GM Singer |

Welcome to the Rusty Dragon, care for a drink?
I will be posting up Campaign Info by tomorrow and, after approving your final character stats, will be sparking up the first Gameplay post directly after that!
Use this time to ask any questions, share any comments or to simply lift a mug to your fellow adventurers! A rough n' tumble meet and greet to get to know the other players(though keep in mind you'll be traveling together for MILES and MILES- best play nice!)
If you have anything you need to send to me personally feel free to email me at SingerRPG@hotmail.com
I'm excited for an epic journey where the fate of a kingdom will play out before us!

Dorvren |

Thrilled to be in! I have grown very attached to this character over the past few days.
I will do another audit of my character sheet, I have already found that his stealth pool is wrong. But I think that is all that is off.
Hi all!!

Dorvren |

Dorvren slinks into the empty tavern and makes his way to a table in the far corner and waits for someone else to come in. When the waitress finally comes by he says
An ale...please
Then he sinks down in his chair and waits for someone to join him, hopefully Sandru.

Aloria Adu |

Greetings all... Glad to be chosen, especially considering the extensive competition. Looking forward to the good fun to be had.
Looking at my fellow adventurers... Many seems have the diplomacy skill covered quite well (Ikoma, Dorven, and Emerald all have the skill along with Aloria). Perhaps I should change to a different skill? being a cleric options are limited, Heal, Sense Motive, Spellcraft are my top 3 choices. Suggestions/comments welcome.

Dorvren |

Dorvren will not be putting any points into Diplomacy for a significant amount of time, he is actually a bit socially awkward, he uses lots of bluff, he can be someone else just not speak as himself.
I think as long as one of us can diplomacize we are ok, Might be good to have someone with heal...if you do switch
i guess my thought is will you want to do some of that kind of RP, during diplomacy situations?

Engir Wolfeye |

Well met all. Looks like a great group!
Engir is ready to belly up to the bar, course that is what is main occupation is these days, finding the bottom of his mug.
@DM Singer, my character sheet is up to date and ready for review.

Emerald Castrovei |
Woo! Thank you! It's good to be here - I've wondered about the Jade Regent AP and I'm looking forward to this one.
I'm the only arcanist in the party - I was hoping to take a few levels of bard here and there as I advance, I hope that won't affect things, since I don't plan to be a 'pure' one class character - not a boomy mage, but a support/control mage. I hope that doesn't mess with your plans GM.
I can always not do that if it harms the party, but her background is party of the wandering Varisian vagabond/caravan tradition and her race inherits a lot from performance based outsiders, I was hoping to explore that a bit.
You don't need to worry about Diplomacy, I have a +14/15 to start :) No bluff or intimidate yet though.

GM Singer |

Feel free to progress your characters any way you'd like!
While I put some thought into party roles and balance, I was more interested in your history, cultural impact and potential group chemistry.
Please make all final touch ups on your character sheets (linking them is fine- no need for a pdf or email) and be ready to get started tomorrow. I'm pretty excited about the JR AP and am looking forward to gaming with you fine folk!

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It´s a great honor to be chosen. May our ancestors watch over our journey and bless our enterprise.
All I can say is, I see so many works of art and I try my utmost to deserve being a member.
Let´s start with a big BANZAI!

Emerald Castrovei |
Yes, Sense Motive is even more useful than any single one of Bluff/Diplomacy/Intimidate. Or be a Perception monster - that's the most useful skill there is (if you have it as a class skill).

Aloria Adu |

Thank you all for the advice and opinions.
I took Sense Motive. While Perception is not a class skill, and she has a +5 already with Wis + racial, I might just add a rank every other level. We will see how things progress.
Looking forward to the fun times.

Dorvren |

Should be fun.
GM I think Dorvren's sheet is good to go. I did swap out one trait a few days back, that was a hold over from his original build, Dirty Fighter didn't seem right, and took fast talker representing his ability to be someone else. But had never called your attention to it.
Ikoma you are the first Samurai I have ever played with, even in PFS, I am excited.

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Another question, as a tattood sorcer is the tattoo something that arrives overnight or do you need an artist who can make one for you and you imbue it magically. Because Gohei is a tattoo artist and he could do the mundane tattooing. And planned is a skill focus tattooing level 8.

