DM Crispy's Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition
Game Master
Lufien "Silvertongue" Loamin
The Swallowtail Festival in Sandpoint soon lands our PC's in a whirlwind adventure with momentous consequences for the world.
Current Map
Prism 7 | HP 66/66 Nonlethal 00/66 | AC 22 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +5, CMD 19 | F: +7, R: +7, W: +9| Init: +8 | Perc: +13| +1 Scimitar: +10 (1d+5/18-20x2 PS) | Speed 40/30ft | Active Conditions: *None*| Channel 4d6: 5/5;
Elaina Newberry wrote: Me too, Bellamy =( I hope you feel better soon.
Hey all, unless you have something going on, I am going to go back to my recruitment requirements and say that I need to see at least daily posts from you. I know the story kind of dragged with Foxglove, but it's build-up for later events. If I am doing a bad job of engaging you, let me know so we can work on making this more enjoyable for everyone. Otherwise, a post a day, please.
I've been trying to get at least a post/day in. Work finally put in a web blocker so I can't use paizo overnight at the hotel. Looks like I'm bringing my tablet with me to work.
Not trying to impose, and there are certainly points when you might not need to post every day, such as if you're down in a combat, for example. Just seems like we're kind of getting bogged down in the in-between stuff, and there's only so much I can do to get things rolling beyond just hand-waving the travel time. Which sometimes defeats the point of the travel to begin with.
Male Human
I apologize for the unannounced disappearance. I've had a lot on my mind and felt like I needed sometime to sort things out.
I've decided I am quitting PBP, mostly for personal reasons and the need to focus on personal projects that I am not working on as much as I should. I am sorry for returning with bad news, I've had plenty of enjoyable moments with you all and wish you the best of luck.
Sorry to see you go, WR. You are an excellent RPer, but you've got to take care of you. I wish you the best!
Alright, you'se guys. Decision time. Do you want to replace Bellamy?
Prism 7 | HP 66/66 Nonlethal 00/66 | AC 22 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +5, CMD 19 | F: +7, R: +7, W: +9| Init: +8 | Perc: +13| +1 Scimitar: +10 (1d+5/18-20x2 PS) | Speed 40/30ft | Active Conditions: *None*| Channel 4d6: 5/5;
RIP Bellamy, you will be missed.
I like four players a lot more than five or six, but I don't think that's very realistic with our current group composition.
I concur. You're more of a self-buffing melee character, and Zella is a face/support character. Down the road you will be wanting a full arcane capability.
I agree, I'm sorry to see you go, but taking care of oneself is a top priority. Let's see if we can find another full arcane.
Male Human
We indeed need an arcane type to enhance the overall effectiveness of our melee heavy group
Female Human Bard
I agree that we need an arcane focused character. Either another sorcerer or a Wizard.
With two bards, we do not need any other arcane dabblers, series casters only need apply. :)
All, I have a replacement ready. Enna the dwarven sorceress will be joining us shortly. :)
Female Dwarf Sorceror (Wildblood) Init +1; Senses Perception +8,Dark vision 60' AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 hp 8 Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +6 (+2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities)
Hello folks, crispy said you needed some arcane support.
Ooh another dwarf, that's a rarity. I haven't seen a party with multiple dwarves since the days of hackmaster when I ran an all dwarf campaign where all players were part of the same clan.
Female Dwarf Sorceror (Wildblood) Init +1; Senses Perception +8,Dark vision 60' AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 hp 8 Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +6 (+2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities)
Yeah, I have a special place in my heart for dwarves. Also think it is interesting playing a dwarf sorcerer as well so we shall see how this goes.
Prism 7 | HP 66/66 Nonlethal 00/66 | AC 22 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +5, CMD 19 | F: +7, R: +7, W: +9| Init: +8 | Perc: +13| +1 Scimitar: +10 (1d+5/18-20x2 PS) | Speed 40/30ft | Active Conditions: *None*| Channel 4d6: 5/5;
Can that much dwarf exists in such close proximity? Is it safe?
Female Human Bard
Does this mean Nover has someone to flirt with? :)
We might get to see Nover's softer side.
Nover has been nothing but a gentleman so far aside from threatening to knock a rude persons teeth out.
Male Human
The gentle bouncer, I like that Nover.
Male Human
Happy Weekend all,
Unfortunately I will be unable to logon to a network until late Sunday. GM's please control me if needed for this time.
Good luck
Alrighty, Herri. See you Sunday!
