Hymenopterix's Colonies of the Salt Coast

Game Master Electric Monk

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NG Elf Guide Ranger HP 18/18 | Init +3; Perc +9 | AC 16 T13 FF13 | CMD 15 | Fort +3 Ref +6 Will +2; +2 vs ench, immune sleep

"A drake, I think. Or a wyvern. We learned in the caravan to take shelter when we saw such a thing. Fortunately we were not in plain sight when it passed over. We will have to be careful... hopefully its nest is not too close to the watch, or the livestock may become prey."

I'm cool with moving on

HP: 5/5 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4 | AC: 12 | Touch: 11 | FF: 11 | Fort: +1 | Ref: +3 | Will: +2
Knowledge (stuff) +10; Knowledge (other stuff) +10Knowledge (stuff) +10; Knowledge (other stuff) +10Knowledge (stuff) +10; Knowledge (other stuff) +10

As you dismount Minara begins talking, seemingly unstoppable at the events that have happened since you've been gone. "You're back! Why Aranea will be so happy! There have been travellers and of course Teacher Saerin - he's the priest that they sent from Restov. And there's lots of new people. Most of them are pretty boring though. They don't hang around long, most of 'em, they just arrive and then leave to go and build farms and such. I don't think I'd want to be a farmer, it sounds boring, though Aranea does say that they're important. I guess someone needs to grow the food. I’ve been practicing my sword skills. Did you know Aranea bought me a sword – A rapier. I’m not very good yet, but Aranea says I need to be able to protect myself from men. I don’t think their mostly so bad as she says, and anyway, you’d protect me? Wouldn’t you sir Bein? I’m much better with a bow. Oh! Did I say that Aranea gave me a bow too? Maybe you could teach me with the sword Sir Bein? Then I’d be sure to get better! So yes, most of the settlers have been farmers, but there were some soldiers a little while ago who came and joined the others, and there were some gnomes too – gnomes are funny aren’t they? They said they were explorers and Aranea said they should wait for you to come back to get permission to explore but they insisted, insisted on heading off to the south straight away. One of them had purple hair! Do you think I’d look good with purple hair sir Bein? Here, I’ll hold Arundel (who’s a good boy?) don’t worry I’ll brush him down for you. I’ve kept his stable very clean. Oh! And Aranea’s been making me do embroidery. Its sooooo boring! But I made you a new saddle-cloth Sir Bein, I’ll get it for you later. It’s got a picture of a Stag on it – like your helmet. It’s not very good I’m afraid. Oh! And Aranea will want to speak with you about the attacks! You haven’t heard? Some livestock a few days ago, oh and then two people as well! I don’t know their names but it was off to the east, on the other side of the river. I’ll take your horses. Just leave them hitched there. Aranea’s in the hall.


Stability: Control DC 22: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9 (Fail)
Unrest: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Your kingdom's unrest is now 4.

Consumption: 47-1 = 46

Quick Stats after Upkeep Phase:

Economy 11; Loyalty 11; Stability 8; 
Consumption 1; Unrest 4; Treasury 46 BP

I have changed these in the Campaign info tab to stay current.

Now into Edict Phase:

a. Assign leadership (e.g. where does Volpe's bonus go?)
b. Claim hexes (double the number on the chart => you can claim up to 2)
c. City Improvements
d. Terrain Improvements
d. Edicts

I'll work out stats for your new High Priest ASAP. Probably best if kingdom planning goes in the discussion thread.

General Bein'Meleth Rámalóce The Staglord:
Kingdom Stat+3 Stability
HP: 28/30 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4 | AC: 21| Touch: 12 | FF: 20 | Fort: +4 | Ref: +2 | Will: +2
Climb +3, Craft (weapons) +5, Diplo +9, HA +9 (+11 to train), Intim +6, K (nobility) +5, K (religion) +5, Per +3 (+5 SH), P (soldier) +3, Ride +4, Sense Motive +3 (+5 when oppose bluff) Swim +5

Bein dismounts and tries to take it all in, Minara's verbal assault causes even Arundel to tilt his head. When she finally stops Bein throws back his head and laughs before messing her hair up. His voice was friendly despite his sudden urge to ride east as fast as he could to investigate. "We missed you too my dear and it would be a pleasure to teach you swordsmanship. You'll have to ask Jack about the bow as I am not so inclined." He smiles at Jack, having now volunteered him to teach the young Minara. "What your sister says though is very true. Learning the basic skills is the best foundation in learning more difficult skills. Without the basics everything else becomes more difficult to learn."

He thinks long on the purple hair question before answering. "I'm not sure, but I will say you should try it and see. Life is too short to not seek new experiances Minara. I look forward to your gift and appreciate your information. You leave the details of the east to us but I am curious what else have you heard?"

Newcomers, a new Teacher and attacks on the eastern edge along with a... Wyvern or drake out west. He sighed and pulled off his helmet, despite his thoughts he kept up a warm and friendly face for Minara's sake.

