Jimbles' Dead Suns

Game Master Jimbles the Mediocre

Location: Ukulam, Castrovel
Handouts: Moriko's Legacy | Temple of the Twelve

Useful Links, by Location
Absalom Station: Map of Absalom Station | Miraj's Evidence Board
The Hippocampus: Quick Reference | Tactical Handouts

Book 1: Incident at Absalom Station
The Dead Suns Adventure Path starts on Absalom Station, the gigantic space station that occupies the former orbit of the sun’s now-vanished third planet, Golarion. Absalom Station is the administrative and cultural center of the Pact Worlds, and now serves as the system’s primary home of humanity. The player characters are all prospective applicants to the Starfinder Society, and have come to Absalom Station to find work...

Book 1, Chapter 1: Absalom Gang War
The PCs had all made arrangements to meet a dwarven Starfinder named Duravor Kreel in Docking Bay 94. Kreel had promised to show them around the station, help them get settled, and facilitate their membership into the Starfinder Society. The adventure opened on the shuttle Okimoro, just as it arrived in Docking Bay 94. As soon as the Starfinder recruits disembarked, however, a furious firefight broke out between two unknown groups of combatants. When the dust settled, the two groups had broken and scattered, the docking bay was a mess, and Duravor Kreel was dead.

Seeking out the guidance of the Starfinder Society, the recruits met a member of the Starfinder's leadership council, Chiskisk (host shirren). Chiskisk, saddened by the death of their friend Duravor, asked the recruits to investigate his death, as the shirren felt that not all was as it seemed.

Splitting into three groups, the potential Starfinders pounded metaphorical pavement, investigating the life of Kreel as well as both groups of combatants - local gangs known as the Level 21 Crew and the Downside Kings. In less than 24 hours, they collected a significant amount of information, which led them to the front door of the Fusion Queen, a suspected hideout of the Downside Kings.

Attempting to slip into the club under the radar, one heavily-armed (get it?) member of the group startled the bouncers, who opened fire. After an extended firefight that dragged through the Fusion Queen's back rooms, the prospective Starfinders were able to neutralize the Downside Kings and capture their leader, Ferani Nadaz. For their efforts, the group was awarded with full membership in the Starfinder Society. As the newly-minted team headed off for a night of celebration, Chiskisk warned them not to party too hard, as their next assignment could be just around the corner...

Book 1, Chapter 2: Ghost Ship
Two days after the fight at the Fusion Queen, the newly-minted Starfinders received two pieces of news. Firstly, they received a new team member - a scyphozoan who goes by Lauren and is new to the Pact Worlds. Secondly, they had a job offer waiting from His Excellency Gevalarsk Nor, the ambassador from Eox, the planet of the undead. Nor had offered to mediate the dispute between Astral Extractions and the Hardscrabble Collective, the two groups sponsoring the gang war that had so embroiled the Starfinders. After meeting with the undead diplomat and representatives from both parties, the Starfinders prepared themselves to take a shuttle, the Hippocampus out to the mysteriously abandoned Acreon and its enigmatic cargo, a large asteroid dubbed the "Drift Rock".

As the Starfinders approached the Acreon they were beset by a mysterious fighter craft that nearly destroyed their vessel, but the crew of the Hippocampus prevailed, turning their foe into space debris and spacing rendezvousing with the quarantined Acreon. Inside, they discovered a group of hungry akatas, fearsome predators native to the airless voids of outer space. Fighting their way to the bridge, the Starfinders were able to bypass the ship's digital security and access the Acreon's logs, revealing that the crew of the Acreon had indeed stumbled on their enigmatic cargo while travelling home through the Drift - only to discover that it was infested with dangerous akatas - and something else. Unable to hold the ship, the surviving crew had retreated to the Drift Rock, hoping to find a defensible position within.