Dain GM |

don't think Raz has acted this round yet...
How bout Glitterdust on the two new riders. DC 19 will-save or else they are blinded!
I'll do that, sure - but; that's if Arasmes doesn't want to act himself :)
Meanwhile - I'm going to give Ras until after work tomorrow; if he hasn't posted anything - you're good!

Dain GM |

well, Kae's in threat range at least. pitty Konur can't attack.
How bout the horses reflex saves? they are in the target area. ;}
Ah - touche'!
Though of course - dead horses earn no gold! ;)
Horse 1 Reflex -
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
Horse 2 Reflex -
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Especially one's who roll so well.... which is very lucky... Heh heh...

Shaezon Silverfall |

Shaezon Silverfall wrote:Fire beetle attempts to flank with Kae and bite the guy in AB37
Bite 1d20+3;1d4 (added flanking bonus, but if he can't flank then subtract 2 from the bite)
Celestial leopard pounces on the guy in AB39
Melee bite 1d20+6;1d6+3
claw1 1d6+6;1d3+3
claw2 1d6+6;1d3+3rake Claw 1 1d6+6;1d3+3
Rake Claw 2 1d6+6;1d3+3Essentially the leopard just jumped on the guy and went to town with all of his pointy bits.
How far is the cliffside from AB37? Shae may cast a spell depending on that.
Shae - before I get those attacks worded in - can I have the position of your summoned animal? That will matter for when their chance to flank - and if you are able to pounce - and so on.
Remember also - you are 40 feet up from the men above you.
I can summon at a distance of 40 feet, so Shae's leopard appears at the base of the plateau.
The leopard then charges (aka Pounces) on AI24.
Galen doesn't have the distance I do so his beetle appears somewhere around S22 then spends it's round getting into position, probably charging.
Also, are those guys around AH24 trying to get up to where we are?
Edit: Since I now know who's the enemy and who's not Shae would have had to moved to P25 last round to cast his spell in the right place. Summoned monsters would have appeared and attacked at the end of last round giving Galen and I this round to act.

Dain GM |

For this round their doesn't appear to be any spell with the range I need, so Shaezon pulls out his bow and fires at the guy at AF25 (if he's in Melee Shae picks one of the guys who isn't)
Bow 1d20+5;1d6
Regarding Height Index -
The ledge you are on is 75 feet higher then the ledge the enemy is on (though they are able to ride around you). How will the height effect your Summoned Monster? Also - remember - at least one guy below is coated in oil...
Also remember - to hit that guy with your bow - you'd need to take a 30 foot move to move yourself to the edge of the ledge. I have done so for you - and now placed you at Q:26.
I know - this map was a mistake - the layers are confusing - especially in play-by-post - but, we'll get through it - and then move on to something more basic and relaxed. Remember - this is only a quick side quest - you'll be done soon.
Meanwhile - while Galen doesn't mind your theory - in theory - ut he seems to be working with a basic strategy already.
He knows that his recently Summoned Celestial Fire Beetle is not range to hit - but, he doesn't seem to care. The Fire Beetle Bamf's about 40 feet above the riders - but, as the Fire Beetle can Fly - it is using its poor flight abilities to fly down and strike the very same creature your arrow hit!
Fly Check to avoid falling damage -
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
He is going to then fly with a double move and attack -
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
IF he hits
1d4 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Other then that - Galen is holding action - and watching what happens next...

