
Game Master waynemarkstubbs

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Male Human Inquisitor 3| HP 27 | AC 16 | T 10 | FF 16 | CMD 15 | Fort +5 | Ref +1 | Will +5 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | Sense Motive +9

How's recruitment going?

I was trying to get a couple of people I already know to join in, but they are too busy. I'll put a recruitment thread up now, and we can start the "Next morning at the north gate" scene. The newbies can join in as they arrive.

Male Human Cavalier (Hound Master) 3

I know this would be more difficult to fit in with regards to continuity, but perhaps we shouldn't demand they take on the name of one of the others? Is there no way we could fit in 2 original characters?

OK folks, I think I have a new player for Jessie and a replacement arcane character for Hatim, who will be DMed until I decide what to do with him.

Have at it.

Good Afternoon,

I have been recruited to take the place of the arcane caster for the party. I look forward to playing with you all and hopefully I will be able to add to the experience in a positive way. I was just wondering if you all minded me stepping in and introducing myself before the group got on the road. Thanks.

Male Human Cavalier (Hound Master) 3

Good evening (it's rather late here)!

I'm glad to see you here. And that Wayne lightened up a bit about having original characters (kidding, kidding). We've been a bit slow getting off the ground, but hopefully now that we've got some fresh blood and everyone's ready and committed, it will pick up.

Oh, and it's nice to meet you.

Male Tiefling Ranger(trapper):1/ Rogue:2

Late here as well hehe, and Welcome to the group!

Male Human Inquisitor 3| HP 27 | AC 16 | T 10 | FF 16 | CMD 15 | Fort +5 | Ref +1 | Will +5 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | Sense Motive +9

I am going to just act like the others have disappeared, perhaps they were kidnapped, who knows, but they are not i their rooms, stuff still there, etc. That way we can invite the new players into the group.

Sound good?

Sounds reasonable. Anyone else have problems getting onto this site yesterday?

Male Human Inquisitor 3| HP 27 | AC 16 | T 10 | FF 16 | CMD 15 | Fort +5 | Ref +1 | Will +5 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | Sense Motive +9

It was down most of the afternoon and evening for me.

Me as well

Male Human Cavalier (Hound Master) 3

Yeah, I think it was a universal problem.

Male Human Inquisitor 3| HP 27 | AC 16 | T 10 | FF 16 | CMD 15 | Fort +5 | Ref +1 | Will +5 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | Sense Motive +9

We've seen one of the new folks, is the other coming?

So are we just waiting for the other new player to appear then?

Male Human Cavalier (Hound Master) 3

That's what I'm doing, yes. If they don't appear soon, I'll make a more thorough post, having Hern respond to Leon.

Alright, no worries then. I'll just keep working on my character background for now.

Male Tiefling Ranger(trapper):1/ Rogue:2

Standing by as well.

Male Tiefling Ranger(trapper):1/ Rogue:2

I will be going to Gen Con for the rest of the week, so bot me if you need too.

Male Human Inquisitor 3| HP 27 | AC 16 | T 10 | FF 16 | CMD 15 | Fort +5 | Ref +1 | Will +5 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | Sense Motive +9

Wow. let us know how it was.

I'll be with you shortly.

Is there a time frame for the arrival of the other new player? Also: you lucky goons, wish I could go.

Sorry, I've been laid up for a few days with something that knocked me off my feet and gave me weird-ass fever dreams. I'm up and about today, and there will be an update shortly.

Male Human Inquisitor 3| HP 27 | AC 16 | T 10 | FF 16 | CMD 15 | Fort +5 | Ref +1 | Will +5 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | Sense Motive +9

Did you write down your dreams, might make for a cool campaign!

So are we still waiting for Jessie?

Also did the two GenCon-ers manage to score one of the Mythic Adventures pins?

Unfortunately after much too and fro, the player who was going to take over Jessie isn't. You'll need a healer, so I'll DM her for now.

re: fever dreams

The oddest one I can remember involved Battlestar Galactica and cats. Cats were infiltrating the fleet. But how to tell which were real cats and which were cylon cats? Maybe they would be sleeper agent cats with nukes inside.

Luckily, Bruce Springsteen was there and could tell the difference.

I need help. :-\

Man, I wish I had dreams that interesting/mildly terrifying

Has anyone seen or heard from Gordrun? I think he's the only one we are waiting on right now.

Male Human Cavalier (Hound Master) 3

I don't know how hopeful I am of his posting. His last was in July. To be honest, I'm concerned for the fate of this game in its totality.

Male Human Inquisitor 3| HP 27 | AC 16 | T 10 | FF 16 | CMD 15 | Fort +5 | Ref +1 | Will +5 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | Sense Motive +9

Which is sad, this was one of the games I really wanted to play. I was kinda hoping we'd keep this floating until summer got over and then maybe things would move forward.

