Purplefixer |

Geeze -so much bonus power-.
These characters are going to be significantly OP for the 15-point-buy based module.
1pt: +2 skills per level
2pt: 25pb
2pt: Freak Power
1d100 ⇒ 81
1d100 ⇒ 12
1d100 ⇒ 36
I'll go with 12: No need to sleep. (But not immune to sleep effects)
NE Male Gillman Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger) 1 (Goes into Fighter (Corsair) after Level 1)
Str: 16 (10)
Dex: 14 (5)
Con: 15 (3)+2
Int: 12 (2)
Wis: 10 (2)-2
Cha: 15 (3)+2
Buccaneer's Blood (Campaign)
Hurricane Savvy (Pirates of the Inner Sea p15)
Swim 30'
*Water Dependant
Enchantment Resistant
Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Bastard Sword (1)
Gunsmithing (GS1)
ExoWepPro: Firearms (GS1)
Profession (Sailor) 1 (4)
Swim 1 (14)
Climb 1 (6)
Intimidate 1 (6)
Perception 1 (4)
Craft: Alchemy 1 (5)
Craft: Firearms 1 (5)
Character starts off with a (class feature) pistol, some shot, a Large Sized bastard sword (-2 to hit, two handed exotic weapon only), leather armor, backpack, and an alchemist's kit.
GP: 32
The plan is to go with Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger), then Fighter (Corsair) for a few levels, then splash Rogue (Pirate), then straight into Shackles Pirate Prestige Class.
Scarn belongs to a piratical legacy three generations long. The 'Overboards' have been saving men gone overboard for generations. His granda was a Freebooter, his Da was a smuggler and bucaneer, and he's a corsair and pirate. I'll find the background I -just- wrote for the other campaign app, and see if I can post it.