PFS 5–13: Destiny of the Sands—Part 2: Race to Seeker's Folly (Inactive)

Game Master Arthur Severance

Map of Osirion
Lamshtu's Flower
Seeker's Folly
Decemvirate Note
Water Creature

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And open.

Liberty's Edge

Male Ifrit Summoner 10 (HP63/63; AC 20 / T 12 / FF 18; DR5 (fire); F +4, R +5, W +7; Init +2, Perception +0, Diplomacy +18, Kn(a, pl) +13, Darkvision 60')


The Exchange

Brawler 3 | HP 28/28 | AC 18/12/16 | CMB +7 (+10 Grapple) | CMD 18 (+22 v. Grapple) | F+5,R+6,W+3 | +2 saves on Charm, Compulsion, and Emotion effects. +2 racial saving throw bonus against mind-affecting effects and poison. | Init.+4 | Perc.+9 | Sense Motive +5 | Lowlight Vision


M HumanCONFIRM! Level 1 PBP GM

Tag, though you may have to build the gameplay thread, just not post in it!

The Exchange

Brawler 3 | HP 28/28 | AC 18/12/16 | CMB +7 (+10 Grapple) | CMD 18 (+22 v. Grapple) | F+5,R+6,W+3 | +2 saves on Charm, Compulsion, and Emotion effects. +2 racial saving throw bonus against mind-affecting effects and poison. | Init.+4 | Perc.+9 | Sense Motive +5 | Lowlight Vision

Aw heck Pete, I just realized I signed up for this particular scenario with two different characters at different levels, so I have to bow out of one. Since you will still have a full six, I'm going to bow out of this game. Thanks for the invite, and I apologize for the confusion.

Alright, np.

Scarab Sages

HP 12/[12] AC 18, Touch 16, Flat-footed 12, CMD 17, CMB +5, F+4, R+4, W+1, Init +2, Per +4, SM +4 Male Osiriani Human Slayer 1 (Favoured)

Just dotting again

Yeah, it's a prettty long wait until April.

As we are gearing up, if we are fast, I am happy to run part 2 and 3 as well.
And no, it is not an April's fool.

Sovereign Court

AC:17 T:12 FF:15 | F +4 R +7 W +5 | HP: 38/38 | Inspiration 4/7 | Human Empiricist Investigator/5

Hazzah. Have you read part 3? I ran it this weekend. Also, I may change up my character a little. I'll keep you posted (If that is ok, with you?)

Scarab Sages

HP 57/57 | Ac 20 T 14 FF 17 (excl+4 shield spell) | I+3 | F+8 R+6 W+6| P+11 | Arcane Pool 5/5 | Reroll 1/1

We will try to be fast;-)

You can change as much as you want to, we haven't started yet, so, whatever you want to play.

Scarab Sages

HP 12/[12] AC 18, Touch 16, Flat-footed 12, CMD 17, CMB +5, F+4, R+4, W+1, Init +2, Per +4, SM +4 Male Osiriani Human Slayer 1 (Favoured)
DM PeteZero wrote:

As we are gearing up, if we are fast, I am happy to run part 2 and 3 as well.

And no, it is not an April's fool.

sounds great.

Scarab Sages

HP: 27/27 | AC 14 T 11 FF 13 | Fort +2 Ref +3 Will +5 | CMB 0 CMD 11 | Init +1
Diplomacy +12 | Disable Device +9/10 | Heal +6/9 | K: Dun/Eng/Geo +7 | K: History +9 | K: Loc/Planes/Reli/Nature +6 | Linguistics +8 | Perception +15/16(17/18) | Sense Motive +8 | Spellcraft +6

Still seem to be missing one or two people...

Scarab Sages

Male Aasimar (Scion of Humanity) Sorc. 1/Monk 1/Eldritch Knight 4 | HP 60/60 | AC 26 / T 22 / FF 20 | Resist (acid, cold, elec.) 5; resist (neg. energy) 10 | F +7 / R +9 / W +12 | Perc. +16 (+17 v. traps) | Init +8 | [dice=Acid Splash]1d20+9[/dice] [dice]1d3+3[/dice] cold

I know the guy who plays Alemar. I'll remind him.

