Fez's Hell's Vengeance (Inactive)

Game Master Nathan Hartshorn


Cimri Staelish

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"Perhaps I could help. I have some skill with all manner of injury" Penance said as he followed the others into the little building.

Heal: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23

M Halfling Oracle2,Init+3,F3R4W4(6Fear),Per4,AC16T14T13

I can lend some assistance as well

Heal: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

*low whistle* This is probably the best care these people have ever been in.

Heal: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19

Despite the doctor's experience and advanced supplies both Penance and Trevor are able to outpace her in examining and binding the wounds of the criminals. Gerya binds ribs and wraps cuts and scrapes on heads and arms from the fall, regularly checking for signs of concussion. While she's working she asks again, "How did this happen? It looks like they were hugged by bears, and they have the ribs to prove it!"

Male Tiefling

Not knowledgeable in plant creatures, Vokrin can not give any information about what had just attacked them. His purview was demons, magical beasts, or creatures from below and above. Of course he also was helping drag roped up people to jail cells, but that was beside the point. Let those with healing skill do that, and those with strength and intimidation deal with miscreants.

M Halfling Oracle2,Init+3,F3R4W4(6Fear),Per4,AC16T14T13

It seems that some sort of creature had invaded the spot these youths were in and attacked when they wandered into it's grasp.

Gerya gasps, then glances around to make sure she isn't disturbing others in her home, "That's horrible. I assume you've all taken care of it? Were there any more hurt? Or worse?"

LE Steelbood2 l hp19/20 l Spd20 l Init +0, F +5, R +0, W +2 l AC16, T10, FF16 l CMD15 CMB +6 l
6/8 l Attack +8 (2d6+7) l F +7, Ref +0, W +4 l AC14, T8, FF14 l CMD17 CMB +8

"The monster--some sort of plant-creature with many long, strong vines for limbs--attacked, choking out several of them before we destroyed it." Out of consideration for Cimri's image and reputation she doesn't mention that their companion was also felled by it. Better if everyone considers them unbeatable, at least in this town.

"That's terrible." Gerya finishes wrapping torsos and limbs, taking a seat on the floor. "All done. I'd prefer that they stay here until they're healed, but I take it that's not what you'd like."

LE Steelbood2 l hp19/20 l Spd20 l Init +0, F +5, R +0, W +2 l AC16, T10, FF16 l CMD15 CMB +6 l
6/8 l Attack +8 (2d6+7) l F +7, Ref +0, W +4 l AC14, T8, FF14 l CMD17 CMB +8

Rurisa shakes her head. "Those two can stay here, provided we get their information first. The blond attacked Cimri, he's spending the night in the jailhouse. Maybe several nights. Who the hell is he anyway?" This last question is partially directed towards Cimri.

Female Human Rogue 1/ Warrior 1 - HP 13/13 | AC 17 (T 14, FF 13) | F +3 R+5 W -1 | Init +3 Perception +4

Cimri scrunches up her face, obviously trying to see him from a different angle or in a different light. Her own face lights up as she recollects, "Oh yeah! That's Ilmerri Unero's kid! He made a pass at me a while back. Guess he's got a hate-on for me now. Get it?" She nudges at Rurisa with her elbow, "Hate-on, get it?" She chuckles to herself. "If that's not as funny as I think it is I'm blaming the fight with the plant."

LE Steelbood2 l hp19/20 l Spd20 l Init +0, F +5, R +0, W +2 l AC16, T10, FF16 l CMD15 CMB +6 l
6/8 l Attack +8 (2d6+7) l F +7, Ref +0, W +4 l AC14, T8, FF14 l CMD17 CMB +8

"It's not your best work, Cimri. He'll have quite the goose egg when he wakes up though." Rurisa offers an exasperated sigh. "Well, let's get him into his cell and then relieve our deputies. We'll make a full report tomorrow to show off the discoveries Vokrin and Penance made."

Gerya sighs and shakes her head, "Merri's always talking about what a good boy he is. Thank you for letting the more injured ones stay, it will stop them from being further injured I'm sure." She goes to a small cabinet and pulls out a vial of crystals, "Let me get you that information now." She pops the cork out of the vial and waves it under one of the patient's noses. When nothing happens she curses and moves to get a different vial, "Damn it Odmer, you promised it would work this time..." The second vial proves more successful and wakes both of her patients up.

