Dain GM |

Isani tries to recollect all that she saw when the creature first slammed into the back of them.
Knowledge, Nature: 1d20+8
Knowledge, Planes: 1d20+8
Your knowledge nature check is clear on one thing - if the creature was as big as it appeared - if it decided to dive into the depths of the water, it would displace a tremendous amount of water over and above it.
And while your knowledge of planar creatures is fairly limited in this case - you recall vaguely hearing the girl Anuk-su mention something about legends of the black stone to your comrade Ariarh - you wonder if there was more to her story - and feel that there may be more, if you had a chance to get those details.
In either case - common sense and a knowledge of beasts teaches you of the basic "fight or flight" syndrome.
You reflect that if a single member of your party could drive destroy half of the spiders health with a few sword strokes - certainly the creature, if it possessed even a sense of self-preservation - would have no desire to chase after the lot of you.
And - if it did flee back into the water - that could account for the large wave that slopped into you a moment ago.
Which would suggest the spider may have dove back into the tunnel it issued from. Then again - it may not and could be on its way right now!
What, then, is your move?

Clari Miali'ahel |

I still want to know what the FLying Raz has to say about the thing. IF it's coming toward us, then we brace and ready to attack, and if it seems to have gine into it's hiding place again, then i say we go the the other tunnel and see what's there, since there's no other paths this way. Right?

Yillim Dross |

Knowledge nature to come to similar conclusions
1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18
Yillim looks to the party and nods at Clari's suggestion.
I do believe that is the best course of action. We should proceed back towards the other passage. This creature, although quite large and beastly, may have only been defending its home. We should hope that the others that came before did not meet their fate at its hands, but I feel we are ill equipped to deal with it should it attack again. Let us use this time to make our way back, but with caution. It may attack again, but it may not.
Then, a curious look crosses the already curious face of Yillim, and he turns to face Lia.
I know you have the ability to speak with your brother, Revion, and indeed with other wolves. Does that ability extend to other creatures of nature? If so, perhaps we could reason with the creature? Even offer up some kind of restitution with it...questioning the creature could lead us to further clues about the whereabouts of the men that came here before.

Dain GM |

For now - you wait... Your wait lasts for at least another minute - it has now been 3 minutes sense your buffs were cast - and a 4th since Clari used her first Arcana points.
In all this time -you see nothing in the darkness ahead.
You have several options - indeed; a few have been suggested - even so; what does the group decide to do formally?
Just let me know...

Clari Miali'ahel |

assume that Raz flew over over that minute we were waiting and then tells us WTF is going on, eight that the spider has submerged or is approaching, or that he doesn't know.
so based on that information (since we haven't gotten much more) We will act.
and if that's an invalid choice, CLari will light the end of an arrow and fire it as far down the cavern as possible so we can get a look to see if the monster is coming.
If anyone wants to try talking to the thing and has the power to do so, then clari will come along for defense with a readies action to attack.
I think the only active buff at this point is Raz's flight, cause Clari's are only 1 minute per use

Dain GM |

I can't assume Raz decided to fly off down the tunnel alone, that isn't fair to make that call for him. He could just as easily done the arrow trick himself - or used a summon monster creature to scout things out. At this time - Raz used the spell 1 minute before the buffs started (if you recall he used it first round - then some fighting - then the flee for seven rounds for a total of 10 rounds). Meantime - he has 3 minutes left to his fly spell.
It's pretty much his call on that subject of what he does with his spell and his time, though. As he hasn't posted today, yet - I'm sure we'll see something from him soon.
Meanwhile - if you do fire the arrow - you watch it soar down the tunnel about 120 feet or so before the light winks out - you don't think it went out magically - you think it was just because as it went farther from you, the ability to see it became more and more difficult until it disappeared into the inky blackness, and then - likely - eventually fell into the water.
In all that space you didn't see anything, though.
This is a generalization, of course, on distance. It is a little unclear how to read things - the range of the arrow is one thing - but your darkvision allows you to see twice the distance in the dark as a normal person. But - even though what you're looking at is "light" - which should have no problem reaching you - the range of a light spell is 30 feet - and an additional 30 feet beyond it. Basically it's like looking for a glowing light bulb (which could illuminate a 30 foot radius room - and grow dimmer beyond that) that was over 120 feet away. Bottom line - I'm not sure on the science of how far you could watch the arrow soar into the darkness - but I am clear that you saw nothing in the first 120 feet. Beyond that? You could try to make a Perception roll, if you'd like. But the combined knowledge checks suggest the beast may have fled to the safety of its pool. Meantime - you could take a different tact and try something else while we wait for folks to post.

