Gryphon Gold's Rise of the Runelords Campaign (Inactive)

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The living injured goblin is 90 feet away from Varg.

This should say "60 feet".

Male Ulfen Fighter 2

Are there obstacles in my way? Any other reason I couldn't charge? Otherwise, I want to charge and hit with the flat of my blade, dealing nonlethal damage. I should get +2 for charging, and -4 for dealing subdual damage with a longsword.

Attack = 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Damage = 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Bodies and broken glass on the floor prevents charging.

Male Ulfen Fighter 2

In that case, much as I hate to say it, I'll let the goblins go. I don't want to run into a trap without the rest of the party with me.

"Lym, if you want a living prisoner, then I could stand guard, while some of you check the goblins we felled. Maybe one of them still survives."

Female Half-Orc Evoker 10/Cyphermage 6; Init. +2; Perception +12; Darkvision; Arcane Sight; Fly 40 ft.; AC 23 (+3 Dex*, +1 armour, +1 Deflection, +1 natural, +3 Mage Armour, +4 Shield); HP 91/104; Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +16

"Sterling idea, Varg," Lym says. She clumsily gets down from the table, and very carefully starts to poke the downed Goblins with the tip of her quarterstaff.

Would someone with ranks in Heal help me out, please? ^^

Round 5

The other goblin disappears from sight as well, outside the doors.

If Vuvo takes a double move action to chase after the goblins, he'll still be about 50 feet behind the injured goblin, this round. Do you still want to chase after them?

Aurora- Gnome Sorcerer (draconic, tattooed) 14| HP 88+11/88+11| AC 17 (21) T 13 FF 15 (19)| Fo +9 Re +9 Wi +12| Init +2 Percep 26| Spells 7th Lvl 3/4, 6th Lvl 5/6, 5th Lvl 7/7, 4th Lvl 8/8, 3rd Lvl 7/8, 2nd Lvl 8/8, 1st Lvl 8/8, Cantrip at will

If they're fleeing outside, then no. Better to stay closer to the group.

Three of the goblins have are still dying, the rest are dead.

Perception checks.

Male Ulfen Fighter 2

Perception = 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (7) + 0 = 7

Aurora- Gnome Sorcerer (draconic, tattooed) 14| HP 88+11/88+11| AC 17 (21) T 13 FF 15 (19)| Fo +9 Re +9 Wi +12| Init +2 Percep 26| Spells 7th Lvl 3/4, 6th Lvl 5/6, 5th Lvl 7/7, 4th Lvl 8/8, 3rd Lvl 7/8, 2nd Lvl 8/8, 1st Lvl 8/8, Cantrip at will

Markum Perception 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28

Vuvo Perception 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

Female Half-Orc Evoker 10/Cyphermage 6; Init. +2; Perception +12; Darkvision; Arcane Sight; Fly 40 ft.; AC 23 (+3 Dex*, +1 armour, +1 Deflection, +1 natural, +3 Mage Armour, +4 Shield); HP 91/104; Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +16

Perception check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19.

Female Half-Elf Ranger 1 / Rogue 1

Perception Check: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25

You thought you heard something from somewhere, but...ah well. It was probably just the furnace. Still, it feels like someone is watching you.

Aurora- Gnome Sorcerer (draconic, tattooed) 14| HP 88+11/88+11| AC 17 (21) T 13 FF 15 (19)| Fo +9 Re +9 Wi +12| Init +2 Percep 26| Spells 7th Lvl 3/4, 6th Lvl 5/6, 5th Lvl 7/7, 4th Lvl 8/8, 3rd Lvl 7/8, 2nd Lvl 8/8, 1st Lvl 8/8, Cantrip at will

This guy's stealth check must have been phenomenal.

"Is everyone alright? Does anyone have any wounds that need to be tended to?"

Female Half-Orc Evoker 10/Cyphermage 6; Init. +2; Perception +12; Darkvision; Arcane Sight; Fly 40 ft.; AC 23 (+3 Dex*, +1 armour, +1 Deflection, +1 natural, +3 Mage Armour, +4 Shield); HP 91/104; Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +16

"At least one of the Goblins," Lym replies, as soon as she's found one that's still breathing. "Stabilize him, please, then truss him up for transport in a way that stops him from escaping or making life difficult for us. The easiest way to get answers about this whole situation is from one of the perpetrators, yes?"

