Gtown PFS: The Glass River Rescue

Game Master HippieKilla082

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After a wait of nearly an hour, two silent servants open a pair of richly lacquered doors, and a human and two dwarves stride into the lavish parlor.

The man, clad in immaculate robes of whitest silk, is short and round with a blond oiled beard, and his eyes are alert and amused. He takes a touch of snuff from a golden box and sneezes before saying, “It is a pleasure to welcome Pathfinders to one of my estates once more. I am, as you may know, Temel Passad. Allow me to introduce—”

One of the two dwarves, a redheaded female in deep scarlet robes, curtly interrupts the man. “We can introduce ourselves, Passad. I am Metella Raugar, representing the interests of several Highhelm mercantile consortia. My companion”— she gestures to a dwarven man with leathery skin baked by the sun, his head swathed in a bright yellow scarf—“is Amauhak of Reth Bezel, a mystic of the sand dwarves of Osirion.”

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling Archaeologist 1 / Trapper 1 HP 14/14, In +3, Per +6, AC 18, T 14 ,FF 15, Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +1; CMB +1, CMD 14; sword +4, 1d6+1, bow +5, 1d6; Acr +6, App +6, Blf +7, Dip +8, Dsb +7, Kn(arc,loc) +7, Kn(oth) +3, Prf +7, SoH +6, Stl +10, Sur +3, UMD +8

Offering a humble bow to the man and the two dwarves, "Tis a pleasure to meet all of you. Passad, do I understand correctly that you have offered a vessel to bear us Pathfinders and these fine dwarves north to our destination?"


Male Human Ranger 1 HP 15/15, In +2, Per +6, AC 16, T 12 ,FF 14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +2; CMB +4, CMD 16; longsword +4, 1d8+3, starknife (thrown) +3, 1d4+3; Clmb +6, Intdt +5, Perc +6, Prof +7, SlHd +6, Stlth +5, Sur+7, FE Human +2

"Greetings, names Bezni"

Shakes the males hand, and kisses the back of females hand.

"A pleasure, we will find your lost companions, I am sure of it"

"My friend here has some influence with the church of Razmir, probably wont even come to blows"

Huffs in amused disappointment.

At Renli’s mention of “fine dwarves” Temel gives a quick snort and clears his throat before giving you each a warm and gracious welcome to his estate. Although Temel gives Benzi a polite bow rather than shaking his outstretched hand.

Taking up a cup from the table, “I hope my servants have kept you comfortable while I was… detained. Can I get you anything else, more wine perhaps? - Taking a sip from the goblet - Mmmm, a fine vintage, from Sauertan. Excellent reds they produce in those hills. Expensive. But what is the value of wealth if you cannot enjoy it? Wouldn’t you agree?”

As Temel takes his time introducing himself Metella looks on impatiently.

To Benzi, “Ah Yes, the gnome. I hope you don’t mind that I asked him to wait in the garden. He insisted on bringing the damn animal into the house you see.”

To Renli, “Yes young Rumblebelly, you are correct. As agreed with Venture-Captain Valsin, I have charted my personal pleasure ship, the Abacus, for the journey north. I had planned on us leaving tomorrow morning, my chef has prepared a delightful menu of Pheas-“

At that Metalla cuts him off “I must continue to insist we set out immediately. Now is not the time for comforts. My kinsmen could be dead, imprisoned or worse.”

After her plea, both Temel & Metalla look to the Pathfinders for agreement with their argument.

With whom shall you side?


Male Human Ranger 1 HP 15/15, In +2, Per +6, AC 16, T 12 ,FF 14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +2; CMB +4, CMD 16; longsword +4, 1d8+3, starknife (thrown) +3, 1d4+3; Clmb +6, Intdt +5, Perc +6, Prof +7, SlHd +6, Stlth +5, Sur+7, FE Human +2

"Well if the food's already prepared, no reason we can't take it with us. But I have to say, best we be going as soon as we can."

