Dungeon Master S |
Nearly 20 years ago, the canny kobold sorcerer Kibizax carved out a tiny empire in the caves and sewers beneath Absalom. Being a sort of visionary, he also hired a Taldan tutor to teach his two children about the ways of humans to strengthen his tribe's influence. The plan worked well, and the Sewer Dragon tribe became one of the most influential kobold groups on the Isle of Kortos. But new troubles lie ahead, along with a rather unconventional alliance...
You are kobolds of Absalom’s Sewer Dragon tribe. Made strong thanks to an alliance with the Pathfinder Society, your tribe has many enemies seeking to test its newfound might. Chief Yiddlepode, wise chieftain of the Sewer Dragons, knows that her alliance means nothing if the tribe can’t defend its territory. For the past several months, the tribe has sent its best and brightest on scouting missions throughout the region, repelling others from intruding on the Sewer Dragons’ rightful domain.
As the latest group assigned to protect the Sewer Dragons’ interests, you have received orders from Chief Yiddlepode to make contact with an ally of the tribe—a peculiar otyugh by the name of Hats. Constant supplies and the occasional tribute have endeared the otyugh to the Sewer Dragons, and Hats now acts as further muscle for the kobolds as well as an additional set of eyes and ears in the sewers. Hats informed one of the tribe’s gutter runners that he has an important captive for the Sewer Dragons to interrogate.
Your orders are clear: find and interrogate Hats’ captive. Discover what intrusion has taken place within the domain of the Sewer Dragons and deal with it. Above all, don’t risk the tribe’s alliance with the Pathfinder Society.
You may know more than the average kobold about your tribe's current situation, for you are not your average kobolds. You may make this complete check, even if untrained.
PFS Pregen #2 - ShieldBug |
"I am not one for interrogating, but this mission will give me an opportunity to check on some of my further reaching traps, I feel..." Fazgyn says in a husky whispering voice, "Perhaps this captive already bears the 'cut of Fazgyn,' and that is how Hats caught them." The relatively slight Kobold regards his comrades, contemplating the mission at hand, "I think I should stay a few steps in front of everyone when we finally move out. After all, it would be a shame if any of you accidentally trip one of my slow fangs."
Know. Local: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
GM Turmoil's pregen |
Kn Local: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
"Hmmph, probably some pesky nobody, but he'll talk for me once he witnesses my arcane power." He chuckles at Fazgyn's offer to lead the way. "Yes, yes, you do that. Let the softscale go first and be the first to die. I like that plan." Perhaps if the rest of these idiots die off, it will make my ascension to power that much easier.
PFS Pregen #2 - ShieldBug |
Fazgyn narrows his eyes at Varanog, and mutters, "Hmm, yes... A real shame if someone were to hurt themselves on one of my many traps..."
GM Turmoil's pregen |
"As if a sofscale like you could hurt me. Do I have to remind you again who has the magical blood of the great kobold heroes running through his veins?" He grips his twin dragon headed rod tightly and it begins to glow a pale blue as he angrily responds to such insolence.
Note to self: Kick Fazgyn out of the Sewer Dragons once in power. Unless he dies first. That's OK too.
The Lady's Pregen |
Kn. Local: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25
Engashez scowls slightly at both Fazgyn and Varanog's bickering. "You two can bicker on your own time, after we see this prisoner that Hats has for us," she says. "He probably caught someone in the ruins that Yippitok blew up..."
The little kobold shakes her head at the memory. "Good idea, bad execution. Makes for a good cautionary tale, though."
"Anyway, you know how the scouts sometimes report that things still move down in those ruined tunnels? Well, I know that friends of the Pathfinders use them sometimes. Those people that work for Mewzeum, whoever that is," she says with smug smile. But then the smile fades. "If they're Pathfinder friends we need to be careful. We make them mad, might make the Pathfinders mad. Then we wouldn't have their help anymore."
CariMac's Pregen |
Know Local: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
"No blowing up allies. Got it. If the captive isn't Pathfinder friend, can I blow him up?" Antrax fiddles with his flasks.
"Do we need a tribute for Hats this time? Is it due?"
Dungeon Master S |
The trip is quiet, well, quiet except for the ribbing, plotting, and snickering. Eventually, you arrive at Hats’s lair unchallenged. The otyugh’s hideaway is a partially collapsed vault off one of the sewer’s less-traveled sections.
Whatever you expected, it probably wasn't a hulking mutant with four flailing tentacles—three spiked and one covered in eyes!
Nevertheless, this is Hats. "GREETINGS! I am HATS! Haha!" The free tentacle pats you each on the head while the others display, well, hats.
"Aren't you a FINE group of kobolds! I don't believe HATS has ever met you before. Tell me about yourselves!"
"And YOU!" the noodly appendage points at Engashez. "YOU, do tell me all about that MAGNIFICENT HAT."
