Songdragon |

Jesselle Wesmere is now complete. I 'might' change one of my 1st level spells (silent image) but it will not affect the character at all.

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A bit late to the party, but I'd like to submit:
Allriane Cartwright
Female Human (Risur) Investigator (Spiritualist) 1
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Hero Points 1
Init +2; Senses Perception +7
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +2 (1d4/19-20) and
. . rapier +2 (1d6/18-20)
Ranged light crossbow +2 (1d8/19-20)
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 13
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats Noble Scion of Lore[ISWG], Unfinished Business, Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +6, Appraise +7, Bluff +5, Diplomacy +5, Disable Device +7, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (local) +8, Knowledge (nobility) +10, Perception +7, Sense Motive +7
Languages Ber, Common, Dwarven, Goblin, Primordial, Primordial
SQ commune with spirits, hero points, inspiration, prestige-flint, prestige-risur, prestige unseen court, trapfinding +1
Other Gear leather armor, crossbow bolts (10), dagger, light crossbow, rapier, chalk, flint and steel, marbles, signal whistle, thieves' tools, waterskin, 4 gp, 9 cp
Special Abilities
Commune With Spirits (comprehend languages, detect secret doors, identify) (Sp) 1 minute to consult spirits for information & understanding.
Hero Points (1) Hero Points can be spent at any time to grant a variety of bonuses.
Inspiration (+1d6, 3/day) (Ex) Use 1 point, +1d6 to trained skill or ability check. Use 2 points, to add to attack or save.
Prestige (Flint): 0 Most fantasy adventurers are “free agents,” with no boss but themselves, usually out on the edge of civilization with few allies they can call on in a pinch. In Zeitgeist, though, you and your fellow PCs may want to call in favors from the RHC, the l
Prestige (Risur): 0 Most fantasy adventurers are “free agents,” with no boss but themselves, usually out on the edge of civilization with few allies they can call on in a pinch. In Zeitgeist, though, you and your fellow PCs may want to call in favors from the RHC, the l
Prestige (Unseen): 0 Most fantasy adventurers are “free agents,” with no boss but themselves, usually out on the edge of civilization with few allies they can call on in a pinch. In Zeitgeist, though, you and your fellow PCs may want to call in favors from the RHC, the l
Trapfinding +1 Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones.
Unfinished Business (1/combat) Spirit Medium theme feat. Gain answers from the recently departed
Ten Minute background
Five background/concept elements
1) Allrianne is a minor cousin to noble family, who grew up wanting for little and spoiled mercilessly,
2) When young she was caught stealing a trinket from a curiousity shop her family didn't need to stoop so low and her father covered it up with bribes. he gave her a choice - if she was caught doing such again she would be out on the street. This grew into an obsession with crime which led her to enroll in criminal studies.
3) Allrianne's mother died giving birth to Allrianne, since birth she's been able to communicate with the dead, she's always thought it was due to her mothers last desperate attempt to speak with her daughter.
4) Allrianne has very little moral compass, she follows the law to the letter and hopes it will guide her right, though she has no compunctions about skirting it if it's not explicit enough.
5) Her father never remarried, and there were no older children, as a result she's suffered very much from Daddy's little girl syndrome, she often struggles with the concept of money and poverty.
Two Goals
1) Earn rank in the RHC. Prove to her father and herself that she can put her obsessions to good use.
2) Learn more of her ability to speak with the dead Aiming towards Urban Empath
Two Secrets (one she knows and one she doesn't)
1) Allrianne had a secret fling with Professor Albrecht at the Pardwright University, he convinced her to apply for the RHC instead of the regular constables.
2) Allrianne's father is not related by blood, actually being born of her mothers indiscretions. Her father knows this (or at least strongly suspects) but dotes on her anyway.
Four People, three fair one foul
1) Ladrian Cartwright: Allrianne's father, a minor noble, though likeable by most. A patron of the sciences and arts.
2) Professor Albrecht, professor of the criminal studies department of Pardwright University, had a secret fling with Allrianne during her studies there, and still has a soft spot with her. Honarably discharged from the RHC a few years ago.
3) Attan Morrus, served as kitchen boy on her family's estate growing up, the rebellious Allrianne struck up a friendship with him. Now mostly runs the Prospect Inn, in Parity Lake
4) Myrian Phaedre: The curiousity shop Allrianne stole from was run by Myrian's daughter, while her daughter has long since forgotton the incident, Myrian has it in her head that Allrianne is a bad sort and must be watched. This wouldn't be so bad, except that the old woman has fingers in many pies through Pine Island.
Memories & Quirks
1) Allrianne keeps the token she stole (a small bracelet of little real value) as a reminder of her past.
2) She has a tendancy to quote lessons or statistics when nervous.
3) She prefers wearing her uniform most of the time, and actually feels nervous without it, though she conceals this.
NB: All subject to change to fit with the party, also the character is annoying close to Jeselle, now that I've glanced through some other submissions.

