GM Runescarred Dragon's RotR [High-magic]
Game Master
Mark Level; 739/1300XP (1)
Annotated Map of Sandpoint
Map of Varisia
This is a discussion thread. It's nice, innit?
Female Half-Elf (Taldan) Magus (Bladebound) 1
Male Twilight Sage Arcanist 1 |HP: 8/9 |AC: 16/14/16 |Saves: +2 Fort, +2 Ref, +1 Will |Init: +2 |Perc: -1| Arcane Reservoir 2/4
It IS nice. Nice indeed. Congrats to Dragoncat, GoatToucher, and AdamWarnock!
HP: 10/11, NL: 0 | AC 17/13/14 | F+3 R +6 W+2 | Per: +6 | Init: +4 | Arr: 40
Thank you, it is good to be here.
I'll need to update stuff, since I wasn't sure if I'd get in, I haven't done that yet.
Also, it is a nice thread. :)

Okay some info stuff:
We're using the fast XP advancement track.
We're using the following rules for death:
On character death wrote: If your character dies, and you don't raise her from the dead, you may roll up a new character, starting with half as much xp as the last one had, and wealth as appropriate for its level. On lower level characters wrote: I'm going to keep track of something I call Mark Level. Mark Level represents how high-level a character would be if he had lost no levels due to death or negative energy levels.
For each level below Mark Level you currently are, you recieve a +15% bonus to xp gained. This means that lower-level characters catch up fairly quickly to the rest of the party.
On negative energy levels wrote: We're using the rules presented here. Some character related stuff:
This might just be me being nosy, but why has she got Mage Armor? I feel like maybe it should say Shield instead - that one stacks with your normal armor, which is already just as good as the mage armor bonus.
There's a couple issues here. For one thing, you've too many skills. You've 1 rank from background favored class bonus, 2 ranks from base class, and 2 ranks from background skills. That makes 5, yet you've listed 7 skills as having ranks in them. Two of them have to go, obviously. Also, you seem to be able to channel energy one time too many. 3(base)+1(cha)+2(extra channel) makes 6 times per day. You also don't list the +1 bonus from your Student of Faith trait.
There's also background stuff, but we're working that out over PM.
You don't seem to have listed any 0th level spells prepared.
Female Half-Elf (Taldan) Magus (Bladebound) 1
Ah--thanks for catching that. I'll replace that right away.
Male Twilight Sage Arcanist 1 |HP: 8/9 |AC: 16/14/16 |Saves: +2 Fort, +2 Ref, +1 Will |Init: +2 |Perc: -1| Arcane Reservoir 2/4
I intentionally didn't pick a house for the Merchant Family Trait. I didn't know if Valdemar or Deverin would work better for your game. If you don't have a preference; that's fine. But I thought I'd ask.
Pendrix Ragnack wrote: I intentionally didn't pick a house for the Merchant Family Trait. I didn't know if Valdemar or Deverin would work better for your game. If you don't have a preference; that's fine. But I thought I'd ask. Honestly, I think either would be fine.
Male Twilight Sage Arcanist 1 |HP: 8/9 |AC: 16/14/16 |Saves: +2 Fort, +2 Ref, +1 Will |Init: +2 |Perc: -1| Arcane Reservoir 2/4
Ok, Valdemar it is. I'm going to add a little bit to Pendrix's background about his familial connection.
NG Cleric of Torag 1, HP 10/10, AC:17 T:10 FF:15, CMD:12, Fort:+5 Ref:+1 Will:+6 (+Bonuses), Per:+3 SM:+8, Init:+0 CPE: 6/6
The adjustments are made, along with a few more tweaks for your approval, on my profile page.
And thus, the opening post. Mostly to set the mood.
HP: 10/11, NL: 0 | AC 17/13/14 | F+3 R +6 W+2 | Per: +6 | Init: +4 | Arr: 40
That would likely be because I had not updated her profile yet. It's done and you can find her spells under that heading of her crunch. It's under Feats.
Sesi wrote: That would likely be because I had not updated her profile yet. It's done and you can find her spells under that heading of her crunch. It's under Feats. Cool, cool. Couldn't see them on your original statblock, is all. By the way, I don't think your profile has updated yet. Or something. It looks like you're a 3rd level aasimar hunter.
Edit: Woo! There it is! :)
HP: 10/11, NL: 0 | AC 17/13/14 | F+3 R +6 W+2 | Per: +6 | Init: +4 | Arr: 40
Woot! Yeah, she was originally for a game that fizzled when the GM got buried under work. I didn't have everything for her to be updated at work, so it had to wait until I got home.
