Loup Blanc |

The year is 2601 in the Imperial Calendar, and the great northeastern peninsula is embroiled in war. 'Minkai' is still the beginnings of an idea, and no single government reigns; instead, a multitude of warlords wrestle for power, as they have for almost a hundred years. Barely a year has passed since five clans--Amatatsu, Higashiyama, Shojinawa, Sugimatu, and Teikoku--first proclaimed they had been blessed to rule by divine mandate of the goddess Shizuru. As they have slowly banded together, a new shift is coming in this period of unending conflict. Perhaps someday soon, the wars will come to an end, and one ruler will unite this land of blood and fire. But for now, the battles continue, and even if the five families are destined to control the nation, there are many rivals they must face before taking the throne.
Placeholder post because Paizo requires I have something here.

GM Loup Blanc |

On the fourteenth day of the month of the Ogre, in the 2601st year of the Imperial Calendar, the Shojinawa clan's entourage left their ancestral castle in the southeast. Their journey was to Moekami no Kaori Castle, an ancient fortress high in the Kyojin Mountains, near the peak of Mount Yogan. There, for the first time, the five families blessed with divine mandate of rulership by the goddess Shizuru--the Minkai--were to gather together. They would discuss their plans for the coming years. If all went well, this would be the beginning of the end of the Sengoku Jidai, an end to the unending wars that had plagued the land for a century. The meeting of these five clans and their vassals would, at the very least, mark an important change in the dynamics of the war. All five hoped it would lead to peace.
The Shojinawa entourage did not include the clan head, Shojinawa Takahiro. He had ridden ahead with his personal guard, in hopes of arriving at the castle earlier. This caravan did, however, include a number of important figures. Included among the travelers, nearly two-hundred strong in full, were Takahiro's direct family: his wife, Miu, and his young son and daughter, Yasu and Asuka. Their presence was both prudent, to keep them close to Takahiro in case of attack on his domain, and demanded by the concords of the gathering.
Most important of all, though, were a group of men in the honor guard, which had been formed from warriors from the other four families. Among this collection of able soldiers and young scions were four heroes, although few knew what change they would make to the world at the time. Amatatsu Haurto; Higashiyama Ryushi; Onimazoku Yasei; Hiro Ikari. These four were merely walking with the honor guard on the road, but their own road would be long, perilous, and in the end, rewarding beyond knowing.
We join these four on the seventeenth day of this month, three days since they began their journey to the castle. The Shojinawa route went west first, to the waters of the Awahana River, which they would follow into the mountains. This would both provide an easy landmark and route, as well as ensure the Shojinawa did not travel near their former enemies, the Sugimatu. This route did pass through the ruined domain of the Nakajima clan, though: a region of wartorn villages and bandits lurking around every corner. It was unlikely bandits would stage an attack on so large a convoy, but the warriors were all on guard in any case.
Welcome to the campaign! You four are part of an honor guard of three dozen warriors, including members from the four other clans of the Minkai. Haruto is obviously Amatatsu, Ryushi and Hiro (or Ikari? I'm using the surname-first convention, but you don't necessarily need to) I believe are Higashiyama, not sure who the Onimazoku are allied with, although it doesn't really matter. There are some mixed troops among the main force as well, although it's mostly Shojinawa soldiers. As the honor guard, though, you have the distinction of being directly near the Shojinawa family as they ride. Feel free to introduce yourselves, describe what you look like, all of that.

Haruto Amatatsu |

Haruto has been quiet for most of the trip. For the most part, he plays the part of a noble as one would expect, though he spends a surprising amount of time conferring with the other guards, checking their travel route and planning for likely bandit ambush locations. His hair is black as night and tied back in a top knot, though he never seems to wear a helmet. His face betrays his youth, but his sharp, coal black eyes are unusually wary, even more so than your usual traveler or noble in these troubled times. His armor is obviously new, unmarred by combat scars or the wear of time, and made of a dark, vaguely leather-like material. He wears a deep emerald green jinbaori with the Amatatsu family crest emblazoned on the back over the lamellar plates.