Female Bard 2 / Monk 2 ; HP: 26/26 | Init: +2 | Perc: +9 | AC: 18 | Touch: 16 | FF: 15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +8 | Will: +9
Acro: +9 ;Dipl: +10 ;Heal: +8 (+10) ;Intim: +9 ;Know (relig): +9 ;Perf (ora): +8 ;Perf (sing): +9 ;Ride: +6 ;Sen Motv: +10 ;Spcrft: +8 ; UMD: +7

"If you will excuse me, Lord Finnabar. Teacher Saerin will doubtlessly be requesting my presence once he has been informed of our arrival. It would be fitting of me to present myself without a layer of sweat and trail dust."

NG Elf Guide Ranger HP 18/18 | Init +3; Perc +9 | AC 16 T13 FF13 | CMD 15 | Fort +3 Ref +6 Will +2; +2 vs ench, immune sleep

Jack just nods shyly, overwhelmed by the young girl's gregariousness, but agreeing with Bein. "If she would like."

He looks to the others. "First, I should do rounds at the keep, see if there is anything the new settlers are concerned about."

Male Human Paladin 2/Oracle of Battle 2 HP: 27/34 | Init: +1 | Perc: +7 | AC: 16 | Touch: 10 | FF: 16 | Fort: +8 | Ref: +3 | Will: +10
Climb +6, Bluff +4, Diplomacy +10, Heal +5, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (eng) +6, Knowledge (religion) +5, Knowledge (nobility) +6, Ride +6, Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +5

Answering to all, Finnabar nods, happy to see every one so eager to participate in this new adventure: "Please take your timefor all your duties. This is crucial for our people. I'll go and see Aranea and get her report."

Then, ruffling the young Minara's hair, he adds to her. "I'm happy to see you enjoy yourself here. And more so that you are eager to learn new things. Keep doing that."

HP: 5/5 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4 | AC: 12 | Touch: 11 | FF: 11 | Fort: +1 | Ref: +3 | Will: +2
Knowledge (stuff) +10; Knowledge (other stuff) +10Knowledge (stuff) +10; Knowledge (other stuff) +10Knowledge (stuff) +10; Knowledge (other stuff) +10
Xarafine wrote:
"If you will excuse me, Lord Finnabar. Teacher Saerin will doubtlessly be requesting my presence once he has been informed of our arrival. It would be fitting of me to present myself without a layer of sweat and trail dust."

Following some quickly shouted directions from Minara, you make your way back in to town, to the new tavern, "The Hart and Hind". Entering the freshly whitewashed building you are greeted by the landlady and ushered into a seat, whilst the serving-boy runs off to find the teacher. After several minutes a figure makes his way down the stairs wearing the rainbow stole that marks him as a priest of The Nine. Teacher Saerin is an older man - somewhere in his late sixties or seventies, with greying hair at his temples and sharp caerulean coloured eyes. He hurries downstairs and bows as he approaches the table, waiting as you stand and make the normal show of greeting one higher in the church. Formalities over, he sits and greets you less formally. "Teacher Xerafine, I thank you for coming to greet me, when I arrived I was most disappointed to hear that you and the new Lord, Finnabar isn't it?, had left the town. Its most exciting, I must say, to see these godless wilds being settled and civilised. Such a waste that it has not been done long-since. What I feel we must discuss, however, is the construction of a proper place of worship for these good folk who are bringing the light of civilisation to this barbaric wilderness. Without such a place I am sure that we can only expect to see them degenerate to the level of barbarians themselves, we both know, after all, how the lower classes are easily lead astray, and here in the wilds there can not fail to be temptations that those with less of a will than ourselves might fall prey to. I would request, therefore that you construct a shrine to the Nine as soon as possible. On my journey from Restov I was sorry to see more than a few pagan constructions and I fear that without proper guidance your people may fall away from the light of the nine."

HP: 5/5 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4 | AC: 12 | Touch: 11 | FF: 11 | Fort: +1 | Ref: +3 | Will: +2
Knowledge (stuff) +10; Knowledge (other stuff) +10Knowledge (stuff) +10; Knowledge (other stuff) +10Knowledge (stuff) +10; Knowledge (other stuff) +10
Finnabar d'Orlovsky wrote:

Answering to all, Finnabar nods, happy to see every one so eager to participate in this new adventure: "Please take your timefor all your duties. This is crucial for our people. I'll go and see Aranea and get her report."

Then, ruffling the young Minara's hair, he adds to her. "I'm happy to see you enjoy yourself here. And more so that you are eager to learn new things. Keep doing that."

You make your way into the fort, finding Aranea in discussion with a soldier. As you approach she dismisses him and turns to greet you. "Lord Finnabar!" she says with a weary smile. "at last you're back. There has been so much to do whilst you've been gone. Why, the new Teacher has arrived from Restov, there have been some kind of attacks on settlers on the other side of the river and, of course, new settlers. More of them arrive every day. Why the town is bursting at the seems! The new Teacher, Saerin he's called, has been to see me almost every day, requesting to see you. I told him that you were away, but he's very persistent. He was going to put himself up in Lady Xerafine's room, but I convinced him to stay at the inn in town. He's insisting that we build a shrine. Noble perhaps, but he doesn't seem to think much of 'the common people'. And, of course these attacks. It seems that, let's see, four nights ago, there were some pigs slaughtered on a small outing farm across the river, and by all accounts it was quite brutal. Then, yesterday, a report has come in that two of the settlers have been killed too. Both were near the new bridge returning to town. One was a shepherd boy, Bevan, killed two nights ago, with several of his sheep no less. The other a maid called Saki, killed last night. You must do something! Why I've heard chatter that it wouldn't have happened had you been here. Nonsense, of course, but that's what they're saying. I've even heard talk of werewolves if you can credit it."

