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"Mind sharing that vand of endure elements Rostam? I'm afraid I do not have any similar magics. I vould rather use it and not need it; that is a kind of thing that once you know you need it, you are already effected by heat stroke."
Van will also cure some of his non-lethal damage, and will use anyone else's wands should they wish him to operate them.
cure light wounds, wand: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
He also moves his potion of resist energy to an accessible location in his bandoleer. Retrieve as a move action! Really need a handy haversack.

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No problem, Van Rostam pulls out his wand of endure elements and not only taps Van Viche but anybody else who wants it. He also taps himself.

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The xorn leads you along Crystalmaw Pass as promised, detouring only once to munch on some tasty veins of gold. Rivers of molten rock cut through the landscape here as if raked by giant fiery claws. Blackened weapons jut out from the ground and ashen skeletons lie scattered in hollows left by past explosions as lone crystals still glow meekly among the destruction. The Crystalmaw Pass snakes through the wartorn vista.
As gravity returns to normal, the aches in your muscles quickly fade. Soon, you draw closer to the planar border, and the air becomes blisteringly hot while clouds of poisonous gas vent from rivers of molten rock.
Ohm pushes ahead, indicating a more optimal route with all three arms. "Here. Stay close, and you will have a better chance of staying alive."
Roll a Reflex save to traverse this region. Add +2 for having Ohm as your guide. Add +2 if you have opted for endure elements. I have a roll table for this, so results may vary. :)

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As gravity returns to normal, Sirettis quickly pulls out her wand.
Cure Light Wounds: 3d8 + 3 ⇒ (8, 3, 1) + 3 = 15
"Rostam, I will take the wand of Endure Elements. It is quite hot in here."
"Thank you, Ohm. As you mentioned, we are much more fragile than you."
Reflex: 1d20 + 6 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 6 + 2 + 2 = 17

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reflex: 1d20 + 8 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 8 + 2 + 2 = 22
"Better chance of staying alive? V'at did you think our chances v'ere before your help?" Van asks as he picks his way through the vents, trying to ensure no stray sparks burn the glyph of the open road banner.
"Apropos of this current mission, anyone know a way to reinforcement cloth? Make it more resistant to rips, tears and fires?"

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D. accepts the endure elements buff, nodding in appreciation.
Reflex: 1d20 + 10 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 10 + 2 + 2 = 19

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As you wish, Sirettis and D Rostam taps them with his wand of endure elements. Comfortable Temperatures will soon be yours!
reflex: 1d20 + 3 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 3 + 2 + 2 = 9
The dice God for this site doesn't seem to be my friend. GM Red, I just assigned the Gauntlet chronicle to this pc. You're not allowed to kill him. Lol. I'm just kidding. What happens, happens.

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Van quickly yells an arcane word! "Easy there Rostam"
Van casts gallant inspiration, Rostam adds 2d4 to their reflex save.
gallant inspiration: 2d4 ⇒ (4, 1) = 5

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Gallix produces his own wand of endure elements that he had obtained during the Red Arm's travels in Thuvia. "Thanks for the offer, Rostam. I'll use my own wand, or rather, I'll ask for your help to use it. Thanks for the help, pal!"
Reflex, Guide, Endure Elements: 1d20 + 8 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 8 + 2 + 2 = 31
Gallix picks his way through the dangerous pass, his feather step slippers helping him to smoothly leap from stone to stone and avoid the worst of what the passage has to offer. "Haha! Well Ohm, guess I don't need to be as tough as you if I can keep light on my feet, right?"

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And cancel that, just as I was linking the spell gallant inspiration, I noticed that it can't be used for saves.

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Uesugi benefiting from the brown mold thinks nothing of the heat as strides in his tatomi-do. "This will do fine. My thanks to you." he says displaying the jar containing the mold.
Reflex: 1d20 + 5 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 5 + 2 + 2 = 26

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I keep forgetting that brown mold. Save your charge, Rostam.

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don't forget that jar we almost got blown up because of it if I recall correctly

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Knowledge(Nature), take ten: 11 + 11 = 22
Van watches Sirettis and Uesugi with curiosity. After a few seconds pass in the heat, and they don't suffer a terrible frigid death he asks: "That must not be brown mold, is it processed? Or a less harmful strain? May I take a small sample? I vould be most interested in its study."

