GM Rhys Grey's Kingmaker

Game Master Rhys Grey

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Dark Archive

Male Human Summoner lv1

Ray watches calmly as Harsk goes to get another bandit.

People are strange. He thinks. A piece of paper has given us a power I'm guessing we are all foreign to, but we've used that power in less than two days of being here.

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

"Would you spare me the fulfillment of our charter, as well? Nay, my part in this affair is equal to yours. I will remain beside you, and witness each individual consequence of my commitment to the rule of law over that of terror and opportunity," Tityanna replies judiciously.

Haldaval nods "Very well"

Female Human Expert 2

Svetlana eyes Happs's dead form with a dazed expression as Haldaval speaks to herself and Oleg. "Aye, Haldaval. I'm thinking I've work to do in the main house, if it does you fine. I can't say I'm sorry for Happs, given all he's done, but I also can't say I'm happy for you, either; this is grim business, it is."

She meets her husband's gaze and quickly moves to the main house.

Last I checked, Eljas and Jan were conscious, while Ziven was still unconscious; Eljas was more cooperative, while Jan seemed hostile. Ziven hasn't been interrogated yet, so let's go with him, if it suits you.

Ziven is unconscious, but stable, as Harsk brings him out. The man is short and stocky, with curly red hair and a straggly beard to match.

Edited for typo.

Male Elf Cleric 13: AC 25, Hit Points 99/99, Perception +21, Initiative +8 Channels left 5/5 Current buffs: magic circle of PfE, comprehend languages

I assist Harsk in moving Ziven.

It is well done: patience, calm and judgement.

I remain with the group to see how Ziven pleads.

Male Human Expert 2

Oleg smiles grimly at Malaswyn. "Aye, patience you've got more than I. After all your calm and judgment, I'll work on planting the slain, if it does you fine. Maybe the rest of them'll be less scared if we put Happs in the cart, for the time being, unless that's your aim. Care to help me with that?"

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

"I will," Tityanna volunteers. Terrifying the demoralized is not just.

Oleg and any other who assists carrying Happs to the cart:

"My offer to assist in the burial has not been rescinded. As it concerns the very earth, and... our further ventures here, I will not abstain from this duty."

"I would dig them all myself, and spare anyone else the trouble, as I consider it my duty," he shakes his head, with a glance in Tityanna's direction. "But somehow I doubt my offer will be accepted."

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

"Do you suggest that I take too much upon myself, Sir?" Tityanna inquires of Haldaval. "I would not keep you from assisting, only that I should not like to be excluded."

Tityanna shakes her head sadly. "If for no other purpose than to perhaps forge a better understanding of each other," she adds softly.

"No, no, I daresay you could take on the whole world if you wished. I merely would spare any others the necessity of dealing with these scum, even in death. It is simply my way of shielding others with my own actions." He smiles a bit at that thought.

Dark Archive

Male Human Summoner lv1

"That doesn't make sense." Ray chimes in. "We are here as a group, and should do things as a group. You should not shoulder the burden of burying all the bandits we put down."

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

"Shield or isolate?" Tityanna muses, vivid green eyes not meeting Haldaval's at the comment. "There is always an alternative perspective, Sir," she says and silently concludes and I've extensive experience with isolation.

After the deed has been done, Tityanna turns to Oleg. "You are intimate with your Good Wife, Master. Would an apology be welcome this day, or bother her unduly?"

Male Human Expert 2

"What've you to apologize for? You'd not bother her by crying pardon, but she mightn't ken why." Oleg reddens slightly. "Of course, I've been told before that I'm not always in the way of knowing a woman's mind or heart, I have. I'd wager she'd like the company, if it does you fine."

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

It is a common failing in men, I expect, Tityanna observes, but does not speak that particular portion of her mind. "If it will not upset your home, Master, it would at that," she replies. "Perhaps I may divine a way to assist her without imposing."

Ziven, Jan, and Eljas do not present much more information than you had already gleaned from them: there seems to be about twelve bandits at the Thorn River Camp, Kressle tends to stay at the camp unless something requires her presence, and the camp itself is located at a river-ford in the Narlmarches--about a day-and-a-half's ride to the southwest, as the crow flies.

When asked about the scale, none of the bandits seem to know what you speak of; when asked if they'd ever been party to rape, all the bandits staunchly deny it.

GM's Screen:
1d3 ⇒ 3; 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (10) - 1 = 9
3d100 ⇒ (57, 58, 85) = 200; 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (19) - 1 = 18; 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (15) - 1 = 14

Please roll three different Sense Motive checks.

