Dain GM |

The following is a page meant to give detailed listing of equipment, gear, relative gold and earnings and general wealth that are currently in the vaults of the Treasury.
This thread is not open to recruitment - it is meant for the players of Dain's Kingmaker Chronicles.

Dain GM |

The following is a list of the current gear in the treasury in the capital “Saravale” – including the relative prices of goods.
In addition you will find the amount of coin in the treasury. Brett has recommended that the Council receive a monthly stipend – this has been suggested in the past – and in fact there is information to that effect with previous drafts of Charter’s the group has put forth.
Brett recommends that that 50% of all monthly taxes be given to the Council – and divided equally among the Council. Thus – the more taxes the Council they collect – the more the Council will be able to collect. This is more incentive for the Council to do go work.
Brett also recommends that the other 50% of the wealth be converted into BP.
As no one has suggested otherwise – that policy is in effect until the end of Pharast.
The treasury currently has the following in it:
a chunk of iolite worth 50 gp,
a deep green spinel worth 90 gp,
a shard of blue quartz worth 25 gp.
a masterwork dagger,
a wand of burning hands (CL 2nd, 4 charges),
a silver ring worth 75 gp, and a spellbook.
Unfortunately, mold and rain seeping down into the cache has damaged much of the spellbook, but seven of the spells (identify, mage armor, reduce person, mage hand, shocking grasp, silent image, and unseen servant) remain intact.
1 bronze ring with a chip of Amethyst in it (approximate worth 15 GP). Non magical.
Two war trained horses
Rubies 15 – they are each worth about 200 GP a piece.
Dragon Amulet: The amulet is radiating a magical aura; Transmutation. The amulet is an amulet of Natural Armor +1, but it also confers on the wearer a bonus of +1 Caster level to all healing spells, provided the alignment of the caster is “good aligned”. – 4,000 GP.
10 short swords
20 scimitars
30 long bows
450 arrows
20 bedrolls
5 large tents
Masterwork Breastplate
4 lanterns
12 flasks of oil
10 suits of cold weather clothing
Common perfume 10 doses (Appraise 18 Osirion: GP VALUE 20 a dose)
Courtiers Clothes (value 30 GP)
Fine blankets (5 GP)
In chests –
1 bolt of Qadira Silk (Appraise 20: GP VALUE per Square yard 15 GP, 1 bolt has 20 square yards))
4 bottles of fine wine (10 GP a piece)
1 bottle of Rare wine (Appraise 15: 75 GP)
Well made pipe, carved of cherry wood (Appraise: 15: 20 GP)
4 lbs of tobacco
1 Blank journal and writing set
Fancy Bronze Lamp (Appraise 12: Osirion - 20 GP)
2 vials of oil
Playing Cards
5 lbs of Mwangi coffee beans (Appraise: 12, 5 GP per lbs)
Flour/Grain 100 lbs
Tobacco 20 lbs
Draconic War Manual
Lencher’s Journal
Tome of Potions and Elixers
Osirion’s Journal
Alaric’s Journal
6 Explorers kit – 20 lbs – cost – 25 GP
25 feet of hemp rope
Cooking Kit
Shaving Kit
10 candles
1 flint and steel
2 flasks of oil (1 ounce each)
Healers kit (2 doses)
1 waterskin (2 days of water)
Pack – (can hold up to fifty pounds – only 20 lbs filled with this gear)
Treasury – Current Funds and Resources
Month 1 – Pharast
Current amount of Citizens – 3,600 (14 Grids takens)
Collected Monthly taxes – 4,800 GP
Earnings for Casino – 20,000 GP
Earnings from Sale of Bounty Work 6,400 GP
Accumulated “BP” – 6.
Cost – per dose of magical gear in Treasury
1. 2,000 GP per dose Succubus Musk – 10 Doses
2. 1,200 GP per dose Pharaoh’s Curse – 4 Doses
3. 1,000 GP per dose Efriti Tears – 2 Doses
4. 2,000 GP per dose Rakshasa Blood – 4 Doses
5. 500 GP per dose Wyvern Poison – 6 Doses (12 at first – Brett has sold 6 for 2,500 GP)
6. 4,000 GP per vial Greater Air Elemental – Alaric threw these in the portal to Air – they are now gone.
7. 8,000 GP per dose Dhampir Blood – 2 Doses
8. 2,000 GP per dose Siren Scream – 2 Doses
9. 4,000 GP per dose Werebear blood – 3 Doses
1. Succubus Musk – Any person who tastes or touches Succubus Musk must make a Fortitude save (DC 20) or they are bonded to the first person that they come in Physical Contact with (flesh to flesh – the effect will not awaken the “Desire” through inanimate objects) until they receive a “Remove Curse” spell at a temple.
A person who fails their Fortitude save is now under the “command” of the person who they bonded with. As such – they are always considered “Friendly” to the person for all Diplomacy checks and they are always at a -4 to all Willpower saves against any magical commands.
A person who succeeds the roll will be “Friendly” to the first person they touch for a period of 24 hours. After which they shall always remain at least “Neutral” to that person for purposes of Diplomacy, unless a “Remove Curse” spell is used on them.
Note: There are rumors of Succubus Musk being used as a perfume or incense. However, for this to work a magical antidote to the musk has to be ingested first by the person who wears it. You have found no antidotes in your collection at this time.
2. “Pharaoh’s Curse”; this is a glass vial filled with a fine powdery sand. It can be used like a grenade-like weapon. If it explodes it will spread in a 15 foot radius from the explosion. All creatures inside the “Radius” must make a roll against “Mummy Rot”, or suffer the same penalties.
3. Efriti Tears: Not simply the tears of an Efriti –there are other additions to this compound. This is an extremely potent acid-like effect. Pouring it on anything (including the ground) will spread to a 5x5x5 cube and anything in the cube suffers a total of 5d4 points of Fire Damage and Acid Damage. Reflex Save DC is 25.
4. Rakshasa Blood: If the blood is willingly injected into a person’s bloodstream they gain the Scent ability and Darkvision: 60 feet (if they have Darkvision already, add 30 feet to the range). However, the player in question is now cursed and is forced to slide their Alignment one step closer to Evil – losing all affects that being Good or Neutral has granted them for purposes of Divine Casting. This change in Alignment cannot be altered unless a “Remove Curse” spell is cast on the player. However, at that time they shall lose their Scent and Darkvision ability.
5. Wyvern Posion– Standard rules apply from the book.
7. Dhampir Blood: This is part of a blood which, if injected into the bloodstream, will eventually change the Racial Subtype of whoever is injected with it into a Dhampir. This is a slow process, and takes at least one month after the blood is injected into a creature. There is no cure for this. All racial modifiers of the Dhampir are then applied to the person injected by the blood.
8. Siren Scream:This is literally a contained scream of a Siren. When the glass is shattered, the scream explodes out in a 60 foot radius and does 3d6 shatter damage to all things around it (including inanimate objects).
Further – the scream effects the minds of any creature who hears the scream (120 foot radius) – they are considered Dazed for 1d4 rounds and Deafened for 2d4 rounds Willpower DC 20 to Half these penalties to a Minimum of 1.
Note: Creatures who are immune to mind effecting spells do not become “Dazed”.
9. Werebear Blood: When injected into person they gain the curse of a Werebear – if subject is injected willingly there is no save.
Notes on the Anumi Fruit: Aura moderate transmutation; CL 12th
Slot —; Price – gp; Weight —
DESCRIPTION: This bluish-purple fruit, which looks something like a tiny apple, holds the key to creating the Anumi. The fruit becomes activated when it is mashed together with the blood of a master who truly cares for the creature, and mixed in with the animal’s favorite food. Upon complete consumption of this mixture, the animal transforms into a level 1 anumus within 24 hours. It has no effect on creatures that are not natural beasts. The mixture is specific to the animal it was intended for; it will not transform an animal that the blood donor did not care deeply for.
Craft Wondrous Item, polymorph,
The Anumi Fruit have one seed a piece. The seed is used to produce either a tree, or the Anumus. A standard tree will grow about five fruit a year – but only one fruit in ten will have a seed. The process takes 24 hours and can either transform a familiar or animal companion into an Anumis. If an Animal Companion or Familiar is bonded – they retain all memories, Saves, Spell-like abilities, Hit Points and so forth. Their “Stats” change to reflect a 25 point buy – with appropriate modifiers under the Anumus heading.
If a pet or loved animal goes through this ritual – they simply become a level 1 Anumus with only vague memories of what has happened before – and a 25 point buy. [/ooc]
Total Estimated Value in “wealth” in the treasury: 79,865 gold pieces.
Total “Estimated Wealth” for each Council Member: 12,464 – roughly.
Total Collected Taxes for Pharast: 32,200 GP.
Fifty Percent of Gold on BP: 4 BP
Bonus BP: 4 BP
Fifty Percent of Gold for Four Council Members: 16,200 – divide by 4 (Ariarh, Brett, Kae, Oleg).
One cut of Gold Per Council Member: 4,050 GP.
Top of the Month’s gold:
Ariarh: 4,050 GP
Brett: 4,050 GP
Kae: 4,050 GP
Oleg: 4,050