Aurora- Gnome Sorcerer (draconic, tattooed) 14| HP 88+11/88+11| AC 17 (21) T 13 FF 15 (19)| Fo +9 Re +9 Wi +12| Init +2 Percep 26| Spells 7th Lvl 3/4, 6th Lvl 5/6, 5th Lvl 7/7, 4th Lvl 8/8, 3rd Lvl 7/8, 2nd Lvl 8/8, 1st Lvl 8/8, Cantrip at will

Markum gets a look of disgust, but does as Lym asks. ::cast Stabilize:: "Someone else will need to tie him up. We're going to look around the rest of this building." Markum spits on the goblin before leaving.

Female Half-Elf Ranger 1 / Rogue 1

While they stabilize a goblin, Lona starts humming as she relieves the goblin of its weapons and goods, and then searches through the bodies for anything of worth, including notes and possible clues as to why they're here. The humming sounds shaky at the onset, but the tone steadies as she keeps herself busy.

You don't find anything on the goblins.

Female Half-Orc Evoker 10/Cyphermage 6; Init. +2; Perception +12; Darkvision; Arcane Sight; Fly 40 ft.; AC 23 (+3 Dex*, +1 armour, +1 Deflection, +1 natural, +3 Mage Armour, +4 Shield); HP 91/104; Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +16

Please tell me someone's good with rope? ^^;

Female Half-Elf Ranger 1 / Rogue 1

Are there signs of what they could be doing here? Other than just loitering around?

This is all you see, except any goblins in the room are now dead or dying:

Varisian Chronicler wrote:
The furnace burns along the of the wall here, extending the length of the room. Marble tables sit throughout the chamber, with nearby wooden tables cluttered with various tools of the trade. The bodies of eight staffers lie about in various stages of mutilation and dismemberment. Goblins run around pouring melted glass on some of the bodies, and one body in particular lies propped up in chair and encased in thick runny sheets of hardened glass.

Female Half-Elf Ranger 1 / Rogue 1

"Now why would goblins be hanging out here," Lona wonders aloud as she goes around retrieving the crossbow bolts.


4 bolts - 2 destroyed (1 in furnace, 1 hit). Two may be salvagable (1=destroyed, 2=salvaged)
1d2 ⇒ 2
1d2 ⇒ 1

Lona reloads the crossbow and keeps it at the ready. Then, one careful step after another, she treads carefully over to where the goblins fled, and looks about that exit to see where it leads.

Aurora- Gnome Sorcerer (draconic, tattooed) 14| HP 88+11/88+11| AC 17 (21) T 13 FF 15 (19)| Fo +9 Re +9 Wi +12| Init +2 Percep 26| Spells 7th Lvl 3/4, 6th Lvl 5/6, 5th Lvl 7/7, 4th Lvl 8/8, 3rd Lvl 7/8, 2nd Lvl 8/8, 1st Lvl 8/8, Cantrip at will

Are there any other doors or any stairs that we've seen so far? If so, Vuvo and I will investigate them.

To the right, the exit out of the room leads to an exit out of the building. To the left, it leads to a corridor that turns left and leads almost to the other end of the building.

Yes, there are other doors you've seen that you haven't touched.


Aurora- Gnome Sorcerer (draconic, tattooed) 14| HP 88+11/88+11| AC 17 (21) T 13 FF 15 (19)| Fo +9 Re +9 Wi +12| Init +2 Percep 26| Spells 7th Lvl 3/4, 6th Lvl 5/6, 5th Lvl 7/7, 4th Lvl 8/8, 3rd Lvl 7/8, 2nd Lvl 8/8, 1st Lvl 8/8, Cantrip at will

Markum and Vuvo will explore the rest of this level while they are questioning the goblins.

Female Half-Elf Ranger 1 / Rogue 1

"Hey everybody! There's more to this place. I say let's leave the goblin here nice and tied up, and keep on exploring the place. Oh, and make sure to gag him." Lona returns to the group and waits for everyone to proceed together.


No need to run off like that Markum. We can all go together, like a party :)

Markum wrote:
Markum and Vuvo will explore the rest of this level while they are questioning the goblins.

Which way do you go?

