Isani Isu |
"Bah - don't be naive! You don't need to "force them" into the bottleneck - that's the only way they can travel if they're making for yon cave," Khromm says with a jerk of his thumb to the cave above you.
"And where else would they go? It's perfect shelter - big enough to get some horses inside - redistribute their wealth and gear - then break into smaller parties and head into your capital with it discreetly. Now that they have the big haul so close - they can afford to separate a bit - and come back and forth between here and the town for "resupply". Hell - even if you raided their homes, you'd probably only find a small amount - that cave is likely where they keep the big stash, and likely where they're headed."
"If we have our cover protection in the form of archers arrayed properly in discrete positions, our melee fighters hidden with stealth to close the gap - our spellcasters within range but in safety - we can then allow them to advance past the mid-point, use the range fighters to cause a panic with arrows - when they're confused and turn to flee all in a panic the melee fighters can swing out on each flank and cut them off, at the pass, mind you - and in the general fracas the spellcasters can use what vile sorcery they command to crush them from afar even as they attempt to discover what hit them so hard and fast," he adds.
Looking at the other members of the party, she focuses her gaze particularly on the Council representatives, "I confess that I do not possess experience in battle but I believe Mister Khromm is right. With his plan there is little chance that your military men will be injured from riding recklessly down a ravine and we can coordinate and concentrate on ensnaring the enemy between the different groups: archers, fighters and spellcasters. We form a mighty, impenetrable net around them. I support his stratagem."
Shaezon Silverfall |
Hey Team!
so we have 4 riders and a cavalier with Cavalry Formation teamwork feat that he can give them for a round so they can charge through each others spaces, but I haven't been able to come up with a single idea to use them that is even remotely useful.SO, anybody got any thoughts on what to do with our NPC's?
Wouldn't that allow them to effectively "ride over" each other to exit the cave? They would actually be in tight formation moving quickly, but by RAW they would be in the same square at the same time. They could get out a lot quicker.
Ka'etil Malas'rae |
yup, he feat would lt them get out the cave easily, but i dunno what sort of check would be needed to get down the hill...
but i dunno where else they could be hidden from view...
Dain GM |
Well - the other thing to consider is that though you can lead a horse inside the cave - you cannot ride a horse while inside the cave. The ceiling is not high enough for a rider to sit on top of the horse.
So you could lead the horse out at a walk, or in at a walk - then mount quickly, and charge down - but you won't be able to charge out, never mind the fact that having four riders pouring out the mouth of a cave, then riding all the way across the ravine - even if you could do it in 1 round - then it would be YOU who was at the bottleneck - as you could only field 5 riders against (at best) their fist 5 riders (assuming they spread out their 5 riders in a wide line). Then, the riders behind the 5 would have their move, along with the obviously harmless merchants in the back who in no way represent any type of threat whatsoever...
Best hope is on surprise round you skewer and kill first 5 riders with YOUR 5 riders - then it's Initiative - then you have to deal with the next group - assume you go first, kill THOSE 5 riders - then you have 2 more riders to deal with - not to mention the others in the robes - and all of it would be in a place where you could have all your men attack - but that is only useful if you can hit the enemy.
Any horse can make a "Stealth Check" - with all appropriate penalties - but it can be done.
Canyon/badlands are not normally an advantage to men on horses, though - open plains, open fields - yes. But narrow cliffs, broken ground, and uneven terrain - maybe not so much...
Just something to consider.
Think about your answers - tonight is formally round 1. I need to know where everyone, and where everyone is going by tonight... If you plan on changing your tactics, let me know... If you plan on staying where you are - let me know that, too.
Dain GM |
Ka'etil Malas'rae wrote:Wouldn't that allow them to effectively "ride over" each other to exit the cave? They would actually be in tight formation moving quickly, but by RAW they would be in the same square at the same time. They could get out a lot quicker.Hey Team!
so we have 4 riders and a cavalier with Cavalry Formation teamwork feat that he can give them for a round so they can charge through each others spaces, but I haven't been able to come up with a single idea to use them that is even remotely useful.SO, anybody got any thoughts on what to do with our NPC's?