Dain GM |
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Map of Oleg's Village as of Gozran the 1st
Oleg’s Village Stats
1. Guard Tower
2. Houses (2)
3. Shrine
4. Stables
5. Tavern
6. Shop
7. Cemetery
Current population: Roughly 2,000 Citizens.
Village Elders:
1. Mayor Oleg Leveton – Human – River Kingdoms; Treasurer
--- Note: Currently Oleg Leveton is the acting Treasurer of the Nation, as well as a formal Council Member.
2. Robert “The Drake” Tyrell – Human – Brevoy: Ruler
3. Moira Lochlin – Changeling – Ustalav: High Priestess
4. Gragakh – Goblin – Five Kings Mountain: Spymaster
5. Bill Tinker – Human – Brevoy: Marshal
6. Doctor Emit White – Sylph – Numidia: Magister
7. Sylviana Turon – Elf – Kyonin: Counselor

Dain GM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Detailed stats on the City of Saravale - and the two districts it occupies
Your Garrison Currently Has the Following –
12 Tenements: The buildings inside the garrison that act as “houses” only give you a penalty to “Unrest” if the tenement is occupied. A person who builds, or lives in, a house outside the Fortress will be happier with a real house.
City Walls (2): North and south
Granary -- 1 Square
Inn -- 1 Square
Smith -- 1 Square
Stable -- 1 Square
2 Watchtowers -- 2 Squares
Your Fishing village currently occupies at total of 6 squares (the other five are currently unused until the valley is flooded).
Fishing Village -
Town Hall – 2 squares
House – 1 square
Barracks – 1 Square
Dump – 1 Square
You therefore have a total of 24 squares.
Current Population: 6,000 Citizens.
This population is cumulative – it is between the area that is the “Garrison” and the “Fishing Village” is collectively.
Current “Base Value” – by the book: 1,000 GP
Note: Your capital’s “Base Value” means you can find magical items worth under 1,000 GP 75% of the time. Non-magical, or “mundane” items should be available, if they are under the “Base Value” of the city. Provided, of course, the city has resources for this (i.e. – no mundane weapons or armor without a smith – no horses to buy without a stable – no alchemical items without an Alchemist shop – no “healing potions” without a shrine, and so forth).
Note: Baronies, and Oleg’s village – function differently. More on that to come soon, though. For now – your current city has what it has. By the book – and by the numbers.

Dain GM |

The following includes three "maps" of Saravale -
1. The overhead map of the basic surrounding region.
2. The close-up map of the "Fortress" - first floor (I seem to have misplaced floor 2, if it can be resent, I will make adjustments).
3. The "technical" map of the "Fishing Village".
The following should be noted - there is no "technical map" of the "Fortress" - because this cannot be adjusted or modified at this time. In time, yes, but currently it is a solid stone structure. Proper adjustments and modifications can be made - but only to the "fishing village" at this time.
Next - you will notice the "fishing village" has no detailed and/or colorful map, like Oleg's village. This is because I did not create one. I felt it would be more fair, and fun, if a player wished to create such a map based on the information that has been provided - and attempt to creatively sync it up with the details given - much like I tried to do with Oleg's map.
If anyone is willing to do this - I will reward them with bonuses. If they do not wish to do this - it will not effect your town in any way.
If Saravale is ever attacked - combat shall fall under the specific purview of "by the book" combat - as stated in the formal rules. Only Baronies need to worry about the type of combat we witness at Oleg's when the Trolls attacked.
Baronies are some time away, however - so there is no rush or need to worry about that now.
Again - more rules on Baronies to come soon..

Dain GM |

Map of the explored lands so far...
The following map is a compilation of both your own exploration - as well as that of the knight - Sir Dashan - it is not a complete map - and it may be missing details, even on the terrain he has traveled.
Sir Dashan is a knight, not a cartographer, and as such - his map gives you mostly landmarks, with some notes on it.
The westerly of the map is blank. Neither your organization - nor Sir Dashan's - have been there yet. In time, perhaps you will.
Not all the landmarks on the map are visible at this time. This is intentional - even characters who traveled everywhere may not be aware of everything. This map will be adjusted throughout the course of the game.

Dain GM |

Arasmes ibn'Fayad |

Just to give you an idea of what the keep looks like. North Side is to the right and the ground floor is 40' tall on that side. Includes warehouse/Granary with lift access to lower entrance, cistern/water storage, privy, and prison (not yet completed i.e. not bought with BP). South Side includes Stables, Forge/Smith, Large kitchen/tavern/mess hall/Inn. (FYI these are big picture files. The ground floor one is 32MB by itself so it may not come up with a preview when you click the link and you will need to download it to see it fully.)
Cloudwatch South Side Floors 3-8 Tenements.
Cloudwatch North Side Floors 5-7 Council Member and Dignitary Chambers. (Not yet fully completed. i.e. not bought with BP, or could be considered part of Inn)
Cloudwatch North Side Floor 8 Includes Audience Chamber/Throne Room, and National Council Member Offices. (No real BP value, there for flavor)

Dain GM |

Just to give you an idea of what the keep looks like. North Side is to the right and the ground floor is 40' tall on that side. Includes warehouse/Granary with lift access to lower entrance, cistern/water storage, privy, and prison (not yet completed i.e. not bought with BP). South Side includes Stables, Forge/Smith, Large kitchen/tavern/mess hall/Inn. (FYI these are big picture files. The ground floor one is 32MB by itself so it may not come up with a preview when you click the link and you will need to download it to see it fully.)
Cloudwatch South Side Floors 3-8 Tenements.
Cloudwatch North Side Floors 5-7 Council Member and Dignitary Chambers. (Not yet fully completed. i.e. not bought with BP, or could be considered part of Inn)
Cloudwatch North Side Floor 8 Includes Audience Chamber/Throne Room, and National Council Member Offices. (No real BP value, there for flavor)
Wow - it certainly looks very cool. However - there are some things to remember about the design of the keep at this time.
First - each floor is identical/symmetrical with the exception for the first 2 floors. Floors 3-8 are the same on both sides at this time. To rework the interior you would need heavy magic - (more specifically lots of BP). Also - I don't know if you remember this, but the north side of the eighth floor is currently being used - as a graveyard for the silver kobolds.
If you recall - the funerary rites for the kobolds are somewhat different then other races. They may not be too pleased if their funerary site is disturbed - but then again, they may - this is something that will need to be played out.
Also - as Saravale is now functioning technically under book rules - no formal work can be done on Cloudwatch Keep until the "fishing village" district has been maxed out - not to mention you will need to formally annex land for "farmland" to allow the district of the Keep to be worked on.
More of these details can be worked on soon though - but for now, I certainly do like the design. Good work :)