After some freaking out on their part, Trevor's calm demeanor, Penance's eerie talking, Vokrin and Rurisa's intimidating stares, and Cimri's utter lack of care, they give the details on who they are and where they live. Notes taken, Cimri and Rurisa haul the other two unconscious bodies over their shoulders and take them back to the jail, locking them in the cell that still has a door. Interrogate in the morning?

LE Steelbood2 l hp19/20 l Spd20 l Init +0, F +5, R +0, W +2 l AC16, T10, FF16 l CMD15 CMB +6 l
6/8 l Attack +8 (2d6+7) l F +7, Ref +0, W +4 l AC14, T8, FF14 l CMD17 CMB +8

That seems best. We should let the deputies get some sleep and alert Razelgro to some possibly-forged letters.

LE Steelbood2 l hp19/20 l Spd20 l Init +0, F +5, R +0, W +2 l AC16, T10, FF16 l CMD15 CMB +6 l
6/8 l Attack +8 (2d6+7) l F +7, Ref +0, W +4 l AC14, T8, FF14 l CMD17 CMB +8

As the group makes ready to leave, Rurisa pulls Gerya aside and puts a pouch with another 200gp in her hands. "I hate to ask this of you, Gerya, but before the plant-thing attacked the Unero boy was talking about trying to convince the adults of the town to rebel. They're just kids, but this sort of thing can't be allowed to continue. I'd be grateful if you'd keep an ear out and let us know if anything noteworthy comes up."

Rurisa hauls the unconscious Unero boy to the jailhouse, dumping him on a cot and locking his cell. She then marches straight to Dillman's house, explaining to everyone present what occurred in an irritable tone of voice. "You're all damn lucky we're not the monsters you think we are. It was, what, a bonfire party and a b&%@+ing session about how mean the Archbaron is? Abadar's balls, you lot! There was a damned monster in the ruins, some sort of grasping vine-thing, and it would have killed at least two of your friends if we hadn't gotten it first. They're find now, recovering at Gerya's clinic, but the Unero brat tried to assault Cimri so he'll be cooling his heels in a cell tonight."

We're assessing you all a fine of three silvers for willful obstruction and other two each for wasting our time and making us wake up our deputies. Dillman gets another five as well for playing host to a violation of the Archbaron's prohibition against large gatherings, for a total of ten silvers. All of you go home and don't make us repeat this farce again."[/b]

She then turns and places 1gp in the palms of each deputy. "Buy yourselves a round on me. Work starts at the usual time tomorrow."

The next morning, Rurisa gathers the group in the jailhouse. "So, presumably we'll want to take the letters to Razelgro and see what he can make of them?"

Sorry guys, had to take the wife to get something checked, then take her to the airport. Lots of running, little time to sit at a computer this weekend.

Gerya nods, and takes the pouch from Rurisa, "I'll let you know if I hear anything else. Thank you so much, you don't know how much this will help."

Dillman rounds up his lot of children and begins roundly berating them as Rurisa heads back out. The deputies each take the coin, grateful and promising to toast their new bosses.

The next morning

Cimri nods, "Let's see what Razelgo has to say. People of his...persuasion are really good at finding hidden messages and stuff." On to Razelgo?

M Halfling Oracle2,Init+3,F3R4W4(6Fear),Per4,AC16T14T13



"Yes, Yes. Perhaps he could share some tips on this trade. Maybe we should set our own little pigeon loose? Events like this never go unshared. It may be of use to know who these words spread to. It would only cost a few more coins and who knows what details may turn up. Certainly a worthy investment..."

1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22

Ash House

Razelgo greets you all in his office, the screen down and the mannequin behind it revealed for what it is. He floats around you, "The Archbaron is very pleased with your progress. Did you arrest someone from Dilly's place?"

LE Steelbood2 l hp19/20 l Spd20 l Init +0, F +5, R +0, W +2 l AC16, T10, FF16 l CMD15 CMB +6 l
6/8 l Attack +8 (2d6+7) l F +7, Ref +0, W +4 l AC14, T8, FF14 l CMD17 CMB +8

"Umerto's brat took a swing at Cimri when we broke up their party, so he's in the jailhouse. The rest we have their information, but Dillman bears watching. We recovered some documents that might be of interest to you. Whether they're genuine or not--and I suspect they are not though I lack to expertise to prove it--Dillman's little mail service may be a liability."

Rurisa tries to lean against the wall while Razelgro examines the letters and messages, but her armor spikes tear out a chuck of wood and plaster so she straightens up again. "We may have erred in not arresting Dillman or that daughter of his, if they are passing messages they'll be trying to warn their contacts that the messages were intercepted."