Dain GM |

Also spotting a light like that you can see the light itself from a LONG way off in a dark environment...whether you can discern anything of use from the light itself is another story.
Also as far as flying we will be 30' above the water.
Remember - Ras has actually burned 4 minutes already at this point, not three. If you go one minute down, and one back - you'll only have one minute left.
Also - regarding the light - with no specific rules on what you can actually see - and how much light can be seen, I've decided to go right from the book via light spells and darkvision/low-light vision. But in either case - even if you can see a twinkle of light - "perceiving" something at distance is another story, as you mentioned :) Even so - you did not perceive anything when Clari shot the arrow.
While you could have summoned Cali via the spell - that would negate the already summoned and signing birds - as soon as they stop singing - then their ability goes away.
I presumed you had them sing for the full seven rounds before you summoned Cali via "summon Eidelion".
In either case - as it has been 3 minutes since you cast the spell - Cali can only be out for another 4 minutes with the spell. Unless you are prepared to do the ritual, in which case - that is totally cool.
I am also a bit confused - while the book says you are able to make the Eidelion appear however you want it to look - you picked "quadraped", and somehow she is flying. Here is where I am confused. As I see it – no matter if she is biped or quadraped - that won't matter unless she has the 2 point evolution "flight" - and she may have, but when I read over Cali's sheet - I couldn't figure out how you spent the evolution points. I never saw you give her "Flight" though, though I may have missed it.
So far – from what I read – I believe you took the following, though I am not sure –
1 point for Improved natural armor
1 point for Improved natural armor
1 point for Claws, to have claw attacks
2 points for Energy Attack
1 point for “pounce”
1 point for “Improved damage” – “bite” (I think), to bump the attack category from d6 to d8
1 point for “Skilled” Stealth (I think)
1 point to take “bite” again to multiply your bite attack by 1.5 Strength,
And one more point I am missing somewhere
One thing I'm clear on is that "Flight" is a 2 point evolution. Even if Cali was given wings - she cannot fly without the "evolution points" spent on wings, even if you give her wings by altering her appearance. She just looks like she has wings - but she can't fly with them, unless she has the "Flight" evolution. Otherwise - why have that evolution? Even though "Wing Buffet" is a 1 point evolution - she still needs to spend the 2 points for the "Flight" ability to fly.
Also if she had the evolution – it says she has to have the appearance of wings on all the time - be they bird like, or bat like, or dragon like - she has the wings, like she has four legs. They can’t come and go, at least – not unless you spend an extra 2 points so they can fly like superman – which can be done, but I don’t see how.
While its true you can give her any look you want, even one with wings, as I am reading the rules, they won't let her fly, unless you have the evolution; which you may - I just don't see it on the sheet. If it's not there, she can't change her evolution points until you raise level again, but I still can't find them. Please let me know if I am incorrect on this, I don't believe I am, though. If you made her look like a minotaur, for example - she would not suddenly gain the "gore" attack, unless she had the evolution for it. Please explain this to me - I am just confused.
Also – although you took “Improved Natural Attack: Bite – I think that should jump a quadraped’s bite damage – which is listed as a 1d6 – up to a d8, unless you selected “Improved Damage” as an evolution, which you may have, I don’t know. You have jumping to a 2d6 – and a +12 to damage for bite, and your claws have +8 damage (I am guessing this is for power attack, too). But how is this possible? I am not trying to be rude here - but I am confused and I am trying me best to understand. As I read it – if you have a Strength of 18, that grants you a +4 – if you have it times and half – that’s a +6. If you have “Power attack” – that hops it up to a +10 – but how could you have a +12 to bite, even with those abilities?
All of this sprang up when I wanted to see how long Cali could fly using the “Summon Eidelion” spell – not ability – and then I stumbled over all of this. Please help, I am really confused. At least a quick sheet with where you put the evolution points would be awesome, but other then that – I am just confused and could use all the help I could get; not trying to be rude – just very confused.

