DM Fflash's Shackled City Campaign

Game Master DM Fflash

Chapter 10: Thirteen Cages

Roll 20 Link

Slayer Totals

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Death at the Lucky Monkey Round 1
Init order: Baboons 20, Epik 20, Dalamus 17, Tongueater 16, Malcolm 13, Magma 13, Pad 13, Nemoris 8, Afflicted 7

The two baboons come running down the stairs, grabbing the banister and swinging over and around, hooting and hissing as they thump their chests and attack Epik and Dalamus, scoring a swipe on Epik's arm. Epik steps to the left and awaits the raging false innkeeper. Dalamus pulls a potion, swigs it and disappears from sight, drawing a swipe from the nearby monkey. Tongueater, roars again, saliva flying everywhere and leaps forward, rage in his eyes and chest heaving. He flies towards Malcolm, unaware of Dalamus nearby, who takes an opportune swipe at the rushing creature, missing widely. When Tongueater approaches, Epik lashes out with his sword, driving the weapon deep, but when he pulls it out … the wound heals instantly.

Tongueater rages at Malcolm and strikes him with furious vengeance for the earlier blow with both sword and bite, but slips on a pool of blood on his way over causing both attacks to be easily dodged. Malcolm retaliates (Need Malcolm’s input here … firing draws an AoO). Magma correctly assumes that Tongueater is a were-creature and swaps weapons stabbing at it but is confused by the blurring effect.

Nemoris fires twice at Tongueater, striking him twice, but again the arrows cause no damage to the creature. ”Silver, of course!” Nemoris mutters to himself. Pad runs to the left corner and huddles there while the afflicted barmaids come down the stairs behind their baboons. One lashes out at Epik. missing, and the other strikes Dalamus.


Baboon (Red) vs Dalamus 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11; miss
Baboon (Yellow) vs Epik 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22; HIT!; Damage: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Baboon (Red) AoO vs Dalamus 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9; miss
Dalamus AoO vs Tongueater 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10; miss
Tongueater sword vs Malcolm 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12; miss
Tongueater bite vs Malcolm 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9; miss
Afflicted (Green)vs Epik 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10; miss
Afflicted (Blue) vs Dalamus 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23; HIT!; Damage 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Tike dice karma in effect ... wow

New map here:

Male Human Gunslinger lvl 6 (AC 21 / HP 73 / Init +7 / Fort +9 / Ref +12 / Will +6)

Why is my init a 13? I rolled a 15 with a +6 and should be at 21.

Also wouldn't Epik and Magma both get AoO against Tork when he moved up to attack me?

You are correct, I mistakenly used that intimidate roll. We'll resolve the attack roll, no AoO issues. Going before Magma and Epik though, there's nothing to make you switch to silver bullets yet.

They only get an AoO when he leaves a threatened square. GW can approach you without doing that except for Dalamus.

Male Human Gunslinger lvl 6 (AC 21 / HP 73 / Init +7 / Fort +9 / Ref +12 / Will +6)

I wouldn't use my grit attack then on that attack. After 2 attacks can I make a check to see that my bullet wounds are healing or doing no damage? I have silver bullets for a reason, I just don't know if I could say my guy knew about these types of creatures with out a check.

Ok, no grit. As soon as you or someone else fails to damage him, you're welcome to try alternates (or if someone identifies the need to use silver). In a regular game, you wouldn't know to try until your attack failed and then in a following round, someone may identify the creature, when they made their check. I'm comfortable with folks understanding legends and making leaps of faith, but there's no reason for you to switch to silver until something triggers that, especially given your first shot did hurt him.

Need Round 2 inputs from everyone

Male Human Paladin (Oath Against Fiends) 13; AC 25 (32 with SE), HP 82/(temp max 124), Fort +20, Ref +14, Will +17, Init +1, Greatsword +17/+12/+7(2d6+7/19-20x2)
Spells 3/3 3/3 2/2; 0/4 smite evils (+7/+8/+7); 0/18 LH(6d6), 0/2 DB (+2)
1st: Divine Favor, Bless, Protection vs. Evil, Lessor Restoration 2nd: Resist Energy, Inheritor's Smite, Ironskin 3rd:
DM Fflash wrote:

Death at the Lucky Monkey Round 2

Epik attacks the monkey in front of him.

