DM Mathpro's Jade Regent-Caravan Dogs

Game Master mathpro18

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Okay your all in the rusty dragon to begin with. Its about 6:00 PM at night and the usual crowd is starting to form.

Five years have passed since the beginning of events that surrounded the attempted raise of the Runelord Karzug. Sandpoint stands rebuilt after those events nearly destroyed it, proving that it is a tough little town. In the center of town the townspeople erected a statue of a group of adventurers. Captured in the statue are the images of a male human holding his holy symbol, a shoanti, a male dwarf holding a sword, a Halfling holding a whip and a male human holding what looks to be a spell book. The inscription along the bottom, amongst some weeds, reads Occa, Hawkeye, Skorabor, Durvin, and Stark. The saviors of our town and of Golorian.

Spirits are high amongst the inhabitants of Sandpoint, their fears of annihilation by goblins and rune lords having been pushed to the back burner and a general sense of peace washes over everyone in the town. Caravans still get attacked from time to time but it’s nothing like it used to be.

Night is starting to settle across the port town of Sandpoint and the usual start to fill the Rusty Dragon. The bar’s owner Ameiko has been gone for several days, on a run to get some supplies for the bar. She was expected back yesterday but you figured she must have just given into some of the wanderlust people have been feeling lately. Just as the entertainment for the night arrives, a hush falls over the bar as a familiar figure enters the door, blood coming from her mouth and she is covered in scratches and some rather bad looking cuts. The figure is none other than the bar’s owner Ameiko and she looks to have been recently attacked and badly beaten. Several of the bar’s patrons rush to help her to a chair and she slumps into a chair, breathing heavily, and then calls to the bartender who was on duty ale…and some bandages please dear. The bartender quickly searches under the bar and then rushes to her side. She then starts to bandage the woman but her clothing is getting in the way. Come we need to get you into a room where I can properly try and bandage you the bartender says and amungts some protests from Ameiko she helps the woman to one of the rooms in the inn. Looking over her shoulder she looks at Garesh Go get Koya please.

Male Half Elf Magus / level 3 (AC: 15 [T:12 F: 13] [HP: 18/18] Fort: +3 Ref: +3 Will +2 Perc: +4 Init: +2)

A large grin on his face, laughing with an ale in his hand, he quickly turns to the front door as Ameiko comes into the bar badly beaten. Upon first instinct he stands, attempting to move to help the on-staff bartender get Ameiko out of her chair and into the proposed room. "This does not look too good" he says solemnly, his typical happy demeanor replaced with worry.

He offers a shoulder for her to hold onto.

Ameiko swats Notick away at first but finally takes the help and wraps a limp arm around him. The bartender turns to Notick.

Yes this doesn't look good at all. Thanks for the help...not saying Ameiko's heavy or anything but...

Ameiko coughs a little and then looks at the bartender Hey...

Notick you can make two heal checks. One to try and identify the weapon that made the cuts, and another if you go into the room and help the bartender dress Ameiko's room. If you do this, you might meet resistance seing how Ameiko will have to be partially stripped to treat her wounds properly.

Male Half Elf Magus / level 3 (AC: 15 [T:12 F: 13] [HP: 18/18] Fort: +3 Ref: +3 Will +2 Perc: +4 Init: +2)

Okay! He will do everything in his half-elf potential to make the latter happen ;)~

"Oh shush... Your figure has never been better and you know it. I mean, without the ah... Cut's and" he lets out a fake cough, deciding to just shut up.

Heal to Identify 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (5) - 1 = 4
Heal to help dress wounds 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (16) - 1 = 15

From what you can tell the wounds were made from a very sharp knife type weapon. Your also able to help bandage up Ameiko's visible wounds before both women shoo you out of the room.

Everyone check the OOC thread please. I forgot to do something that is very important.

Per +4/6. Initiative +1. AC/touch/flat 11/11/10 . CMD11 . Fort +2. Ref +1. Will +.2
Abyssal Tattooed Sorcerer 1

Alfonso is seated at a table with a nearly empty bottle of claret and a battered copy of Historia Naturalis.

He loks up in shock when the bloody specter enters.
"Fair is foul, and foul is fair"

Alfonso moves to aid the bartender.

