GM Lorenzo |
Pathfinder Society Scenario #5-99 The Paths We Choose as part of Redelia's PbP GM Mentorship Program.
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 3-7.
We'll be playing in Subtier 3-4.
The failure of Mendev's wardstones set in motion not only a new crusade but also catalyzed a change in the Pathfinder Society's various factions. As the Pathfinders prepare to march on the Sky Citadel Jormurdun, members of the various factions scramble to consolidate their gains and neutralize their enemies.
"The Paths We Choose" is a special event designed to highlight the changes in each faction over the course of Season 5, The Year of the Demon, and the adventure is different for each group depending on which factions are represented at the table. Content in "The Paths We Choose" also contributes directly to the ongoing storylines of the Andoran, Cheliax, Osirion, Qadira, Sczarni, and Taldor factions. This adventure kicks off Season 6, The Year of the Sky Key and is for character levels 3-7.
Written by Tim Hitchcock
This closed campaign is part of Redelia's PbP GM Mentorship Program.
Instructions: Once you have been accepted into the party by the GM, please "ninja-dot" here in order to enter this scenario into the list of your campaign threads.
PbP TIP: To "ninja-dot," post on this thread, and immediately afterword, delete the post. Why? To keep the campaign thread clear of unnecessary clutter. Clutter belongs on the discussion thread, instead.
GM Lorenzo |
You begin at the Grand Lodge of Pathfinder Society in Absalom, where you join dozens of other Pathfinders on a lawn in the shadow of Skyreach. Many of the assembled agents hold fliers that appeared about the lodge the day before, hinting at a special announcement to be made here this morning.
Venture-Captain Drandle Dreng emerges from the crowd followed by an assistant carrying a large stool that she sets on the grass. Dreng spryly clambers up to stand on the stool and addresses the small crowd.
“Thank you for joining me here, Pathfinders,” the milky-eyed venture captain shouts. “Absalom has a long and illustrious history, and today we add a little more to that ongoing record. The esteemed councilor Hadrel Grayrain of Diobel recently passed away, leaving a vacancy on Absalom’s Grand Council. We’re still many months away from the annual inauguration of councilors, and with numerous acts pertaining to Diobel on the schedule, the vassal city is eager to get a new representative. In fact, with Absalom’s assistance, Diobel’s Kortos Consortium has co-bankrolled a festival spread across much of the Foreign Quarter. Ostensibly, this is an occasion to honor the deceased and welcome his replacement. Virtually everyone also sees this as a chance to advertise and earn some new business.”
Drandle Dreng clears his throat and shrugs. “Well, the Society is no exception. We’ve already chipped in some gold to help this be a success, and in doing so we’ve received numerous invitations to the more exclusive events. With our recent work in Mendev, we’ve earned considerable goodwill. This is a good opportunity to consolidate those gains by seeing and being seen by the upper crust—as well as hobnobbing with the common people.”
He chuckles and gives the crowd a smile. “All at the Society’s expense! Have a good time, keep an ear out for interesting leads, and represent the Society well!”
The venture-captain then hops off the stool and mills about the crowd, greeting various agents by name, slapping associates on the back, and summarizing the planned events to anyone who inquires.
GM Lorenzo |
Seltyiel and Zadim each grabbed a flier and look it over.
The Schedule of Events
The festival takes place over four days. It involves several main events in addition to dozens of smaller gatherings that take place throughout the city. It includes high-profile parties among the glitterati and dives at the most disreputable pubs.
Grand Lodge Social (Afternoon, Day 1):
As part of its contribution to the festivities, the Pathfinder Society hosts an informal social gathering with drinks and appetizers to welcome visiting dignitaries and other people of note. The event also attracts a handful of representatives on the Grand Council. The Society displays several dozen relics for visitors to admire, and on one end of the reception space, Pathfinder agents will take turns demonstrating their many skills to the guests’ amusement.
Commemorative Service (Evening, Day 1):
At moonrise, a nondenominational commemorative service takes place in the Docks district. The service is somber and those remembering Grayrain and his accomplishments take turns speaking. The event is comparatively small, as most who needed to say goodbye to Grayrain did so earlier in the month at his funeral. After the service, many of those in attendance retire to taverns along the waterfront or in the Foreign Quarter.
