GM Merisial the risen |

The summons from Drandle Dreng is brief and a bit odd: “Meet Kreighton Shaine in the stables to discuss missing artifacts.” Aside from some briefings during training, few Pathfinders deal with the Society’s Master of Scrolls. In the muddy stables, Kreighton’s scholarly robes drag through the muck, and his soft shoes are clearly soaked through, though he doesn’t seem to notice.
“I’ve been working on an extensive study of religious relics, trying to ascertain whether items gain a certain aura of divinity that cannot be detected through normal means. I’ve been collecting these artifacts through a series of well-known dealers in the God’s Market. We’ve never had any trouble before, but recently several of our couriers have been waylaid by a particularly elusive bandit.”
Kreighton pauses briefly as his mud-soaked robe snags on a nail and he nearly falls over, but a stable boy catches his arm and steadies him. “As they were headed through the Ascendant Court, a group of thugs ambushed our couriers. The first time I thought it was a coincidence—a random mugging. After the second time, however, Grandmaster Torch had some harsh words with me. He suspects someone has targeted our couriers specifically. The Drandle boy suggested I have you investigate the disappearances.” There is a long, uncomfortable pause and for a minute it seems the elf has completely forgotten he was discussing something.

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Maulaxe, a rather old and somewhat bedraggled Dwarf saunters into the muck, seemingly oblivious to the dirt.
Maulaxe grunts "Name's Maulaxe, where should we start our investigation."

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Kreighton Shaine stoops to the floor and inspects a bit of straw totally ignoring Maulaxe's question. You begin to realise his eccentric reputation is not an exaggerated story
Sorry can't resist the opportunity to let Kreighton be Kreighton waiting for everyone to check in

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Following the Half-orc into the stables is a tall, powerfully built Half-elf wearing well forged scale and a long, wicked spear across their back. His left arm is bare with his right arm covered in solid armour and ending in a spiked gauntlet, at his hip rests a metal mask with the symbol of Gorum inscribed on the forehead and the face set into rage. He nods to the newcomer to their band and to the Master of scrolls.
"Well met Master and Maulaxe, I am Skilgannon of Tymon." he introduces himself before stepping out of the way for the rest of their band. "Master Shaine, what has Torch got to do with this?"

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Shortly after Skilgannon arrival follows a lovely woman in well adjusted black leather , several expensive jewelry matching her holy symbol of Pharasma, a bluish spiral of lazuli and diamond.
With an expert bow known only by those having a certain experience in court she present herself to the Master of Scrolls as well as her old and new comrades.
I'm Tatiana Malkolva, disciple of Pharasma, at your service.

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Ah..Good day old friends. How was your travels. Excellent I hope. He looks over at the dwarf.a new face. I am Darven Kinock. Diverting his attention to the Master of Scrolls Master Shaine, I am always willing to help.

GM Merisial the risen |

Not heard from GM granta so I'm going to kick things off properly
If he has heard Durlands words he gives no sign and appears totally engrossed in the piece of straw. But then Kreighton glances up with a sort of stunned look on his face. “Oh yes, here, this list will help you. The Grandmaster has helpfully provided it as a starting point.” And hands over a note
I’m sure that daft elf has thoroughly confused you by now, so hopefully this note will help set things straight. Someone has been preying on your fellow Pathfinders and stealing important relics from the Society. We need you to discover who is behind these crimes. The Graycloaks have found scant information. They did recover the Shard of Iomedae’s Lance, but the details about the recovery are scarce. My contacts have provided me the names of some of the witnesses to the muggings, which I have included below.
Rialla Barleyhusk: Witnessed the first mugging; works at the shop across from Cayden’s Hall.
Friar Horace: Witnessed the second mugging; is the master brewer at Erastil’s Alehouse.
Jarid Moltwin: Was caught selling the Shard of Iomedae’s Lance; owns a private stall in the God’s Market.
The Pathfinders’ reputation with the Graycloaks is tenuous at best, so try to work with the Graycloaks and don’t leave a trail of bodies behind you.
Tread Carefully,

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Maulaxe wipes a muddy hand on his pants and takes the note.
Maulaxe then hands it off to another party member, a bit worse for wear.
"'ere, you take dis."

