Neb's Quest for the Everflame (Inactive)

Game Master Nebten

Battle Map! The crypt is unlit. Ceilings are 15 feet high & all the surfaces are made of stone. The stench of mold and rot hangs in the air.

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Dark Archive

Almost 200 years ago, when the land that was to become Nirmathas was still a vassal of the empire of Cheliax, the northern reaches of the Fangwood were a wild and untamed place. The crusades that laid low the Whispering Tyrant to the north were a distant memory, and those who remained were intent upon keeping the orcs of Belkzen and the remaining undead from Ustalav in check. As a result, the great forest was full of danger, from marauding orcs to deadly predators, making it unsafe for merchants hoping to trade with the growing community of Skelt in the foothills of the Mindspin Mountains to the west.

Winter came early for those entering the Mindspin Mountains. Even the Vudrani idealist mentality was depressed during the harsh crossing of the snowy mounts. The teamsters are upset and as they are running a couple days behind schedule. Travel was not always like this. On the east side of the mountains, the trip had been a delight in simplicity. The rivers provided most of the food with music accompanying every meal. Garuneh's cousin's caravan was small by Vudrani standards but they could put on a show to light up an entire village. A majority of his "family members" didn't speak the common trade language, or chose not, instead communicating by their native gypsy language. No matter the manner of speech, laughter was ever present and there was never any short coming of jokes and pranks.

The cold winds relent as the caravan descended the west slopes of the Mindspin Mountains. Such relief would make any traveler happy to enter the notorious Fangwood. Again, following the rivers through Fangwood, the caravan reaches Kassen.

Kassen is a quaint river-side hamlet. While most of the “townsfolk” actually live in small homes or camps in the woods and fields surrounding Kassen proper, the town is tight knit. It has been said, as with most of the folk in Nirmathas, Kassens stand up for one another and refuse to be pushed around.

The bells atop the Temple of Erastil toll their midday song, echoing throughout the quiet town of Kassen. As the peals begin to fade, townsfolk cross the square, dressed in black, as if attending a funeral. They move quietly across the cold, hard ground, their eyes downcast and mournful. Freezing winds begin to blow from the east on the 11th of Neth. Winter is here.

Female Human


Super Awesome Vudrani Druid 3
Init +2 Per + 10| AC 14/12/12 HP 26/28 | F +4/R +3/W +7 | CMB +2 CMD 14 | Surge +7 7/7

Garuneh smiles at the snow. "We have to be at great height in Vudra to have this sort of cold. How refreshing it is in Avistan!" He ignores a dark look from one of his 'cousins'.

He pauses. " there a holy day I'm not aware of? It looks like Midwinter Death Celebration to me in this town."

Female Human

Elizabeth pulls her cloak tighter around herself. Not really used to this cold weather. Kaer Maga had better shelter, but I can't complain now that I am out of that place.

Male Elf Diviner 5 Init +12 | AC 18, T13, FF 15 | HP 33/33 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6 | Longbow +6, 1d8+2 |

"Cold, wet, dangerous terrain is just part and parcel of this job, Aldous. No sense grousing and whining, anyways."[\b]

Aldous talks mostly to himself, only partially to Dragon, in Elvish. His complaints are the same they've been all along. At least they're in a language most of his compatriots don't understand for now.

[b]"How much further are we traveling? I would love some wine and a warm inn bed."

Dark Archive

"We are here, Elf-uram. Good thing, this place looks sad. We bring it life", a man by the name of Bela says as he walks by to unhook the horses.

Looking to the left, there appears to be a two-story inn and tavern. The sign that hangs from the roof shows seven silver pieces arranged in a ring.

Female Human

Might as well get in from the cold and have a good hot meal. Elizabeth gets off her ride and will enter the inn with the others.

Super Awesome Vudrani Druid 3
Init +2 Per + 10| AC 14/12/12 HP 26/28 | F +4/R +3/W +7 | CMB +2 CMD 14 | Surge +7 7/7

Garuneh pats his Vudrani companions on the backs and strolls to the inn as well, casting hopeful eyes at the huddled villagers to see if they'll respond.

male Halfling Oracle 3

"Excellent idea, Liz! If there is some sort of local holiday going on, they might have holiday specialities to offer at the inn."

Dark Archive

I hope our other halfing will show up for lunch time

The taproom of this inn and tavern has a rustic and but pleasant design. While there is the traditional boar's head over the mantle and performance area for the wandering mistrial, the room has a familiar feeling. Accents of silver can be seen where ever metal would be appropriate.