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling Archaeologist 1 / Trapper 1 HP 14/14, In +3, Per +6, AC 18, T 14 ,FF 15, Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +1; CMB +1, CMD 14; sword +4, 1d6+1, bow +5, 1d6; Acr +6, App +6, Blf +7, Dip +8, Dsb +7, Kn(arc,loc) +7, Kn(oth) +3, Prf +7, SoH +6, Stl +10, Sur +3, UMD +8

Renli claps happily, "excellent, if its already prepared. I do most enjoy pheasant, so let us take it for the road and be on our way. The traveling food will be most enjoyed kind host."

Renli bows most graciously.


"Very well then. I'll see to the preparations."

Metalla beams with satisfaction as Temel gives a bow and exits the room.

After a few moments of silence Metalla turns to the Pathfinders.

"Well at least you appear to have sound judgment. It pleases me that the Society did not send us a handful of rookies, I trust that you are prepared for the rest of our tasks."

Without giving you time to respond she continues

We appreciate that the Society has accepted responsibility for the mishandling of the previous venture. While we agree that our mission north to Mendev is a worthy cause, the safe recovery of our kinsfolk is of vital importance. Not just for their sake, but for the sake of our alliance as well. It would not shine well upon the Society if this mission were to fail."

The journey north from Kerse to the mouth of the Glass River takes you along the southwestern coast of Lake Encarthan. The voyage along the lake is actually quite pleasant and other than the constant bickering between Temel and Metella is uneventful.

The Abacus proves to be more of a yacht than a simple pleasure ship. The sailing vessel measures 75 feet long with 3 sail masts. A ship of this size would typically require a crew of at least 20, but Captain Sebastian handles it with only 4. It would appear than many of the ship’s functions have been magically enhanced to perform on their own. An expensive ship indeed! In addition to the crew of 5 you are accompanied by the 2 dwarves, Temel, and 3 of Temel’s servants, his personal assistant Jacobs, his seldom seen concubine Amara, and his personal chef Abdukar.

The voyage was scheduled to take 3 days, but took close to 4 thanks to Temel’s insistence that you make a short call in the port of Greengold, the only human settlement in the Elven territory of Kyonin. The delay drove Metalla to the verge of an explosive fit, but thankfully she kept her cool when you reminder her that Temel is funding the entire venture and that you are dedicated to the task of finding her kinsfolk.

The 4 days allows you ample opportunity to ask any questions of Temel or the dwarves.


Male Human Ranger 1 HP 15/15, In +2, Per +6, AC 16, T 12 ,FF 14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +2; CMB +4, CMD 16; longsword +4, 1d8+3, starknife (thrown) +3, 1d4+3; Clmb +6, Intdt +5, Perc +6, Prof +7, SlHd +6, Stlth +5, Sur+7, FE Human +2

Bezni doesn't really have any questions. He's used to being the "dependable muscle" for other, more inquisitive types.

He will try to be friendly with the two dwarves (Temel's stuffy nature disagrees with Bezni), and ascertain whether they knew any members of the lost delegation.

Finally, he will play with his harrow cards, and perform a harrowing for himself and any one else interested.

The dwarves know of those captured by reputation only.

Amauhak of Reth Bezel, the yellow scarved mystic, is pleasant but prefers to speak in riddles and generalities. He spends most of his time in silent contemplation (and a cloud of freshly smoked pesh).

Metella, on the other hand, is much more blunt. While she prefers to converse on her frustration with Temel, from her you learn that there were 3 dwarves in the delegation:

Rakuska Imgardam, a well-known Five Kings diplomat and devotee of Torag,

Holfist Sendstrom of Taggoret,and

Pechas Domri—like Amauhak, a Pahmet dwarf of Osirion.

She notes that all are renown and valued for their strategic and military acumen.

Is the Harrow just for fun, or does it have in game benefits?

As the ships nears the mouth of the Glass River, Temel calls the group together to discuss the plan.

”Once we leave Lake Encarthan and enter the Glass Rivier we shall be in Razmiran waters. The Captain has informed me that Razmir requires all vessels to dock in Xer to pay the necessary waterway tolls.”

From here the meeting quickly disintegrates into argument.

Temel argues that the party abide by the local customs and dock in Xer, as doing so will help them avoid unwanted attention. “I have dealt with such taxation before. If we include a little extra... gratuity… then i’m sure we can pass through unmolested.” Then, pulling two platinum dragons from his purse "I even offer to cover the expense from my own purse.”

Metella, however, counters that “Stopping in Xer gives the authorities opportunity to search the ship and discover our true purpose. It is better we avoid the docks, and the tolls, and take our chances with any faith barges we might encounter upon the river.”

The only thing they do seem to agree upon is that the dwarves must remain out sight to insure their presence on board is not discovered. Likewise, Temel wishes to remain unseen to insure his affiliation with this venture doesn't jeopardize his business in the region.

As the argument grows heated, Amauhak chimes in. “Both arguments have merit. Both contain risk. But neither of those presenting can claim responsibility for the outcome. The arguments have been heard. Now too shall we hear their voice.”

With that, all on board look to the Pathfinders for their decision.

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling Archaeologist 1 / Trapper 1 HP 14/14, In +3, Per +6, AC 18, T 14 ,FF 15, Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +1; CMB +1, CMD 14; sword +4, 1d6+1, bow +5, 1d6; Acr +6, App +6, Blf +7, Dip +8, Dsb +7, Kn(arc,loc) +7, Kn(oth) +3, Prf +7, SoH +6, Stl +10, Sur +3, UMD +8

Renli looks about the deck of the ship, checking the reactions of both sides accordingly. "I'd prefer not to have any trouble this early in a rescue mission, and as the Razmiran priests took the first expedition hostage, they may do the same to us. I would lean toward not stopping, but given the impressive size of the grand vessel Temel has so graciously shared with us, it is likely we would not slip by unnoticed. Temel, you have done so much to assist us thus far, I do not want to put you in jeopardy. If we are to stop, do you have a cover story we could use?"

Turning to the little gnome and thinking of his many masks... "All that said, we have one of their own who also is a pathfinder among us. Rukus, what are your thoughts?"


Male Human Ranger 1 HP 15/15, In +2, Per +6, AC 16, T 12 ,FF 14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +2; CMB +4, CMD 16; longsword +4, 1d8+3, starknife (thrown) +3, 1d4+3; Clmb +6, Intdt +5, Perc +6, Prof +7, SlHd +6, Stlth +5, Sur+7, FE Human +2

"Ya Ruckus, your a priest right, what's the best way to pick a figh...


...get there safely?"

Grand Lodge

M Gnome HP 9/9, In +2, Per +5/+7, AC/T/FF 18/16/13, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +0; CMB +0, CMD 14; Quarterstaff +1, 1d4+0, Crossbow +3, 1d6; Acro +2, Blff +6, Dipl +10, Intm +9, HA+9/+13, Rd +6, Slth +6

Razmir, Lord of the 31 Steps and Victor of the Starstone is Aroden Reborn!

The rightful King of the Humans is all knowing and all powerful. It was here, in Xer, that he first revealed his divinity before the Duchy of Melcat. They refused to recognize him, and that decision didn’t turn out well for them. Now, He asks that all who enter his realm stop and reveal themselves in Xer as he did 52 years ago.

The tolls are expensive, but so too is caring for the world’s poor and infirm. Of course we should stop in Xer, have Temel pay the toll, and take pleasure knowing we are helping the great works of Razmir be fulfilled.

But best put on your humble face. The human priests can get a little rough with those who show disrespect by not doing what they say.

Temel lets the gnome settle down before responding to Renli. “I concur Young Rumblebelly, we should avoid trouble for as long as possible.

The wily gnome has much to say, and some of it holds merit. I have heard many rumors regarding Razmiran, and not many speak well of their treatment of non-believers. Razmiran is a strict theocratic government presided over by a vast priestly bureaucracy in service to the living god. All other faiths are prohibited in the nation, though foreign priests are tolerated provided they are not proselytizing, just passing through and pay the proper tribute.”

At this Captain Sebastian chimes in, “Forgive me master gnome, I mean no offense, but it is no secret among the trade guilds that the Razmiri clergy rely more on bullying than divine miracles. These waters are said to be full of regular patrols of Razmiri enforcers searching for marks they can intimidate into filling the church’s coffers.”

