DM Zyren's Heart of Light

Game Master Zyrenity

An epic search for the Amethyst heptagon leads a party of fresh graduates through the northern reaches of Ustalav. Based in Karcau, the party visits places like the dark Castle Jarovich or the dangerous alleys of Carrion Hill.

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Male Varisian Human
Common Stats:
Init:7, Perc:16 // HP:82 // AC:19, Touch:14, FF:15 // F:10, R:11, W:5 // CMB:12, CMD:25

Cairn makes his silent way behind Kirk.

Stealth: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (11) + 18 = 29 - +2 vs Undead, +4 vs Human

Perception: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (2) + 16 = 18 - +2 vs Undead, +4 vs Human

Male Half-Elf Wizard/9

Johenric folllows as good as he can.

Male Human Hellknight 4 Bard 3 HP:71/71; AC:32/27/12

Flofer brings up the rear guard, looking behind them before he ducks into the doorway.

Perception:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

You squeeze through the slightly opened door, and enter a round courtyard that is surrounded by a roofed archway. The courtyard is empty and the large cracked flagstones have long been conquered by dark moss. A lichen-covered statue stands in the centre of the round - the weather has left its marks and what once was most probably a woman with scythe and scales in her hands now looks like molten wax.

You expect to find several doors leading into the cloister proper in the darkness of the archway.

Venture Captain since December 2014

"So this is the old Cloister." Solaric whispers to himself. "Everyone stay vigilant." he urges quietly as he looks around for any sign of undead.

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

He then takes a moment to detect evil in the area and see if he can find any evil auras.

Male Varisian Human
Common Stats:
Init:7, Perc:16 // HP:82 // AC:19, Touch:14, FF:15 // F:10, R:11, W:5 // CMB:12, CMD:25

Cairn released his Ioun Torch as he stepped into the cloister proper and unslung his musket from his shoulder as he scanned the vicinity,

Perception: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (19) + 16 = 35 +2 vs Undead, +4 vs Human

Solaric is unable to detect any evil auras in the vicinity, but he also feels that this is indeed a place of great evil and that many vile throught and creatures inhabit this place...but there is also something else, an underlying fabric of evil that has soaked the whole place...

With the light of the torch Cairn is able to make out a door to the north, one to the west and one to the east.

Venture Captain since December 2014

"Strengthen your hearts and let us try north. It is the hope that this door will lead us to the heart of the evil and allow us to complete the task before us!"

Male Half-Elf Wizard/9

Johenric casts first message and than dancing lights. He lets them move in a chain with 10 ft. between each light and more than 20' in front of the party. With a whispering voice to the complete party he whispers:

I have positioned the lights more than 20' in front of the party. The party is still shrouded in darkness but can see ahead. Please use remaining lights as additional torchlights that you can group together or move around to increase visible area.

Venture Captain since December 2014

"Thank you, Johenric. I am glad to hav you with us on this excursion! Let me know if you see any evidence that will lead us down to the fountains."

Male Varisian Human
Common Stats:
Init:7, Perc:16 // HP:82 // AC:19, Touch:14, FF:15 // F:10, R:11, W:5 // CMB:12, CMD:25

Cairn was thankful as well for any additional light and nodded towards the wizard.

Which door? We have three to choose from.

Venture Captain since December 2014

"I was thinking straight ahead. The symmetry of these places leads me to believe this will take us straight to the heart of the evil."

Male Human Hellknight 4 Bard 3 HP:71/71; AC:32/27/12

Flofer casts dancing lights and sends them out to the sides.

The cold illumination of the dancing lights animates a chilling play of shadows on the surrounding walls. Monsters appear and vanish within heartbeats and you don't feel much better even though you can now see much better.

As you have crossed about half of the yard you suddenly hear low singing. It sounds like a choir (Gregorian real world analogy) is reciting religious verse and the sound seems to come from all three doors.

Venture Captain since December 2014

"The sound is holy, but I would exercise caution until we know who it is coming from. I knew this place was one a place of worship, but I did not expect that to still be the case, and I certainly do not expect the walking undead to be chanting like a monk."

Solaric walks up to the central (northern) door and places his hand upon it. He listens at the door for a while and remarks to Kirk.

Knowledge, Religion: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17

Can Solaric determine what language the chant is being sung in? Does he understand the content of the message being sung?

"This situation is rather unusual. Spearborn, my friend, do you want to check to see if these doors are trapped in any way?"

Female Tiefling (Succubi) Witch HP:57/57, - AC: 11/T:11/FF:10 - Percep: +15(Dark Vision) F: +3/R: +3/W: +8 - CMB: 3 - CMD: 14, Speed: 30ft, Init: +1 Witch 8

Victoria first checks for magic on the doors

Male Human Hellknight 4 Bard 3 HP:71/71; AC:32/27/12

Flofer concentrates on the doors, trying to figure out what the music is.