The taproom his currently hosting a lunch-time crowd. Half of its occupants are wearing black, but the over all tone is depressed. A shifty looking halfling in a cloth jerkin flitters between the tables taking orders and serving drinks.

Behind the bar is a middle-aged gentleman dressed in black and silver, sporting a salt and pepper beard. Those in the party that attend the bar, the man greets with a smile, "Greetings travelers. I am is Trelvar Silvers and this is my inn, the Seven Silvers. Will you be staying the night with us or just here for a mid-day meal?"

Female Human

Hope he doesn't miss second breakfast!

A meal for now, thank you. Perhaps we will be staying longer.

Super Awesome Vudrani Druid 3
Init +2 Per + 10| AC 14/12/12 HP 26/28 | F +4/R +3/W +7 | CMB +2 CMD 14 | Surge +7 7/7

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19

Garuneh nods. "Something to warm our bellies and bones, good sir, and we'll take it from there."

Dark Archive

"It'll be a silver for meal for any who wants hot food. So what brings you folk into town, if I may ask?

Anything in particular you looking for Garuneh?

Female Human

Here to celebrate the Quest of the Everflame. It will be good to attend a holiday event.

Dark Archive

"Oh, well that is unusual. We normally don't get many outsiders to visit and celebrate the Quest. This year . . . I'm not sure about this year though."

A concerned look comes over Trelvar's face as he pours himself a drink. "This year, there was some concern about even having the event. It has been four years since the last Quest. Many in town wanted to make it five, for there were bad omens in the air. In any case, my daughter Asina, went on the Quest with the other kids . . . well I guess young adults of her age. It has been a fortnight since they left and they were to return in half that time. I've had an itch to talk to the mayor to gather a search crew but at the same time this is their personal Quest to become men and women. It is a tough position for a father."

Male Elf Diviner 5 Init +12 | AC 18, T13, FF 15 | HP 33/33 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6 | Longbow +6, 1d8+2 |

"So, a bunch of your younglings went missing two weeks ago, and you haven't at least sent a scout or ranger to check in on them?"

Aldous slides a silver across to cover his food bill.

"Perhaps our group can be of assistance in your missing children problem."

Dark Archive

"I wouldn't say missing, they just haven't returned, yet. The Quest for the Everflame supposed to be a personal quest to become a man. If we tried to rescue them at every sign of danger, they would never grow up. But something does feel amiss."

The barkeep nods at Aldous's suggestion and even a little life returns to his face

"Well that would be most appreciated. The mayor would know more about the route they took. I've heard rumblings that some of the crones have already bent his ear about this."

Discussion Thread

Male Elf Diviner 5 Init +12 | AC 18, T13, FF 15 | HP 33/33 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6 | Longbow +6, 1d8+2 |

"Very well. We will have to speak with the mayor as soon as possible. What else can you tell me about him?"

using diviner's blessing before trying to schmooze the barkeep1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27 diplomacy 6/7 diviner's blessing remaining.

Dark Archive

"Well, let me put it this way. Kassen holds an election every 4 years to see who will be mayor. Jonark Uptal has held that position over the last 11 years. I know he went into a lot of preparation to see that the Quest goes over smoothly. I guess the rumors of him hiring outside entertainment are true, with the Vurdrian caravan outside. Over all Mayor Uptal is a fair man when it comes to his office, settling land disputes and other quibbles among the townsfolk on a regular basis. But when it comes to outsiders, he is a bit more cautious, siding with the locals unless faced with irrefutable evidence."

male Halfling Oracle 3

Gunder puts a silver coin on the counter.

"So is that why all the people are wearing black?"

Female Human

Elizabeth also pays a silver for a meal. How much for sleeping space?

Super Awesome Vudrani Druid 3
Init +2 Per + 10| AC 14/12/12 HP 26/28 | F +4/R +3/W +7 | CMB +2 CMD 14 | Surge +7 7/7

"Two weeks, that's too long," says Garuneh, placing a silver coin carefully on the bar. "Where can we find the mayor? We are somewhat versed in catacomb rescue missions."

Dark Archive

The mid-day meal is goose legs with mashed potatoes and gravy. A stout ale is served along with lunch.

"Four silvers a night, milady. Private warm rooms with a comfortable, soft bed.

"You could say that, Master Halfling. The adults wear black on the day the group sets off on the Quest, as if they are going to their death. It is to represent they will be facing challenges that could get them killed. The entire town is in on it, all but those who are too young to know. In reality, the challenges are supposed to be difficult and team building but with little to no harm. The townsfolk continue to wear black until they return with the Everflame as if to say, 'We didn't think you'd ever come back. Now let us cast of these somber garments and enjoy life.' Now I think some people are in mourning for those who haven't returned."