Sense Motive, Check #1 (DC 9):
During Eljas's continued interrogation, when mentioned that the scale had been found in a rip in one of the saddlebags, a brief flash of comprehension seems to light his eyes.

Sense Motive, Check #2 (DC 14):
You feel that Jan is lying about his participation in any rapes, due to his profuse sweating and shifty glances. He refuses to meet interrogators' eyes during this question.

Sense Motive, Check #3 (DC 18):
You feel that Ziven is lying about his participation in any rapes, due to a minute tic that manifests under the man's left eye when asked about it. He refuses to meet interrogators' eyes during this question.

Male Elf Cleric 13: AC 25, Hit Points 99/99, Perception +21, Initiative +8 Channels left 5/5 Current buffs: magic circle of PfE, comprehend languages

sense motive 1d20 ⇒ 14

Eljas has more to tell.

I nod toward Jan: Harsk has played his part, I shall take the task for this one.

I string my bow.

I apologize for not clarifying. Please roll three different Sense Motive checks, one for each bandit. Everyone can make these three rolls.

Dark Archive

Male Human Summoner lv1

Sense Motive 1:1d20 ⇒ 2
Sense Motive 2:1d20 ⇒ 10
Sense Motive 3:1d20 ⇒ 2

Well, that's not going to help...

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

Tityanna Sense Motive:

1 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
2 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
3 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19

Tityanna inhales sharply at Ziven's lie about his participation in assault against women. "Animal," she hisses. "This one cannot make the distinction between base impulse and choice, and prone to lie as well. I will not waste my breath educating him, or trust him to live beside me. He dies here."

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

For the first
"I agree with Malaswyn, this one knows something about that scale."

For the second
"This vile creature has been trying to lie since we first started questioning him. Make it quick, good Malaswyn."

For the third
At Tityanna's intake of breath and exclaimation, Haldaval draws his sword and advances on the bandit. "By the will of all the gods we serve, and with a sword guided by the hand of Ragathiel's justice, your evil is at an end." He ends the interrogations.

At the discussion of the burials
"It is no burden, Ray, and it is not meant to isolate, Tityanna. I, however, am not used to companions with which to spare responsibilities such as this, and do not intend insult or insinuation. I merely speak my mind and my heart, and I would rather handle things myself than necessitate the task be done by others. However, as we must learn to work together, we can do this task as one if you all wish it."

Dark Archive

Male Human Summoner lv1

Burial discussion.
"You and I are opposites then. I am used to working with at least one other person when work can be done better and faster if shared."

"Well then," Haldaval smiles at Ray, slapping him on the back heartily. "Perhaps we can learn from each other."

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

Tityanna approaches Eljas during the interrogation. "You know of this scale? What manner of creature did it come from? And whence did you encounter it?"

Tityanna untrained Diplomacy (Gather Information) 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19


Concerning the burial, continued

Tityanna gives a firm nod and observes Sir Haldaval's and Ray's interactions. While she is relieved at the budding camaraderie between the men, she finds the informality, considering the subject matter, to be slightly obscene.

Eljas peers at the scale in Tityanna's hand, squinting. After staring at it for a few moments, he shakes his head. "I can't ken it, but when you said you found it on the torn saddlebag . . ."

His eyes widen, fear plainly showing upon his face. "Do ghosts have scales, Anna? I didn't think they did! Oh gods, the Narlmarch Ghost is a lizard-or-fish-fiend, isn't it? It's marked us! Gods save me, the Narlmarch Ghost's MARKED US!"

He shrieks this last part in utter terror. Thankfully, he doesn't appear to wet himself a second time.

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

"Be still, Eljas," Tityanna attempts to calm. "Hysterics serve none, least of all yourself. This ghost that you speak of, where did you meet it? And how was the saddlebag torn?"

Eljas manages to calm himself at Tityanna's words. After he's composed, he begins his tale.

"Weird things happen in those woods, downright spooky things, so much that we've taken to calling it the Narlmarch Ghost. As far as I know, I'm the only one from my camp who's actually seen the thing, but all of us's seen and heard strangeness in the Narlmarches, especially at night."

He pauses, swallows audibly, and continues. "Normally, it's just stuff like a knife being unsheathed and disappearing for no reason, or waking up after camping in the woods with worms raining down on us--that's right, earthworms falling right out of the trees. Bad luck stuff, you ken? Just weird enough to keep a man scared out there."