Yasei Onimazoku |

Tentatively, Onimazoku are allied with Teikoku. But I see that more as an alliance of convenience, being a small clan allying or at least having a pact of protection and nonaggression with the nearest great power is a wise move.
Anyone unaware of Yasei's heritage would be rightly confused (and perhaps startled) by his presence. By all seeming, a red skinned, brutish and muscular hobgoblin strides along with the rest of the group, an enormous tetsubo thrown over his shoulders and arms resting casual on it as though he were carrying water. His sleeveless leather vest and comfortable pants show off an impressively muscular physique, and an imposing oni tattoo adorns his right shoulder, declaring his allegiance to all in the know.
Yasei has been on a low level of alert for the past few days, but is finally starting to relax just a little. After all, they haven't been jumped yet. He keeps mostly to himself as they walk, though not by choice. His unnatural looks and seemingly hostile expression (brought on by thick eyebrows and bone ridges) have served to scare off all but those who have pressing business with him, and the rough gravelly voice he answers their questions with sends them scurrying off as quickly as they can manage it.
He sighs a bit, then shrugs when those events cross his mind. Nothing he can do about it, after all.

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The warming sun, the breeze, the smell of dust and horses... Ryushi couldn't ask for a better place to be. Maybe a cooler breeze, to be honest, as walking under the sun is tiring enough, even more when you are used to the northern plains.
Ryushi loosed his hair, which he usually kept in a short braid. Free of that shackle, his shoulder lenght dark hazelnut hair waved with the breeze.
The young Higashiyama spotted mud stains on the lower part of his dark green cloak and decided to fold the hooded garment and stash it in his backpack to maintain a humble but impeccable appearance. After cleaning the dust off his embroidened kikko armor, he made sure his trusty daykiu hung close to his hand but without impeding his steps, and started daydreaming again...
...Since an early age he dreamt of being surrounded by the courageous samurai, and there he was, surrounded by the most legendary of all.
Knowing that it wouldn't be a surprise that the young Higashiyama could be found observing the rest with a delightful smile, trying to guess their school and style only from their pose, way of walking and weapon of choice.
He knew the risks and the old blood feuds, though, but thus is the reckless nature of youth: even among those that his family called their enemies not even months ago, he felt at home.
He did spare a modicum of curiosity for the rest of the honor guard. Having honoured the Higashiyama tradition of roaming samurai, Ryushi had already heard rumors and stories about the present Clans, but he couldn't place the tetsubo wielding figure. He didn't know the name of the black hair, brand-new armor young man, but Ryushi was most sure he was Amatatsu, judging by his blazon.
The young Higashiyama shrugged, knowing that in time he would know, and caressed the hilt of his twin blades "This is going to be an interesting travel." he said to himself with a genuine smile.

Hiro Ikari |

Hiro sits atop his horse, keeping quiet for most of their journey. The boy wears simple robes in blue and grey, with a large circlet of prayer beads hanging loosely around his neck. His dark hair is tied back away from his face, and his hands rest on the neck of his steed. His arms are wrapped in heavy bandages, and his fists are still swollen from the night before; he had trained with other soldiers, bare-fisted against metal arms and armor. A slight wind constantly ruffled his clothes and hair, even when no breeze swept by the others. As the group begins to move more quickly, he kicks his heels slightly into the sides of his horse, moving to keep up. Unlike the others, he was not born into the clans now marching together, having been born in the far north close to the Crown of the World. He had been offered as a warrior by a small clan that had sworn its allegiance to the Higashiyama. He had caught fish for the soldiers when they passed by lakes or rivers, but otherwise had kept to himself for most of the ride.