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Skilgannon takes the note from Maulaxe, unfazed by its condition and reads it over before handing it to the next in line. Wiping his hands on his own trousers, the Gladiayor attempts to get the aloof Master's attention with a cough.
"Master Shaine, who are these Graycloaks mentioned?" he asks pointedly.
Once we are ready, Skilgannon would like to purchase a Sap ^^

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Tatiana reads the note carrefuly behind Skilgannon's back.
At least something to start our inquiry. If we want a good start with the greycloak, I suggest to see them first, whoever they are.
Buying a sap is a good idea !

GM Merisial the risen |

“The Graycloaks are a force of professed nonbelievers who police the God’s Market and the entire Ascendant Court. Their atheist bent is meant to ensure that no one group of worshipers receives any special treatment.” For once Kreighton seems able to focus on answering questions
all things. Runewulf doesn’t believe in anything he can’t see or feel for himself.

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Skilgannon nods at the Master of Scroll's somewhat surprisingly helpful answer, masking his surprise by focusing on Maulaxe's knowledge of their hunting grounds. Unsure on the Gods Market purpose in Absalom, the outsider waits for the others to inform him.
"Ahh the law enforcers. Who funds them then if they do not follow a church?"

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Know. (local): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
After a few weeks in Absalom Tatiana was becoming more and more knowledgeable about it. With a smile she says.
The God’s Market is a sort of bazaar filled with various vendors hawking all sorts of religious items. All of the major gods are represented, as are many minor gods. One can purchase religious texts, items of worship, holy water, and even minor blessings in the God’s Market. It is policed by a group of guards called the Graycloaks. They are sworn to hold no god above any other and are all staunch atheists. They are easily identified by their plain, unadorned gray cloaks, but wear nothing else to make them stand out.
Their commander is Runewulf the Unbeliever, a hard man known for being harsh but fair in all things. Runewulf doesn’t believe in anything he can’t see or feel for himself.
Not my type of man, but surely soemone we can talk to.
I feel that he is the first person we must see to begin our inquiry.

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Skilgannon smiles back at Tatiana and gives her a friendly pat on the shoulder.
"Impressive Knowledge my friend! You truly have been working this city out in what little time off we have been afforded." He says in true admiration.

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I agree, lets go make nice with these local guards. At the minimum to let them know we are investigating something on their turf.

GM Merisial the risen |

You head towards the greycloaks watch station. As you leave Kreighton remarks to noone in particular "I imagine the temples must all pay a small stipend to the local watch. I had never really considered that the greycloaks got paid" Seeing he has nothing more of use to say to you and is aleady inspecting one of the stalls you decide to continue on your quest
Much like the uniforms the Graycloaks adorn themselves in, their watch station in the Ascendant Court is plain gray and understated, but still ominous in its presentation. Large granite blocks create an imposing facade to the tall structure. The structure would be even more impressive if it weren’t on the opposite end of the block from the larger and far more ostentatious Chelish Embassy which used to be the temple to Aroden in Absalom.
Inside an older woman sits behind a desk. She looks up at you and asks "Do you wish to report a crime?" A inkpot and quill are ready to hand and her beady eyes miss nothing

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sense motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19 +2 if she is a human
Actually no, we are here to investigate one. We are here to investigate stolen artifacts. We have come here to gather your notes and where you are on the investigation.