Liberty's Edge

Male Ifrit Summoner 10 (HP63/63; AC 20 / T 12 / FF 18; DR5 (fire); F +4, R +5, W +7; Init +2, Perception +0, Diplomacy +18, Kn(a, pl) +13, Darkvision 60')

Huh? What are we talking about? I thought our lineup was


Who is Alemar?

Scarab Sages

Male Aasimar (Scion of Humanity) Sorc. 1/Monk 1/Eldritch Knight 4 | HP 60/60 | AC 26 / T 22 / FF 20 | Resist (acid, cold, elec.) 5; resist (neg. energy) 10 | F +7 / R +9 / W +12 | Perc. +16 (+17 v. traps) | Init +8 | [dice=Acid Splash]1d20+9[/dice] [dice]1d3+3[/dice] cold
DM PeteZero wrote:
@Alemar: at the moment it looks full, but I will put you in as first resrve. IIRC you can have 7 people at a table, so if this okay for the gameday you would be in.
DM PeteZero wrote:
Asked if 7 players allowed. with the ambigious rulings I would say Alemar can play, but that is now a really full table ;).

Alemar is Joe Chora's cleric. Pete said he could play.

Liberty's Edge

Male Ifrit Summoner 10 (HP63/63; AC 20 / T 12 / FF 18; DR5 (fire); F +4, R +5, W +7; Init +2, Perception +0, Diplomacy +18, Kn(a, pl) +13, Darkvision 60')

Ah. Cool. More the merrier. Joe's a great player.

Scarab Sages

HP: 27/27 | AC 14 T 11 FF 13 | Fort +2 Ref +3 Will +5 | CMB 0 CMD 11 | Init +1
Diplomacy +12 | Disable Device +9/10 | Heal +6/9 | K: Dun/Eng/Geo +7 | K: History +9 | K: Loc/Planes/Reli/Nature +6 | Linguistics +8 | Perception +15/16(17/18) | Sense Motive +8 | Spellcraft +6

Do a lot of the PBP people know each other and I have been missing out?

Liberty's Edge

Male Ifrit Summoner 10 (HP63/63; AC 20 / T 12 / FF 18; DR5 (fire); F +4, R +5, W +7; Init +2, Perception +0, Diplomacy +18, Kn(a, pl) +13, Darkvision 60')

No. Joe's local to Art (Motaz)and I. And we played together in our last PbP.

Moving this on, as you wanted to do the well first.
Btw., on holiday from Friday onwards for a week. Our cottage should have wifi, but not work all the timne, as it is a bit in the countryside. So, likely only sporadic posting by myself.

Scarab Sages

HP 12/[12] AC 18, Touch 16, Flat-footed 12, CMD 17, CMB +5, F+4, R+4, W+1, Init +2, Per +4, SM +4 Male Osiriani Human Slayer 1 (Favoured)

There is a lot of overlap in PbP players and characters. After a while you get to know of a few of them.

Scarab Sages

Male Varisian Human Male Varisian Human Cleric 4 (Desna) |HP 47/47 |AC 21 / T 11 / FF 21 | F +8, R +2, W+10(+1 vs Fear) | Spell Craft +7 |Perception +9, Init +3 | Knowledge Religion +9 | Heal +11| Sense Motive + 11 [dice=Attack (Mace)] 1d8+2[/dice]

Sorry I'm late folks. I'll be in here all day. ( this is Alemar) My Cleric's name is Lecate. I will update his stats later today.

Scarab Sages

HP 12/[12] AC 18, Touch 16, Flat-footed 12, CMD 17, CMB +5, F+4, R+4, W+1, Init +2, Per +4, SM +4 Male Osiriani Human Slayer 1 (Favoured)

entering my peak 'in the s&@+' zone. Will be flaky for the next 24 hrs. I did call out I'd be iffy for the next 72 hours about 2 days ago

@Lecate: please update your stats - just set your initiative to +0

Scarab Sages

HP: 27/27 | AC 14 T 11 FF 13 | Fort +2 Ref +3 Will +5 | CMB 0 CMD 11 | Init +1
Diplomacy +12 | Disable Device +9/10 | Heal +6/9 | K: Dun/Eng/Geo +7 | K: History +9 | K: Loc/Planes/Reli/Nature +6 | Linguistics +8 | Perception +15/16(17/18) | Sense Motive +8 | Spellcraft +6

Looks like my wife is having this baby. Will likely be out the next 24 or so.

