Hell's Rebels Adventure Path (Inactive)

Game Master TreasureFox

Wealday, the 27th of Sarenith, 4715AR
Day 5 of the week
Cloudy with no chance of meatballs

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Chase Rules l
Nisha Infusions:
(CL4) CLW(3), Delay Poison (2)
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Swimming pool is starting to sound nice. I'm sweating a ton and it isn't really that hot out.

It's a bit strange to me that the supervisor would be blamed. I'm so used to seeing subordinates being scapegoats. I still don't quite understand why the supervisor would hide an incompetent employee rather than just fire them. In fact, wouldn't the firings be even more frequent, since the supervisor's job is on the line every time a subordinate screws up?

Chase Rules l
Nisha Infusions:
(CL4) CLW(3), Delay Poison (2)
Help support my Ko-fi addiction

I'm hoping we didn't lose Kethaera again.

Acrobatics7, Bluff9, Paintings6, Diplomacy16, Arcana8, History7, Local7, Local (local art or music scene)9, Nobility6, Planes6, Religion7, Linguistics7, Perc7, Dance9, Percussion12, Sing12, Sense Motive5, Spellcraft8
Quick Stats:
Init +2, HP 32/32, Low-light vision; Per +7, AC18, T 12, FF 16, Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +6, +2 vs. enchantment spells and effects, +1 saving throws against fear effects, Base Atk +3, CMB +4, CMD 16
Female Bard (Songhealer, Chelish Diva) 4

Nope you didn't. Apparently I wasn't receiving updates until now. >.<

Probably a bug. :(

Chase Rules l
Nisha Infusions:
(CL4) CLW(3), Delay Poison (2)
Help support my Ko-fi addiction

Well I'm glad you're here!


Me too!

Male Human Fighter 20/Paladin 14/Books-A-Million Salebook Specialist 10/Aspiring Writer 13

Hey y'all! Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. Last week I had to be rushed to the ER as I passed out due to heat exhaustion, dehydration, and really bad asthma attack. But I'm doing better now. I just trying to get things straightened out so that's why I haven't posted yet. I'll try and have post up sometime tomorrow. Again I'm sorry about this.

Damn dude, feel better!

Chase Rules l
Nisha Infusions:
(CL4) CLW(3), Delay Poison (2)
Help support my Ko-fi addiction

Oh geez! Hope you recover well

Chase Rules l
Nisha Infusions:
(CL4) CLW(3), Delay Poison (2)
Help support my Ko-fi addiction

Hey guys, sorry for the delay. I had one of those weeks where everything went wrong. I'm doing alright now and the game shall continue today. Gonna get some extra coffee first.

human/wererat (Tian-Dan) lunar oracle 7 AC:24/14/20 (26/14/22 hyrbid) HP:51/51 (58/58 hybrid) F:+5 R: +8 W: +10 (+6/+8/+10 hybrid | +1 vs mind affecting), Init: -1(+3 hybrid) Perception: +13 spells: level 3 4/5 level 2 6/7, level 1 7/7, gift of claw and horn 7/7, disguise DC 19

Those happen. They suck, but they happen. Glad you are doing okay now.

Chase Rules l
Nisha Infusions:
(CL4) CLW(3), Delay Poison (2)
Help support my Ko-fi addiction

Thanks Aster

Map is up btw. The Secret Lair

Male Human Fighter (Tactician) 4
HP 39/49; Initiative +4; AC/Touch/FF 21/13/18; Fort/Ref/Will 7/5/2; CMD 17; Perception 0

Great, if I turn into one of the zombies from The Last of Us I'm eating all of you.

Chase Rules l
Nisha Infusions:
(CL4) CLW(3), Delay Poison (2)
Help support my Ko-fi addiction

As a full-round action, a yellow musk creeper can bore dozens of tendrils into the brain of a helpless creature within reach, such as a creature entranced by its pollen. This attack inflicts 1d4 points of Intelligence damage per round. When a creature is reduced to 0 Intelligence, it dies, and the tendrils break off inside its brain. One hour later, the creature animates as a yellow musk zombie

The good news is that it's really easy to get rid of the fascinated condition. An ally can just come over and shake you as a standard action to snap you out of it. These kinds of tactics are much more viable against a single enemy, or enemies that don't have a clue what to do.

