Olaf Snow |

Looking forward to running with everyone, looking over the party roles shaped up as:
Hálvr Grímmrsǫngr (Skald) Melee/Buffer
Dalgar Carver (Warpriest) Melee/Self-buffer/limited support
Hiiram Melech (Arcane Trickster) Ranged
Aubheroene (Evoker) Ranged
Alfred Redhill (Bard; CC based) Buffing/Support
Olaf Snow (Bloodrager) Melee/Self-buffer
Soral Darkrent (Mystic Theurge) Ranged/Support
J’larky (4th elven Arcanist) Ranged
It looks like we'll have some party buffs going out, but it doesn't seem like a whole lot will be cast (more going out as rage song/bard song).
Looks like a lot of the casters have bent towards evocation, so we'll be the hell raisers burning stuff to the ground eh?
When are we looking to get started?