GM Loup Blanc |

Apologies folks, I was going to update last night but the site was going through maintenance when I had the chance. Also, the warming sun and breeze was a good call, Ryushi--the month of the Ogre is the height of summer, the equivalent of July. Minkai is far enough to the north that it doesn't get unbearably hot, but it's quite warm.
Shortly after noon, when the sun has reached its peak in the sky, the column stops for lunch and rest, moving off the road a little ways. Tables are quickly put together for the most important members of the entourage, mainly the Shojinawas and their counselors, but a table is also erected for the honor guard and the Shojinawa commander to meet at as they dine. Talk at this table is similar to conversations from earlier in the day: the topic on everyone's mind is the approach to the ruined town of Suigin, which served as the capital of the Nakajima lands. Since the clan's fall and the rise of bandits, it's likely the town has become a hotbed of criminal activity. There's an ongoing discussion of whether to go through or around; subjecting the Shojinawa family to potential danger seems unwise, but to give the town a wide enough berth to ensure safety would require fording the Awahana, which would consume a great deal of time.
Each member of the honor guard who would like to do so may speak at this informal meeting, making a case for what they think is the wisest course of action. The Shojinawa commander, Nakano Sota, has the final say, but he's proven a wise and considerate man, and he at least seems to take into account the thoughts of the honor guard. During the meeting his eyes rest on each of the guard's members, lingering just long enough to see if they have any thoughts to offer.
I'll keep moving since this didn't get up last night, but by all means, if you'd like to make a case or offer an idea, please do so and go ahead and roll a skill check along with it. Diplomacy is the most obvious, but if you can make a case for another skill to be used, I'll accept that. This will have an impact/influence, so it's not just an empty roll.
The honor guard offer several different points and ideas throughout the lunch meeting, but by the end there is still no clear conclusion. Nakano nods, however, and he is clearly deep in thought as the tables are broken down, the gear is packed up, and the entourage readies to head out. In the midst of that work, however, a call is heard from one of the posted spotters: "Rider approaching!"
The honor guard quickly moves into place around the Shojinawa family, encircling them with weapons at the ready. Surely enough, a horse comes up the road at a gallop not long thereafter, coming from the south, and it comes to a halt near the entourage. Riding atop is a haggard-looking young woman, perhaps fifteen years old, with a younger girl seated in front of her. Both have muddied and tattered clothes, and they nearly tumble from the horse, which isn't saddled.
"Please--bandits." The older girl clutches the younger, and steps forward, her eyes wide with fright. "They're attacking our village. Our father, our mother--they're still there, we took the only horse to find help, please, you have to help us!"
The guard has begun to lower their weapons by now, realizing that these girls likely aren't a threat to the family, but new murmurs are already starting. A cry for help from a clanless village--one already behind the entourage's path. Soon people begin looking toward Shojinawa Miu and Nakano Sota, knowing they will make the final decision.

Yasei Onimazoku |

"We can handle a few bandits. What we might not be able to handle is a big delay. The other four clans might take it as a sign of weakness, or worse an insult if we arrive last. We're gathering to put those petty differences aside, but they're not just going to disappear overnight. Worst case scenario we're looking at another war." Yasei rumbles intensely.
Intimidate: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (9) + 14 = 23
Take 10 on Sense Motive, for a 19.
Yasei, ever suspicious, eyes the girl.
"Careful, my lords*, it could be a trick." he looks directly at Miu "You are renowned for your kindness. The bandits could be attempting to prey on it."
*Not sure what the proper term of address here is. They're not technically nobility, but they do command that type of respect. I don't know the Japanese honorific for this scenario so sticking with English for now.

Haruto Amatatsu |

Perform (Sing): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29 Versatile performance to Sense Motive
"Regardless, we cannot avert our gaze when innocent people are in danger," Haruto interrupts. "If it is a trick, then our force of arms will carry us through safely. But as long as there's a chance it is not, we cannot abandon these people to their fate."

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During the meeting, Ryushi keeps a serious face and listens intently, still marveled by the presence of such legends around him. He isn't inclined to either of the routes and as such prefers to remain silent.
When the rider approaching alert is sounded, he swiftly draws his bow and readies an arrow, prepared to fire it at the slightest sign of danger.
He silently studies the situation while the girls explain themselves, relaxing his arrow arm.
Take 10 on Sense Motive for a total of 17.
After his peers voice their opinions, Ryushi puts the arrow back in the quiver before speaking.
"My lords, both of the honor guards that have spoken carry wisdom and truth in their words. It could be a trick to lure us into an ambush, but we can't abandon the common folk to their fate." he says with a clear, soft voice. "I can't by my honour allow this matter to pass unanswered. Perhaps we could form an impromptu force to respond to it, a small group while the rest of the honor guard remain in place defending you, My lords."
The young Higashiyama eyes the rest of the honor guard, looking for others willing to accompany him and Amatatsu Haruto, who already voiced a simmilar opinion.
"In any case, be it alone or with others, I volunteer. The Higashiyama always protect the least fortunate... I couldn't look to the face of my ancestors otherwise."