Acrobatics7, Bluff9, Paintings6, Diplomacy16, Arcana8, History7, Local7, Local (local art or music scene)9, Nobility6, Planes6, Religion7, Linguistics7, Perc7, Dance9, Percussion12, Sing12, Sense Motive5, Spellcraft8
Quick Stats:
Init +2, HP 32/32, Low-light vision; Per +7, AC18, T 12, FF 16, Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +6, +2 vs. enchantment spells and effects, +1 saving throws against fear effects, Base Atk +3, CMB +4, CMD 16
Female Bard (Songhealer, Chelish Diva) 4

Sorry I haven't replied yet. Been busy the past few weeks.

Job hunting.

Getting ready for a yard sale.

Helping my folks move furniture (ouch my back!)

Things have pretty much settled down now so I can get back to posting.

Chase Rules l
Nisha Infusions:
(CL4) CLW(3), Delay Poison (2)
Help support my Ko-fi addiction

Hey Rexandi, is there any item or ability that you'd really like to have to help in these dagger-situations?


I'm just in the position that I don't have any really general offensive magic, but unlike a cleric I can't fight when I'm not healing. Web bolt might work against the humanoid that just showed up, but it would be useless against the yellow musk plant, which is why I started just going with the dagger!

Chase Rules l
Nisha Infusions:
(CL4) CLW(3), Delay Poison (2)
Help support my Ko-fi addiction

Tarnagius has a good point. The misfortune hex is definitely usable even on mindless enemies, and once per enemy is still quite nice. Nevertheless, I'll continue thinking up ways to help you out.

Chase Rules l
Nisha Infusions:
(CL4) CLW(3), Delay Poison (2)
Help support my Ko-fi addiction

Starting on the 16th I'm going to be away on a quasi-vacation to the other side of Canada. My grandfather is passing away and my family is travelling out to see him. I'll be back on the 29th. Unfortunately, internet isn't going to be a thing where I'm headed, so its very unlikely that I'll be able to post at all.

Just before I leave, I'm thinking of putting you guys in a flash-back scene in the Wasp Nest, likely just having breakfast. It'll give you guys an opportunity to talk with one another without waiting on me to further the plot. There you can get to know one another much better.

Chase Rules l
Nisha Infusions:
(CL4) CLW(3), Delay Poison (2)
Help support my Ko-fi addiction

Papa Buffs came in today with some special gifts for Rexandi.

Shadow Sight (Bonus Hex):

A witch can cause a creature within 30 feet to have magical darkness cover their eyes, effectively blinding them. The creature receives a Will save to negate the effect. If the save fails, the creature is blind for a number of rounds equal to the witch's level. This hex does not affect creatures that can see in magical darkness.

Alternatively, a witch can use this hex on an ally. Doing so grants the ally darkvision for 60 feet, and it lasts for a number of minutes equal to the witch's level. If the ally already has darkvision, its darkvision is extended by 60 feet.

This hex can affect a creature of any HD. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.

Shadow Bolt (SP):

You can make a ranged touch attack as a standard action that inflicts 1d4 points of damage + 1 for every two witch levels you possess. In addition, the target must make a Will save against your hex DC or be shaken for 1 round. Upon each use of this ability, you can choose whether to deal cold or negative damage. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.

Conduit Surge:

When using Conduit Surge, the witch is fatigued instead of staggered. Failing the saving throw when already fatigued results in being exhausted.

Please let me know what you think of them

human/wererat (Tian-Dan) lunar oracle 7 AC:24/14/20 (26/14/22 hyrbid) HP:51/51 (58/58 hybrid) F:+5 R: +8 W: +10 (+6/+8/+10 hybrid | +1 vs mind affecting), Init: -1(+3 hybrid) Perception: +13 spells: level 3 4/5 level 2 6/7, level 1 7/7, gift of claw and horn 7/7, disguise DC 19

also Rexandi, if you ever want the two wands Aster is carrying (cure light wounds and remove fear), they are yours.


It'll be fine! I just happen to have the wrong tools for a lot of encounters at the moment. It will even out as our level goes up and I have a wider toolkit. :)

RE: Other abilities: These are pretty neat and I'm happy to take them as part of normal progression - no need to make special cases.