Emerald Castrovei |
For the magical tattoos that represent my spells, my familiar, and my various abilities, they just show up. If you want to use the item creation feat 'Inscribe Magical Tattoo' to do the various tattoos it allows, you need the Craft (Tattoo) skill.
Emerald strikes me as the kind of person who collects tattoos for various significant events in her life and having someone in the party who can do that besides herself would be great. (The whole 'doctor operating on themselves' issue comes into play doing your own tattoos.) Although, I doubt she'll ever go so far as to get Skill Focus in it.
When she gains a level in Bard, she'll compose a song for you though :)

Dorvren |

have a good time!

Dorvren |

Seems like us heroes here are missing something that should be obvious :)

GM Singer |

Pretty sure you all got the spirit of it. Mwahahaha- and so we fight!
For Initiative, I average out the initiative of the Good guys and the Bad Guys and let them go together. This makes it so you can all post on the "Good Guy" initiative without have to wait for other players to post before you can go.

Dorvren |

denmark too

Dorvren |

That dagger hit...assuming it hit should have done 1 more point of damage I shorted myself on my strength. 1d4 +2 strength +1 sharpened +1d6 sneak
might not matter in the long run, but just in case

Dorvren |

ha, I was making a reference to shakespeare's hamlet "something is rotten in the state of Denmark" But Hamlet was studying in Germany before the play started so there is that.
I am a dork :)

Dorvren |

who do we think should wear the cloak?
And how do we want to deal with loot now that we are starting to find some magic things?
I am game to handle it however we want to.

Emerald Castrovei |
I'd like to use the 'Whoever can use it best, ties going to whomever hasn't received something in a while, if no one wants it then we sell it and split the money.' method. Followed up with, 'If you're replacing something, you "hand me down" the item to anyone else in the party that can use it. If no one wants it, we sell it and divvy the money.'
If anyone gets greedy and claims everything, we smack them on the nose with a rolled-up newspaper and make them sniff their own poo. :D
We're adults, we can act that way even online.
This way we keep the optimal distribution of items in use by the party, with items generally 'held in common' until they are not useful.
If you purchase an item, it's yours to do with as you want. If you replace it with party loot, then you could sell it to whomever in the party wants it for what you'd sell it for (or a slight discount if you're being nice). This keeps personal money generally constant. It's a bit of an honor system here, because I won't remember every minor ring the party doles out :D
This gets a bit complicated with things like a cure light wand or healing potions, but I'd suggest we agree to buy things like that out of party loot before divvying so they are communally held and there are no hard feelings with the priest buying charged items for communal consumption. And I'd suggest as soon as we get the money to, we buy a cure light wand.
I'd suggest the front line fighter/tank gets the cloak - a single failed roll on a Will attack can charm/command/fear and then we'd be much more vulnerable.
In general I'd suggest the highest resistance item goes to the tank(s) and they do 'hand me downs' to the rest of the party.
Can you tell I've GMed for years and seen all manner of loot methods and the problems that arise with each? :D

Dorvren |

I concur.
engir or ikoma for the cloak

Emerald Castrovei |
Whichever one has the lower will/reflex saves - it also helps with not falling into pit traps :) And goblins are known for their abundant use of traps.

Aloria Adu |

Sounds like a good plan. I agree with Emerald and Dorvren. I like that kind of method the best, where we agree on who needs it. In the end it makes the group stronger.

Dorvren |

though I am calling shotgun on the belt of incredible iwinness

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At the hand of the day, lets be adult. Paper, Scissors, Stone?
I think everyone can use it ;-) I think Engir would look best with it. That´s my honest opinion. Samurais rarely used cloaks, vikings usually had cloaks and pants ;-)

Dorvren |

welcome back!

Dorvren |

have we lost our DM?

Dorvren |

I am sending him an email, i forgot he gaveit to us.

Aloria Adu |

I looked and GMSinger has not posted on the boards at all since the 22nd.
I'm for being patient and waiting a good while to see if he gets back to the boards. Life has a wonderful way of messing up games sometimes.

Dorvren |

yes i shot him an email just saying i hope everything is alright and we were just checking in with him. hope he is well etc.
seems to be more common than i would have thought.
i have a shattered star where he just vanished, and another rise of the runelords that we did not even get to the first gameplay post. Fun so far though

Dorvren |

No reply as of yet. Hopefully he will be back after the hurricane is done. If not should we try to recruit another DM?