Dungeon Master S |
"WOAH WOAH WOAH! We are civilized folk here. Introductions first PETHTUN.... business later."
GM Turmoil's pregen |
"I am Varanog, the great sorcerer of the Sewer Dragons tribe. The blood of all the kobold heroes runs through me, and I expect we will work with each other for a long time once I take my rightful command."
Odd creature, but good to have allies throughout the sewers, easier to take over Absalom that way
PFS Pregen #2 - ShieldBug |
Fazgyn just rolls his eyes at Varanog's pronouncement, and steps forward to introduce himself, "Hats! I am master of traps, Fazgyn, I protect territory of True Dragons with many fine creations." He says proudly, patting his tools. Fazgyn tilts his head to the side, regarding the strange creature for a moment, not sure what to make of them, "You are strange, but I like you!" He finally says with a smile.
Dungeon Master S |
"I am ME! Look, I'm a Commodore of Andoran!" He waves that hat about.
"And what of the rest of YOU?! Especially that amazing one with the hat!"
The Lady's Pregen |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Engashez offers a toothy smile, inwardly cursing at her failure to either leave her own hat at home or at least make sure that it was safely tucked out of sight. "Hello, Wonderous Hats, Commodore of Andoran! Engashez I am, Voice of the Sewer Dragon tribe," she replies, offering a small bow as she introduces herself. Her eyes then shift upward slightly, in acknowledgement of the conical hat that sits atop her own scaled head. "And my hat? My favorite hat, found off some human who wandered down here alone and died. I think it suits me much better than it suited him - but it's not as magnificent as your hats, of course."
The blue kobold then gives Athrax, the only one of them who had yet to introduce himself, a sharp nudge in the ribs. "It's an honor to meet you," she adds.
CariMac's Pregen |
Antrax flinches at sharp pain applied by Engashez's elbow. The alchemist weighed down with flasks steps forward, I am Anthrax chief alchemist of the tribe, and soon to be Pathfinder." He shows his Wayfinder to Hats. It's broken and missing a couple of pieces.
Dungeon Master S |
"CHIEF! Woah!" He immediately looks away, "So.... Engashootz, may I ...try that HAT on?"
The Lady's Pregen |
Engashez hesitates.
Nonono if Hats takes my hat will he ever give it back? But...we have to stay on Hats' good side. Chief Yiddlepode will be so cross if we upset Hats and he decides not to help us anymore! But my hat...!
On the other claw...Hats *did* ask nicely...so maybe he'll give it back?
"Um...okay, go ahead," she replies, trying her best to keep her tone cheery as she carefully removes the hat and offers it to one of the otyugh's noodly appendages.
PFS Pregen #2 - ShieldBug |
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Fazgyn smiles as Engashez reluctantly hands her hat over to the Commodore, Hehe, she's never going to see that again... Hmm, but if I'm going to give this 'teamwork' thing a go, maybe I should help her out. Fazgyn clears his throat and says, "That is a very fine hat, but I'm not sure it will fit you, Commodore Hats. I mean, Engashez does have an exceptionally small head... I think that's why she can't wrap it around how to make traps."
The Lady's Pregen |
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Engashez shoots Fazgyn a look, her eyes narrowed. She wasn't sure whether to be thankful for the trapsmith's assistance or to bump him up on the list of people to be eaten once she finds a dragon patron. Or maybe both? Yes, both is good.
CariMac's Pregen |
Antrax stifles a laugh. It sounds like an half sneeze that was strangled in the back of his throat. Saying anything will cause more problems. I'll wait and see what Hats has to say.
Dungeon Master S |
Hats tries on Engashez's magical hat, caressing it lovingly.
Hats then promptly forgets to give it back.
After the exchange of pleasantries, Hats directs you to the back of his chamber, which features a spacious, 15-foot-deep pit. A ragged-looking human vagrant mutters to himself as he paces below, an obvious limp slowing him down. A half-dozen hats rest in the dirt at the base of the pit....
The Lady's Pregen |
"My hat..." Engashez whimpers, her tail drooping as Hats waves them off to the pit where his prisoner is located without making any move to return her hat. She glances over her shoulder more than once as she grudgingly stomps her way over to the pit and peers into it.
"Human!" she calls out, switching to Common as she puffs out her chest. "You wander into territory of mighty Sewer Dragons! What you have to say for yourself?"
As she waits for a reply, she eyes the various hats that sit near the base of the pit and contemplates taking one - a hat for a hat seems only fair...
*clicks on the picture link & laughs hysterically* Really? Awesome!
Skyrahk -Khaoz |
Skyrahk waits for the flesh bag's response to Engashez, after all, an interrumption might delay things.
And delays are no good, they keep destruction farther away into the future.
CariMac's Pregen |
Antrax chuckles under his breath as the hat is not returned. Figured that was going to happen.
