JaceDK's Realm of the Fellnight Queen (Inactive)

Game Master Jacob Trier

"That fell creature sought to twist our minds, remove our souls, and make us forget what we are, rendering us into nought but crude beasts."
- Jervaise Toppington, Steel Falcon of Andoran

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Mummy's Mask Campaign slides | Storyteller extraordinaire

I know everyone are waiting for me - just a bit longer, and I'll have my submission for RPG Superstar out of the way so I can post a proper update. Thank you for your patience.

GM JaceDK wrote:
I know everyone are waiting for me - just a bit longer, and I'll have my submission for RPG Superstar out of the way so I can post a proper update. Thank you for your patience.

No problem. We'll see you back here when you are ready!

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

I just want to wish everyone a happy New Year and assure you that you are not forgotten.

See you in 2013.

Mummy's Mask Campaign slides | Storyteller extraordinaire

So, game on again. Since it's been a while, a short recap might be in order.

Having entered the Fellnight Realm, our heroes first defeated the treacherous nixie Arvormeigh and her shadow troll minions. They then made their way through enemy territory to the mysterious boundary called the faengard, where they located the breach through which the evil queen Rhoswen's troops had escaped to cause havoc in the material plane.

The gap was guarded by a pair of pixies and one of the bee swarms serving Tenzekil the bleachling gnome. After driving off the pixies and trapping the bee swarm under a dome of ice, the heroes quickly set out to replace the wardstones they had carried with them.

They were interrupted by the appearance of Tenzekil himself, accompanied by even more bees, and another battle ensued. Now, while the bee swarms cover our heroes, Tenzekil is bleeding severely from several arrow wounds. The proud elven ranger, Caelin, lets loose another shaft, which races towards the airborne gnome....

To be continued...

Mummy's Mask Campaign slides | Storyteller extraordinaire

Calins arrow flies true, and strikes Tenzekil in the side. The injury is too much, and the pale gnome collapses. Still borne up by his magic spell, his still form hovers suspended 60 ft. off the ground.

As their master collapses, the surviving bees withdraw along with Tenzekil's giant bee companion. Acting with an intelligence that should be far beyond their vermin minds, they swarm around the still form, forming a thick cloud to shield him from further arrow fire.

Taecuss only:
Thanks to you see invisibility spell, you are able to notice the remaining pixie, who has been holding back during this last battle. When Tenzekil falls, he halts for a moment, as if to contemplate his options. He then turns and hightails it south at top speed.

The bees swarm around Tenzekil, granting him concealment. You are free to act out of initiative, but I'd like to keep track of spell durations. You may also want to audit your injury and spell status.

"The last pixie is leaving!" Taecuss calls out, gesturing in the direction of its flight.

Status: 27/59 hit points, -3 Dex. Spells remaining: 4 1st, 3 2nd, 2 3rd. 26 of 28 rounds of performance remaining

Goodluck sighs with relief as the swarm and giants bee leaves. He moves towards his companions, glancing over them to check for injuries.

Male Halfling Inquisitor 8

Is anyone seriously injured?

Meycho fishes out his healing wand and treats his own wounds first.

Cure Moderate Wounds: 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (6, 4) + 3 = 13

Status: 55/58 HP, 2 Dex Damage, Bane (4/8 uses left), Judgement (1/3 uses left), Spells (5/5 1st, 3/5 2nd, 0/2 3rd left), Wand: 5 charges left

Meycho wrote:
Is anyone seriously injured?

Taecuss looks to Meycho, his body swollen with insect venom and skin pierced with a thousand pinpoint wounds. He barely manages to reply "Yes, I seem to have come out for the worst on that."

Down 32 hit points.

Mummy's Mask Campaign slides | Storyteller extraordinaire

The bees continue to buzz protectively around their unconscious master. On the ground, the wardstones lie scattered where Taecuss dumped them from his pack.

The pixie soon flies out of sight, and does not look like he intends to stop for a while.

