GM Rhys Grey's Kingmaker

Game Master Rhys Grey

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Male Human Expert 2

Oleg nods to Tityanna. "Aye, we've a place just north of the Post that'll do, if they're to be executed. Feel free to plant them there, if it does you fine." He pauses, looking guilty. "I'll not have you digging alone, though, Miss. I've shovels enough for us both to dig, I do."

HP 83/83 | Nonlethal 0 | Burn 0/7 | AC 20/T 15/FF 18 | DR 4/Adamantine |Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +6 | Init +2, Perception +13

Harsk frowns at the men fighting at his feet, concerned that their interaction will only move the half-elf to more violence. You best each bite your tongues lest I hammer your jaws shut permanently. We'll speak o Kressle and camps as sure as the wind blows. For now though count your blessin in ever measure and contemplate with silence how best you think to answer when questions are put to yah. Intimidate 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

Looking to Ray, Aye we did things quick and clean...enough Harsk grimaces slightly at the though of his injury. Lets these one stew a bit in their juices while we figure what to do with them and those has elven blood put their eyes and ears to the bandits gear eh? How do you do innuendo in Pathfinder?

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

"Very good," Tityanna says shortly.

Edited to reflect that Svetlana stopped Tityanna from progressing.

Female Human Expert 2

Svetlana steps closer to Tityanna and takes her hands. "Tityanna, the look on your face cuts me deep, it does! You really don't want anyone to suffer, even bandits, do I say true?"

She lowers her head. "I've only been met with threats and fear by these men, and I'll admit to having wanted to see them dead. But I think that's my own fear talking, and my own petty vengeance wanting a bite out of them. In my heart of hearts, I know I'll be happy just to be left alone by these men; I needn't splash their blood around, you ken. I ask you, sister . . . do you know of a better way to deal with these men? We've no jail, or the want to build one. If you have a plan, I'd hear it. I say true, in all honesty."

Svetlana looks into Tityanna's eyes and squeezes her hands gently.

HP 83/83 | Nonlethal 0 | Burn 0/7 | AC 20/T 15/FF 18 | DR 4/Adamantine |Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +6 | Init +2, Perception +13

I'm advocatin quiet contemplation on the dirt rather than permanent silence in it for the moment, they have answers aplenty I think. Malaswyn here was thinking he and Haldaval would look to the horses Hal brought to sees if they were carryin anything to put facts to their words, slippery as they might be seeing hows they want the lesser burden of their share of troubles.

Harks notes the group is together and wonders what tensions will erupt if Tityanna and/or Haldaval don't see his intention in everyone stepping back and taking a moment to breath.

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1
Svetlana Leveton, NPC wrote:

"I ask you, sister . . . do you know of a better way to deal with these men? We've no jail, or the want to build one. If you have a plan, I'd hear it. I say true, in all honesty."

Svetlana looks into Tityanna's eyes and squeezes her hands gently.

"I had thought that if we could be civil, we might offer them another place, and another way of life," Tityanna replies, "but Haldaval has taken it upon himself to perpetuate the cycle of violence and terror. How our cause is more noble, or even distinguished from theirs with such behavior..." Tityanna shakes her head.

"I am no stranger to such tactics. I had only hoped that we might abandon them at the border and promote something greater here. It appears my hope was too great for this project."

Haldaval looks at Malaswyn as he suggests searching the horses.

"You may feel free to inspect the horses, but they will tell us nothing these men cannot, and I would have their words first, before needing to check them." He looks at the first bandit, "Twelve of you, on the thorn river? Well, keep talking. This Kressle cannot hurt you here.

Haldaval will then bring the other conscious bandit to his feet. "You will have to be dealt with first, apparently." He'll drag the unhelpful bandit out of sight around a corner or something and stay there for the moment.

Sorry I fell behind there for a bit, not sure how much of these conversations I'm actually going to have heard.

Female Human Expert 2

"I wasn't present when all this happened with Haldaval, but I've something to say on the matter, anyway. These men, as you say, are used to violence and terror; aye, I'd wager they expected as much from the knight, or any one of you. But I ask you this: does this make your words any less true, to your thinking? Are you willing to give up so easily on what you believe?"