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"Definitely take some but do so after our task is complete here. We found it amongst some goblins that were terrorizing a town not too long ago. As to your other questions I cannot say anything else. Mr. Peppers our wu jen practitioner would be better able to answer if he were here."

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"This is brown mold. Sir Uesugi is correct, we found this at a goblin camp. It keeps you surprisingly cool in warm environments."
Knowledge(Nature): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30
"As for its properties, the mold seems to thrive off of excess heat, although when exposed to cold it absorbs heat from nearby sources of heat-like ourselves. I believe the sealed jar cuts off its air, so it maintains equilibrium and does not grow to much or shrink away to nothingness."
Well, there's my 20.

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Van and D.Arth feel only a slight sting from the hot air burning their lungs, and take 2d6 ⇒ (6, 3) = 9 nonlethal fire damage each. Sirettis stumbles too close to the river and a vent of poisonous black air shoots onto her skin. She takes 4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 2, 3) = 12 nonlethal fire damage, 1d3 ⇒ 2 Con damage, and feels fatigued. Rostam, unfortunately, trips over a large boulder and dunks his head through the ground. As he does, the vent bubbles over in a cascade of black and red lava. He takes 4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 4, 1) = 7 nonlethal fire damage, 1d6 ⇒ 5 Con damage, and feels fatigued.
Gallix and Uesugi follow Ohm closely enough and avoid the treacherous elements of the Pass.
These effects cannot be healed until you rest in a more temperate area.
As you traverse the hot, narrow tunnels, you hear a conversation ahead echoing through a large cavern in the elemental tongue.
A woman curses, "These guard duties are damned boring, and this accursed heat. Why don’t they send that ifrit down here? She’d probably find this pleasant!"
A man’s voice cautions, “I know, but you need to be careful about speaking like that. The boss won’t like it one bit.”
Ohm stops just before the cavern entrance. "This is as far as I go. The area ahead is too dangerous for my kind to venture through."

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At the first sign of being able to eavesdrop on the foreign language, Van digs a scroll out of his case and quickly casts it.
Van casts comprehend languages from a scroll.
GM Red, is Van able to cast the spell quick enough to catch the conversation? I haven't looked at the spoiler yet in case the voices stop before Van finishes the spell.
"To dangerous for a mighty creature like you Ohm? V'at lies vithin these caverns?" Van tries to squeeze some more info out of Ohm before bidding him farewell.
diplomacy: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (8) + 14 = 22

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Sirettis casts Comprehend Languages as they approach. Similar question to Vaan: do I have time to perceive and cast?
"Thank you for your help, Ohm. If you ever need help, please visit the Pathfinder Society."

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I think I'll blur the fantasy/realism line and say yes. At least, Van seems the type to hear a word of Terran and think to himself 'Oy, I vonder v'at they are saying'

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Behind you the Glyph of the Open Road is flying from Van's spear, you know you are backed by the entire might and weight of the Society; +1 to hit, +2 damage, morale bonus if you are within 30ft and can see the flag.
Van makes a gesture for silence, nods to Sirettis, and whispers to the group; "Two guards, bored and unhappy. They mentioned an ifrit but I don't know if they are bandits."
Following the non-violent precedent that had been set earlier in the day, Van retrieves his waterskin as a gesture of good will and prepares to enter the cavern and great these guards. Van laughs to himself and then shares his inside joke; "Longspear in one hand, peace offering in the other. And the academy said I vas not poetic enough."

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Yes, Van can do that.
"Not all people are as forgiving as you. Most would attack on sight, and I have seen many humans beyond that cavern." With that, Ohm burrows into the ground, becoming one with the earth itself. "Travel safely."
The tunnel opens up ahead into a broad cavern. A stone bridge spans a 30-foot-deep rift in the ground. Clusters of stalagmites sprout from the ground, some of them soaring fifty feet into the air. Luminous crystals embedded in the stalagmites fill the chamber with a soft green glow.
We've got a map on Slide 3.
How will you approach?

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A lone stone bridge...smells like a trap. :)
D. peers upon the field for any big boulders the entire team might be able to stand upon.
Can we see any of the (totally inconspicuous icons) enemies?

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"I would like to be diplomatic in this approach. But first, Sir D. I mean, Sir D. Arth. I mean... ugh. Could you please scout ahead? See if they are bandits?"
"If diplomacy fails I will conjure a cloud we can use to make our entrance."