Arasmes ibn'Fayad |

These are the same as the last time I sent them to you I haven't changed anything from when i sent them to you before.
Per your instructions:
"On the south side of the canyon wall (that is, the left side if you are standing on the "floor" of the fortress looking toward the dam) are all the living quarters. They are carved into the wall, and the "face" of the wall is like a appartment building; with windows, balconeys, whatever you want. It is established that he south side is roughly 8 stories of ten feet each, the first 2 stories are for the stables (which can house 20 horses and four carts/carriages), as well as a forge/blacksmith shop and a large kitchen area with chimney's big enough to accomodate both forge, kitchen and provide food for large ammounts of people.
The rooms above the first two stories go all the way to the top, where a parapet is that overlooks the valley in the south. All primary bedrooms have conjoined chimneys - and there should be enough rooms in the "living spaces" on the south side to house (comfortably) 1,200 people.
The north side is very similiar,except on the first four floors you only find room for large grannaries, storerooms, and other such things. The remaining four rooms are lving quarters. Design them all how you want - offices as needed, as welll as prisons, personal quarters, and so forth."
So I'm a little bit confused as to what is wrong with it. Please let me know.

Dain GM |

These are the same as the last time I sent them to you I haven't changed anything from when i sent them to you before.
Per your instructions:
"On the south side of the canyon wall (that is, the left side if you are standing on the "floor" of the fortress looking toward the dam) are all the living quarters. They are carved into the wall, and the "face" of the wall is like a appartment building; with windows, balconeys, whatever you want. It is established that he south side is roughly 8 stories of ten feet each, the first 2 stories are for the stables (which can house 20 horses and four carts/carriages), as well as a forge/blacksmith shop and a large kitchen area with chimney's big enough to accomodate both forge, kitchen and provide food for large ammounts of people.
The rooms above the first two stories go all the way to the top, where a parapet is that overlooks the valley in the south. All primary bedrooms have conjoined chimneys - and there should be enough rooms in the "living spaces" on the south side to house (comfortably) 1,200 people.
The north side is very similiar,except on the first four floors you only find room for large grannaries, storerooms, and other such things. The remaining four rooms are lving quarters. Design them all how you want - offices as needed, as welll as prisons, personal quarters, and so forth."
So I'm a little bit confused as to what is wrong with it. Please let me know.
Apologies - first - I forgot that the first four floors of the north side were meant to be used for the size and height of the granary. For some reason I thought it was only two floors.
Certainly, though, if the granaries were meant to be roughly 40 feet in height, then it would make sense that they need to take up four floors.
As for the point of "design it how you want" - this was to represent the style and design of the living quarters themselves. How you wanted to use the hallways - how you wanted to design the defense structures, and so forth.
This is completely in place on the south side, and will have to remain consistent with the north side, however.
As for the point of confusion - I understand completely. When I had initially encouraged the design and detail it was under the impression that your city was a bit different then it is functioning as it does now. In other words - if your capital was attacked, you would be able to actually use the map you presented as a "battle map" to play out combat and so forth, mainly because I thought that would be fun.
However - I was completely in error on such matters. Such battle maps and details are completely opposed to the formal style of "by the book" tactics which Kingmaker provides for combat against one of your cities. In short - my recommendations were a deviation from the rules that I thought would be fun. Saravale is now becoming specifically aligned to "by the book" rules - which do not provide for such things.
Unfortunately, I am late for work. We can talk more about this soon - remember, nothing is set in stone, I can be flexible, but I was under the impression that the deviations were not wanted in Saravale, so we kind of need to hash this out as a team and see what you guys want.
Okay - late for work, I will try to talk to you about this soon.

Shaezon Silverfall |

The doc's dont come up too well on my Ipad (at work). I'll have to see if they work better on my laptop (at home).
I wasn't really planning on combibning, but I suppose we could. It would allow us to combine build points. You could be responsible for the spontaneous casters and I the magelings.
Are you rebuilding the palace or some seperate building?

Arasmes ibn'Fayad |

There were apparently two structures on either side of the dam in the cliffs. The one we have access to now and then there was another area on the other side that was flattened by some catastrophe. The flattened area is where the castle/tower would probably go. In addition to build points it would be a more secure area also, plus I just like the idea of a castle with soaring spires and such lol.

Shaezon Silverfall |

There were apparently two structures on either side of the dam in the cliffs. The one we have access to now and then there was another area on the other side that was flattened by some catastrophe. The flattened area is where the castle/tower would probably go. In addition to build points it would be a more secure area also, plus I just like the idea of a castle with soaring spires and such lol.
It would need to be built for defense. In other words it wouuld need to be build with a big wall and the towers would have to be well out of catapult range of said wall. When I get access to "create Greater demiplane" Probably via scroll, and can make it permanent (again probalby a scroll). The space limitations will be of less consequence. However that's HIGH magic.
I don't necessarily need a a cliffside. A tall hill or something would be fine.
What are your plans for this structure exactly? I may take another part of the country entirely. Perhaps it would be a good idea to have a magic school away from the city proper. What do you all think?