Ixos |

Grand Moff Vixen |

I like things that help push me to make characters that seem like a real person, not just a created thing. The 10 minute background seems to be a good choice in helping players achieve the quality desired. I will probably end up incorporating it into any future games I run along with other ways to help applicants make characters that should be the kind picked for a game.

Tenro |

yeah the ten min thing was a bit off, but it was a good exercise. it made me realize how what i usually do differs from it (not necessarily in a good way) since i usually will do a full on background mostly told as a flashback of things a character has done rather than flesh out their feelings or motivation.

Songdragon |

Agreed, perhaps a nice 10 minute read for others? Took me sometime to get through all the background stuff. But it made me look at the character and really consider motivations, important events, and the people that matter in her life. All around, I like it. I hope what I came up with, gives the right insight into Jesselle.

GM Olmek |

El Ronza
Sawyer Masonjones
Got An Idea:
The Doom That Came to Sarnath - Half-Orc Technologist Witch?
Hrothdane - Human Eschatologist Investigator?
spacefurry - Kitsune Gunslinger? (maybe gunslinger/rogue or gunslinger/alchemist)
Gilthanis - Gnome Technologist Machinesmith?
CampinCarl9127 - Tiefling Gunslinger?
Arknight - Gunsmith Investigator?
Arie IJzer - Human Rogue?
Loup Blanc - Human Yerasol Veteran or Eladrin Vekeshi Mystic? (not a gunslinger!)
Partially Complete:
Seth86 - Kit'arr (Catfolk Yerasol Veteran Rogue, missing background)
Complete Submissions:
Tenro - Enoch L. Gouran II (Human Martial Scientist or Gunsmith Golemoid)
Grand Moff Vixen - Drake Morrell (Human ??? Gunslinger)
Songdragon - Jesselle Wesmere (Human Skyseer Bard)
spinningdice - Allriane Cartwright (Human Spirit Medium Investigator)
Ixos - Vivian Darr (Deva ??? Shaman)
Dragonflyer1243 - Fen Munor (Human Martial Scientist Soulknife)
thunderbeard - Adrian Silvanus (Human Martial Scientist Soulknife)
blondebandit - Therie Gorget (Human Skyseer Ranger/Half-elf Technologist Paladin)
This is where we stand right now. I wasn't able to review completed applications like I had hoped. I'll try to get more done tomorrow.

