About LotsaFutzRukus"Ruckus"
--------------- DEFENSE --------------- AC 18, touch 16, flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +5 CHA, +1 size) HP 9 Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +0 --------------- OFFENSE --------------- Speed 20 ft. Melee Quaterstaff +1 1d6 Ranged Crossbow +3 1d8 Special Animal Companion Oracle Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +6) 1st - Cast 5/Day, Bless; Command; Cure Light Wounds 0th - Create Water; Detect Magic; Stabilize, Virtue, Ghost Sound; Mage Hand. Spell-like Abilities Gnome magic ----------------- STATISTICS ----------------- Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 7, Cha 20 Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 15 Feats Extra Revalation Traits Animal Friendship; Observant. Skills Acrobatics(UT) +2, Bluff(UT) +6, Diplomacy +10, Intimidate +9, Handle Animal +9 (+13 w/AC), Perform(UT)(Orate) +5, Perception +5(+7 when adjacent to AC), Ride +6, Stealth(UT) +6. Favored Class Oracle +1 Skill Rank Languages Common, Gnome, Sylvan --------------------------- SPECIAL ABILITIES --------------------------- Gnome Magic Cast Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation & Speak with Animals 1/day as spell like ability. =1 DC of Illusion Spells. Nature Mystery Revelation: Nature's Whispers - Use CHA modifier instead of DEX for AC & CMD. Revelation: Bonded Mount - Gain Mount Animal Companion. Effective Druid level = to Oracle level. Mount has INT 6. Curse - Haunted The "Retrieve Stored Item" action requires a Standard Action instead of a Move Action. Mount Animal Companion: Wolf, Bodyguard AC Archtype. Effective druid level is 1. Link - Use Handle Animal on AC as Free Action for Tricks, Move Action to Push. Shared Vigilance - Bodyguard and master both gain Alertness as a bonus feat whenever they are adjacent. Replaces Share Spells. Alertness grants +2 Perception & Sense Motive. ----------
MOUNT (Animal Companion):
Wolf, Bodyguard Archtype N Medium animal Effective Druid Level 1 Init +5; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +5(+7) ---------------
Gnome Racial Traits:
Gift of Tongues: +1 Racial Bonus Bluff & Diplomacy. +1 language for each rank of Linguistics (replaces defensive training & hatred). Illusion Resistance: +2 Racial Bonus to Saves vs Illusion Spells & Effects. Keen Senses: +2 Racial bonus to perception. Obsessive: +2 Racial bonus to craft or profession. Weapon Familiarity: Gnome weapons are martial. Low-Light Vision: See twice as far as humans in dim light. Gnome Magic: +1 DC of Illusion Spells Cast. Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day CL = PC Level Dancing lights Ghost sound Prestidigitation Speak with animals Traits & Feats:
Animal Friend (Trait, Race): +1 trait bonus on Will saves as long as an animal is within 30'. Animal's attitude must be at least indifferent. Handle Animal becomes a class skill. Observant (Trait, Pathfinder Society Grand Lodge): Gain +1 trait bonus to perception skill and perception becomes a class skill. Extra Revelation (Feat, 1st Lvl): Gain additional Revelation from Nature Mystery, Selected Bonded Mount. Special Abilities:
TBD Story:
The Society & Cult of Razmir: While traveling to Molthune, on his first mission for the Lodge, Ruckus found himself in the small village of Tamran. It was here that he first encountered the secretive cult of Razmir. The concept of a god living among his people, combined with the secretive nature of his worship, infatuated the young gnome. He soon grew obsessed with uncovering the secrets of Razmir’s rumored 31 steps to divinity. Forgetting his Pathfinder mission, Ruckus began visiting the church sponsored recruiting sessions and repeatedly petitioned the local clergy for entrance into the faith. Unfortunately, a pesky gnome with a penchant for asking too many questions was not high on the temple’s recruit list. Eventually Ruckus’ persistence infuriated the local herald of Razmir, Egarthis, to the point where he agreed to take Ruckus on as an initiate. Well, at least that is what he told Ruckus. In reality, Egarthis ordered his buddies to take the gnome out in the woods and beat him to death. The events of Lotsafutzrukus’ initiation are quite hazy. He remembers little outside of the beatings, pain and laughter (on the part of the initiators) as they “welcomed” him into the brotherhood. He does recall, shortly before passing out, asking one of the priests for his first task as an acolyte. To which the priest responded (mockingly) go and speak of the glory of Razmir, before bringing down his club and knocking Ruckus out cold. And they left him, there in the woods, for dead. But Ruckus did not die. Lying there, beaten down and slowly bleeding out, an interesting and unforeseeable event took place. The forest has many eyes, and Ruckus’ traumatic experience did not go un-witnessed. Man’s cruel treatment of one so innocent and young angered the lords of the Fey. Infuriated, they decided to intervene, awakening the innate power of Lotsafutzrukus’ Sylvan blooded heritage. When he awoke, alone and lost in the woods, Ruckus found himself with coursing with energy. Energy that he promptly credited to his new found worship of Razmir. Armed with his new “divine” gifts, Ruckus set out to complete the task given to him as an acolyte of Razmir; spread the message of his new faith. Ruckus spent weeks in those woods, searching for a way back to civilization. Fearing he would eventually perish alone in the woods he prayed to Razmir for salvation. Instead he got eaten by a wolf. Well, almost eaten. Like Ruckus, the aging wolf appeared to be on its own. When the creature first appeared, injured and clearly exhausted, the kind hearted Ruckus offered a share his rabbit supper and a bit of healing in exchange for not being eaten. Surprisingly, the wolf agreed. Calling upon the power of Razmir, Ruckus (shockingly) was able to cure the wolf’s fresh injuries. The next day the wolf stuck around, and while the conversation was limited, the 2 developed a mutually beneficial relationship, without which Ruckus likely would never have made it out of the woods alive. Eventually Ruckus found his way back to civilization and with his new friend tow, he sought out the nearest Grand Lodge to report on his adventure… where he received a stern lecture on his failure to complete his first venture.
Appearance & Personality: