Spring-Heeled GM |

It's an ill day for a funeral, overcast and gloomy, at any moment a sweep of heavy rains threatening to bombard the strange crowd gathered in Ravengro. Each time someone turns their head, they can spot some new freak standing out. The townsfolk stand together, away from the six strange visitors who don't match or even, in some cases, appear to be wholely human. Suspicious glances keep peering over toward the scattered folks.
Each of you have come from distant corners of Golarion to pay respects to Professor Petros Lorrimor, the recently deceased. To some, he was a friend. To others, a tutor. He sought the employ of some of you, and to study others. Each of you have kept in contact with him since crossing paths however many years ago, and find it strange that you've been called here. His body has been kept on ice for the time it's taken you all to arrive, and the ominous note of the letters you each received imply that there's a very good reason that you've been waited for.
The cleric in charge of the funeral proceedings is a very old man who hasn't had hair on his head for several deacdes, but has a disconcertingly visible few whiskrs emerging from his ear. His face is worn and wrinkled in such a way that his face looks scrunched up, and his voice is a low, slightly raspy drone. Beside him, a woman in a long red dress whose youth provides a stark contrast to his age. Kendra Lorrimor, the daughter of the professor and only survivor of the old man's legacy. His endless droning leaves you a moment to think about everything that's happened the past few days, and to reflect on the professor.

Ysmerelda, Dawn's Rose |

The petite blonde woman, more a girl really, in light armor with a sword strapped to her back nearly as long as she is tall, Not that that is difficult, she barely makes eye contact with most people's collarbone... waits for the Priest to pause for breath before stepping up to Miss Lorrimor to clasp her hands in a sharing of warmth. "Miss Lorrimor, Kendra, please accept my condolences & apologies for the lateness. I feel I know you, you were much in your father's thoughts during his time in Pitax."

Windom |

Not sure how you want us to post, self narrative, or just actions. The narrative is in the spoiler, actions below.
The water soaked suit he wears is heavy and he can't wait to be done with the formal after events and put something dry on. Ravengro has not made a grand impression so far, with the rain and somber festivity; but he was here for a reason and a purpose, he wanted to know why he was sent this letter and how his savior died.
Windom will get in the receiving line after the service to pay his respects to Kendra. I am deeply sorry for the loss of your father, he was an incredible man, to many people. He believed in me when others did not and helped me out more than he will ever know. I am indebted to him still and humbly request you call on me for any errand. May Pharasma gently carry his soul to a brighter place.
After Windom speaks with Kendra he will mingle with the crowd, out of curiosity he will try to be friendly to one of the "freaks", accepting whatever they are, if they were friends of the professor they must be good souls.
Can you please describe the note a little more.

Rhia Van der Geist |

As overcast as the day is, the very air seems to mourn the Professor's passing. Those in attendance feel gooseflesh rise along their skin as the air chills slightly, faint mist coming from the mouths of all in attendance as the small crowd parts without truly realizing why.
A delicate, wraith-like figure seems to glide forward, a filmy cloak moving against the wind almost as if under water as it wraps around her form.
Alongside her, almost unnoticeable, the grass bends as if depressed by another pair of feet to her left and a little behind her.
As she lifts her head, grey eyes,of an almost crystalline clarity gaze out of a face at once both youthful and ageless, filled with an awareness far beyond imagination.
Those eyes pass over the assembled group occasionally seeming to stop on nothing, nodding to something unseen.
Looking at Kendra, she moves forward to embrace her.
"He's so proud of you, y'know. I'm glad I could be here."

Raldora |

Dux: Unsummoned [HP: 6/6 | AC: 16 T:12 FF: 14 | F: +3 R: +4 W: +0 | Init +2 Perc: +4 | Effects: None]
A fitting day for a funeral I suppose. At least the weather makes my 'condition' a bit more plausible.
Raldora was standing on the fringes of the crowd, not too difficult given that many of the villagers were electing to give her a wide birth. Her and others, she had been pleased to note when she had arrived. Being one of several oddities would decrease the chance of her being singled out... and she had no intention of doing that again.
And so there she was, standing in the middle of a plaza. With a cloak. And smoked goggles. Pretending she was sun-sensitive so the poor villagers didn't have to deal with seeing a white-haired, dusk-skined, glowing-eyed monster from the pit or something.
It's not that she didn't want to be here. She just wished 'here' had been one of the cities, where the worst she got was an odd glance or a double-take. At least then she wouldn't feel apprehensive about going up to give her condolences to Lorrimer's daughter...

Aconitus |

A tall thin man dressed in very fine clothing strides through the door. He has a walking cane, and is wearing a pair of glasses. Immediately he walks up to the coffin as if to confirm that which he did not want to believe in the first place. He turns to Kendra and Miss Lorrimor and bows.
I can not imagine what you must be feeling right now. I knew your husband and father was a good man. To think that he has been taken from us is just something I could not believe until now. I will say a prayer for you, and help as best I can to get you through this tough time.
He bows graciously again, and takes a seat close to the front row.