Knowledge, Local: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
Knowledge, History: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

Detect Chaos

Female Tiefling (Succubi) Witch HP:57/57, - AC: 11/T:11/FF:10 - Percep: +15(Dark Vision) F: +3/R: +3/W: +8 - CMB: 3 - CMD: 14, Speed: 30ft, Init: +1 Witch 8

Victoria also joins Floffer in trying to ascertain more information on the chanting...

Check 1d20 ⇒ 16

Knowledge (Arcana): 8
Knowledge (History): 8
Knowledge (Local): 5
Knowledge (Nature): 8
Knowledge (Nobility): 5
Knowledge (Planes): 8
Knowledge (Religion): 5

Male Half-Elf Wizard/9

Johenric takes a position in the middle of the group and tries to identify the monsters he sees.

Knowledge Religion 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Knowledge Arcana 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27

Knowledge Religion 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (18) + 0 = 18
Knowledge Arcana 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

Even though none of you is an expert when it comes to Pharasmian religion, the chanting sounds very similar to that which you all have heard during burial ceremonies before.

You don't recognise the language, it could be a Taldorian dialect.


But there is SOMETHING with that chanting, it could be either very old-fashioned or twisted in some way you can't name.

@ Jo: What monsters??

There are neither signs of magic nor chaos in the vicinity.

Female Tiefling (Succubi) Witch HP:57/57, - AC: 11/T:11/FF:10 - Percep: +15(Dark Vision) F: +3/R: +3/W: +8 - CMB: 3 - CMD: 14, Speed: 30ft, Init: +1 Witch 8

"Chants of Evil no doubt, Taldane perhaps. I wish the Evil would reveal itself, for we wish to test its mettle"

Venture Captain since December 2014

"What do you all think? Should we ignore the sound and continue north through the doors?"

Male Half-Elf Wizard/9

I was referring to this:

Description wrote:
Monsters appear and vanish within heartbeats and you don't feel much better even though you can now see much better

But obviously I do not understand :)


Ach so, das war rein figurativ: Die Schatten, die das Licht erzeugt, sehen wie Monster aus :)

Female Tiefling (Succubi) Witch HP:57/57, - AC: 11/T:11/FF:10 - Percep: +15(Dark Vision) F: +3/R: +3/W: +8 - CMB: 3 - CMD: 14, Speed: 30ft, Init: +1 Witch 8

"Suppose the chanting might be feeding an Evil force, silencing it is thus desirable"

Venture Captain since December 2014

"Ok, then let's find this chanting and put an end to it. Are there any objections to pulling open this door? Good then let's do it!"

With no objections, Solaric will try to pull open the center (northern) door.

"Guide us, Oh mighty Inheritor, to the heart of the evil and give us the strength to overcome everything that stands in our way!"

Strength: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23

Male Varisian Human
Common Stats:
Init:7, Perc:16 // HP:82 // AC:19, Touch:14, FF:15 // F:10, R:11, W:5 // CMB:12, CMD:25

Im with you Sir Solaric.

Cairn watched the dancing shadows warily as they moved and tried to ignore the strange chanting.

Solaric pushes the door open and instantly the chanting becomes louder. Before you lies a dark and dusty corridor. Soot has blackened the walls that are now covered by cobwebs.

Female Tiefling (Succubi) Witch HP:57/57, - AC: 11/T:11/FF:10 - Percep: +15(Dark Vision) F: +3/R: +3/W: +8 - CMB: 3 - CMD: 14, Speed: 30ft, Init: +1 Witch 8


Venture Captain since December 2014

"This must be the section where they were sealed in and burned. Remain vigilant! Let us proceed. Master Spearborn, you have the point."

Before proceeding, Solaric peers into the gloom and detects evil.

Kirk pads forward softly, his shield and dagger held at the ready, bestially-Orcish eyes seeing through the darkness. He does his best to ignore the chanting voices.

Stealth 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (13) + 15 = 28
Perception 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25 +1 vs traps

Like a panther Kirk moves through the dark corridor until he reaches a broad stairwell after about 20m. Ancient charred remains of some piece of furniture lie next to the top of the stairwell.

Perception DC 28:

The air feels wormer and drier here than it did at the beginning of the tunnel.

The channting has meanwhile become a bit louder - you seem to get closer...

Female Tiefling (Succubi) Witch HP:57/57, - AC: 11/T:11/FF:10 - Percep: +15(Dark Vision) F: +3/R: +3/W: +8 - CMB: 3 - CMD: 14, Speed: 30ft, Init: +1 Witch 8

Perception 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (16) + 15 = 31

"Do you feel it getting warmer?"

Male Varisian Human
Common Stats:
Init:7, Perc:16 // HP:82 // AC:19, Touch:14, FF:15 // F:10, R:11, W:5 // CMB:12, CMD:25

Perception: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (6) + 16 = 22

Nah, sure dont. ALthough between the dancing shadows and that infernal chanting its hard to concentrate on the weather M'lady.