Yasei Onimazoku |

Yasei nods.
"Fair compromise. I'll go too, if you decide on this course." the last he addresses at the Shojinawa heads.

GM Loup Blanc |

At the lunch meeting, Sota narrows his eyes at Yasei's tone, but nods when he's finished. "You make a strong case, Onimazoku. Time is of the essence."
- - - - -
After the girls arrive, and Haruto speaks up, Nakano Sota shakes his head. "Absolutely not! Avoiding the delay of fording is one thing, but I will not subject my Lady to danger on an excursion to some other domain's village. This entourage will leave the road under no circumstances." After Ryushi's suggestion, he looks about to speak, but is cut off by a delicate cough, and the assembled turn to see Shojinawa Miu with a raised hand. She gives a small smile to Sota, then turns her gaze on the girls and trots her horse forward a few paces.
"The honored Higashiyama speaks wisdom, commander. I understand the need for safety and speed, but we cannot let this injustice go unanswered. The Nakajima were our friends; though they have fallen, we should protect their people if we can. A smaller group to aid their village seems a fine notion."
Sota bows to the woman. "Of course, my lady. But we must maintain our number to defend the noble family. I could spare but a dozen men in all."
"Then eight of your soldiers will go, along with..." Miu purses her lips in thought for a moment, then nods. "The Higashiyama and Amatatsu scions, for their courage and desire to aid the people. And the Higashiyama's 'northern savage' as well," she adds, looking at Hiro. It's clear from her tone that she doesn't believe that stereotype. "The Onimazoku as well, for his willingness. May you prove yourself an honorable man against some perceptions." She offers another smile to Yasei and the others. "How many bandits were there, child?"
The girl on the horse swallows and bows as much as she can without falling. "Ten men, my Lady. They attacked quickly, and many of the village's men died in the battles, before. That's how they took the village so fast."
Shojinawa Miu nods. "Then I imagine four honorable warriors of the clans, with eight soldiers in their command, can easily drive them off. You are welcome to ride with us if you prefer, child."
The girl looks grateful, and she is ushered to the supply train for attention after giving directions to the village--simply following a side road a mile-odd back will take you to it. Shortly, Nakano Sota has chosen eight soldiers to accompany the four honor guards. "Go to the village and see how things are. Rout the bandits if you can, but do not hesitate to return if things sour. Ride as hard as you must." A dozen horses are provided, and as the main entourage continues, a dozen warriors are left to deal justice as it exists in this era.
You have eight 1st-level warriors under your control, for what they're worth. How do you want to go about this?

Haruto Amatatsu |

Haruto mounts his steed. "Let us ride swiftly brothers! We need not fear these brigands. They are not more than cowards who pray upon the weak and the helpless, fighting solely for their own greed. We fight for more than that. We fight for the people, for justice! And as long as we fight together, they cannot hope to defeat us. Stay together and fight as a unit. Use your numbers and your training to overwhelm them and bring them down one by one while you stay strong. We will support you, doing what we can to prevent casualties and to strike down their leaders before they can do greater harm."

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Ryushi smiled as Haruto spoke. Truly an uplifting speech he thought Master Amatatsu surely will one day become a mighty leader...
As his thoughts drifted, the young Higashiyama jumped onto his trusty steed and followed his peers, his bow grasped in his left hand.

Hiro Ikari |

Hiro raises an eyebrow at the comment on his heritage, but otherwise doesn't seem to balk at the characterization. "I will deal with their leader," Hiro says calmly. He cracks his knuckles, all rough and calloused beneath their bandages, while keeping a hold of the reigns. "I have dealt with their kind before; they are emboldened the farther north they travel, expecting little resistance from the northern 'savages' that inhabit the area. When met with sufficient resistance, they will either bend their knee in surrender or snap like twigs."