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You can see them all. They're standing guard, but not hiding behind the boulders.

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"I will apply some cloud cover, then." Sirettis activates her flight and prehensile hair hexes.
"Are you all ready, then?"

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Rostam tries to stay with the group, thinking to himself I knew I should have picked up that potion of lesser restoration
4 fire resistance means he takes 3 points of nonlethal dmg
He quietly pulls out his wand of CLW and muttering a command word taps himself with the wand.
CLW wand: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
That will take care of the NL dmg I took earlier. How do I see Slide 3?

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Gallix steps up alongside Van. "Hey, pal, you probably don't wanna head in there alone. I'll come up with you. Keep these in the old pockets and hopefully not tip off our friends across the way," he holds up with cesti, then shoves his fists in his pockets to hide the weapons.
Not sure how best to do this. Typically I think concealing my weapons would be a sleight of hand check, but that's trained only. Could I possibly try it with a bluff check?

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Nodding at Sirettis' suggestion, Van casts message on the group to help with any scouting. With a duration of 70 minutes, message will be up at all times. "Sir D. Arth, just give us the signal if you see a trap or something off."
"Oh yes Gallix, I have no intention of dying young. I'm not entering there vithout you, Rostam, and Uesugi at my side. I'd rather complete any negotiations from a position of strength, so I vill be bringing my spear."

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Uesugi keeps his katana sheathed and walks beside Van. "Let us proceed when you are ready."

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D. carefully explores the bridge and the other side of the chasm.
Take 10 for 32 on stealth, this includes the +10 from invisibility.
Take 10 for 18 on perception to check the bridge for suspicious parts.
His path is according to the orange arrow.
Take 10 for 18 to perhaps overhear them talking?

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Rostam, click the Graves of Crystalmaw Pass link just above my avatar ^. One other thing is that you can't heal that NL damage until you're in a more temperate environment, and this cavern is still uncomfortably warm.
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 261d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 201d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 151d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28
D.Arth advances under cover of invisibility and inspects the bridge. He finds that the bridge looks rather sturdy and lacks any traps. He's able to pass through with ease. The oreads are conversing in Terran in what sounds like idle banter. The nearest one sighs loudly, leaning up against a boulder as he begins to tinker with his crossbow.

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Hmm....a pity i can't understand them.
D. looks up.
Anything that could plausibly 'fall', due to 'natural causes'?
Merely for strategic purposes, of course.
Whatever the outcome of the ooc, D. silently returns to the others, dropping his stealth as he comes close.
"Four individuals. They seem bored, and they are armed.
As i do not understand their speech, i cannot say if they would be unfriendly towards us, or not."

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The Glyph of the Open Road is flying from Van's spear, you know you are backed by the entire might and weight of the Society; +1 to hit, +1 damage, morale bonus if you are within 30ft and can see the flag.
"Ok, I hope this can end peacefully but if not lets be the ones that hit first."
Nodding to the other Van squares his shoulders, straightens his coat and walks out with the group. Start inspire competence(diplomacy), will use linger performance to stretch this out to 12 round by using 4 rounds of oratory. After 12 round Van stops using performance, just enough for first impressions.
In taldane (common) "Greetings brave varriors, I see you are keeping a constant vigil on the border of hostile territory. Ve come with gifts of cool vater and vith parlay. I'm here to negotiate safe future travel for the Pathfinder Society, bring me your leader." Van keeps an easy smile, leaning against his longspear propped against the ground, the glyph of the open road hanging lazily from it, waterskin full of water offered in the other hand.
diplomacy: 1d20 + 14 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 14 + 3 = 34

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Prior to approaching, D. goes stealth again.
Aside from the boulder the one oread is leaning against, are there any other large sized boulders on our own end?
If possible, D. would have it levitate across the ceiling, if tensions would seem to go bad.

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Sure, it's a rocky cavern. There's bound to be boulders everywhere.
At Van's first word, all four oreads grab their maces and walk towards the other end of the bridge, opposite Van. One of them shouts across the bridge in Common, his voice echoing through the cavern. "Our leader? What do you know of her?"
"Yeah, do you really think we're just going to allow you to walk right into our camp? Come on. Do you even know who our leader is?" A female oread adds.