Attack:1d20 + 3 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 3 + 3 + 1 = 21; Damage:1d8 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5; Crit:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

Male Fetchling Slayer 7/ Red Mantis 5

Dalamus will use his dagger and try to backstab the afflicted (Blue) the one that had hit him earlier.

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 241d4 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

Male Human Gunslinger lvl 6 (AC 21 / HP 73 / Init +7 / Fort +9 / Ref +12 / Will +6)

Ahh perfect, I didn't know my first shot hurt. That totally works for me

Male Human R:1/F:8/DSniper:2 - || 115 hp || AC: 28 (T:18 FF:23) F13 / R11 / W6

Round 2 || Initiative 8 || 35/35 hp || AC 17

So I know silver will hurt the weres? If so I'll yell, "Use silver on the weres, it's the best way to hurt them!"

I'll fire two arrows at the baboon in front of me:

Attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21 Damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8 Crit:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
Attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13 Damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8 Crit:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

Male Stonechild Stonechild 4 / Fighter 5/ Cleric 1/ Stalwart defender 1 (HP 156 AC 29) (Fort 19 Reflex 10 Will 11) alignment LN
DM Fflash wrote:

Ok, no grit. As soon as you or someone else fails to damage him, you're welcome to try alternates (or if someone identifies the need to use silver). In a regular game, you wouldn't know to try until your attack failed and then in a following round, someone may identify the creature, when they made their check. I'm comfortable with folks understanding legends and making leaps of faith, but there's no reason for you to switch to silver until something triggers that, especially given your first shot did hurt him.

Need Round 2 inputs from everyone

Sorry i gave you like six rounds do you want me to wait before posting more attacks?

Malcolm: still need a Round 2 input :) and have a 100xp for my initiative mistake (standard house rule for game-impacting DM mistake, nothing special for you)

Nemoris: You "know" based on the spoiler above, so yes, shout out

EDIT Magma: No worries with the check ... a learning process for us all. I make way more mistakes than you guys. Go ahead and give me your Round 2 actions. Reroll ... I'm ignoring all the extra attacks earlier.

Dalamus: 3 ways to get a sneak attack that I can think of right now

  • Feint and then attack; Feint uses bluff and is a standard action.
  • Get a flank somehow with someone else. (you could move towards the baboon or Tongueater or move Pad out of the way)
  • Go invisible/hide in plain sight (you can't do that yet)/blind your opponent or somehow make him flat-footed.

And BTW, this was a near perfect round input (less Malcom's missing stuff) ... I post a round, 5 posts from you guys and then I can post the next round. That makes life easy, easy for me. Thanks!

Male Stonechild Stonechild 4 / Fighter 5/ Cleric 1/ Stalwart defender 1 (HP 156 AC 29) (Fort 19 Reflex 10 Will 11) alignment LN

Epik can you call upon the power of Iomedae to strike at Tongueater like you did against the Troll Slaver.

May Mordin and St Cutberth give me power to avenge Sacrem.

Male Fetchling Slayer 7/ Red Mantis 5
DM Fflash wrote:

Malcolm: still need a Round 2 input :) and have a 100xp for my initiative mistake (standard house rule for game-impacting DM mistake, nothing special for you)

Dalamus: 3 ways to get a sneak attack that I can think of right now

  • Feint and then attack; Feint uses bluff and is a standard action.
  • Get a flank somehow with someone else. (you could move towards the baboon or Tongueater or move Pad out of the way)
  • Go invisible/hide in plain sight (you can't do that yet)/blind your opponent or somehow make him flat-footed.

I thought using the potion was going to give me the advantage for a sneak attack. How does it not help in this case?

I was also curious about the last round attacks....Do I get an AC bonus, or do they have a chance to miss based on the invisibility potion?

Dalamus Othreleth wrote:

I thought using the potion was going to give me the advantage for a sneak attack. How does it not help in this case?

I was also curious about the last round attacks....Do I get an AC bonus, or do they have a chance to miss based on the invisibility potion

You went invisible and then went visible once you attacked Tongueater ... you rolled a 1 on your miss chance though. So, you were visible for the attacks against you after you attacked him. Make sense?

See here

Death at the Lucky Monkey Round 2
Init order: Malcolm 21, Baboons 20, Epik 20, Dalamus 17, Tongueater 16, Magma 13, Pad 13, Nemoris 8, Afflicted 7

Malcolm ...