GM Loup Blanc |

So the dozen warriors ride for the village, heading opposite the main entourage. The journey takes some fifteen minutes between returning to the side road and following it to the village. The four members of the honor guard take the lead, and they pull short as they near the settlement, looking down at where it lies along the river.
The village consists of some two-dozen buildings, one looks to be a small smithy, and a few look run-down and abandoned. The entire village is in disrepair, to be truthful; there are hard times across the Nakajima lands, and this village is an average example of those tribulations. Currently a pair of buildings are aflame, and smoke rises from another fire burning in the rough center of the town. Four men appear to be sitting around this fire, holding conversation as they cook some meat on spits. Another stands slightly off to one side, sharpening a nodachi. Down by the river, a pair of brigands keep watch over several women, washing clothing and drawing water in buckets.
All but Ryushi also note one more of the apparent bandits: a man seated just inside a window of the nearest home, looking out at the road. He looks to be yawning as the party approaches, though, and they quickly move off the main road into some brush for cover.
You're some hundred feet from the nearest house at the moment--there isn't really any cover or concealment between here and there, though, you've mostly gone unnoticed due to distance. You can decide how you want to go about this; if you want or need more information on layout, let me know.
Yasei: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28
Ryushi: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Hiro: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27
Bandits: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

Yasei Onimazoku |

"I am not a particularly good ambusher, but am willing to make the attempt. However, I would also not mind acting as a distraction if any of you are more stealth inclined."

Hiro Ikari |

Hiro shakes his head, dismounting from his horse. "My homelaand is sparse and cold, so such subtleties are less than necessary. No, we ought to bring death upon them as an eagle would; swiftly, and without mercy." The monk flexes his muscles and stretches, before closing his eyes and breathing calmly. As he breathes out, the wind around you picks up and surges around him, wreathing him in a cloak of air. "The dozen of you, deal with the men by the river. We will take the others," he says, motioning to the soldiers. He motions for the others in the party to follow--whether on horse or on foot--until he is within eighty feet of the brigands. "Let me know when you are ready, and I will strike the first of them down."

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Ryushi coughs a couple times to draw Hiro's attention as he takes an arrow "We ought to bring justice, not death, upon them. Justice and vengeance are different matters." he says while frowning "But this is not the time to discuss such things... I can pass unnoticed. With some luck I can strike him from here, but the odds would be better if I closed at least half the distance before firing."
The young Higashiyama starts to hastily drawn an improptu map of the town on the ground, using the arrow he took"From here we count four brigands sitting by the fire, five with the nodachi sharpening one. Another two by the river. With the watcher that makes seven bandits." he explains as he notes down lines on the ground to symbolize each one "In an ideal situation, that would be the lot of them, but some may be sleeping or resting where we can't see them."
"Before we rush in blindly, we should decide a thorough plan. I don't want any of the soldiers dying because of recklessness, each wound would weight on our minds." he continues as he draws different lines on the 'map' "A group of soldiers, eight of them for example, should take care of the bandits by the river, the fastest runners of them. I fear they could try to kill the women if they feel alarmed. The rest should stay behind and act as reinforcements either for us inside the town or their peers by the river. If you allow me the honour, I will move closer and shoot the watcher. Once he is down, we can focus on the ones sitting by the fire. But keep an eye on the one with the nodachi, I have a gut feeling about him... he isn't like the rest."

Haruto Amatatsu |

"A good decision I believe," Haruto says after a moment. "I believe those women may be all that remains of the villagers. Freeing them to insure that these brigands can't try to use them as hostages and then getting them a safe distance from the fighting would be wise. Attempt to move around their flank once you've defeated the men guarding the women and try to cut off any escape and support us from the side. Also be very careful. There may be more bandits somewhere. We were told there are ten of them, yet I count only eight. We must be wary that those last two might be skulking about, ready to ambush the unwary."

Yasei Onimazoku |

Ryushi coughs a couple times to draw Hiro's attention as he takes an arrow "We ought to bring justice, not death, upon them. Justice and vengeance are different matters." he says while frowning
"The penalty for banditry is death. Death IS justice here." Yasei corrects.
Consistent across nearly every culture on Earth, as I recall.
Yasei swings off the horse and stamps his feet.
"Always trusted my own feet better, but for appearances' sake..."
"I agree with your plan; I have no better one."
His eyes begin to glow with a blood red tint as he readies his weapon and limbers up.