Razelgo floats around, his wings buzzing. "Hmm, this is rather interesting..." His multi-faceted eyes flicker up and down the page while watching you. Cimri shivers and leans further into her chair. "I suggest you do go and arrest Dillman and his daughter. The others as well if they resist at all. Killing yet another monster hiding nearby is sure to earn you goodwill with the populace, though I'm sure Allamar and her boys will continue to be suspicious.

"Now this letter you've brought me is interesting. Darkwood Lumber camp has been decommissioned for nearly 60 years, and I doubt it's opened up recently. I haven't noticed any movement from the Dents since before you closed Castle Gate, but they bear watching for the time being. This call for extra equipment may be a call for materials to help any rebellion."

M Halfling Oracle2,Init+3,F3R4W4(6Fear),Per4,AC16T14T13

Trevor makes tea.

Razelgo waves off Trevor's offer of tea before cocking his head to the side. "One moment please, the Archbaron requests my presence. I will return shortly." Several minutes pass before he comes back, surprise etched on his face. "It seems we will be graced by the Archbaron himself. Be prepared to greet him."

Not even thirty seconds later the Archbaron cracks into the chamber, bringing with him an extremely large tiefling. His skin is a ruddy red, with long jet black hair, with two horn jutting out from the corner of his hairline about 2 inches long. The Archbaron introduces him, "This is Jerax Hellfire, another of my vassals. I brought him here because Rurisa is needed elsewhere. I will transport her to her new destination as I leave. I've heard several arrests have been made?"

Cimri nods and explains again what happened. Fex nods along, "Excellent. Keep them imprisoned for a night or two, let the younger generation understand their rebellion is not to be tolerated. I will take those letters with the fake seals and see what I can do with them." Instructions given he takes hold of Rurisa's arm, speaks a command word and cracks out of existence again.

Percept +2|Diplo +10|Intim. +7|Kn. Relig +6|Prof (gambler) +7|SM +8
F: 7, R: +4, W: +6|Init: +1| Tiefling (devil-spawn)|HP: 20/20|Resist Cold, Electricity, Fire 5|AC: 19 (11 Tch, 18 Fl)|CMB: +5, CMD: 16|Touch of Corruption (Su) 1d6 3/3xday| Antipaladin (Tyrant/Dread Vanguard)/3rd|Speed 30ft (30ft)|Smite Good 1/day (+2 atk, +3 dmg)

Damn! Super-quick introduction!
The tall tiefling steps forward.
"Greetings", spoke the ruby skinned outsider, "and may Asmodeus's boon be upon us all. As the archbaron stated, I am Jerax Hellfire. Sword Arm of the Lord of the Pit."
"I imagine you have at least heard of me, as I have heard of some of you, considering the relative small size of Longacre. Sadly, Lord Fex was not forthcoming on intel about you three", Jerax nods, looking into the eyes of his new team. "His Lordship has only relayed your races and callings."

M Halfling Oracle2,Init+3,F3R4W4(6Fear),Per4,AC16T14T13

Trevor politely bows. Pleased to make your acquaintance.

Percept +2|Diplo +10|Intim. +7|Kn. Relig +6|Prof (gambler) +7|SM +8
F: 7, R: +4, W: +6|Init: +1| Tiefling (devil-spawn)|HP: 20/20|Resist Cold, Electricity, Fire 5|AC: 19 (11 Tch, 18 Fl)|CMB: +5, CMD: 16|Touch of Corruption (Su) 1d6 3/3xday| Antipaladin (Tyrant/Dread Vanguard)/3rd|Speed 30ft (30ft)|Smite Good 1/day (+2 atk, +3 dmg)

"Ah. The healer", commented the antipaladin. "And with the balls to speak out of turn. Tell me, whom is your master?"

M Halfling Oracle2,Init+3,F3R4W4(6Fear),Per4,AC16T14T13

The Archbaron has authority over me. For the time being I heed the direction of the other members of this group. I will stay as silent or talkative as wished.