After the Captain speaks, Temel continues. “As for a cover story, it was my understanding that the Society would be handling matters pertaining to the rescue mission itself. I of course have a worthy suggestion, but I would like to hear your-”

Metella jumps in, cutting Temel off “Clearly if a plan needs to be devised, our esteemed Society patrons will have enough wisdom to come to us first. We of course suggest-”

And once again the discussion turns into an argument b/w Temel & Metella. All the while you approach closer to the mouth of the Glass River.

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling Archaeologist 1 / Trapper 1 HP 14/14, In +3, Per +6, AC 18, T 14 ,FF 15, Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +1; CMB +1, CMD 14; sword +4, 1d6+1, bow +5, 1d6; Acr +6, App +6, Blf +7, Dip +8, Dsb +7, Kn(arc,loc) +7, Kn(oth) +3, Prf +7, SoH +6, Stl +10, Sur +3, UMD +8

Renli ponders for a moment, snapped back by the bickering between Temel and Metella. "Both of you, please, stop! If we fight each other, we doom ourselves for sure. I want to see none here harmed or imprisoned. Metella, please, we have but a few moments. As your kinsmen took the river route, and as we are now on it ourselves, this gives the best chance to follow their path and rescue them. However, this river IS in Razmiran, and I doubt we will be able to evade their patrols in this vessel. I suggest we pay the toll, posing as merchants, with the two of you-" pointing to Metella and Amauhak, "hiding below deck. We are friendly and courteous, and rely on our noble companion Rukus to assist in the interactions. Perhaps he is leading us on a spiritual journey, to learn of the greatness of Razmir. Would you be so kind as to do that for us, Rukus?"

diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
diplomacy to settle Temel and Metella's argument, and convince Rukus to be our 'religious guide'


Male Human Ranger 1 HP 15/15, In +2, Per +6, AC 16, T 12 ,FF 14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +2; CMB +4, CMD 16; longsword +4, 1d8+3, starknife (thrown) +3, 1d4+3; Clmb +6, Intdt +5, Perc +6, Prof +7, SlHd +6, Stlth +5, Sur+7, FE Human +2

Sounds good to me. Now are you three done arguing? I understand the joy of a good scrap every now and then, but this ceaseless arguing would drive even a Korvosan lawyer deaf.

Grand Lodge

M Gnome HP 9/9, In +2, Per +5/+7, AC/T/FF 18/16/13, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +0; CMB +0, CMD 14; Quarterstaff +1, 1d4+0, Crossbow +3, 1d6; Acro +2, Blff +6, Dipl +10, Intm +9, HA+9/+13, Rd +6, Slth +6

Huh, Really?... uh, I mean of Course! Let us all bask in the greatness that is Razmir, Victor of the Starstone, Master of the 31... you know the drill

Grand Lodge

Ruckus' Animal Companion; HP 14/14, In +5, Per +5/+7, Scent, AC/T/FF 16/12/14, Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1; CMB +2, CMD 14; Bite +2 1d6+1 +Trip; Acro +2, Surv +5 AC Lvl1


The sun begins to dip low as the ship enters the Glass River. Temel and the Dwarves wish you luck before making their way downstairs to hide from view. Meanwhile Ruckus takes up a position at the bow of the ship.

The city of Xer occupies the north bank of the Glass River, and its dozens of docks remain busy as ships headed both east and west call at the port. Grubby men and women in bulky jackets patrol the docks, and few smiling faces are to be seen.

Captain Sebastian picks an isolated berth, sheltered from view of the city by tall warehouses. As the ship pulls up alongside the pier, one of the crew tosses a rope to a dockhand, who moors the boat to a nearby post. As the crew ready the docking platform, 2 Razmiri enforcers approach the ship from the left, while a third, wielding a crossbow, strides up along another, shorter pier on the ships right.

The Docks of Xer


Benzi: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
Renli: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
Ruckus: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Badguys: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling Archaeologist 1 / Trapper 1 HP 14/14, In +3, Per +6, AC 18, T 14 ,FF 15, Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +1; CMB +1, CMD 14; sword +4, 1d6+1, bow +5, 1d6; Acr +6, App +6, Blf +7, Dip +8, Dsb +7, Kn(arc,loc) +7, Kn(oth) +3, Prf +7, SoH +6, Stl +10, Sur +3, UMD +8

well, i guess they are up. any chance greg or ben are joining us?