Spring-Heeled GM |

Kendra responses to each of the consolatory gestures with a faint smile, but remains mostly silent save for a low, "Thank you," whenever she feels she has a decent enough handle on the situation, and tries to give you each a warmer smile as you pass her. Her mood has been that way since the first of you arrived, as she's been according herself as well she could given the burial of her father that day. The only time she stops is when asked about the business vaguely alluded to in the notes. Each of you were asked to come down to attend the funeral and the reading of the will, but she insists each time with unsteady patience to wait until the reading and to focus on the proceedings first.
Once everything is done, the crowd begins to part a little, easing up connections and forming into smaller groups. "It is time to carry the body to its final resting place," Father Grimburrow rasps, and looks toward you all. "I believe, Miss Lorrimor, that your father specified his guests be the six men to carry him?"
"That is correct."
The old man steps aside and Kendra takes her place at the head of the coffin; as the closest--and only--living relative, it's her job to lead the funeral procession to the grave. As each of you take your places at the coffin, you look down the Drewamwave, a gravel walkway winding through the cemetary. The coffin is very plain, save for a marking in the middle identifying the body within as Petros Lorrimor, but it's remarkably heavy, and you each need two hands to carry it up the road.
The walk is slow and somber, Kendra leading the way and keeping a respectful pace, Petros's friends from around the town following after him in silence. The priest and his gravediggers move quickly ahead, cutting through the path and setting out to finish preparing the grave.
As the procession reaches the halfway point along the Dreamwake, rounding a corner, you see the way ahead blocked by a group of a dozen surly-looking locals. The tallest and strongest-looking among them, carrying himself with the posture of a former soldier, steps forward and speaks. "That's far enough. We've been talking, and we don't want Lorrimor buried in the Restlands. You can take him upriver and bury him there if you want, but he ain't goin' in the ground here!"
Kendra is swift to respond, her sadness swiftly transforming into anger. She cries out, "What are you talking about? I arranged it with Father Grimburrow. He's waiting for us! The grave's already been-"
"You don't get it, woman. We won't have a necromancer buried in the same place as our kin. I suggest you move out while you still can. Folks are pretty upset about this right now."

Aconitus |

My good man, I say. I have met necromancer's and this man is nothing of the sort. To accuse so is not only a horrid accusation against any man, but against him would be as if saying Iomedae was a follower of Rovagug.
Please do not try to stop us, for proximity of supposed necromancer corpses to other bodies has never been scientifically proven to cause any sort of harm to them. We only wish to bury our friend in peace. If it is a fight you are seeking, I would be happy to oblige you at a later time.
Aconitus keeps his calm, trying to use large words to confuse the man.

Windom |

Windom rolls his eyes as he listens to what is clearly an uneducated man that is very upset, a dangerous concoction. After the well spoken pallbearer finishes speaking Windom speaks his peace to the men trying a bit of diplomacy.
Gentlemen, do you even know what a necromancer is? Truly is? It is a man black of heart that leaves villainry and disdain in his wake. A necromancer is a blight, wreaking havoc and ruining lives in his passing. I ask you what do you see here? Let me tell you, a parade of good folk this man has helped over the years, he has treated many sick, fought many denizens of darkness most mortal men could not begin to fathom. He has fought necromancers, destroying their attempts of foul sorcery. I applaud your actions to keep your burial soil free of such an abomination, I would do the same if this was my home also. But I will tell you now you are grossly misinformed and this man has never held ill will toward any man, and was a saint to many. If I must throw credentials out to quench the flame of your anger I am a practicing Pharasmite, a representative of the church. The professor has been nothing but an aid to our religion, do not forbid his body rest because of bad information and misguided old wives tails.
Windom is actually quite upset he left his morning star at his lodging, guess you can't go anywhere anymore without it.

Raldora |

Dux: Unsummoned [HP: 6/6 | AC: 16 T:12 FF: 14 | F: +3 R: +4 W: +0 | Init +2 Perc: +4 | Effects: None]
While the academic man on the other side of the coffin starts on his obviously obtuse counterargument, Raldora does her best to get Kendra's attention. Assuming she does so, the fetchling motions Kendra over, and talks just loudly enough that the other coffin bearers can hear.
"I've had experience with these people before. They're the type that would gladly exhume your father not five minutes after you leave, just because they don't understand how necromancy works. I know it's not what you, and maybe he, wanted, but..." she forgoes saying the obvious conclusion. She really didn't want to make a scene, but a bit of 'inconvenience' now might save worse later.