Pre-Inaugural Feast (Afternoon, Day 2):
This event takes place at a great hall in the Wise Quarter from late afternoon through the evening. It is semi-casual and heavily attended. Many members of Absalom’s Low Council attend, though the High Council is not present.
Deliberation Day (Day 3):
There are no major events this day. The High Council spends much of the day in deliberation to determine which candidate should succeed Grayrain. They call upon several dozen citizens to offer input and testimony to aid in the decision. Those not under political obligations take the opportunity to host private meetings to broker alliances, draft trade deals, and manage other personal interests.
Inauguration (Noon, Day 4):
Slightly before noon, a crowd gathers in a large open-air amphitheater in the Wise Quarter. Within an hour, the First Lady of Laws, Scion Lady Neferpatra of House Ahnkamen, takes the stage and announces the appointment the new councilor. After the speech, music and feasting continue long into the night.
Zadim the Ewok |
Zadim frowns at this news. I was sent here for a higher purpose than revelry. Sarenrae is truly wiser than I.
He approaches the venture captain and waits politely for his turn to speak. "Master Dreng, do you have a specific target in mind? " Zadim frowns again at his mistake. "I mean, a specific person who may be a source of quality leads?"
Night Hunter |
"Ah... it all sounds like a wonderful excuse to drink... and drink heavily... not that an excuse is needed. But some folks seemed to think that a drink or two was not appropriate... " He looks pointedly at Zadim.
Corona Merrion |
Corona waves her hand wildly. "Venture-Captain Dang? So you mean all we have to do for right now is just eat and talk to people?" She smiles happily. "We can do that can't we, New Friends? That's easy!"
As she looks around at the gathered group, her smile does falter slightly. "Darn...I wish I'd known earlier or I would've made more cornbread. And this would've been a great time to hold another Pathfinder Pastry Party...oh well, maybe next time. We had a great one after that big tryout we had to send people to compete in the Ruby Phoenix Tournament, you know."
Lady Vanessa Reisende |
Lady Vanessa very smoothly sidles up to the VC, aware of but pointedly ignoring Zadim's discomfiture.
"Drennnndle, daahling, you look mahveleous. You haven't aged a day since Baroness Natalia's soiree," she begins, knowing full well that said soiree was 30 years ago.
She gives the old man a peck on the cheek before directing his attention to Zadim with an elegant wave of her hand. "But Drenndle, my new companion here makes a good point. Vhat exactly are ve to be doing at zhese parties for you and ze Society? Do you have somevun or something in particular zhat you need us to seek out?"
Zadim the Ewok |
Zadim smiles and looks satisfied. Perhaps I can work with these Pathfinders after all. Beneath their quirky personas they may be true adventurers indeed.
He nods in thanks and remembers his manners. "Lady Vanessa, you know the captain? I should know to ask my... friends...first next time. "
GM Lorenzo |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Drendle Dreng looks a bit ill at ease in this hyper-social setting. Your questions, and Lady Vanessa's suggestive intimacy in particular, cause a blush and a cold sweat and bring on that familiar, musky aroma of cabbages that clings to the Venture-Captain.
"Why, Pathfinders, relax. This is the Grand Lodge Social!" He motions over a passing waiter and grabs flutes of champagne for everyone. "Enjoy the festivities, have a drink, eat some canapés. Mingle with the visiting dignitaries and other people of note. Some of them are representatives on the Grand Council."
He points past the gardens, where dozens of the Society's eclectic relics are displayed, to the opposite end of the reception space, where Pathfinder agents are taking turns demonstrating their many, diverse skills to the guests’ amusement. "Look over there. That's Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin speaking to a statuesque woman in her late forties. Hmm... She looks familiar, probably someone important. Why don't you go talk to him? Who knows when you'll ever get another chance to just have a 'normal' conversation with Valsin or with his interesting-looking companion?"
Night Hunter |
"If it involves having a drink... and good food, I'm in for it... let's go talk to VAlsin and his friend!"