OK - who is definitely here? Apart from Graven, Hern and Leon. And Duncan.

Male Tiefling Ranger(trapper):1/ Rogue:2

Damien's still around!

I think that's everyone

OK, let me think for the rest of the day.

Male Human Inquisitor 3| HP 27 | AC 16 | T 10 | FF 16 | CMD 15 | Fort +5 | Ref +1 | Will +5 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | Sense Motive +9

I could adjust my class or my setup some. Or the basic, I can use a CLW wand.

I am more interested in the game and I have an idea for a cleric that would be almost inquisitor-like, so it wouldn't be much of a change. I'd need a day or two to create the backstory (although I suppose the backstory would work for the cleric too).

If that helps you GM

If I switched archetypes I could pick up some healing abilities, albeit not until a far later level. Failing that I think I can buff my damage-potential a bit to make up for any lost bodies.

Male Human Inquisitor 3| HP 27 | AC 16 | T 10 | FF 16 | CMD 15 | Fort +5 | Ref +1 | Will +5 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | Sense Motive +9

Well this group is pretty strong, I don't think we need much healing (the wand for the most part will help) but we might miss the ability to remove/cure conditions and restoration--I'll be honest, I haven't looked at what the inquisitor can cast with regards to restoration. The inquisitor has healing spells on the list, so the wands could help us.

My thought wasn't that we needed to restructure completely. I just thought if we have 4 dedicated folks, that makes a group, I could move over to a martial type cleric with some adjustments and still maintain my character idea for the most part.

Of course, my idea doesn't preclude anyone from switching, assuming the GM is okay with it.

Male Human Cavalier (Hound Master) 3

The inquisitor gets a fair number of healing spells. Remove Fear/Curse/Paralysis/Disease, Lesser Restoration and regular Restoration, and every Cure spell up to Mass Cure Moderate Wounds. Obviously the cleric has the healing advantage, especially with its ability to leave spell slots open and prepare new ones when something comes up. The real problem is that a lot of these are simply scroll spells, and you shouldn't waste Spells Known on them. This could be an issue, depending on how much we're in town. It seems a wilderness heavy game (at least early on), so we may rarely get the chance to pick any up.

But I think we can manage for the most part, especially with a wand handy. It might be interesting to see how we fair with a relatively low magic group.

Overall what I think would be best is to just continue on. We keep going, try and get into a rhythm, and when/if something comes up that we are just sorely lacking, we can reopen recruitment again.

I like it!

Male Human Inquisitor 3| HP 27 | AC 16 | T 10 | FF 16 | CMD 15 | Fort +5 | Ref +1 | Will +5 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | Sense Motive +9

Works for me. As I said, I hadn't really looked at all the cure spells available to the inquisitor. Even a wand of Lesser Restore and others might be beneficial over some scrolls.

I currently don't have a wand, should have bought one instead of some equipment, so we'll need to think about that when we have a chance.

Not only are we magic light but we are pretty melee oriented. Not that we don't all have ranged weapons/spells but we are setup pretty melee intensive. Not a bad thing.

Male Tiefling Ranger(trapper):1/ Rogue:2

Damien flows between range and finesse melee we should be okay. Hell I played a group of fighter types with my pally (hospitaler) as the healerand it worked out good. So let's go for it!

Our group is small, but we are powerful! The unholy fall at our behest, and though we may stand against countless legions we shall be stalwart in our convictions! We wield a mixture of martial prowess and mystic might! Righteousness guides our hands and virtue sharpens our blades! Demons beware, our versatility is out greatest weapon! Do not hide behind your dark magiks! Do not hide behind your puny minions! Know that nothing will hinder us in the relentless hunt! Know that we will not be deterred by trickery and heretics! Know that we are coming for you, and judgement rides with us!

OK - handwave time. Respec how you want, and we'll move on. I was going to post a combat, but I'll post another flavour post for you to interact with, and we'll push on further into the woods.

I think I'm good with where my character is now unless we find that there is an area that needs to be shored up.

Male Human Inquisitor 3| HP 27 | AC 16 | T 10 | FF 16 | CMD 15 | Fort +5 | Ref +1 | Will +5 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | Sense Motive +9

Redid my gear and picked up a cure light wounds wand. We should be good to go now.

Male Human Cavalier (Hound Master) 3

I've changed my Tactician feat from Paired Opportunists to Pack Attack and updated some of my equipment.

Which, uh, probably shouldn't've taken that long. My bad.

Male Human Inquisitor 3| HP 27 | AC 16 | T 10 | FF 16 | CMD 15 | Fort +5 | Ref +1 | Will +5 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | Sense Motive +9

We seem to be ready.



Male Tiefling Ranger(trapper):1/ Rogue:2

Let's hunt us some demons!

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