Ysmerelda, Dawn's Rose |

Oh dear, this is not going well...
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23, to tell A) if these men intend violence & B) if Aconitus & Windom's condescension has exacerbated matters.
"Pardon me?!" A feminine voice pipes up from the rear of the coffin. "Perhaps it would be better if we had this conversation in such a manner that we can all see each other?"
"I realize it's a rather dreadful day & that can't be of comfort to anyone's mood, but perhaps we might all pause for a moment to consider the possible consequences of our actions & words."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22, mostly to keep matters from escalating, but if she can diffuse tempers even better.

Dr. Alderly |

Dr. Garriton Alderly stood apart from the crowd observing the priest and Professor Lorrimos' daughter. Though he had traded countless missives with the good professor, this was the first time he had ever laid eyes on the young woman. Red. An interesting choice for a funeral. I believe an attempt to try and lighten her own mood. Of course, it could also be an attempt by her to draw the attention away from her father and towards herself; I wonder if Petros spoiled her excessively ... Alderly's mind continued to wander, eyes passing over the townsfolk and strangers as well, all in an attempt to keep his own grief from coming to the fore.
Though he himself hailed from fairly close by, the county of Versex, he was as much an outsider as these other five individuals. Ravengro was a very insular town, he knew, and it would take some doing to ever be accepted by these people. If in fact they ever DID accept an outsider. No matter; Alderly had little intention of staying for long.
When it came time to pay his respects, he followed the rest past the young Ms. Lorrimos, stiffly nodding his head and speaking a simple, "My condolences." He silently took his position around the casket, and took it up when the others did.
Ahh ... the local ignorant plowmen. They rear their ugly and inbred heads at the most inopportune times. Alderly glances briefly at Aconitus after his explanation, thinking - Well, one learned man. Or at least partially learned. By his stained fingers and the equipment he carries, obviously someone who works with alchemy. But likely not a spellcaster, judging by his very basic knowledge of magic.
Alderly clears his throat, speaking only his second set of words since arriving. "Ahem. The others are correct; this man was no necromancer. Had he been, we would not have need to bury him as he could have walked to his grave himself. I saw no signs his corpse was going rise in any way, so your comments bear no reason to them. Allow us to pass."
Nevertheless, he transfers the coffin to his left hand, keeping his right hand free to cast a spell if needed.

Rhia Van der Geist |

Rhia maintains silence as the men address the mob. While it was possible to cow a group like this with knowledge, communal fear had a way of turning reasonable people into riotous mobs with no ability to reason.

Spring-Heeled GM |

The gathered mob of farming implement-weilding townsfolk stop, including the soldier, and they turn in to look at each other. They were not expecting civil responses, nor were they expecting the words of someone representing the Church of Pharasma to be present. They double-guess this plan, and without acknowledging any of your words or responding in any way, they turn tail and walk off. Occasionally they turne back and shoot venomous glances at you.
Kendra turns to face them after they leave, sighing and putting her head down. "Thank you all for helping. It would mean a lot to father that you respected his honour and stood up to them like that." She faces Raldora in particular and shakes her head. "I doubt it. They wouldn't dare deface graves or risk trying to unearth him. I appreciate your concern, though."
One of the councilmen speaks up, explaining quickly that it's a surprise that those particular people would come to interrupt the ceremony, as they are simply farmhands of low character. He doesn't dwell too much on the issue though, and soon enough you are carrying the coffin once more.
At the grave, you find yourselves in the same boat again, with Father Grimburrow giving a long, raspy sermon, following by Kendra giving a few words and recounting some of her father's more selfless moments. It's a long, teary speech as the pressures of the day finally get to her, and when she's done, she wipes her face and asks if anyone would like to tell a story about her father.
If anyone wishes to make up a story about the Professor, you may do it now, and roll two D20s. If you aren't, just post saying you remain silent, and once everyone's had a spin we'll move on unless someone wishes to note anything else.

Dr. Alderly |

"I have no cute anecdotes, I'm afraid," responds Alderly. "However, your father was a mentor and a friend, asking little in return. Those are qualities few possess any longer. He will be sorely missed."

Aconitus |

I remember once the professor and I were trapped at the back of a tomb fighting for our life against what seemed like an endless wave of ghouls. I offered to draw them away so he could escape and he simply wouldn't have it. Eventually we were able to fit into a large room and barricade ourselves in. We spent a couple of nights in there thinking about what we would do, and eventually hunger set in. We were faced with the cold hard truth that we would need to fight our way out.
So we got all prepared for what seemed like our deaths, and started going through the ghouls. We ran into another group of tomb raiders, and they helped us get out. From that day on, when things looked like they were at their worst; the professor always reminded me that at least we were not back at that tomb.
I would fight all of the ghouls in that tomb over again, if it meant I could spend another day with him. He will be missed.
ROLL: 1d20 ⇒ 6
ROLL2: 1d20 ⇒ 2

