | Loot/Provisions | Combat Map

Yup - my bad. I'll need a DC 25 Disable Device check. Or you can smash it. Hardness 10, hp 25, break DC 25.

Sovereign Court

Neutral | Human Male | Samurai 10 | AC 25 (T 15/Fl 21) | hp 93/93| Init +3 | F:+9 R:+6 W:+4 | Perception +1 | Yurei hp 72/72 | Arrows: 24 | Crown: 8/10 | Resolve 3/4 | Challenge 2/4
Enlarge: 40 charges | Bless Weapon: 4 charges | CLW: 20 charges

I will assume its a medium size object AC 5 since it is inanimate. Adamantine bypasses any hardness less than 20

katana 1st strike '2hand'+p.a: 1d20 + 12 - 2 ⇒ (10) + 12 - 2 = 20
damage: 1d8 + 5 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 5 + 6 = 16
katana 2nd strike '2hand'+p.a: 1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (10) + 7 - 2 = 15
damage: 1d8 + 5 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 5 + 6 = 15

Uesugi cuts the box open with two strikes.

The Exchange

Male Human Brawler (Mutagenic Mauler) 10 / Skald (Spell Warrior) 1 | HP 95/95 | AC 23, Touch 14, Flatfooted 20, CMD 27* | Saves F+13, R+11, W+7 | Perception +4, Sense Motive +5; Init +2 | Knockout: 2/2 | Weapon Song Rds Used: 5/5 | Status: N/A

Gallix tucks his thieve's tools back away as Uesugi slices the box open with two smooth strikes of his blade.

Sovereign Court

Sirettis's Familiar | HP 68/68 | AC 18 T 12 FF 11 | Init 3 | Perception 10 | Saves 9/8/11 | 11 Witch | Female Sylph (native outsider) | CMD 16 | Spells -/6/6/6/4/3/2 | GM Reroll +2 | Overland Flight |

<Wasn't that fun? Now you have a little pet.>

Sirettis shakes off that feeling. I was simply searching for a nonviolent solution.

<Of course, of course! Keep telling yourself that.>

"Thank you. My friends here are skilled at...yes, very skilled. Sometimes you need the correct tool for the job, Ohm. My name is Sirettis, and I am pleased to meet you."

Grand Lodge

Human Bard 7| AC18 T13 F16 | HP 52/59 | CMD:18 | F:+6 R:+8 W:+6 | Init:+8 | Perception: +3 | Spells: 3rd-0/2 2nd-0/4 1st-5/5, Bardic Performance 16/19, Lore Master 1/1 | Active Effects:Flagbearer (+1)

Van casts detect magic, and keeps an eager eye on what is in the box.

Dark Archive

Active effects:
5 burn, 5% per point of burn chance of negating a sneak attack or crit.
HP: 66/66, [Overflow HP: 73/73] (7 temp HP) AC: 18/15/14. F+10, R+10, W+4, Init +10, Perc +8, low light vision, spd 30ft

You've jogged my memory of something hilarious of years ago.

Best i'd not link the youtube. ^^

Sovereign Court

Ironfang Invasion | Loot/Provisions | Combat Map

Uesugi's blade cuts open the lock like a knife through butter, and the contents spill out the sides - a pile of emeralds, rubies, and amethysts in various shapes and sizes. The creature leaps over and grabs a fistful of rubies, dumping them into its huge mouth. "That's the stuff! Tasty!" The other xorn similarly rushes over to join in the meal, but much like two seagulls fighting over a piece of bread, the gems crumble underneath the weight of the beasts and they quickly lap up any remaining fragments.

When their feast concludes, Ohm walks up to Uesugi, looking down at him. "Thank you. You have our appreciation. I'm Ohm, and this is Thul. We are xorn - creatures of the earth. If you seek passage through here, I can repay the favor by being your guide." He lumbers ahead past the destroyed wagon, then mumbles "There are veins of gold just ahead just waiting to be eaten, but don't tell Thul that..."

Follow him as you move through Crystalmaw Pass, or continue on your way alone?

Sovereign Court

Sirettis's Familiar | HP 68/68 | AC 18 T 12 FF 11 | Init 3 | Perception 10 | Saves 9/8/11 | 11 Witch | Female Sylph (native outsider) | CMD 16 | Spells -/6/6/6/4/3/2 | GM Reroll +2 | Overland Flight |

I hope none of that was magical...
"Oh, we are quite thankful for your help. We could benefit from a safe passage." She looks to her allies.

Grand Lodge

Human Bard 7| AC18 T13 F16 | HP 52/59 | CMD:18 | F:+6 R:+8 W:+6 | Init:+8 | Perception: +3 | Spells: 3rd-0/2 2nd-0/4 1st-5/5, Bardic Performance 16/19, Lore Master 1/1 | Active Effects:Flagbearer (+1)

Van shoulders his spear and follows their lead.

"Are you acquainted vith the local bandits?
The ones vith flaming swords and the woman vith tattoos?"

sense motive: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (19) + 14 = 33 Are they sincere in their offer to guide?

Sovereign Court

Neutral | Human Male | Samurai 10 | AC 25 (T 15/Fl 21) | hp 93/93| Init +3 | F:+9 R:+6 W:+4 | Perception +1 | Yurei hp 72/72 | Arrows: 24 | Crown: 8/10 | Resolve 3/4 | Challenge 2/4
Enlarge: 40 charges | Bless Weapon: 4 charges | CLW: 20 charges

Uesugi nods. "We would be honoured to have you act as our guides. You are native to these lands what can you also tell us of the Crystalmaw Pass? What should we expect?"

Sovereign Court

Ironfang Invasion | Loot/Provisions | Combat Map

Van Vische does not get the sense that the xorn are lying about their offer to guide.

"We travel this pass to consume what the earth gifts to us," Ohm says, chewing on a gemstone. "I have not seen such a human with these... tattoos. At Crystlmaw Pass, we will be at the divide between Earth and Fire. Rivers of lava. Blistering, hot air. Molten rock. A difficult place. You are not made like I am," the xorn uses one arm to pick up a rock and another to throw it against its earthen body, proudly displaying its toughness. "Be prepared."

Prep if you'd like to. I'll move us there tomorrow.

Sovereign Court

Sirettis's Familiar | HP 68/68 | AC 18 T 12 FF 11 | Init 3 | Perception 10 | Saves 9/8/11 | 11 Witch | Female Sylph (native outsider) | CMD 16 | Spells -/6/6/6/4/3/2 | GM Reroll +2 | Overland Flight |

"Thank you. We are in your debt."
Times like this makes me with I had resist energy!

Silver Crusade

Spells 2nd 3/day, 1st 5/day Human AC 20, FF 19, T 12 Saves: F 7, R 3, W 8 Perception 11, Int 6 Spiritualist lvl 5 (Phantom Blade) Atk: PB +11 (1d8+7) GM Reroll +5

Thank you for your kind assistance

I have a wand of endure elements and two scrolls of resist energy if we get desperate

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