Percept +2|Diplo +10|Intim. +7|Kn. Relig +6|Prof (gambler) +7|SM +8
F: 7, R: +4, W: +6|Init: +1| Tiefling (devil-spawn)|HP: 20/20|Resist Cold, Electricity, Fire 5|AC: 19 (11 Tch, 18 Fl)|CMB: +5, CMD: 16|Touch of Corruption (Su) 1d6 3/3xday| Antipaladin (Tyrant/Dread Vanguard)/3rd|Speed 30ft (30ft)|Smite Good 1/day (+2 atk, +3 dmg)

Jerax nods. "Well spoken. As for myself, speak as needed, particularly warnings of danger."
The ruby skinned tiefling walks to converse with the next member of Fex's team.

Male Tiefling

Vokrin looks incredulously at Jerax. Who in the seven hells does this man think he is? "I am the archmage Vokrin, caster of spells and slayer of what displeases me, that were-beast among them. I have not heard of you, so you have the better of me. Take that where you can for it will likely be the last time." Something says his resentment largely stems from his place as the token tiefling being compromised, a petty squabble perhaps but one that seems a slight to him. Fex wouldn't do so without good reason but that doesn't keep it from rubbing him the wrong way.

Percept +2|Diplo +10|Intim. +7|Kn. Relig +6|Prof (gambler) +7|SM +8
F: 7, R: +4, W: +6|Init: +1| Tiefling (devil-spawn)|HP: 20/20|Resist Cold, Electricity, Fire 5|AC: 19 (11 Tch, 18 Fl)|CMB: +5, CMD: 16|Touch of Corruption (Su) 1d6 3/3xday| Antipaladin (Tyrant/Dread Vanguard)/3rd|Speed 30ft (30ft)|Smite Good 1/day (+2 atk, +3 dmg)

Jerax stares down at the tiefling wizard for a few moments, then asks Vokrin something in the language of Hell.

"Are you a hellspawn or some other planar bastard? Or do you not even know?"

Male Tiefling

Vokrin's brow ridges deepen. He replies in kind.

"I am descended from loyal hellknights and devils, of purer stock than one such as you. My lineage can be traced. Your name is Hellfire? Did you make that up, or was someone merely stupid enough to think it intimidating?"

There are a number of louder portions which lend themselves to tones of irritation rather than outright anger.

Percept +2|Diplo +10|Intim. +7|Kn. Relig +6|Prof (gambler) +7|SM +8
F: 7, R: +4, W: +6|Init: +1| Tiefling (devil-spawn)|HP: 20/20|Resist Cold, Electricity, Fire 5|AC: 19 (11 Tch, 18 Fl)|CMB: +5, CMD: 16|Touch of Corruption (Su) 1d6 3/3xday| Antipaladin (Tyrant/Dread Vanguard)/3rd|Speed 30ft (30ft)|Smite Good 1/day (+2 atk, +3 dmg)

"My entire name was given to me by the Asmodean clerics of Longacre who raised me. If you haven't already, research spells to assist me in battle, such as bull strength and enlarge person."

Walking away from the upset wizard, Jarex kneels in a submission stance before the gnome.
"Hail and well met, Inquisitor".


Penance's head tilted to the side as he watched the heated exchange between the two outsiders. Things were about to get a whole lot more interesting in the little town of Longacre. One advantage the town had was that Rurisa was a local, unwilling to harm or scorn those she grew up with unless it was needed. She was definitely stern, even harsh if need be, but those were tools in her bag, that was not her, not deep down.

"Greetings my faithful warrior. Are you ready to do what must be done? These criminals won't flog themselves, you know" Penance asked as a malicious grin crept onto his face.

Percept +2|Diplo +10|Intim. +7|Kn. Relig +6|Prof (gambler) +7|SM +8
F: 7, R: +4, W: +6|Init: +1| Tiefling (devil-spawn)|HP: 20/20|Resist Cold, Electricity, Fire 5|AC: 19 (11 Tch, 18 Fl)|CMB: +5, CMD: 16|Touch of Corruption (Su) 1d6 3/3xday| Antipaladin (Tyrant/Dread Vanguard)/3rd|Speed 30ft (30ft)|Smite Good 1/day (+2 atk, +3 dmg)

Jared raises his eyes to meet the gnome, and grinned. The antipaladin removes his coiled spiked chain from his belt and presents it to the inquisitor.
"I have brought my own flog".

Huh, guess I never noticed how big of a time zone difference there seems to be in peak posting times...

Cimri looks a bit blown away by all of the changes that happened so quickly. She sticks out her hand to Jerax, "Pleased to meet you. Sad Rurisa had to go, glad we got another tall bruiser type."