Dain GM |

Um - okay - so - Galen hit the same guy you hit - apparently for some damage - and your leopard is ready to be Bamfed in wherever you want him to be. Just let me know... After he appears - he can do full damage one of the guys - or - if you prefer - he can just LAND on one of the guys - take the falling damage - and then do a full attack next round even as the guy is hit by a heavy object from above. Crude - but effective... After all - how heavy IS a leopard for purposes of falling damage on a villain?
While I'm at it - what is average airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Shaezon Silverfall |

Um - okay - so - Galen hit the same guy you hit - apparently for some damage - and your leopard is ready to be Bamfed in wherever you want him to be. Just let me know... After he appears - he can do full damage one of the guys - or - if you prefer - he can just LAND on one of the guys - take the falling damage - and then do a full attack next round even as the guy is hit by a heavy object from above. Crude - but effective... After all - how heavy IS a leopard for purposes of falling damage on a villain?
While I'm at it - what is average airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
I moved 30 feet last round to get into position (move). Then started casting Summon monster 3 (standard). It appeared at the end of last round just before my turn this round. This round I fired my bow. If you want to swap around the order that's fine, but leopard and bow. Also if leopard takes falling damage that's fine so long as it's onto one of the enemies. He's a summoned creature after all. ;-)

Dain GM |

Sounds goo to me - question is - how much does it weigh via falling damage? I mean to say - if you dropped the leopard on an enemy - how much damage would/should the enemy suffer?
Anyone know the answer to this? There has to be charts for damage for being crushed under a boulder - so - it should be easy to find - the weight, and give him a reflex save for half - or something like that.
Then - on the round after - he could attack.
I just need to know the damage, and save - if any.

imimrtl |

Shaezon Silverfall |

Sounds goo to me - question is - how much does it weigh via falling damage? I mean to say - if you dropped the leopard on an enemy - how much damage would/should the enemy suffer?
Anyone know the answer to this? There has to be charts for damage for being crushed under a boulder - so - it should be easy to find - the weight, and give him a reflex save for half - or something like that.
Then - on the round after - he could attack.
I just need to know the damage, and save - if any.
My suggestion would be the same amount of falling damage the leopard takes would be the same amount it does to the person he falls on.
1d6 per ten feet minus the first ten. However, an acrobatics check DC 15 reduces the falling damage for the first then that they would take damage (10-20 feet) and converts the rest to nonlethal damage.
Leopard acrobatics 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

Ka'etil Malas'rae |

An object does 1d6 for every 10 feet it falls over 20 feet, and does an additional 1d6 damage for every 200 pounds it weighs, while taking 1d6 damage for every 10 feet it falls.
Dropping an object on a creature requires a ranged touch attack. Such attacks generally have a range increment of 20 feet. If an object falls on a creature (instead of being thrown), that creature can make a DC 15 Reflex save to halve the damage if he is aware of the object. Falling objects that are part of a trap use the trap rules instead of these general guidelines
leopard falls at least 40 ft, dealing at least 2d6, more if it was summoned higher, gets a save to lessen the damage it takes, and because it pops into existence and lands on the target without warning, no save. Instead, it drops and deals at least 2d6... i think

imimrtl |

Back in 3.0 when shapechange used to allow you to shapechange into any object of less than something like 300 feet. We were attacking a castle and I changed into a 300 foot cube of adamantine and dropped on the wall. Ah what a different time it was lol.

Dain GM |

An object does 1d6 for every 10 feet it falls over 20 feet, and does an additional 1d6 damage for every 200 pounds it weighs, while taking 1d6 damage for every 10 feet it falls.
Dropping an object on a creature requires a ranged touch attack. Such attacks generally have a range increment of 20 feet. If an object falls on a creature (instead of being thrown), that creature can make a DC 15 Reflex save to halve the damage if he is aware of the object. Falling objects that are part of a trap use the trap rules instead of these general guidelines
leopard falls at least 40 ft, dealing at least 2d6, more if it was summoned higher, gets a save to lessen the damage it takes, and because it pops into existence and lands on the target without warning, no save. Instead, it drops and deals at least 2d6... i think
The enemy will suffer 1d6 for every 10 feet for falling over twenty feet (i.e. 2d6) - 1d6 for every 200 pounds (the creature is about 401 lbs...) - which means the total would be 4d6.
Falling Damage
4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 1, 3) = 13
Well - the guy only takes 7 HP damage - and next round the leopard can attack!
Reflex Save For Half Damage - according to Kae - DC is 15... Yes they can attempt to evade as they are not flat footed.
Reflex Save
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

