GM Rhys Grey's Kingmaker

Game Master Rhys Grey

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Male Elf Cleric 13: AC 25, Hit Points 99/99, Perception +21, Initiative +8 Channels left 5/5 Current buffs: magic circle of PfE, comprehend languages
GM Rhys Grey wrote:
Malaswyn: it's up to you if you want to launch that fire bolt at one of the fleeing bandits.

Fleeing is not surrendering, we don't have the strength to take bandits en masse.

I will aim that fire bolt at an opponent.

Malaswyn targets the closest bandit to him; Bandit #2, busy running while pressing a hand against his wounded face, never sees the cleric's fire bolt as it strikes home. It slams into his shoulder, sending him spinning and smoldering to the ground. He doesn't get up.

GM's Screen:
Bandit #2, Constitution Check (DC 10): 1d20 + 1 - 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 - 1 = 7; fail.

Round 2 . . . begins!

Initiative Recap:
1. Haldaval
2. Ray
3. Malaswyn
4. Horses
5. Bandits
6. Tityanna
7. Oleg
8. Harsk
9. Happs

The map for round 2 is here. Characters marked with an asterisk (*) are unconscious and/or dying. Bandit #3 is about 60 feet off-map to the south, while the nearest of the bandits' horses is about 190 feet off-map, also to the south.

"We must not let any escape, man or beast. I will pursue, someone help Harsk!"

Haldaval drops his shield, grabs Shadow's reins, and charges after the fleeing bandit.

Charge is double speed, so up to 100ft.

Current AC: down to 16

Attack: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 5 + 1 = 22
Damage: 2d8 + 4 ⇒ (8, 4) + 4 = 16

Male Elf Cleric 13: AC 25, Hit Points 99/99, Perception +21, Initiative +8 Channels left 5/5 Current buffs: magic circle of PfE, comprehend languages

My next action is heavily dependent upon whether that bandit dies.

Haldaval and Shadow catch up to the fleeing bandit; the lance rams into his upper back, sending him flying down into a jarring face-plant. Bandit #3's legs twitch a few times, then lie still.

Haldaval, your location is 60 feet off-map, straight south. The nearest of the panicked horses is 130 feet from you, although it does appear that they've stopped running full-speed; they're now trotting (100 feet per round instead of 250). The furthest of the horses is about 150 feet away from your location.

Ok, assuming nothing strange, my round 3 action will be to gallup after the horses, should be able to make up 200ft in a round. I can spur on with a DC 15 ride check... although I'm unsure how much speed that adds... it's 10ft for the round, but is that x4 at a run?

Male Elf Cleric 13: AC 25, Hit Points 99/99, Perception +21, Initiative +8 Channels left 5/5 Current buffs: magic circle of PfE, comprehend languages

I head down the ladder to cut off the last bandit.

As I get down I cry out again: Surrender. You are alone!

If your horse has the Run feat, he can gallop at x5 speed; otherwise, it's x4 speed. The bandits' horses have the Run feat, but--starting in round 2--they're only moving x2 speed.

Spurring your mount increases his speed by 10 feet for one round; if you're moving at x4 speed, that'll push him up to 240 feet (60 x 4) per round. Don't forget to add the damage to Shadow!

GM Rhys Grey wrote:

If your horse has the Run feat, he can gallop at x5 speed; otherwise, it's x4 speed. The bandits' horses have the Run feat, but--starting in round 2--they're only moving x2 speed.

Spurring your mount increases his speed by 10 feet for one round; if you're moving at x4 speed, that'll push him up to 240 feet (60 x 4) per round. Don't forget to add the damage to Shadow!

Ok, cool. Haven't decided if I'll try that or not yet, gonna wait for the end of the round to decide, and see how far ahead they are at that point.

Dark Archive

Male Human Summoner lv1

Ray moves to stand a few feet from the last bandit 13.12 and holds his dagger ready.

"Giving up would be your best bet right now." He says calmly.

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

Round 2

Tityanna moves to the downed bandit at 14.17 and attempts an untrained Heal check to stabilize the man.

Tityanna Untrained Heal to Stabilize 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

"Good my Lord, lend your blessing to this man. If not through my hands..."