Arasmes ibn'Fayad |

Dain GM |

and you are right about the time frame so I only have 1 minute left when I get back.
Okay then.
Just got confused - so; to recap:
Level 3 - Fly (1 out of 2 3rd level spells cast)
Level 2 - Summon Eidelion, Evolution Surge, lesser: twice (once now, and once before when you ferried the people across the water via Cali to get to the tunnel) for a total of: 3 out of 5 level 2 spells cast
Level 1 - Mage armor - for a total of 1 out of 6 cast.
You also summoned the archons and the birds.
Sorry for all that, just trying to keep tabs on who cast what on when and where. Thank you for your help on the matter.
By the way - is it possible to see the evolution breakdown for Cali? I'm not trying to be a pest, but it is mainly for me to help learn about how the class works. Both Magus and Summoner are relatively new classes and all the information I can get about them will be very helpful.
Okay, thanks again!
In any case - seeing no spiders down the tunnel - for now, and are able to report that to the group.
To the group:
You have heard from Arasmes that he sees nothing down the tunnel for about 600 feet, meanwhile, armed with this information - what are the plans of the group at this time? Please let me know, thank you!

Corlia Lyimro |

Knowledge nature to come to similar conclusions
1d20+11Yillim looks to the party and nods at Clari's suggestion.
I do believe that is the best course of action. We should proceed back towards the other passage. This creature, although quite large and beastly, may have only been defending its home. We should hope that the others that came before did not meet their fate at its hands, but I feel we are ill equipped to deal with it should it attack again. Let us use this time to make our way back, but with caution. It may attack again, but it may not.
Then, a curious look crosses the already curious face of Yillim, and he turns to face Lia.
I know you have the ability to speak with your brother, Revion, and indeed with other wolves. Does that ability extend to other creatures of nature? If so, perhaps we could reason with the creature? Even offer up some kind of restitution with it...questioning the creature could lead us to further clues about the whereabouts of the men that came here before.
"More than man Yillim, I can speak with animals. Yet this creature which watches and hides from us, we do not know what it is or where it comes from. It may not listen to me for it has once attacked you, the elven female and the summoned Caliphana. It has gone quiet and that makes me wary. Let us leave this flooded cavern and find the missing ones. If they are not here, we should search the surrounding land and then report back to Ariarh. I have left Revion too long above ground and we have seen no signs of the lost ones in this cursed place. We should not be here, Yillim. There is only darkness below the earth."

Isani Isu |

Isani listens and looks into the darkened corners and strains her eyes longer, toward the tunnel entrance.
"The water rose high on my chest and the creature may have swum away to safety or is waiting to attack us swiftly and cunningly. We need to move to higher ground." Looking up at Arasmes still flying in the air, "You are the leader of this expedition and we will consent to your instruction. What do you say, habibi, do we try to escape this foul watery place? For I cannot see how Mister Ironhorse or Mak Morn would wander down into this watery trap when both are experienced cave explorers. Tell me, us, what you want us to do?" Isani's mismatched eyes are full of concern and questions but she knows her place and waits for a command, hoping it comes soon.

Dain GM |

Were there other tunnels branching off of that room that we havent explored? I thought there were some blocking the ability of the water to run off. That will kind of determine what I want to do.
The octagonal room to your far west seemed to be blocked off - you think. At least, the far western wall looked like it had collapsed with some seepage of water through broken rocks.
Naturally - all of this is in the tunnel on the western side of the black stone - there was also a tunnel on the eastern side; but you have not explored that tunnel yet. I am not sure which room you meant though - the room that had the spider - or the room by the black stone.
You believe the room with the spider had no other tunnels - but then again - it may - that same room was over 100 feet to the other side of the opposite wall, if the architecture is designed with any sense of symmetry. But you were not able to really get over there and explore - the deep well in the center of the room being the main obstacle.