Dain GM |

Back in 3.0 when shapechange used to allow you to shapechange into any object of less than something like 300 feet. We were attacking a castle and I changed into a 300 foot cube of adamantine and dropped on the wall. Ah what a different time it was lol.
Yes - those were the days! When a Rogue with Evasion can make a successful Check to get half damage from falling 200 feet from the air (roughly - 19d6 damage) - and if he made the check - with Evasion - he suffered no damage at all.
Pizza and caffeine were bountiful - and I remember the little things; 6 hours of prep time to fight a dragon who's CR was 2 levels lower then the party - because the dragon was a wyrmling and we thought the mayor said "Great Wyrm" and were desperately trying to figure out how we could win. Or rolling 37 natural 20's out of 50 - (37! Yeah - I rolled 37 Nat 20's! - In a row?). Or the massive barbaric battles of Conan - which were always artfully eclipsed by Savior Faire! Or perhaps a belabored GM who spent over seven hours of his time creating a gi-normous battle between stalwart party and a evil demon - only to have the battle end in less then one round due to an unexpected spell...
Yes - what a time it was to be alive.
But - those times are past - which brings me to Isani's question next...

Dain GM |

I'm presuming you have had Isani 'hold action' this entire time as I have not seen her npc'd during my absence. Is this correct?
Not at all - my good sultana!
Rather -
round 1 you cast bless
round 2 you cast "haste"
round 3 we descended into nonsense - quoting Monty Python and doing not much of anything - while the enemy is gathering their position - don't worry - they go soon - and so do you!
Like - now - if you'd like to :)

Dain GM |

Ah, Isani can't cast Haste -- that was Arasmes, I believe.
Yes - I believe that the group had you roll to "Perform: Saucy!" - it should please you to read that you got a natural 20 on this - but we didn't put it on the board - it was kind of inferred.
However - you can do something else instead - at this time, if you'd like.

Isani Isu |

Isani takes hold of her ankh and speaking the divine words to the blessed Everlight casts Spiritual Weapon and a weapon of force in the shape of a mighty scimitar (Sarenrae's favoured wepon!) appears and she directs it toward the rider on the left at (AL:45). (130 ft range, lasts for 3 rounds, starting from the round cast, and no saving throws. It strikes as a spell, not as a weapon, so for example, it can damage creatures that have damage reduction.
Magic Scimitar attack (1/3): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27
Force Damage, if hit: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

Isani Isu |

I believe that gets to confirm the crit as the Crit Multiplier is the same as an ordinary scimitar -- 18-20x2. The weapon takes the shape of a weapon favored by your deity or a weapon with some spiritual significance or symbolism to you (see below) and has the same threat range and critical multipliers as a real weapon of its form.

Dain GM |

Hey - you still 13 to that bum! Not bad at all!
So - bad guy's are up - but I already slipped off asleep once tonight - so I have to go - 72 minutes of sleep in a period of 42 hours is NOT good for me!
Bad guys go first when I get home from work tomorrow - then, Khromm goes last. Let's see what happens next - whoo hoo!

Isani Isu |

Question regarding Spiritual Weapon for any in the know. In the description it says, Each round after the first, you can use a move action to redirect the weapon to a new target. If you do not, the weapon continues to attack the previous round's target. On any round that the weapon switches targets, it gets one attack. Subsequent rounds of attacking that target allow the weapon to make multiple attacks if your base attack bonus would allow it to. Okay, does that mean the number of attacks with this magic weapon equals my BAB (4) over the 3 rounds? Just clarifying so I know how many attacks/strikes I have with it in total.