Razelgo buzzes around, "Yes, yes, we're all happy and glad. Now back to business. Your deputies have informed the parents of all those locked up and reset the door to the cell Caggan broke open. That should give you time today to interrogate the Umerto brat. We'll have to keep an extra sharp eye on him, we don't know who's been filling their heads with Glorious Reclamation propaganda."

Percept +2|Diplo +10|Intim. +7|Kn. Relig +6|Prof (gambler) +7|SM +8
F: 7, R: +4, W: +6|Init: +1| Tiefling (devil-spawn)|HP: 20/20|Resist Cold, Electricity, Fire 5|AC: 19 (11 Tch, 18 Fl)|CMB: +5, CMD: 16|Touch of Corruption (Su) 1d6 3/3xday| Antipaladin (Tyrant/Dread Vanguard)/3rd|Speed 30ft (30ft)|Smite Good 1/day (+2 atk, +3 dmg)
GM Fez wrote:
Cimri looks a bit blown away by all of the changes that happened so quickly. She sticks out her hand to Jerax, "Pleased to meet you. Sad Rurisa had to go, glad we got another tall bruiser type."

Diplomacy (with Charming): 1d20 + 10 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 10 + 1 = 31 That's my boy!

Jerax leans down to kiss Cimri's offered hand. "Nice to make your aquaintance, Cimri. As for 'the bruiser type', I can be as gentle or as rough as you wish."
GM Fez wrote:
Razelgo buzzes around, "Yes, yes, we're all happy and glad. Now back to business. Your deputies have informed the parents of all those locked up and reset the door to the cell Caggan broke open. That should give you time today to interrogate the Umerto brat. We'll have to keep an extra sharp eye on him, we don't know who's been filling their heads with Glorious Reclamation propaganda."

Turning back to his fiendish superior, the antipaladin asks, "Forgiveness, Lord. I have been out on Lord Fex's business for the last two days. May I please have an update of events here in Longacre?"

Razelgo gives a brief rundown of the events occurring in town:

  • Bolgart was arrested, found out to be a were-something, forced to physically change in public and was executed.
  • A halfling woman was spreading propoganda and was stopped
  • Messages from or about the Glorious Reclamation have been filtering through the Jackdaw and has led to the arrest of multiple young people from the town
  • Castle Gate was inhabited by a fey who had to be put down to stop it from keeping the gate open.

  • Male
    Percept +2|Diplo +10|Intim. +7|Kn. Relig +6|Prof (gambler) +7|SM +8
    F: 7, R: +4, W: +6|Init: +1| Tiefling (devil-spawn)|HP: 20/20|Resist Cold, Electricity, Fire 5|AC: 19 (11 Tch, 18 Fl)|CMB: +5, CMD: 16|Touch of Corruption (Su) 1d6 3/3xday| Antipaladin (Tyrant/Dread Vanguard)/3rd|Speed 30ft (30ft)|Smite Good 1/day (+2 atk, +3 dmg)

    "Then I think our next step is to find out what this Umberto person knows and how they know it. If security is an issue, I shall stay the night in the jail to watch over the prisoner personally", suggested the antipaladin.
    Knowledge (local)(to help identify Umberto): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21

    Mrs. Ilmerri Umerto knows more about what once went on in Longacre—and less about what’s currently happening—than anyone else in town. As the curator of a small library of dry, locally written histories and civil documents, Mrs. Umerto eagerly spends hours regaling visitors with details of centuries-old economic trends and the romantic gossip of long-dead local celebrities.

    Cimri, intrigued by what she has seen so far pipes up, "I'll stick around too. Make a night of it." Off to see Mrs. Unero? Somewhere we all switched to Umerto, so that's her name now.

    M Halfling Oracle2,Init+3,F3R4W4(6Fear),Per4,AC16T14T13

    Sounds like a plan


    "Oh goodie. I have a few brews to check on and I do look forward to conversing with our guest. I just know they're going to be so helpful. I mean, it is their patriotic duty to assist us in uncovering this fretful cult of usurpers" Penance said as his hands rubbed together in anticipation.

    I'm back, thanks for the well wishes guys.

    Your group travels to the Longacre Historical Society, reaching it just as Ilmerri Umerto returns from a light lunch. She is a homely woman, her dark hair just starting to gray around the edges, and looks through rather thick glasses at you as you approach. "Yes? How can I help you? Are you here to learn more of Longacre's history?"

    M Halfling Oracle2,Init+3,F3R4W4(6Fear),Per4,AC16T14T13

    Trevor keeps silent in the back.