Clari Miali'ahel |

IIRC, there were two path open in the octagonal room. all others were caved in, the one that lead to the spider, and the one from whence we came. so it's less of a hub at the moment, and more of a joint in the two paths. And again, i think it looked like water was seeping into our room from the caved in paths, as though they are even more heavily flooded.
If Cali can fly, would she be able to check the far room for other paths without alerting the spider?
i am hesitant to try exploring there, and keep bothering the spider, but i am also hesitant to leat it live...
All things considered, i think we should go to the other side to find the others. we're loosing daylight...

Arasmes ibn'Fayad |

Arasmes looks pensieve for a moment staring down towards the spot with the spider. It is obvious that he wants to go after the creature and destroy it but is conflicted. We should destroy the creature as it is a threat to any who come here and this would be a good foundation for another city at some point. Nevertheless, we are here for our friends and as such we should go and explore the other passageway near the idol to see if we can find some clue as to where they went. With that he begins moving back towards where the group came in. Once there, he dismisses Cali and resummons her with the ritual.
Fly is gone by this point as is Cali's wings, though she still has mage armor on her.

Dain GM |

Very good. But for clarification - the spider "hub" had only one tunnel leading into it. It was the same tunnel you were walking on all along.
The far side of the hub - you think - the tunnel kept going. But it looked like it stopped short at a cave-in.
The other six panels of the hub seemed to be nothing but solid wall.
That may have been a bit confusing - short answer - the hub had only one entrance/exit that you saw. It was the same one you walked through via the tunnel.
There may be others that you don't see - but for now - that's all you know about.
Check! on the "mage armor" still good - and now to the other tunnel? Advance!

Dain GM |

Well - you are now at the end of the tunnel - and are pushing your way closer to the room that held the black stone.
In all, it has been a little over an hour.
As you are ready to enter the room with the black stone.
You are free to enter the room normally and try to swim across the muck. Or, you are going to use powers or abilities to augment your powers to get across the water?
If you intend how to swim across the water, that is okay - just let me know, as that will require some swim checks.
I also assume you are now attempting to head to the eastern tunnel.
If there is any deviation from this plan from anyone - please let me know.

Dain GM |

Cali and Ras - the two of you manage to flounder across the deep pool onto the shallow ledge that makes up the stone "bridge" just under the surface of the water in front of the pyramid that rises to the altar of the black stone.
The others are - without the aid of Cali to carry them over the water - clustered back by the doorway of the tunnel; waiting for their next move.
Ras - you are on the ledge - what is your next move?
Guys - you are in the doorway - what is your next move?

Yillim Dross |

As Arasmes and Caliphana have already made their way, there are four left.
We still have these lances, we should explore the ground as we did before, to see if we can find a walkable path. Only swim if you must.
Yillim begins tapping at the ground ahead of him and working his way back to the room with the pyramid, following a path (hopefully) that keeps him from needing to swim.

Dain GM |

You have all reached the entrance to the room with the pyramid - you are able to reach the ledge that Ras and Cali swam to - only to do so, you need to crawl on the pyramid itself - or flounder around.
You are free to flounder around to the ledge - and get to the eastern tunnel.
Presuming that the others follow - we can go from there.
Just waiting on actions from the rest of the party.
FYI - there are other potential questions/answers that can be answered on the SID thread, if anyone would like to pursue that.