Zadim the Ewok |
Zadim nods. This situation is not within my expertise. Sarenrae is stretching my abilities. With a grimace he looks at the Gripli. "Yes, since it is a party we must drink. Perhaps you should drink for both of us. "
Night Hunter |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Hunter grins and nods. "I can do that... It will be my great pleasure to take such a burden off your shoulders... I will drink for both of us, my friend."
He gets two drinks... "One for me, and one for my friend over there... " He drinks from them both, taking alternate sips from each glass.
GM Lorenzo |
Heeding Drandle Dreng's advice, you work your way through the crowd, smiling at strangers, nodding at some you know, and embracing old friends like the halfling Janira Gavix, the chimeric unfettered eidolon Valais Durant, and the elf curator of the Blakros Museum, Nigel Aldain.
Eventually, you approach the tall and meticulously groomed Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin, Chamberlain of the Grand Lodge, and leader of the Pathfinder Society faction of the same name. During his days as a field agent, he was respected for his skills as a rogue and sorcerer.
Pathfinders know that 'Old Mutton Chops' runs the daily operations of the Grand Lodge at the Decemvirate's command. Meticulous with details and annoyed by inefficiency, Ambrus makes a point to supervise all important duties within the Grand Lodge, and keeps a long list of relatively safe but time-consuming jobs on file, ready to hand out to rookie Pathfinders to keep them busy and out of the way of more experienced agents. Ambrus doesn't appreciate backtalk and reserves particularly strenuous assignments for those who annoy him.
The Venture-Captain offers a warm, paternal greeting to members of the Grand Lodge faction. "Well-met Einn Sparkbearer, Night Hunter, Seltyiel, and Zadim." He gives a more formal nod to the rest of the party. He turns to his aristocratic female companion, "It is my honor to introduce Alvalda Margruel. Her family operates the Kortos Consortium, a powerful guild of merchants in Diobel. She is well known among Diobelians as a capable businesswoman, a philanthropist, and a staunch advocate for using local labor. Alvalda also happens to be an accomplished bard."
The tall and dignified Alvalda returns a polite smile. "Chamberlain Valsin, you flatter me. The Margruel family doesn't run the organization alone. We co-operate the Kortos Consortium with two other families."
Ambrus Valsin gestures to a middle-aged, heavyset male aristocrat with well-oiled hair standing nearby, watching a number of Pathfinders showing off their skills. As a member of the Scarab Sages juggles a handful of fist-sized semi-precious stones while balancing on the back of a gynosphinx, the man applauds her skill with mild enthusiasm.
The Venture-Captain informs you, "That is Grand Ambassador Dremdhet Salhar. He represents Osirion’s interests in Absalom."
Turning aside from Alvalda Margruel, he adds in a whisper, "After his longtime advisor Amenopheus was dismissed by the Ruby Prince, Dremdhet’s embassy has struggled to operate as efficiently as before. The ambassador once blamed this on the Society, though his ill feelings have softened. He is well versed in the city's local politics."
Valise raises his voice, "Grand Ambassador, please allow me to introduce to you some of my fine young Pathfinders."
"Why, of course, Chamberlain Valsin." the Osiani aristocrat responds, walking over. "I must say, the Society's coordinators deserve great praise for organizing this social event."
Grand Ambassador Dremdhet Salhar gives you all a curious look. "Will any of you be demonstrating skills of your own?"
Corona Merrion |
"Hello New Friend Dremdhet," Corona smiles, sticking out her hand for a shake. "I'm Corona Merrion and it's so nice to meet you! I'm a baker when I'm not doing things for the Society," she explains as she turns and begins digging into her pack. After a few moments she pulls out a paper sack that contains several small, carefully-wrapped objects.
"Cornbread! My signature creation," she explains proudly as she offers pieces to everyone assembled, including Valsin, Alvalda, and the Ambassador. "Baking is just as an important a skill as anything else, right? You might get hungry out in the middle of nowhere, you know."
Einn Sparkbearer |
Einn gives a slight grin when Corona mentions how easy it will be to talk to people. Not for some of our little party. This should be interesting.
Einn gives Ms Margruel, and the Grand Ambassador respectful nods as each are introduced. "It is an honor to meet both of you."