The baboons rage relentlessly against Epik's armored form, and one sneaks a bite through a seam. Epik retaliates with a slicing blow across one's chest.

Dalamus ...

Tongueater cringes at the sight of the silver spear in Magma's hands turning his blade on the stonechild and landing a vicious blow fueled by his freakish barbaric lycanthropic orc strength, but Magma, hurting, is able to fend off the follow-on bite and stabs back scoring deeply (I used your second attack from the list above, but for round 3, please roll again if you're attacking again).

Nemoris fires 2 arrows into the baboon ahead of him while hollering out to use silver on the were-creatures if the party has it. One goes wide but the other strikes true. The afflicted barmaids snarl and snap but both Epik and Dalamus avoid harm


[ooc]Baboon (Red) vs Epik1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17; miss
Baboon (Yellow) vs Epik 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22; HIT!; Damage 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Tongueater sword vs Magma 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23; HIT!; Damage: 2d4 + 14 ⇒ (3, 3) + 14 = 20
Tongueater bite vs Magma 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14; miss
Afflicted (Green) Bite vs Epik 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9; miss
Afflicted (Blue) Bite vs Dalamus1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10; miss

No real changes in map positioning. I'll insert Dalamus/Malcolm inputs once received. Dalamus' attack will hit, it just depends if he steps forward and stabs the baboon for a sneak attack or just sticks it in the nearby afflicted. Not sure what Malcolm intends to do.

Round 3 inputs?

Male Human Gunslinger lvl 6 (AC 21 / HP 73 / Init +7 / Fort +9 / Ref +12 / Will +6)

he's a +14 on damage...really?

How do 5' steps work in combat? Can I take a 5' and attack since he doesn't have a reach weapon? Can I use acrobatics to tumble away to the doorway under the stairs behind Nemoris?

Yup ... half-orc, barbarian rage, & hybrid form gives him +10 strength alone. 2-handed weapon is 1.5 times str bonus ... it gets messy.
5-foot steps don't draw AoOs ever.

Male Human Gunslinger lvl 6 (AC 21 / HP 73 / Init +7 / Fort +9 / Ref +12 / Will +6)

Init 21/HP 41/AC 23

I will take a 5' to the left and use total defense

Male Human Gunslinger lvl 6 (AC 21 / HP 73 / Init +7 / Fort +9 / Ref +12 / Will +6)

Round 3 - Init 21/HP 41/AC 19

I will take another 5' through the door to the left, use rapid reload to load in my silver rounds and fire at Tongue Eater

Can I also ready an action to slam the door in his face if he comes towards me?

To-Hit Touch AC - 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23
Damage - 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Male Stonechild Stonechild 4 / Fighter 5/ Cleric 1/ Stalwart defender 1 (HP 156 AC 29) (Fort 19 Reflex 10 Will 11) alignment LN

Did that Hurt? attacking Tongueater

attack 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
damage 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
critical 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
1d100 ⇒ 66

attack 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
damage 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
critical 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
1d100 ⇒ 4

That door is locked ...

Male Fetchling Slayer 7/ Red Mantis 5
DM Fflash wrote:

Death at the Lucky Monkey Round 2

Init order: Malcolm 21, Baboons 20, Epik 20, Dalamus 17, Tongueater 16, Magma 13, Pad 13, Nemoris 8, Afflicted 7

Malcolm ...

The baboons rage relentlessly against Epik's armored form, and one sneaks a bite through a seam. Epik retaliates with a slicing blow across one's chest.

Dalamus ...

Tongueater cringes at the sight of the silver spear in Magma's hands turning his blade on the stonechild and landing a vicious blow fueled by his freakish barbaric lycanthropic orc strength, but Magma, hurting, is able to fend off the follow-on bite and stabs back scoring deeply (I used your second attack from the list above, but for round 3, please roll again if you're attacking again).

Nemoris fires 2 arrows into the baboon ahead of him while hollering out to use silver on the were-creatures if the party has it. One goes wide but the other strikes true. The afflicted barmaids snarl and snap but both Epik and Dalamus avoid harm

** spoiler omitted **

[ooc]No real changes in map positioning. I'll insert Dalamus/Malcolm inputs once received. Dalamus' attack will hit, it just depends if he steps forward and stabs the baboon for a sneak attack or just sticks it in the nearby afflicted. Not sure what Malcolm intends to do.