Dain GM |

Question regarding Spiritual Weapon for any in the know. In the description it says, Each round after the first, you can use a move action to redirect the weapon to a new target. If you do not, the weapon continues to attack the previous round's target. On any round that the weapon switches targets, it gets one attack. Subsequent rounds of attacking that target allow the weapon to make multiple attacks if your base attack bonus would allow it to. Okay, does that mean the number of attacks with this magic weapon equals my BAB (4) over the 3 rounds? Just clarifying so I know how many attacks/strikes I have with it in total.
No - basically - this is a quick thing for combat.
When you have a BAB of 6, you get a second attack at +1.
So - in one round - if you make "Full attack" - you would get an attack at +6, +1. When your base attack went up again - you'd get more attacks - so, for example - let's say you were a level 12 Fighter - your BAB would be +12, but you'd have a Second attack at +7, AND you'd now have a third attack at +1. A level 12 fighter would - therefore - get 3 attacks at +12, +7, +1. Now - when your BAB hits +6, you would have a second attack at +1 - which is what that refers to.

Dain GM |

so Is ras dropping a glitterdust for blindness? or something else?
Sure - in which case - Arasmes can cast - and the enemy needs to make a Willpower Save to negate - I believe the DC is 18. Let's see what happens...
Bad guy Number 1 (wounded recently by Isani's blade)
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Bad guy Number 2
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
Hmm... looks like they're both blind!

Ka'etil Malas'rae |

he was targeting the new enemies that just entered in row AU, so those are the two that are blind now. and their horses too (if they don't save.) and the save is 19 (because of Spell focus-Conjuration)
so the ones on Kae are not blind, but the ones at the bottom of the screen are

Dain GM |

he was targeting the new enemies that just entered in row AU, so those are the two that are blind now. and their horses too (if they don't save.) and the save is 19 (because of Spell focus-Conjuration)
so the ones on Kae are not blind, but the ones at the bottom of the screen are
Alright Kae - that's fine. But - I am now going to have to redo the coding - unfortunately. So it may take me a little bit - I just finished up 20 minutes of coding for this fight I now have to re-do - so, please be patient - the new stuff will be up in a moment.