"Allow me..." he waves his left hand, the air feels sticky for a moment, and all the dirt and grime and dried blood flows from Ameiko like a thousand snakes. Those with sharp eyes will see the collected foulness flow into but not soil or stain the floor boards.(prestidigitation to clean the patient. now at least we can see what we are dealing with.)

Per +4/6. Initiative +1. AC/touch/flat 11/11/10 . CMD11 . Fort +2. Ref +1. Will +.2
Abyssal Tattooed Sorcerer 1
DM Mathpro wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Everyone check the OOC thread please. I forgot to do something that is very important.

Don't see what you need or need us to do? What am I missing?

Male Half Elf Magus / level 3 (AC: 15 [T:12 F: 13] [HP: 18/18] Fort: +3 Ref: +3 Will +2 Perc: +4 Init: +2)

He lets out a 'Hermph' as he's shoo'd from the room. "Fine, fine... I'll be outside the door if you need anything." He stands outside of the room, leaning against the wall as if standing guard. "May as well do something useful, I guess" he grumbles to himself as he awaits, resting his hand upon the hilt of his flacata.

okay now go to the ooc thread...hadn't posted it distracted

A few moments later the bartender comes out alone. She needs her rest but I've managed to bandage her up as best as I can. She said something about goblins before she drifted off to sleep. Maybe we should go get the sheriff and report this.

Male Half Elf Magus / level 3 (AC: 15 [T:12 F: 13] [HP: 18/18] Fort: +3 Ref: +3 Will +2 Perc: +4 Init: +2)

He tries to sneak a peak inside of the room as the bartender emerges from the room, having nothing but good intentions of checking on Ameiko. "We should ask Shalelu if she knows anything too... She's always outside'a the town, maybe she's already heard something."

He walks back towards the bar with the bartender, pondering in silence to himself what could have possibly happened. His silence very abnormal for him, as his outspoken nature usually precedes him.

male Moon Elf Oracle(dual cursed)-1

Sorry for being a little late to the party hehe.

As Ameiko bursts into the room, Garesh moves with the bartender over to her. "Let me at least make you comfortable." He'll cast cure light wounds on her and then shy away little to let her friends take care of her.

He responds, "I will at once my lady."

He will go to find Koya at this time.

Cure light Wounds:1d8 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
or if they won't me close to her I will do two channel of positive energy.
Channel Positive energy:2d6 ⇒ (1, 3) = 4

Oracales can channel?...okay I learned something new today.

Garesh you show you with Koya just as Notick get back. The bartender sighs in relief and the two women talk for a moment before Koya leaves. The bartender then stands on a chair and addresses everyone in the room.

Everyone, lady Ameiko will be fine, she is resting now and Koya is going to check on her. Lets just try to get back to the festivities of the evening. In fact in light of recent events, ale is on the house for the next hour. She will then carefully step down off the chair. The music starts back up and the crowed starts to settle back in and soon cries for Ale can be heard over the noise of the music and talking. She approaches Alfonso and Garesh.

Thanks for helping clean her up...Can one of you two go and fetch the sheriff, I want to make sure he is apprised of whats happened. I need to stay here and watch the know make sure no one burns it down.

She will then turn and get back to work quickly filling everyone's ale orders.

LG Human (Tian) Samurai 1

All the shouting makes Zhao wake up from that table in the corner. He looks around, noticing an aglomeration of people, and approaches them.

"What do you mean? She'll be fine? Of course she is. Why wouldn't she?"

Per +4/6. Initiative +1. AC/touch/flat 11/11/10 . CMD11 . Fort +2. Ref +1. Will +.2
Abyssal Tattooed Sorcerer 1
DM Mathpro wrote:

Thanks for helping clean her up...Can one of you two go and fetch the sheriff, I want to make sure he is apprised of whats happened. I need to stay here and watch the know make sure no one burns it down.

Alfonso tends to talk piffle when nervous..

"My fleet feet fly at your command. I shall not be late with the law."

Alfonso heads quickly out the door. Twisting clumps of light forming around him as he heads into the night. (dancing lights)

Crunch finished under alias. Gear needs to be cleaned up but it's there.

LG Human (Tian) Samurai 1

"Wait, why would we need the sheriff?"

Zhao scratches his head, trying to tie the pieces of information together.

male Moon Elf Oracle(dual cursed)-1

Garesh responds to the bartender, "Glad Miss Ameiko is doing well, does Koya need me to assist her? Not meaning she can't do it herself just...I'm already here." The Drow gives off hopeful eyes they will need his further assistance. If they don’t need his help anymore, Garesh will go get a couple of ales and bring them back to Notick and wait with the half-elf.