Round 3 inputs?

Dalamus will step forward and and sneak attack the baboon.

round three attack

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 181d4 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

I didn't remember that attacking broke the invisibility....Oh well, that didn't work like I had hoped

Male Human Paladin (Oath Against Fiends) 13; AC 25 (32 with SE), HP 82/(temp max 124), Fort +20, Ref +14, Will +17, Init +1, Greatsword +17/+12/+7(2d6+7/19-20x2)
Spells 3/3 3/3 2/2; 0/4 smite evils (+7/+8/+7); 0/18 LH(6d6), 0/2 DB (+2)
1st: Divine Favor, Bless, Protection vs. Evil, Lessor Restoration 2nd: Resist Energy, Inheritor's Smite, Ironskin 3rd:

Death at the Lucky Monkey Round 3

Epik continues attacking the Monkey in front of him.

Attack:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17; Damage:1d8 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5; Crit:dice]1d20+7[/dice];

Male Human Gunslinger lvl 6 (AC 21 / HP 73 / Init +7 / Fort +9 / Ref +12 / Will +6)

Then why isn't it marked locked on the map, I would have done something different on my last round. Is either door not lock, and how would we know the door was locked inside room 25 if we hadn't been in it?

I removed the signs from the combat map. The original map still has them marked but honestly, in life, there aren't signs hanging over doors saying Locked ... Wait, their was on the plane I was just on. Nevermind. The doors from inside the kitchen have always been locked ... And you've been to both sides of all of them.

Male Human Gunslinger lvl 6 (AC 21 / HP 73 / Init +7 / Fort +9 / Ref +12 / Will +6)

I will take a 5' to switch with Magma if that is ok with him.

Male Stonechild Stonechild 4 / Fighter 5/ Cleric 1/ Stalwart defender 1 (HP 156 AC 29) (Fort 19 Reflex 10 Will 11) alignment LN

i will trade positions with malcolm. Not giving a Aoo

Malcolm --> OK, consider the swap done in Round 2 then ... need Malcolm's Round 3 inputs in order to proceed.

Dalamus sneak attack damage on Baboon: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 4) = 6 ... not enough to kill it, but its hurting pretty bad.

Male Human Gunslinger lvl 6 (AC 21 / HP 73 / Init +7 / Fort +9 / Ref +12 / Will +6)

I will now withdraw from combat until I get under the stairs

Death at the Lucky Monkey Round 3 up to Nemoris' action
Init order: Baboons 20, Epik 20, Dalamus 17, Tongueater 16, Malcolm 13 (delayed to act with Magma), Magma 13, Pad 13, Nemoris 8, Afflicted 7

A reminder to post Round/Current HP/AC/Status on your posts for ease of reference, especially as we split rounds like I'm going to do this turn.

The baboons pound fruitlessly on Epik's armor and shield, and the paladin rewards one by cutting it down. Dalamus stabs at the standing one, gouging it in the lower back.

The battle with Tongueater gets more furious as he flashes his falchion around once more, felling Magma like a tree. The stonechild collapses to the ground, bleeding but alive. The werebaboon turns his bite on Malcolm, ripping out a piece of his shoulder and filling it with his infectious spittle. Malcolm wisely retreats to under the stairs, wincing in pain.

At Nemoris' turn in Round 3 ... Taking Round 4 inputs from everyone. Wasn't sure of Malcolm's Fort save bonus but the roll assuming some positive bonus should be enough to pass still


Baboon (Red) vs Epik 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12; miss
Baboon (Yellow) vs Epik 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18; miss
Tongueater sword vs Magma 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22; HIT!; Damage: 2d4 + 14 ⇒ (3, 4) + 14 = 21
Tongueater bite vs Malcolm 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25; HIT!; 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
Malcolm Fort Save vs DC15 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19; success!

Map to come later ... Magma, Dalamus & Malcolm have moved. Western baboon is down.

Male Stonechild Stonechild 4 / Fighter 5/ Cleric 1/ Stalwart defender 1 (HP 156 AC 29) (Fort 19 Reflex 10 Will 11) alignment LN

i am currently at zero. does that allow me to drink a potion?

round 4/hp 0/status?

