Heroes of Oppara (Inactive)

Game Master Cr500cricket

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Dark Archive

Male Cricket (Currently Retraining levels)

I'd like everybody to post here with aliases before we begin.

Male Half-Giant Skald (Fated Champion) / Aegis 7 / Champion 3 / Guardian 3 [ HP: 106/106 | AC: 19 T: 12 FF: 18 | DR 3/- | F: +10 R: +5 W: +8 | Init: +8 Perc: +11 | 1st: 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 2/2 | RS 19/19, FS 1/1, R 3/3 | PP 20/20, MP 9/9 ]


Android Soul Archer // Iron Priest HP: 96/96, AC 27, T 16, FF 21, F +9, R +13, W +13, Init +11, Per +19 (low-light, 120' darkvision)
6/9 mythic, 7/9 silver tongue, 9/9 artificer touch, 1/1 nanite surge
spells used:
freedom of movement
freedom of movement (24 hours)


Male Human NG fighter 7, HP 74/74, AC 24, T 15, FF 20, F +8, R +6, W +4(+2 vs fear), Perc +0, Init +7



Female Gnome Illusionist Arcanist 7/Bard 7 // Archmage 3 HP: 86/86, AC 15, T 15, FF 11, F +6, R +11, W +7, SR 18, Perc +10, Init +7
MP: 9/9 Arc - 1st: 6/6 2nd: 5/5 3rd: 4/4 AR: 6/10 Bard 1st: 6/6 2nd: 4/4 3rd: 2/2 BP: 21/21

Hey! GM Cricket, because I'm specializing on Illusions I figured it's probably worthwhile to know how you handle them in advance so I know what I can and can't do with them.

I know it's a loaded question and I'm sure we can figure it out through gameplay but if you have any particular quirks or rules about illusions it would be beneficial to know in advance so that I can use them in a way that doesn't cause a suspension of belief in game when we have to discuss then how they work.

Dark Archive

Male Cricket (Currently Retraining levels)

If an unlucky person rolls a 1 against an illusion he/she believes it's completely real, the effect never really ends for him/her. Damage is real, but he can still fall through illusory floors, but will see illusory walls and ceilings and monsters as real.

Are we missing someone? whos not posted.

What next Cr500cricket

Android Soul Archer // Iron Priest HP: 96/96, AC 27, T 16, FF 21, F +9, R +13, W +13, Init +11, Per +19 (low-light, 120' darkvision)
6/9 mythic, 7/9 silver tongue, 9/9 artificer touch, 1/1 nanite surge
spells used:
freedom of movement
freedom of movement (24 hours)

No, that's all five of us.

It looks like the next thing is the unusually high CR cricket schemes with other folks in the recruitment thread to send their guys as villains and vigilantes to thwart us.

Dark Archive

Male Cricket (Currently Retraining levels)

Scene up. The idea of having other PCs as Villains came later.First villain is an NPC.

Android Soul Archer // Iron Priest HP: 96/96, AC 27, T 16, FF 21, F +9, R +13, W +13, Init +11, Per +19 (low-light, 120' darkvision)
6/9 mythic, 7/9 silver tongue, 9/9 artificer touch, 1/1 nanite surge
spells used:
freedom of movement
freedom of movement (24 hours)

Do we already know each other? What kind of place is the Gilded Crossroads? Is there a particular reason we are heading there as a group, or should we explain why each of us is there? Sorry if this is explained in recruitment, I can't find it.

Dark Archive

Male Cricket (Currently Retraining levels)

1. Some do, some don't
2. It's an Inn
3. You could be heading there as a group or individually
4. There's been a gruesome slaughter there.

Male Half-Giant Skald (Fated Champion) / Aegis 7 / Champion 3 / Guardian 3 [ HP: 106/106 | AC: 19 T: 12 FF: 18 | DR 3/- | F: +10 R: +5 W: +8 | Init: +8 Perc: +11 | 1st: 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 2/2 | RS 19/19, FS 1/1, R 3/3 | PP 20/20, MP 9/9 ]

Were we summoned? By whom? How much do we know about the situation?

And thunk! this stalled fast.