General Bein'Meleth Rámalóce The Staglord:
Kingdom Stat+3 Stability
HP: 28/30 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4 | AC: 21| Touch: 12 | FF: 20 | Fort: +4 | Ref: +2 | Will: +2
Climb +3, Craft (weapons) +5, Diplo +9, HA +9 (+11 to train), Intim +6, K (nobility) +5, K (religion) +5, Per +3 (+5 SH), P (soldier) +3, Ride +4, Sense Motive +3 (+5 when oppose bluff) Swim +5

Beins actions

He nods to Lord Finnabar and stows his Stag Helm on his belt. "I will investigate the rumors and word of this attack further my lord. Please Excuse me everyone."

From there he mingles with the guards in the settlement trying to gather information from them and enlist their aid in trying to calm the citizens.

diplomacy - request aid: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19
diplomacy -request? gather information on the attacks: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12

NG Elf Guide Ranger HP 18/18 | Init +3; Perc +9 | AC 16 T13 FF13 | CMD 15 | Fort +3 Ref +6 Will +2; +2 vs ench, immune sleep

Let me go with you, Bein, I would like to see the sites of the attacks and see if I can track whatever did them."

Female Bard 2 / Monk 2 ; HP: 26/26 | Init: +2 | Perc: +9 | AC: 18 | Touch: 16 | FF: 15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +8 | Will: +9
Acro: +9 ;Dipl: +10 ;Heal: +8 (+10) ;Intim: +9 ;Know (relig): +9 ;Perf (ora): +8 ;Perf (sing): +9 ;Ride: +6 ;Sen Motv: +10 ;Spcrft: +8 ; UMD: +7

"My apologies, Teacher, for not being present to greet you properly upon our arrival. Many of the necessary tasks for taming these wild lands have fallen directly to Lord Finnabar, myself, and his chief advisors and officers. You are correct that a proper Shrine needs building, and I am certain that Lord Finnabar would like your counsel on its ideal location within the new kingdom."

She pauses a moment, stands, then kneels before Saerin, head bowed, and holding out the Speaking Staff to him with both hands.

"The Speaking Staff is rightfully yours by your office, Teacher Saerin. It was placed in my trust and now I am obliged to return it."

Male Human Paladin 2/Oracle of Battle 2 HP: 27/34 | Init: +1 | Perc: +7 | AC: 16 | Touch: 10 | FF: 16 | Fort: +8 | Ref: +3 | Will: +10
Climb +6, Bluff +4, Diplomacy +10, Heal +5, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (eng) +6, Knowledge (religion) +5, Knowledge (nobility) +6, Ride +6, Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +5
Jack Ciarathan wrote:
Let me go with you, Bein, I would like to see the sites of the attacks and see if I can track whatever did them."

"Please do it and get Akiros and Kesten with you if you need. It's their job as well as yours."

Male Human Paladin 2/Oracle of Battle 2 HP: 27/34 | Init: +1 | Perc: +7 | AC: 16 | Touch: 10 | FF: 16 | Fort: +8 | Ref: +3 | Will: +10
Climb +6, Bluff +4, Diplomacy +10, Heal +5, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (eng) +6, Knowledge (religion) +5, Knowledge (nobility) +6, Ride +6, Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +5

In reply to Aranea, Finnabar smiles: "You did good. It is normal that people need time to adjust themselves to this new land. Now for the two main point you are bringing to me, Bein and Jack are already gone to follow up with the killing and we will take care of it. And Teacher Xarafine has gone to see the new priest. From what you say, the teacher, yourself and myself will need to work on him to get him to fit. But I'm sure with the three of us, we'll be up to the task."

"But I'm weary from the road and have some news for you then for Oleg. Let us get something to drink and we will talk", he adds, leading the young diplomat to the main room of the fort where he picks up two glasses of wine.

Offering one to Aranea with a smile, he adds: "We have been exploring a lot and found good resources," he says, "detailing the two mines (gold and silver) they found. We also encountered the Scootscale tribe of Kalds and discussed a treaty with them. The teacher and myself will explain you what exactly we agreed and you will need to draft an announcement to all explaining it clearly. I'm also counting on you to learn Kald as soon as possible. You may need to go there for that. If you do, please take with you a small patrol for your security."

General Bein'Meleth Rámalóce The Staglord:
Kingdom Stat+3 Stability
HP: 28/30 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4 | AC: 21| Touch: 12 | FF: 20 | Fort: +4 | Ref: +2 | Will: +2
Climb +3, Craft (weapons) +5, Diplo +9, HA +9 (+11 to train), Intim +6, K (nobility) +5, K (religion) +5, Per +3 (+5 SH), P (soldier) +3, Ride +4, Sense Motive +3 (+5 when oppose bluff) Swim +5

Bein nods to Finnabar and gladly accepts Jacks offer. He looks to Minara as well. "We will be back soon to give you some training little one for now we have some business to attend to."