Ysmerelda, Dawn's Rose |

"Hi there! I'm Ysmerelda. My adopted parents named me that because they thought it sounded Varisian & they first thought since they found me in a baby basket by the side of the road that I must be one. Varisian, that is."
aren't the smartest."
"My parents that is."
"I love them dearly, much of why I am who I am is thanks to them,
but if they were to take part in a contest of wits with a stunned fieldmouse, well...
they might have to go best two out of three."
"Even then they had better hope the contest wasn't being overseen by a Druid if you know what I am saying." Ysmerelda looks off, a bit self-consciously before returning to her train of thought.
"I'm getting distracted again, sorry, it happens. Particularly when I talk about myself. Particularly when I talk about my past, oh!"
"Professor Lorrimor always said the past can only harm you if you allow it to, of course he also said willful ignorance of ones past was giving tacit agreement to the harm done..."
"Still not quite certain what he meant by that."
"I guess now I'll never know..."
Taking a deep breath as she attempts once more to collect her thoughts, Ysmerelda continues.
"My parents, my adopted parents, were a couple of escaped Halfling slaves from Cheliax..." Ysmerelda proceeds to ramble on about her childhood for a time, culminating in a description of the event which lead to her beginning her Paladin training. Yes, this means everyone knows all the information in her background on her Character sheet if you want to read it.
"...That was when Cecil told Mama & Papa I should probably go to school. Learn more about myself & the world than I could at home. I didn't want to go, but Cecil talked with Mama & Papa, an' they all agreed it was the best thing for me. On the bright side, school was where I met Professor Lorrimor & learned I was a Paladin!"
"On the dark side, Professor Lorrimor was the one who told me I was a Changelin', a Hag's daughter, an' my birth Mama had probably killed my birth Papa after she got what she wanted from him, maybe as she got what she wanted from him."
The knowin'"
"Especially growin' up with Mama & Papa, an' knowin' just how much they had wanted a child of their own, one born free. Knowin' they took me in an' loved me just like I was their own born child."
got a little wild after that, a bit angry. Professor Lorrimor & I had some harsh words said to each other...
he didn't call me names like they did back home & he stayed patient. Eventually I calmed down & we talked more. He didn't feel Shelyn in his heart the way Cecil did, but he knew so much. It seemed as though the whole time I was at school all I did was talk with Professor Lorrimor, but I know I did more than that.
It just doesn't seem..."
"The other parts of that time just don't come to mind when people ask me about school, at least not first thing, not like our talks. When Kendra-
When Professor Lorimor's daughter wrote me, telling me of her father's death. I had to come here, to be here for her. I knew how much he loved her & wanted to be here for what comfort I could."
1d20 ⇒ 17
1d20 ⇒ 13

Raldora |

Dux: Unsummoned [HP: 6/6 | AC: 16 T:12 FF: 14 | F: +3 R: +4 W: +0 | Init +2 Perc: +4 | Effects: None]
Coffin Carrying
Raldora nods as Kendra responds. "I defer to your judgement. I wished only to share my thoughts on the matter. With luck, the others' defense might actually get them to think for once, as well."
Raldora chose to stay quiet, still not wanting to draw attention to herself and have someone realize she wasn't 'normal'. That's not to say she didn't pay attention however, especially when some of the other bearers told stories. Lorrimor had specifically requested they all attend, and Raldora had a feeling it wasn't just for heavy lifting...

Windom |

The cleric overseeing the funeral what religion is he from?
If he is not from Pharasma I will do my own blessing for the professor when it does not draw too much attention or disturb any of the other stories that may be told. Windom is stoic in situations like this and hates making scenes.

Spring-Heeled GM |

We'll just move along, Rhia can make her speech and rolls under a cut, I guess. Also, Father Grimburrow is a cleric of Pharasma.
Hearing such kind words and stories about her father makes Kendra smile a little, and even the wary villagers gathered seem to be a little less worried about you. On one final note, the cleric ends the ceremony, and the gravediggers begin to pile dirt over the coffin. The second the ceremony is done, Councilman Vashin Hearthmount steps up to Kendra and begins rushing you all to her home. He is required to be present for the reading of the will, being the closest thing Raveongro has to a solicitor, and does not wish to waste a single moment. He makes little effort to hide the fact he doesn't entirely approve of strangers being involved in local matters, but doesn't let that get in the way of business.
You're ushered hastily to her home, and the councilman disappears to the Professor's study, where everything is prepared. Kendra does her best to be a good host given the hurried circumstances, and seats you all, offering you all tea and scurrying off before she can receive an answer from any of you.
You now have some downtime to mingle amongst yourselves before we move on. Introduce or what have you.

Ysmerelda, Dawn's Rose |

Ooh, a cuppa sounds good...
wait, there aren't any out here, she's going to have to bring them all out herself!
Almost immediately on the heels of Kendra's disappearance into the kitchen, Ysmerelda follows quickly behind.