Feth |

Whew. I don't think I've ever spent so long making a character before. I still need to buy equipment and plug in some numbers, but I wanted to post what I have so far.
High Elven Skyseer Oracle. (Ancient Lorekeepe Archetype, Lore Mystery)
LN Medium Fey type
Hero Points: 1
Senses: Low light vision
HP 9
Fort:1 Ref:1 Will:6
STR: 10
DEX: 12 (+2 Racial)
CON: 12 (-2 Racial)
INT: 14
WIS: 14
CHA: 18 (+2 Racial)
Diplomacy: 8 (1 rank, 3 class, 4 CHA)
Heal: 6 (1 rank, 3 class, 2 WIS)
Knowledge(History): 8 (1 rank, 3 class, 2INT, 2 racial)
Knowledge(Local):6 (1 rank, 3 class, 2 INT)
Sense Motive: 6 (1 rank, 3 class, 2 WIS)
Spellcraft: 8 (1 rank, 3 class, 2 INT, 2 racial)
Fey Step: Once per day, a high elf can teleport to a space he can see within 30 feet as a move action. This movement does not provoke an attack of opportunity. The high elf must be able to see the space that it is moving into. The high elf cannot take other creatures with it when it uses this ability.
Orisons: Oracles learn a number of orisons, or 0-level spells, as noted on Table: Oracle Spells Known under “Spells Known.” These spells are cast like any other spell, but they do not consume any slots and may be used again.
Revelation- Brain Drain: You can take a standard action to violently probe the mind of a single intelligent enemy within 100 feet. The target receives a Will save to negate the effect and immediately knows the source of this harmful mental prying. Those who fail this save are wracked with pain, taking 1d4 points of damage per oracle level. After successfully attacking with this ability, you may use a fullround action to sort through the jumble of stolen thoughts and memories to make a single Knowledge check using the victim’s skill bonus. The randomly stolen thoughts remain in your mind for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier. Treat the knowledge gained as if you used detect thoughts. This is a mind-affecting effect. You can use this ability once per day at 1st level, plus one additional time per day at 5th level and for every 5 levels beyond 5th.
Rank 0: Unlimited casts
Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft.
Enhanced Diplomacy: +2 on one Diplomacy or Intimidate check.
Resistance: Subject gains +1 on saving throws.
Spark: Ignites flammable objects.
Rank 1: 4 per day.
Cure Light Wounds: Cures 1d8 damage + 1/level (max +5).
Comprehend Languages: You understand all spoken and written languages.
Bolstered will: Eladrin gain a +2 racial bonus on Will saving throws to resist spells and spell-like abilities of the enchantment (charm) and enchantment (compulsion) subschools. In addition, if an eladrin fails such a save, it reveives another save 1 round later to prematurely end the effect (assuming the spell or spell-like ability has a duration greater than 1 round.) This second save is made at the same DC as the first.
High Elven lore: High Elves gain a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge History and Spellcraft Checks
Hard to Kill: When you are attempting a Constitution check to stabilize when dying, the penalty on the check is only half your negative hit point total instead of your full negative hit point total.
Ancient Lorekeeper: An ancient lorekeeper adds Knowledge (arcane) and Knowledge (local) to her list of class skills. Whenever she makes a Knowledge check of any kind about a question regarding elves (creatures of the elf subtype), the ancient lorekeeper adds half her class level on her check. This replaces the bonus skills the ancient lorekeeper gains from her mystery.
Magical Knack: Pick a class when you gain this trait—your caster level in that class gains a +2 trait bonus as long as this bonus doesn't raise your caster level above your current Hit Dice.
Aurlia grew up as a object in her family's enclave. Her father Sorin was a tyrant who used the fact that his wife had given him not one, but two healthy daughters to solidify his rule of the enclave. Aurlia's early life was spent confined to a series of room and a courtyard while under heavy guard. Her schooling was constant and eclectic; high elven women are taught how to survive no matter the circumstances. Aurlia showed an early knack for not only learning the lore of her people but using it to power her own magic. Aurlia's mother encouraged her studies and instructed her in the teaching of the Skyseers to enhance her Oracle abilities.
As expected Aurlia was 'given' as a wife to her Father's right hand man, Telesan, when she came of age. Although the couple was expected to produce offspring as soon as possible, yeard passed and the couple remained without children. Aurlia's father, coldy practical, had Telesan killed and another 'husband' assigned to Aurlia. And then another. And another. Whispers began in the enclave that Aurlia's barren state was a curse or punishment on the enclave. Aurelia found herself receiving black looks and harsh treatment from those that had once treated her like a precious treasure. Her sister Shaylee left to start up her own enclave and took a good portion of those loyal to the family with her. Those who were left began to chafe more and more at Sorin's rule.
In desperation Sorin started grabbing at anything he could think of; magical and technological experimentation, deals with the fey of the Unseen court, a revolving door of suitors; anything that would make his daughter produce and prove his line wasn't cursed. A depressed and despondent Aurlia went along with this at first, for what good is a high elven woman who cannot have children? But as the years went by she accepted the truth; she is barren and nothing can change that.
This was a turning point in Aurlia's life. All her life she was taught that her value was in being able to have children; but didn't she still have value even though she couldn't have kids? She was still one of best healers and one of the most knowledgeable elves in the enclave. If her own enclave started crumbling and saying crazy things like she was 'cursed' just because she couldn't have children, well, then it deserved to fall apart. Aurlia had loved her first husband and he had been killed just to pave the way for another man to try getting her pregnant; if that was considered 'just' then that society wasn't worth saving. Aurlia packed her bags and snuck out of the enclave in search of a better place.