Nodding to Jack they move as one to talk with the guards, calm the populace where needed and speak with Akiros and Kesten.

If Kesten wishes to join us that would be cool but Bein will specifically ask Akiros to come with. Someone needs to be in a position to do their job and Akiros, Bein and Jack can handle almost anything I am sure! :D

HP: 5/5 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4 | AC: 12 | Touch: 11 | FF: 11 | Fort: +1 | Ref: +3 | Will: +2
Knowledge (stuff) +10; Knowledge (other stuff) +10Knowledge (stuff) +10; Knowledge (other stuff) +10Knowledge (stuff) +10; Knowledge (other stuff) +10
Jack Ciarathan wrote:
Let me go with you, Bein, I would like to see the sites of the attacks and see if I can track whatever did them."

You and Bein make your way out of the town and north to the new bridge across the river, lead by Kesten. Although the second attack only took place last night, the girl's parents have already removed the body and all that remains is a large red stain on the road's edge.

Survival DC 15:

There are some tracks here leading off towards the north. They look very similar to the tracks of a large wolf.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Xarafine wrote:

She pauses a moment, stands, then kneels before Saerin, head bowed, and holding out the Speaking Staff to him with both hands.

"The Speaking Staff is rightfully yours by your office, Teacher Saerin. It was placed in my trust and now I am obliged to return it."

The old man smiles as you kneel, and pats your outstretched hand. "Now don't worry about that my dear. I have one of my own after all and the church has decided to let you continue carrying it. May it help bring the light of the nine to these heathen lands. The council have been pleased with your work and I would not be surprised to see you go far in the church. But, for now my dear, you must be weary from your travels, and I have work to do also. Why, there are many children here, and many can't read the nine's blessed words. There is work to be done!"

General Bein'Meleth Rámalóce The Staglord:
Kingdom Stat+3 Stability
HP: 28/30 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4 | AC: 21| Touch: 12 | FF: 20 | Fort: +4 | Ref: +2 | Will: +2
Climb +3, Craft (weapons) +5, Diplo +9, HA +9 (+11 to train), Intim +6, K (nobility) +5, K (religion) +5, Per +3 (+5 SH), P (soldier) +3, Ride +4, Sense Motive +3 (+5 when oppose bluff) Swim +5

Before leaving the city Bein put on the Stag Helm once more and shuddered at the clarity it gave him.

When they reached the site he carefully looked around the area like a man possessed. When he found the large paw print he turned to Jack. "I found something... but I'm sure I will muck up thr trail if I go further. Can you follow it Jack?

untrained survival roll: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (20) - 1 = 19

NG Elf Guide Ranger HP 18/18 | Init +3; Perc +9 | AC 16 T13 FF13 | CMD 15 | Fort +3 Ref +6 Will +2; +2 vs ench, immune sleep

Survival: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (11) + 12 = 23

Add 2 if the area is forested

Jack nods with a smile, and if he sees a trail, he follows it.

Female Bard 2 / Monk 2 ; HP: 26/26 | Init: +2 | Perc: +9 | AC: 18 | Touch: 16 | FF: 15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +8 | Will: +9
Acro: +9 ;Dipl: +10 ;Heal: +8 (+10) ;Intim: +9 ;Know (relig): +9 ;Perf (ora): +8 ;Perf (sing): +9 ;Ride: +6 ;Sen Motv: +10 ;Spcrft: +8 ; UMD: +7

Xarafine rises at Teacher Saerin's behest. "Thank you Teacher. I am tired from our recent journey. With your permission, I will retire to my room and rest."

HP: 5/5 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4 | AC: 12 | Touch: 11 | FF: 11 | Fort: +1 | Ref: +3 | Will: +2
Knowledge (stuff) +10; Knowledge (other stuff) +10Knowledge (stuff) +10; Knowledge (other stuff) +10Knowledge (stuff) +10; Knowledge (other stuff) +10

Bein and Jack:

The tracks lead away to the north. You follow them, finding that they lead into medium-sized stand of forest, the edges of which show signs of having been harvested for wood for the growing settlement. Once you reach the wood itself however, the tracks lead onto a large rocky outcrop of large round granite boulders and there they seem to just disappear.

Perception DC 20:

From beneath you, somewhere amongst the boulders you can hear the sound of yipping - like a puppy, or a wolf cub.

General Bein'Meleth Rámalóce The Staglord:
Kingdom Stat+3 Stability
HP: 28/30 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4 | AC: 21| Touch: 12 | FF: 20 | Fort: +4 | Ref: +2 | Will: +2
Climb +3, Craft (weapons) +5, Diplo +9, HA +9 (+11 to train), Intim +6, K (nobility) +5, K (religion) +5, Per +3 (+5 SH), P (soldier) +3, Ride +4, Sense Motive +3 (+5 when oppose bluff) Swim +5

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

Bein looked as best he could but he wasn't as skilled as Jack, even with magical assistance he wasn't able to keep up...