Male Half-Giant Skald (Fated Champion) / Aegis 7 / Champion 3 / Guardian 3 [ HP: 106/106 | AC: 19 T: 12 FF: 18 | DR 3/- | F: +10 R: +5 W: +8 | Init: +8 Perc: +11 | 1st: 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 2/2 | RS 19/19, FS 1/1, R 3/3 | PP 20/20, MP 9/9 ]

I have literally no idea why my character would be anywhere near this inn. I'd gladly make a first post if I had some more detail.

I'm thinking messages sent to each of us, small kid hands us a card says, your help is needed ext,

So question how do you want to play guys
Cornelius Empathy, I say this as he has this up ALL the time, to feel what others around him are feeling, its NOT mind reading, its way more basic than that, just the over all feeling you PC is having.
If you Don't like this I can change it, and say he dos not look at your PCs feelings. The DC is 18 but that I will keep for mind reading true, witch he can do, but I feel that is getting to close to PVP for my liking so its for NPCs only. But empathy I feel is ok to a point.

Do you think thats ok

Male Human NG fighter 7, HP 74/74, AC 24, T 15, FF 20, F +8, R +6, W +4(+2 vs fear), Perc +0, Init +7

Thats cool with me

Male Half-Giant Skald (Fated Champion) / Aegis 7 / Champion 3 / Guardian 3 [ HP: 106/106 | AC: 19 T: 12 FF: 18 | DR 3/- | F: +10 R: +5 W: +8 | Init: +8 Perc: +11 | 1st: 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 2/2 | RS 19/19, FS 1/1, R 3/3 | PP 20/20, MP 9/9 ]

I don't particularly mind - Erik's going to wear his emotions on his sleeve, for the most part.

Android Soul Archer // Iron Priest HP: 96/96, AC 27, T 16, FF 21, F +9, R +13, W +13, Init +11, Per +19 (low-light, 120' darkvision)
6/9 mythic, 7/9 silver tongue, 9/9 artificer touch, 1/1 nanite surge
spells used:
freedom of movement
freedom of movement (24 hours)

I'm fine with it, emotionless is one of her racial traits. She's kind of like Kyuubey but more benevolent, putting on an act. It's probably going to be creepy when she acts emotional but your guy feels nothing from her.

Dark Archive

Male Cricket (Currently Retraining levels)

You've come of your own will, there is no one in Oppara who hasn't heard and is talking about it. You have power, likely it is that you want to help. If there is no reason why your character would come on his/her own, I can PM you a summon.

Female Gnome Illusionist Arcanist 7/Bard 7 // Archmage 3 HP: 86/86, AC 15, T 15, FF 11, F +6, R +11, W +7, SR 18, Perc +10, Init +7
MP: 9/9 Arc - 1st: 6/6 2nd: 5/5 3rd: 4/4 AR: 6/10 Bard 1st: 6/6 2nd: 4/4 3rd: 2/2 BP: 21/21

Zen, Ezebelle is comfortable enough with you for you to actually keep mind-reading open (she does have SR, so when she isn't willingly keeping it suppressed it may block it), it also makes conversation between the two of you easier as she just thinks aloud at you most of the time.

Sounds good, I think there. Relashonship would be deeper, now all we need is some feed back from mpc,s

Liberty's Edge


Ok I have a rule of thum about games, I call it the speed rule. Or the 1post a day rule, it's simple, if the players on average are posting one post a day, the GM needs to be posting one or more game posts a day to keep up, it's the same for players, if you have a fast posting GM, then the players need to keep up. The why both sides need to be in syinic is simple.. I found this rule because I started playing on here 3 years ago, I've got more than a few alts, gmed a more than a few games and in that time this rule has come to light. What the rule products is a failed or soon to fail game. If eather the GM or players can't keep up with each other's playing speed, or over post the game stalls then players drop or GM says he has not got the time. Game fails, I have seen it time and time again. I have seen GMs on her, wax on about how players will over time become epic level or some such, only to see them then post once every three days. That's 120 post a YEAR real time, your not even going to finish the 1st fight at that speed let alone get a sniff of a level. Same was I have seen players after fighting to get a place in a game, then slow that gMe down posting once a week and saying to the GM Play my pc can't post at moment, then go on to have a long chat in the forum.