Dain GM |

I think it could be a good idea - however;
1. To make the new "District" on the west side of the cliff you will need to, at least, finish construction of "District 1 - the fishing village".
That will take time.
2. Remember - even the best and most useful magical spells and pieces of equipment - despite their literal powers, and heavily stymies by the rules that are in place for build points in Kingmaker - certain magical items which are used can - at best - give you an extra set of BP - but that's about all they do. The spell you mentioned can do the same thing - give you extra BP - but as the formal rules are written, they grant you no actual "magical powers" to use in construction, no matter how the spell reads - because of how the rules are set up.
3. Many of your plans/ideas seem cool to me - for story purposes and social RP - as well as concept-wise. However - these things have very scheduled and specific roadblocks in the same vein of "the rules".
This begs a very big question, from me, to you - namely this: I spent a lot of time "tweaking" the rules to give the game a very free-flowing and "sandbox" style of city design, with a lot of deviations from the rules. This was a set of deviations that not everyone agreed with - so I said "okay, that's fine - Saravale will be "by the book" while the other "baronies won't be.
It sounds like you guys want the advantages of a free-flowing and creative city - but you also are interested in having it "by the book". I can go either way, but just not both. Either way is totally fine to me - but I just need to know your preference.
For now it seems likely that Ariarh, Brett, and Ka'etil want, and are interested in, controlling "baronies", as well as functioning as a Council Member.
I also understood that Arasmes and Shaezon did not want such "baronies" - and preferred Saravale to be more "by the book", with the possible inclusion of a small wizard school - among other things.
Apologies to all, but I am just somewhat confused. I hope I am not coming off as rude, either, I am just trying to figure out what works where, and how - and what everyone wants specifically and what will make everyone happy.
Again - you are still in the middle of (or just entering into) - a combat. You are a long way from having to make a decision on these matters, and I am still hammering out details in the meanwhile. There will still be tweaks, no doubt - but they will only be good - because any change I plan on making is one that the players are interested in.
Just keep the feedback coming on what you'd like to see - and we can go from there.
A last, brief request: Please keep such discussions on the formal "discussion" thread - I was hopping to keep this thread relatively brief - so you can sort out/discover maps and treasure quickly. This thread is supposed to be more utilitarian then discussion oriented.

Shaezon Silverfall |

I don't know how it works "by the book" so that's not necessarily my desire. What I was going to do is get a plot of land somewhere and build from there. I'm going to let it develop organically, but some sort of mage school that has a martial wing is loosely what I'm looking to do. Once I get established, of course.

Dain GM |

Ah - what you're talking about is more of actually buying "property" (like an estate) you can certainly do this - but it will take time and money.
Some basic/general questions -
1. How much land do you think you will need/want?
2. Where do you suppose you will want it (For example - on the Capital "land" - or would you prefer it on the "lands" of Oleg's village - like about half a mile away - or someone else's lands? Or would you prefer your own lands?).
3. How elaborate would you like such a structure? It sounds like you're looking to start with a corner office above some broken down shop to take "arcane cases" - as it were, and then (one day, perhaps) become succesful enough to have your own theme song!

Shaezon Silverfall |

1) I don't really know. Enough area to expand, but I won't need that much initially.
2) I think Olegs village lands would be best or even my own lands. Far enough away that an occationally wayward fireball won't devestate the city, but close enough that a rider can be sent to give or recieve help. We'll probalby have some carrier pigeons or something for the latter.
3)Initially just a house will do, but eventually I want an entire casatle fortress. The latter being primarily built through many many castings of Wall of stone + Stone shape + Knowledge Engineering. That's the fluff anyway. I know I'll still need build points, etc but I like the imagery.
If there was a mountain or cliffside or something I could build upon that would be ideal. If not, perhaps in time I'll have to raise a mountain underneath it. ;-)