Female Bard 2 / Monk 2 ; HP: 26/26 | Init: +2 | Perc: +9 | AC: 18 | Touch: 16 | FF: 15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +8 | Will: +9
Acro: +9 ;Dipl: +10 ;Heal: +8 (+10) ;Intim: +9 ;Know (relig): +9 ;Perf (ora): +8 ;Perf (sing): +9 ;Ride: +6 ;Sen Motv: +10 ;Spcrft: +8 ; UMD: +7

Xarafine spends a couple hours resting in her room, then changes into fresh robes, and goes to find Finnabar.

"Lord Finnabar, I thought it important you know that Teacher Saerin is most anxious to see a proper Shrine built. He is concerned that the people will turn to fanciful notions and beliefs if they do not have a physical, foundational point of reference for their faith in the Nine."

NG Elf Guide Ranger HP 18/18 | Init +3; Perc +9 | AC 16 T13 FF13 | CMD 15 | Fort +3 Ref +6 Will +2; +2 vs ench, immune sleep

Perception: 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 11 + 2 = 29

NG Elf Guide Ranger HP 18/18 | Init +3; Perc +9 | AC 16 T13 FF13 | CMD 15 | Fort +3 Ref +6 Will +2; +2 vs ench, immune sleep

Kneeling over the now-faded tracks, Jack freezes as he hears something. Pointing down to the crag in the rocks, Jack looks at Bein and cups his ear, indicating he should listen. In case Bein still can't hear, he mouths the word "pup."

But a pup would not leave so large a track... he thinks to himself. It must be a mother... He frowns. I can understand a dam wanting to feed a hungry pup risking invading a farm to take the pigs... but it would probably avoid attacking people--dangerous prey, and dangerous moreso to its pup--unless it felt threatened... I wonder if the people 'attacked' were farmers trying to drive it away... or if there is an even larger pack, wolves are much braver then, but we found the trail of only one animal, and I hear only one yipping...

Jack observes the area. Wolves would certainly attack livestock as easy prey, he did not doubt that, but attacking humans to feed seldom happened unless they were desperate or angry. He tries to assess two things: whether there is a notable absence of other prey in the area that would drive the wolf to attack people, and whether his assessment of the wolf behavior is correct, or if it would perhaps more randomly assault people on the road.

Survival: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (14) + 14 = 28
Knowledge Nature: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

General Bein'Meleth Rámalóce The Staglord:
Kingdom Stat+3 Stability
HP: 28/30 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4 | AC: 21| Touch: 12 | FF: 20 | Fort: +4 | Ref: +2 | Will: +2
Climb +3, Craft (weapons) +5, Diplo +9, HA +9 (+11 to train), Intim +6, K (nobility) +5, K (religion) +5, Per +3 (+5 SH), P (soldier) +3, Ride +4, Sense Motive +3 (+5 when oppose bluff) Swim +5

Bein still couldn't hear what Jack indicate Going off his previous roll ;) and quietly runs his palm over his sword hilt. He wanted to know whether he needed to draw steel or not.

He was prepared to follow behind Jack and protect him lest the pup wasn't alone...

HP: 5/5 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4 | AC: 12 | Touch: 11 | FF: 11 | Fort: +1 | Ref: +3 | Will: +2
Knowledge (stuff) +10; Knowledge (other stuff) +10Knowledge (stuff) +10; Knowledge (other stuff) +10Knowledge (stuff) +10; Knowledge (other stuff) +10
Jack Ciarathan wrote:

[dice=Knowledge Nature]1d20+8

The tracks definitely look quite a lot usually bigger than you'd usually expect for a wolf, and the animal's behaviour is also unwolflike. There is not a lot of evidence of other animals in the area, but this close to a den you probably wouldn't expect to find many other animals anyway. The woodcutting though, may have driven away other prey?

NG Elf Guide Ranger HP 18/18 | Init +3; Perc +9 | AC 16 T13 FF13 | CMD 15 | Fort +3 Ref +6 Will +2; +2 vs ench, immune sleep

Jack edges over to Bein and whispers in his ear. "I hear a pup but not its dam. But it is not behaving like a normal wolf... and it is very large. We may be facing something very dangerous... but I think we should investigate further."

Jack slowly and quietly approaches the rocks.

Stealth: 1d20 + 14 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 14 + 2 = 26
Perception: 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 11 + 2 = 20

Male Human Paladin 2/Oracle of Battle 2 HP: 27/34 | Init: +1 | Perc: +7 | AC: 16 | Touch: 10 | FF: 16 | Fort: +8 | Ref: +3 | Will: +10
Climb +6, Bluff +4, Diplomacy +10, Heal +5, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (eng) +6, Knowledge (religion) +5, Knowledge (nobility) +6, Ride +6, Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +5
Xarafine wrote:

Xarafine spends a couple hours resting in her room, then changes into fresh robes, and goes to find Finnabar.

"Lord Finnabar, I thought it important you know that Teacher Saerin is most anxious to see a proper Shrine built. He is concerned that the people will turn to fanciful notions and beliefs if they do not have a physical, foundational point of reference for their faith in the Nine."

Meanwhile, in the fort, Xarafine finds Finnabar seated with Oleg, studying the March ledgers and discussing the near future.