Fear creeps back into his countenance, and his tone becomes softer, almost conspiratorial. "One night, about a month ago, I was out on a hunting trip with one of my mates. I had to relieve myself in the middle of the night, so I went out a ways to do my business. That's when I saw it, glowing blue about ten feet off as I watered the bushes. It was the size of a man, but its hair was moving about all willy-nilly--with no wind blowing, ken!--and it's moving its hands all around, like it's clawing the air! And this thing's face--gods, its face--it looked like a cross between a fox and a snake, it did! It made this real low sound at me: 'oooOOO', for a real long time before it disappeared right in front of me! I'll never forget the crazy look in its eyes."

Eljas coughs, struggles with some phlegm, and swallows. "Anyways, on the way here--as we camped in the edge of the wood, ken--the bushes and weeds came alive, grabbing our legs and such, while ghost-lights flickered off-and-on in the distance! It only lasted a short while, it did, but by morning we saw the saddlebag'd been cut."

He nods solemnly. "Aye, those woods are haunted. Do you think it means to kill me?" He waits expectantly for an answer.

Male Elf Cleric 13: AC 25, Hit Points 99/99, Perception +21, Initiative +8 Channels left 5/5 Current buffs: magic circle of PfE, comprehend languages


1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

I end Jan's life.

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

Tityanna Kn. Arcana (Spell effects) 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
Tityanna Spellcraft (Spell effects) 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Tityanna Kn. Nature (Fox-lizard) 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

Tityanna shakes her head at Eljas insinuation that the ghost meant the bandits any harm. "I believe that if the ghost meant you harm, Eljas, it might have pursued it more vigorously. You speak of lights in the distance, and vines clawing at your feet, not razors at your throat or limbs caught and mangled," she says gently. "In fact, the only injury to speak of was to your saddle bags. What did they contain?"

Dark Archive

Male Human Summoner lv1

Ray, upon hearing Eljas' description of the 'Narlmarch Ghost' makes a sign to ward of evil in the air in front of him. He did not want to add "Ghost" to the list of things troubling him, even if it was a short list.

HP 83/83 | Nonlethal 0 | Burn 0/7 | AC 20/T 15/FF 18 | DR 4/Adamantine |Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +6 | Init +2, Perception +13

On the burial

To me and mine the earth is a sacred place, worthy of our fallen and our loved ones. We burn the criminals and the evil so they will never know the comfort of the dirt and stone. I would prefer this for these men, but I know that to most of you this is not the way so I defer to your wishes...

On the "Ghost"

Bah a ghost! Ghosts aren't some jackaknapes from a bard's tale that tend to mischeif, they are creatures to be feared and they'd make themselves known in greater ways than earthworms falling from the sky! Harsk waves his hand dismissively, Too long out in the woods this one. "Face of a fox and a snake" indeed. It was probably some kobold shaman playing at tricks to chase you away or too much drink! I hear they filthy buggers crawl around these parts!

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

Replying to Harsk's suggestion about the Burial

"I hear your concerns, Master Ironback, but to light a pyre capable of reducing a single body to ash, much less several will send a signal we could ill afford. Kressle may be in the camp, or... she could be ranging as we speak, waiting for these men to return. Any queer sign might cause her to flee beyond our reach."

Tityanna inclines her head in a salute to Master Ironback. "Here in these lands, consecrated ground is sacred. All we have is the plains at our disposal," she recognizes and glances towards Brother Tyddewi. "Do we run any unnecessary risk burying these men on unhallowed ground, Brother?"

Male Elf Cleric 13: AC 25, Hit Points 99/99, Perception +21, Initiative +8 Channels left 5/5 Current buffs: magic circle of PfE, comprehend languages
Tityanna Medvyed wrote:

Replying to Harsk's suggestion about the Burial

"I hear your concerns, Master Ironback, but to light a pyre capable of reducing a single body to ash, much less several will send a signal we could ill afford. Kressle may be in the camp, or... she could be ranging as we speak, waiting for these men to return. Any queer sign might cause her to flee beyond our reach."

Tityanna inclines her head in a salute to Master Ironback. "Here in these lands, consecrated ground is sacred. All we have is the plains at our disposal," she recognizes and glances towards Brother Tyddewi. "Do we run any unnecessary risk burying these men on unhallowed ground, Brother?"

on burial

The sacred fire is preserved for those of virtue and true faith.

Like Rovagug, sinners are put away deep in the earth.

When there is some small hope, a sky burial exposes the soul to the new dawn.

I look about the place, a gesture and nothing more: Until we have the time and strength to consecrate a chapel then all who fall in the Stolen Lands will lie in unconsecrated ground. It is the way of wild places.

Although nigh impossible to precisely determine what magics may be involved in Eljas's descriptions (given you're not personally there to examine said effects), such effects might be produced by any number of basic arcane cantrips: dancing lights for the 'ghost-lights', or multiple castings of mage hand for the 'rain of worms', for example. The 'vines and bushes coming alive' might easily be a product of a druidic spell, entangle.

