DM_Keddah - Kingmaker (Inactive)

Game Master Keddah

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The sound of the crowd outside barely reachess your ears despite half of Restov's population having come to watch the ins and outs in the ball. The music and the talk of the attendees fills your head. The wine is good, the food is better. The waiters are handsome and the waitresses pretty. It's quite clear that this is as much a party to show support to the quest to tame the Stolen Lands as it's a show for the nobility to enjoy. You've been introduced and been told your names will be called and you'll have to come to the main table to receive your charters from the Major of Restov himself. The woman who told you also insinuated that you may want to decide on a name for your group.

There are several other parties in the ball.

Knowledge (Local) DC 15:
The other parties are the Iron Wraiths, a mercenary company led by Maegar Varn a minor noble, and a third party formed of high ranking military and diplomats

Knowledge (Local) DC 20:
The Iron Wraiths have been assigned to the Glenebon Uplands, west of the area assigned to the party. Maegar Varn's mercenaries have been assigned the Nomen Heights east of the area assigned to the players and known for it's centaur tribe. The las party has been assigned to the Slough, the mos important route south of Brevoy.

Knowledge (Local) DC 25 or Knowledge (Nobility) 15:
Maegar Varn is known for being a no-nonsense kind of leader, not being outsider to violence to reach his goals. He is expected to get the control of his house once his father dies despite not being the eldest brother.

Male Human Dedicated Hero 2 (HP 12/12) (AC 14/14/10) (Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5) (Init +2)

A slim Half-Elven male with a pronounced widow's peak and piercing blue eyes, dressed in a well-scrubbed explorer's outfit, cautiously glides around the perimeter of the party, keeping an eye upon the other guests.

Knowledge(Local): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18.

Hmmm... So there are four groups in total being sent out to 'tame' The Stolen Lands? I wonder how many of us will be successful?

Feeling slightly out of place, Geoffrey acquires a glass of red wine, and attempts to work out who he is going to be parceled-off with.

I wonder whom the Major has seen fit to bundle my fortunes with?

An old woman dressed in a green and grey dress, and with more rings in her hands than teeth in her mouth approaches Geoffrey and introduces herself.

You must be Geoffrey Whittaker. I've heard about you and your... work I am Lady Livia Lebeda, you surely know my name she looks at Geoffrey for a couple of seconds before going on I have a proposal for you if you're interested. It wouldn't distract you from your duties in the Stolen Lands but would benefit greatly our noble family

Lady Livia Lebeda is one of the more powerful nobles of the Lebeda house, she is known to you for being quite two-faced but she is not vengeful if rejected. Unless she considers it a betrayal

Male Human Dedicated Hero 2 (HP 12/12) (AC 14/14/10) (Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5) (Init +2)

Surprise momentarily flits across Geoffrey's face, but he quickly recovers, and bows.

"Of course I have heard of you, Lady Lebeda. I would be only too happy to do whatever I can to help the House. What did you have in mind?"

I do hope that it is not anything that will attract too much of the... wrong... sort of attention...

WS 40, BS 20, S 35, T 35, Ag 35, Int 30, Per 30, WP 40, Fel 43, Wounds 14/14, FP 1/1

Dressed in brown and green travelling clothes Hathin looks out of place amongst the glamour of the ball. Clearly uncomfortable he seems to be attempting to hide himself in plain sight, eyes down and ensuring he makes no eye contact. As his unkempt hair falls once more in front of his eyes, he brushes it back with one hand.

I would much prefer to be gone from here with Malfini, but I have no prospects but this. Let us hope that the rub of the Green is with this endeavour. He chances a raise of his head to plot an easier path to a wall where he might gain some solitude.