Male Human Ranger 1 HP 15/15, In +2, Per +6, AC 16, T 12 ,FF 14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +2; CMB +4, CMD 16; longsword +4, 1d8+3, starknife (thrown) +3, 1d4+3; Clmb +6, Intdt +5, Perc +6, Prof +7, SlHd +6, Stlth +5, Sur+7, FE Human +2

Don't know whats up with them, will try to find out

Grand Lodge

M Gnome HP 9/9, In +2, Per +5/+7, AC/T/FF 18/16/13, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +0; CMB +0, CMD 14; Quarterstaff +1, 1d4+0, Crossbow +3, 1d6; Acro +2, Blff +6, Dipl +10, Intm +9, HA+9/+13, Rd +6, Slth +6

As the guards hail out to the ship’s captain to lower the plank so they can board for inspection, Ruckus (standing upon Mutton so to see over the human sized railing) calls out to them. He has donned one of his hand crafted wooden Razmir masks. Thankfully, he is wearing the mask with the blank expression, as opposed to one of the masks on which he has painted various visages.

“Faithful of Xer, this ship is on official Church business, and in accordance with Razmirial Decree 14-M-32 is exempt from the inspection requirement.”

Bluff: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
disguise: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

G1 Sense Motive: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (13) - 1 = 12
G2 Sense Motive: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3
G3 Sense Motive: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (14) - 1 = 13

The guards appear taken aback by the sudden appearance of the Ruckus dressed as an Acolyte of Razmir.

Confused, they each look to one another for confirmation. When none offer any objection, the one in charge calls back.

"Eh, yeah... Of course sir. Do you need anything? Father McMalley is in charge of the docks today. He is likely eating dinner over at Molock's.

Grand Lodge

Ruckus' Animal Companion; HP 14/14, In +5, Per +5/+7, Scent, AC/T/FF 16/12/14, Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1; CMB +2, CMD 14; Bite +2 1d6+1 +Trip; Acro +2, Surv +5 AC Lvl1

...Wow, that actually worked!?!...

Grand Lodge

M Gnome HP 9/9, In +2, Per +5/+7, AC/T/FF 18/16/13, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +0; CMB +0, CMD 14; Quarterstaff +1, 1d4+0, Crossbow +3, 1d6; Acro +2, Blff +6, Dipl +10, Intm +9, HA+9/+13, Rd +6, Slth +6

"Need anything...

"uh... Yes. Deliver a message to Priest McMalley. Tell him... um...

Here-Ruckus tosses him the pouch with the 2 platinum coins-For your faithful work, enjoy a night on us."

"Run along now. No one will be pulling up here while our shipped is docked."

The guard catches the pouch and is shocked by its contents.

"What! Yea, sure. whatever you say. Come on boys, let's go."

It's clear they have no intention of delivering that message and will instead be spending the money themselves...

Do you guys want to do anything here, or continue down the river to your destination?


Male Human Ranger 1 HP 15/15, In +2, Per +6, AC 16, T 12 ,FF 14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +2; CMB +4, CMD 16; longsword +4, 1d8+3, starknife (thrown) +3, 1d4+3; Clmb +6, Intdt +5, Perc +6, Prof +7, SlHd +6, Stlth +5, Sur+7, FE Human +2

Continue down the river

After the guards head off, the Captain asks the dock hand to untie the ship, and you hastily make your way out of the port of Xer and begin your journey up river.

The next morning:

As the sun rises, you find that the river has narrowed, flowing around a central isle thick with trees and vegetation. The ship passes beneath a canopy formed by the isle’s overhanging trees and riverside foliage.

Benzi: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
Renli: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Jovlund: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Ruckus: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

As the ship passes into the shade of the foliage, you notice a rippling disturbance on the surface of the water. It is faint at first, but quickly picks up speed as it approaches the ship.