Part of the mismatch has just been me having the wrong abilities to be useful! Web bolt is no use against mold (though now that ghouls have showed up it'll be handy). Darkness is always difficult to use because if your party doesn't all have darkvision it can be just as bad to you as it is to the enemy. And the last time we were in a really long slog (back right before level 4) I just flat ran out of spells. :)

As to Conduit Surge, the only reason I don't use it is that I haven't had abilities where getting a higher caster level is handy, so there wasn't much call to use it! A Surged glitterdust is almost certainly in the cards in the near future. :)

Chase Rules l
Nisha Infusions:
(CL4) CLW(3), Delay Poison (2)
Help support my Ko-fi addiction

Oh okay Rexandi if you feel like it'll work out normally then no problem. I think I'll put another point on DM's Intervention for humbly refusing buffs. Might save somebody's life.

M Human Ranger 1

*Bring in watermelon for the others to enjoy in the hot heat* Chrrrrrr

Chase Rules l
Nisha Infusions:
(CL4) CLW(3), Delay Poison (2)
Help support my Ko-fi addiction

Hey guys, I'm back. Great idea on securing neighborhoods. It gives me some good food for thought. I'm sure something like that will become useful, but in much later books. The idea of looking into VIPs to the CCG and Dottari are great thoughts as well. That one I bet you could do right away.

I'll have a post up shortly.

Current AC: 22

Good to have you back Fox - how were the quasi-vacations? ;)

Chase Rules l
Nisha Infusions:
(CL4) CLW(3), Delay Poison (2)
Help support my Ko-fi addiction

I think they went really well. Though I did have a few 'chill out' days, it always felt quite busy for me. I was visiting a lot of museums, different family members across the province, and I was rarely alone. During the nights or those few days of peace, I spent a long time thinking about what I want to do with my life and how to actually get there. Now that I'm home, I feel ambitious rather than drained.

I didn't escape the grind for some peace and quiet, my vacation was the grind that kept me from escaping.

Male Human Fighter (Tactician) 4
HP 39/49; Initiative +4; AC/Touch/FF 21/13/18; Fort/Ref/Will 7/5/2; CMD 17; Perception 0

I hate this room so g$% d#!n much.

Chase Rules l
Nisha Infusions:
(CL4) CLW(3), Delay Poison (2)
Help support my Ko-fi addiction

What is it that you hate about it? That it had a will save trap upon looking into the room?

Male Human Fighter (Tactician) 4
HP 39/49; Initiative +4; AC/Touch/FF 21/13/18; Fort/Ref/Will 7/5/2; CMD 17; Perception 0

That it keeps attacking my weakest save and I keep failing. I'm not being serious.

Chase Rules l
Nisha Infusions:
(CL4) CLW(3), Delay Poison (2)
Help support my Ko-fi addiction

Oh okay. Thanks for clarifying that, Tarnagius. Yeah I guess it has been a while since I threw some Fortitude poisons and diseases out there. I'm sure our casters would appreciate it =P

Vital Stats:
Gnome Unchained Rogue 8 HP 40/56 | AC 19, FF 15, T 15 | F +2 R +10 W +1 | Init. +3 | CMB 9 | CMD 13 | Speed 20ft
Perception +9

Sorry if I jumped the gun calling the enemy a lust demon. I figured succubi were pretty famous. I was hoping I kept if vague.

Chase Rules l
Nisha Infusions:
(CL4) CLW(3), Delay Poison (2)
Help support my Ko-fi addiction

Oh not at all, Bazzle. I just put that up so people with that knowledge skill can participate. You're absolutely right that succubi, even just called a lust demon, would be very popular in stories.

Male Human Fighter (Tactician) 4
HP 39/49; Initiative +4; AC/Touch/FF 21/13/18; Fort/Ref/Will 7/5/2; CMD 17; Perception 0

So, wait, am I falling for an illusion that Bazzle saw through or am I just booty blind and unobservant?

Chase Rules l
Nisha Infusions:
(CL4) CLW(3), Delay Poison (2)
Help support my Ko-fi addiction

Good question. You're booty blind. Technically you saw all the other things, but your enchanted self couldn't care less.

Vital Stats:
Gnome Unchained Rogue 8 HP 40/56 | AC 19, FF 15, T 15 | F +2 R +10 W +1 | Init. +3 | CMB 9 | CMD 13 | Speed 20ft
Perception +9

Do demons and devils have hatred for each other in Pathfinder. If so someone with the right knowledge should note that fighting Thrune agents does put us fighting a lot of devil aligned enemies. Perhaps this demon could be put to use.

Chase Rules l
Nisha Infusions:
(CL4) CLW(3), Delay Poison (2)
Help support my Ko-fi addiction

Yes they do. Someone could make a K.Planes check to identify that. I was saving that and some other stuff for if someone chose the Lore option.