The bartender looks at Zhao and just sighs. There was an incident involving Ameiko earlier that needs investigation but you don't need to worry your drunken little head about it, in fact you can go pass out somewhere.

Turning to Garesh the bartender shakes her head a little and rubs her temples I'm sure your mother has it in hand Garesh, why don't you go have a seat and have a drink, I know I need one now.

She will walk over to the bar and start getting back to work, pouring herself a very large ale and taking sips from it when she has time. The Rusty Dragon is back to normal and is as busy as it always has been so there are a lot of things keeping the bartender busy.

About a half an hour later Alfonso returns with the town Sheriff and he takes peoples statements and then goes to see Ameiko, sending Koya out to give everyone an update. She's going to be fine, I've done what I can but she's going to have some minor scaring. All internal injuries have been taken care of and all cuts have been treated. From what I could get out of Ameiko she was in the Brinestump Marsh when she was attacked. She was very lucky to escape with her life. What I don't get is why she was there...that was no where near where she should have been. I knew Sandru and I should have gone and gotten the supplies for her, I mean thats what caravans do, but she insisted on going by herself. I will never understand that stubborn woman. The old woman explains the situation and then sits down and asks for some warm tea which the bartender quickly brings to her.

Male Half Elf Magus / level 3 (AC: 15 [T:12 F: 13] [HP: 18/18] Fort: +3 Ref: +3 Will +2 Perc: +4 Init: +2)

He scoops up the Ale in which the oddly wrapped elf had brought him, taking large swigs of it. "Ms. Amekio isn't as defenseless as you might think. Stubbornness can be a useful trait too..." he scratches his head with his free hand, swigging at his ale again with the other, trying to play off his own stubborn nature.

"Any specific word on why those Gobbies attacked her? I didn't think they were much of'a problem anymore..."

male Moon Elf Oracle(dual cursed)-1
DM Mathpro wrote:

Turning to Garesh the bartender shakes her head a little and rubs her temples I'm sure your mother has it in hand Garesh, why don't you go have a seat and have a drink, I know I need one now.

In response Garesh looks puzzled at the bartender. "It is quite obvious that she is not my mother, I am probably well above her age. We are collogues in the divine arts working off of each others strengths and weaknesses. You understand me? She is not my mother but a mentor I look up and maybe one day stands alongside." He says in a calm tone.

Okay back to Notick and Koya while drinking some ale hehe

Garesh responds to her information
"Are there any towns near the marsh? Maybe I should go over there and see if any one else was inflicted with a test of pain."

While he's waiting for his answer from Koya, He looks to the young half-elf with a scholarly expression. "Stubbornness is a test of others patience, you know." Then his attention goes back to his fellow healer Koya.

LG Human (Tian) Samurai 1

"The mistress has been ambushed in the marshes!? I need to have a word with her, someone must defend her honor and slay those beasts!"

Zhao dodges around anyone who tries to stop him on his way to Ameiko, or, at least, the sheriff.

"What has happened? Who attack you/her? I must know!"

Male Half Elf Magus / level 3 (AC: 15 [T:12 F: 13] [HP: 18/18] Fort: +3 Ref: +3 Will +2 Perc: +4 Init: +2)

"Not my patience!" He can't help but smirk at Garesh.

His attention pulled away by the high-strung man charging towards the Sheriff, he himself moves over to him, gently trying to calm him down, "Now now, let's not obstruct the law man... I'm sure he'll give some answers. Ameiko is fine - so stop'ya fretting." He flashes his 'million platinum' smile.

After about five minutes the sheriff comes back in, a very stern and grim look on his face. He steps up on a table and clears his throat.

Excuse me but I have an announcement to make. Due to recent events we citizens of Sandpoint can no longer ignore the problem of the so called Licktoad goblins. So therefore I am reinstating the old goblin bounty. 10 gold will be given to anyone who can present a rather fresh goblin ear. I'm also offering a 300 gold reward for the head of the Locktoads leader Cheif Gutwad. Rewards will be collectable starting three days from now. Lastly I'd like to speak with the following patrons seperatly outside: Notick Mostriare, Zhao Taijuro, Garesh Van'dell, and Alfonso the sorcerer.