    Percept +2|Diplo +10|Intim. +7|Kn. Relig +6|Prof (gambler) +7|SM +8
    F: 7, R: +4, W: +6|Init: +1| Tiefling (devil-spawn)|HP: 20/20|Resist Cold, Electricity, Fire 5|AC: 19 (11 Tch, 18 Fl)|CMB: +5, CMD: 16|Touch of Corruption (Su) 1d6 3/3xday| Antipaladin (Tyrant/Dread Vanguard)/3rd|Speed 30ft (30ft)|Smite Good 1/day (+2 atk, +3 dmg)

    Jerax, still new to the brewing situation in Longacre, follows the inquisitor's lead in this investigation. The antipaladin continues to look intimidating and brutish behind the gnome.


    "Oh indubitably. If you wouldn't mind inviting us in, we'd simply love the opportunity to sit down and discuss Longacre's past, present, and future."

    Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

    Once inside...

    "We'd like to learn about the Darkwood Lumber camp, if you have any details on it. It seems fascinating, to me, the working of darkwood, or is it all just a name? Do you know why it closed down?"

    Penance approached a little closer to the woman, his smile seeming to turn slightly.

    "And we'd also like to talk about your descendants. The one walking very close to sedition, in particular. He's assaulted one of Lord Fex's declared constables, and is currently under arrest. How long he remains imprisoned depends partly on how cooperative you are, but please, start with the lumber yard. I am a student of history, you know."

    Intimidate: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19

    Man, I am in the wrong timezone to catch most of these.

    Ilmerri is delighted with Penance's declaration and ushers everyone in, showing everyone to rather large well-cushioned sheets. The entire room smells of dust and old books. When everyone is seated she leans forward expectedly, "I'm afraid I can't say much of Longacre's present and future, but I can tell you anything you wish to know of the past..."

    As Penance's questions and smile begin turning sideways her cheerful demeanor vanishes and she sinks backwards into her chair. It seems for the first time she notices the general air of menace exuded by the tieflings and the markings of the Archbaron on your persons.

    "Uh-um..." she stutters a bit before going, the situation starting to fully sink in, "Th-the Darkwood Lumber camp? As you might know Longacre has a long history of lumber yards being made in and around the area. The Darkwood camp was made because there was indeed a small copse of darkwood in the area that was to be sent to other places in the country. Established in 4643 AR..." She lists many mundane details about the camp, each helping her regain her composure as she delves into topics that make her comfortable. She does get to the closing of the camp, "...and so it came to be shut down, around 58 years ago. That darn infestation of dark borer beetles ruined that particular copse of trees forever." Delighted that someone has listened to a lecture she seems to have forgotten the other questions asked of her, a far-off look in her eye and a smile tugging at her lips.

    M Halfling Oracle2,Init+3,F3R4W4(6Fear),Per4,AC16T14T13

    Trevor stays silent

    She continues her absentminded prattle, ending with, "What else were you asking about dear?"


    "So who occupies the Darkwood camp now? Or must I pry the information from you descendants? I grow weary my dear. Answer swiftly, or I shall have to inquire of another of your blood."

    Penance was obviously becoming frustrated with the woman. The more she spoke the calmer she became and that seemed to infuriate the little gnome more than anything else. This scatter-brained historian was gaining courage, and that was not going to stand.

    "Oh...I know. Maybe we should just visit this camp ourselves? Perhaps you could give us a recounting in person, a guided tour, if you would."

    Penance's air quickly reminds her why she was frightened earlier. "N-no one should be at that camp, it's been shut down for almost 60 years. Another of my... didn't you say my son is in some sort of trouble? That boy hasn't been able to keep the stars out of his eyes about the Glorious Reclamation since Tileavia spoke about it!"

    Percept +2|Diplo +10|Intim. +7|Kn. Relig +6|Prof (gambler) +7|SM +8
    F: 7, R: +4, W: +6|Init: +1| Tiefling (devil-spawn)|HP: 20/20|Resist Cold, Electricity, Fire 5|AC: 19 (11 Tch, 18 Fl)|CMB: +5, CMD: 16|Touch of Corruption (Su) 1d6 3/3xday| Antipaladin (Tyrant/Dread Vanguard)/3rd|Speed 30ft (30ft)|Smite Good 1/day (+2 atk, +3 dmg)

    Jerax looks down at the gnome inquisitor, silently confirming the camp should be their next target.

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