"Please, be seated Teacher, while I consider your proposal.", offers Finnabar, crunching a few numbers on a sand-table. "I understand clearly the issue teacher Saerin is raising, especially with us being far away from the so called 'civilization' and in a region where the ancient elves used to live. He is afraid people will turn to the worshiping of the animal headed elven gods we discovered.", he adds as a mean to gain time while he ponders the exact turn of words to use. "I'll be direct with you. Right now, the safety of our people and the stability of the March is my top issue and for that we need to rebuild the fort into a really defensible structure. That will eat up our starting funds more than I'd like. The rest will go into clearing up Highbridge and establishing the Kaldmine to build up a reliable source of revenues. Then we'll have to wait for the first silver shipments to be sold to afford building other structures like a shrine. That said, I will put up the shrine on the top of our list of priorities together with granaries to store up food for the next winter."

General Bein'Meleth Rámalóce The Staglord:
Kingdom Stat+3 Stability
HP: 28/30 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4 | AC: 21| Touch: 12 | FF: 20 | Fort: +4 | Ref: +2 | Will: +2
Climb +3, Craft (weapons) +5, Diplo +9, HA +9 (+11 to train), Intim +6, K (nobility) +5, K (religion) +5, Per +3 (+5 SH), P (soldier) +3, Ride +4, Sense Motive +3 (+5 when oppose bluff) Swim +5

Bein claps Jack on the shoulder. "If anything happens I will buy you time to run for help. We cant let whatever this may be to get us both." With that he drew his greatsword and followed Jack.

stealth: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (16) - 2 = 14
perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

Female Bard 2 / Monk 2 ; HP: 26/26 | Init: +2 | Perc: +9 | AC: 18 | Touch: 16 | FF: 15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +8 | Will: +9
Acro: +9 ;Dipl: +10 ;Heal: +8 (+10) ;Intim: +9 ;Know (relig): +9 ;Perf (ora): +8 ;Perf (sing): +9 ;Ride: +6 ;Sen Motv: +10 ;Spcrft: +8 ; UMD: +7

Xarafine nods in assent at Finnabar's statement.

"I understand, My Lord," she replies. "I cannot guarantee that Teacher Saerin will be so swayed by your reasoning."

HP: 5/5 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4 | AC: 12 | Touch: 11 | FF: 11 | Fort: +1 | Ref: +3 | Will: +2
Knowledge (stuff) +10; Knowledge (other stuff) +10Knowledge (stuff) +10; Knowledge (other stuff) +10Knowledge (stuff) +10; Knowledge (other stuff) +10

Jack manages to sneak forward almost without sound but Bein's heavy steps echo clearly among the rocks and the yipping abrupt stops, to be replaced by a menacing and very deep growl, accompanied by the emergence, from below of an extremely large animal. Superficially, the animal does, indeed resemble a large wolf, but it has the slender build of a cat, with heavy whiskers, and dark stripes down its back. Its long tail flips about, smacking the ground as it scans the woods.

Knowledge: nature DC 17, Bein at +2:

The animal resembles descriptions you've heard of Thylacines, a strange wolf-like creature rumoured to haunt the Stolen Lands. None of the stories you've heard, however, have described them as being so big.

General Bein'Meleth Rámalóce The Staglord:
Kingdom Stat+3 Stability
HP: 28/30 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4 | AC: 21| Touch: 12 | FF: 20 | Fort: +4 | Ref: +2 | Will: +2
Climb +3, Craft (weapons) +5, Diplo +9, HA +9 (+11 to train), Intim +6, K (nobility) +5, K (religion) +5, Per +3 (+5 SH), P (soldier) +3, Ride +4, Sense Motive +3 (+5 when oppose bluff) Swim +5

Readied action - Counterattack if the large beast attacks. -Power Attack: 1d20 + 8 - 2 ⇒ (12) + 8 - 2 = 18

2d6 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (3, 5) + 4 + 4 = 16

Bein readied his sword as he spoke to Jack. "Remember what I said..." He angled his helm, leaning his horned helm towards the beast as he readied all his might for the coming blow. It killed townsfolk, either there will be peace or it dies. Theres no other way....

NG Elf Guide Ranger HP 18/18 | Init +3; Perc +9 | AC 16 T13 FF13 | CMD 15 | Fort +3 Ref +6 Will +2; +2 vs ench, immune sleep

My apologies, I thought I'd posted.

Knowledge Nature: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

Jack slowly backs up, hoping to stay unspotted. He whispers to Bein, "It's a thylacine, if I remember the stories right... but I never thought they got so big... Do we take it on or report?"

He remains alert in case the creature sniffs them out and decides to pounce, drawing his bow and ready to fire if it attacks.