Svetlana takes a step back and smiles, although it is a hard smile. "Tityanna, you've been raised a noble, and are used to the nobles' ways, for good or bad. But I find it hard to believe that you'd cry failure, and let what you'd see happen go so easily. Is this so different from your court in New Stetven, sister? Were there times you prevailed, even against such odds of failure?"

She gives Tityanna a quick hug. "I'd not forgive myself if I let you surrender so easily. I'll stand with you, even if no others do. This is a promise I'll keep, for you've proven your worth, and I'm proud to call you a sister."

Ok, I'll say I started dragging the prisoner away when Harsk made his comment about elven blood. I assume we can't hear the conversation with Tityanna, Oleg, and Svetlana. At least, I'm not listening to them.

In respons to Harsk's comment about elven blood, Haldaval looks back at the dwarf. "Fine, I'll check the horses. I'll just be a moment first." He appears perfectly calm by this point, as he drags the bandit out of sight.

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

"You cannot rescind a beating. Once the illusion of civility has been breached, it cannot then be mended," Tityanna argues. "Haldaval will not hear reason, and persists in terrorizing these men. He beat upon the man during the interview because he was displeased with the quality of his answer!"

Tityanna shakes her head. "Oppression is not law, it is simply a tool for cruel men to check the progress of others. I learned in New Steven that a single woman cannot affect the nature of such an order, and establishing such a rule here..." Tityanna trails and looks to the party leering over the bandits.

"You are correct, Good Wife," Tityanna continues after a moment of silence. "If I allow them to continue in this fashion, my words will become as ash. I will be glad for your support, Good Wife."

Dark Archive

Male Human Summoner lv1

"Svetlana and Tityanna are related?" Ray thinks, taking a moment to look for any resemblance.

"For what it is worth, I'll help you too." Ray offers as he keeps an eye on the bandit still in his sight. "He may not think much of either of us, but it would still be three against one."

HP 83/83 | Nonlethal 0 | Burn 0/7 | AC 20/T 15/FF 18 | DR 4/Adamantine |Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +6 | Init +2, Perception +13

Hey now! Harsk isn't leering over anybody, he's trying to get people to cool off but this exchange isn't helping him do that anymore than Haldaval beating the guy senseless.

Since everyone seems so firm on actions of a varying sort lets do the most prudent course and ask questions with the appropriate artifice of justice shall we? I say we don't sit them at a table and offer them water, I also say we don't PULL THEM ROUND THE CORNER AND TRY TO THREAT OF KILLIN.

Harks puffs for a second, hammer in hand, sweat forming on his skin despite the cool morning air. Lets pen them proper, see to their injuries and see that they are not hungry. Then lets do as Torag wills and tribune them proper. We are enough of a group, odd in number so's to no lack of action. We bring them up, one by one ask em questions and judge them as individuals with accounting for their tales. How is that fer justice?

Haldaval continues to drag the bandit away.

Sorry, you're going to have to follow him or try to stop him another way. I don't think I'm moving him too far, so I guess if you want to stop him, we'll need the GM to say how it works out.

HP 83/83 | Nonlethal 0 | Burn 0/7 | AC 20/T 15/FF 18 | DR 4/Adamantine |Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +6 | Init +2, Perception +13

Alllrriigghhttyy then!

Seeing the half-elf isn't stopping even after yelling after them, Harsk will start grumbling to himself and double time it over to him. Ser Haldaval, a moment of your time before the prisoner meets his grisly end?

I'm not sure what you're trying to do . . . where are you dragging the bandit to?

GM Rhys:

Just out of sight of the bandit that's already started talking.

As they round the corner, Haldaval throws the bandit to the ground and gags him with a spare bit of cloth ripped from the bandit's shirt.

He then turns to the dwarf, clearly confused. "What grisly end are you talking about? I was only trying to get this guy out of the way so the other one would keep talking. I don't believe we've decided what to do with the prisoners ultimately, although I can tell you they are evil to their core, and I do not see how they can repent of their actions."

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

Tityanna returns to the group, the Good Wife Svetlana in tow. She is relieved that Haldaval has not continued to beat upon the bandits, and appears to be more sedate. Perhaps now he will listen to reason. Tityanna turns to Master Ironback.