The bandits' horses continue to move as a group southward; they've stopped galloping, and are now trotting away from the battle. The lead horse is now 250 feet from Haldaval.

Bandit #1, hearing Ray and Malaswyn challenge him from outside, backs into the southeast corner of the storage pen. He drops his sword and stares at the dwarf with wide, frightened eyes. "Tell them not to kill me!" he screams. "I give up, just don't kill me!"

GM's Screen:
Bandit #2, Constitution Check (DC 10): 1d20 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (13) + 1 - 2 = 12; success.
Bandit #3, Constitution Check (DC 10): 1d20 + 1 - 8 ⇒ (19) + 1 - 8 = 12; success.

Bandit #2 and #3 still lie unmoving.

Tityanna hovers over bandit #2, ready to keep him from dying. She notices that he is still breathing, but stable. It seems Erastil has heard her prayer; though not through her hands, the man has stabilized. Tityanna, the bandit stabilized on his own. You have a standard action available to you, should you wish to take it.

Oleg runs into the main house and heads to the bedroom, where Svetlana is hiding.

Haldaval tries to coax a little more speed out of Shadow.

Ride(DC 15): 1d20 + 6 - 5 ⇒ (1) + 6 - 5 = 2
Damage to Shadow: 1d3 ⇒ 2

Shadow snorts in dismissal and continues at the pace he already considers acceptable, as they slowly catch up with the fleeing horses.

I should be able to catch them next round, so I'll put the checks here to slow them.

Grab Fleeing horse's reins, Ride (DC 10): 1d20 + 6 - 5 ⇒ (14) + 6 - 5 = 15
Control and slow horse, Handle Animal (DC 10): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

Haldaval takes the time to gather the bandit's horses and tie them together, attaching the lead horse to Shadow's saddle and leading them back towards Oleg's.

If I get back to bandit #3 before anyone else, I'll post actions from there.

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

Round 2 - Continued

Sure that the unconscious bandit will live, and uncertain that moving him will be of any benefit to his condition, Tityanna rises and answers the remaining bandit.

"We do not intend to harm you, but we've need of a show of faith. Lay down your arms, and you will be treated fairly."

Tityanna Untrained Diplomacy 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16 Is a standard action. I assume that he will be able to hear her from her position, if not see her.

Male Elf Cleric 13: AC 25, Hit Points 99/99, Perception +21, Initiative +8 Channels left 5/5 Current buffs: magic circle of PfE, comprehend languages

My next action will be to move to the nearest downed bandit and try to stabilise him if he is still beyond death.
stabilise1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

However, I will not waste healing magic (yet) on our foes.

Malaswyn, both bandits are stable.

The bandit in the storage pen continues his frantic pleading. "I'll come out, I've dropped my blade! Tell this dwarf not to kill me! He's mad at me, since I stuck him good!"

Within the storage pen, Bandit #1 focuses on Harsk. "Listen, I'm sorry I stuck you. I give up now, so you'll let me live, aye?"

HP 83/83 | Nonlethal 0 | Burn 0/7 | AC 20/T 15/FF 18 | DR 4/Adamantine |Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +6 | Init +2, Perception +13

Harsk's blood pumps in his ears loudly. The wound was a deep bite and his rage roared to end this criminal. Gritting his teeth Harsk points the hammer's head at the bandit, putting upon the bandit the gaze trained to him by Torag. Intimidate1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

Kneel and pray to whatever god you hold, your life is spared only because that woman offered you quarter. You will do what she says, when she says and if you do not obey.. Harsk lets his words hiss into silence, his gaze and stance relaying all he intends should the criminal disobey.

The bandit shakes uncontrollably, his knees threatening to give way beneath him. He lowers his head and throws up his hands. "Aye, I'll obey! I'll not fight any longer!"

At this point, combat is over.

Haldaval manages to calm the lead horse; the others follow suit as the paladin leads them back to the trading post.

Haldaval rides up to the Bandit he rode down as he fled and dismounts, checking to see if he was still alive. He recognizes that the bandit is near death if he is not dead already. Not particularly concerned, Haldaval lifts the bandit onto one of the bandit's horses, and makes sure he won't fall off on the short ride back to the outpost.