The sorceress gives a wide grin to the Ambassador as she answers his question. "I"m afraid I'm not as physically inclined as our juggling associate. Are there other types of skills that could be demonstrated?"
GM Lorenzo |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Ambrus Valsin is only shocked at Corona's offer for a moment. Then he accepts a double helping of cornbread and takes a large bite, chewing the first morsel any Pathfinder field agent has ever baked for him. He's very careful to keep the crumbs out his neatly trimmed beard.
Grand Ambassador Dremdhet Salhar and Alvalda Margruel exchange surprised glances. The ambassador raises an eyebrow and politely declines, citing the dietary restrictions of his faith. The beautiful woman from Diobel smiles at Corona, and nibbles at the cornbread as if it were a rare delicacy. "Thank you, Pathfinder. It's exquisite."
The Grand Ambassador glances sideways at Einn, not quite sure what she's offering. The ambassador stifles an embarrassed cough. "Pathfinders are known to possess many skills, young lady. What is your specialty? Perhaps, you could demonstrate. Something suitable for this public viewing."
Zadim the Ewok |
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Zadim freezes at the thought of juggling. Sarenrae bless me. What dastardly mission is this?
When the Grand Ambassador clarifies that other skills are appropriate, Zadim lets out a small smirk. "I'm afraid my skills are less appropriate for the public than most." He shrugs. "I am but a humble servant of my leaders."
GM Lorenzo |
Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin roars encouragement. "Come on, Pathfinders! Don't be bashful. If you can face down demons and wrestle the undead, surely you have a skill or two to impress these fine people who support our beloved Society?"
Lady Vanessa Reisende |
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Lady Vanessa joins the conversation already in progress, having stopped to chat with a group of Chelaxians along the way who were planning an after-after-party. (She got invites, of course.)
She gives a small curtsey to the Grand Ambassador, just enough to show respect (and other assets) but not too deeply.
"Grand Ambassador, vhat an honor to meet you. I understand zhat you're hoping for a demonstration ov skills?" she begins. Then she turns toward Zamir, Hunter, and Seltyiel and says with an encouraging (and dazzling) smile, "Daahlings, I imagine you gentlemen could put on qvite a show ov acrobatics togezher, yes?"
She reaches over and takes the piece of cornbread that the Ambassador had declined. Popping it into her mouth, she then delicately brushes the crumbs off of her black gloves.
"Mmm, Corooona, daahling, zhis is divine!" she exclaims. "Promise me you'll make some for my next pahrty."
Then, as if inspired by the tasty treat, she turns back to the boys. "Ooh, I have an even better idea for today -- perhaps a qvick mock combat amongst you?"
"Vould eizher ov zhose suffice, your Eminence?"
I doubt Diplomacy counts as one of the skills, but it's all she's got, and it's what she's doing already.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (2) + 15 = 17
Annnd, she's not doing it that well on that roll.
Night Hunter |
"Does your religion preclude you from an occasional drink? I hope not..." Hunter pulls a skin from his pack and offers it to the ambassador first. "I am a maker of fine wines and liquors. This is an example of one of my best wares... not a true liqueur as that would require more time than I have had and a dedicated still... just a little vintage I put up a few years ago. It has a mild nose with flavors of citrus and cinnamon."
prof vintner: 10 + 10 = 20
GM Lorenzo |
Grand Ambassador Dremdhet Salhar and Alvalda Margruel smile at the charming, pale dhampir Pathfinder.
"We can always count on Lady Vanessa Reisende to apply the proper shade of lipstick to the proverbial pig." Ambrus Valsin chuckles.
The Venture-Captain signals a waiter to approach. The waiter takes the proffered wineskin from Night Hunter and pours precisely four ounces into three crystal goblets. Ambrus Valsin, Dremdhet Salhar and Alvalda Margruel hold their glasses up to the sunlight, checking out the color, opacity, and the wine legs. They bring the goblets up to their nose, inhaling its aroma. Then they taste the wine, breathing with the back of their noses, assessing its structure and flavors. They pause to contemplate its qualities and appreciate its experience.
The ambassador and the business woman spit out the wine into the grass at their feet. The Venture-Captain tips his own glass back and drains it in one thirsty gulp. In unison, the three dignitaries pronounce the vintage "A very fine wine, indeed!"