Dr. Alderly |

"Why yes, I'd love ...a ... cup ..." Alderly trails off as he notices that Kendra is very distracted, and that the offer was likely just a formality. Noticing the other young woman tear off after her, he shrugs. Those grieving may not always wish for someone following them, but no matter. That one is a strange one, and apparently has no secrets. Her mannerisms are certainly Halfling-like, but still a very ... eager person. I think perhaps she is too concerned with getting others to like her. Or else she's simply too nice for her own good.
He begins looking around the room at the others. Unnoticed until now, a smallish white rat, with almost burning red eyes, comes racing up Alderly's leg (no one quite certain how it even got in the house) and perches on his shoulder. Alderly gives the animal a piece of bread from his pocket, and absentmindedly strokes the vermin's head while he completes his assessment.
Interesting lot. The man of science from earlier. Quite the story about the ghouls; seems a bit exaggerated, but possible. Two very quiet individuals who seem to shy away from being at the forefront. One a man of faith, although he doesn't appear to be a priest. And the other ... I don't know. Very odd, and obviously trying very hard to hard their appearance. And finally, the other woman ... she has an odd air about her I cannot place. The chill around her, and almost a light breeze. Hmmm.
Finally deciding to 'break the ice', Alderly speaks up. "Dr. Garriton Alderly, most recently of Rozenport. I am a healer and surgeon of no small skill; perhaps some of you may have heard of me.' It is obvious that the second part about having heard of him was addressed more to Aconitus.

Windom |

Windom sits uncomfortably for a moment, it appears to be that awkward silence that he has become a part of with the rest of the waiting for tea group. When that girl rushes to help out the host he makes his move to break the silence.
Windom rubs his hands together creating some warmth, blows on them quickly with little or no relief. Some weather, chilled to the bones. My name is Windom, pleasure to meet esteemed friends of the professor. He was a character. I am happy that those men decided to leave without a fight, it is already a sad day, having to send people away with broken bones and bruised egos would of only ruined it further. Hey slim what is with the smoked glasses it is hardly bright in here.
The last remark was addressed to Raldora with an attempt to keep the conclversation going and he silence at bay.
Ninja'd on the ice breaking

Raldora |

Dux: Unsummoned [HP: 6/6 | AC: 16 T:12 FF: 14 | F: +3 R: +4 W: +0 | Init +2 Perc: +4 | Effects: None]
Raldora gave a single chuckle at Windom's comment. "Really? I hadn't noticed," she said, with just the slightest hint of sarcasm.
She was glad they were in off the streets now, out of the public eye. As far as she could tell, nobody had gotten a good look at her, but still she kept her cowl down, keeping her face in shadow best she could. Soon though, she wouldn't be able to hide what she was for much longer... but perhaps it wouldn't matter.
These were all acquaintances or friends of the Lorrimor... If anyone in this town is going to not freak out, it's them. Still, best not to make it too sudden.
Double checking to make sure she was not too visible from the street (if applicable), Raldora sweeps her gaze over the assembled guests, minus whoever the one who ran off was (Ysmerelda, if she remembered the woman's story right). "Tell me, what do you all know of fetchlings?"

Rhia Van der Geist |

As Ysmerelda finishes speaking, Rhia looks to the side, her head tilted as if listening to something. ”Yes I was going to.” she whispers to the air before moving to stand next to the chaplain.
”My name is Rhia Van der Geist. It was studying my family’s place in the nation’s history, and the continued impact of our presence in Ustalav that brought the professor and I to first work together. At that time, he was a brilliant expert on everything supernatural, and to a young girl unsure of her destiny, an excellent outside view of what her family’s presence meant to people who did not even know of their existence.” she sighs deeply, and it seems almost as if the sounds of sighing and sniffling multiply throughout the cemetery.
”The professor was an amazing man who understood the land we live in in ways no one else did, and above all simply wanted to make the world safe for everybody.”
As the small group sits gathered in the receiving room, Rhia takes in her company. She begins to rise as Kendra leaves to bring tea, but halts, again seeming to listen for a moment before sitting back down with a slight nod.
”I can't say that the term registers anything for me. But I'm sure as friends of the professor, I doubt any of us are what would be welcome in a place like this as normal. Pleased to meet you all, I’m Rhia.”
Knowledge Planes1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

Windom |

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21. Monster lore from inquisitor.
Windom seems to blink quick and do a polite double take. Realizing he had been staring for a moment.
Excuse me, I do not mean to stare. Kayal, shadow assassins from the plane of shadow; at least by the old wives tales. Pleasure to meet you, please miss tell me your name, any friend of the professor is a friend of mine.
Windom looks embarrassed from being taken off guard, he should of know better, the professor kept a retainer of eclectic friends. But as odd as he finds his present situation he speaks sincere.