As he finishes talking a loud cheer goes up from the patrons of the bar as the bounty hunt has been re-established. What they don't realize is that if the ban is lifted the goblins are a larger threat then the town can handle.

The sheriff will wait for everyone outside of the bar by the rooms where it is a little quieter and they can talk in private.

For finsihing my little pre-adventure role play thing everyone gets 100 xp. Oh I should also mention we're using the hero point system so everyone has 1 hero point to use as they wish.

Per +4/6. Initiative +1. AC/touch/flat 11/11/10 . CMD11 . Fort +2. Ref +1. Will +.2
Abyssal Tattooed Sorcerer 1

Alfonso looks down his nose at the sheriff.

"My name is Alfonso de Calientia, you would do well to remember it." The words 'you backwards hick' remain unsaid.

Alfonso will make sure he is the last person to arrive at sheriff's little party.

male Moon Elf Oracle(dual cursed)-1

As he hears about collecting the ears for bounty Garesh grins and says quietly to himself; "Collecting the ears will give me a chance to practice my scalpel skills."

After hearing Alfonso complain about the sheriff not saying his full name he realizes that the sheriff said his first name with a similar last name but not his exact last name. He goes up to the Sheriff,

"Excuse me Sheriff, did you want me to come up or this Mr. Van’ dell to come up? Since my name is Vin'dell not Van’ dell I wanted to make sure I was the right person you were calling and not taking a spot away from another fine person. So if you were calling me its Vin'dell not Van’ dell, I know their spelling is close but they both sound very different if you would say it with me VIN'dell, and now your version VAN'dell. There do you see the difference? So what do you need of me if you truly called for me dear sir?"

I understand it probably was a typing error but this way is funner!

Sorry I've had FFXI on the mind...

He rubs the bridge of his nose as Garesh gives him the english lession and tries to remain calm. Between him and Alfonso and the events in town the last couple of days he's rather irritable. He waits for everyone to be around.

Over the last couple of weeks several merchant caravans and travelers have been attacked. The other attacks haven’t been as violent as the one on Ameiko and the others have reported hearing loud explosions before the goblins attacked, which Ameiko didn’t experience. The attacks have all originated on the Lost Coast Road which connects SandPoint to Varisias southern towns. The Brinestump Marsh is where we believe the goblins live and that’s why Ameiko had gone there. I wanted to draw on her previous experience as an adventurer to see what intell she could gather but she wasn’t able to collect much before she was overwhelmed. I need for you four to venture into the Brinestump Marsh, find the goblins and eliminate them, and while your there see if there are any more threats to SandPoint lurking amongst the murky depths of the marsh. He pauses and reaches into a satchel he had resting over his shoulder and pulls out a map. This will get you to the marsh. I should warn you that Brinestump Marsh may not be as large as the Mushfens farther to the south, but the swamp is dense and tangled. It’s easy to get lost in the place. Since we find nothing of value with in the swamp no one has really taken the time to map it so we’re not really sure how large it is. If you wish, though I wouldn’t waste my time, you could go pay old Walthus Proudstump a vist. That old eccentric Halfling claims to be the “warden” of the swamp…to much inhalation of swamp gas if you ask me. There is a fishing trail that leads from the Lost Coast Road directly to Walthus’s rundown shack in the swamp if you want to speak to the old coot though. Good luck and god speed. I’ve taken care of giving you free room and board here at the Rusty Dragon if you want it as I suggest you wait until morning before you set off.

The map can be found here

male Moon Elf Oracle(dual cursed)-1

"Zyan always told me Warden Walthus Proudstump was a wise man or rather Halfling, and he always had a sound mind....."

At the mention to travel the next day his eyes strain on there own, since he still hasn't gotten fully used to the suns rays. He looks to his fellow travelers and thinking they all see better during the day. "Probably best motion is to wait till tomorrow, 6 good eyes is better then 2 unless its your enemy... yes that’s how it goes." After reassuring himself the drow is ready for his comrade’s responses.

Male Half Elf Magus / level 3 (AC: 15 [T:12 F: 13] [HP: 18/18] Fort: +3 Ref: +3 Will +2 Perc: +4 Init: +2)

He seems to frown slightly at the announcement, the idea of harming the little goblins, vile as they may be, obviously not sitting with him too well. He follows the sheriff to the hall-way where the four of them hear his statement. Nodding to the sheriff, he reaches out and takes the Map from his hands.