Male Human Gunslinger lvl 6 (AC 21 / HP 73 / Init +7 / Fort +9 / Ref +12 / Will +6)

Round 4 - Init 13/AC 19/HP 31

What would the DC be to use acrobatics to jump/pull up to the top of the stairs?

Male Human Gunslinger lvl 6 (AC 21 / HP 73 / Init +7 / Fort +9 / Ref +12 / Will +6)

Round 4 - Init 13/AC 19/HP 31

I will use rapid reload to finally load in my silver rounds and attacks Tongue Eater

To-Hit Touch AC 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
Damage + Grit 1d8 + 1 + 1d6 ⇒ (8) + 1 + (5) = 14
Blur Chance 1d100 ⇒ 98

Magma Iron Clan wrote:

i am currently at zero. does that allow me to drink a potion?

round 4/hp 0/status?

Don't forget the 13 points of non-lethal. You're ko'd ...

Male Stonechild Stonechild 4 / Fighter 5/ Cleric 1/ Stalwart defender 1 (HP 156 AC 29) (Fort 19 Reflex 10 Will 11) alignment LN
DM Fflash wrote:
Magma Iron Clan wrote:

i am currently at zero. does that allow me to drink a potion?

round 4/hp 0/status?

Don't forget the 13 points of non-lethal. You're ko'd ...


Male Human Gunslinger lvl 6 (AC 21 / HP 73 / Init +7 / Fort +9 / Ref +12 / Will +6)

Can someone else feed him a potion?

Male Human R:1/F:8/DSniper:2 - || 115 hp || AC: 28 (T:18 FF:23) F13 / R11 / W6
Malcolm Reigns wrote:
Can someone else feed him a potion?

Magma isn't bleeding, right? Just unconscious? If I'm reading the map correctly, he's right beside me and Tongue Eater, and the afflicted/baboons are 10 feet away at least. Sorry, and last question, can I pickup Magma's spear without moving into the space he is occupying?

Male Fetchling Slayer 7/ Red Mantis 5

Round 4 - Init 17/AC 20/HP 24

Dalamus will again strike at the baboon that is in front of him

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 131d4 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

Sneak attack damage, if applicable
2d6 ⇒ (3, 1) = 4

Male Human Paladin (Oath Against Fiends) 13; AC 25 (32 with SE), HP 82/(temp max 124), Fort +20, Ref +14, Will +17, Init +1, Greatsword +17/+12/+7(2d6+7/19-20x2)
Spells 3/3 3/3 2/2; 0/4 smite evils (+7/+8/+7); 0/18 LH(6d6), 0/2 DB (+2)
1st: Divine Favor, Bless, Protection vs. Evil, Lessor Restoration 2nd: Resist Energy, Inheritor's Smite, Ironskin 3rd:

Death at the Lucky Monkey Round 4

Epik status: HP 23, AC 22 (AC 26 vs Tongueater)

As a swift action Epik will smite evil versus Tongueater and then attack him with his standard action (waiting for the map update, but I believe we are in adjacent squares). If necessary, Epik will pivot 5' over the dead monkey to get at Tongueater.

Attack:1d20 + 7 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 7 + 4 = 14; Damage:1d8 + 3 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 + 3 = 7; Crit:1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19; Miss:1d100 ⇒ 4

Malcolm Reigns wrote:
Can someone else feed him a potion?

Yes, draws an AoO

Also, you asked about jumping: It's about a 3 foot vertical, so DC 12.

Nemoris wrote:
Magma isn't bleeding, right? Just unconscious? If I'm reading the map correctly, he's right beside me and Tongue Eater, and the afflicted/baboons are 10 feet away at least. Sorry, and last question, can I pickup Magma's spear without moving into the space he is occupying?

He is at 0 and stable since he didn't take any strenous action, but he's unconscious due to non-lethal damage.

He is 2 squares away becasue he switched with Magma. Will try and get a map up

You can pick up the spear without moving into his space, but if you are threatened, it provokes an AoO.

Male Human Gunslinger lvl 6 (AC 21 / HP 73 / Init +7 / Fort +9 / Ref +12 / Will +6)

Can I jump up there and still shoot in round 5?

Male Human R:1/F:8/DSniper:2 - || 115 hp || AC: 28 (T:18 FF:23) F13 / R11 / W6
DM Fflash wrote:

You can pick up the spear without moving into his space, but if you are threatened, it provokes an AoO.