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"I will just get commander Runewulf the..."
"No need Maraga I am right here" A tall imposing man with a stern face emerges from a door behind Maraga, the woman you were talking to
"So pathfinders. I can understand you wish to see some connection between these robberies but they are just random chance. One was a poison arrow attack the other victim was clubbed unconscious in a different alley. I will keep you informed as to any further developments of course and as concerned citizens you are free to make your own inquiries but if you commit crimes we will arrest you. " He smiles and adds "nothing personal but crimes are crimes and no one is above justice" The way he directs the last part of his remark towards Tatiana shows he doesn't like being told what to do by clerics
you do sense a little more polite talk might get you a look at the evidence a couple of assists on Durlands roll should suffice.

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When it involves one of our own, we tend to look into things a little bit deeper. We are not saying that your work is not sufficient, but it never hurts to have fresh eyes on the case.
diplo aide: 1d20 ⇒ 6

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Tatiana bows to the officer and says.
Hello I'm Tatiana Malkolva, a pleasure to meet you.
We have been sent to look about some stolen artifact and as first responder here and as the local police we are asking for your help.
I know that you are quite busy so if we can help you for this investigation it will be an honor.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

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As the Commander steps in, Skilgannon immediately finds himself taking the measure of the man, fairly impressed by his commanding presence and his obvious confidence. Taking a liking to the stern man, even if their own beliefs do not match, Skilgannon nods and offers his hand if the man will take it.
Unperturbed either way, he adds to the groups statements. "Aye, whilst our investigations look into your crimes, we wish to work alongside you and do not seek lawlessness in your courts. Do you have any leads we could follow up? We will of course share what we find to help your own investigations"
diplomacy, aid: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (15) - 1 = 14

GM Merisial the risen |

Runewulf holds up his hand to stop the flow of words "Very well Maraga show them the files on the two incidents" With a look of mild surprise Maraga takes out a couple of files from a rack behind her and places them on the desk in front of her pushing them towards your side of the desk. "I will be out on patrol. I am sure Maraga can answer any of your questions" and with that he sweeps out. Maraga puts back the knitting she was about to get back to and mouths questions.
"Well one question I can answer is no you can't take the evidence files from the watch house" she smiles and awaits you to inspect and hand back the files
no reasonable explanation for the compromised integrity of the reports, and can only guess that one of the officers must be out working on the case.

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Tatiana thanks the Captain for his help.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
Tatiana begins to look at the papers after the Captain's departure.
She asks the remaining guard Well Malaga what can you tell us about these roberies ?

GM Merisial the risen |

Besides what may show up with the check the notes don't provide anything more than Torch's initial note. Namely the following leads
Rialla Barleyhusk: Witnessed the first mugging; works at the shop across from Cayden’s Hall.
Friar Horace: Witnessed the second mugging; is the master brewer at Erastil’s Alehouse.
Jarid Moltwin: Was caught selling the Shard of Iomedae’s Lance; owns a private stall in the God’s Market.

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perception, take 10: 10 + 12 = 22
Skilgannon flicks through the reports, and then places them down before flicking through them backwards and eyeing the corners of the pages, as if looking for something. After a few moments, he peers at the pencil pusher and narrows his eyes.
"You are aware this evidence has been tampered with? By yourself, or another perhaps?" he growls softly, not wishing to raise too much of a scene by shouting. "Who is working on this case?"

GM Merisial the risen |

"No you're mistaken the records are .. OH" Maraga becomes flustered as she realises Skilgannon is right. "The investigationg officer.Oh my Commander Runewulf took charge of this one. He said he didn't want to be shown up by the pathfinders. Maybe one of the other cloaks has decided to show some initiative or OH" A slight smile creeps across her face as this thought occurs to her. "Perhaps the commander wants to talk to one of the witnesses again and wanted the note handy to refresh his memory of what was said last time."
It looks like the commander has stolen a march on you

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Skilgannon rolls his eyes and goes to step out of the room, turning to Durland with a nod. "It was a clever deception, it was all in how the corners were thumbed. I don't doubt he has a head start on us, but he will also be obvious." Turning to the desk clerk, he adds. "I just hope your investigations are for the good of all..."
Dashing out of the guard post, the towering Gladiator peers around to try and see a hint of where the Commander had gone.
"Tatania my friend, you seem to know this Market, can you lead us to the places of our witnesses?"
perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (11) + 12 = 23