Correct me if I'm wrong - while you are able to "move through" an allies space (including, in this case - ride through) - this does not allow you to simply "remain" in an allies space. In other words - you cannot have 4 riders all waiting on the same 10x10 grid - they could charge through or past each other - but they couldn't effectively just all wait in the same spot.
Though I could be wrong...
Dain GM |
Round 1
At this time the company of men is advancing at a rather leisurely pace.
You see that they are riding in two rows - the first eight men are the "bodyguard types" - two wide, four back....
Behind these are your two robed men -
Behind those are the other four bodyguard types, with the six pack horses trailing behind them.
Despite the relaxed pace - the riders in the front are keeping their eyes open -
I will need stealth checks from all at this time...
Kae, you are free to roll your men as well
Shaezon - you are free to roll Galen at this time
Isani - if you would like you can roll the stealth checks for Arasmes and Laz...
Khromm will make his stealth check at this time, too - remember, depending on where you are hiding - you WILL gain bonus's - at this time, though - I am not entirely sure where everyone is hiding...
Khromm's Stealth Check -
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
Arasmes ibn'Fayad |
My apologies for my absence. These last couple weeks have been absolutely insane for me. Unfortunately I'm not sure how much better it will get over the coming week or two but I'll do my best. NPC me if you need to move things along and I haven't posted. Here are links to my sheets if needed. Arasmes, Caliphana, Lazurien. As of now, Laz will be hiding up on the cliffs with her bow ready to loose at the two leaders. FYI with manyshot her first shot actually fires two arrows so if the first shot hits it does damage twice and all attacks add 1d6 fire. Arasmes will have cast Unfetter on Caliphana, allowing her to move away from him if need arises and as she can fly she can go wherever she is needed and all her attacks have 1d6 acid damage added. Also added a section for when she is Enlarged on her sheet. Arasmes will start off by casting Slow DC 18 on the enemy party before casting haste on us or enlarging Caliphana.
Sir Garith Mordrand |
Kae is hiding him at ar/as:33/34 Stealth
1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19
Konur stealth
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
unless someone suggests something else...
I guess cluster the horses behind the pillar
Before taking our places, Garith asks, "Lord Magi, My men and I are not well suited for Stealth, so are there any among you that can attempt to shield the sound of our clanking armor with some sort of illusion? I would have asked earlier, but I did not know what the nature of our surroundings here would be."
1d20 - 6 ⇒ (19) - 6 = 13
1d20 - 3 ⇒ (16) - 3 = 13
1d20 - 3 ⇒ (14) - 3 = 11
1d20 - 3 ⇒ (14) - 3 = 11
1d20 - 3 ⇒ (14) - 3 = 11
They are totally in cover hiding behind the pillar, and if there's some sort of natural illusionary sound, it may conceal the sounds of the riders. They also have not donned their shields, so they don't have the ACP, because it's harder to sit quietly with a shield on your arm than on your back... but they can don them on their move action while they get in position for their charges in round 1.
The horses have a +4 to stealth compared to the rider's -5
Ka'etil Malas'rae |
workin on Raz and Co stuff, unless somebody beats me to the punch. Also i'd suggest waiting till they take the turn left or right before we attack them.
What are the ranges the casters can hit the enemy with spells, cause i can't really tell...
--If they go left, then when the front rider crosses the line from ap33 to ah41, which is just before they get Line of sight on Kae.
--If they go right, then Once the Robed rider passes the line from ap40 to as/49. Nobody gets new Line of sight.
Unless Shae can't hit them from that far, in which case, whenever he can nail em with a fireball. or something. lets hear what he says?
waiph |
Cali stealth
1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20
at ad:49 where she can pounce whichever direction they go...
Raz stealth
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
prone on the center pillar at aa:46, hiding behind an outcroping, looking over the edge.
Laz stealth
1d20 + 15 ⇒ (3) + 15 = 18
at af:75 where she has the right side covered to shoot. as Shae's got the left side...
Dain GM |
Riders don't seem to notice anything out of the ordinary at this time - they are still moving in two line - two men each - and are now rounding the right side of the pillar.