Alvalda Margruel pulls the grippli aside. "My sommelier will be in touch, Mr. Night Hunter. I will require a case of your best."
Night Hunter |
"That can surely be arranged You honor me greatly!" He bows to Alvalda, a froggy smile almost splitting his face.
GM Lorenzo |
Ambrus Valsin invites a dozen or more of the dignitaries to accompany him into the Lodge, where they can escape the noise and converse in relative peace and quiet.
As the Venture-Captain begins walking, he tasks you in a discreet whisper, "These people are interested in knowing more about the Society and its role in Absalom. Behave yourselves and try to put on a pleasant face when dealing with our visitors, as every good word makes it easier for the Society to operate in distant lands."
Arriving in a well-appointed reception room, a quartet of bards plays soft, soothing melodies in one corner. Pathfinder initiates navigate the room, drafted into service filling empty snifter glasses with brandy and passing out cigars from the famed tobacco farms of distant Molthune and lighting elegant opium pipes from exotic Tian Xia.
You mingle with the influential merchants, lesser nobles, and well-dressed ambassadors, who are eager to hear about your recent exploits on behalf of the Pathfinder Society.
Valsin smiles and nods, encouraging you to impress the guests.
Corona Merrion |
Realizing that now might be just the time for a good story, Corona begins regaling anyone who cares to listen with a story about the time that she and some other Pathfinders participated in a contest for a chance to go and compete in the far-off Ruby Phoenix Tournament.
"...and then, just when we thought we were done for the day and ready for a hot bath - not together I mean, everyone had their own room - they struck!" she exclaims, gesticulating wildly as she relates the story between bites of cornbread. Crumbs shower her audience with each wave of her arm, crumbs that Stuffing dutifully pecks up. "Ninjas! In the bathtubs! Tubninjas! Of all the things for an inn to be infested with, New Friends! But luckily we managed to kill them all even though some of my other New Friends were fighting mostly naked..."
The story continues like this for some time, featuring all manner of strange obstacles, locales (such as one bit of sewer referred to as the 'Turd Tunnel'), and foes - including exploding monks.
"I don't really know why they kept blowing up like they did," Corona says sadly. "It was such a shame."
Perform: Oratory (Untrained): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Wow. My kingdom for a reroll!
GM Lorenzo |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin frowns at the surly magus and murmurs thanks to the amateur story-teller for her effort.
While the Grand Ambassador and the others guests are unimpressed, Alvalda Margruel claps softly with slender hands encased in long kid leather gloves. "Ms. Corona Merrion, thank you for sharing your experience with us. Your tale was honest and unvarnished without needless embellishment. As a successful business woman, I appreciate your inartful but forthright account of your adventures."
Despite her kind words, no one asks Corona for an encore.
Zadim the Ewok |
Zadim, clearly uncomfortable, approaches Seltyiel. "Excuse me. In my country we often entertain guests with jugglers and contortionists. Would you mind joining me in some foolish yet entertaining acts? "
He heads to the center of the room and begins to perform an odd mix of parkour and super yoga.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22
GM Lorenzo |
Zadim explodes into action, vaulting over a grand piano, cartwheeling across a leather sofa, and swinging from a crystal chandelier, before landing on a woven silk carpet in the center of the room in a perfect downward dog.
The elder dignitaries stare, astonished mouths agape. The younger nobles whistle and shout, expressing their enthusiastic approval at a reprieve from the tedium of small talk. They'd expected fantastic tales, but this adventurer is far more entertaining. Two of the flush-faced hotspurs are signing their names on the Pathfinder's exposed salwar.
Ambrus Valsin turns sideways, pretending not to have noticed the display. He looks around the room, hoping agents of his own Grand Lodge faction will save his reputation. He makes eye contact with Night Hunter and Einn Sparkbearer. His worried expression pleads for rescue.
Einn Sparkbearer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Einn sighs. I'll make nice with the famous people. She approaches a group of people, and begins to chat with them about her assignments with the Pathfinders.
She explains about saving a dingatry, and getting a new friend named Quetes. "He isn't here right now. He's off learning things at home in Korvosa. I'm headed over to pick him up soon. Having a peusodragon as a companion is going to be wonderful."