I'll post until we leave, then no promises.

Scarab Sages

Male Aasimar (Scion of Humanity) Sorc. 1/Monk 1/Eldritch Knight 4 | HP 60/60 | AC 26 / T 22 / FF 20 | Resist (acid, cold, elec.) 5; resist (neg. energy) 10 | F +7 / R +9 / W +12 | Perc. +16 (+17 v. traps) | Init +8 | [dice=Acid Splash]1d20+9[/dice] [dice]1d3+3[/dice] cold
Oronia Cuprianas wrote:

Looks like my wife is having this baby. Will likely be out the next 24 or so.

I'll post until we leave, then no promises.


Liberty's Edge

Male Ifrit Summoner 10 (HP63/63; AC 20 / T 12 / FF 18; DR5 (fire); F +4, R +5, W +7; Init +2, Perception +0, Diplomacy +18, Kn(a, pl) +13, Darkvision 60')


Scarab Sages

HP 57/57 | Ac 20 T 14 FF 17 (excl+4 shield spell) | I+3 | F+8 R+6 W+6| P+11 | Arcane Pool 5/5 | Reroll 1/1


I will be on a business trip out of country till Tuesday evening, hope to get a wifi connection in the hotel. If necessary please GMPC Kintampo.

Scarab Sages

Male Varisian Human Male Varisian Human Cleric 4 (Desna) |HP 47/47 |AC 21 / T 11 / FF 21 | F +8, R +2, W+10(+1 vs Fear) | Spell Craft +7 |Perception +9, Init +3 | Knowledge Religion +9 | Heal +11| Sense Motive + 11 [dice=Attack (Mace)] 1d8+2[/dice]

Congrats on the Baby!

Scarab Sages

HP 12/[12] AC 18, Touch 16, Flat-footed 12, CMD 17, CMB +5, F+4, R+4, W+1, Init +2, Per +4, SM +4 Male Osiriani Human Slayer 1 (Favoured)

Boy or girl?

Scarab Sages

HP: 27/27 | AC 14 T 11 FF 13 | Fort +2 Ref +3 Will +5 | CMB 0 CMD 11 | Init +1
Diplomacy +12 | Disable Device +9/10 | Heal +6/9 | K: Dun/Eng/Geo +7 | K: History +9 | K: Loc/Planes/Reli/Nature +6 | Linguistics +8 | Perception +15/16(17/18) | Sense Motive +8 | Spellcraft +6

Girl. Looks like we are getting out in a couple of hours (a full day early) so everyone is doing well. All natural birth, so proud of my wife on that one. She rocked it!

Scarab Sages

HP 12/[12] AC 18, Touch 16, Flat-footed 12, CMD 17, CMB +5, F+4, R+4, W+1, Init +2, Per +4, SM +4 Male Osiriani Human Slayer 1 (Favoured)


Liberty's Edge

Male Ifrit Summoner 10 (HP63/63; AC 20 / T 12 / FF 18; DR5 (fire); F +4, R +5, W +7; Init +2, Perception +0, Diplomacy +18, Kn(a, pl) +13, Darkvision 60')

Hello, all. Just curious about the recent slowdown in play. Status?

Scarab Sages

Male Aasimar (Scion of Humanity) Sorc. 1/Monk 1/Eldritch Knight 4 | HP 60/60 | AC 26 / T 22 / FF 20 | Resist (acid, cold, elec.) 5; resist (neg. energy) 10 | F +7 / R +9 / W +12 | Perc. +16 (+17 v. traps) | Init +8 | [dice=Acid Splash]1d20+9[/dice] [dice]1d3+3[/dice] cold

I'm waiting for the GM to post a reaction to Marek's attempt to cover, and since the academic is clearly not happy with Motaz, he can't really act to place the book now. If Marek's attempt to intrigue him did not work, we'll probably have to break in later and hide it.