This makes sense, you'd gather - as the right side of the canyon has a gradual incline - whereas the left side is much steeper, even though it is a shorter route.
Just say when... The riders are all currently moving in a row - at this rate - you should be able to attack when the first riders past the corner. The riders are spread out sort of casually - as I suggested, they're riding "easy" - this means that the first riders that hit AJ:56, the next riders pop up at -
AN:54 , and AO: 54, respectively - and so on.
You should have a pretty good bite on the first two riders, though... But if you wait longer, they WILL see you...
Isani Isu |
From the map it seems there is a place around Z44 where Isani could safely tether Sadiki and he would have some cover from the enemy riders. She will try to command the horse to "sit" and as she has no ranks in Handle Animal, she will undertake a Charisma check to "persuade" the creature (with gentle, soothing sounds/words) to lower onto the ground and not draw attention.
Handle Animal via Charisma check to get Sadiki onto the ground (DC15): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
She asks for everyone to gather close to her (within 50ft) and calling upon the grace and protection of the Everlight she casts Bless (The caster and each ally gain a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects. Lasts 3 mins).
The above was undertaken before Isani climbed, with Khromm's assistance, to her current hiding place behind the ledge at Z:49/50.
Isani's stealth: 1d20 ⇒ 17
Sadiki's stealth: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Posting is a little difficult for me at present, so my apologies. I will try to get on the boards whenever I can, but if I am slower to post, it's just how it has to be for the moment. House project is kicking my butt and taking up a lot of my time.
Dain GM |
No worries - we're all just waiting for Kae to tell me what his plan is for when the enemies round the bend - then, as it was implied - the festivities commence!
Khomm says "If your house vexes you further, Khromm himself shall smash the building all to splinters and salt the earth beneath! None shall dare create chaos for one of Khromm's companions - unless the chaos comes from Khromm alone!" Grr.. Stupid house, AND stupider painters!
Oh yes - Khromm often speaks in "Third Person" - it's much more dramatic...
Ka'etil Malas'rae |
OK, i'm really sorry, i was out at dinner and just got back, but i really don't get where the riders are right now AJ:56, and someone at AN:54 and AO:54... do we see the pack animals or the men in robes?
sorry i'm jsut not sure exactly what's going on out there...
Dain GM |
OK, i'm really sorry, i was out at dinner and just got back, but i really don't get where the riders are right now AJ:56, and someone at AN:54 and AO:54... do we see the pack animals or the men in robes?
sorry i'm jsut not sure exactly what's going on out there...
You are aware of the riders gradual push into the canyons.
You believe they cannot see you.
You know the riders are riding next to each other - two riders right next to each other, the next two riders are 10 feet back, and so on.
You know what there are 12 riders before the robed men.
You know there are are 8 riders AFTER the robed men.
You know that, based on these calculations - the first men who are close enough to be able to see you fully will be at the position of AJ 56.
Once they get to that point on the map - they will be able to see your men, you cannot hide from them at that point, because there will be nowhere to hide.
You also are aware that - by these calculations - the robed men will be 130 feet back from the front two men who will spot you.
You also are aware of the fact that the robed men, and the men behind them, and perhaps in front of them will be under cover from most of your range weapons; as the canyon walls twist and turn between them and your current position.
You also can assume that when you make your first move - backup will come up hard and fast... though that is an assumption - it seems like a reasonable one.
So - the riders are approaching - you have the men there - you can move first, or let them move closer - or pretty much do whatever you want to do. Just tell me your plan, and I'll do what I can to make it happen...
When I come home from work tomorrow - we'll start officially - let me know your plans by then everyone. Thanks!
Dain GM |
Okay - as your men are waiting behind the pillar the forward scouts canter up around the rock and the two men on point see you!
1. The first two men are stunned to see your company of four riders standing there, sitting on their horses - they draw their weapons even as they come around the corner!
2. I need everyone to roll Initiative at this time - the chance for an ambush is gone - but you still have the chance to go first - and those who are hidden may still have an ace to play.