HP: 5/5 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4 | AC: 12 | Touch: 11 | FF: 11 | Fort: +1 | Ref: +3 | Will: +2
Knowledge (stuff) +10; Knowledge (other stuff) +10Knowledge (stuff) +10; Knowledge (other stuff) +10Knowledge (stuff) +10; Knowledge (other stuff) +10

The creature edges forward, still growling but not yet moving in to attack

General Bein'Meleth Rámalóce The Staglord:
Kingdom Stat+3 Stability
HP: 28/30 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4 | AC: 21| Touch: 12 | FF: 20 | Fort: +4 | Ref: +2 | Will: +2
Climb +3, Craft (weapons) +5, Diplo +9, HA +9 (+11 to train), Intim +6, K (nobility) +5, K (religion) +5, Per +3 (+5 SH), P (soldier) +3, Ride +4, Sense Motive +3 (+5 when oppose bluff) Swim +5

Bein never lowers his blade, remaining ready to strike if the creature move to attack them. He had only two priorities: Protect the citizens and protect Jack so that he could warn the others in case Bein fell. Bein never hesitates as he speaks, nor does he look away from this Thylacine for a second... "It knows were here, in any event Jack you should go report. I will remain here to watch it..."

by the way~ If we are outside the town would we have taken our mounts Hymen?

NG Elf Guide Ranger HP 18/18 | Init +3; Perc +9 | AC 16 T13 FF13 | CMD 15 | Fort +3 Ref +6 Will +2; +2 vs ench, immune sleep

"All due respect Bein, perhaps I should stay--I am quieter and less likely to alert it."

General Bein'Meleth Rámalóce The Staglord:
Kingdom Stat+3 Stability
HP: 28/30 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4 | AC: 21| Touch: 12 | FF: 20 | Fort: +4 | Ref: +2 | Will: +2
Climb +3, Craft (weapons) +5, Diplo +9, HA +9 (+11 to train), Intim +6, K (nobility) +5, K (religion) +5, Per +3 (+5 SH), P (soldier) +3, Ride +4, Sense Motive +3 (+5 when oppose bluff) Swim +5

1d100 ⇒ 26

All due respect... A term he hated, as most of the time it was always followed by tones of disrespect. If it had come from anyone but one of his companions, he'd challenged them on the spot as a matter of honor...

Any day when we can avoid killing those who are truly not our enemies is a good day. The thought of the Teachers words hit him like a hammer blow and his sword nearly faltered. The wolf was defending its pup...

Bein tries to note where the wind is as he responds in a whisper, edging his way back the way they came. "And if it gets your scent? Can you outrun or out fight it?" He looked for the best way to retrace his steps as Jack was right. He wasn't stealthy but Bein hadn't planned on stealth just how strong his steel was.

NG Elf Guide Ranger HP 18/18 | Init +3; Perc +9 | AC 16 T13 FF13 | CMD 15 | Fort +3 Ref +6 Will +2; +2 vs ench, immune sleep

"I would not offer if I didn't think I could."

General Bein'Meleth Rámalóce The Staglord:
Kingdom Stat+3 Stability
HP: 28/30 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4 | AC: 21| Touch: 12 | FF: 20 | Fort: +4 | Ref: +2 | Will: +2
Climb +3, Craft (weapons) +5, Diplo +9, HA +9 (+11 to train), Intim +6, K (nobility) +5, K (religion) +5, Per +3 (+5 SH), P (soldier) +3, Ride +4, Sense Motive +3 (+5 when oppose bluff) Swim +5

With that Bein started moving back.

stealth: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (11) - 2 = 9

HP: 5/5 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4 | AC: 12 | Touch: 11 | FF: 11 | Fort: +1 | Ref: +3 | Will: +2
Knowledge (stuff) +10; Knowledge (other stuff) +10Knowledge (stuff) +10; Knowledge (other stuff) +10Knowledge (stuff) +10; Knowledge (other stuff) +10

As Bein begins to back away, the animal's head turns and fixes you with a steely gaze, seeming almost to hold a glimmer of intelligence. The pitch of its growl rises and it steps forward towards the two of you menacingly.

The creature is aware of you both.

General Bein'Meleth Rámalóce The Staglord:
Kingdom Stat+3 Stability
HP: 28/30 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4 | AC: 21| Touch: 12 | FF: 20 | Fort: +4 | Ref: +2 | Will: +2
Climb +3, Craft (weapons) +5, Diplo +9, HA +9 (+11 to train), Intim +6, K (nobility) +5, K (religion) +5, Per +3 (+5 SH), P (soldier) +3, Ride +4, Sense Motive +3 (+5 when oppose bluff) Swim +5

Edited as Handle Animal doesn't work like that, need wild empathy... lol
Seeing as it had spotted them Bein looks back towards the creature, shifting his stance into a defensive position as he lowers the blade some and continues to step back. "Apologies my friend." Was all he dare whisper as he tried to convey to the beast he was backing off.