Male Halfling Inquisitor 8
Taecuss dyn Bru wrote:
Meycho wrote:
Is anyone seriously injured?

Taecuss looks to Meycho, his body swollen with insect venom and skin pierced with a thousand pinpoint wounds. He barely manages to reply "Yes, I seem to have come out for the worst on that."

Down 32 hit points.

Cure Moderate Wounds: 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (8, 8) + 3 = 19

Status: 55/58 HP, 2 Dex Damage, Bane (4/8 uses left), Judgement (1/3 uses left), Spells (5/5 1st, 3/5 2nd, 0/2 3rd left), Wand: 4 charges left

I'll give you another shot if no one else is more in need, Meycho says after having let the healing magic course from the wand into Taecuss' chest, easing the pain and taking most of the swollenness from his body.

hp 79/79, AC 24/19/15, CMD 29, F: +11, R: +14, W: +12, init: +5, per: +15 Elf Ranger Infiltrator

Happiness with his shot quickly faded, and he soon turned his attention to his friends. He grimaced at Taecuss's wounds.

Feeling tremendous relief from the healing power, Taecuss turns back to the task of the stones (ignoring the fallen gnome). He'll pick up one stone and start moving around to the different spots where they look like they were removed. He'll try to find where that first stone came from, twisting it this way and that, trying methodically to find its proper place.

Mummy's Mask Campaign slides | Storyteller extraordinaire

The stones are identical in appearance, and it will not be hard to repair the breach. But you know from the fey of the forest that it won't do much good without the ritual to restore magic of the barrier.

That's everyone except Jervaise who have checked back in. I hope we didn't lose him.

hp 79/79, AC 24/19/15, CMD 29, F: +11, R: +14, W: +12, init: +5, per: +15 Elf Ranger Infiltrator

As Taecuss worked, Caelin kept a watchful eye on their surroundings. He whistled Aumgwe over, not wanting to send the bird into the air where he might attract attention.

Just to refresh my memory and make sure I am remembering correctly, we needed to replace the stones at the faengard and conduct a ritual using a staff currently held by the fell night queen. I was under the impression that it would be relatively safe to leave the stones in place at the faengard because the queen and her minions could not remove them (the gnome was used for that before). The details of the ritual are still unknown to us, but we are hoping that once we possess the staff it may show us or somehow communicate to us what that ritual is. Am I missing anything?

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Taecuss dyn Bru wrote:
Just to refresh my memory and make sure I am remembering correctly, we needed to replace the stones at the faengard and conduct a ritual using a staff currently held by the fell night queen. I was under the impression that it would be relatively safe to leave the stones in place at the faengard because the queen and her minions could not remove them (the gnome was used for that before). The details of the ritual are still unknown to us, but we are hoping that once we possess the staff it may show us or somehow communicate to us what that ritual is. Am I missing anything?

No, that is a very accurate description of your current mission and situation.

"Gentlemen, it looks like replacing these stones will be easy enough when it is time for the ritual. Though I am concerned about leaving them here. While we know that initially removing them when the magicks were intact could not be done by the Queen's minions, that may not be the case now. I think we need to press on and find the queen and retrieve the staff. Any thoughts on which way that might be?"

"And what shall we do with our gnomish 'friend' here? If we approach him, whether for ill or boon intent, I suspect his loyal subjects will attack again. But can we just leave him? Must we resort to a more permanent solution? After all, we did offer him sincere redemption and he turned away most violently."

Male Halfling Inquisitor 8

But is it safe to carry the stones to the very heart of the Fellnight Queen's realm? While I have no intentions of failing in our quest, wouldn't it be more prudent to hide them somewhere against that very danger?

At Taecuss' question regarding the gnome, Meycho turned thoughtful. I think we should leave him. I would not risk angering those pesky insects again. On the other hand, he might possess some magical items that could help us in our task.

Meycho places a hand on Taecuss' arm and intones a short prayer, more healing energy coursing from his hand.