Dain GM |

Clari will try to crawl aong on the pyramid...
Lets see what happens!
Clari – you move around the base of the pyramid – even moving close to it gives you a sickened and weak feeling – nevertheless – you press on.
As you manage to flounder across to the eastern tunnel, you observe that the tunnel entrance is somewhat blocked off. You can get over it, with some difficulty – and the rocks are piled up about two or three feet, and somewhat farther back into the mouth of this entrance. The water that slops up against it cannot enter the next room; it was almost as if someone piled these rocks to prevent the room from flooding.
It is a snug fit in – you don’t simply “walk into” the room, but have to scramble up the rocks, and duck your head a bit under the edge of the mouth of this tunnel. Even so – you manage to get inside.
This area is much different then the western area. At the very first you notice that though the ground is damp and smells of mold – in general the floor is stone, and what water there happens to be in here is no deeper then your ankles at most.
There is more to discover with a more thorough search. However – you have just entered. Perhaps you wish to wait for your comrades to come in, or continue to advance?
Just let me know your next move.

Corlia Lyimro |

Lia looks across to the ledge where the summoner and his creature are standing. Lia would have attempted the swim but would not leave the southern priestess to fend for herself as Ariarh would not have liked that.
"Priestess, we must crawl across the pyramid to reach your friends there on the ledge. You go first and I shall follow."
Turning to Yillim, "More than man Yillim, you take the rear. Together we make this climb."
Isani and Lia carefully make their way over to Arasmes, Clari, and Caliphana, hopefully with Yillim following closely behind.

Dain GM |

You enter a large room.
It is dark and damp – there are various pools of stagnant water on the ground, some of them deeper then others by an inch or two and this is disturbing, for obvious reasons.
This room seems well constructed – but it is clearly a room, not a tunnel.
It is about 60 feet in width – and stretches back into the darkness.
On either side of you are alcoves – the alcoves are about 3 feet wide, and 8 feet tall (the ceiling being roughly 10 feet in height) – and about 2 feet deep.
Inside the alcoves are statues.
This is perhaps the most disturbing part – as it is strong evidence of construction that was clearly not natural.
However – the statues are – essentially – useless to examine. They are molded and broken – whatever features they may have had in the face are either long eroded or collapsed by age.
Others do not look so naturally defaced.
You see evidence of hacking on the statue – as if with an edged weapon – as if someone hacked it for amusement or rage. The statues have marks on them that look like they may have been defaced by writing or blood – but you cannot read these marks – they seem like crude letters – long sense eroded…
The statues do look humanoid; of that you are sure – but they are also “wearing” robes (that is, they are carved to look they have robes on, there is no actual cloth on them).
It is stuffy in here – and there are scrawls on the walls besides – some more fresh then others; some look like old runework – others look like letters. In any case, none of you can read the words or language.
I checked your sheets on this matter – none of you can read the languages – but they do exist…
Even so – the writing is very faded and there are grotesque images throughout like graffiti as well.
You have not traveled more then 30 feet into the room as a whole – your eyesight allows you to see roughly (depending) 60 feet beyond that into the dark – but you are not sure what is in the darkness beyond – as none of you have explored. Certainly you have that chance to explore now.
In fact – I’ll take the initiative for the group!
You advance – slowly and cautiously – and see that the room dead ends with what looks like a flat wall. However - there are two more alcoves on the wall (a mere 100 feet is where the rear wall is) – these statues are also defaced.
Between the statues on the opposite side of the room is a low arch – perhaps 8 feet in height and 5 feet in width – peering inside it you see the beginnings of a stairway. The stairway is a spiral staircase, and it leads downward.
As you are all clustered about in this room – you are free to take what actions you feel best. At this time, however – you see no sign of your companions – but a search may reveal more clues.

Dain GM |

"I was able to climb in. It's not pleasant, but you can avoid going for a dip."
While she waits for the others, Clari takes a look around.
perception: 1d20+10
See the notes right above this - but a more thorough "search" can be done with a Perception check at this time - after you have entered the room.
Just tell me where you want to search - and what you want to do.

