For Those About to Rock (Inactive)

Game Master Æroden

Don't you know that you are a shooting star?

Unfortunately unavoidable OOC post for dotting purposes

M Human Mageknight 6//Incanter 6

Checking in! Here's our angry pirate organist. Still need to remember to pick spells, but should know his way around an accordion.

Dotting for the roughest toughest bagpiper

Today's Spells:
Cantrips: Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Message, Prestidigitation
Male Human (Mixed Kellid/Ulfen) Wizard {Scroll Scholar} (Universalist)/4 HP 20/20, Init +1, Per +0, AC 15*(11)/ t11/ ff 14*(10), F 2, R 2, W 3


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