That said, I hope you don't mind me bumping into Ameiko this early in the game. I figured that the two of them would be trouble once they got to know each other.
Female Half-Elf (Taldan) Magus (Bladebound) 1
I just decided to roll with it. :)
HP: 10/11, NL: 0 | AC 17/13/14 | F+3 R +6 W+2 | Per: +6 | Init: +4 | Arr: 40
I find it funny that Karst is impressed with the girl carrying a dagger and a longsword and not the one carrying a bastard sword, a mess of daggers, and a short sword. ;)
Male Twilight Sage Arcanist 1 |HP: 8/9 |AC: 16/14/16 |Saves: +2 Fort, +2 Ref, +1 Will |Init: +2 |Perc: -1| Arcane Reservoir 2/4
So just a quick explaination:
Pendrix is big on Varisian tradition, and he considers anyone who's Varisian family; i.e., Lia.
He is initially flustered by Sesi, but that doesn't have to go anywhere. He's kind of awkward, and I felt this was a good way to convey that.
And dwarves are kind of intimidating to Pendrix, not because he doesn't like them, but because they remind him of his best and closest friend, a young dwarf who was murdered a few years back. So he will likely be weird around Karst for a while too.
Female Half-Elf (Taldan) Magus (Bladebound) 1
Sesi wrote: I find it funny that Karst is impressed with the girl carrying a dagger and a longsword and not the one carrying a bastard sword, a mess of daggers, and a short sword. ;) And a club! Don't forget that! :)
On the topic of family, Lia considers herself more Varisian than anything else--she doesn't especially care about her elven side.
All right, first combat. Karst gets to start off the party :)
Female Half-Elf (Taldan) Magus (Bladebound) 1
Aw... those goblins are jerks, cutting me off like that. :(
Male Twilight Sage Arcanist 1 |HP: 8/9 |AC: 16/14/16 |Saves: +2 Fort, +2 Ref, +1 Will |Init: +2 |Perc: -1| Arcane Reservoir 2/4
Did Lia and Pendrix BOTH get Natural Ones for their first rolls of the campaign? Yikes.
Pendrix Ragnack wrote: Did Lia and Pendrix BOTH get Natural Ones for their first rolls of the campaign? Yikes. It was me who was holding the dice, so maybe it's good luck?
Male Twilight Sage Arcanist 1 |HP: 8/9 |AC: 16/14/16 |Saves: +2 Fort, +2 Ref, +1 Will |Init: +2 |Perc: -1| Arcane Reservoir 2/4
NG Cleric of Torag 1, HP 10/10, AC:17 T:10 FF:15, CMD:12, Fort:+5 Ref:+1 Will:+6 (+Bonuses), Per:+3 SM:+8, Init:+0 CPE: 6/6
@ Sesi - Karst was actually thinking that Sesi was a badass who would likely cure poor Pendrix of his stammer in a way he would never forget, but the opportunity did not arise to mention it ;)
Also, powerfully muscled women holding big swords are not as unusual as tiny girlish looking women holding small ones.
HP: 10/11, NL: 0 | AC 17/13/14 | F+3 R +6 W+2 | Per: +6 | Init: +4 | Arr: 40
There is no such thing as good luck for the PCs when the GM is rolling. ;)
That said, Pendrix is about to learn some Varki and Ulfen curses in a moment.
@ Karst: Sesi isn't that big, she's more wiry. I don't know why, I just find the image of petite women going all Conan on some poor shlub amusing, so most of my characters tend to be short and small framed.
Lia, you did mean J33, right? With difficult terrain, you'd have to provoke an attack of opportunity to get to K.
Female Half-Elf (Taldan) Magus (Bladebound) 1
Female Half-Elf (Taldan) Magus (Bladebound) 1
We're just waiting on Sesi now, then?
@Karst: Lia's not much bigger than Sesi--she's just 5'4". :)
Male Twilight Sage Arcanist 1 |HP: 8/9 |AC: 16/14/16 |Saves: +2 Fort, +2 Ref, +1 Will |Init: +2 |Perc: -1| Arcane Reservoir 2/4
Favored Enemy: Goblinoids? Oh, this fight just got a LOT more interesting...
*continues hiding behind the party*
NG Cleric of Torag 1, HP 10/10, AC:17 T:10 FF:15, CMD:12, Fort:+5 Ref:+1 Will:+6 (+Bonuses), Per:+3 SM:+8, Init:+0 CPE: 6/6
@Lia - I was just going by descriptions. Sesi's muscular build was described, where Lia is described as "petite". I was trying to convey a preception of a tiny frame's capacity for violence.
If they are of a size, that is a horse of another color.