GM Loup Blanc |

I'm assuming you're doing all this planning quietly and still far enough out that you can't be seen by the bandits? Also, I think a couple folks are confused; there are a dozen of you total, including the 4 PCs. You have eight regular soldiers at your command. Sending all eight around down to the river would be all of them.
EDIT: Also, yes. The standard penalty for banditry is very much death, especially if they've been caught in the act of attacking and pillaging a village. In ruined domains like the Nakajima, it tends to go unchecked because people are busy with their own troubles, but any clan is allowed to wipe up bandits and dispense this justice.

Haruto Amatatsu |

I assumed we were still hiding in the bushes and talking quietly. But yeah, I was thinking send the soldiers to the river to free the villagers while we draw out the bandits, then have them hit from the side once the civilians are safe. If we think eight is too many for two guys, I would suggest we send four to the river and keep four with us.

Hiro Ikari |

"I believed that was your custom," Hiro says in response to Yasei's comment on killing the bandits. "These are common soldiers, they should take the two by the river, as I suggested. Once they've dealt with those two and ensured the safety of the women, they could sweep in from the side and catch the bandit's in a vice. Which of them looks to be the leader, do you think? I will kill him first, strike fear into the hearts of the others. I have a feeling the man with the nodachi is our first target." He turns to Higashiyama as he mentions striking them from afar, nodding as he speaks. "I can close this distance in moments, strike them before they realize we're upon them. Kill the watcher if you wish, I'll be past him before he can fire a shot. Does this seem acceptable to the rest of you?"

Haruto Amatatsu |

"It seems that we agree on this plan then. Come to think of it, I don't believe I have ever seen you fight. It will be interesting to see your skills in action."

Hiro Ikari |

"No, you haven't," the northerner says to Haruto, breathing in heavily. "I have sparred with the guardsmen, but that is not fighting. This will be," he says, before breathing out heavily. The air whips around Hiro violently, and he takes off in a sprint towards the man wielding the nodachi. As he comes within ten feet of the man, he leaps forward and slams the heel of his foot into the man's chest, the winds gathered around him whipping forward to blow the man backwards. The force of the wind propels him backward, and he lands low to the ground, the air around him still whipping up dust and debris.
Bull Rush; Pushing Infusion: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16
Attack Roll: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25
Damage: 2d6 + 8 ⇒ (3, 5) + 8 = 16
Gaining Kinetic Fist and using Pushing Infusion; I take 2 Burn, and if my Bull Rush beats his CMD, he's pushed back five feet. Let me know if I provoke any attacks of opportunity, I'll roll for the attacks I get from Panther Style.
Also, I assumed they're flat-footed (since they haven't "acted in combat", but let me know if that isn't true. Won't change my action, but it'd be nice to know.

GM Loup Blanc |

Alright--some of that is dependent on Ryushi's archery, since you couldn't get closer than 100 feet from the house with the sentry before being in the open, i.e., spotted instantly since you can't Stealth. That said, there's a decent chance of Ryushi hitting the man if he was indeed planning to shoot him, which I think he was. If that goes off without a hitch, then you're good on that attack, but I'll need that roll to confirm what's going on.
For ease of keeping things moving, Ryushi, your target AC is 16, and the sentry has 8 hit points.

Haruto Amatatsu |

I'll wait for that shot. Since Haruto is a commander, he'd rather wait to see how first moves go before making a call.

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As the others are preparing to fall into position, the archer breaths hastily. One, two, three swift respirations, andI Ryushi springs into action.
In one swift motion which made his long cloak flicker as a candle in the wind, Ryushi stands, locks eyes with the watcher and fires.
The arrow seems to shine lightly as the man loosens his grip on it, and a low, hissing sound comes from it as it flies...
Entering Stance of Piercing Rays to make sure he goes down. Assuming one range increment.
Deadly Aim : 1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (16) + 7 - 2 = 21
Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Fire Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 2
And it hits!
...and the arrow finds its target, with enough gorce to drop him right there.
Ryushi turns to Hiro and says "Your turn now, noble savage of the Higashiyama Clan." with an honest smile before starting to move towards the town.