"There isn't much else we can do, I suppose... We'll get to the bottom of this, Sheriff." He nods his head in affirmation of his statement. He then moves back to the bar area and unrolls the parchment across the table that Garesh and he had been sitting, awaiting the other three to sit down.

LG Human (Tian) Samurai 1

A distant light shines inside Zhao's eyes. Goblins. Hurt. Ameiko.

"Knowing we'll be restoring Ameiko's honor and ensuring the safety of the townsfolk is reward enough, sir Garesh. You can deposit your trust on us."

He approaches Notick, gazing into the map for a moment, and then saying:

"I'm ready to go!" Then he gazes down, noticing he's wearing simple clothes. "I will be ready to leave in just a moment!" And then he runs inside.

Male Half Elf Magus / level 3 (AC: 15 [T:12 F: 13] [HP: 18/18] Fort: +3 Ref: +3 Will +2 Perc: +4 Init: +2)

He facepalms in slow motion at the hyped samurai's reaction, "I guess some of us will have to prepare before we depart..." he let's out an exasperated sigh. "Should we let Shalelu know Ameiko is hurt? She might wanna know - may even be able to help us navigate."

Male Half Elf Magus / level 3 (AC: 15 [T:12 F: 13] [HP: 18/18] Fort: +3 Ref: +3 Will +2 Perc: +4 Init: +2)

...After a long pause, he mutters only loud enough for those around to hear, "And she'd tar my hide if I didn't tell her..."

LG Human (Tian) Samurai 1

Zhao comes back, his hair tied back and wearing armor. Although he still has baggy eyes and an unkept shabby beard, his posture is different and his eyes spell determination.

"We can tell her in the way to the Brinestump Marsh; we have to get them before they retreat!", he says as he pushes Notick out of the tavern.

So thats one crazy vote for heading out at night, does anyone else want to head out that night or do you want to wait to leave in the morning? I should mention that its about 8 or 9 at night by now.

Per +4/6. Initiative +1. AC/touch/flat 11/11/10 . CMD11 . Fort +2. Ref +1. Will +.2
Abyssal Tattooed Sorcerer 1

Alfonso, his face registering some shock that a mignight foray into the swamp was even contemplated, speaks. "I have a standing rule not to begin foolishly suicideal quests in the prime of the evening. There is drinking and dancing to be done! You will probably find me in my room come morning."

He truns to the sheriff. "I also have a standing rule not to toss myself into meat grinders with out getting paid. While our drunken friend will work for honor and Mr. Mostriaré will do it to impress a certian other, I am resistsnt to the siren songs of love and honor. I require a more tangible reward if I am to spill my life-blood on behalf of this fair metropolis."

Male Half Elf Magus / level 3 (AC: 15 [T:12 F: 13] [HP: 18/18] Fort: +3 Ref: +3 Will +2 Perc: +4 Init: +2)

He would attempt to dig his feet into the ground to stop the crazy 'sammy' from shoving him out the door.

CMD(?) Against 'Bull Rush' 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

"Woah there little man... No-one's rushin' into the swamp at night!" he mutters under his breath, "And I thought I was the crazy one..." He side steps past the samurai and up to the Sheriff next to Alfonso, leaning in to whisper to him (Alfonso),

To Alfonso:
"Potential free wine for life isn't value enough?"
He wiggles his eyebrows up and down at Alfonso as he looks at him in contemplation to what he has said. He looks to the Sheriff with a tremendous grin on his face, wrapping his arm around Alfonso's shoulders, "Sheriff, I apologize for my friend here. We're a wirey bunch, but we'll gladly do this task you ask of us!"

LG Human (Tian) Samurai 1

"Your words hold wisdom, Notick-sir. I'll go and stand guard over the mistress for the night."

When he comes near the bar, the bartender automatically offers him a drink, to which he replies: "Not now, I'm on duty. My mistress needs me."

The sheriff looks down at Alfonso and nods I understand and if your able to get the goblin cheifton's head for me, as I mentioned before, you will be getting 300 gold. The only issue is that I know more than a few of our local townspeople are going to be working toward the same goal. But I'm sure a man of your abilities doesn't mind a little competition.