3. Finally - the enemy riders on point take a moment to use a free action when they see Kae's riders, which can be noted here -
Dain GM |
Khromm - seeing that no one has done anything - rolls his initiative - as do the enemy riders -
Khromm -
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Enemy Riders Initiative (so far, only the "bodyguard types" - you cannot see, and do not know - what the robed men are doing at this time)....
Enemy Riders -
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Dain GM |
Ras - will you be striking first - or waiting for Kae and his men to move first? Remember - at this time you believe you are still currently hidden (though that depends on if Caliphana has been "Enlarged" - and if either she or Laz or flying, that will probably give you away, too).
So far Laz is going first, followed by Caliphana - then, we'll see what happens next...
Ka'etil Malas'rae |
what i was writing this morning before s$+# IRL got in the way was something like this. lol, i guess...
Garith signals to two riders to move around the right side of the pillar, and he goes with the others around toward Kae's location.
One rider moves out to: r/s:59/60
and another next to him to: r/s:57/58
Garith moves with the others to
All riders don their shields
I'd like to be able to move the NPC's on the same init, for convenience sake. Garith can either go with them, or on his own
dain: what squares are the enemies in now?
Sir Garith Mordrand |
Delays till his troops init
scratch the previous bit. can i instead Ready an action to charge when the enemy gets to t:56 and use ride-by attack to hit him with lance and move to m/n:60/61 ?
waiph |
R/Laz'Cali are you playing your characters? also I shouldn't NPC them, as i clearly can't keep up with this game right now, so...
rides to: AG/ah : 34/35
and shoots someone, but i don't really know who's there to shoot so
1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 7 + 1 = 13 against flat-footed AC as they have yet to act
1d8 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Lazurien |
I'm playing them for now. I meant that if you guys need to move on and I haven't gone in a while go ahead and npc me. Thanks for offering though and if I haven't gone definitely go for me. :-)
Lazurien will pop up from where she is crouched behind her wall at the others shouts and start sending arrows down field. The sheer speed of her archery is astounding. If she can see the robed leaders then she will shoot for them seeking to drop one before moving to the other. If she cannot see them, then she will shoot whomever she can see among the guards.
Attack 1 (Manyshot: 2 arrows, if first hits then both hit)
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28
1d8 + 14 + 1d6 ⇒ (3) + 14 + (4) = 21
1d8 + 14 + 1d6 ⇒ (1) + 14 + (1) = 16
Attack 2
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12
1d8 + 14 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + 14 + (3) = 21
Attack 3
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
1d8 + 14 + 1d6 ⇒ (5) + 14 + (1) = 20
Arasmes ibn'Fayad |
Caliphana is not currently enlarged for the very reason that it would be difficult to hide her lol. Caliphana will wait for Arasmes command before moving to attack wherever she is needed.
Arasmes will arise from behind his wall and cast Glitterdust down upon the main group.
Glitterdust -40 to stealth and DC 18 will to resist the blinding effect and they gain a new save at the end of every round after the first to negate the blinding effect.
Dain GM |
I'm playing them for now. I meant that if you guys need to move on and I haven't gone in a while go ahead and npc me. Thanks for offering though and if I haven't gone definitely go for me. :-)
Lazurien will pop up from where she is crouched behind her wall at the others shouts and start sending arrows down field. The sheer speed of her archery is astounding. If she can see the robed leaders then she will shoot for them seeking to drop one before moving to the other. If she cannot see them, then she will shoot whomever she can see among the guards.
Attack 1 (Manyshot: 2 arrows, if first hits then both hit)
Attack 2
Attack 3
Two quick questions -
1. You rolled three attack rolls, but four damage rolls. Am I missing something there, or is that not correct? Until I understand that more - I won't be able to know if you dropped your man, or not - and that will effect coordinates. At this time - you still only see a few guards men; the robed men are not seen yet.
2. Also - you had Arasmes cast "slow" on the enemy party. What part of that do you wish to utilize it on - that is to say - are you going against just riders, horse and rider, or just horses? In either case - you probably will not be able to hit your enemy with the spell - based on their current position - they are out of range. For now, I assume you are holding action?