GM back from holiday - so let's move on.

M HumanCONFIRM! Level 1 PBP GM


Scarab Sages

HP 12/[12] AC 18, Touch 16, Flat-footed 12, CMD 17, CMB +5, F+4, R+4, W+1, Init +2, Per +4, SM +4 Male Osiriani Human Slayer 1 (Favoured)


So, the man looks at Orania's book, anything you want to try now?

Liberty's Edge

Male Ifrit Summoner 10 (HP63/63; AC 20 / T 12 / FF 18; DR5 (fire); F +4, R +5, W +7; Init +2, Perception +0, Diplomacy +18, Kn(a, pl) +13, Darkvision 60')

So, after that total botch up, I'm wary of being the face of the party too much. Would be great for Husarq to announce his master at the Dancing Dunes in magnificent terms, and have Mareq sweep in to begin discussions with Madam Whatever-her-name-is, but I don't want to hog the game.

Can somebody else step up and I'll play support?

Scarab Sages

HP 12/[12] AC 18, Touch 16, Flat-footed 12, CMD 17, CMB +5, F+4, R+4, W+1, Init +2, Per +4, SM +4 Male Osiriani Human Slayer 1 (Favoured)


My desert killer would not make a good replacement.

Scarab Sages

HP 12/[12] AC 18, Touch 16, Flat-footed 12, CMD 17, CMB +5, F+4, R+4, W+1, Init +2, Per +4, SM +4 Male Osiriani Human Slayer 1 (Favoured)

I am due to fly o/seas on short notice for a project - I will have delayed posting for the next 3 days. I hope this does not equal 'No posting' and will try to put something up.

Scarab Sages

Male Aasimar (Scion of Humanity) Sorc. 1/Monk 1/Eldritch Knight 4 | HP 60/60 | AC 26 / T 22 / FF 20 | Resist (acid, cold, elec.) 5; resist (neg. energy) 10 | F +7 / R +9 / W +12 | Perc. +16 (+17 v. traps) | Init +8 | [dice=Acid Splash]1d20+9[/dice] [dice]1d3+3[/dice] cold

I agree, it was a terrific save!

Scarab Sages

HP: 27/27 | AC 14 T 11 FF 13 | Fort +2 Ref +3 Will +5 | CMB 0 CMD 11 | Init +1
Diplomacy +12 | Disable Device +9/10 | Heal +6/9 | K: Dun/Eng/Geo +7 | K: History +9 | K: Loc/Planes/Reli/Nature +6 | Linguistics +8 | Perception +15/16(17/18) | Sense Motive +8 | Spellcraft +6

I can talk pretty well on Oronia, but we will have to see how it goes. I have run the scenario, so I don't mind being second fiddle in conversation based encounters, I'll assist when it makes sense, but it just didn't last time.

I really liked what mareck pulled off, that was fun!

And you can always gather information before jumping in.

Scarab Sages

HP 57/57 | Ac 20 T 14 FF 17 (excl+4 shield spell) | I+3 | F+8 R+6 W+6| P+11 | Arcane Pool 5/5 | Reroll 1/1

Back as well, sorry for the absence.

Really love it, the whole group - and what a summoner.

Scarab Sages

HP 12/[12] AC 18, Touch 16, Flat-footed 12, CMD 17, CMB +5, F+4, R+4, W+1, Init +2, Per +4, SM +4 Male Osiriani Human Slayer 1 (Favoured)

business travel for the next 24 hrs

Liberty's Edge

Male Ifrit Summoner 10 (HP63/63; AC 20 / T 12 / FF 18; DR5 (fire); F +4, R +5, W +7; Init +2, Perception +0, Diplomacy +18, Kn(a, pl) +13, Darkvision 60')

Pete: How much more do we have before we're done? I'm hoping to play Mareck and Husarq in a convention over Memorial Day, May 23-25, 2014. Is that likely?

This is the last bit - and you will be done by May 23rd for sure!

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Community / Forums / Online Campaigns / Play-by-Post Discussion / DM PeteZero's PbP GameDay 2: PFS 5–12: Destiny of the Sands—Part 1: A Bitter Bargain Discussion All Messageboards

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