He looks down at the human, and in common asks, "Why are you here? Are you Pathfinder?"
PFS Pregen #2 - ShieldBug |
Fazgyn tries his very best not to laugh, and even feels a little sorry for Engashez when he sees her little tail droop, but the way she stomps off to the pit just makes him chuckle, I tried.
Once at the pit, Fazgyn peers down at the unbelievably hairy creature, and adds, "You best speak fast, human! We mighty Sewer Dragons do not like trespassers." Noticing the scattering of hats, he wonders if the smelly thing had simply come to steal Hat' hats, What is the big deal about hats? Have I missed something? Hmm, Maybe I should get one of my own...
Dungeon Master S |
“You lot! Excellent! Simply excellent! You’re Sewer Dragons, you say? Oh, my apologies, I mean, you are most capable defenders of the exalted Sewer Dragon tribe of Absalom—rulers of the sewers upon which I have miserably intruded.”
"“I’m a member of the Pathfinder Society, you see. A venture-captain, in fact, one who helped forge our alliance! I’d been following a group of our suspected enemies above ground, and they descended into the sewers nearby. In a section of nearby tunnels, I found our enemies hard at work, constructing some sort of magical portal in a ruined sewer line. In my folly, I alerted those I was following and was waylaid. I managed to drive them off, before your friend—the one with the headwear fascination— found me and dragged me here. That doesn’t matter though. All in the past, I’d say.”
“I need to warn the Society! But, I don’t think there’s enough time before this portal opens. You fine soldiers of the Sewer Dragons should do… only you can stop it!”
Skyrahk -Khaoz |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
"Denture Captain? That makes no sense at all...
"It doesn't matter what you call yourself, Skyrahk has questions sent from Dahak himself, what kind of creatures were you following? How far away are they? Will they be easy to destroy or a challenge worthy of Dahak's favored?
"Finally, not a question from Dahak but my own, where are you hiding the cabbages?"
Dungeon Master S |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
"it's VENTURE captain. My teeth are fine. Also, I think there's a translation issue... cabbages?"
The old man takes a breath before answering, An organization opposed to the Pathfinder Society, known as the Onyx Alliance. They’re from very far away, and they have a grudge against the Society because we’ve stopped some of their previous schemes. Most importantly, they’re a ruthless band of villains, and if they’re building a beachhead in the sewers, they’ll be sure to clear out any potential threats—your tribe included! They're rather close by, no worries there. I believe the best course of action would be to strike at the forces guarding the portal; I’ve already given them a good licking myself, so they shouldn’t be too difficult to deal with. After that, reinforcements from the surface are supposed to come, so you’ll want to prepare. I hear kobolds are quite determined and skilled when it comes to setting traps! Once you’ve dispatched the reinforcements, the portal should activate. You’ll need to go through to the other side, and figure out how to disable it!””
Skyrahk -Khaoz |
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"So your plan for us is to let Fazgyn set the traps, then Varanog, Pethjun and Athrax let loose with Engashez support? And once all those trivialities are done with, we go through the portal and destroy everything in sight FOR THE GLORY OF THE SORROWMAKER?
Yes, yes, it's a fine plan, I can feel Dahak's approval, I shall follow your directions Denture Captain with the unspoken name and cabbage smell."
GM Turmoil's pregen |
"A portal you say? And do you know where this portal takes one? And this Onyx alliance, are they kobold or other lesser beings like humans of elf-things."
It does not truly matter, all will be under my rule soon enough! Perhaps this portal will take me to some other place to conquer as well!
PFS Pregen #2 - ShieldBug |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
I shall never understand these creatures, Fazgyn thinks to himself, frowning, "Why would you lick them? No, do not answer! What you surface dwellers do with your enemies is of no concern to us..." He thinks for a second, "But why do we need to go through this portal? We can set many glorious traps all over tunnel and portal, nothing will get through without first losing it's head or arms. If we go through and deactivate it, we will be stuck!"
CariMac's Pregen |
"Opposed to the Society? They cannot be down here. I will be a Pathfinder soon, and I will protect the sewers. Destroying the portal will be good for the Society and the Sewer Dragons." Antrax answers.
"Do you know where the portal may lead? Do they have insects? Do you have any honey? How will we get back if the destroy the portal? When I do this will I be a Pathfinder?" He asks with grave interest.
Dungeon Master S |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Dreng stares slack-jawed before whispering to himself, "Desna laughs at me. Hopefully if/when I get out of this I remember that green agents aren't quite as... odd as I think they are."
“All I know is that it connects to a larger base of operations for the Onyx Alliance. From the few minutes I had to inspect the device, it’s clear to me that the portal can only be activated from the other side, wherever the other side may be. If the Onyx Alliance successfully activates the portal, someone will need to go through and find a way to close it. From what I overheard, it is set to activate shortly after additional reinforcements arrive from the surface.”