Haven't made any rolls as I don't have those skills

A smile forms in Lady Livia's face Of course you will, you're such a nice and loyal young man. It's really a pity things didn't go better in the past. But I digress, what I am... what WE are asking you is just to keep an open eye for a group of bandits led by an old friend of the house. He goes by the name Manfred the Vengeful. A look of disdain appears in her face as she says the name He will most certainly cross paths with you and your party and it would really be a scandal if he was caught by other people and brought back to Brevoy. He has knowledge about some things that would put the house in danger. We just ask that you make sure he pays for his crimes. We'll be most grateful, you can be sure

Male Human Dedicated Hero 2 (HP 12/12) (AC 14/14/10) (Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5) (Init +2)

Geoffrey raises an eyebrow fractionally.

"I... agree. It is a great pity. Rest assured, if I run across this Manfred, I will make certain that he is greeted... properly. Do you have a description for him, or is he typically prideful enough to announce himself brazenly wherever he goes?"

He then bows again.

Male Aasimar (Raised by Halflings) Barbarian 1 / Lame Oracle of Life 6
DM_Keddah wrote:
The sound of the crowd outside barely reachess your ears despite half of Restov's population having come to watch the ins and outs in the ball. The music and the talk of the attendees fills your head. The wine is good, the food is better. The waiters are handsome and the waitresses pretty. It's quite clear that this is as much a party to show support to the quest to tame the Stolen Lands as it's a show for the nobility to enjoy. You've been introduced and been told your names will be called and you'll have to come to the main table to receive your charters from the Major of Restov himself. The woman who told you also insinuated that you may want to decide on a name for your group.

So to be clear, does that mean that we already know who we're grouped with? Or do we still need to introduce ourselves?

A lamed aasimar with bronze skin, green eyes, and metallic golden hair, dressed in his forest best, practically dances through the crush. Graceful on twisted legs from a lifetime of practice in crowded taverns, he smiles and nods graciously at all the nobility in their finery. These foxes and hounds went to so much trouble to try and look good, I must be careful to be kind to them, even if I think they're a bit silly.

Lady Livia looks at Geoffrey square in the eye and says Oh, I'm sure you will know when you meet him she loooks around and turns back to him Well I see some of your partners have already arrived, so I will leave you to meet them. Good luck in your travels, I'm sure you will make your family proud and leaves his side.

The youngest damsels look at Tudan with barely cloaked curiosity, some of them whisper among them and then giggle until they hush themselves into silence. One of them, dressed in an insinuating black and silver dress that matches her black hair approaches him coyly and asks him So, what is wrong with your legs poor man? while her friends whisper and giggle.

The guards keep an eye on Hathin, as if they didn't trust somebody so out of place and the waitresses and waiters avoid him. An old man dressed in green looks at him intently as if measuring him.

I didn't explain myself very well, I meant that as you came into the hall you'd been introduced to the attendees, kind of "Tudan Davken of the party assigned to the Nalmarches" or "Geoffrey Whittaker of house Lebeda, assigned to the Nalmarches" so although you don't know each other you know you're in the same party as soon as they come through the door.

Female Aasimar Cleric / 1

Lysa attempts to navigate through ball, trying to catch glimpses of her father and kin while at the same time keeping her distance from them. I wish I weren't so nervous, but I don't want to deal with another rejection just yet. I hope accepting this charter is the right move for me to take. Kiki senses Lysa's fears and briefly nuzzles against her neck before laying back down around her shoulders and doing a credible imitation of fur lining the top edge of her cloak.

I wonder what kind of people I'll be traveling with... Lysa glances around searching for those assigned to the same party as she.

Male Human Dedicated Hero 2 (HP 12/12) (AC 14/14/10) (Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5) (Init +2)

Geoffrey's eyes follow Lady Lebeda, for a while, before he shakes himself from his reverie, and scans the room for his new traveling companions.

Ah, so they have begun to arrive!

Noting the lame 'human' male being surrounded by the local maidens, he glances past him and spots a half-elven female glancing around.

That must be Lysa.

Geoffrey walks over to her purposefully, and introduces himself with a bow.

"Greetings, Mademoiselle. My name is Geoffrey Whittaker, of House Lebeda. I believe we are to be traveling companions?"