Yillim Dross |

Yillim cautiously follows, guarding the party from the rear.
Be on your guard, fellows...I have a bad feeling about these statues...their workmanship is eerie.
He shifts his blade in his hand, anticipating more trouble.
With that, Yillim takes a bit of time to examine the room and the statues in a bit more detail, while the others are deciding if and when to descend down the staircase.
can i take 20 on looking around? if not...
Perception if can't take 20: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Dain GM |

Yillim cautiously follows, guarding the party from the rear.
Be on your guard, fellows...I have a bad feeling about these statues...their workmanship is eerie.
He shifts his blade in his hand, anticipating more trouble.
With that, Yillim takes a bit of time to examine the room and the statues in a bit more detail, while the others are deciding if and when to descend down the staircase.
can i take 20 on looking around? if not...
Perception if can't take 20: 1d20+7
You can take a 20 on Perception - of course - just pray there are no traps!
Even so - this only takes longer.
Your search reveals that (at least) what you all suspected anyway.
The deeper pools of water exist only because someone, or something, has hacked on the stone floor - perhaps with a tool, or a claw - of that you don't know.
This makes obvious sense because if the whole thing was made by hand, then it seems quite odd that the floor would have little pockets where the water could collect; it would/should be flat.
These pockets are made by something hacking at the floor, you think, and is consistent with the damage done around this place.
The markings on the statues look far too random to have a purpose - but they are also clustered mainly around the faces mainly - as if someone intentionally marked the statues for amusement and pleasure.
The mold - when you smell it - is deep and pungent - and you are already clear that after the long walk down the tunnel you'll need a bath - this slime confirms it!
Even though the mold and ooze is barely an inch or so deep - it is slippery and filthy.
However - wait - what's this?
Your "taking 20" via perception reveals something!
You believe that there are consistent patterns in the slime that become more obvious and clear closer to the rear arch.
It is as if two sets of footprints scuffed aside the slime on the way to the arch - you're pretty sure.
Of course - the tracks, if they are tracks - are days old - and you've been all over the place searching and possibly messing up the tracks - even so - anyone in the party that has tracks may attempt to confirm this (but at a ugly little penalty - considering the searching and also how long ago the tracks were made).
You believe that two individuals may have searched the beginnings of this room - then advanced forward to the staircase directly.
A tracker would help determine this - but for now - that is all you discover.
Ah - one other thing - but only because you took 20 -
One of the statues - near the face and neck - you believe the left side - was not completely destroyed. You think the ear on the left side may have been "elven" - at least, it has those features.
For whatever that is worth...

Dain GM |

I believe Lia has the domain spell Comprehend Languages. Can she not use that to identify the words/runes?
Of course - if she is willing to use the spell.
Before she casts - she would be able to discern (via the Perception Check) that there is likely 3 languages present. She is free use it on each - or the most common, or the least common.
What is her preference?

Yillim Dross |

Yillim frowns at the revelation, but his mood picks up slightly as he turns to the party, and looks at Corlia directly as he speaks
Lia, I believe we've had our first bit of luck in this dismal place. he points at the tracks in the sludge.
It seems two have come this way, there are many tracks that seem to lead to the stairs ahead, although I cannot say how long ago. It is at least, some indication that the ones we search for have come this way.
Then, turning to Arasmes,
Sir, you have been in these lands for some time, no? These statues bother me. Their faces have been scratched, it seems with some purpose. This one here, apears to be an elf...it is odd. Are these likenesses of any you know? Or could there be some other force at work here? Some kind of foul magic?

Isani Isu |

Isani moves directly to the statues positioned in the alcoves and studies what features can be still discerned after noting the natural erosion and desecration done to them. She hears Yillim speak of one with elven features. She wanders through her mind, trying to discern any knowledge she may possess about such figures and the significance of their presence, standing watch like some silent guardians.
Knowledge, Religion (religious significance of statues): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28
Knowledge, Planes: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

Corlia Lyimro |

Lia's attention is caught by the markings on the wall. The fresh ones could be important but she concludes raiders and trespassers may have left them - folk who enjoyed befouling the old places. She is fascinated by the old runework and letters and wonders at their meaning and presence in this deep, underground cave.
Before she tries to her hand at deciphering the old text, she cautiously casts Detect Magic to determine the presence of any magical auras. This place has been built with a true purpose for it lay deep underground and mostly secret from the outside world.