She also exlpains how she has had many runins with the Priests of Razmir. "I'm beginning to feel like an expert on their religion. Every time I turn around I'm doing an investigation involving them."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
GM Lorenzo |
Einn's account of her time in Korvosa elicits a lively discussion of the independent city's politics, the future of the Crimson Throne, the almost fanatical Hellknight Order of the Nail, and the broader ambitions of Cheliax and House Thrune.
Her experiences with the evil priests of the self-proclaimed living deity, Razmir, are of keen interest to some, including Alvalda Margruel, with ties to the region and the neighboring River Kingdoms, where a few have invested significant venture capital. They listen with shrewd attention to Einn's first-hand accounts of her dealings with representatives of theocratic Razmiran.
Alvalda hands Einn her gold-embossed vellum calling card. "Ms. Sparkbearer, I would like to invite you to lunch next week, when business brings me back to Absalom. I'm considering whether or not to place a sizable amount of our family's fortune in a start-up with suspected links to Razmiran. I think you could give me some valuable insights."
Before Einn can wonder if the woman is merely being polite, Alvalda Margruel makes it official. "I'll send my carriage around to pick you up at noon on Wealday next. I know a quaint little bistro in the Ivy District."
Seltyiel by Redelia |
While appearing surly and standoffish, Seltyiel is actually using prestidigitation over and over again to smooth the party. He has held food on the forks of several people who were about to drop food onto their clothing, including Ambrus Valsin. He has also helped keep a slightly clumsy Pathfinder from tilting a tray of drinks too far, right into the lap of a dignitary. He also made the doors appear to open on their own in front of someone who drank too much and was rushing out of the room. Once or twice his eyes have lit up with mischief while he was tempted to cause chaos, but he has actually only improved things.
Lady Vanessa Reisende |
In one corner of the room the glow of the lamps is quite a bit dimmer. A familiar voice rises above the quiet during a pause in the conversations.
"So I told him, 'I did not tromp all zhis vay across a svamp in zhese heels for you to tell me he's not in!'"
The group of nobles listening raptly to the Lady Vanessa laughs along with her at the difficulties inherent to being such a stylish Pathfinder agent.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (16) + 15 = 31
Okay, that's more like it!
GM Lorenzo |
True to his nonconformist nature, Seltyiel seeks no one's approval, needs no one's affirmation. He makes the social gathering a success, but he does it in his own way, reveling in the secret knowledge of his dozen critical contributions.
Lady Vanessa holds court, the dhampir diva auditioning admirers for Absalom's Next Top Model. When she reaches her story's climax, all eyes travel down her net stockings to her fashionable patent leather footwear. Several of her breathless listeners loosen their collars and excuse themselves, seeking some cool, fresh air.
GM Lorenzo |
Several minutes into the conversations, a terrified tiefling Pathfinder enters the room in a panic. Valsin spots the man and signals to you to handle the matter, including a Pathfinder hand sign that expresses “and keep it quiet.”
Hoping to draw the visitors’ attention away from you and the recent arrival, Valsin announces, "Ladies and Gentlemen, the Pathfinder Society has brought several relics recovered over the past year to show off. Please permit me to give you a little tour."
The crowd excitedly gravitates in his direction. A couple of you consider staying with him, but Valsin fixes you with a steely glare, gives a forced, overly friendly smile, and suggests, "I believe you have business to handle elsewhere." His tone hints that you should really be addressing the emergency.
The frightened agent ushers you into a side room before explaining the situation.
“My name is Kalkuin. There aren’t many agents around the Grand Lodge, so when I heard an explosion and ran to investigate, I was the first one there. It seems something bad happened in one of the laboratories—really bad. One of the researchers stumbled out all covered in boils and blood, and when I tried to lend him an arm, he bit me and tried to tear out my throat! It was all I could do to fend him off, and two others helped me drive him back into the lab and barricade the door.”
Kalkuin pulls back a tattered sleeve to reveal a bite wound that is festering as though days old, insisting, “This isn’t part of my heritage, no matter what you think. I think it’s some kind of infection, and I intend to find a cleric as soon as possible. In the meantime, we have agents in trouble at the lodge. Somebody’s gotta help them!”