Aurora- Gnome Sorcerer (draconic, tattooed) 14| HP 88+11/88+11| AC 17 (21) T 13 FF 15 (19)| Fo +9 Re +9 Wi +12| Init +2 Percep 26| Spells 7th Lvl 3/4, 6th Lvl 5/6, 5th Lvl 7/7, 4th Lvl 8/8, 3rd Lvl 7/8, 2nd Lvl 8/8, 1st Lvl 8/8, Cantrip at will

Markum mumbles to himself, "Talking to goblins. Whose ever heard of talking to goblins? Who gives a thorn what a goblin has to say? Hey, Vuvo, I got a question for a goblin." Markum makes a slashing motion with his scimitar. "How do you like that? Hahaha."

I'll go through the door next to A15.

Perception rolls just in case
Markum 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22
Vuvo 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17 plus Scent

Male Ulfen Fighter 2

"I'm sorry, Lym, but I have to agree with Lona. Unless you know of a way to wake up the goblin quickly, we should keep looking for Tsuto and Ameiko, because they may be in trouble as we speak. I know there's a danger in leaving our prisoner unguarded... here, will this dead goblin's clothes be suitable for a gag?... but we mustn't forget what we're here for.

"And Markum, we should stick together, unless you're good at sneaking undetected, or can turn invisible, or something like that."

But yeah, one door is as good as another, to me.

When you head back into the delivery room (A16), Vuvo's attention is caught by a scent and he follows it into the room opposite A15. You see that the door is open, and you're sure all doors in this room were shut when you entered the building.

I'll be away from home for an extended weekend, so I may not be able to update until next week.

Female Half-Orc Evoker 10/Cyphermage 6; Init. +2; Perception +12; Darkvision; Arcane Sight; Fly 40 ft.; AC 23 (+3 Dex*, +1 armour, +1 Deflection, +1 natural, +3 Mage Armour, +4 Shield); HP 91/104; Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +16
Varg Proudheart wrote:
"I'm sorry, Lym, but I have to agree with Lona. Unless you know of a way to wake up the goblin quickly, we should keep looking for Tsuto and Ameiko, because they may be in trouble as we speak. I know there's a danger in leaving our prisoner unguarded... here, will this dead goblin's clothes be suitable for a gag?... but we mustn't forget what we're here for."[/ooc]

"I'm not arguing," Lym says. "I had no intention of questioning the little anklebiter here, anyway. So long as he - or she? - is trussed up good and none of the others come by, and we don't forget to bring him ... her ... whichever back with us when we leave, by all means let's go."

Female Half-Elf Ranger 1 / Rogue 1

Lona sighs in relief as the group sounds ready to continue together. She heads out to flag down Markum and Vuvo, just in time to see Vuvo enter through an open door. "Weren't all the doors shut when we first entered?" She hastily loads her crossbow and keeps it at the ready.

Aurora- Gnome Sorcerer (draconic, tattooed) 14| HP 88+11/88+11| AC 17 (21) T 13 FF 15 (19)| Fo +9 Re +9 Wi +12| Init +2 Percep 26| Spells 7th Lvl 3/4, 6th Lvl 5/6, 5th Lvl 7/7, 4th Lvl 8/8, 3rd Lvl 7/8, 2nd Lvl 8/8, 1st Lvl 8/8, Cantrip at will

"Follow it, boy. We'll get our prey." Markum follows Vuvo's lead after whoever was in here.

Female Half-Orc Evoker 10/Cyphermage 6; Init. +2; Perception +12; Darkvision; Arcane Sight; Fly 40 ft.; AC 23 (+3 Dex*, +1 armour, +1 Deflection, +1 natural, +3 Mage Armour, +4 Shield); HP 91/104; Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +16

"Lucas pendantes saltantes inflammo," Lym mutters, conjuring four floating torches once again as she hurries after the others. "Wait up!" she hisses. "You might need light."

Female Half-Elf Ranger 1 / Rogue 1

Lona turns back to Lym, and flashes her a smile of gratitude before refocusing her attention on what lies ahead.

The open door leads to a short hallway that turns to the left, which then leads to a staircase going down.


Perception/Survival checks.

Aurora- Gnome Sorcerer (draconic, tattooed) 14| HP 88+11/88+11| AC 17 (21) T 13 FF 15 (19)| Fo +9 Re +9 Wi +12| Init +2 Percep 26| Spells 7th Lvl 3/4, 6th Lvl 5/6, 5th Lvl 7/7, 4th Lvl 8/8, 3rd Lvl 7/8, 2nd Lvl 8/8, 1st Lvl 8/8, Cantrip at will

Perception 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26
Survival 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Perception 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
Survival 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23 w/Scent

Male Ulfen Fighter 2

Perception = 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (3) + 0 = 3
Survival = 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24

Female Half-Orc Evoker 10/Cyphermage 6; Init. +2; Perception +12; Darkvision; Arcane Sight; Fly 40 ft.; AC 23 (+3 Dex*, +1 armour, +1 Deflection, +1 natural, +3 Mage Armour, +4 Shield); HP 91/104; Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +16

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21.

