May the blood run red

Game Master Helix Moltaran

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Neat. Looking forward to running with you, boss.

And, to everyone who didn't get picked: Good luck next time! There will be plenty more games and you guys all had great applications. :D

Stoked! Cheers for the invite GM-C

@Scranford: you and me again bud!

To everyone else accepted looking forward to gaming with you all :)

To everyone who missed out - condolences, was some very cool concepts submitted.

Looking forward to running with everyone, looking over the party roles shaped up as:

Hálvr Grímmrsǫngr (Skald) Melee/Buffer
Dalgar Carver (Warpriest) Melee/Self-buffer/limited support
Hiiram Melech (Arcane Trickster) Ranged
Aubheroene (Evoker) Ranged
Alfred Redhill (Bard; CC based) Buffing/Support
Olaf Snow (Bloodrager) Melee/Self-buffer
Soral Darkrent (Mystic Theurge) Ranged/Support
J’larky (4th elven Arcanist) Ranged

It looks like we'll have some party buffs going out, but it doesn't seem like a whole lot will be cast (more going out as rage song/bard song).

Looks like a lot of the casters have bent towards evocation, so we'll be the hell raisers burning stuff to the ground eh?

When are we looking to get started?

Congrats to those who made it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Crap late to the table. Please let me know if someone drops out!

When I saw that Black Dow had thrown his hat in the ring I knew things were going to get hot on this thread. I will be dotting to read along. :)

Congratulations to everyone else accepted, should be a great game!

Yes this should be a very fun game.

I wish the rest the best of luck in getting into a game and am sorry that you didn't get selected. The submissions truly were awesome.

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