GM Loup Blanc |

Ryushi's shot is true, and the plan is set into motion. The four skilled warriors move forward toward the house, while the soldiers dismount and move around the edge of the village, hoping to take the brigands down by the beach by surprise.
Finally, Hiro instigates the combat when he dashes forward, running with the speed of the very wind. There are a few shouts from the bandits as they see him coming, but the man sharpening the nodachi has no chance to respond: Hiro's foot slams into his chest, and he's thrown off his feet from the force of the blow. The sword drops from his hand as he collapses to the ground, clearly unconscious, and the others scrabble to draw or ready their weapons as they realize they're under attack.
INITIATIVE: Hiro, Bandit Leader, Haruto, Ryushi, Yasei, Bandits, Soldiers.
PARTY'S UP! There are the four bandits around the fire, armed with a variety of melee weapons.
Ryushi: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
Hiro: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
Yasei: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
Bandits: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Bandit Leader: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Soldiers: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Haruto Amatatsu |

Haruto watches as the unarmed man hits the first bandit hard enough to send him flying. "Different from sparring indeed." With one smooth motion, he draws his blade and dashes forward, closing on the rest of the bandits around the fire in an instant. His blade comes down, cleaving in to the nearest man's armor and leaving a large gash.
Attack (Charge): 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 8 + 2 = 18
Damage: 1d8 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

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Ryushi watches Hiro's attack and can't but smile as the other Higashiyama sends the leader flying.
Not wasting a second, Ryushi draws two arrows in rapid sucesion, aiming at the two most distant bandits...
Deadly Aim Rapid Shot #1: 1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (1) + 7 - 2 = 6
Deadly Aim Rapid Shot #2: 1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (18) + 7 - 2 = 23
Damage #1: 1d8 + 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (4) + (5) + 4 = 13
Damage #2: 1d8 + 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (8) + (6) + 4 = 18
...and as the arrows fly, the young samurai looks around to see if there are more bandits on their way.

Hiro Ikari |

Hiro stands, his hands raised in a defensive posture. He pivots on his right foot, swinging around with a vicious hook kick. A second later, the nearest bandit is bowled over by a vicious gust of wind that catches him at the neck, slamming him into the ground head-first. He brings his foot back down, fists raised against potential attackers.
Attack Roll: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Damage: 2d6 + 7 ⇒ (6, 3) + 7 = 16

Yasei Onimazoku |

Yasei sets off at an easy predatory lope that shows exactly why he trusts his own feet more than a horse. He moves in, deceptively quickly, and without breaking stride brings down his tetsubo on a bandit's skull.
Perfect Strike, charging at the bandit leader if possible. 50 ft speed.
2d20 ⇒ (1, 18) = 19+7 to hit, so 25.
Damage: 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17

GM Loup Blanc |

Close on Hiro's trail, Haruto and Yasei dash into the fray, headed for their own bandits as the northerner gathers power and sends forth a blast of wind. One of the bandits is bowled over by the assault, and slams into the ground. Even as that brigand drops, Haruto slashes into another with his katana, and Yasei slams into another with his tetsubo. Both of their targets collapse without ceremony, falling under the rapid attack. Ryushi draws back his bow with a quick pair of arrows, and while the first flies only a dozen feet before falling off course, apparently ill-made, the second strikes true, catching another bandit in the chest, driving him to the ground in a heap. (I'm assuming my "most distant bandits" you meant within the group by the fire, not the ones down by the beach, since your soldiers are supposed to deal with them.
The brigands by the water look up at the shouts and sounds of combat, and angrily draw their weapons. "Attack!" one screams, and they begin advancing toward your position, furiously shoving peasants out of their way. As they're coming up into the village, though, your own soldiers come charging forward, drawing the brigands' attention as they rush into combat.
Party's up again--you're all pretty sure none of the bandits you just felled were "leader" caliber, unless the whole group are roughly the same strength.