Female Aasimar Cleric / 1

Looking over the fellow half-elf, Lysa gives a little curtsey and replies. "It's a pleasure to meet you sir, my name is Lysa Arianna and this is Kiki." Lysa gives the little weasel a pet on her head and she looks up to eye the newcomer. This one seems nice and polite at least. "And yes, I believe we are traveling together."

Male Human Dedicated Hero 2 (HP 12/12) (AC 14/14/10) (Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5) (Init +2)

Hmmm... Some sort of arcanist, perhaps? I may need to be careful around her. Still, I dare say she will prove to be a valuable asset.

Geoffrey smiles.

"It is a pleasure to meet you both. Do you know anything of our other companions? I have spotted two others - the lame human over there being mobbed by the local lasses, and the slightly out of place elf over in the corner."

He then frowns.

"The latter seems to be having difficulty making new acquaintances; perhaps we should take the initiative, and go over to him in order to break the ice? If we are to be traveling together, we might as well get to know each other..."

Geoffrey pauses, waiting for Lysa to reply, before moving over to Hathin.

Male Human Paladin

Clad in his best traveling clothes Brennor amazingly feels more out of place than he looks. He mingles near the windows, trying to open one if they're all closed. He shifts from one foot to the next, gripping a glass of wine with his entire hand like one would grip a cup, his face sours every time he takes a sip.

Who knew the White Stag had a sense of humor? Had I known that it wasn't a misprint and that the invitation meant attend 'the' party not 'your' party I would've...worn more lace?

Female Aasimar Cleric / 1

Smiling back at Geoffry, Lysa then glances over to the elf he mentioned and nods. "We may as well get to know each other now rather than later."

Lysa will follow Geoffry over to Hathin.

Male Human Dedicated Hero 2 (HP 12/12) (AC 14/14/10) (Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5) (Init +2)

When the two Half-Elves reach Hathin, Geoffrey bows, and formally greets the older Elf in Elven.

"Salutem, Pater. Quid tibi ad vesperam? Spero ut omnia bene est?"

Greetings, Father. How are you this evening? I trust that all is well with you?

He then continues in Common.

"My name is Geoffrey Whittaker, and this is the lovely Lysa Arianna, and her companion, Kiki. I believe we will all be venturing forth together into the Nalmarches?"

Male Human Monk 6th

Edmond arrives late, which was uncommon for him. He walked as swiftly as he could through the main doors and was caught off guard by his introduction by the court heralds."Edmond Odravam of the Odravam Dueling school of Brevoy, Assigned to the Nalmarches" Or where ever it is that we're assigned, i'm just going on that ooc post up there

Standing there slightly dumbfounded, is Tall and Wiry Edmond. His eyes are sunken and weighed upon heavily by the bags beneath him, and his graying-black beard was coming in strong due to an apparent negligence to his straight razor . A solidly constructed chain shirt can be spotted underneath a deep blue tabard lined with yellow and orange. Emblazoned diagonally across his torso is the image of a green Aldori dueling sword, as if braced to riposte. On his left hip hangs a well used sword of the same kind.

He bows low respectfully, and soon finds an out of the way place to stand with long arms crossed as he waits for the proceeding of events.

WS 40, BS 20, S 35, T 35, Ag 35, Int 30, Per 30, WP 40, Fel 43, Wounds 14/14, FP 1/1

Hathin responds in kind but in more conversational Elvish

Vous n'avez pas besoin de m'appeler père, je suis encore jeune pour ce monde et avons beaucoup à apprendre.:
"You need not call me father, I am yet young to this world and have much to learn."

Giving a short bow before continuing in Common "I am Hathin De'Lark, and yes it does seem that we are to be joined in this endeavour." he sees Kiki sniff the air and look almost accusingly at him. Smiling Hathin addresses Lysa "I fear your friend has caught the scent of my own charge, Malfini - an eagle."