The creature, so vaguely described, could theoretically be almost anything. More information will need to be provided for you to get a better idea; 'fox-snake-men' don't sound like anything you've studied about the natural world.

Eljas looks a bit calmer after Tityanna attempts to assuage his fears. "May it be so that this ghost means not to kill me! I suppose only the saddlebag was injured . . . it had some horse-feed in it, but very much less after the cut. We had to pile the stuff that poured on the ground into another bag, with our hands."

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

"Horse feed?" Tityanna repeats. You, a thief and rapist of women feared a creature which liberated feed from your horses only? "These ghost lights sound as though they were a distraction to pinch a bit of food from your stores, nothing more."

Might Kressle be similarly forestalled? In any case, it should be discussed when we open discussions for how best to deal with her.

Tityanna frowns. "Would that you put equal effort crafting a defense for yourself as screaming hysterically about ghosts in the woods," she sighs and shakes her head. "Have you any skill which might prove useful? Any... desires beyond this life you have made for yourself?"

Do you repent? I am weary of the sight of blood.

I assume that those bandits who have required execution have been terminated on sight, and we have been loading them onto the cart directly after.

GM's Screen:
1d20 - 1 ⇒ (9) - 1 = 8

Eljas nods earnestly. "Oh, aye! I'm a keen shot with a bow, and've felled many deer for food. I'm a passable hunter, I say." He lowers his gaze modestly.

Sense Motive (DC 8):
Eljas answers altogether too quickly for your liking. Your gut tells you that, if given a bow to hunt, he'd likely try to shoot somebody with it and flee into the wilderness.

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

Tityanna untrained Sense Motive 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7 *sigh*

"I asked after your desires should you be spared, you answer with a qualification only," Tityanna observes, eyes narrowed. "I desire a home with a sizable library to pass my idle hours, and good neighbors to assist me in defense," Tityanna continues, and shakes her head.

"What say you gentlemen?" she asks her companions.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

"I do not trust the man, and I fear the evil in his heart, but he may be truthful. However, he was not truthful earlier when talking of Svetlana and his desires. I believe he is deserving of the same fate at the others."

Male Elf Cleric 13: AC 25, Hit Points 99/99, Perception +21, Initiative +8 Channels left 5/5 Current buffs: magic circle of PfE, comprehend languages

sense motive1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

I hold Eljas' gaze as I speak: There is a hardness in his heart. He knows only betrayal.

HP 83/83 | Nonlethal 0 | Burn 0/7 | AC 20/T 15/FF 18 | DR 4/Adamantine |Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +6 | Init +2, Perception +13

Can I even fail this? Sense Motive 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

Mal speaks true. He would flee and take whatever life impeeded him.

Male Elf Cleric 13: AC 25, Hit Points 99/99, Perception +21, Initiative +8 Channels left 5/5 Current buffs: magic circle of PfE, comprehend languages

This being the last of the four, and three of us having played our part, I look between Ray and Tityanna.

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

"I had hopes that he might repent, and that one might be spared," Tityanna begins and shakes her head, "but I could not trust that if such an offer were made and accepted that it would be sincere."

Tityanna frowns and looks to her companions. "We cannot allow this villain to go free, and inform upon us to the others."

And when it is done, let us think no more upon these deaths.

"I will take care of this one as well, for the insults paid to Tityanna and Svetlana."

After doing his duty, Haldaval remains silent with a bowed head as he cleans his blade.

"Let us end this business together, friends, and move on to less unfortunate things."

Male Human Expert 2

Oleg begins to harness Claptrap to the cart after the executed bandits have been placed within. "Aye, I'm glad it's done. I've plenty of shovels for all who'd like to lend a hand with the planting. I'll fetch Lana when we're through, so we can all eat some well-deserved breakfast."

With the bandits dealt with, Svetlana continues cooking her breakfast; by the time the burials are complete, she's mostly finished cooking: more of her famous bacon, served with fresh bread and pork gravy.

Oleg seems to be in good spirits, despite the morning's events. He eats voraciously and talks boisterously with the group, even sharing a few good-natured jests.

Svetlana, on the other hand, keeps mostly to herself. She busies herself with cooking, cleaning, and other domestic duties with a rather bland expression. If spoken to, she smiles and comments briefly, but otherwise remains silent as she goes about her business.

GM's Screen:
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14

Sense Motive (DC 14):
Although she keeps a straight face, there seems to be a certain sadness in her averted eyes, as if she's close to tears.