"Master, I recognize that your head has been cool throughout this process, despite having been grievously injured by these men. I will accept your judgment as to what is to be made of them," she says, "but know, all of you, that I find the lack of civility displayed today to be most egregious," she continues, raising her voice slightly. "We were each consigned here as representatives of the Dragonscale throne, to tame the barbarism here, and thus far... I fear that we have failed.

"I do not wish to promote disharmony by with my words and ideas. I may be young, and my experience is not so broad as some, but each of our perspectives lends to a greater understanding of the challenges we will face. If we..." Tityanna pauses and inhales. "If we continue in this manner, we will only harm ourselves."

HP 83/83 | Nonlethal 0 | Burn 0/7 | AC 20/T 15/FF 18 | DR 4/Adamantine |Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +6 | Init +2, Perception +13

Hmm a little timeline disconnect. I will assume Tityanna's words will come when I return or as I stalk off, either way I will acknowledge her and respond when not otherwise engaged.

To Haldaval, The pure can be tainted and the rotten may be purged. As to my presumptions of your actions I apologize. I wonder if we might find accomadations for these men so we might best assess our next action. I, like you, am concerned about ther' collusions and so on so I think it best we hold them up separately while we talk.

I'm assuming it's when we come back

"I think the other is willing to talk, he may give us everything we need to know right now. Let us go question him."

As Haldaval returns from dragging the bandit away, he listens to Tityanna's speech, wondering once again how she sees the world so differently.

"I do not see how we have failed, good Tityanna. We have ended the barbarism these four would perpetuate, at least so far. Now we will learn what we need to eliminate their camp entirely."

He walks up to the remaining conscious bandit and stands over him. "Now, your friend will not bother us again. Continue providing your information."

Male Elf Cleric 13: AC 25, Hit Points 99/99, Perception +21, Initiative +8 Channels left 5/5 Current buffs: magic circle of PfE, comprehend languages

When Haldaval rejects my suggestion I give a small, polite but informal, bow and walk away.

I head over to the horses, examine their riding gear and forage through the packs, looking for anything interesting or informative.

perception, if needed 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19

HP 83/83 | Nonlethal 0 | Burn 0/7 | AC 20/T 15/FF 18 | DR 4/Adamantine |Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +6 | Init +2, Perception +13

Harsk clear his throat. I had proposed a tribunal Haldaval, a lawful proceeding using our group as acting heads so that we might marry the woman's concerns and your desire for information. Let them stew in their juices and we will be ready to get information and decide how best ta handle them in one effective proceedin.

"I don't understand the need. This one will tell us all we need to know right now, won't you?"

"Aye," Eljas says, gulping. "I was about to tell you, but Jan spoke out of turn." He clears his throat, closes his eyes, and continues.

I will post with Eljas's debrief momentarily; I must attend to my daughter (almost 6 months old); she's in need of feeding. Feel free to roleplay, etc. I shall return shortly! :)

HP 83/83 | Nonlethal 0 | Burn 0/7 | AC 20/T 15/FF 18 | DR 4/Adamantine |Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +6 | Init +2, Perception +13

The need is not for the ends of information but for the celebration of our mastery of law and for the cohesion of our mission. There is dissent here as to who is in charge, what laws and what punishments be applied and how these men might best serve our intention. A formal meeting, without rolling in the mud or with the trappings of civilization, might do best to give us a chance to voice our concerns and needs. We need but a table, chairs and a means of presenting the men before us.

Harsk hitches his hammer to his belt and crosses his arms. I might even put my shirt back on. I have no doubt that your god informs you of their evil intentions and previous actions, the question remains might better things be made of them? Even mighty swords have been forged from rotten steel if the smith is patient and his commitment steadfast.

The saddles and riding gear are old and ill-kept, but serviceable. Amongst the gear are four worn and faded bedrolls, poorly folded.

As you inspect the saddlebags, you notice that one of them has significantly less grain than the others; there's barely any in it at all, save at the very bottom. There is an inch-wide tear near the bottom of the saddlebag itself, jagged and probably freshly cut. Within the tear, in the cloth's threads, is a tiny periwinkle-colored flake of some sort. The flake is perfectly round and flat, slightly pliant, but very strong.

"As I was saying, our camp's on Thorn River," Eljas says. "There's twelve of us, not counting Happs and Kressle. It's near where the Narlmarches meet the Kamelands, at a ford in the river and in the woods."