Male Aasimar (Raised by Halflings) Barbarian 1 / Lame Oracle of Life 6
DM_Keddah wrote:
The youngest damsels look at Tudan with barely cloaked curiosity, some of them whisper among them and then giggle until they hush themselves into silence. One of them, dressed in an insinuating black and silver dress that matches her black hair approaches him coyly and asks him So, what is wrong with your legs poor man? while her friends whisper and giggle.

Tudan gives a slow, easy smile. Why, nothing, lass! They take me where I want to go, and if I take longer than other men to reach the end, then I'm sure you'd see nothing wrong with... savoring a journey. Tired of curiosity-seekers... but how to escape without hurting her feelings? Leaning close, he touches her forearm lightly. Please forgive me, but I must rescue a friend from solitude. With a quick parting wink, he goes to his soon-to-be newest friend, who had been announced as Brennor Styvolich, and puts his hand out. Hi! I'm Tudan Davken, and it sounds like we'll be exploring the Narlmarches together.

Male Human Dedicated Hero 2 (HP 12/12) (AC 14/14/10) (Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5) (Init +2)

Raven smiles warmly at Hathin, with a twinkle in his eyes.

"I meant it solely as a gesture of respect; even if you are young by Elven standards, I dare say that you have been exploring the world since before my mother was a babe in swaddling clothes."

WS 40, BS 20, S 35, T 35, Ag 35, Int 30, Per 30, WP 40, Fel 43, Wounds 14/14, FP 1/1

Face tinged with sadness as he speaks "I have but a hand of years exploring the world, after passing my own adoptive parents back to the Green. But the Narlmarches call, and we are to answer, yes?"

Male Human Dedicated Hero 2 (HP 12/12) (AC 14/14/10) (Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5) (Init +2)

"I am sorry to hear of your loss, Hathin. I hope that it was not misfortune that took them from you; a loving family is something that deserves to be cherished," he says, somewhat wistfully.

Geoffrey pauses introspectively for a moment, before returning to reality.

"Yes, we have been called; it will be interesting to see what the future holds for all of us..."

Female Aasimar Cleric / 1

Lysa's face takes on a sad look during Geoffrey's comment regarding loving families, but remains silent, momentarily lost in thought. Kiki stops staring at Hathin long enought to nuzzle against her ear.

She returns to the conversation after Geoffrey's last comment. "Hopefully our futures will be pleasant ones where we have accomplished all of our goals and dreams."

WS 40, BS 20, S 35, T 35, Ag 35, Int 30, Per 30, WP 40, Fel 43, Wounds 14/14, FP 1/1

Hathin nods his acceptance of Gregory's condolences, before responding to Lysa's comment "If it is the wish of the Green then it will be so"

Hathin then shrugs and adds in Elvish

J'ai rarement jusqu'à la fin où je voulais aller, mais finissent presque toujours par où je dois être:
"I seldom end up where I wanted to go, but almost always end up where I need to be."

You see the other groups getting together as a fanfare sounds and the major stands up and reads from a list.

Lysa Arianna, Edmond Odravam, Hathin De'Lark, Tudan Davken, Brennor Styvolich and Geoffrey Whittaker come forward he says with a strong an clear voice.

You feel the eyes of the whole hall on you, the whispers of curiosity, the name-calling... and you feel fate stopping for a second to consider where to take you.

WS 40, BS 20, S 35, T 35, Ag 35, Int 30, Per 30, WP 40, Fel 43, Wounds 14/14, FP 1/1

Self-conscious and hesitant, Hathin does not wish to be the first to approach. He waits for at least one to move forward, before following in their wake.

Female Aasimar Cleric / 1

Eager to be done with this ball, Lysa moves forward when her name is called and attempts to look more confident then she feels. The sooner we get started the sooner I can prove myself worthy of my father's name and house.