Benzi: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Renli: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
Jovlund: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13
Ruckus: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
???: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling Archaeologist 1 / Trapper 1 HP 14/14, In +3, Per +6, AC 18, T 14 ,FF 15, Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +1; CMB +1, CMD 14; sword +4, 1d6+1, bow +5, 1d6; Acr +6, App +6, Blf +7, Dip +8, Dsb +7, Kn(arc,loc) +7, Kn(oth) +3, Prf +7, SoH +6, Stl +10, Sur +3, UMD +8

Rukus to the rescue. Best use of Casterbation ever!

Renli climbs out of the cabin, welcoming the new dawn. "Well Rukus, that was quite a good job you did yesterday. I am impressed. Now, onto our mission!" With that he takes a bite of food and prepares for the day.

Surprise Round:

Round One:

Somehow Neglected to copy and paste this part into my last post...


Male Human Ranger 1 HP 15/15, In +2, Per +6, AC 16, T 12 ,FF 14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +2; CMB +4, CMD 16; longsword +4, 1d8+3, starknife (thrown) +3, 1d4+3; Clmb +6, Intdt +5, Perc +6, Prof +7, SlHd +6, Stlth +5, Sur+7, FE Human +2

"Boys, I do believe we have company...And ITS COMING RIGHT AT US!"

Bezni gestures madly at the water in front of the ship!

As Benzi calls out a warning, the ship is rocked by a wave of water as a scaled bast erupts from the depths. With graceful wings and wide fins, this sleek, young dragon looks equally well equipped to glide through sea and sky.


With a screeching roar, the dragon takes to the sky, before hovering 50 feet above the ship.

Round One:

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling Archaeologist 1 / Trapper 1 HP 14/14, In +3, Per +6, AC 18, T 14 ,FF 15, Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +1; CMB +1, CMD 14; sword +4, 1d6+1, bow +5, 1d6; Acr +6, App +6, Blf +7, Dip +8, Dsb +7, Kn(arc,loc) +7, Kn(oth) +3, Prf +7, SoH +6, Stl +10, Sur +3, UMD +8

Watching the creature burst from the river, he draws his bow while searching his memory for a clue about the creature. A dragon?! Majestic, magnificent, malicious?! Does it mean us ill?

knowledge(arcana): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

Renli delays while he searches his memory, awaiting the creature's actions.

Renli, you recognize the creature as a River Drake, although judging by its size, it is likely a juvenile.

Here is what you know of River Drakes:

Preying upon fish and fishermen with equal ease, river drakes are scourges of freshwater expanses. They are thought to be related to black dragons, as evidenced by their acidic spit, water affinity, viciousness, and preference for rotten meat. Like other drakes, river drakes are cruel hunters, using a play-and-prey hunting style. When not hungry, they amuse themselves by stalking and harassing other creatures and travelers. River drakes often slay more than they can immediately eat because they favor aged meat, keeping underwater larders stuffed with kills in various stages of decay.

River drakes are much more likely to hunt in groups than most other drakes, threatening river traffic or assaulting lakefront or riverside towns if their numbers are large enough. However, these disorganized raids are quick to retreat from any hint of significant resistance.

Young Drakes are known to be more aggressive and reckless than adults.

FYI: If you previously couldn't view the SPLASH link, try again. I updated the sharing parameters.


Male Human Ranger 1 HP 15/15, In +2, Per +6, AC 16, T 12 ,FF 14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +2; CMB +4, CMD 16; longsword +4, 1d8+3, starknife (thrown) +3, 1d4+3; Clmb +6, Intdt +5, Perc +6, Prof +7, SlHd +6, Stlth +5, Sur+7, FE Human +2

Bezni will use his move action to ready his shield, and his standard action to ready an attack to throw a dagger at the dragon if it approaches.

As Benzi & Renli prepare for the Dragon's charge, Jovlund looks up at the beast and roars right back at him.

Intimidate DC14: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

Clearly frightening the Drake.

Grand Lodge

M Gnome HP 9/9, In +2, Per +5/+7, AC/T/FF 18/16/13, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +0; CMB +0, CMD 14; Quarterstaff +1, 1d4+0, Crossbow +3, 1d6; Acro +2, Blff +6, Dipl +10, Intm +9, HA+9/+13, Rd +6, Slth +6

"AHH! A Dragon!

Razmir, tho who art Great and Powerful. Grant us your blessings as we fight to repel this Beast!"