One or more of you examine Kalkuin’s wound.
Night Hunter |
heal: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
"Looks nasty... a cleric might be a good idea. But first, show us where this laboratory is, please."
Zadim the Ewok |
Heal : 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
Zadim, far more comfortable with wounds than small talk, rushes to the agent's side. He speaks in a serious but kind voice. " Agent, this is a grave wound. You must see a cleric within the day. You have time to find one while we see to this problem. Go. Now. "
He turns and speaks to his companions. "His wound is infected with some necromantic disease. We must deal with this immediately. This party will be less enjoyable if it is raided by some ghouls. "
GM Lorenzo |
The tiefling's red scales pale to a shade of light pink. *gulp* Kalkuin asks Zadim, "Do you think it's contagious? I'd hate to make most of Absalom's high society sick with the plague."
Zadim the Ewok |
Zadim takes a second look at the wound. "Unclear. I have not seen this ailment before. " Zadim stops and thinks for a moment. "You have a few days. Let's be careful. Find a room in the Lodge and stay there. We will deal with this situation and bring you a cleric. My friend Kyra is in town. I can fetch her for you as soon as possible. "
GM Lorenzo |
Kalkuin submits with a nod, "A quarantine seems like a reasonable plan. I'm not confident I'd be much help to you investigating the laboratory, anyway, in this condition."
When you arrive at the entrance to the Society laboratory, a groundskeeper is on hand to give you a key to open the thick wooden door reinforced with thick metal plates. The door opens to a hallway with several preparation rooms used to concoct various items used in alchemical research. Each such room’s door has a glass panel that allows one to look inside. Most of the rooms show signs of hasty vandalism from when someone burst in, overturned a few tables, and then left to cause mayhem elsewhere.
You search through the chaotic mess.
A set of stairs at the end of the hall leads to a lower level. They're sticky with an unfamiliar substance.
Corona Merrion |
Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
"What a mess..." Corona sighs when they arrive the laboratory and find the preparation rooms to be totally trashed. "Some people can be so rude!"
She looks around for a few moments but doesn't come across anything that catches her eye, though she does note that the stairs leading down look to be coated with something. Corona carefully reaches down and pokes at the substance with her index finger and then grimaces, quickly trying to wipe the strange substance off on her pants. "Ewwwww...I'm not sure that I want to know what this is! It's all grody and sticky," she complains.
Lady Vanessa Reisende |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Before entering the laboratory areas, Lady Vanessa reaches into her handbag to retrieve her buckler and metamagic rod.
Her bag, which seems to hold quite a bit more than it should appear able to, carries the unmistakable interlinked "LV" logo of luxury magical goods maker Lyria Veres, whose shop in the Ivy District is a regular haunt for our Lady.
Following the men down the hall, she pauses as Corona tests the strange substance, then casts a spell to see if it (or anything else around) is magical.
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Casting Detect Magic on the goop and general area of the stairs.
"GM Lorennnzo, daahling, patent leazher? Really? I'll have you know zhese shoes are genuvine aurochs hide bespoke Manolo Blahkros originals."
GM Lorenzo |
Need a Craft (alchemy) or Perception check from everybody.
The sticky substance on the stairs has no magical aura, nor does Lady Vanessa detect any auras in the general area of the stairs.
Einn Sparkbearer |
Einn takes the card from Alvalda Margruel. "Thank you I look forward to luncheon next Wealday."
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
She almost notices something but not quite. She casts Mage Armor on herself as they enter the laboratory. "Does anyone know what that stick stuff on the stairs is?"
Night Hunter |
perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15
"I don't know what it is, but it looks icky."
Corona Merrion |
"Whoever's trashed the place must still be further in," Corona adds, hefting her longspear a bit for emphasis. "We'll need to be really careful, okay New Friends?"
Checking in!
Zadim the Ewok |
Sorry, Thanksgiving.
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Knowledge (Dungeoneering): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Zadim enters the room late, cautious as always. With a look at the stairs he nods. "Seltyiel, you are correct. Thankfully the trail will not impede our movement." On a closer look he adds "It may also be an ooze. Keep a close eye."