Male Human Monk 6th

Edmond moved with spirit in his step as he was caught in the moment. He had come to have great confidence as a swordsman, and it was beginning to spill over into his personality when he let it. He glances at the others and decides he would withhold any judgements until he had came to know them better. Arriving where the major stands Edmond nods"Major" he greets the man clearly and simply, and glances over his shoulder only once, to observe the looming crowd. Edmond's heart was racing.

One by one as you get next to him the major looks at you square in the eye and says You've been given a great honour and a great resposability by Brevoy and Restov, don't dissapoint us and shakes your hand as he gives you a rolled scroll with his other hand. You feel that despite his old and frail looks his handshake is firm and strog, as that of a swordman.

Male Human Paladin

Hearing the names read Brennor feels the boyish tinge of excitement at the new prospect. Taking the hand of the Major he shakes it firmly and says "The lands of man shall grow but they will not only grow, they will thrive". Afterwards he steps back and introduces himself to nearby companions

"Brennor Styvolich at your service, it seems that Old One-Eye bounded us together in service for a great cause."

WS 40, BS 20, S 35, T 35, Ag 35, Int 30, Per 30, WP 40, Fel 43, Wounds 14/14, FP 1/1

Hathin accepts the scroll in silence, waiting until the ceremony is past before reading it.

As Brennor introduces himself he shakes his hand, then touches right fingers to breast "I am Hathin"

Male Human Dedicated Hero 2 (HP 12/12) (AC 14/14/10) (Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5) (Init +2)

Geoffrey solemnly waits his turn, and then steps forward to receive his charter.

A fresh start is definitely what I need. A chance to spread my wings, and find my own path...

When Brennor introduces himself, Geoffrey smiles.

"Geoffrey Whittaker. I hope that our association is a long and fruitful one."

Female Aasimar Cleric / 1

"Pleasure to meet you Brennor, I'm Lysa."

Male Human Monk 6th

Gathering now with the other party members, he smiles graciously but with ever present sad eyes."Edmond Odravam is my name," He begins, fidgeting with the scroll in his off hand as his right hand rests on the hilt of his sword."It seems we shall forge this part of our legacy together." He declares with a slight bow of his head." A pleasure to meet you all"

Is the link to the rolled scroll/charter working for anyone else? I get an "error 400 bad request" page

Male Aasimar (Raised by Halflings) Barbarian 1 / Lame Oracle of Life 6

Tudan Davken at your service. I will give it my all, and then some. For once, the young man seems a little shaken, as the ceremony finally drives home the seriousness and magnitude of their undertaking.

The crowd turns his attention away from you when the rest of the groups are called. You notice your group is the less numerous, and seems to be the less experienced too.

Male Human Paladin

"A pleasure to meet you as well! Have any of you had experience with the lands Brevoy seeks to settle? I've traversed much of the wilderness to the North, but with the forests to the south I'm" Brennor smiles at his own, admittedly, weak joke, trying to put those who seem unsettled by the group's momentous undertaking at ease. "Also when are we to head out? And where?"

Male Human Monk 6th

Edmond had worked in the untamed lands of the south but he hardly considered himself experienced in the land, save for seeing the place in his nightmares. He noticeably shudders, as if touched by a cold wind. He hopes to avoid being noticed by absorbing himself in reading the charter "Brennor I believe our first course will be to Venture to this "Oleg's Trading post." Admittedly I've not been out and about trading as of late, do any of you know the place?"

Female Aasimar Cleric / 1

Lysa shake her head no. "I've never been there before. I've never had much cause to travel to the forests of the south before. Most of the traveling I've done involved a merchant's caravan, so we kept to well-traveled roads and large cities."

Kiki pokes her head up and looks over everyone while Lysa talks.

WS 40, BS 20, S 35, T 35, Ag 35, Int 30, Per 30, WP 40, Fel 43, Wounds 14/14, FP 1/1

"Shall we depart the ball, or have we yet some purpose to remaining?" clearly eager to leave. "We can depart upon the morrow and talk in less.... restrictive... environs?"