Right now I am seeing 1st week in a distinct lack of GM feed back, now this Could be a real world problem, life dos get in the way, but communication is key, letting players and the GM know your unable to post allows others to move things along. Even if that means placing a game on hold.

Now some of you where will come in defending the GM or player, it's early days, not had time, getting things ready. Yes I will agree with most of them. But also agree with me, it's a bad sign from the get go, if a player OR GM can only post ounce every 3 days +

I am more than willing to hear out any comments or views, on this,
Yours Johnny

Male Half-Giant Skald (Fated Champion) / Aegis 7 / Champion 3 / Guardian 3 [ HP: 106/106 | AC: 19 T: 12 FF: 18 | DR 3/- | F: +10 R: +5 W: +8 | Init: +8 Perc: +11 | 1st: 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 2/2 | RS 19/19, FS 1/1, R 3/3 | PP 20/20, MP 9/9 ]

If it weren't the week of Thanksgiving, I'd agree with you. But this time of year is super crazy for most people, so I'm willing to cut everybody some slack.

Android Soul Archer // Iron Priest HP: 96/96, AC 27, T 16, FF 21, F +9, R +13, W +13, Init +11, Per +19 (low-light, 120' darkvision)
6/9 mythic, 7/9 silver tongue, 9/9 artificer touch, 1/1 nanite surge
spells used:
freedom of movement
freedom of movement (24 hours)

I don't wanna be a yes-man, but yes. This week is cray-cray, then there's 2-3 stable weeks followed by 2-3 weeks of pandemonium. It's a rough time to start, but I'm not worried yet.

EDIT: Baator, superheroes ita great genre for rotating protagonists and story tellers if folks flake.

Yep I fully understand that, just highlighting what I have learned while playing PbP on here. After, thanks giving I fully expect the post rate to pick up. I am hoping there will be some getting to know you posts. Just feels odd right now, that a bunch of strangers show up at a crime scene look around and the local cops say, yep have a good snoop guys.


Dark Archive

Male Cricket (Currently Retraining levels)

Posted again, haven't had too much time. 4 tests and 2 essays last week. Another, longer essay this week, I'll try to keep posting but no guarantees until the weekend.

Male Human NG fighter 7, HP 74/74, AC 24, T 15, FF 20, F +8, R +6, W +4(+2 vs fear), Perc +0, Init +7

it's all good man....school first, game second.

Female Gnome Illusionist Arcanist 7/Bard 7 // Archmage 3 HP: 86/86, AC 15, T 15, FF 11, F +6, R +11, W +7, SR 18, Perc +10, Init +7
MP: 9/9 Arc - 1st: 6/6 2nd: 5/5 3rd: 4/4 AR: 6/10 Bard 1st: 6/6 2nd: 4/4 3rd: 2/2 BP: 21/21

ya it's a busy time. Not a huge deal. I'm sure game will pick up as we get away from finals/christmas time.

can we just stop this game now, one f***ing post a week dos not a game make, this is now just a wast if time, ether get your fingers out your a$$es and post once a day or kill this limping pile of c**p. I am sick to death of game that stall and just crawl on like some sick dog. Shot it and be done with it or up your f***king posting.

Female Gnome Illusionist Arcanist 7/Bard 7 // Archmage 3 HP: 86/86, AC 15, T 15, FF 11, F +6, R +11, W +7, SR 18, Perc +10, Init +7
MP: 9/9 Arc - 1st: 6/6 2nd: 5/5 3rd: 4/4 AR: 6/10 Bard 1st: 6/6 2nd: 4/4 3rd: 2/2 BP: 21/21

I'm giving everyone a lot of slack because the game started on Thanksgiving Week. If it continues along this pace it will be an issue, but I understand family responsibility at this time takes precedence over posting.

Shadow Lodge

Male. Vaguely humanoid Ninja 3/Bard 1/Ranger 2/Scholar 1

In Addition to thanksgiving some people have exams around now-ish

Male Half-Giant Skald (Fated Champion) / Aegis 7 / Champion 3 / Guardian 3 [ HP: 106/106 | AC: 19 T: 12 FF: 18 | DR 3/- | F: +10 R: +5 W: +8 | Init: +8 Perc: +11 | 1st: 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 2/2 | RS 19/19, FS 1/1, R 3/3 | PP 20/20, MP 9/9 ]

Alright, you need to calm down, Cornelius. It's Thanksgiving Week, and that means travel, being with family, shopping, schoolwork, lots of things that are very important in meatspace.