Female Half-Elf Ranger 1 / Rogue 1

Perception 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11
Survival 1d20 ⇒ 5

Vuvo at first seems undecided about which direction to take, but his scent ultimately pulls him to the hallway on the left. When he gets around the corner, he immediately spots his target, barking and growling ferociously.

Lym, Markum:
You hear high-pitched chatter coming either hallway.


It's now the surprise round. Roll initiative. Varg and Lona are surprised, everyone else can act.

Aurora- Gnome Sorcerer (draconic, tattooed) 14| HP 88+11/88+11| AC 17 (21) T 13 FF 15 (19)| Fo +9 Re +9 Wi +12| Init +2 Percep 26| Spells 7th Lvl 3/4, 6th Lvl 5/6, 5th Lvl 7/7, 4th Lvl 8/8, 3rd Lvl 7/8, 2nd Lvl 8/8, 1st Lvl 8/8, Cantrip at will

Markum follows Vuvo into battle
"There's more down the other hallway too." He says as he goes.

Vuvo charges Bite 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15 Damage 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7 Trip 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

Female Half-Elf Ranger 1 / Rogue 1

Surprises? I love surprises! Oh, wait, wrong kind of surprise.

Initiative 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Commentary: Wow...mother of all initiatives.

Female Half-Orc Evoker 10/Cyphermage 6; Init. +2; Perception +12; Darkvision; Arcane Sight; Fly 40 ft.; AC 23 (+3 Dex*, +1 armour, +1 Deflection, +1 natural, +3 Mage Armour, +4 Shield); HP 91/104; Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +16

"They're not just down there," Lym hisses, pointing the way Vuvo and Markum have gone. "They're over there as well!" Lym stays behind, ready to cover the group if Goblins come down the other passage to ambush them.

Initiative check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19.

Male Ulfen Fighter 2

Initiative = 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Aurora- Gnome Sorcerer (draconic, tattooed) 14| HP 88+11/88+11| AC 17 (21) T 13 FF 15 (19)| Fo +9 Re +9 Wi +12| Init +2 Percep 26| Spells 7th Lvl 3/4, 6th Lvl 5/6, 5th Lvl 7/7, 4th Lvl 8/8, 3rd Lvl 7/8, 2nd Lvl 8/8, 1st Lvl 8/8, Cantrip at will

Forgot initiative 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20

Surprise round

The goblin is ready for the dog's charge, and it avoids the bite, countering with an accurate slash across Vuvo's chest and shoulder (3 dmg).

Just then, you all hear a man's voice barking out orders. "GO ON!"

Round 1.

Initiative order: Lona, Markum, Lym, Vuvo, goblin, Varg

Aurora- Gnome Sorcerer (draconic, tattooed) 14| HP 88+11/88+11| AC 17 (21) T 13 FF 15 (19)| Fo +9 Re +9 Wi +12| Init +2 Percep 26| Spells 7th Lvl 3/4, 6th Lvl 5/6, 5th Lvl 7/7, 4th Lvl 8/8, 3rd Lvl 7/8, 2nd Lvl 8/8, 1st Lvl 8/8, Cantrip at will

Vuvo continues to snap at the goblin while Markum gets out his sling.

Bite 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17 Damage 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9 Trip 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20

Female Half-Elf Ranger 1 / Rogue 1

Lona proceeds down the right hallway carefully, with her crossbow at the ready.

Lona will fire at the first mean goblin or other menacing creature she sees as she goes down the right hallway.

Attack 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Damage 1d8 ⇒ 2

Bolts used: 1

Round 1

Lona creeps aruond the corner to find another goblin standing there, facing her direction, sword drawn. She promptly fires at the goblin, but her shot is short, and it charges Lona in return. Its attack misses, however, as the goblin loses its grip on its weapon. Its little sword goes flying into the wall, shattering it into two large pieces. The goblin, no unarmed, squeals in terror.

Vuvo, meanwhile, tears the throat out of his foe, ending that goblin's life.

Lym and Markum stand in place, not really sure what to do.

Round 2.

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