Aurlia has now spent several decades living among the common folk of Risur. She uses golden jewlery to try and hide her high elven heritage and never stays in one place for long. Aurlia has come to care a great deal for the peoples of Risur. The fact that they live 'regular' lives, that they can choose their own mates and raise large families and have happy, uncomplicated lives is something Aurlia views as precious and worth protecting. She fought in Shale during the Fourth Yerasol War where her skills and dedication caught the notice of Duchess Ethelyn. When the Royal Homeland Constabulary called Aurlia was proud to respond. She is dedicated to ferreting out and stopping any threats to the peaceful lives of the common folk. She's never regretted leaving home.
Five Background and concept elements important to Aurlia.
1. Aurlia's abilities as an Oracle of Lore evolved more from her natural abilities than from the teaching she received. She progressed very quickly through her studies and her magic seems stronger than normal for someone of her skills and training. Trait: Magical Knack
2. High elven women are taught how to survive no matter what life throws at them. Aurlia spent years training in how to live through situations that would kill a normal person. Trait: Hard to Kill
3. Aurlia is a trained Skyseer. Reading the stars has been a tradition passed down her female family since the stars warned them of the fall of Srasama, allowing themselves to be saved from their genocide. Aurlia has become a night owl as a result of her stargazing; she regularly wakes during the afternoon and stays up until dawn banishes the stars from the sky. Trait: Skyseer
4. The fey are twisty, slippery things. In trying to bargain with the Unseen court for her fertility she ended up with a binding curse. If Aurlia gives her word to someone she cannot break it without serious consequences. She becomes very sick and tends to slip into the Dreaming. Oracle Curse: Legalistic
5. Aurlia's philosophy is that a sense of humor is vital to life. You may not be able to improve your circumstance but if you can see the humor in your life you change it changes for the better. She enjoys making other people laugh and is always trying to look on the bright side of things.
Two Goals that are important to Aurlia:
1. Aurlia believes that peace is something all peoples and civilizations should aspire to. War destroyed her race. It ends lives and rips apart families. Aurlia served as a medic during the Fourth Yerasol war and was heartbroken over the amount of death she saw. She believes strongly in protecting the common folk and keeping them from harm. However, in the case of those who hurt the innocent or plot for war...well she's lawful neutral for a reason.
2. Aurlia knows that knowledge is power. She wants everyone to have access to proper schooling. At a basic minimum, every child should learn how to read and know basic math and history. She frequently donates money to any school or public library she runs across. Aurlia enjoys sharing her own knowledge. If she ever retired from being an adventurer she would become a school teacher.
Two secrets about Aurlia, one she knows, and one she is not yet aware of.
1. Aurlia always tries to keep her race/sex hidden. Too many peoplewould want her as a trophy for her to feel comfortable with anyone knowing she's a high elf woman unless she really trusts them. She wears gold, she tries to keep her eyes in shadow and she always dresses/presents herself as a man. She goes by the name Telesan, binds her breasts, disguises her voice and keeps her distance from strangers.
2. Aurlia's dad made some serious deals with the Unseen court trying to get a grandchild. The consequences of some are going to fall on Aurlia's head. Always read the fine print, especially with the fey!
Four people that are tied to Aurlia, three are friends and one is not
1. Aurlia's sister Shaylee- Shaylee's enclave is open to Aurlia. Although Aurlia makes its population nervous when she visits, the fact that Shaylee has already given Aurlia several nieces and nephews allows the rest of the enclave to tolerate her visits. The sisters don't see each other often but they still care deeply for each other.
2. Verdan Hest- Dwarven Eschatol and one of Aurlia's few friends. Verdan is a scholar and tutor in Slate. The two met in a bookstore ten years ago when they both wanted to buy the same old philosophy book. They argued over who was going to buy the book, then over the teachings of the book, followed by the worth of different philosophies, which then cascaded into a long stream of discussion and argument that only ended when the two passed out at a local tavern after hours of discussion and several flagons of ale. Most of their meetings still end the same way. The two are firm friends and Aurlia is mentioned in Verdan's will
3. Brevin Turner- Brevin and his family run a small farm in the Cloudwood district. Aurlia happened to be in the area when Brevin's youngest son Coster fell from tree and broke several bones. The boy's injuries were severe enough that he likely would have died without Aurlia's timely intervention. Brevin has never forgotten this and thefarm has become Aurlia's second home; she has passed more than one winter with the family.
4. Sorin, Aurlia's father- Sorin lost his position in the enclave when Aurlia left. His wife was given a new husband and Sorin found himself subservient to those he once ordered around. As the years have passed life has not improved for Sorin, and he's begun thinking that maybe Aurlia is a curse on him afterall...one that could be gotten rid of.
Three memories, mannerisms or quirks Aurlia possess.
1. Aurlia wears a necklace with a key on it. Despite being arranged, Aurlia's first marriage became a love match. One day, when Aurlia wassad over something she can't even remember, Telesan found the old key and gave it to her in a dramatic performance, proclaiming it the key to his heart. It was a cheesy, corny move but Aurlia still cried over it. The key is her most prized possession.
2. Aurlia is a sucker for a crying child. She immediately wants to comfort them and give them whatever they want. Anything to stop the crying. She's gone hungry on many an occasion after giving all her money and food to a begging woman with a crying kid.
3. After being chased by a particularly nasty goose as a child Aurlia has a strong dislike/fear of birds, especially the big ones like geese and swans. She thinks they are evil creatures, only good as food.