NOTE: I understand drunken fishermen and farmers don't present much competition to a party of fully skilled adventurers.

male Moon Elf Oracle(dual cursed)-1

"At least those poor souls that are playing hero, will have a healer like me helping them since they will share our path." He bows to the sheriff and all the patrons of the bar.

Then he will moves to the bar and orders a hot tea and joins Koya at her table, Garesh spaces these questions out and asks the next one after he gets a answer"So Koya, what kind of wounds did she have? Which techniques did you use on her? .......oh how are you this evening?"

He stays with her as long as she's there.

Koya smiles as Garesh sits down and joins her. Well aren't we curious today she gives a small chuckle and then continues. She had mostly slashing wounds, but there were a few strange burns. They looked to be done by something very very hot. I used my magic on them of course, which took care of the slashing wounds, but the burns remained a little tender so I treated them with a salve. She'll be fine in a day or so, she needed rest more than anything. And I'm doing very well...though I'm a little worried about Sandaru, he's taken a caravan to the south with out me and with whats been going on with the goblins I'm not liking that I'm not their to watch over him...[b]She pauses and her face grows sad. [b]I don't know what I would do if anything ever happened to him. Despite his...reputation he really is a sweet young man. Since your heading that way, can you try and keep an eye out for him and if he's in trouble could you give him a hand? I know you two don't exactly get along but do it for me...please.

Per +4/6. Initiative +1. AC/touch/flat 11/11/10 . CMD11 . Fort +2. Ref +1. Will +.2
Abyssal Tattooed Sorcerer 1
Notick Mostriaré wrote:

He would attempt to dig his feet into the ground to stop the crazy 'sammy' from shoving him out the door.

** spoiler omitted **

"Woah there little man... No-one's rushin' into the swamp at night!" he mutters under his breath, "And I thought I was the crazy one..." He side steps past the samurai and up to the Sheriff next to Alfonso, leaning in to whisper to him (Alfonso),

** spoiler omitted ** He wiggles his eyebrows up and down at Alfonso as he looks at him in contemplation to what he has said. He looks to the Sheriff with a tremendous grin on his face, wrapping his arm around Alfonso's shoulders, "Sheriff, I apologize for my friend here. We're a wirey bunch, but we'll gladly do this task you ask of us!"

Alfonso shrugs off Notic's arm. "Hmm well I appear to have been drafted. I will do what I can sheriff. May we say that we are acting at your behest?"

The Sheriff nods "Yes you can say your acting in my name, just don't go abusing the power that comes with it. If I find out about any abuse of power you will forfeit your profits and might face other repercussions depending on the severity of the abuse."

male Moon Elf Oracle(dual cursed)-1

"Intresting....yes I am curious on what wounds my new allies have a potential of getting, thank you for sharing with me. Though you said the burns were strange, do you have any ideas of the cause? I will keep an eye out for Sandru, if only to put you at ease Koya."

He sips his tea, "Were her burns close to the burns you found on me?"

LG Human (Tian) Samurai 1

"I promise we'll honor that responsability, good-sir. These villains will pay for what they did!"

Zhao will position a small blanket near the door outside Ameiko's room. He will proceed to kneel on it, eyes pointed at his front, swords at his hip.

Male Half Elf Magus / level 3 (AC: 15 [T:12 F: 13] [HP: 18/18] Fort: +3 Ref: +3 Will +2 Perc: +4 Init: +2)

"Oh but of course, sheriff! What could we possibly do to abuse your power?! It will be completely safe with me!" He flashes his typical smile.

Bluff Check:
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27

"Now, my young apprentices!" he turns to the group, obviously trying to hold back a smirk, "We shall be departing at first light. In the mean time --" he claps his hands twice, "Barmaiden - drinks on the dear sheriff as his departure gift!"

male Moon Elf Oracle(dual cursed)-1

As he is talking to Koya, he looks to Notick as he says something about apprenticies. He turns back to Koya, "What a odd little boy he is, I always wondered is he Amieko's little brother or dare I say son? I just realized he is always around talking about her." he shrugs, and goes back to talking shop with Koya.