Cure Light Wounds: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

Status: 55/58 HP, 2 Dex Damage, Bane (4/8 uses left), Judgement (1/3 uses left), Spells (4/5 1st, 3/5 2nd, 0/2 3rd left), Wand: 4 charges left

Mummy's Mask Campaign slides | Storyteller extraordinaire

I'm waiting for the group to agree on a course of action. Do you repair the breach or keep carrying the stones, and what is to be done about Tenzekil and his stinging friends?

Male Half-Elf Fighter 1 / Rogue (Scout/Thug) 4 / Steel Falcon 2 / Chevalier 1

Jervaise shakes his head.

"I agree, we should not take the stones with us. Thus, I think we should put them back in place. However, if we are to do so, we *cannot* leave the one who removed them here, alive. We need to finish what we started, bees be damned!"

Mummy's Mask Campaign slides | Storyteller extraordinaire

Jervaise! Yay, the whole gang is back together. I was starting to worry we had lost you :-)

"So, bows, then? I would offer to 'lead off' the bees, but that really did not work out so well last time."

hp 79/79, AC 24/19/15, CMD 29, F: +11, R: +14, W: +12, init: +5, per: +15 Elf Ranger Infiltrator

Caelin gave Taecuss a worried, skeptical look as he halfheartedly prepared his bow. "I can shoot him from here, but what happens to the bees then? Do they disperse...or seek revenge?"

Mummy's Mask Campaign slides | Storyteller extraordinaire

That is an excellent question, Caelin. Only one way to find out...

hp 79/79, AC 24/19/15, CMD 29, F: +11, R: +14, W: +12, init: +5, per: +15 Elf Ranger Infiltrator

Caelin looked around at each of his companions as he knocked an arrow. "I really don't want to do this, but I know we can't leave him behind...

Mummy's Mask Campaign slides | Storyteller extraordinaire

When Caelin raises his bow, the intense buzzing from the bees increases in volume and intensity. They are clearly aware of the significance of the gesture, and swarm closer to the lifeless gnome. The giant bee hovers in the air besides them, never taking it's attention from the threats on the ground.

Waiting for someone to make a move. Caelin, if you wish to shoot, roll attack and damage and treat Tenzikel as having concealment (20% miss chance). He is 60 ft from you.

hp 79/79, AC 24/19/15, CMD 29, F: +11, R: +14, W: +12, init: +5, per: +15 Elf Ranger Infiltrator

Caelin lowered his bow in a combination of frustration and relief. "This isn't right."

He quickly stowed his bow. "I'm going to see if we can't take him with us."

He drew out his rope and began approaching the gnome.

assuming nobody stops me during the act

Caelin approached the swarm-covered gnome slowly with a hand held out gently, the other holding the rope.

Reaching the buzzing mass, he knelt gently beside the body. Moving very, very carefully, he tried to make the former foe more comfortable. After gauging the reaction of the swarm, he began to loosely bind the gnome's hands. With this completed, he called forth some mild healing magic.

Pending any stinger-related retcon, I'm going to try to tie up the caster's hands and then give a cure light wounds. Don't know that any skills work, e.g. Handle Animal on vermin. Let's see what happens.

Mummy's Mask Campaign slides | Storyteller extraordinaire

Caelin, just to clarify - Tenzekil is still affected by his air walk spell, so he's 60 ft. up in the air. You will either have to wait or use some sort of flying magic to get to him.

I don't think we have any time pressure so urgent that we can't let the spell expire.

Mummy's Mask Campaign slides | Storyteller extraordinaire
Taecuss dyn Bru wrote:
I don't think we have any time pressure so urgent that we can't let the spell expire.

Got it. I'll play a little loose with a few rolls and skill checks and make some assumptions of player actions in the spirit of getting things moving.

Making the most of the time, the group quickly repairs the breach in the faengard, replacing the runecovered stones. A short while after, the magic that hold Tenzekil airborne expires, and the gnome gently floats down, coming to a rest on the grassy hillside.