[ooc]Great, thanks Tike! What I'd want to do ideally is pick up the spear with my move action and attack one of the weres with my attack action. From the most recent map it looked like I could pickup the spear, take a 5 foot step, and then attack. Does that work? If I won't reach, then I might fire off one arrow at the last baboon (as long as no one is in melee range) and then take the five foot step and pickup the spear.

Round 3 || Initiative 8 || 35/35 hp || AC 17

Single Arrow Attack (Spear attack w/ power attack is -1 to hit and +3 damage):

Attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19 Damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7 Crit: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21

Male Human R:1/F:8/DSniper:2 - || 115 hp || AC: 28 (T:18 FF:23) F13 / R11 / W6
Nemoris wrote:
DM Fflash wrote:

You can pick up the spear without moving into his space, but if you are threatened, it provokes an AoO.

Great, thanks Tike! What I'd want to do ideally is pick up the spear with my move action and attack one of the weres with my attack action. From the most recent map it looked like I could pickup the spear, take a 5 foot step, and then attack. Does that work? If I won't reach, then I might fire off one arrow at the last baboon (as long as no one is in melee range) and then take the five foot step and pickup the spear.

Round 3 || Initiative 8 || 35/35 hp || AC 17

Single Arrow Attack (Spear attack w/ power attack is -1 to hit and +3 damage):

Attack: 1d20+8 Damage: 1d8+5 Crit: 1d20+8

Wish I could see the map! Want to make sure I don't provoke an AoO at all costs, re-read my post and I don't think it reflected that.

With Magma where Malcolm is on the current map you have (Round 1 map) (sorry that I haven't updated it ... havent been able to get on my laptop where the source doc is), you'll be next to Tongueater and will gen an AoO to pick up the spear. You'd have to 5-foot step, grab it, then attack. So I assume you're shooting the baboon for now. BTW, Don't forget to give me 2 rounds of action response (end of Round3 and Round 4).

Malcolm - yes, jump/climb as a move action. Shoot as a standard. No problem.

Dalamus - no sneak attack on the baboon (regular attack is of course fine). You could move to sneak attack either the afflicted or Tongueater if you moved into a flanking position with Epik.

Need Epik's round 4

Male Fetchling Slayer 7/ Red Mantis 5

Dalamus will sneak attack Toungueater instead. Hopefully he doesn't know me to the moon... ;)

Male Human Gunslinger lvl 6 (AC 21 / HP 73 / Init +7 / Fort +9 / Ref +12 / Will +6)

Can I get up to the top of the stairs in the 4th round or do I have to wait until the 5th?

Male Human Gunslinger lvl 6 (AC 21 / HP 73 / Init +7 / Fort +9 / Ref +12 / Will +6)

I will try and reach the top of the stairs in round 4 if I am able. If I can't till round 5 it will depend on if anyone closes on me

Acrobatics - 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

Malcolm Reigns wrote:
Can I get up to the top of the stairs in the 4th round or do I have to wait until the 5th?

You get 1 move action and 1 std action per round. If you shoot in Round 4, you have a move action still ... I don't know what rapid reload takes without looking it up tonight. If it takes a move action (which I believe it does), you cannot get there in round 4. If its a swift or free action, you can get there in round 4.

Male Human Gunslinger lvl 6 (AC 21 / HP 73 / Init +7 / Fort +9 / Ref +12 / Will +6)

It's move action, totally thought it was a free action. Good to know. So I will attempt it in the 5th if I am not in melee with anyone

Male Human R:1/F:8/DSniper:2 - || 115 hp || AC: 28 (T:18 FF:23) F13 / R11 / W6
DM Fflash wrote:

With Magma where Malcolm is on the current map you have (Round 1 map) (sorry that I haven't updated it ... havent been able to get on my laptop where the source doc is), you'll be next to Tongueater and will gen an AoO to pick up the spear. You'd have to 5-foot step, grab it, then attack. So I assume you're shooting the baboon for now. BTW, Don't forget to give me 2 rounds of action response (end of Round3 and Round 4).

Yeah, until I was sure if I was melee'ing with silver or shooting the bow I couldn't even guess what my next action would be. Honestly, I don't know what to do until I know where everyone is in round 4. If I can't get to the spear I'll keep shooting arrows, but it doesn't seem like they're doing much good.

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