Aconitus |

Aconitus is very well spoken and articulate with each word.
Name is Dr. Aconitus, I studied the undead under the professor for a number of years. He even taught me a bit of alchemy, which has proven to be most fruitful.
Turning to Dr. Aderly.
I may have heard the name before, but I fear we may be students of different sciences. I study ways in which alchemical aids assist and harm the body. I have never preformed surgery, Although I have never really had the need either.
Fletchlings: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Flethlings are a curious species. Humans exiled to the plane of shadow, I could not imagine what living there would do to a person. However I hold no ill will towards anything other than the undead. I suppose if I were to come face to face with one, it would be no different than meeting a stranger such as yourselves.
He walks to the window and peers out looking at the moon.
I knew the professor a long time ago. If not for him, I am afraid I wouldn't be here today.

Windom |

Smiles at the fetching miss using the distraction of Aconitus walking to the window.
I have embarrassed you, please forgive my ignorance. If you would tell me more at some time I would be most greatful; I will not deny that my curiosity is calling to me..
Windom gives a gentle smile and small bow to the fetching miss with no name.
Dr. Aconitus, you are also a hunter of restless dead! Well met, well met indeed! I am also in that line of work but am no sire to degrees or college diplomas, my experience come from the church and life experience. After this formal business is complete if you would allow me to purchase you some ales, maybe we can exchange trade secrets. It is always good to know others in the field.

Raldora |

Dux: Unsummoned [HP: 6/6 | AC: 16 T:12 FF: 14 | F: +3 R: +4 W: +0 | Init +2 Perc: +4 | Effects: None]
Raldora smiles as Windom catches on, and doesn't appear to have much of a problem with it - neither did the others, from what she could tell, though Alderly didn't interject before Windom and Aconitus began speaking. She gave him a moment to do so, but didn't want to wait too long.
As she saw Ysmerelda walk back in with a tray, she decided she had waited long enough, and spoke up. "Dr. Aconitus, you wondered what living on the Shadow Plane would do a person. Living in such a place causes many changes, both physical and magical in nature. What an outsider would experience after a time, I cannot say for sure. After a few generations, however, you end up with individual with features like this..."
Raldora pulls her hood back, revealing her light-grey skin and snow-white hair. "...and these." She pulls the smoked goggles off, blinking a few times as her eyes, pupiless and glowing yellow with just a touch of green mixed in, readjust to the light.
"My name is Raldora. I am a fetchling, summoner, and traveler. A combination that requires I avoid revealing myself when passing though... less than accepting towns such as this one. I apologize for the caution; I presumed, correctly I hope, friends of the late professor would not discriminate based on what I am, but I didn't want to do the sudden reveal either. I did not wish to alarm you."
If you feel like looking it up, Raldora's eyes are approximately this color: #DFFF00

Aconitus |

I say that is interesting.
Aconitus moves to Raldora swiftly to inspect her closely, completely oblivious to how she might feel.
This is remarkable, you seem to have undergone many changes from being a human.
Finally realizing what he is doing.
Apologies. I find this remarkable none-the-less. I am afraid, if I can be so bold as to interject an opinion, you may have chosen a very close minded region to travel to. Not to say you are not welcome, but I can only infer that you are either very brave; or very stupid.
He pauses for a moment feeling as though he forgot something.
Oh but I mean no offense. I just mean that Ustalov is not know for their acceptance of outsiders. However, I do not share that mindset and wish to welcome you.
He moves to the fireplace and starts a fire with one of the logs.
Is it a little chilly to anyone else?
He presses his hands to the fire and warms them gently, finally taking a seat in the closest armchair.