He coughs, spraying saliva to the side as he turns his head, and looks up at Haldaval. "As you've seen, you'll get more from me than from those others. If you'll let me live, I can tell you all I know. Please, I know you're angry--and I ken why--but give me your oath that you'll let me go, alive, if I help you. Aye, exile, if you like. Do I have your word, Ser Haldaval?"

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

"I am afraid that that is impossible, Eljas," Tityanna informs him. "Exile to where? For what purpose? So that you might continue to 'collect taxes?'" Tityanna shakes her head.

"Nay, you have as willingly admitted to robbery, and conspiracy with others to commit and perpetrate acts of terror upon the innocent. Your cooperation in furnishing information alone is not an incentive to secure your release. For that... we would require at the very least an oath of non aggression, and some statement of purpose beyond returning to your previous occupation."

Tityanna looks to her companions first, and then to Oleg and finally the Good Wife Svetlana. "Find you any error in my argument?"

HP 83/83 | Nonlethal 0 | Burn 0/7 | AC 20/T 15/FF 18 | DR 4/Adamantine |Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +6 | Init +2, Perception +13

Hark's face starts to turn red, An oath? You would? How would we? I find error in this argument!

Harsk stands with gritted teeth, his face an obvious sign post to his frustration, My lady, I have requested twice that we might meet more formally, in an arrangement where each party may weigh evidence and speak to their concerns. This man flails about a lickspittle cowed into fear to save his flesh. You speak of oaths and non agression. The knight speaks of justice and getting what we want. I want order dammit! Might we adjourn as a group and get our damn act together?!?

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

Tityanna nods. "Very well, Master Ironback. Where do you suggest that we keep these men? Should they be allowed to continue their conspiracy?"

HP 83/83 | Nonlethal 0 | Burn 0/7 | AC 20/T 15/FF 18 | DR 4/Adamantine |Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +6 | Init +2, Perception +13

I dare say their conspiracy matters little but I think that it be best if we gag them. Absent a proper holding cell, bound hands and gagged they can wait in a locked stable until we arrange ourselves accordingly. We keep our conversation in the yard we can even see them if they try to escape. That is my proposal.

Haldaval stares at the young woman and dwarf with a look of utter incredulity on his face. He looks at the bandit on the ground, pleading for his life, and then looks back at his companions, as confused as ever.

"Do what you will, friends. I only ask that we find out what we may from them before the inevitable conclusion... and that we not use the stable. I will not have Shadow in danger from these criminals. It seems cruel to heal and imprison these men when their execution looms before them."

He kneels down next to the conscious bandit. "You knew what this choice of life would mean if the law ever caught up with you, and you didn't care. You will not escape the punishment that is set for banditry."

Haldaval gets up and goes to Shadow, leading him into the stable and attending to whatever he may need, leaving the rest of the company to deal with the prisoners.

Dark Archive

Male Human Summoner lv1

"On this, I agree with Hadaval. I don't see why we should punish the horses." Ray says, adding his voice to the decision making. "Why not just bind their hands to the opposite legs? Right to left, and left to right. I doubt they could get away easily then even if they tried."

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

"They will be safe enough in the storeroom for the interim," Tityanna says. "I would not prefer to handle Uncle Happs, if it is all the same to you, gentlemen," she demurs. "I find his lack of hygiene revolting. I recommend that we speak to him first. He is no ordinary bandit, but their leader, and appeared quite eager to add rape of my person to his crimes."

HP 83/83 | Nonlethal 0 | Burn 0/7 | AC 20/T 15/FF 18 | DR 4/Adamantine |Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +6 | Init +2, Perception +13

Harsk grunts. No Problem. Over the next few minutes Harsk (and whoever else wants to help him) gatherd up the bandits and secures the storeroom with them inside. (bound as Ray suggests). Harsk puts his scale shirt back on.

(Hopefully) gathering the others in the yard, with the door to the storeroom plainly in sight Harsk nods. All I'm wanting to do is put on a face of unification. Let these men know we are of similar minds and such. Let's bring out this Happs fellow, ask 'im what we will, and then put him back and we can chew the fat of his words and come to some decision.