Current AC: 22

But can we actually act or use Knowledge skills? I thought we were just going for her, and not thinking about anything else?

Chase Rules l
Nisha Infusions:
(CL4) CLW(3), Delay Poison (2)
Help support my Ko-fi addiction

I think it's fine to roll the skill because it represents the knowledge that your character already has. Whether or not you act on it is another thing.

As for how to act, it can be tricky because you still have free will. You'll notice that she isn't outright issuing commands to you because your characters are aware that having sex with her is pretty much suicidal. If I were you, I'd go back to my teenage years where I was desperate for affection. When desperate, you don't care about their flaws, even if you know about them. All you really want is her attention and affection. Anyone who gets in the way becomes a rival (not enemy).

And I'll leave this here:
Anyone who defeats a succubus in... 'sexual combat' gets the following rewards:
- Permanent +2 to your Charisma score
- The ability to cast Charm Person at will as a spell-like ability

Male Human Fighter (Tactician) 4
HP 39/49; Initiative +4; AC/Touch/FF 21/13/18; Fort/Ref/Will 7/5/2; CMD 17; Perception 0

Can I point out how much it sucks that the bard was AFK when we were fighting something by a series of opposed Charisma checks?

Vital Stats:
Gnome Unchained Rogue 8 HP 40/56 | AC 19, FF 15, T 15 | F +2 R +10 W +1 | Init. +3 | CMB 9 | CMD 13 | Speed 20ft
Perception +9

Yeah that did make things harder.

Sorry for dithering for like a real life week. I in or out of character was a loss of what to do.

At this point I feel like I made a decision that will likely be regretful. Either in combat or in the carnage this thing will visit on people of the city.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Fighter (Tactician) 4
HP 39/49; Initiative +4; AC/Touch/FF 21/13/18; Fort/Ref/Will 7/5/2; CMD 17; Perception 0

Eh. OOC I don't really mind all that much, maybe it'll go and kill Barzillai for us.

Chase Rules l
Nisha Infusions:
(CL4) CLW(3), Delay Poison (2)
Help support my Ko-fi addiction

Yeah that did not go how I intended. She'll have a role to play in the future, but for now I plan to just move on.

As for our Bard, we haven't heard from her in a month. For simplicity sake I plan to have inspire courage run on every combat, and outside of combat she'll help with aid anothers when appropriate. I'll adjust the fights accordingly.

Thank you for your patience

human/wererat (Tian-Dan) lunar oracle 7 AC:24/14/20 (26/14/22 hyrbid) HP:51/51 (58/58 hybrid) F:+5 R: +8 W: +10 (+6/+8/+10 hybrid | +1 vs mind affecting), Init: -1(+3 hybrid) Perception: +13 spells: level 3 4/5 level 2 6/7, level 1 7/7, gift of claw and horn 7/7, disguise DC 19

We failed but it was fun and we aren't dead... yes we unleashed something bad into the world, but um... yeah I got nothing. Still it was fun. Aster rolled bad, really bad, in everything but knowledge skills. Sorry about that.

Chase Rules l
Nisha Infusions:
(CL4) CLW(3), Delay Poison (2)
Help support my Ko-fi addiction

Thanks Aster, I'm glad you enjoyed it


I feel really lousy about this turn, we are going to have to track down and banish this demon later, and it's really caused a rift between Rexi and Tarn.

Vital Stats:
Gnome Unchained Rogue 8 HP 40/56 | AC 19, FF 15, T 15 | F +2 R +10 W +1 | Init. +3 | CMB 9 | CMD 13 | Speed 20ft
Perception +9

Hopefully Bazzle will think saving Ed is worth it. Or he will be really depressed.

Chase Rules l
Nisha Infusions:
(CL4) CLW(3), Delay Poison (2)
Help support my Ko-fi addiction

Still waiting for 1 more to vote that we move on. Love the roleplay from Rexandi and Tarn.

Chase Rules l
Nisha Infusions:
(CL4) CLW(3), Delay Poison (2)
Help support my Ko-fi addiction

We can now post with hit or miss accuracy (mostly miss). Please post here to let me know you're back and ready to continue.

Chase Rules l
Nisha Infusions:
(CL4) CLW(3), Delay Poison (2)
Help support my Ko-fi addiction

Looks like we're back in business, boys


Still here!

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