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Thanks to your Honesty and loyalty to the law Malaga. says Tatiana to the guard.
We will try to keep an open eye on what's going on. May your commander has a good reason to have done that. We will find the truth. she adds.
Once outside she answer to Skilgannon i'm not yet completely knowledgeable of the area but I will do my best !
Know. (Local): 1d30 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

GM Merisial the risen |

You set off after the commander. He has a decent head start and you soon find yourselves having to ask locals where he has gone which delays you further. As you head down a back alley. You realise the urchin who said this way was a little too quick when two thugs step out of the shadows
One starts "We hear you lot are poking your noses where they don't belong. Thats careless. The other continues "You never know what you might meet in a dark alley round here. Them graycloaks cant be everywhere. You might meet robbers or mad dogs or both" He gives a grin to show he's missing a couple of teeth as his mate gives a whistle. A dog bursts into the alley behind you in response. It looks ready to attack
Skilgannon: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Durland: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
Tatiana: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
Darven: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Maulaxe: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
Thugs: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
dog: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12
The thugs pull out the crossbows they were hiding behind them and shoot
blue at Durland: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
black at Maulaxe: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
However the first shoots the floor as he brings his crossbow round round. The other shoots nothing as the bolt drops to the floor as he brings his crossbow up to shoot at Maulaxe.
Initiative Bold to act
The chuckle brothersThugs
For the record the thugs are not wearing cloaks of any description. Your random marching order was based on the response order to my last post

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Round 1
"My turn!" says Dúrland, who then chants: « રંગ સ્પ્રે » "colour spray", in abyssal
… and gestures, casting Colour Spray (DC 14) on the thugs

GM Merisial the risen |

dog attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
The thugs keel over under the effect of Durlands spell. Tatiana delays and the dog follows its last order and attacks Darven finding the armour on his leg too tough to bite
Party is up
Dog still attacking
Thugs unconscious for at least two rounds

GM Merisial the risen |

The dogs finds that pathfinders are a cold crowd and freezes to the spot
Well that was a short combat
The thugs have fairly standard gear
studded leather, club, light crossbow with 20 bolts and three very small bottles One of these has been used so total 4 remain. The crossbow bolt that fell to the ground is coated in something. Whistler 9aka the dog handler) also has a
unconscious for rounds: 2d4 ⇒ (1, 1) = 2
blinded and stunned rounds: 1d4 ⇒ 3
stunned 1 more round

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Helping strip the thugs of potential weapons, Skilgannong is careful around the coated crossbow, moving it with the butt of his spear. Kneeling, the Gladiator then ties up the Leader of the gang in preparation of capturing them.
"Anyone know what the book states? I don't read the dialect I'm afraid." he comments.

GM Merisial the risen |

The two thugs begin to stir. One cries out "No Please don't send me back to prison. She said that if I showed the five nosey parkers the sewers I could have a decent job.
"Then you are a fool! That one only deals in blackmail and misery not honest work" his fellow thug responds before he sighs heavily. "For victory, For the heart Gaspode. I led you ill" he seems to talk to the corpse of the dog Tatiana skewered with ice as he looks to move his hand but finds it tied.
"You wish to know more of this woman? I am sorry I do not know as much about her as she knows of me. She keeps her face hidden by a cloak when she actually speaks to me. She usually gets another goon to boss me around". he stares morosely into the ground

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"Are you absolutely positive you don't have anything more useful than THAT to tell us?"
… Dúrland says menacingly as he holds up one of the suspicious vials in front of him.
"I'd say these nasty little things were for more than a little tussle!"
"So start talking, or I'll get you to try this stuff on yourselves!"
intimidate: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
Intimidate is a useful skill I do have!