"The mayor would most likely be found in the Greathall. It's next door to the left on the river."

male Halfling Oracle 3

"What challenges where your kids supposed to overcome? You can tell us. If we find them and they are still alive, I promise we won't spoil the surprise for them."

Dark Archive

"That I don't know. The mayor may know more about that."

Male Elf Diviner 5 Init +12 | AC 18, T13, FF 15 | HP 33/33 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6 | Longbow +6, 1d8+2 |

"Well, if everyone is full and sated, perhaps we should proceed to speak with the Mayor."

Adding in halfling: "I certainly hope we can get some coin for this task, as I am nearly tapped out. My spellbook is quite happier, however!"

Female Human

Indeed. I am full and ready to head out.

male Halfling Oracle 3

"Alright. Lets go and see the mayor."

Gunder turns to the wizard in surprise. "Aldous. I didn't know that you speak our language."

Male Elf Diviner 5 Init +12 | AC 18, T13, FF 15 | HP 33/33 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6 | Longbow +6, 1d8+2 |

In halfling: "I listen. I figured it would come in handy from time to time. Situations such as this often call for un-observed conversation."

"Durnolf? Ready?"

Dark Archive

Durnolf appears to be still asleep in the caravan (he's been AFK since Tuesday). The Greathall is not difficult to find. It is a tall, three-story wooden structure near the center of town. Inside is one grand space with a number of smaller rooms on each floor.

The group is met with a clerk and then kindly escorted to one of the private side rooms. Inside is a simple office with shelves of books and maps. Upon the desk is a mess of papers and ledgers. Behind the desk is a well-rounded man with a shoulder length chestnut hair and a full beard to match. He quickly comes around the edge of his desk with a hand out for introductions.

"Greetings, sirs and milady. I am Jonark Uptal, the mayor of Kassen. How can I be of service to you on this brisk afternoon?

Female Human

We heard that there is a concern about several young members of your village not returning from the Quest of the Everflame and are wondering if you are open to the idea of us investigating what has happened.

Super Awesome Vudrani Druid 3
Init +2 Per + 10| AC 14/12/12 HP 26/28 | F +4/R +3/W +7 | CMB +2 CMD 14 | Surge +7 7/7

"We know we are outsiders--" Garuneh shrugs at his skin color and garments "--but please rest assured that we are quite capable of assisting you in the search. Furthermore, if we are the ones searching, no one in the town will have to worry about more townsfolk leaving to search for those who are--detained."

male Halfling Oracle 3

"And, since we are outsiders, it won't look to your children as if their parents had to come in and rescue them. We could even make it look like we are part of the trial - if it turns out they don't need our help after all."

Dark Archive

Mayor Uptal rests on the edge of his desk and lets out a sigh of relief.

"While we pray to the gods, I have never seen them answer our call so graciously. Yes, yes, we could use some help. I was actually about to put out a request for men and women to go search out those who have left for the Quest. But if you are willing to offer services, I will gladly take them. It will also keep the town folk complacent. While they are teen-agers, they are still somebody's daughter or son. I will tell you what I know, but first let's start at the beginning.

"Over the years, the Crypt of the Everflame has become an important part of the history to the town of Kassen. The townsfolk view the crypt as a memorial to those difficult first years of the town’s history. At first, every autumn, a few of the townsfolk make a pilgrimage to the crypt to light a lantern from the flame and bring it back to town, where it is preserved all winter, a symbol of the town’s resilience. Most years, the town mayor and a group of dignitaries perform this quest. However, this tradition has changed to allow a handful of younger townsfolk the honor of lighting the lantern every couple of years. Many see this as a passage into adulthood, a taste of adventure before settling down to work and marriage. The quest starts out as a solemn ceremony in town, where the townsfolk gather to wish the adventurers luck, just as it was when Kassen himself left to fight the mercenaries. When the adventurers return a few days later, the town holds a great celebration in their honor. This also marks the final harvest celebration before the long winter. But the harvest is done, and our adventurers have not yet returned.

"The quest itself is a relatively simple one. The adventurers must travel to the tomb (a few days’ travel outside of town), venture inside, light the lantern, and return home. Over the years, this ritual has grown more elaborate—now, some of the townsfolk head there in advance to set up simple traps, puzzles, and illusionary monsters for the adventurers to overcome.

The mayor walks over to one of his bookshelves and pulls out a piece of parchment. He unrolls it on his desk for everybody to see. "This is the same map we gave them. The last person to see them was Holgast, the town wizard. He set up an ambush with some illusionary orcs a few hours outside of town. Other then having a chuckle about our fair adventurers fighting air, he said they looked fine going into the wood. If you are willing to look into this matter, the town would be most thankful."