Dain GM |
Caliphana is not currently enlarged for the very reason that it would be difficult to hide her lol. Caliphana will wait for Arasmes command before moving to attack wherever she is needed.
Arasmes will arise from behind his wall and cast Glitterdust down upon the main group.
Glitterdust -40 to stealth and DC 18 will to resist the blinding effect and they gain a new save at the end of every round after the first to negate the blinding effect.
Hmm... Okay - I thought you were casting Slow - in this case - it's Glitterdust - but the enemy party has now split up into two parts - more on that soon, though... Needless to say - what group would you prefer to cast on? The left or right group?
Dain GM |
Okay - let's just keep it simple -
Everyone - please toss up your current coordinates. I need to know, formally - where everyone currently is - then we can move from there.
As of now - Garith and his men are readying a charge - Laz has fired three arrows, and done some damage I am a bit confused on - (please Clarify the extra damage Laz, thank you) and the enemy has not all entered the canyon yet.
The enemy has broken into two groups and are now riding around the pillar - two riders one side, two on the other side, and two more are just riding into the canyon entrance...
1. Please tell me your coordinates at this time - there seems to be some confusion, and I want everything cleared up quickly - this battle is pretty short and sweet - it shouldn't take you long to mop these guys up, once we all know where we are..
Shaezon Silverfall |
Shaezon will cast Summon Monster III to summon an celestial soldier ant in the midst of the group.
In a flash of dirt and sparkle of summoning magic a giant golden flecked ant appears in the midsts of the riders. (I'm not entirely sure of what the map looks like. Please help me out with intelligent positioning please.)
Mister holds his action. We have a plan for next round.
The ant attacks the nearest man with it's stinger 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 211d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 + poison if he hits.
Giant Ant
CR 2
XP --
N Medium celestial/fiendish vermin
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent; Perception +5
AC 15, touch 10, flat-footed 15 (+5 natural)
hp 18 [22] (2d8+9) [2d8+13]
Fort +6 [+8], Ref +0, Will +1
Immune mind-affecting effects
SR 7
Celestial - Resist Acid, Cold, and Electricity 5
Fiendish - Resist Cold and Fire 5
Speed 50 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee bite +3 [+5] (1d6+2 [1d6+4] plus grab), sting +3 [+5] (1d4+2 [1d4+4] plus poison)
Special Attack Smite evil/good
Str 14 [18], Dex 10, Con 17 [21], Int —, Wis 13, Cha 11
Base Atk +1; CMB +3 [+5] (+7 [+9] vs grapple); CMD 13 [15] (21 [23] vs trip)
Feats ToughnessB
Skills Climb +10, Perception +5, Survival +5
Poison (Ex)
Sting—injury; save Fort DC 12 [13]; frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1d2 Str; cure 1 save
Smite evil/good
1/day as a swift action (adds CHA bonus (+0) to attack rolls and damage bonus equal to HD (+2) against evil/good foes; smite persists until target is dead or the celestial/fiendish creature rests).
Shaezon Silverfall |
Galen similarly summons a celestial fire beetle into the horses near the back. The idea being to spook the horses to run into the canyon.
The beetle attempts to bite the nearest man 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 51d4 ⇒ 1
Fire Beetle CR 1/3
XP --
N Small celestial/fiendish vermin
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0
AC 12, touch 11, flat-footed 12 (+1 natural, +1 size)
hp 4 [6] (1d8) [1d8+2]
Fort +2 [+4], Ref +0, Will +0
SR 5
Celestial - Resist Acid, Cold, and Electricity 5
Fiendish - Resist Cold and Fire 5
Immune mind-affecting effects
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (poor)
Melee bite +1 [+3] (1d4 [1d4+2])
Special Attacks Smite evil/good
Str 10 [14], Dex 11, Con 11 [15], Int —, Wis 10, Cha 7
Base Atk +0; CMB -1 [+1]; CMD 9 [11] (17 [19] vs. trip)
Skills Fly +2
SQ luminescence
Luminescence (Ex) A fire beetle's glowing glands provide light in a 10-foot radius. A dead fire beetle's luminescent glands continue to glow for 1d6 days after its death.