Female Half-Elf (Taldan) Magus (Bladebound) 1
Male Twilight Sage Arcanist 1 |HP: 8/9 |AC: 16/14/16 |Saves: +2 Fort, +2 Ref, +1 Will |Init: +2 |Perc: -1| Arcane Reservoir 2/4
Oh, man, I am just rolling awfully bad.
HP: 10/11, NL: 0 | AC 17/13/14 | F+3 R +6 W+2 | Per: +6 | Init: +4 | Arr: 40
Same here, fair enough, though I did say she was well toned. She may lack the bulk, but she'd got the definition.
@ Pendrix: Don't worry, I'm sure it will get better.
Male Twilight Sage Arcanist 1 |HP: 8/9 |AC: 16/14/16 |Saves: +2 Fort, +2 Ref, +1 Will |Init: +2 |Perc: -1| Arcane Reservoir 2/4
Law of averages; it will eventually. I suppose it is a good thing to get all the bad rolls out on wee little goblins, so I have all the good rolls for later!
Now the map has been updated.
I know a guy who optimizes so he can beat every important check with a 5 on the die. That way, he has about 50% chance of success on any given roll.
He has downright horrible luck, except when he DMs.
Edit: what a disgusting swear phrase.
HP: 10/11, NL: 0 | AC 17/13/14 | F+3 R +6 W+2 | Per: +6 | Init: +4 | Arr: 40
Sesi wrote: As it was intended. :) Yes, I meant it as a compliment, no? I hope it was understood as such.
Female Half-Elf (Taldan) Magus (Bladebound) 1
Are we waiting on the goblins now?
Yes. They're done now. My posts have a slight delay when we're rapid-posting like this, because I need to update the map too. Not a huge hassle, but it does add a minute or two.
Female Half-Elf (Taldan) Magus (Bladebound) 1
And that last arrow volley hurt. Ow.
Anyway--think we should let Karst act first? Or should I go now and see if I could Colour Spray them into submission?
Male Twilight Sage Arcanist 1 |HP: 8/9 |AC: 16/14/16 |Saves: +2 Fort, +2 Ref, +1 Will |Init: +2 |Perc: -1| Arcane Reservoir 2/4
Maybe you should go, if for no other reason than to not risk catching him in the Color Spray?
Female Half-Elf (Taldan) Magus (Bladebound) 1
I was kinda wondering if he could channel energy first for a quick heal before going. Eh... I suppose it can wait for a bit.
Male Twilight Sage Arcanist 1 |HP: 8/9 |AC: 16/14/16 |Saves: +2 Fort, +2 Ref, +1 Will |Init: +2 |Perc: -1| Arcane Reservoir 2/4
Hey, both are good, really!
Male Twilight Sage Arcanist 1 |HP: 8/9 |AC: 16/14/16 |Saves: +2 Fort, +2 Ref, +1 Will |Init: +2 |Perc: -1| Arcane Reservoir 2/4
There it is! Natural 20 on a Ray of Enfeeblement!!!!!
Too bad I can't crit with it....
NG Cleric of Torag 1, HP 10/10, AC:17 T:10 FF:15, CMD:12, Fort:+5 Ref:+1 Will:+6 (+Bonuses), Per:+3 SM:+8, Init:+0 CPE: 6/6
Attack+Hatred+Bless: 1d20 + 2 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 2 + 1 + 1 = 17
GM Runescarred Dragon wrote: Karst's hammer swings by over the goblin's head Uh-oh.
Karst IronBrow wrote: Attack+Hatred+Bless: 1d20 + 2 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 2 + 1 + 1 = 17
GM Runescarred Dragon wrote: Karst's hammer swings by over the goblin's head Uh-oh.
Yup. Leader goblins have more than 17 AC.
In general, goblins have good AC for their CR.
I only hit karst once in the last round, by the way. I'm sorry if it sounded like something else, but the one who would have done 4 damage rolled and 11 to hit, so that missed.
Female Half-Elf (Taldan) Magus (Bladebound) 1
Sheesh... RNGesus hath not been kind to thee, Sesi. :(
Think we should all concentrate fire on the leader or try to pick off the mooks first?
NG Cleric of Torag 1, HP 10/10, AC:17 T:10 FF:15, CMD:12, Fort:+5 Ref:+1 Will:+6 (+Bonuses), Per:+3 SM:+8, Init:+0 CPE: 6/6
Casters use touch attacks on the boss, the rest of us will take out the mooks.
Karst IronBrow wrote: Casters use touch attacks on the boss, the rest of us will take out the mooks. .....And I just saw this. It's ok, I will be taking down this little guy next turn!