FRA: Full Defense +4 AC (AC 25), Proceeding to use FA: 5ft steps to retreat away from it.
Readied action: Attack with Great Sword if attacked -Power Attack: 1d20 + 8 - 2 ⇒ (15) + 8 - 2 = 21
damage: 2d6 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (1, 2) + 4 + 4 = 11

General Bein'Meleth Rámalóce The Staglord:
Kingdom Stat+3 Stability
HP: 28/30 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4 | AC: 21| Touch: 12 | FF: 20 | Fort: +4 | Ref: +2 | Will: +2
Climb +3, Craft (weapons) +5, Diplo +9, HA +9 (+11 to train), Intim +6, K (nobility) +5, K (religion) +5, Per +3 (+5 SH), P (soldier) +3, Ride +4, Sense Motive +3 (+5 when oppose bluff) Swim +5

Do we have horses or was this all on foot hymen? Your call as I was unsure how far we traveled to get here. :)

HP: 5/5 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4 | AC: 12 | Touch: 11 | FF: 11 | Fort: +1 | Ref: +3 | Will: +2
Knowledge (stuff) +10; Knowledge (other stuff) +10Knowledge (stuff) +10; Knowledge (other stuff) +10Knowledge (stuff) +10; Knowledge (other stuff) +10
Bein'Meleth Rámalóce wrote:
Do we have horses or was this all on foot hymen? Your call as I was unsure how far we traveled to get here. :)

Completely up to you. I would have thought horseback would be more likely. - you would have had to leave them tied up though when you clambered onto the rocks.

NG Elf Guide Ranger HP 18/18 | Init +3; Perc +9 | AC 16 T13 FF13 | CMD 15 | Fort +3 Ref +6 Will +2; +2 vs ench, immune sleep

Keeping his bow in one hand, knowing the thyalacine is aware of them both, Jack steps out slowly, holding one hand out (but it is never far from his quiver). He speaks softly, focusing as best he can on tone of voice rather than words. "We know you are protecting your cub... we do not have to fight." As he speaks he backs up slowly, but locking eyes with the creature, trying to convey non-hostility and the intention to part without a scrap.

Wild Empathy, add a -4 penalty if it is a magical beast: 1d20 ⇒ 5

Well, that was a long shot anyway.

General Bein'Meleth Rámalóce The Staglord:
Kingdom Stat+3 Stability
HP: 28/30 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4 | AC: 21| Touch: 12 | FF: 20 | Fort: +4 | Ref: +2 | Will: +2
Climb +3, Craft (weapons) +5, Diplo +9, HA +9 (+11 to train), Intim +6, K (nobility) +5, K (religion) +5, Per +3 (+5 SH), P (soldier) +3, Ride +4, Sense Motive +3 (+5 when oppose bluff) Swim +5

Makes sense, so horses are left on the trailhead. No need to tie them up as they are trained to take commands like Stay. :) Love training!

Bein's stance was defensive as he watched Jack try and do something to calm the creature...

HP: 5/5 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4 | AC: 12 | Touch: 11 | FF: 11 | Fort: +1 | Ref: +3 | Will: +2
Knowledge (stuff) +10; Knowledge (other stuff) +10Knowledge (stuff) +10; Knowledge (other stuff) +10Knowledge (stuff) +10; Knowledge (other stuff) +10

bah! Lost a post when the server went down... Yikes, Jack,... that didn't go so well!

As Jack approaches the beast the pitch of its growl deepens and it curls back its lip revealing startlingly long fangs. Almost before you can think, it launches itself forward, only to be met by Bein's Great Sword, which slices into its side, leaving an ugly gash.


GM Notes:

Init:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13


NG Elf Guide Ranger HP 18/18 | Init +3; Perc +9 | AC 16 T13 FF13 | CMD 15 | Fort +3 Ref +6 Will +2; +2 vs ench, immune sleep

Init: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 5 + 2 = 11

General Bein'Meleth Rámalóce The Staglord:
Kingdom Stat+3 Stability
HP: 28/30 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4 | AC: 21| Touch: 12 | FF: 20 | Fort: +4 | Ref: +2 | Will: +2
Climb +3, Craft (weapons) +5, Diplo +9, HA +9 (+11 to train), Intim +6, K (nobility) +5, K (religion) +5, Per +3 (+5 SH), P (soldier) +3, Ride +4, Sense Motive +3 (+5 when oppose bluff) Swim +5

1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Attack with greatsword, dealing non-lethal damage: 1d20 + 8 - 4 ⇒ (16) + 8 - 4 = 20
Damage - Nonlethal: 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (6, 4) + 4 = 14

Bein's shifted his stance again, he turned the blade to its flat side and started wielding it more like a club. The first slice would leave the creature wounded the next would hopefully allow him to bludgeon it into submission. Ultimately if he could avoid killing it he would...

He swung the blade sideways hard...

HP: 5/5 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4 | AC: 12 | Touch: 11 | FF: 11 | Fort: +1 | Ref: +3 | Will: +2
Knowledge (stuff) +10; Knowledge (other stuff) +10Knowledge (stuff) +10; Knowledge (other stuff) +10Knowledge (stuff) +10; Knowledge (other stuff) +10

Thylacine: 13
Jack: 11
Bein: 8

The beast lunges forward at Jack, its teeth bared. Its jaws, however, close over nothing but empty air as Jack manages to twist just out of its way.

GM notes:

Attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Dam: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Trip: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

HP lost: 11

NG Elf Guide Ranger HP 18/18 | Init +3; Perc +9 | AC 16 T13 FF13 | CMD 15 | Fort +3 Ref +6 Will +2; +2 vs ench, immune sleep

Jack shifts to dodge and completes his move by stepping further away from the beast's claws. He nocks and arrow and fires. "I am sorry, I know you are just protecting your home. But we must protect ourselves!"

Attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

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