Koya looks at Garesh with a some what blank look on her face and she ponders his first question. Your burns were different. Amieko's burns were as if the skin had melted rather than burnt. I believe it wasn't done magically either, but with a mundane item that burns extremely hot. She laughs a little at Garesh's second question. No no no, as far as I know Amieko doesn't have any children. Notick...well odd is a good way to describe him. though I really don't know him as well as I know you. From watching the way he is around her I am pretty sure that he has a crush on her and Amieko has no clue and I'm sure right now wouldn't return those feelings. She actually seems pretty clueless about his feelings and assumes they are just friends.
The Sheriff raises an eyebrow at Notick but decides to ignore his comments. At the mention of drinks for him he will respectfully decline as he is still on duty and then excuse himself so he can get back to his office.

Male Half Elf Magus / level 3 (AC: 15 [T:12 F: 13] [HP: 18/18] Fort: +3 Ref: +3 Will +2 Perc: +4 Init: +2)

"Quick, barmaiden! The purse holder is escaping! SHERIFF!" He jokingly laughs at his comment, shaking his head at his own silliness. He randomly sneezes legitimately, looking around the room like a deer in the headlights. "Excuse me! There must be a beautiful woman talking about me somewhere" he flashes his smile.

"Anyways, to all seriousness --" he maneuvers over to Garesh and Koya's table, "Perhaps we should discuss a game plan, Garesh?" He raises his hand towards Alfonso, motioning him to join them. He looks to the Samurai to motion him over, stopping himself before he does. 'No... He's too crazy to help anyways' he thinks to himself, his grin widening upon his face.

LG Human (Tian) Samurai 1

Eyes alert, Zhao notices when Notick looks at him and ponders for a second.


He swiftly gets up but approaches calmly.

"We depart in the crack of dawn, Notick-sir. You'd better rest whatever little time we have, for the road leading to honor is long and full of perils."

Although his words are harsh, the look on his face is serene.

male Moon Elf Oracle(dual cursed)-1

Garesh looks to Koya and responds, "Thanks for the information I will try to put it to good use. Also it helped prevent a awkward situtation with my new comrade Notick." As he says that he points to Notick at the seat next to him.

Then looks to the odd boy, "Well you sure like to interupt conversation don't you Notick. Anyway matters aside, once we get to the area I say we look for burn trails if these creatures are using something to burn there victims with they will leave a trail."

After Zhao tells them his plan, "Another rude one. I know were in a bar ,but even Zyan's cave we used these things called manners. Any way I agree with moving early since the goblins can see better in the dark then you all. We will talk with warden and locals to see where these goblins are. Then simple enough we collect ears and leaders head all while finding Sandru's caravan so Koya can sleep better at night. Did I miss anything else?"

Knowledge(local)DC 10 on Zyan's name:
He's a crazy man that claims to have divine powers that lives in a cave somewhere only emerging for random supplies.

Male Half Elf Magus / level 3 (AC: 15 [T:12 F: 13] [HP: 18/18] Fort: +3 Ref: +3 Will +2 Perc: +4 Init: +2)

He smirks at the Samurai before responding to him, "You know, if you sit there and stew all night... You're a hypocrite, right Taijuro?" He leans back in his chair, propping his feet upon the table in front of him and interlocking his fingers behind his head, turning to look to Garesh after he's finished speaking. "No, I do believe you've pretty much stolen my plan out from underneath me, again, Garesh."

Bluff Check DC=13:

1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
He's obviously lying about Garesh stealing his plan. He just hates sounding stupid, so he was attempting to claim it as his own (obviously)

"As for liking to interrupt - I never do such a thing. I may talk loudly... Maybe even hold everyone's attention... But, never interrupt." He flashes his million platinum smile, as always, towards the oddly wrapped elf before his face turns a bit more serious. "Any idea where or what those burn marks derived from, Garesh? I've never seen anything like them, or the cuts she had," his voice trails off slightly - he does his best to hold back his worry for Ameiko's safety from his voice, "Is she gonna' be okay?"

male Moon Elf Oracle(dual cursed)-1

Sense Motive:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

"I'm glad we are on the same page then Notick, as Koya just told a moment ago the burns were created from a mundane source not magical. As for her cuts were done by slashing weapons, probably dogslicers knowing goblins. She will be fine, and...(He moves in close to whisper to Notick)I believe she talked about you in the room." He then gives Koya a big wink.

Bluff:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

"Unlike me don't the rest of you need some sleep? You shouldm=n't be wasteful of the night, day will soon be upon use. Even though Desna's eyes shine bright tonight maybe you younger ones should get some rest."
He motions for another tea and will talk longer with Koya if she wishes.

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