Cast Bless giving all +1 Attack and Saves vs Fear

Dragon Attacks:
1 - Benzi
2 - Renli
3 - Jovlund
4 - Ruckus
5 - Mutton
6/7 - Crew Member
8 - Ship's Captain

Who Gets Attacked: 1d8 ⇒ 7
attack: 1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (6) + 5 - 2 = 9
Damage: 2d4 + 1 ⇒ (4, 2) + 1 = 7

With another roar the Dragon swoops down towards the ship's deck, snapping its jaws at one of the crew members, who narrowly escapes the beast's reach.

As the Drake swoops in to attack, Benzi unleashes a dagger at it's chest.
Benzi, thrown dagger: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 3 + 1 = 13
Damage: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

Unfortunately his shot goes wide.

With an angry roar, the Drake exhibits a burst of unnatural speed and once again takes to the sky, grasping hold of and landing upon the ship's main mast. Drake is 20' above the deck

"Quickly men, get behind cover. Our Society guests will deal with this vicious creature." yells Captain Sebastian from behind the ship's steering wheel.

Round Two
River Drake

Renli, Based on your knowledge roll, if you want to act before the Dragon's action, you can still do so.

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling Archaeologist 1 / Trapper 1 HP 14/14, In +3, Per +6, AC 18, T 14 ,FF 15, Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +1; CMB +1, CMD 14; sword +4, 1d6+1, bow +5, 1d6; Acr +6, App +6, Blf +7, Dip +8, Dsb +7, Kn(arc,loc) +7, Kn(oth) +3, Prf +7, SoH +6, Stl +10, Sur +3, UMD +8

"Friends, to arms. This creature is a foul dragonkin bent on cruelty and destruction. Draw your bows and spears! Bring the beast down!

Renli sights the creature along his arrow, trusting in the luck that has kept his alive to strike true.

shortbow + luck: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5


Male Human Ranger 1 HP 15/15, In +2, Per +6, AC 16, T 12 ,FF 14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +2; CMB +4, CMD 16; longsword +4, 1d8+3, starknife (thrown) +3, 1d4+3; Clmb +6, Intdt +5, Perc +6, Prof +7, SlHd +6, Stlth +5, Sur+7, FE Human +2

"Cruelty and don't say.

Well if its cruelty and destruction it wants, I aint gonna say no!"

Bezni pounds his hand into his fist and cracks his knuckles. He will ready an action to draw his longsword (Free) and Charge if the drake swoops down to attack anyone.

Renli fires his shortbow landing a strike on the chest of the dragon, who cannot dodge effectively due to it's position upon the ship's mast.

I'll wait a few more hours for Greg to chime in before continuing. As an aside, when you ready an action, please include the attack and damage roll with your posting. Thanks.


Male Human Ranger 1 HP 15/15, In +2, Per +6, AC 16, T 12 ,FF 14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +2; CMB +4, CMD 16; longsword +4, 1d8+3, starknife (thrown) +3, 1d4+3; Clmb +6, Intdt +5, Perc +6, Prof +7, SlHd +6, Stlth +5, Sur+7, FE Human +2

ya...that makes since, sorry!

Charge w/ Longsword: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 4 + 2 = 101d8 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling Archaeologist 1 / Trapper 1 HP 14/14, In +3, Per +6, AC 18, T 14 ,FF 15, Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +1; CMB +1, CMD 14; sword +4, 1d6+1, bow +5, 1d6; Acr +6, App +6, Blf +7, Dip +8, Dsb +7, Kn(arc,loc) +7, Kn(oth) +3, Prf +7, SoH +6, Stl +10, Sur +3, UMD +8

With the success of his first shot, Renli draws another arrow and fires at the beast again.

shortbow w/ luck: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 4 + 2 = 22
damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Grand Lodge

M Gnome HP 9/9, In +2, Per +5/+7, AC/T/FF 18/16/13, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +0; CMB +0, CMD 14; Quarterstaff +1, 1d4+0, Crossbow +3, 1d6; Acro +2, Blff +6, Dipl +10, Intm +9, HA+9/+13, Rd +6, Slth +6

"Damn you pest. In the name of Aroden Reborn I Command you to Lay Down on the Deck."

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