The hairy human adds, "Now... juuuuuust in case, it'd be real nice of you to let me out of here so I can get some Pathfinders to act as PURELY back up."
Skyrahk -Khaoz |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
"WE WILL DESTROY ALL OF YOUr doubts, there's no need for you to get backup from the pink surface dwellers Denture Cabbage, but if you wish to be freed so be it" Skyrahk begins looking for a way to get the white-but-hairy-as-a-monkey out of the pit.
GM Turmoil's pregen |
Varanog completely ignores the Denture Captain's request, turning away and conjuring a floating disk that he immediately climbs upon and begins directing towards the portal. The thought of having two separate worlds to conquer and enslave is just too great a thought, and he wants to be sure his entry is as grand as can be!
Will be hovering around on his disk for the next 4 hours. Will also use his wand of mage armor and refresh as needed throughout the scenario.
Dungeon Master S |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
"How rude!" you can then here the denture cabbage continuing to mutter under his breath, "I hope they're up to the task. There's a lot of danger. I wonder if Hats will go too. Also, I wonder what's on special at the Nymph & Satyr Inn tonight?"
PFS Pregen #2 - ShieldBug |
While Fazgyn doesn't feel quite as strongly about alleviating the humans doubts as Skyrahk evidently does, he nods along, "The mighty Sewer Dragons require no backup, but if you are a Pathfinder Denture-Captain, then you are an ally." He turns to hats and, stifling another chuckle when he sees Engashez's hat once again perched on one it's appendages, asks, "This hairy thing is an ally of the Sewer Dragons. It should be set free before we head off to defend our territory from other surface dwellers. Would you mind letting him go?"
Dungeon Master S |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Hats thinks it over, conversing with his hats. "I suppose that's okay." With the greatest of ease the otyugh reaches down and plucks Dreng from the pit.
Dreng dusts himself off and smiles, practically skipping towards the door. Before leaving he gives a singular piece of parting advice, "Aye, you might not need back up, but you've got quite the muscle in Hats over there. It might be worth trying to talk him into helping you a bit more too... especially if it looks like he's going to keep that hat of yours..."
The Lady's Pregen |
Engashez relaxes slightly as her companions prove surprisingly capable of asking good questions - some of them, anyway. "Sewer Dragons will get the job done," she nods resolutely. Whatever she herself thought of the Pathfinders and their own odd agents, if this man believed these Alliance people were a danger to them all then she was inclined to believe him.
Then she glances around and kneels down at the edge of the pit to whisper, "Um...and maybe Venture-Cabbage get Engashez's cone hat back from Hats in meantime? Can't do that and go destroy Onyx people at same time..." She couldn't believe that she was asking this hairy ape for help but losing her hat had really thrown her off-kilter. But her hopes are dashed when Hats suddenly plucks the man out of the pit and he immediately begins skipping towards the exit.
Arghghgh! Fine!
Taking a deep breath, Engashez turns to the behatted Hats and smiles sweetly - or at least as sweetly as a kobold can manage. "Great Hats, would you like to come with the Sewer Dragons on this venture? It might be dangerous yes but it also sounds as if it will be very exciting!" Thinking for a moment, she adds, "And you know how much scaleless ones like humans like hats...maybe the Onyx Alliance will have new, wonderous hats all for the taking!"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15
Almost immediately Engashez realizes that her desperation is showing and she shoots her fellow Sewer Dragons a look.
A little help, please?
Skyrahk -Khaoz |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
"Yes, Mr(s). Hats, if you care to join us in our path of destruction, I'll do my best to NOT destroy any hats we find on our way, and I'll trade all of the hats in my share to recover Engashez' before we leave."
Aid Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
PFS Pregen #2 - ShieldBug |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Fazgyn nods, "Yes, surface dwellers always have hats! I think it's to compensate for not having a roof over their heads..."
Aid Diplomacy: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (11) + 0 = 11
Skyrahk -Khaoz |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
"Maybe it's because of the giant yellow fire ball that hangs in the sky and they claim to adore so much, but they are mostly hiding from it.
"I swear it's trying to kill us all, Dahak-damn that blinding sun!"
CariMac's Pregen |
More Pathfinders. Wonderful! I'm sure one will make me a Pathfinder.
"We will destroy this portal before the Denture Captain returns with more Pathfinders." He looks at Hats. "Come Hats let us fine more headgear for you." He begins to stride off in the direction of the portal.
Dungeon Master S |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Hats uses all his tentacles to mimic the rubbing of his head as if in thought.
"The great and powerful HATS will accompany you for this GRAND ADVENTURE! You speak pretty words, and since you've given me this GLORIOUS HAT AS A PERMANENT PRESENT FOREVER! I shall lend you my immense power."
....meanwhile the Pathfinder runs away with surprising alacrity.
Super busy day today, will update when able.