Harsk looks about the yard and out into the plains through the open gate. I don't know that all these men need to hang, and I don't know they should just be let go. May be that some of them can take up with us as a sort of probation or somethin... Harsk throws his hands up in the air, I just wanted some orderly proceedin so the bandits didn't get fifty promises and we can't agree on one. We deal with the leader first, his fate sends a signal clear enough to the others. How does this sound?

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

"A point to which I agreed before we carried the men into the storehouse," Tityanna observes. She appears to color slightly and breaks any significant eye contact for a moment. "For myself, I am not comfortable with the idea of allowing any who commit or suborn the act of rape to be released, ignorant as we are of the female population in these lands. However, that will not be the sole influence upon my judgment."

HP 83/83 | Nonlethal 0 | Burn 0/7 | AC 20/T 15/FF 18 | DR 4/Adamantine |Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +6 | Init +2, Perception +13

For my part unless they can give Haldaval a unicorn and the cleric a flame from Sarenrae herself I be doubting letting just about any of em "go" but I am keen to hear their individual positions.

Male Human Expert 2

Oleg approaches the group talking in the market yard. He has a small sack in one hand. "Beg pardon for bothering you while you're planning, but I'd see these men locked somewhere more secure than the storage pen later, if it does you fine. The sooner Lana finishes breakfast, the sooner my belly'll stop thinking for me. I've a lock I can fix on one of the stable doors; they'd not be escaping, if they're tied up tight."

He reddens and presents the sack to the group, looking at each of them evenly. "It's not much, and you've not asked for it, but I'd like you to have this. Call it a reward for your help, if it does you fine. I'll not take any nays from you, friends; I'm in the way of giving back what's given me, if you ken."

The party receives 50 gp and 3 potions: 2 cure light wounds and a shield of faith.

He smiles and extends a hand, giving each of you a firm handshake. "You've my thanks, and Lana's. I told Tityanna, but I'll tell the lot of you, too: you're welcome to stay here as long as you can stand it. I'll take no charge from you, and Lana'll keep you well-fed."

Oleg lowers his voice slightly, his tone businesslike. "Now, I've been thinking of these bandits' things. Gods know they've taken plenty from me in 'taxes', and I'd take back some of what they stole. If you're looking at any of their things to keep for yourselves, I'll say thank you and leave you to it. If there's anything you'd rather pass on, I wouldn't mind claiming it as new stock. I'd clean and fix it, I would, and sell it off to hunters and trappers when I can. Does it sound fair enough to you?"

Edited for bandits' location.

Male Elf Cleric 13: AC 25, Hit Points 99/99, Perception +21, Initiative +8 Channels left 5/5 Current buffs: magic circle of PfE, comprehend languages

After searching the bandits' gear I have listened to the debate with a calm distance.

I respond to Oleg: They're horse-gear is in poor repair and one of the grain-bags split. Their weapons may be of some value.

I turn to the others now, as if speaking has returned me from some reverie.

I have travelled in hard lands before and seen punishments short of death: hands cleaved, lashes, branding forced labour and exile.

I look over at the store: The shortest path to redemption is hard labour, the surest punishment a missing limb. It is a bitter truth that the wild places have wild laws: this is a good land, it will be something more when it is tamed.

After speaking much I produce my find from the saddlebags: a tiny periwinkle-colored flake of some sort. The flake is perfectly round and flat, slightly pliant, but very strong.

Has any here knowledge of such a thing? Found hidden upon their mounts.

HP 83/83 | Nonlethal 0 | Burn 0/7 | AC 20/T 15/FF 18 | DR 4/Adamantine |Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +6 | Init +2, Perception +13

Harsk nods at Oleg, We'll see to better arrangements for them after we've had a passing conversation with em. As to the gear, I says you more than deserve what they got. Any kindness you show us is appreciated, but not needed. This work isn't yours to "pay" us for.

Harsk eyes the flake and looks to Malaswyn, I han't studied the degree to which I should. Looks maybe like a scale or rock flake?... Harsk appraises the elf a moment, Aye, there are many forms of punishments to met as I said to Hal. I say we bring out this Happs, revive him and talk to him as one. Ask him questions then kick him back to the pen and decide his fate. We can ask him about this flake too...