Dr. Alderly |

Aconitus is very well spoken and articulate with each word.
Name is Dr. Aconitus, I studied the undead under the professor for a number of years. He even taught me a bit of alchemy, which has proven to be most fruitful.
Turning to Dr. Aderly.
I may have heard the name before, but I fear we may be students of different sciences. I study ways in which alchemical aids assist and harm the body. I have never preformed surgery, Although I have never really had the need either.
"Ahh. An alchemist. I suspected as much by the chemical stains on your fingertips. A pleasure."
Raldora smiles as Windom catches on, and doesn't appear to have much of a problem with it - neither did the others, from what she could tell, though Alderly didn't interject before Windom and Aconitus began speaking. She gave him a moment to do so, but didn't want to wait too long.
As she saw Ysmerelda walk back in with a tray, she decided she had waited long enough, and spoke up. "Dr. Aconitus, you wondered what living on the Shadow Plane would do a person. Living in such a place causes many changes, both physical and magical in nature. What an outsider would experience after a time, I cannot say for sure. After a few generations, however, you end up with individual with features like this..."
Raldora pulls her hood back, revealing her light-grey skin and snow-white hair. "...and these." She pulls the smoked goggles off, blinking a few times as her eyes, pupiless and glowing yellow with just a touch of green mixed in, readjust to the light.
"My name is Raldora. I am a fetchling, summoner, and traveler. A combination that requires I avoid revealing myself when passing though... less than accepting towns such as this one. I apologize for the caution; I presumed, correctly I hope, friends of the late professor would not discriminate based on what I am, but I didn't want to do the sudden reveal either. I did not wish to alarm you."
knowledge planes 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26
"A fetchling! Of course. I have never met one before, but you look quite like the illustrations in the textbooks I have seen. The good Doctor Aconitus is correct, of course; you are quite brave coming to Ustalav. I have lived here my entire life (although in Versex), and I can say I have seen outsiders, especially actual outsiders such as yourself, beaten, tarred, feathered, and worse."
He looks at her deeply for a moment, then shakes his head seemingly coming back to the present. "Forgive my staring. I have an interest in the effects of magic, especially transmutation, on biological systems. However, planar effects on the living body is a tangentially related subject that can tie into that quite well. Perhaps, under better circumstances in a few days, you might answer a few questions of mine?"

Ysmerelda, Dawn's Rose |

Belatedly realizing her actions to assist might be their own imposition, Ysmerelda replies. "I could come back for the tea if you would like some time to yourself. In-n-out, no trouble?" Lip curled in a wan half-smile she adds. "I'm kind of used to helping out..."
Ysmerelda looks up momentarily, her features pursed as her interest is piqued by Raldora's self-revelation. "Oh!"
"Well, I'm afraid I don't know much about other planer peoples, Pitax seems kind of backward now that I'm out 'n' about, just don't tell his majesty that!" She smirks a bit at the last statement.

Windom |

When Raldora reveals her nature Windom will stare wide eyed for a moment. A look more of amazement not of offense or disgust. He is use to either common farmers or dealings with the occasional noble with modesty as a virtue. It is more the freeing act of revealing that takes him back.
Yes it is a funny thing how the worlds we live in makes us different. Please keep your glasses and hood off if you are comfortable, you need not hide amount friends.

Raldora |

Dux: Unsummoned [HP: 6/6 | AC: 16 T:12 FF: 14 | F: +3 R: +4 W: +0 | Init +2 Perc: +4 | Effects: None]
Raldora smiles as she waves off Rhia's concern. "It's quite all right, to be honest I should probably have expected it from associates of Lorrimor's." She then turns to Alderly. "This is but my second time traveling this way for just that reason. The first is actually when I met the professor the first time, on the side of the road after being ran out of a town. I must say, I have been wondering why he would call me here. We had fairly extensive written communication, but..."
She shrugs. "I suppose we'll see shortly."

Spring-Heeled GM |

You don't need a very high success to tell she wants to be alone. Preparing the tea is something she's doing to distract herself for a moment.
The councilman hurries in, seeming even more impatient than before, and calls for everyone to gather. Kendra peers out of the doorway, but refuses any seat she's offered, since the water is boiling and she wants to listen to it. Vashion produces a scoll case, showing the room that the professor's personal seal is unbroken, then breaks the wax and opens it. As he does, a small iron key falls out of the tab, clattering noisily onto the table. Undaunted by the key, he begins to read, eager to be done with this all and return home.
I, Petros Lorrimor, being of sound mind, do hereby commit to this parchment my last will and testament. Let it be known that, with the exception of specific details below, I leave my home and personal belongings entire to my daughter Kendra. Use them or sell them as you see fit, my child.
Yet, beyond bequeathing my personal effects, this document has other needs. I have arranged for the reading of this document to be delayed until all principals can be in attendance, for I have more than mere inheritance to apportion. I have two final favors to ask.
To my old friends, I hate to impose upon you all, but there are few others who are capable of appreciating the true significance of what it is I have to ask. As some of you know, I have devoted many of my studies to all manner of evil, that I might know the enemy and inform those better positioned to stand against it. For knowledge of one's enemy is the surest path to victory over its plans.
And so, over the course of my lifetime, I have seen fit to acquire a significant collection of valuable but dangerous tomes, any one of which in the wrong circumstances could have led to an awkward legal situation. While the majority of these tomes remain safe under lock and key at the Lepidstadt University, I fear that a few I have borrowed remain in a trunk in my Ravengro home. While invaluable for my work in life, in death, I would prefer not to burden my daughter with the darker side of my profession, or worse still, the danger of possessing these tomes herself. As such, I am entrusting my chest of tomes to you, posthumously. I ask that you please deliver the collection to my colleagues at the University of Lepidstadt, who will put them to good use for the betterment of the cause.
Yet before you leave for Lepidstadt, there is a matter of another favor--please delay your journey one month and spend that period of time here in Ravengro to ensure that my daughter is safe and sound. She has no one to count on now that I am gone, and if you would aid her in setting things in order for whatever she desires over the course of this month, you would have my eternal gratitude. For my savings, I have also willed to each of you a sum of one hundred platinum coins. For safekeeping, I have left these funds with Embreth Daramid, one of my most trusted friends in Lepidstadt--she has been instructed to issue payment upon the safe delivery of the borrowed tomes no sooner than one month after the reading of this will.
Once the will is read, Councilman Vashian looks to Kendra, who thanks him and dismisses him. He wordlessly gets up and leaves the house without saying another word. Kendra then puts on a brave face and turns to you all.
"Thank you again for coming, it means a lot to me. I will need a few weeks to decide if I'm selling the house and to put other affairs into order. If you would please stay with me until the month is up, I would be very thankful for that, and you may stay here in this house, room and board without charge, until it's time for you to leave for Lepidstadt." She sighs, looking behind her to the kitchen, then to the study, whose door the councilman left open a little, then back to the kitchen. "Please, make yourselves at home. I will finish the tea and then retrieve the chest."