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

I assume we don't need to RP the burial, correct?

Tityanna remains quiet for much of the grim task of making graves for their defeated foes, preferring to channel her disappointment and sorrow into work rather than letting her mind malinger in black thoughts.

On another day, Tityanna might have noted the quality of the earth for sewing seeds and agriculture, Gronzi forest had so little area for such enterprises that Tityanna blushed to admit that she found any persons with expertise in the subject to be quite fascinating if she were allowed to question them extensively. The less genteel the nobleman, the less subtle their response to Tityanna's interviews. A great many of the younger suitors found her curiosity to be an invitation to seduction, whilst the elder, and many of whom were previously married with children grown, discouraged her interests for their sakes. Of the many attached to her, Tityanna preferred the scions of the Garess house to others, but only so much as they did not presume quite so much.

While the graves remain open, before they are sealed, Tityanna will kneel before them and offer a prayer in Syvlan.


"Great Mother of the earth and gentle Lords and Ladies also concerned, receive the shell of these errant men. I pray let not their sins stain ye. For though the flesh often tempts towards evil, it is flaws within that pursue. Make of these weak creatures new life to honor thee."

Following the burial, Tiryanna will use a bit of the water from her skin to wash her hands and face on site so as not to bring any vestages of grave dirt into the trade post. On the walk back, Tityanna will answer Oleg. "Aye, food will be a comfort, Master Leveton."

Tityanna untrained Sense Motive 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13

Tityanna notes Svetlana's withdrawn behavior, but not wishing to interfere in the affairs of Master Leveton's family, and not feeling quite to rights, herself, Tityanna also remains quiet.

Haldaval looks a bit surprised at Tityanna's words at the graves, but makes no remarks of his own.

As the companions return to the outpost, he checks in on Shadow, and makes sure he's settled for the day and night before joining the others for food.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

As he enters, he notices Svetlana's mood and goes over to her. "Good Svetlana, it has been a trying day, but the evil is behind us for today, and we will hopefully eliminate it entirely in the near future. Your days of worry should be behind you if I have anything to say about it. However, you seem more deeply troubled. Is something more wrong of which we are unaware?"

Female Human Expert 2

As she stirs bubbling gravy in a large pot, Svetlana smiles weakly at Haldaval. "Aye, the day's been trying, Sir Shantral. If I'd have it my way, there'd be no more like today. My worry isn't these dead men, or even their mates at Thorn River, but what they stand for."

She grabs a nearby plate of broken bread and ladles gravy over it. After setting it back on the table, she turns to Haldaval and lowers her voice. "When Oleg took me as his wife, I took his name and the duties that come with it. He, in turn, has provided for me out here in the borderlands, and protected me as best he can."

Svetlana's eyes begin to shimmer with tears and she wipes them away, almost angrily. "I love my husband, but I want a family, as well. I see children playing in the market yard in my mind's eye, and it does me fine . . . nay, it does me perfect. But I worry about all the evils out there in the Narlmarches, in the Kamelands, and gods know where else; I worry for the children that haven't yet been born to me, and I worry that all dangers of living in the Post'll make Oleg un-"

She stops suddenly, turns a deep shade of crimson, and claps a hand over her mouth. "Oh, I've forgotten myself! I cry pardon, Sir, but I'll not burden you with my woman's troubles! Please, send Tityanna my way when you can, if it does you fine . . . it's woman's business I have, and I'd speak of it with one, not meaning offense!"

Svetlana executes another clumsy curtsy and rushes off to the stables.

Haldaval tries to say something to Svetlana but she hurries off before he gets a chance. He heads over to Tityanna and speaks to her in a low voice, "Svetlana would have a word with you if you have a mind." He hesitates for a moment and then starts again, "If you wouldn't mind letting her that she should fear no embarrassment from me. I meant merely to address any concerns she had. I would gladly help with anything."

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

Tityanna draws her lower lip between her teeth and bites it softly, and it is several moments before she speaks. "The Good Wife witnessed an execution in her home. She's like to be... sensitive for some time," Tityanna replies. "I will convey your intent, Sir."

Tityanna spares Haldaval a soft smile. "We may not agree on methods, Sir, but I recognize that your heart is good," she says, and inclines her head in a salute.

On Haldaval's recommendation, Tityanna moves towards the stables. She knocks and identifies herself before entering. "Good Wife, it is Tityanna," she calls, enters and then drags the door closed for privacy. "Sir Haldaval said that you would speak with me, but paid you the courtesy of not revealing your... concern. How...," Tityanna pauses, "how might I be of assistance, Good Wife?"

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