Dain GM |

Okay – new coding sequence is being put up now.
Okay – bad guys
The guys on the level “AU” will have to have their horses make “Willpower Saves” – which they shall now do, or be blinded.
Horse 1
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Horse 2
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
The bad guys on the left side of the map are now doing “accelerated climbing” – so they can move half their movement speed – rather then one quarter.
If they succeed – they will have traveled 15 feet off the level that the leopard is at – and ten feet above the ground. Also – they are on the left side of the large pillar which Shaezon and Galen are at – this means that, unless a rider or another type of character – can get across the lowest part of the valley – climb up the ten feet of rock - these guys have 100% cover from anything on the map – except for Shaezon and Galen.
I should note – the summon creatures may be able to “reach” these guys – if they can reach something 15 feet off the ground (I believe they would need a 10 foot reach – however).
This is a bit complicated because on the map – you will not really notice the “Height” of these three guys – I will just give you updates.
They will need a ”20” to do this – or higher.
Guy 1’s Accelerated Climbing
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16
Guy 2’s Accelerated Climbing
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25
Guy 3’s Accelerated Climbing
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30
Next – the riders – knowing they are blinded – are not happy with this – but are still using their Rapid Shot on the backup on the map; and are not currently moving.
Guy Number 1 is attacking Kae’s man at AK:37
Ride Check to guide with knees –
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
Attack 1
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24
Damage IF hit
1d8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Chance at missing target: 1-50 Misses and 51 -100 Hits
1d100 ⇒ 86
Attack 2
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12
Damage IF hit
1d8 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 2 + 1 = 7
Chance at missing target: 1-50 Misses and 51 -100 Hits
1d100 ⇒ 33
-- Second Rider –
Guy Number 2 is attacking Kae’s man at AI:37
Ride Check to guide with knees –
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
Attack 1
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
Damage IF hit
1d8 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Chance at missing target: 1-50 Misses and 51 -100 Hits
1d100 ⇒ 18
Attack 2
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14
Damage IF hit
1d8 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Chance at missing target: 1-50 Misses and 51 -100 Hits
1d100 ⇒ 14
Okay – next set of guys – now on Kae himself
Seeing what has happened – and knowing you are 5 feet or more from them; though with a lance which would give you reach – the man at AL:45 is accepting your Attack of Opportunity – and urging his horse to move forward and assist him in attacking you. He is then using his Bow in Close Range - and would normally accept another AoO – but you don’t have Combat Reflexes.
As he has the reach to hit you – but, only if he moves the five foot step – he is able to use Rapid Shot as a full attack action, and have his horse attack as well.
So – he will need to make a ride check to do that; then attack. He is also in range to get Point Blank Shot.
Ride Check to order horse to attack –
1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30
Rapid Shot 1
1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 9 + 1 = 23
Damage IF hit
1d8 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 2 + 1 = 11
Rapid Shot 2
1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 9 + 1 = 24
Damage IF hit
1d8 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 2 + 1 = 5
Horse attacks Kae – he has moved 5 feet – and can now use his full attack.
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Damage – if hit
1d4 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Hoof 1
1d20 ⇒ 15
Damage – if hit
1d6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Hoof 2
1d20 ⇒ 2
Damage – if hit
1d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Next –
Guy Number 2 – slightly to the right of Guy number 1 – has seen what happens – and is deciding to also use Rapid Shot; and not move his horse.
He is deciding to attack AK:37 - who was already hit - and so he does not fire into combat with his ally on Kae.
Ride Check to guide with knees –
1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18
Rapid Shot 1
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12
Damage IF hit
1d8 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Rapid Shot 2
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25
Damage IF hit
1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Okay - so - two guys have now made it up 15 feet of rock - the other guy is on the ground with the leopard.
Kae – taken 16 points of damage this round - but thanks to Damage Reduction - you are actually only lost 14 more. I am having trouble finding my notes on your exact HP total at this time.
Good guy at AK:37 – 13 - Unlike Garith this man had 13 HP only - he is now dead. However - formally hired NPC's like Garith and Galen can drop to negative Con - as per usual.
Good guy AI:39 – Not been hit.
Okay – now – finally – a NEW guy has just shown up on the scene… He is one of the men in robes – and he is now on the map; though he has not acted – it seems he just arrived! Check your email for new details…
Okay – who’s next?

Ka'etil Malas'rae |

Can Konur make an AoO on he rider adjacent to Kae?
and who can Kae AoO? He's got reach so he can hit someone 10 ft away, and Improved Unarmed Strike, so he can AoO someone within 5 ft, but i'm not sure who exactly moved where, and what riders i can attack...

Dain GM |

Ah - sorry - you should be able to make your AoO against the rider at AL:45.
To even do that - and any other action - naturally I need your ride check (5 to guide with knees so YOU can attack).
Konor can attempt his AoO - but he only gets his one attack, as usual. But before he can do THAT -you must make ANOTHER ride check - (free action) to make him actually attack when YOU attack.
Also - what is your current HP? If you like - I can go check it out myself - but I am kind of multi-tasking - but, no worries - I'll go look.

Dain GM |

Also - while reading this over - I noticed that Arasmes has casted Glitterudst - however - he would not have been able to do that - as he does not go before the bad guys - but after.
However - as this blind effect did not make a difference to their damage/attack anyway - no worries. But Raz has acted before the bad guys - and out of order. That means Raz won't get his next attack until AFTER the bad guys go again - because Shaezon attacked - Kae did his lightening bolt - and then the bad guys.
That said - I'm still looking for Kae's HP - so - hang on...

Ka'etil Malas'rae |

ride check
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
1d20 + 8 - 2 + 1 + 2 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 8 - 2 + 1 + 2 + 3 = 24
for 1d4 + 3 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 3 + 3 + 2 = 9
ride check
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Konur attack
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
for 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
i have 49 written there...