As he rides back, Haldaval tries to calm his thoughts. I do not understand what happened here, but if I am going to live with these others that have been charged with the exploration of these lands, I'm going to have to deal with crazy situations.

He rides into the yeard and dismounts, taking in the two other unconscious bandits, and the one cowering before the wounded dwarf. "Are you ok, Harsk?"

Haldaval grabs the bandit he carried back, and throws him down with the other bandits. "I'm not sure if he's alive or not... what about those two?" he asks the others.

Without waiting for an answer, he gets some rope and approaches the still conscious bandit. "You have a lot to answer for... bandit."

Haldaval uses his Detect Evil ability on the bandit. He then proceeds to tie the bandit's feet together, and his hands behind his back... tightly.

You do not perceive an evil aura about the bandit.

The bandit complies as Haldaval binds him. He says nothing, only wincing occasionally as the paladin tightens the bonds.

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

Tityanna frowns at her Haldaval, deeply displeased with his dismissal of the bandit's humanity and his rough treatment of another human being. To speak of her displeasure before the conscious bandit would kill any rapport she might have with the man.

"Come away from there with me a ways, sir, please," Tityanna says gently, and offers the bandit her hand. "I would speak to you at the table. Would you take some water with me? Perhaps some bread? Have you eaten?"

Tityanna leads the conscious bandit to the table, she gives Brother Tyddewi a pointed glance, praying that he understands and will heal the others.

When the bandit has settled himself, Tityanna sits across from him, offering her hands to him across the surface of the table. "I am Tityanna. And you are?"

Haldaval watches Tityanna closely, and speaks plainly to her, waiting for another time to voice his bewilderment at how things played out earlier, "I will not stop you from speaking to this man. Indeed, you must, for we need to find out all that he knows before we decide if he should hang or not. you may even sit with him and feed him with your own hands if you like, but he will be bound hand and foot as long as I am here to witness it."

Haldaval goes to the three unconscious bandits and uses his Detect Evil ability on each in turn, asking Ragathiel for guidance on what to do with the prisoners. He addresses Malaswyn, "Are these three still alive?"

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

"Are we speaking of a man, or a hog?" Tityanna hisses, and continues on her way with the bandit, unbound.

Haldaval grabs the man, and throws him to the ground, putting himself between the bandit and Tityanna.

"He is a criminal and deserves our contempt at the least, and likely the rope if justice is to be served. I will not see him coddled."

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

Tityanna shores herself up, and steps close to Haldaval, meeting his eyes as though she were much taller. "This is not the way civilized persons treat each other, much less captors treat prisoners," she says, her voice cool and even. "We will not treat other men in this fashion. Terror is what they use against the weak. If we adopt their devices, what good are we serving?"

Haldaval grabs Tityanna's arm and drags her away from the bandit so that they might not be overheard.

If you want to resist, and we need to roll, things may play out different, but assuming I can get you far enough to avoid being overheard, this is what I'd say ;)

'Listen, My Lady. This confrontation has gone horribly wrong from the beginning, and you have put yourself in harms way far more than should have been, or should be necessarily now. This man is dangerous. You may wish to gain his trust, but I will not go about the tasks that this nonsense has made necessary for myself to deal with without knowing that he will not cause any further trouble for you or any of the rest of us."

Haldaval considers Tityanna for a moment. "If you will not submit to him being bound, then I will have to remain here, and the dead will have to wait to be buried."

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

Tityanna gives a start when Haldaval grabs her arm and pulls at her. How is this any different from the way that Uncle Happs treated me? she wonders, but does not speak until she is sure that the warrior has finished.

"They offered me no violence," Tityanna answers him calmly. "Not even Happs. He would have gone no further with me, I am certain, as I trusted that you and the others would not let him.

"I will not submit to binding him, nor will I submit to watching you beat upon him further. If that means that you must remain beside me, I may only ask that you allow me to speak to him without interruption."

Tityanna spares a glance for the yard. "As for the dead..." she says and trails. "I will attend them, personally. It was my failure of diplomacy that led to this end. For that, I will atone."

Haldaval's reaction to Tityanna's words is more harsh than he or she might have expected. "NO! I will see the dead tended to. You have no need to worry on such accounts."