Grand Moff Vixen |

I have updated Drake's alias to more clearly show that he is a Martial Scientist. I realized that it was buried down at the bottom of the crunch, so I put it in the class section in that it now shows up at the top. Also changed the statblock to include it in the section that details class info.
Update: I am having Drake craft his starting ammunition. This will be 1/4 price as his gunsmithing kit allows this to be done at half-price + 1/4 price from common firearms. I will have the updated info in the alias shortly.
Update 2: alias has the new info.

Arknight |

This is a work in progress for Terif Vacal...
1) The earliest memories Terif has are of running through the streets of Flint with his sister at his side. They were surviving day to day in the Nettles.
2) In order to survive, Terif and his sister had to join one of the many gangs running around. Unfortunately, when Terif failed to return from a job, the gang leader took it out on his sister and Terif hasn’t seen her since, although he’s sure she’s still alive.
3) The last job that Terif went on for the gang was to steal some weapons and alchemical substances from Valderon, an half-elven smith known for her skill both with the hammer and anvil as well as firedust and firearms.
4) Injured during the chaos when the young thieves were caught red-handed, Terif awoke to his wounds being tended to by Valderon. Something about young Terif had drawn her to him, and since to the gang he was dead and would be killed if he showed his face, she took him in and began training him in her secrets as if he were her son. Her attitude and kindness permeated all that Terif is, and even with his shaded past, easily gained a spot with the RHC.
5) Five months ago, while Terif was away on an investigation for the RHC, Valderon was found murdered in her shop. Suspicions pointed to the leader of the gang that Terif had run with. Without absolute proof though, no one has been taken into custody for it.
Two goals that are important to Terif.
1) Terif wants, no needs to discover what happened to his sister. He has tried to find her ever since they were separated with no luck.
2) Valderon was like a second mother to Terif, one he’d hoped to share with his sister. Now though, he just has to figure out who killed her and bring them to justice. However, whether it’s RHC justice or a sharp blade wielded by Terif, he hasn’t decided for sure yet.
Two secrets about Terif, one that he knows, and one that he not yet aware of.
1) Terif always has a signet ring on a chain around his neck. This is the last connection to his mother as well as his father. It has an inscription about family forever on its interior. According to his mother, the ring was his father’s.
2) Terif’s sister is indeed still alive…. Sort of… She has become one of the undead and is growing more powerful. In her mind, Terif left her to her fate, so she’s out for vengeance. That’s what led her to Valderon’s shop and why she killed her.
Four people that are tied to Terif, three are friends and one is an enemy.
3) Lem Halffoot – Halfling fence and former gang member alongside Terif. While publicly he holds a grudge against the RHC for an incident where half his foot was cut off, he covertly provides them with information and ‘found’ objects to be returned to those who might be missing them.
4) Grishnar – Half-orc thug and leader of the gang that Terif ran with. Grishnar is an atypical half-orc, in that he prefers using his brain over muscles. However, at the same time, he’s not afraid to use his muscles either.
Three memories, mannerisms or quirks Terif possess.
1) When deep in thought, twists and rolls the ring on the chain around his neck through his fingers.