Shaezon Silverfall |

Now that we have the loot from the last adventure shall we talk about distribution?
Magical Bow
1. You find a Bow – it has the Symbol of Erastil on the hilt.
It functions as a +1 Bow – but in the hands of a Cleric of Erastil – it is a +3 Bow.
Clerics of Erastil gain the following powers. Each “Power” is equal to 1 “point”. A player has as many “points” a day equal to 3 + Charisma Modifier.
Power 1
The possessor the bow can use “Dead Eyes Lore” – as per the spell. Caster Level is equal to the Cleric level – minimum Level 1.
Power 2
Can cast “Weapons Against Evil” on the next arrow that you fire. The Caster level is equal to the Cleric Level – minimum of Level 1.
Power 3
Can cast “Abundant Ammunition” on the quiver that goes with the bow. The Caster Level is equal to the Cleric Level – minimum of Level 1.
Approximate value of bow – according to Appraise roll: Depends – for all purposes of price, it is merely a +1 Long Bow – you’d estimate roughly 2,200 gold pieces – yet, you have a hunch if you could find a Cleric of Erastil – such a person would probably pay you up to – 25,000 gold pieces – probably more, because, thanks to your good rolls via Spellcraft – you sense there may be powers hidden in the bow that are, as yet, unlocked!
Golden Leaves
You find six golden leaves, which look like they are magically crafted – though they are not magically made – simply leaves from a magic tree. They can be worn like an “Amulet” around the neck, or like a broach.
The Leaf grants the wearer the following powers while they wear it:
1. Woodland stride. Those with Woodland stride may add +5 to their movement speed in any Forest Terrain – as long as they are walking or on foot.
2. +5 to “Stealth” in any Forest Terrain
3. “Friend of the Wild” – all Fey and creatures of the “Animal Subtype” are more positive to those who wear such leaves; provided they are wild. All “Wild” animals are now set to “Indifferent”, rather then “Unfriendly” – and all Fey Folk are modified up from Unfriendly to Indifferent, Indifferent to Friendly, and so on…
4. While the amulet does not allow a player to “speak” Sylvan – any player who is wearing the leaf can understand Sylvan.
Approximate value per leaf – according to Appraise roll: 5,000 gold pieces each, you’d gather.
Horn of Plenty
The horn looks like a beautiful cornucopia – it is made of finely woven meshed branches.
If you speak the command word – the horn is filled with fresh fruits. There is now enough food inside this Horn to feed 10 people one entire meal. Eating the food from this Horn will allow the player to function for 24 Hours as if they had the “Endurance” Feat – if they already have this Feat, the effects double for a day.
The people who eat the food will each regain 1d4+1 Hit Points after the meal – only 10 people can use this ability. Each person can use this ability once (in other words, you cannot give a person “Three Meals” and assume they will gain “3d4+3” – the Horn confers no more healing magic then stated).
Once it is used – it cannot be used again for a period of 7 days.
Approximate value of Horn – according to Appraise roll: Roughly 4,000 gold pieces.
This gold - and the value attached to it - is all "relative" - you don't have any of this gold - until you can find a buyer. Once you do that - you can get gold or coin for this stuff. But until that time - you can either purchase out the item yourself, like - if one of you wants the bow - you can get take the bow, and pay for it out of pocket - and the rest of the party can split the coin - if you want one of these items - or you can just leave them in the vault for now. But if you want to "Share the Wealth" - someone needs to buy the gear - and you divide the wealth among everyone.
Also - if you want the base price of the gold - that can be arranged - it must just be taken out of the treasury. So - for example - now that you have a total of Gold - you can just say "Give me the coin" - and it will be provided for you out of treasury. But as that will sorely deplete the treasury - it's up to the council how they will have to deal with it.
For his cut shaezon would like one of the leaves, then the remainder minus expenses in gold.

Shaezon Silverfall |

On a related, but entirely separate note he would like to talk about the possibility of becoming a freestanding lord within the community. His plans are to start a magical school which over time will greatly benefit the kingdom as a whole. With proper land and title Shaezon would have "roots" here where presently he does not.
It won't actually cost the community any money to grant land and title. The rest of the expenses (and direct rewards) Shaezon will handle himself, unless of course the governing body of Saravale would like to come to some sort of mutually beneficial agreement. For the land granted Shae would prefer the mountain fortress, but is open to suggestion/negotiation on the subject.
I can role play all that out if you want, but it seems like a long ass conversation. I'd rather just cut to the brass tacks OOC and role play the more important stuff, like the outcome and "mutually beneficial agreement".

Ka'etil Malas'rae |

Total Estimated Value in “wealth” in the treasury: 79,865 gold pieces.
Total “Estimated Wealth” for each Council Member: 12,464 – roughly.
Total Collected Taxes for Pharast: 32,200 GP.
Fifty Percent of Gold on BP: 4 BP
Bonus BP: 4 BP
Fifty Percent of Gold for Four Council Members: 16,200 – divide by 4 (Ariarh, Brett, Kae, Oleg).
One cut of Gold Per Council Member: 4,050 GP.
i don't quite get that honestly...
Dain, How much does the nation have as reserved for the nation, and how much do we each have in our personal accounts?
I know I've dropped 2500 for information, and have to pay the salaries of my captains, so what do the 4 members that are there have?
Then what do the new folks have in their accounts, as Raz and Shae were there for the
we got 36,200 GP worth of stuff, so we need to subtract expenses from that, then the treasury gets a portion, 1/3 quest loot, or are we keeping all that stuff for ourselves?
then divide it among Kae, Brett, Raz, Shae, Ry...
do Al, and Dash also want a cut, and was anyone else there?
SO that's like 24,000/7 = 3,000 a piece?
Someone please correct me there, thanks.

Shaezon Silverfall |

In the past I've used the "group loot is a member rule." In other words it gets an equal share and counts as an individual. With fIve PC's loot gets split 6 ways. The group loot is used for mutually beneficial things,such as diamonds for resurrection, etc. 1/3 seems excessive, though I support subtracting group expenses before division. Therefore the treasury never really loses anything only gains.
Also who's paying the captains, you or the treasury?

Ka'etil Malas'rae |

think it's me...
And Trearury is where buying BP, and funding events, as well as paying for things like the Army, and stuff like that,
I can stomach paying for the captains if everyone is gonna pay for their subordinates that work for the kingdom out of their personal pocket, personally i thing paying officers of the state out of personal expenses is kinda lame, but whatever, but there no way in hell i'm paying for the whole damn army. Were that the case, i'd say fine... we no longer have a military, hoepfully we don't get attacked.