Haldaval looks at the bandit cowering nearby. He looks at Tityanna and puts a hand on her shoulder, looking into her eyes for several long moments.

"I don't know how we are going to work together, good lady. Ragathiel's wisdom tells me that these four should die for their crimes without a second thought, but I would have us work together, rather than be at odds. Do NOT make me regret such a decision."

Haldaval goes to the bandit cowering on the ground, grabs him by the collar and drags him to his feet. "You are the scum of the earth, and if I had my way I would cut your throat right here and now, and we'd be done with you, but my good friend here thinks that your life has some value that I cannot see, and as I value her opinion more than your life, I will spare it for the moment. I will have you know, however," and Haldaval draws his sword at these words, holding it to the bandit's throat. "If you even LOOK at this lady inappropriately, your head will fall to the ground before you can understand your own actions."

Haldaval spends several moments searching the bandit for any possible hidden weapons or items. When he is satisfied that the bandit is helpless, he will sit him down at a table and sit down next to him, sword lying on the table in front of both of them.

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

Tityanna watches Haldaval search the bandit in a type of stunned silence. For a moment, she could not discern what it was about the warrior that put her ill at ease, but his rough treatment of their prisoner, so much like a bully, he was a amalgam of every instructor she had had in her early life, the harsh, unsympathetic figure that taught and protected simply by existing. To be sure, there was no shortage of that type of man in New Steven, it seemed to Tityanna as though her father was familiar with each individual of the type and encouraged their interest in her person. Tityanna inhaled, filling her lungs to capacity, then exhaled completely, visualizing the old hostility pouring out of her by the act, then sat across the man at the table.

"I am Tityanna," she introduces herself. "Several of your companions yet live. We have been made aware of your activities here by Master Leveton, but I would have it from your perspective, as well. Please, help us to understand what motivated you to prey upon your fellow man."

Tityanna Untrained Diplomacy 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24

Male Elf Cleric 13: AC 25, Hit Points 99/99, Perception +21, Initiative +8 Channels left 5/5 Current buffs: magic circle of PfE, comprehend languages

If Haldaval's foe is still alive then my stabilise check can go on him.

I'll begin to tie them up (although not looking to hurt anyone):

Master Harsk, a few moments and I will heal you.

Once they are restrained I'll use a healing channel. Based around a short prayer.
1d6 ⇒ 6

You do not detect any evil auras from the four bandits. I'd like to remind you, although you're probably already aware, that detect evil only perceives auras of creatures that have 5+ HD.

Aside from the short sword that the bandit dropped in the storage pen, Bandit #1 had a longbow (worn over his shoulder); other gear he's carrting is as follows: leather armor (worn), a quiver with 20 arrows, and a large belt pouch (with 2 days of trail rations and 10 gp within). If you search the others, Bandits #2 and #3 have the same gear.

Happs, on the other hand, carried/wore leather armor, a dagger, a composite longbow (+2 Str) with a quiver of 20 arrows, the silver stag's skull amulet, and a large belt pouch with 2 days of trail rations, 35 gp, and 2 flasks of alchemist's fire.

Sarenrae's healing light bathes the unconscious bandits in its glow, beginning to re-knit wounds and fade bruises. They are badly wounded, however, so the healing is not complete. Bandit #2 is now awake, but Happs and Bandit #3 are still unconscious (but alive).

Bandit #1 retains his meekness, but he's clearly confused by being bound, unbound, and spoken to civilly, all within a few moments. He regards Haldaval with obvious fear, and when seated once more across from Tityanna--after being searched and admonished by the paladin--he sits straight-backed and still, staring directly at his hands as he lays them palm-down upon the table.

After Tityanna asks him why he's a bandit, he is silent for what seems like a long time. Finally, he begins to speak in a halting and shaky voice, never looking up from his hands. "This is my job, you ken. They're taxed for living in our lands. Happs is the boss, and we're here to pack the taxes and bring 'em back to camp for him."

He pauses, nearly looks up at Tityanna, and thinks better of it. "Since you ask, I'm Eljas. I thought your name was Anna."

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

"Some call me Anna, for the sake of convenience," Tityanna dismisses. It was true, and Tityanna had no reason to lie to Eljas. She thinks of Uncle Happs's hand around her arm, his leering and the threat to Svetlana and her eyes narrow. She also notes that Eljas speaks nothing of the woman, Kress. "What of women, Eljas? Are women a part of the tax as well?"