The heroes carefully approach, doing their best to convey to the agitated bees that they mean the gnome no further harm. Remembering that Tenzekil used sylvan to communicate with the obviously intelligent insects, Caelin and Teacuss manage through a combined effort to calm them enough to be able to bind and heal Tenzekil.

The gnome is badly injured, and it is clear that he has been hovering at death's door. If he had been abandoned, he would most likely have perished from his wounds.

As he wakes, Tenzekil look up at you, misery and shame painted on his face.

"I deserve none of your mercy...but I thank you for sparing my bees. They are all that bind me to the world I left behind, and they have already suffered for my actions."

He looks at the repaired barrier.

"You have replaced the wardstones, I see. Good. The Queen must not be allowed to escape into Golarion, or others will fall to her wickedness as I did. But you will have to enter her palace to defeat her, and that is a horrid place, a living mass of thorns twisted and shaped by her cruel being. The entrance is heavily guarded, and her dark fey minions roam the halls - but I know a way you may enter unseen.

When I first came to this place, I was captured by the spriggans and placed in the dungeons beneath the palace until I could be brought before her. There I noticed a pool of dark water, fed by a small stream that flowed in through a low tunnel. If you can find that stream, you should be able to use it to gain entry."

Tenzekil gestures to a scroll case strapped to his side.

"Here, take these - they are a meager way of paying for the harm I have caused, but hopefully they will aid you." The scroll case contains a scroll of antiplant shell and a scroll of neutralize poison.

"Mercy is one of the things that separates us from them. Thank you for your advice and aid."

Do we have any idea where her palace is from here, or can our woodsman types get directions from him to help us get there?

"The Queen's palace is about forty miles from here. If you head east through the forest, you will come to a river. Cross it and you find yourself at the opening of a forested valley nestled between tall peaks on either side. The palace is at the bottom of the valley, clearly visible from miles away. Be careful, though - the forests are thick with worg-mounted spriggans and other fell creatures."

Male Halfling Inquisitor 8

Thank you, Tenzekil. There is still hope for you...and for Golarion.

With that, Meycho makes ready to move out.

"I hope we see you again, friend gnome. Be at peace and continue to seek your redemption."

Taecuss falls in behind Meycho.

hp 79/79, AC 24/19/15, CMD 29, F: +11, R: +14, W: +12, init: +5, per: +15 Elf Ranger Infiltrator

Caelin takes the indicated scroll case and hands it to Taecuss. After helping make ready to leave, he returns to the gnome

With a last look of confirmation to the party, he moves to untie Tenzekil.

Mummy's Mask Campaign slides | Storyteller extraordinaire

It's going to take you a minimum of two full days of travel to reach the palace, and longer if you take extra care to avoid any trails and other locations where you might have a high chance of running into enemy forces. Why don't you give me a couple of survival rolls to represent navigation and general woodland sneakyness and sketch out a plan for traveling, resting, marching order and watch rotations etc.

Male Halfling Inquisitor 8

Survival: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17+4 if Tracking is involved
Survival: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31+4 if Tracking is involved

Meycho will probably take lead point, unless someone else wants the position. With Perception +14 and Stealth +21, he seems like an obvious candidate. He'll have Falling Star scout further ahead and report back any issues.

Mummy's Mask Campaign slides | Storyteller extraordinaire

All right, let's get things moving again. I take it you move in standard marching order, take care not to be detected, use the previously established watch rotation for camping and leave Tenzekil to fend for himself. Unless someone challenges these assumptions, I'll post an update in a bit.

hp 79/79, AC 24/19/15, CMD 29, F: +11, R: +14, W: +12, init: +5, per: +15 Elf Ranger Infiltrator

Caelin followed Meycho's lead. Aumgwe also searched ahead, but Caelin occasionally checked to make sure the presence of two birds of prey would not seem untoward.

Taecuss lets himself smile a bit as the champions fall into their comfortable habits of travel and leave the tortured gnome behind. Even in the hostile environment and in the quiet progress, he feels more at ease than he has for some years. Soon, this dark chapter would draw to a close.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

The Champions of Bellis set out into the gloomy realm. Thanks to the woodcraft skills of Meycho and Caelin, and the watchful birds, the group is able to evade the roving bands of enemies. Several times, you narrowly escape detection by taking cover in the undergrowth as worg-mounted spriggans pass.