Shaezon Silverfall |

think it's me...
And Trearury is where buying BP, and funding events, as well as paying for things like the Army, and stuff like that,
I can stomach paying for the captains if everyone is gonna pay for their subordinates that work for the kingdom out of their personal pocket, personally i thing paying officers of the state out of personal expenses is kinda lame, but whatever, but there no way in hell i'm paying for the whole damn army. Were that the case, i'd say fine... we no longer have a military, hoepfully we don't get attacked.
You make a good point. For the school my thought was that I was going to own it outright and charge the city for any spell casting/military training services including my eagle riders (more on that later. Its just a thought at the moment) etc in the case of attack.

Dain GM |

Wow! Okay – let me just clear up a few quick things – hopefully it will help out a bit.
What the treasury page is supposed to be – and how it is supposed to work.
Okay – first thing. The “Treasury” is supposed to be a constant update of things – posted on a regular basis. Whenever you decide to “withdraw funds” from the treasury for the group – you really ought to read what it currently has (via last posting) – decide what you want to withdraw (preferably with the group’s concensus) – then, make a current posting – minus the funds you’ve taken out – or added in.
This way the group can look at the last posting and see – specifically – what is in the “royal treasury” at any given moment – simply by looking at the details of the last post. Of course – specific items (such as untapped potions with “cost value” – magic items – same thing, and so on) will not have to be changed every time – unless someone specifically takes one.
I.E. ”I want to take the sword of dragon slaying – I shall leave the coin instead”. When this is done – you need to make such a note – so the rest of the group doesn’t think the sword is still there, even though the “relative wealth” remains the same.
Unless otherwise noted – try not to put in much “discussion” here – it only clogs up the thread. Just use this for a quick reference so any and all can look here and know what is going on better/faster.
Current state of money for the nation – and the individuals therein.
Okay – for now you have the later postings with the most recent amount of “Wealth” your town earned. Remember – things like BP earned were meant and designed when I assumed your town would grow and develop organically and with social RP – as opposed to the “cut and dry” method in the book.
While I liked the idea – I was “outvoted” – and we are now using Saravale as the template for a “Cut and Dry” method of government. However – this does not formally start until AFTER book 2 is concluded – which should be soon, depending on your quests.
Your Council has divided the town’s money into two separate categories.
1. What the town is worth – in relative wealth (i.e. – book prices for all the junk you have – potions, spices, rare silks – that sort of thing).
2. How much gold you actually have. Remember – if you have a bottle of rare perfume worth 1,000,000 GP – but no one wants to buy it – your town’s relative wealth may be high – but you still don’t have the gold for it until you sell it.
As of right now – the city of Saravale has the following “Town Worth” – in the “Vault” – though it may be greater – or less – then what the town is actually worth – if you can’t find a buyer.
This figure of the town’s current worth: Roughly 80,000 (79 and some odd change, to be more specific). However – this was “relative wealth”. It covers things like “Werebear Blood” – and the value of it – but just like the point above about the million GP perfume – if people won’t buy that – you don’t have anything to spend on gold.
When it was all said and done – taxes, raw gold collected – an so on – you were left with a very thin amount of actual coin – you divided this figure in half (half for the nation – half for the council members to divide again among themselves).
By the end of Pharast – you ended up having the following figure in Actual Coin – (as opposed to all the raw treasury stuff you have, but no one is trying to sell – never mind the raw value of it).
Actual Coin in taxes total 32,000, roughly.
You then took this figure – divided it by 2 (50% for both the Council – and the other for the City/Nation) – which left you with 16,000 GP – roughly.
As you had 4 Council Members – you each got to have a ¼ cut of that loot. Hence your current earnings for Pharast.
You may have had other goods and gear besides on you worth more then that figure. You have had other wealth, too. What is clear, though – is that you each made some rather bold spending in different ways.
For example – Kae – you personally decided to pay Grishnak several thousand coin – 2,500 GP from the treasury – not out of your own pocket.
FYI - this was a risky move – you may have negative results for it later, especially when the town "does the books" at the end of the month and realizes where you got the money to pay Grishnak.
You either got this coin from the city vault – the 16,000 in the city there – or you got it by using your own money personally. You chose the vault, which cost you nothing, for now.
Now – Ariarh bought potions for the group – but she paid for them out of her own pocket – which means her own personal wealth went down. Which is why she is eager for everyone to pay her back their cut for the cots of the potions – as they were not cheap, and she paid for them – not with treasury money/quest money – but out of her own private purse! So far – only Brett, Aliento, Sir Dashan have formally done this.
Arasmes, Anuk-su, Shaezon, and Kae have not given her any money so far. This means that – as Ariarh had to pay for these out of pocket – she is personally paying for 5/8ths of the parties cost for magic potions – even as the rest of the party is doing nothing to comp her for the potions (though – perhaps – that may happen soon – as it was generally promised to happen once you got paid for the items you found on the quest).
Brett spent quite a bit of his own coin (out of private pocket) – specifically 2,810 GP – but that was for specific Information Gathering I had to do to facilitate things in the group. Don’t worry – Brett did not mention this expense – he assumes it was his own – even though it helped the group. Consequently – Brett – as he paid personal money to certain parties – will be remembered well by them later.
This applies to other characters, too – though. For example – if no one chooses to pay back Ariarh for the cost of the goods she bought personally for the temple north – then she is out the money. However – the people she bought the potions will discover Ariarh paid them personally over half the gold out of her own pocket. As such – they will be well-pleased to do business with her in the future – but her alone.
The same applies to Kae with Grishnak; as Grishnak believes that Kae is paying him out of his own pocket – never mind where he got the money.
The treasury then expended an additional 2,000 Gold Pieces to Khromm for his information about the towns to your south.
Currently – the treasury is down 4,500 – at least – for the cost of Kae’s taking coin to Grishnak – and the cost of Khromm’s 2,000 gold pieces in earnings.
Regarding the military –
Kae – there is good news/bad news about the military. The bad news is that you personally have to pay for your officers, even as Shaezon has to pay for his own apprentice; and Ariarh and Brett have to pay for others to do work for them.
This costs money.
You have 2 level 1 types (as I recall) – and Shaezon has 1 level 2 type.
However – you must pay them coin each week for their personal living expenses. On the other hand – you control their leveling – like a mini-Cohort – so it’s like a Cohort you can play with – but you DO have to pay them.
Both you and Shaezon are personally responsible for the expenditures each week for your boys.
The good news is that you don’t have to pay for the city guards, militia. As general you can stat them out – but you don’t have to pay for them.
The nation does – and – as such – your treasury will be lower again because of that.
By the end of the month – you will need to pay your troops.
From the troops that died you (Kae) – have offered a classy funeral and donation to the park – this was recalled at 300 GP for the men who dies – roughly 30 GP a “funeral service” – plot of land, and so on.
As for the army itself – as stated it would cost for the 300 men (roughly) 630 GP a week. You were gone 2 weeks, and this is now moving into week 3. Depending on your current speed of exploration – and so forth – you will end up having to pay 2,400 GP a month for your current army.
HOWEVER: Your army is paid by the Nation – not our of your personal expenditures. You only pay your current officers – and, after the current notes on payment – you Kae – will have to pay your officers the following by the end of the month total:
20 GP per man, per week – this reflects your bonuses with each man – as per house rules.
Shaezon – your “out of pocket expenses” for taking care of your apprentice are as follows:
250 gold per week for your apprentice – this also reflects your bonuses with your apprentice. He is also a higher level – and costs more money.
In addition – Arasmes has been made a formal “Expert in Southern Relations”. He was already paid 500 gold pieces, and another 500 at the end of the month for his services are forthcoming. Soo…
So – to sum up
Your nation had the following in “raw gold” in its vaults at the beginning of the month:
16,100 gold pieces.
It is currently the start of week 3 – at this time your nation has spent the following money:
11,100 gold pieces
The town has more money then this technically – if you ever managed to sell all the gear in the treasury.
For now – you haven’t. The town “army” is paid up to the end of the week – next week they will need more money.
What you each have in current gold?
Oh – that’s easy enough for me to discover. No doubt it’s on your current sheet.
Which reminds me – some of you may be in the negatives – no worries. That money can easily be deducted out of what you find on the trail.
Remember – council members – half of what you find on the trail should be going to the town at this time. However – things will change in time.
Hope this clears up any questions. I need to run some errands – please let me know if there any other questions… I will be back later tonight!