Eljas shifts uncomfortably, closely examining his filthy fingernails. "Eh . . . I'd have not taken the trader's wife. Can't say the same for Jan or Ziven. Happs's got a thing with a filly already, but he likes 'em lots . . . he might get himself something tender, I guess. Don't see many women-folk out here."

GM's Screen:
1d20 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0

Sense Motive (DC 0):
When Eljas mentions having no "interest" in Svetlana, he smirks in such a way that says the opposite.

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

Tityanna Untrained Sense Motive 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10

Tityanna's features firm at Eljas's behavior. She has only one question left, and it has not to do with tactics. "Eljas, have you ever taken a woman against her will? By force?"

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Haldaval, visibly angered at the bandit's tone, punches him in the jaw, hard.

GM, Rhys, feel free to roll attack, damage on that if it becomes necessary, but it's more for flavor... ie i don't want to miss ;)

"You will speak of the women here with more civility, bug. That is your only warning."

Haldaval, Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21; hit.
Damage (gauntlet): 1d3 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 lethal.

Haldaval's gauntleted fist smashes into the bandit's jaw with a wet crack. Lips bleeding, Eljas spits a tooth onto the dirt.

Haldaval, Intimidate (DC 10): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13; success.

GM's Screen:
1d6 ⇒ 3; "friendly" for 30 minutes.

The man is now shaking so badly that his remaining teeth chatter. A low, acrid stench begins to emanate from him; the faint sound of trickling fluid steadily rises from beneath his seat. He continues to stare at his hands, answering in a small voice. "I've never taken a woman by force, milady. They've always wanted it."

Dark Archive

Male Human Summoner lv1

Ray stays back and watches the interrogation carefully. Yes, the man was a criminal and some people would think that evil, but Ray knew enough about trying to survive to understand why some took to that path. The strike a bound man though... Ray thinks of Lobo Gris and cringes inwardly, wondering if he should worry about Hadaval in the future...

Technically he's not bound, although confusion on that issue is understandable ;). He is at my mercy, though, so your observation is still perfectly valid.

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

Tityanna Untrained Sense Motive 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18 Darn, two from a hunch.

Tityanna hisses and moves her feet from the liquid she knows is about to foul her boots. Uncertain of Eljas's intent, but more than certain of Haldaval's intent to continue to beat the man.

"And now I cannot be certain if Eljas's responses are given out of fear for you, of offending me, or merely a desire to please and continue to live," she says. "As you, Sir, have decided that your judgment is the only that carries weight at this table, I will allow you to persist in your tactics. I will see and hear no more of this," Tityanna states and rises.

"I will pray for you," Tityanna says, the expression on her face giving no indication which man she is addressing.

Male Elf Cleric 13: AC 25, Hit Points 99/99, Perception +21, Initiative +8 Channels left 5/5 Current buffs: magic circle of PfE, comprehend languages

Harsk, are your wounds fully healed? Would you like me to examine them?

I draw close to Harsk and, whether he wishes to be healed or not, I say gently:


If this ship is to sail true, it may need steadier hands on the tiller. and give a meaningful look toward Tityanna and Haldaval.

Haldaval, as confused as ever about Tityanna's intentions leans close to the bandit and hisses in his ear, "No woman could possibly want you." He then grabs the criminal by the shirt and drags him to where his companions are being attended by Malaswyn.

"Well, look, one of your friends is not dead, and awake now, that means your life is suddenly worth a lot less than it was before. Start talking. Everything about your bandit friends, your camp, it's fortifications, your leaders and anything else you think we might like to know."

Haldaval re-binds the bandit, hand and foot as he waits for information.

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

Tityanna moves towards the Leveton home and knocks politely on the door. "Master, Good Wife," she calls within. "The threat, as it were, has been eliminated. May I come in?"

Male Elf Cleric 13: AC 25, Hit Points 99/99, Perception +21, Initiative +8 Channels left 5/5 Current buffs: magic circle of PfE, comprehend languages

Haldaval.I address my new comrade, You have done well, we have won the field. I look about the yard, pausing, hoping to allow a little calm to creep in.
These men must gather their breath and their wits. Why don't we examine their horses and see what we can gather from their saddlebags, bit and harness to prove or disprove the men's words?