Dain GM |

Isani moves directly to the statues positioned in the alcoves and studies what features can be still discerned after noting the natural erosion and desecration done to them. She hears Yillim speak of one with elven features. She wanders through her mind, trying to discern any knowledge she may possess about such figures and the significance of their presence, standing watch like some silent guardians.
Knowledge, Religion (religious significance of statues): 1d20+10
Knowledge, Planes: 1d20+8
You are unable to discern anything of religious significance from the statues.
You cannot see a holy symbol, or any etching or writing to give them a connection to any type of divine purpose - and are certain there is one one.
A random guess could suggest that the altar outside may be for a place of worship, and this could be an area used specifically prayers and religious meetings - you are not sure.
As for any planar significance - you have no clues to use to gauge that - and no evidence to lead you to believe there could be any such significance to any plane, if not one in particular.
Also - you are clear that there are three types of writing - all of it being roughly the same age. These "runes" are written on the statue.
If you had to guess - they are a form of writing... They do not use a type of alphabetic script like Common or Elven - but use runes to represent letters or words.
However - there are other "words" that are written as well - they look like handwriting - but you cannot make them out either. All of them look unusual and somewhat like graffiti.
The random runes that are scrawled about are most common.
The few scrawling sentences or phrases in another languages are painted about are almost as frequent - but quite.
The final work is in larger "letters" - and is painted in some crude paint (perhaps blood) - right above the doorway. No other letters use that type of style in this room.
As for the statues themselves - you can make out nothing more then the "taking 20" via Perception Check that Yillim used.

Dain GM |

Lia's attention is caught by the markings on the wall. The fresh ones could be important but she concludes raiders and trespassers may have left them - folk who enjoyed befouling the old places. She is fascinated by the old runework and letters and wonders at their meaning and presence in this deep, underground cave.
Before she tries to her hand at deciphering the old text, she cautiously casts Detect Magic to determine the presence of any magical auras. This place has been built with a true purpose for it lay deep underground and mostly secret from the outside world.
You detect no magical aura's at this time.

Corlia Lyimro |

To those close she informs, "I cannot detect any magical auras."
Moving swiftly to the southern priestess' side, Lia acknowledges the request with a brisk nod and casts Comprehend Languages on herself.
She concentrates on the large, blood written word/s above the doorway.
The spell lasts for 10 mins. The spell enables you to understand or read an unknown language, not speak or write it. Written material can be read at the rate of one page (250 words) per minute. Magical writing cannot be read, though the spell reveals that it is magical.

Dain GM |
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You are able to read the literal meaning of the words over the door.
They state - "We Shall Reclaim"
In theory, based on the wording - you are able to read the other languages as well - as long as the spell is enacted... Which means - technically - that you can read the other phrases.
The most common phrases are the "runic" ones - you quickly observe that these runes are not singular words - but actually letters.
Something about the value of runes, and their usage, pricks at your thoughts - but you cannot seem to recall what it means.
Meanwhile -
Mostly in both of the other languages you see various forms of profanity. However – there are unusual types and styles mentioned. Other then typical insults you may expect to see - they include these insults in the flowing style that looks like it is an alphabet –
1. Dark ones
2. 8 Legged Masters
3. Mushroom eaters
These are repeated, and you suspect they may have a double-meaning, but you do not know what they are.
The Runic Script has words which include –
1. Twisted root
2. Carrion feast
3. Grimstalker
4. Twigjack splinter
5. Willow bramble
and, perhaps the most strange – “Crow Son”
Odd to find those insults in a cave… but again; the subtle meaning is perhaps beyond you.
Perhaps you are correct that folk lived here before the tunnels were inhabited. Then again… it could be a coincidence.

Arasmes ibn'Fayad |

Arasmes listens as the words are relayed to him and shakes his head. They mean little to him besides the obvious ones. Clari is right. We should continue on. I cannot track very well but I think that in the narrow stairs we should let Cali go first. Her long neck and arms will allow her to attack things on the stairs before they can attack her and thus we can gain an advantage should we need to fight. My suggestion is Cali then Lia and Yillim due to them being the best trackers, myself, Isani, and Clari as rear guard. If this is acceptable we should proceed. If the party agrees then Cali will start down the stairs.