Shaezon Silverfall |

WHere did the 250 GP per week for an apprentice come from? As presently I have no actual coin I can't afford an apprentice and certainly not for 1000 GP a month. Hell, I'd like someone to pay me that. Am I not compensating him in lessons or something? That number is ludicrous. WHy would I bother taking apprentices until i can afford them? I'm not trying to be difficult, but that seems like such a randomly high number for something the he should (theoretically) be paying me. My living expenses aren't 1000 Gp per month. If that's how much it's going to cost me I'll just pay his father the 50 GP I owe him, get my broach back and send him on his merry way. I'll contact them again if/when I can ever start a business that can support such lavish apprentice lifestyles.

Dain GM |

First - it is completely not a randomly high number. It was in the House Rules - I put the link to it on the cost of the board. The link is there - and it's been there. And the price will go down in time when he has been with you for more then a week.
Second - I was hoping to do this on the discussion thread - not here - but I guess I will toss it up here as well.
Third - please read the details. You are trying to make a school that earns you money - that means you will have to invest in things. That means it will cost you money. But it also means that when you get situated - you will start earning money big time later.
Finally - I have no idea what you are talking about. You have literally THOUSANDS of coin - and you don't use it - you don't do anything with it - you just keep the items and don't use them.
If you chose to - then you'd be far forward in the game - you have magical items no one wants or is using worth thousands of gold - which you are entitled to - and until you sell the items and take the gold - you won't get the money.
So - yes - you are in the red for a week - until you decide to sell the items and earn the coin that it's worth.

Dain GM |

Note to self. Don't post drunk. Sorry if I upset you.
Thank you - I do appreciate it. Don't worry about the money though - remember - despite all these "expenses" you guys have (and yeah, you have some) - you've been back in town for less then 1 day. You have lots of different ways to make money. If you're worried about the money in the "morning" before you head out - mention it to Galen. Remember; he knows how to make money - his dad hammered it into him - he can give you LOTS of financial suggestions that can earn you (literally) thousands of GP in less then an hour - if you're interested... Just ask him. But in either case, I hope you have a good day today, and I look forward to seeing your posts when I get home tonight.