Super Awesome Vudrani Druid 3
Init +2 Per + 10| AC 14/12/12 HP 26/28 | F +4/R +3/W +7 | CMB +2 CMD 14 | Surge +7 7/7

"We would be happy to," says Garuneh. "and I would be curious about the conditions for crossing that gorge. It looks difficult. I take it the crypt is on the opposite side. We would also want to speak with Holgast."

Dark Archive

"The entrance is at the bottom of the gorge, so you don't need to cross it. Just take your time going down it. It may double your time getting to the bottom, but even old men like me could make it with only a few scrapes and cuts. Holgast's tower is on the east end of town next to the wall. I don't think there is much more he can tell you, but be my guest."

Male Elf Diviner 5 Init +12 | AC 18, T13, FF 15 | HP 33/33 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6 | Longbow +6, 1d8+2 |

"Obviously, we are most concerned for your missing youngsters. While we are happy to assist in their recovery, I feel we might be unprepared for such an adventure. Perhaps you or your people could provide some provender and sundries?"

Aldous does a quick tally of supplies, ammunition, and the like the group already has.

"Rope, climbing gear, lamp oil, food, and arrows seem like our most commonly used items."

male Halfling Oracle 3

"... and food. Some provisions would be nice."

Dark Archive

"Unprepared . . . that is not very inspiring. Normally a carpenter has his own tools when he bids to build a fence."

1d6 ⇒ 3

Uptal goes over to a corner and pulls up a backpack, "This is an extra backpack we give each of the adventurers. There should be 5 days’ worth of rations, a small tent, a winter blanket, and a full waterskin. Also in this one is," he says while flipping open a pouch. "Oh, my, that might have been useful. A potion of healing here."

Female Human

Thank you for your offer. I do have food and equipment, a bit encumbering but I will make sure to adjust .

male Halfling Oracle 3

"We came here for a big celebration. If we had known it would turn into a rescue mission we would have come better prepared, of course."

Gunder rummages through the backpack and inspects the rations.

"Thats what you gave to your kids too? Maybe they simply starved," he jokes.

Male Elf Diviner 5 Init +12 | AC 18, T13, FF 15 | HP 33/33 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6 | Longbow +6, 1d8+2 |

"True, a carpenter, plumber, or other workman would also expect to receive coin for his efforts. I notice no-one has so much as mentioned this."

Aldous arches his eyebrows at the Mayor's slight.

"Perhaps it is extraordinarily common for skilled, trained adventuring parties to volunteer their services around here."

Female Human

Elizabeth nudges Gunder. Not all appetites are not as healthy as yours.

Male Elf Diviner 5 Init +12 | AC 18, T13, FF 15 | HP 33/33 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6 | Longbow +6, 1d8+2 |

"I would venture to guess almost no-one has the appetite of Ser Undertable over here." Aldous winks at the halfling as he teases him.

Dark Archive

In response to Aldous, ignoring Gunder's remark,"Hurmph, no. Not really. I will see about the provisions you need. Leave a list with the clerk and I'll see what we can do. But bare this in mind, outsiders. You must swear you will not defile or plunder the tombs of my townsmen within the Crypt of the Everflame."

Female Human

Elizabeth eyes Aldous. I most certainly promise to plunder or defile.

male Halfling Oracle 3

Gunder whispers to Elizabeth "Well, if this is all they get to eat, I don't blame them for loosing their appetite."

edit: ninja'd by Elizabeth

Gunder gives Elizabeth a wild stare.
Have you lost your mind, Liz?

Then he replies to the mayor: "She is joking of course. Defile your graves? Who do you think we are? Do we look like a band of grave-robbers or necrophiliacs to you? As long as your dead stay dead and don't attack us, they have nothing to fear from us."

Male Elf Diviner 5 Init +12 | AC 18, T13, FF 15 | HP 33/33 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6 | Longbow +6, 1d8+2 |

"I have no desire to plunder your gravesites. As Gunder said, so long as the dead stay dead, there is no reason to even touch them. Purely out of curiosity, is this burial site consecrated and managed in the Pharasmin style?"

Dark Archive

A look of shock over comes the mayor's face, then settles into a furrowed brow at the elf's and halfling's response.

"I do not believe so. The only temple in town is dedicated to Erastil. While there are shrines to other deities there, the Lady of Graves doesn't have much sway here except in times of mourning. The crypt is over 200 years old and I don't believe Kassen was a follower of hers."

Female Human


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