Dark Archive

Male Human Summoner lv1

Ray steps forward at Malaswyn's suggestion.

"I can watch the bandits while you search the saddlebags."

HP 83/83 | Nonlethal 0 | Burn 0/7 | AC 20/T 15/FF 18 | DR 4/Adamantine |Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +6 | Init +2, Perception +13

Harsk grinds his teeth as the bandit is taken away, the paladin fomented in his anger and the woman outraged by the perceived injustice. Harsk hears the words but lets the interactions plays out. Human blood. Harsk reaches to his sides and undoes the clasps of his armor. He pulls the scale shirt and looks first at his armor and then his side. The armor was intact, the bandit had punched on the weld side where the scale overlay the harness. A lucky blow but hard. Harsk looks at his ribcage the wound was deep and the blood flowed hot. Amongst the tattoos and scars this would be yet another symbol.

Harsk is covered in tattoos from waist to shoulder and down his arms. The iconography is mostly dwarven runic and chain links of various styles that accentuate his physique and is all very tribal and symmetrical. The arms have more elaborate detail with hammer and anvils plus on each bicep is a coin shaped brand that are pretty much healed. There are also lots of streaking scars and burns riddling his torso. (He got the Endurance feat by training at forge with his shirt off.)
My intention is/was to accentuate Hark's otherness when compared to other clerics and Torag worshipers. I want him to come across as sort of zealot like in appearance due to his Inquisitor training and the "outside the church" nature of such things. Obviously his words will speak to whether that is true in time but I want everyone to know what he looks like if it would affect their reaction to him.

Hammer in hand, Harsk approaches Malaswyn and accepts the healing offered. He has 1 point of damage left Nodding at the work done, Harks lightly punches the tall elf in the arm in thanks. Looking on the unconscious bandits Hark simply nods as Malaswyn whispers to him. Harsk watched the heated exchange at the table and the exit of the young woman. Seeing the half elf take up the prisoner and drag him towards the dwarf and elf, Harsk sets his jaw. Haldavel sets upon the man with threats. Malaswyn offers an opportunity for the paladin and cleric to put their energy elsewhere. The farmer steps forward and offers to watch the bandits. Harks notes the affair with a cool gaze, Aye, leave these men to the like of me and Ray, they not be going anywhere and you look about to determine the nature of their story.

Male Human Expert 2

At Tityanna's request, Oleg opens the door. Svetlana stands behind him and to his side, gripping his shoulder tightly. He nods and steps back, allowing Tityanna entrance.

"Aye, you may come in! The day is won, you say?" Without waiting for a response, he grins and pumps a fist in the air. "Gods, lass, the lot of you've done it! You have my gratitude, you do, and Lana's! You needn't worry about paying for room and food as long as you need, I say true!" He laughs with relief and joy.

Female Human Expert 2

Svetlana smiles at Tityanna, although she still looks a little nervous. "Well done, sister! I hope you like my cooking, as you'll see plenty of it, if it does you fine."

She cranes her neck over Oleg's shoulder, trying to see out the door. "Are the bandits dead, or did they run off to where they came from?"

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

"They yet live," Tityanna answers. "If you wish, you may join in on the assault. The courtly knight Haldaval has taken to beating upon them to obtain information. If you've any desire for revenge, I ask that I not be included."

Tityanna sighs and looks to Master Leveton. "Master, have you in mind a plot where we might bury them who are executed? If I am to be of no further use to the party, I thought I might begin digging graves."

Eljas, now bound, begins to speak to Haldaval in a subdued voice from his place on the ground. "Our camp's not far, down on Thorn River. There's twel-"

The other conscious bandit--#2--interrupts Eljas almost immediately. "Bite your tongue, Eljas, or I'll bite it off for you! Kressle'll have you flayed if you wag your tongue to these ones, whether they kill us or no! So do yourself a favor and SHUT UP!"

Dark Archive

Male Human Summoner lv1

"Think about this then, we handled you all easily, and most of us didn't even get a chance to fight. What happens if we kill Kressle?"

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