Female Aasimar Cleric / 1

Feeling less than welcome at the ball, Lysa seems happy to agree to leave the ball. "Yes, there is nothing else I care to do here and I am not much of a dancer anyway."

Male Human Monk 6th

Edmond rolls the charter up tightly and smiles modestly"Very well, I have no desire to prolong my stay at this gathering either. Where shall we meet on the morrow?"

Male Human Dedicated Hero 2 (HP 12/12) (AC 14/14/10) (Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5) (Init +2)

Knowledge(Local) regarding Oleg's Trading Post: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22.

"I think I know the way. How about we meet at 7th Bell, outside the East gate of the city?"

WS 40, BS 20, S 35, T 35, Ag 35, Int 30, Per 30, WP 40, Fel 43, Wounds 14/14, FP 1/1

Hathin nods his acceptance of the proposal and unless prevented, he takes his leave of proceedings.

Male Aasimar (Raised by Halflings) Barbarian 1 / Lame Oracle of Life 6
Geoffrey Whittaker wrote:

Knowledge(Local) regarding Oleg's Trading Post: 1d20+6.

"I think I know the way. How about we meet at 7th Bell, outside the East gate of the city?"

Sounds good! Tudan still looks serious but more focused, now that there's concrete planning to be done. The only thing I'm not sure about, since I've spent time in the wilderness but nowhere so lawless, is how much ammo to bring. Are twenty sling bullets enough, do you think?

Male Human Dedicated Hero 2 (HP 12/12) (AC 14/14/10) (Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5) (Init +2)

Geoffrey smiles.

"I think that that would depend on how frequently you intend to use your sling, Tudan. If you intend to use it a lot, extra ammunition might be a good idea."

WS 40, BS 20, S 35, T 35, Ag 35, Int 30, Per 30, WP 40, Fel 43, Wounds 14/14, FP 1/1

"I would venture that items such as that might be purchasable at the Trading Post? - our presence may be greeted more favorably if it brings fresh coin with it."

When able Hathin takes his leave and travels back to the farmstay outside the city walls where he has left Chwal (his horse) and Malfini. He spends some time tending to Malfini before turning in for the night in the stables.

Hathin wakes with the cock-crow and gathers his meagre belongings, walking alongside Chwal to the East Gate where he awaits his companions at the 7th bell. Hathin arrives early, so is likely amongst the first to the rendezvous.

I may or may not have interwebs at home today - if everyone else is ready I have no objections to starting the journey.

Male Human Monk 6th

Edmond shall be the second to arrive. The man walks out of the mist shouldering his pack which was well loaded. It's early, but a strict dueling school training regiment had Edmond used to keeping such hours, and he felt revitalized my the morning haze.

" Good Morning Hathin was it?" he begins" I'm Edmond in case you're as bad with names as I am. My skill is primarily with my Blade, a duelist by trade these days. Humor me Hathin, what made the Swordlords choose you?"

I'm Ready to begin the journey as well, as soon as the rest of our party gathers i suppose

Male Human Dedicated Hero 2 (HP 12/12) (AC 14/14/10) (Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5) (Init +2)

Geoffrey rises at 6th Bell, and performs his morning ablutions, enjoying a quick rinse, and the opportunity for a decent shave.

After all, it might be quite some time before I am able to enjoy the comforts of civilization...

Grabbing his pack, he heads downstairs for a quick breakfast, and then ambles over to the East Gate, arriving just as the bell starts tolling.

"Good morning Hathin, Edmond. It seems like it will be a good morning; I hope that that is an omen of how things will be for us on our journey..."

The sun in the morning is warm, a signal of good weather to come, it seems that this will be a good warm summer. As you all know the travel to Oleg's will take approximately a week at good walking pace since not all of you have mounts. There´s a road, mostly safe, from Restov to Oleg's, you could try to reach the trade post directly but it would take you more or less the same time and be a much more dangerous travel.

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