Windom |

Windom looks around the room to all gathered.
Well it appears we will have much time for introductions over the course of the month. How far is Lepidstadt from here would you say?
Before anyone has the opportunity to answer his open ended question he quickly inturrupts himself.
The professor is up to something even in death! Miss you stated you are a paladin, sir you a chemist, and you a surgeon. I am of the order of Phramsma with specific skills the professor has used in the past. I assume that you two ladies have extrodinary resumes as well.
Windom looks the group over.
These must indeed be dangerous tomes...

Dr. Alderly |

Alderly's eyes light up at the mention of the tomes. "Oh ... of course, Ms. Lorrimor! I would never dream of dishonoring your father's wishes. Now, I certainly agree with my new colleague here. These tomes must be very dangerous. As a precaution, perhaps I should review them so that we know what we're dealing with. I am quite studied in numerous subjects, many of which I frequently exchanged letters on with your father. Can you show me these tomes? Ummm ... at your convenience, of course. No rush."

Ysmerelda, Dawn's Rose |

As Councilman Hearthmount reads the terms of Professor Lorrimor's will, Ysmerelda becomes more distracted, her gaze flitting from his face to those of the other listeners to Kendra & back. Though it is clear she is following the intent of the document, it is also clear she is less concerned with it's tangible consequences as she is with it's more...
intangible implications.
At Kendra's request Ysmerelda replies. "Of course we would be happy to stay & provide whatever aid we might. Your father was a dear friend, we could do no less."
As Kendra makes her way back to the kitchen, Ysmerelda seems to almost physically restrain herself from going to assist her once more. Looking to Dr. Alderly & Windom she shrugs. "This is Ustalav, the only place in all Avistan where Varisians settle down...
No wonder they are all a bit...
"I can't imagine these books should be too dangerous, he kept them here after all."

Raldora |

[oo]Dux: Unsummoned [HP: 6/6 | AC: 16 T:12 FF: 14 | F: +3 R: +4 W: +0 | Init +2 Perc: +4 | Effects: None][/ooc]
"I think he meant they were dangerous to have, not that they were dangerous in and of themselves." Glancing to make sure that Kendra had left the room, Raldora continued, "I agree with Windom though, I'm certain there's something more to this than the obvious. One or two of us... and not me in particular... would make much more sense if this was just supposed to be a 'help her out then carry these books' request."
"To that point... I believe I mentioned this, but I am a summoner. I'll introduce you to my eidolon later, once Kendra has settled down a bit."

Rhia Van der Geist |

"My talents lie with dealing with those reaching from beyond the grave, a gift from Lady Pharasma. As you say we all seem to have been picked for a very specific reason, and I intend to make sure that Kendra is kept safe form the dangers of the Professor's studies." Rhia says quietly.

Dr. Alderly |

"I think he meant they were dangerous to have, not that they were dangerous in and of themselves."
"Oh? And why would you make that assumption? I happen to know of several tomes that are quite dangerous to their user. The Book of the Damned being one quite prominent, and notorious, example. Nevertheless, your display of ignorance simply proves my point that an expert should examine them before we go carting them off." Raldora can note from Alderly`s tone that he isn't being intentionally insulting, despite the words that actually came out.

Windom |

Before we crack open the safe lets get our affairs in order. I am going to collect my items from my lodging and return no delay. I advise waiting until everyone is ready to spend the next month here with Kendra before we even contimplate cracking that box of tomes open. Make no mistake we need to investigate what it is we have been charged with sooner than later. My fear is we will be distracted by the find and neglect someone who really needs us right now. Depending on how exotic the volumes are we then can discuss measures to protect them. Also I am quite curious to read one or two myself.
Windom will go quickly to the church of Pharasma and collect his belongings and return no delays.