It is intensely annoying that all you have done is complain, while Cricket has clearly been working on stuff that is important in regards to his own life. The posting rate will pick up once the holiday and school are finished, but if you can't be patient, then I don't know what to tell you.

Male Human NG fighter 7, HP 74/74, AC 24, T 15, FF 20, F +8, R +6, W +4(+2 vs fear), Perc +0, Init +7

I agree....holidays always throw a wrench into posting schedules...

Dark Archive

Male Cricket (Currently Retraining levels)

I'l be enforcing that 1 post/day when we're finally out of Holiday season.

I want to apologise to you all, I was really really drunk, that post was not mean for Paizo, even so it was so wrong. I had had a really bad day at work, dealing with things not my fault. Then big argument with a mate of nothing and then worried a game I like very much, this one was slowing and may stop. Again I deeply apologise. This is why I don't drink often, I feel a deep seance of shame over my actions and I fully understand of you wish me to leave the game.

Male Half-Giant Skald (Fated Champion) / Aegis 7 / Champion 3 / Guardian 3 [ HP: 106/106 | AC: 19 T: 12 FF: 18 | DR 3/- | F: +10 R: +5 W: +8 | Init: +8 Perc: +11 | 1st: 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 2/2 | RS 19/19, FS 1/1, R 3/3 | PP 20/20, MP 9/9 ]

's'alright, man. We all make mistakes.

Dark Archive

Male Cricket (Currently Retraining levels)

1 mistake
Does not a banishment make

Android Soul Archer // Iron Priest HP: 96/96, AC 27, T 16, FF 21, F +9, R +13, W +13, Init +11, Per +19 (low-light, 120' darkvision)
6/9 mythic, 7/9 silver tongue, 9/9 artificer touch, 1/1 nanite surge
spells used:
freedom of movement
freedom of movement (24 hours)

Cricket, if possible, we need to build momentum before we hit the time-eating stumbling block of Christmas and New Years. Try to keep things going, honestly quantity posts rather than quality posts are what's needed to get this off the ground so it survives the holiday season.

Dark Archive

Male Cricket (Currently Retraining levels)

Eek, I'm trying, but balancing School and this isn't as easy as it seems. I'll try.

Android Soul Archer // Iron Priest HP: 96/96, AC 27, T 16, FF 21, F +9, R +13, W +13, Init +11, Per +19 (low-light, 120' darkvision)
6/9 mythic, 7/9 silver tongue, 9/9 artificer touch, 1/1 nanite surge
spells used:
freedom of movement
freedom of movement (24 hours)

Aye, school's definitely important. We just need a steady steam of crumbs to keep us roped in. That's a really weird mixed metaphor, isn't it?

Shadow Lodge

Male. Vaguely humanoid Ninja 3/Bard 1/Ranger 2/Scholar 1

I kinda need to know the answer to my question before I can rebuild Marow as a villain.

Male Human NG fighter 7, HP 74/74, AC 24, T 15, FF 20, F +8, R +6, W +4(+2 vs fear), Perc +0, Init +7

Hey guys. The flu has kicked the heck out of me last day or so. I apologize in advance if I don't post the next day or so. I will try.

Male Half-Giant Skald (Fated Champion) / Aegis 7 / Champion 3 / Guardian 3 [ HP: 106/106 | AC: 19 T: 12 FF: 18 | DR 3/- | F: +10 R: +5 W: +8 | Init: +8 Perc: +11 | 1st: 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 2/2 | RS 19/19, FS 1/1, R 3/3 | PP 20/20, MP 9/9 ]

Rest up, dude. We'll be here when you feel better.

Dark Archive

Male Cricket (Currently Retraining levels)
Erik "The Mountain" Ironfist wrote:
Rest up, dude. We'll be here when you feel better.


Merry Xmass and happy new year

Im going to be off line for about 3 weeks guys over Xmass and new year, while travaling, Ill post when I get back

guys I am sorry to do this to you but my work load is nuts, I will be off line for about 2 mouths, please bot my PCs

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