Haruto Amatatsu |

"Forward! Sends these criminals to their final judgment!" Haruto brandishes his blade above his head as the men charge in to battle. "Let it be known that bandits can no longer pray on the innocent as they please. Not while we stand against them!"
Begin my bardic performance and my tactical presence. Everyone within 30 feet gains Diehard, and +1 to hit and damage.

Hiro Ikari |

Hiro raises an eyebrow at Haruto's proclamation, not one for such theatrics in the midst of a battle. Still, he keeps up his guard and breaths slowly, and the winds around him pick up more readily as he takes his breaths. "Where are you?" he muses aloud, looking for the leader of the bandits. "You won't remain hidden for long, I'd imagine," he continues, the winds picking up and tossing pieces of loose debris from the damaged houses.
I'm holding my action until the leader shows up.

![]() |

Ryushi prepares another two arrows and turns towards the remaining bandita battling the soldiers.
The young Higashiyama waits for any signal of the bandits managing to best the soldiers before firing.
On hold, pure flavour text. But I intend to bring down those two if our allies are in peril

GM Loup Blanc |

Initiative: Hiro, Bandit Leader, Haruto, Ryushi, Yasei, Bandits, Soldiers
Round 2
In the wake of the honor guards' attack and Haruto's bolstering cheer, the bandits and foot soldiers of the Shojinawa clash. The brigands move in with confidence and savage fury, and though the soldiers plant their feet and try to hold fast, two are struck by the brigands. One twists at the last moment, turning what might have been a fatal blow into a debilitating one, but the other is not so lucky: there's a sickening crunch as a bandit's club smashes into a ribcage, and one of the soldiers drops to the ground.
To their credit, the soldiers hold fast, though, and they move to encircle the bandits, grouping such that they can surround them before beginning an attack with their spears. The brigands dodge and block, and their armor protects them from a few hits, but one runs out of stamina and is caught off guard. One soldier's spear rakes his thigh, and when the bandit grunts and turns to face that man, another spear runs through his gut. The brigand doubles over, grabs at the shaft poking through his stomach, and collapses to the ground.
Round 3
As the four heroes stand in the center of town, keeping an eye on the soldiers and their surroundings, a massive bellow comes from one of the houses. The four turn as one to face this new threat, and a hulk of a man steps out, all corded muscle and furious eyes. Clutched in his hands is a large kama, and his wild hair hangs down unkempt onto a vest of rough hide. "Who's attacking my men? I'll gut you where you stand!" Flanking him are another pair of bandits, each wielding a handaxe.
Technically that happens on his turn, but I'm assuming Hiro would delay again until the leader appeared, so Hiro's up; I'll post the bandit leader's action as shortly after that as I can. The new arrivals are some fifty feet from your current position.
Bandit Attack 2: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18 Damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Soldier Attacks: 7d20 ⇒ (2, 2, 6, 1, 3, 8, 9) = 31 With +6 each, that's, uh, two hits...
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8 Damage 2: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Hiro Ikari |

Hiro again lashes out, this time with a flourish of his arm, and the air around him lashes out like a whip towards the leader's chest, a few broken and still burning planks of wood flying from their place on the ground. As the wind connects with the leader, he twists his arm again and swings it hard to left, aiming to slam the leader's skull into the side of the doorframe he's just stepped through. "My name is Hiro Ikari, in service to the Higashiyama clan; enjoy your next breaths, for they will be the last you take." The young monk plants his feet into the dirt, and the wind around him whips about even more violently, his hair pulling free of its braid and flying loose about his face. "Come face your death with honor."
Attack; Kinetic Blast: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25
Damage: 2d6 + 7 ⇒ (4, 3) + 7 = 14
Fighting Defensively to boost my AC to 22, and after I attack I'll Gather Power as a move action to negate one point of Burn on my next turn. I should have Gathered Power last turn, but what can you do?

Sundakan |

Gathering power for next turn after the blast itself. I'm planning on using Kinetic Fist once we close into melee. It's just a move action for one point, so theoretically I should be able to gather power after using a blast this turn... unless I misread how the ability works.
You did. The Move action version of Gather Power must be used on a Blast in the same turn. You have to use the Full Round action version to save points for the next round.
I thought what you were saying was your Blast was costing you Burn so you should have done it last round (is the 2/6 from your Enveloping Winds?).