After crossing the river you spend an uncomfortable night in crude shelter, not daring to light a fire. No dawn is there to mark the time to rise again, so after the worst weariness has passed, you set off again.

Late on the second day - at least you think it's the second day - you spot the dark shape of the queens palace in the distance. Just as Tenzekil described it, the thing is a twisted mass of living thorns, beautiful and terrible all at once. From your hidden vantage point, you spot spriggans patrolling the walls and tower ramparts.

Moving round the palace at a safe distance, you manage to locate the stream Tenzekil mentioned. Following it towards the palace, you finally reach a place where it flows into the hillside through a narrow tunnel. Above and ahead, the deep green walls of the palace loom. The water appears to be about chest deep for a medium creature and the of the tunnel ceiling leaves just enough room for you to wade through without having to go below water.

I assume you heal all remaining hp injuries using left-over spell slots. You also heal ability dmg from one round of natural rest.

Mummy's Mask Campaign slides | Storyteller extraordinaire

So...you're finally here. Don't you want to go inside? Or do you want to go knock on the front door instead?

Mummy's Mask Campaign slides | Storyteller extraordinaire

Another nudge - I'm waiting on you guys to do something.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

By the way: HAPPY BELATED ANNIVERSARY! Yesterday, it was 2 years since I made the very first post to kick off this crazy adventure. Considering the lifespan of most PbP games, it's quite an achievement to make it this far.

Bonus anniversary fact: In a few days, it will be 2 years since I wrote this:

GM JaceDK wrote:
markofbane wrote:
Ugh. I can't wait to finish this module so I can come back and read those spoilers!
Not to worry. At this pace we'll be done in 8-9 months - a year tops. :-D

"More spriggans. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised by that." Taecuss comments when they note the guards on the palace.

When they arrive at the tunnel, Taecuss says "So far, all is as Tenzekil said. That still doesn't mean it may not be a trap." Once they start to enter the tunnel, Taecuss will cast Light on his necklace.

Taecuss has low light vision. Perhaps an entry order of: Caelin, Jervaise, Meycho, Taecuss and Goodluck? Meycho, are you going to have to swim to get through this part?

Male Halfling Inquisitor 8

Yeah, probably...I should be fine, I think, but if I could be in the middle, just in case I go under and have to be dragged like a drown mouse...

Status: 58/58 HP, 1 Dex Damage, Bane (8/8 uses left), Judgement (3/3 uses left), Spells (5/5 1st, 5/5 2nd, 2/2 3rd left), Wand: 4 charges left

hp 79/79, AC 24/19/15, CMD 29, F: +11, R: +14, W: +12, init: +5, per: +15 Elf Ranger Infiltrator

As the others prepared themselves for immersion, Caelin knelt by the water and scooped a bit up in his hand. He gave it a suspicious sniff to see if it was somehow foul or enchanted.

When the others were ready, he gave a small nod and slipped first into the stream.

hp 79/79, AC 24/19/15, CMD 29, F: +11, R: +14, W: +12, init: +5, per: +15 Elf Ranger Infiltrator

I'll scout up the stream

Mummy's Mask Campaign slides | Storyteller extraordinaire

With Caelin taking point, you move into the stream and follow it into the caverns. After a short while, you reach a spot where the stream vanishes in under a low ledge. You can hear it drop off towards a lower depth.

Examining the area, you spot a hidden opening. If Tenzekil hadn't told you what to look for, you most likely would have missed it.

Behind it, a narrow staircase lead deeper into the hill. Following it down, you reach the point where stream reemerges. A narrow stone ledge runs beside it, winding through the caverns in the general direction of the palace.

After carefully moving forwards for a good while, Caelin can see that the stream widens into a pool up ahead. From his current position he can't see the far edges of the pool.

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