Smite evil/good 1/day as a swift action (adds CHA bonus (+0) to attack rolls and damage bonus equal to HD (+1) against evil/good foes; smite persists until target is dead or the celestial/fiendish creature rests).
Dain GM |
Shaezon will cast Summon Monster III to summon an celestial soldier ant in the midst of the group.
In a flash of dirt and sparkle of summoning magic a giant golden flecked ant appears in the midsts of the riders. (I'm not entirely sure of what the map looks like. Please help me out with intelligent positioning please.)
Mister holds his action. We have a plan for next round.
The ant attacks the nearest man with it's stinger 1d20+3;1d4+2 + poison if he hits.
** spoiler omitted **
For now - as soon as I know everyone's coordinates - I'm going to toss them on Map Tools - including bag guys, then make a new map and post that one with you and bad guys - I just need to know positions on everyone - then we can go from there.
Remember, also - Galen is going (probably) last - his Ini is 6. But you are all currently at L26 for now, roughly 100 feet off the ground - and somewhat far back from the enemy position. Will you be able to hit them with range from there?
Shaezon Silverfall |
Shaezon Silverfall wrote:Shaezon will cast Summon Monster III to summon an celestial soldier ant in the midst of the group.
In a flash of dirt and sparkle of summoning magic a giant golden flecked ant appears in the midsts of the riders. (I'm not entirely sure of what the map looks like. Please help me out with intelligent positioning please.)
Mister holds his action. We have a plan for next round.
The ant attacks the nearest man with it's stinger 1d20+3;1d4+2 + poison if he hits.
** spoiler omitted **
For now - as soon as I know everyone's coordinates - I'm going to toss them on Map Tools - including bag guys, then make a new map and post that one with you and bad guys - I just need to know positions on everyone - then we can go from there.
Remember, also - Galen is going (probably) last - his Ini is 6. But you are all currently at L26 for now, roughly 100 feet off the ground - and somewhat far back from the enemy position. Will you be able to hit them with range from there?
Didn't realize it was that far. Don't hardly have that range on Summon monster. Disregard. I'll think of something better.
Arasmes ibn'Fayad |
Lazurien's first shot is a manyshot which means it fires two arrows using one attack roll. If that attack roll hits both arrows hit and do damage.
Arasmes was going to cast slow but I think they are out of range as slow is a close ranged spell (only 25' plus 5' per level so 55') and I think they are outside that range. Glitterdust is kind of the only thing he can do right now since it is a medium range spell. 100'+5' per lvl
Dain GM |
Lazurien's first shot is a manyshot which means it fires two arrows using one attack roll. If that attack roll hits both arrows hit and do damage.
Arasmes was going to cast slow but I think they are out of range as slow is a close ranged spell (only 25' plus 5' per level so 55') and I think they are outside that range. Glitterdust is kind of the only thing he can do right now since it is a medium range spell. 100'+5' per lvl
Right - but you still rolled 4x times for damage. I know you have 3 attacks (including many shot) - so, if I'm reading it right -
You roll two attacks only - as you are now second level.
If your first attack hits - then it counts as 2 shots against the same target - if it misses, then you miss.
Where I was getting confused is why you have a third attack? I know you get two shots for attack 1 for many shot, and a second attack for being level 6 fighter type - but other then that - I am still a little confused...
Also - where specifically is Arasmes and Caliphana at this time?
Dain GM |
Isani is at Z: 49/50.
Thank you very much :)
I am going to slow this combat down a bit - give everyone a moment to figure out where they want to be formally - then go from there - same initiatives, though. But you will have some time to figure out where you want to be... Looks like at least an hour or two...
Dain GM |
R/Laz'Cali are you playing your characters? also I shouldn't NPC them, as i clearly can't keep up with this game right now, so...
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It's okay Waiph, if you need some time - let me know. Real life does take precedence - and this combat is a bit snarly. If everyone needs me to slow down a bit and resend the map - I can do that, when I know where everyone prefers to be on it formally.