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"You are correct, we don't know your leader. We wish to meet her." Sirettis steps forward from the cavern entrance towards the bridge.
Sirettis prepares to calm them down if they turn hostile.
Readying an action to cast Calm Emotions on the oreads if any of them make an offensive action.

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I had some non lethal damage from before so I figured I might as get rid of that
We are always interested to meet new allies
Rostam moves up behind the Uesugi.

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Using the info from the gather info at the start of the session. Gah, and I forgot the heroism bonus on the check to improve their attitudes.
"Yes, ve don't know your leader but we are associates of the tattooed shoanti human voman that is among your number. Grave Treader vas her name among us, she may still go by that name." Van doubles down on his gamble, hoping there is only one tattooed human in this stretch of the plane of earth.
Van takes a sip from his waterskin, it is cold and refreshing. Some if it overflows and pours down his chin.
"Allow us to pass or summon her. Ve have come for an audience and it is too hot for fighting our vay past you."
Do you want a second diplomacy check to ask for a favor?

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I was hoping you'd do that!
The man looks surprised when Van mentions the name Grave Treader. "Hmph. Very well, go on. But don't try anything tricky. We'll be keeping an eye on you." He waves you all through into their camp.
Just ahead, outside of one of the larger tents, you find a tattooed woman sitting on a boulder working the leather on a damaged set of armor. As Van approaches, she immediately notices the Glyph of the Open Road on the spear he carriers, and she puts down the armor. "Pathfinders!" She exclaims, standing up, and surreptitiously flashing her own wayfinder. "I think I know why you're here. Please, come in. We can discuss inside my tent." She notices Sirettis' slow movement and obvious fatigue. "It looks like some of you could use a rest anyway." She snickers and continues inside.
The bandit camp stands in a large, easily defendable cavern adjacent to the Crystalmaw Pass, illuminated by clusters of sharp, violet crystals. A tall bluff looms over the middle of the camp, surrounded by a collection of colorful tents. Several dozen oreads move around the area. The cavern is free from the worst influences of the Plane of Fire, allowing you to rest here later.
Her image is on Slide 2

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Moving us ahead.
The tent contains a small cot and neatly organized equipment tied into portable bundles. A cluster of sharp, glowing crystals encased in a protective glass bathes the room in a violet light. A makeshift table made from several crates pushed together takes up the center of the room, its surface covered in a chaotic collection of papers and maps.
Grave Treader takes a deep breath and speaks, "As you may know, my name is Grave Treader, and I used to be a Pathfinder. After being part of an unfortunate mission to the Crystal Womb, I worked for a while in the Opaline Vault. During my time there, I learned that some miners had discovered a gate with clockwork motifs carved into its surface. As I researched these symbols, I began to suspect that this gate could lead to an artifact known as the clockwork cipher. When I had finished my contract in the Opaline Vault, I set out learn more. That’s when I ran into the Sundered Stone. I couldn’t operate in this region without their blessing, and my resources were beginning to run thin, so I struck a deal with their leader, Jathune Voidstone. I’d get the artifact and he’d gain any other treasure that was found beyond the gate.” Grave Treader pauses for a while to collect her thoughts.
“I’ve finally pinpointed the location of the gate and I’ve found the means to open it, but I’ve grown uneasy with the deal I made with Jathune. He has become increasingly cruel and violent in the recent months, as well as ruthless about selecting his targets.” Grave Treader frowns. “I pride myself on being a woman of my word. I made a deal with him, and I am loath to go back on my agreements, but his actions of late concern me greatly. I no longer trust that he doesn’t intend to kill me and take the artifact for himself. Fortunately, I have not told him the location of the gate. I doubt it is safe to investigate such a place alone, but with you by my side, we could uncover the gate’s nature. You can keep anything we find behind the gate other than the clockwork cipher itself, and you are welcome to analyze the artifact for your reports back to the Grand Lodge."
“I take it by your presence here that the Society has interest in this region, and someone like Jathune would endanger any plans you might have. Here again we can work together. His cruelty has made him increasingly unworthy of leadership. The Sundered Stone would be better off without him. If you defeat him, I believe I can get the rest of the bandits in line, hopefully with the help of Jathune’s second in command, Pamari.”
She looks around the tent, her eyes filled with determination. “What say you. Will you help me?”