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if not i can think of something else which could be fun lol

GM Olmek |

so my idea was a sort of Tiefling Alchemist, due to a unfortunate accident in his lab, his organs/skin/muscle are transparent, leaving only his skeleton is visible, not sure if this would be acceptable character appearance or not for this campaign lol but figured asking wouldn't hurt.
It sounds like you want to make a character for Gamma World. ;) I think that idea is a little too "out there" for Zeitgeist.

thunderbeard |

You should check it out. I made a character that was literally a psychic group of cats that were all attached to a single hive mind.
That sounds great! Part of me really wants to play a Thessalmonster character, so that I can roleplay each of its nine heads as having a different voice and personality.

Grace the aspiring Templar |

presenting my character GM, note on the Theme Feat. I took Spirit Medium over the Vekeshi Mystic, it just seemed more appropriate for my character considering his Patron. Note that the Patron has her own separate tab for a reason, the Invoker/Warlock patron should never have a "light" influence in his story...
Your verdict GM?

Leon Hatcher |

Wow, okay. Took a long time, and the idea changed a few times along the way, but I'm finally finished. Loup Blanc here with my submission of Leon Hatcher, who ended up taking the Docker's theme feat, as it ultimately fit the final concept better than the ones I was looking at earlier. The background's in the profile, and if you need anything else, I'll be happy to provide! (I'm just sorry I'm getting this in so late)
The only thing I've used so far is Charlie's nickname, coming from "oats and barley." If you like the idea I'll run with it, and if you'd like me to use a language slot to show that Leon's fluent, I'll happily do that as well. (Right now he's got Dwarven and Elven, and while it can be easily explained that he picked those up from talking with sailors and such, I feel like local flavor would fit him better--maybe I could pick up some sort of thieves' code or sign language or such?)

El Ronza |

Okay, since I'm sick and Hero Lab is still being difficult, crunch is somewhat lacking (ie, not here). But, hey, here's a background.
Five background and concept elements important to Alyssia Winthrope
1. Alyssia grew up in Bosum Strand, and quickly learned how to fight to defend herself. When she found herself wrestling an armed thug to the ground, a young man who’d had the wrong idea about how helpless she appeared, she happened to do so in front of a martial science professor. Following this, she was granted tuition to one of the smaller local battle colleges of Risur – the Valentyr Academy of Military Science – and was praised (or reviled, depending on who you ask) for her reliance on her own body as a weapon. Her graduation thesis was On the Merits of Pugilism and the Weapon of One’s Body, a somewhat polarising work for its insistence on eschewing manufactured weapons.
2. Alyssia was mocked relentlessly during her time at the Academy, and got into her share of scraps with her fellow students. While she never struck first, she often struck last, due to her keen eye and ability to pick up on unprotected spots. And there were advantages – because her style was ‘savage’ and ‘unpredictable’, it was easy for her to use her unconventional methods to deceive others.
3. Perhaps because of the polarised opinions on her style and thesis, Alyssia has low self-esteem, and tends to brush off compliments.
4. After joining the Royal Homeland Constabulary, a natural progression following her graduation, Alyssia found the same opinions continuing. Some of her fellow constables praised her unarmed forms and nonlethal methods of subjugation; some wondered why she was so opposed to the progress of technology. Alyssia started ignoring people more and more, becoming more focused and aloof.
5. Despite everything, Alyssia is confident in her own martial prowess. She knows the advantages of her combat style – nothing for her enemies to sunder or disarm, no heavy armours to get in her way, and being ‘technologically inferior’ in the age of progress means she has the advantage of surprise. Due to this, she can be somewhat stubborn and not so open to suggestions – she knows that what she has works.
Two goals that are important to Alyssia
1. If all I have is myself, then I’d better make damn sure it’s perfect. Since her body is her weapon, Alyssia values it above everything else, and is always looking for new ways to improve her physical form.
2. There’s too much killing in this world. Too many people wanting to shoot first and ask questions later. While she wouldn’t call herself a pacifist, Alyssia wants to see less itchy trigger fingers in the world.
Two secrets about Alyssia, one that she knows, and one that she is not yet aware of
1. Alyssia has focused on her job as a constable because she fears the ruffian she used to be. Lack of control terrifies her, and she hates knowing that her mind isn’t as strong as her body.
2. She has a twin brother somewhere in Danor. While she’s unaware of his existence, she sometimes has nightmares of things she’s never experienced, dreams of laboratories and cold steel.
Four people that are tied to Alyssia, three are friends and one is an enemy
1. Professor Alphonse Mallory of the Valentyr Academy of Military Science. Professor Mallory was a friendly ear for Alyssia through her studies, one of the few who supported her ideas on the body as a weapon. It was Mallory who referred her to the Royal Homeland Constabulary, and the two still exchange correspondence from time to time.
2. Her mother, Clarence Winthrope. Following her divorce from her husband, Nicholas, shortly after Alyssia’s birth, Clarence found the life of a single parent increasingly difficult, regretting that she couldn’t keep her daughter out of street brawls. Now that Alyssia is grown, and able to support Clarence in some way, Clarence has opened her own dressmaking shop, a dream she had to put on hold while her child was growing up. The two are on good terms, though Alyssia admits she doesn’t visit her mother as often as she should.
3. Constable Serena treats Alyssia as a sister, and Alyssia is happy for the connection.
4. While unknown to Alyssia, her twin looks for her. He’s been on the prowl for some time now, and his intentions may not be benevolent.
Three memories, mannerisms or quirks Alyssia possesses
1. During moments of inactivity, Alyssia keeps herself limber – she cracks her knuckles, rolls her neck, and shifts impatiently from foot to foot. This makes her appear restless and uncontrolled, when in reality, she’s just making sure she’s ready for anything.
2. Alyssia has a fear of needles and other thin, sharp, probing objects. She has no idea what this fear stems from, but it’s a pervasive one, and she tends to lose herself when faced with such things.
3. She has a hobby none would have ever expected of her – flower-pressing. Though there isn’t much opportunity for it in Flint, she tends to take samples of flora wherever she can, keeping them flat in her pockets until she can press them at her leisure. If anyone were to find this out, she’d likely deny it furiously.