Venture Captain since December 2014

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11

Solaric looks around, but is too distracted by the increasing sound to really notice what is happening.

"What is going on?" Solaric whispers urgently. "I do not like the fact that the chanting is getting louder!"

Male Human Hellknight 4 Bard 3 HP:71/71; AC:32/27/12

Perception:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

Flofer follows along behind, his senses a bit inhibited by his armor...

"Maybe this burnt wood was once a barricade..." Kirk mutters, kicking through the soot and ash. At Victoria's question, he says, "No I don't feel it quite yet, Victoria, but maybe this rubble is a sign of a firey future for us all." Kirk will continue up the stairwell, maintaining his stealth and watchful eye.

Venture Captain since December 2014
Spearborn wrote:
"No I don't feel it quite yet, Victoria, but maybe this rubble is a sign of a firey future for us all."

"The fire was in the past, but I certainly do not expect the same fate as those fallen priests who danced with the undead. However, we must remain vigilant for whatever threatens us in this unwelcome place."

The stairs are leading up, Kirk. That is why the furniture lie at the top edge - that is where you are. Sorry if that was confusing.

Kirk leads the way as you cautiously descend the stairs into the yawning darkness of the cloisters intestinals...

As you reach the foot of the stairwell you all feel that the air is much drier and warm even smells a bit of charred wood.

From here on a tunnel leads further but you all hear shuffling sounds from ahead. Something is moving towards you!

"Johenric, can you shoot those lights out and see what that is?" Kirk has raised his shield and prepared for whatever is coming. Full defense.

Male Half-Elf Wizard/9

Johenric Perception 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Ivy Perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

With a whispering voice Johenric words appear next to Kirks ear.

Yes I can.

With his fingers he directs the dancing lights up to 100 ft. in the directions of the sound. The lights have a distant of 10ft. between each other and form a square.

Male Varisian Human
Common Stats:
Init:7, Perc:16 // HP:82 // AC:19, Touch:14, FF:15 // F:10, R:11, W:5 // CMB:12, CMD:25

The shuffling feet gave Cairn the sinking feeling that this place was crawling with undead and that suited him just fine...I'll finally get to lay some to their eternal rest... and he moved towards the front of the group beside Kirk with his pistol and kukri drawn.

Perception: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (5) + 16 = 21 +4 vs humans. +2 vs undead

Johenric's probing lights cut through the darkness and as they have reached a distance of about 60 ft. suddenly there is an eruption of fire that nearly blinds you. Half a dozen of burning corpses are lumbering in the corridor, slowly advancing towards you!

Male Half-Elf Wizard/9

Johenric identifies the creatures and consults his and Ivy's mind.

Knowledge Arcana 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20
Knowledge Religion 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

Knowledge Arcana 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Knowledge Religion 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (7) + 0 = 7

Venture Captain since December 2014

"This is more along the lines of what I was expecting. Let us put an end to these wretched undead! Onward, my friends! To Victory and the Heart!"

Solaric grips his longsword tightly and prepares to do battle!

Knowledge, Religion: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

Does Solaric know anything about these undead and/or their resistances!

Male Human Hellknight 4 Bard 3 HP:71/71; AC:32/27/12

Flofer moves to the front and raises his shield next to Solaric. Let's see if the fire does anything to them by the time they stumble over here... Full Defense

Is there still chanting?

Male Varisian Human
Common Stats:
Init:7, Perc:16 // HP:82 // AC:19, Touch:14, FF:15 // F:10, R:11, W:5 // CMB:12, CMD:25

Cairn held his position despite his selfish desires...Flofer has a valid point...better to let the fire do some damage first...

Female Tiefling (Succubi) Witch HP:57/57, - AC: 11/T:11/FF:10 - Percep: +15(Dark Vision) F: +3/R: +3/W: +8 - CMB: 3 - CMD: 14, Speed: 30ft, Init: +1 Witch 8

Vic begins a low chanting of her own.


Solaric and Johenric:

Actually these creatures move and look like zombies, but the fire does not seem to hurt them. Both of you have heard of flaming skeletons, maybe these zombies are equivalents of those. If so, they will be mostly immune to fire but vulnerable to ice.

The closer the zombies get, the louder the hissing of the flames engulfing them becomes. The chanting is slowly drowned by the moaning and the sound of the flames and as they are only 20ft away, you can start to feel the heat they're emanating...
Their bodies are charred and black but the flames don't consume them further, actually it looks like the flames are a living part of them.


Male Varisian Human
Common Stats:
Init:7, Perc:16 // HP:82 // AC:19, Touch:14, FF:15 // F:10, R:11, W:5 // CMB:12, CMD:25

Definitely time for Initiative

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