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Sirettis has to take a seat when they enter the tent. "Your story is intriguing. I do not know much about the history of this group."
Knowledge(Local): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
"However, we are tasked with securing this region for safe travel. It sounds like we are better with you in charge than with Jathune." She catches her breath. "Some rest would be quite useful before we attempt this task."

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Uesugi nods in agreement with Spirit before turning to Grave Treader.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
"You are member of the Society. Our trust lies with you first. The others must rest I will stand watch."

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Van carefully takes in what he can of the camp before entering the tent. The surreptitious display put him on edge. He looks around to see if the open display of the Glyph is drawing more attention that being an armed stranger.
sense motive: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (4) + 14 = 18
Following Grave Treader in the tent and attentively listened to her tale, Van marks down key names and follow up questions in his journal.
Chewing on his inkpen, Van runs done his list of concerns:
"These clockwork symbols, do you have any copies or rubbings I may investigate?"
"Does the name Kandirion’s Pyre mean anything to you? Does it have any connection to the gate you've discovered?"
"Your agreement with Voidstone. Vas it between you and him, or vas it made on behalf of the Society? I respect your honor, but the implications for the Society must be veighed carefully."
"Can you tell us more of this Voidstone?"
Even as he questions, Van is nodding with the others. Barring some great revelation, he would aid Grave Treader.
"Do you intend to resolve the Voidstone situation before or after exploring the gate?"

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Rostam follows Grave Treader into the tent. Eager for a rest but also wary that this could be an ambush.
sense motive: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (11) + 13 = 24
After he listens to the leader's tale, he listens to the questions posed by his party and like Van will aid Grave Treader if no duplicity is detected.

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"This Jathune...he the big fella with a flaming sword? We ran into some of his work on the way here." Gallix grimaces with anger and looks up at Grave Treader, "Experienced agent like you, I woulda figured you knew better than to make deals with the devil. Ah well. No point in lecturing. I'm all for taking this monster down, and if you want our help with this gate thing first, fine by me."

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No one gets the sense that Grave Treader is being deceitful in her request or explanation.
"These clockwork symbols, do you have any copies or rubbings I may investigate?"
"If I did, I might attempted to contact the Society sooner in solving them," she shrugs. "I do hope you're skilled at puzzles. I suspect some of the mechanisms we encounter will be as if Brigh herself designed them."
"Does the name Kandirion’s Pyre mean anything to you? Does it have any connection to the gate you've discovered?"
"I have heard of it - the otherworldly furnace. It doesn't mean a whole lot to me, but I could see how the Society would have interest in it."
"Your agreement with Voidstone. Vas it between you and him, or vas it made on behalf of the Society? I respect your honor, but the implications for the Society must be veighed carefully."
At this question, Grave Treader sighs heavily. "It was... Not necessarily part of the Society's agreement. After the incident at the Womb, I wasn’t sure if the Society was something I wanted to be part of again, or if it would be better for me to continue my research on my own. I'm not quite sure what I will do next, but such decisions can wait until we’ve located the artifact and dealt with Jathune."
"Do you intend to resolve the Voidstone situation before or after exploring the gate?"
"The Temple of Brigh is about a day's travel from here. Its entrance is hidden, but I was able to locate the door and track down a key it. I'd prefer to go there first."
"Can you tell us more of this Voidstone?"
"This Jathune...he the big fella with a flaming sword?"
She raises a fist. "I know not what's gotten into him, but he is out of line. He's a warrior not to be trifled with, and certainly not someone I'm willing to go up against alone."
"Jathune was a mercenary in the war between the Opaline Vault and City of Brass until his mercenary company was devastated. Pamari, the ifrit sorcerer, faced a similar fate, though she was on the opposite side of the conflict. Together, they decided that it wasn’t worth it to die in that pointless war, and they joined forces. They established the Sundered Stone from former mercenaries and other wanderers displaced by the war. I’ve gotten to know Pamari and she’s a good person. Jathune’s brutality disturbs her as well, but her loyalty to him runs deep.”
Grave Treader picks up a sack and throws it to Van. "Here. You ask a lot of questions. Maybe this stuff will keep you entertained," she jokes.
Inside are four potions of CMW, 100 gp, and a hat of disguise.
If that's all, you can camp here for as long as needed to recover from your extraplanar pain.

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We'll camp until we are all ready to go I think and then head to the Temple of Brigh that has the key. I'll take one of those CMW. Gallix definitely should do the same.