karlprosek |

I just saw this and am interested. I can do fluff now but need to ask a question before I do crunch. Would you allow the Artificer class from Adamant Entertainment? I don't usually ask for third party stuff, but the artificer seems perfect for the setting.
Regardless, the character's theme feat will be Technologist/Disposable Simulacrum. If not an Artificer, he will probably be a synthesist Summoner with spells and eidolon fluffed as gadgets and armor/equipment he wears on his person. Unless someone has a good suggestion for a gadget-y character class? None of the Alchemist archetypes seemed to fit.
He sometimes wishes he grew up in Danor. While Flint is the seat of Risur's industry, nowhere is technological progress worshiped like it is in Danor. Both his parents are proponents of technology- his father regularly writes papers critiquing the old ways, the Clergy, and other 'superstition', even- though to a lesser extent- arcane magic. Antor soaked this in over dinner conversation and practically lived in his mother's lab at the university.
Antor has always been interested in machines, tinkering with gadgets and making things up from scratch, and he breezed through the University engineering program. His older brother joined the military as a naval engineer and his older sister is following in their parents' footsteps as a graduate student with an eye on a professorship in the Primordial department.
It was something of a surprise when he joined the RHC instead of going to work for an engineering firm in the city. His reasoning is that he doesn't want to spend all day drafting designs when he could be building with his own hands and interacting directly with his creations. Antor decided that joining the constabulary was the best way to put his designs to work while still giving him time to tinker in his own workshop (really, his mother's university workshop, but he barely recognizes the distinction).
Luckily, he is canny enough to know that most strangers don't appreciate a constant stream of suggestions. It's only with his friends and family that he's a never ending font of suggested tweaks and improvements. Lucky them.
He presents as an average, if bookish, sort. He's friendly and outgoing, always willing to stand his round at the pub, and extraordinarily well read. Your average engineer hasn't memorized the collected works of famous poets, nor does the average poet know how to calculate the shear point of a length of metal.

Marko |

Oh my god, yes! Wait, maybe? How long is recruitment open? I have to head to work in an hour (eight hour shift) but by the time I get home I'd have a character done! XD
Although I'd honestly have a lot of questions to ask... Is it too late to get a hat in the ring? I've done the whole 'find something at the last minute, post a character I'm excited about, never get looked at' thing before and it'd kinda stink considering how much I love settings like this. XD
Edit: Sorry, finally finished reading the opening post. I have time, I think, but not much. And it seems like you do pick over the course of the recruitment. Well, I'll still work something up! I do like this setting and the opening post had plenty of details.