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

Tityanna Kn. Arcana (Flake) 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Tityanna Kn. Nature (Flake) 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

"May I?" Tityanna asks and studies the snowflake while considering Brother Tyddewi's suggestion about punishment.

"Hard labor must be supervised," Tityanna observes. "Our charter is to explore these lands. Are we to bring those who have proven to be recalcitrant on our journeys?"

"Where shall we interview Uncle Happs?" Tityanna inquires. "Ser Haldaval does not appreciate a civilized approach to interviews" she pauses and casts a glance at the stables, "although that hardly seems to be an issue at the moment."

You are quite certain that the tiny periwinkle flake is a scale of some sort, although you are unable to determine the type of creature it came from. It surely doesn't come from one of the scaled animals that are known to this region, such as Narlmarch muggers or blood caimans; the color and size are wrong.

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

Tityanna places the scale in her palm. "This is a scale, though from no creature that I can readily identify. Certainly no creature from this region." she tells Brother Tyddewi and Master Ironback. "It is quite curious that you found this among a bandit's belongings. And I believe that I have discerned a question for our interview," Tityanna says and smiles softly.

HP 83/83 | Nonlethal 0 | Burn 0/7 | AC 20/T 15/FF 18 | DR 4/Adamantine |Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +6 | Init +2, Perception +13

They yard will be fine. The day is brisk but bright, we need only secure the man to something so we might all look on him and ask our questions. A hitching post or a heavy trunk with which we could lash the rope that binds him now?

Male Human Expert 2

Oleg nods to the dwarf. "Aye, Harsk. There's a hitching post just outside the stable, and lashing him to one of the ladders'll also serve you well for that."

HP 83/83 | Nonlethal 0 | Burn 0/7 | AC 20/T 15/FF 18 | DR 4/Adamantine |Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +6 | Init +2, Perception +13

Well if we are all willing to talk to him, restrain our anger as best we can until we think we are done, I'll need help to revive him but I'll get 'em out here and we can begin.

Male Elf Cleric 13: AC 25, Hit Points 99/99, Perception +21, Initiative +8 Channels left 5/5 Current buffs: magic circle of PfE, comprehend languages

I still have much healing from The Dawnflower's blessing. He can be revived.

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

"As Sir Haldaval and Ray have already expressed their displasure in our activities, might I suggest we take the man to the ladder away from the stables?" Tityanna volunteers. "If his underlings were to overhear our questions, they would have more time to consider lies."

HP 83/83 | Nonlethal 0 | Burn 0/7 | AC 20/T 15/FF 18 | DR 4/Adamantine |Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +6 | Init +2, Perception +13

Sigh, I lost my post

It is my hope they will join us as the only reason I proposed this notion was so that we would work together as a group. I will not be party to the bickering we have experienced this morn as it will make us vulnerable in the wild and hamper our mission.

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

Tityanna inhales and looks towards the stables. "The majority of this morning's... misunderstandings was due to my inability to compromise my ideals," she freely admits. "I will speak to Sir Haldaval."

Tityanna knocks before entering the stables, and approaches the stall where Sir Haldaval is attending his horse. "Sir, Master Ironback would like each of us to be present at the interrogation of the bandit leader. I..." Tityanna trails and spares a glance for Ray. "I have resigned myself to the fact that Happs is not likely to leave these gates on his own power. I would have your impression of him mitigate my own revulsion for his actions towards my person."

Tityanna is found examining Shadow's shoes and hooves. At her approach he says, "I'm wondering if he might have a pebble or something in a shoe. He was reluctant to listen to me today."

At her speech, he pauses for a moment, "I will come, but I believe his actions toward your person are the principle reason I believe he shall hang. These men are evil in their hearts. My training has given me insight into the hearts of men and beast, and these are among the worst kinds." He pauses again as he settles Shadow, having found no stones. "We must be cautious of lies, but must gain as much information as we may."

Female Human Sorceress (Fey) 1/ Oracle (Life) 1

Tityanna colors slightly when Sir Haldaval chastises his horse for not listening to him, and dips her head in something like a nod. "Thank you, Sir," she says. "I understand. We intend to restrain him outside, so we must be calm and not allow him to raise his voice to alarm the others.

"Ray, will you be joining us as well?" Tityanna inquires. "We should not keep... them waiting much longer. It would be cruel."

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