Character Creation
-Starting Level: 1st.
-Starting Gold: average or roll for your class. If you roll, you're stuck with the result.
-Statistics: Use a 25 value point buy.
-Allowed Races: I greatly prefer core races, and those applicants will have an easier time of getting in.
-Traits: You have two traits, one of which must be a campaign trait. You may take one of the following drawbacks: Avarice, Envy, Hedonistic, Lustful(new drawback), Pride, Sleepy or Zealous. In return for this drawback, you get a third trait.
New Drawback wrote:
Impure thoughts come easily to you, and you spend an inordinate amount of time being horny. Thus, you are more easily seduced, and your mind is open to outside influence.
You take a -2 penalty on saves vs enchantment effects, such as the vampire's gaze or spells from the enchantment school.
-All official Paizo Pathfinder Material is allowed.
-No third party or homebrew material is allowed.
-Everyone gets background skills as described in Unchained, and also on the D20pfsrd.
-Bans: Barbarian, Brawler, Cavalier, Fighter, Gunslinger, Monk, Ninja, Rogue, Samurai, Slayer, Swashbuckler & the non-casting versions of the Vigilante, including unchained versions of these, are banned.
Despite this ban, you may still take levels in them after level 1. This is intended to allow stuff like Wizard 5/fighter 1/Eldritch Knight 8, not things like Bard 2/Cavalier 3/Battle Herald 10. Everyone having magic, and relying on it to some degree, is central to the concept.
It's possible to Variant Multiclass into the banned classes.
Allowed Third party material
Remember how I said this wasn't allowed? There's one (1) exception: The spellthief from the 3.5e book, Complete Adventurer.
To convert it to pathfinder, it recieves the following changes:
-It gains d8 hd.
-It uses the pathfinder skill list, and no longer gain four times the normal number of skill ranks at first level
-It uses the Bloodrager spell progression.
-It starts with 4d6x10 gp. (An average of 140 gp)
The Master Spellthief feat from Complete Scoundrel is also allowed, providing high-level spellthieves the ability to dodge ASFC on the arcane spells they steal.
Feat Tax Fixes
-Weapon Finesse is an option for anyone who happens to be wielding a finesseable weapon, light or otherwise. Feats or prestige classes that previously required Weapon Finesse no longer do so.
-Combat Expertise Deadly Aim & Power Attack are now options available to anyone with at least +1 base attack. Feats or prestige classes that previously required any of these feats no longer do so.
-Point Blank Shot no longer exists, and all feats or prestige classes that previously required it no longer do so.
-Mobility is now a part of Dodge. Anything that used to require Mobility now requires Dodge.
-Shot on the Run is now part of Spring Attack. Anything that used to require Shot on the Run now requires Spring Attack, although any abilities that usually interacts with Shot on the Run still only interact with the 'move and shoot' application of the combined Spring Attack feat.
New Feats wrote:
Deft Maneuvers
Prerequisites: Int 13
Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a dirty trick, disarm, reposition, steal or trip combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to attempt one of these maneuvers. You also receive a +2 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense when an opponent tries to perform one of the above maneuvers on you.
Special: This feat replaces Improved Dirty Trick, Disarm, Reposition, Steal & Trip. Any feats which previously required one of these instead require Deft Maneuvers.
Powerful Maneuvers
Prerequisites: Str 13
Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a bull rush, drag, grapple, overrun or sunder combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to attempt one of these maneuvers. You also receive a +2 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense when an opponent tries to perform one of the above maneuvers on you.
Special: This feat replaces Improved Bull Rush, Drag, Grapple, Overrun & Sunder. Any feats which previously required one of these instead require Powerful Maneuvers.
Combat Maneuvers Change
Combat maneuvers may be used to move foes into dangerous squares.
4th level casters
These all start with a caster level of 1, instead of no caster level. This caster level remains 1 until level 5, where it increases to 2, and continues to increase as normal on further levels. Additionally, they gain the ability to cast cantrips or orizons from related spell lists.
Table: 0th level spells per day for prepared 4th level casters.
1: 2
2: 3
Further levels: 3
Paladins use the Cleric orizon list, minus Bleed.
Rangers use the Druid orizon list.
Table: 0th level spells known for spontaneous 4th level casters.
1: 3
2: 4
3: 5
Further levels: 5
Bloodragers use the Magus cantrip list. They also gain Blood Casting & Eschew Materials at 1st level.
Spellthieves use the Sorcerer/Wizard cantrip list, albeit limited as usual to the abjuration, divination, enchantment, illusion, and transmutation schools.
Death & Taxes wrote:
Character Death
If your character dies, and you don't raise her from the dead, you may roll up a new character, starting with half as much xp as the last one had, and wealth as appropriate for its level.
Negative Energy Levels
We're using the rules presented here.
Lower level adventurers & Mark Level
I'm going to keep track of something I call Mark Level. Mark Level represents how high-level a character would be if he had lost no levels due to death or negative energy levels.
For each level below Mark Level you currently are, you recieve a +15% bonus to xp gained. This means that lower-level characters catch up fairly quickly to the rest of the party.