I can't believe I forgot to mention this, happy talk like a pirate day/weekend everyone!
Don't feel bad for one-shotting this encounter, Nover. It wasn't meant as a challenge, more as flavor to the general malaise the goblin invasion has put on the town. There won't be many more easy fights like this, so savor them while you can.
Hey gang, when we get to points like this, it is up to you to press on to the 'next' thing, even if that is just returning to the Inn for lunch. I don't want to get bogged down every time there's not a crisis to be averted, or feel I have to 'lead' you around to everything. Just like real life, there's down time. Do something constructive with it, or indicate your willingness to fast-forward to the next thing of note.
Female Dwarf Sorceror (Wildblood) Init +1; Senses Perception +8,Dark vision 60' AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 hp 8 Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +6 (+2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities)
Message received, curmudgeon on and push the story.
My apologies, kind of a long and weird weekend, my dogs got skunked. You have no idea how hard it is to get that stench off a couch, let alone the dog.'s bad enough to drive past it. I would rather remain ignorant.
All, I will be unresponsive until tomorrow morning. Any who have not posted where they are in the entry room, please do so.
Warning, the views and opinions expressed by the character do not reflect those of the parent player.
Would you guys like to iron out a system for advancing in a dungeon crawl format? We'll proceed, but if you would like to, please discuss.
Prism 7 | HP 66/66 Nonlethal 00/66 | AC 22 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +5, CMD 19 | F: +7, R: +7, W: +9| Init: +8 | Perc: +13| +1 Scimitar: +10 (1d+5/18-20x2 PS) | Speed 40/30ft | Active Conditions: *None*| Channel 4d6: 5/5;
Is there a particularly efficient way for PbP format?
I was thinking that you guys could get a format, such as Elaina checks for traps, Nover opens door with Herri and Elaina beside him and Zella and Enna behind for support. Then follow Rule of 2 for decisions. It has its flaws, but everyone grabbing for doors is rather dangerous, too.
Prism 7 | HP 66/66 Nonlethal 00/66 | AC 22 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +5, CMD 19 | F: +7, R: +7, W: +9| Init: +8 | Perc: +13| +1 Scimitar: +10 (1d+5/18-20x2 PS) | Speed 40/30ft | Active Conditions: *None*| Channel 4d6: 5/5;
Nover and Herri and I opening doors sounds good. When we're moving I can go last to protect the squishy ladies from ambushes, although I think right now Elaina wants to lead the group.
Sounds good, although the second you open a door and get shot I think Elaina would change her mind.
It's whatever you guys decide. If no one else has a say on the matter, we'll just let the mad dash to open doors continue.
Edit: Ha, likely true, Nover.
The main point of it is to get a set routine, so if Nover is the 'door-opener', we don't have to wait for him to actually say he opens the door. Zella and Herri can state the party's intent on proceeding, and then we fall back into cookie cutter 'door opening' formation.
Once again, your call. I'm fine with either.
Male Human
I like it... Dwarf Shield up front!
Prism 7 | HP 66/66 Nonlethal 00/66 | AC 22 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +5, CMD 19 | F: +7, R: +7, W: +9| Init: +8 | Perc: +13| +1 Scimitar: +10 (1d+5/18-20x2 PS) | Speed 40/30ft | Active Conditions: *None*| Channel 4d6: 5/5;
Elaina's taller than Nover so there's a pretty good chance she'll get shot anyways.
Funny thing about paperwork, in an old game my group had been wandering through a castle in 3.5. They found an office, one person yelled "ooh paperwork!" jumped in and started sorting through the papers. Problem, the clerk was an assassin and had gone invisible before the party got in. The assassin sat there for 3 rounds before using death attack on the guy in the chair.
Prism 7 | HP 66/66 Nonlethal 00/66 | AC 22 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +5, CMD 19 | F: +7, R: +7, W: +9| Init: +8 | Perc: +13| +1 Scimitar: +10 (1d+5/18-20x2 PS) | Speed 40/30ft | Active Conditions: *None*| Channel 4d6: 5/5;
I would have let him finish my paperwork first.
Let's keep pushing, folks.
Male Human
I am sorry to have to say I will need to retire Herri as my work is now taking over a majority of my time. Thank you all for allowing me to push this far. I can stay on a few days until you find a replacement.
We appreciate the heads up, Herri. Thank you for playing and being a great player.
Prism 7 | HP 66/66 Nonlethal 00/66 | AC 22 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +5, CMD 19 | F: +7, R: +7, W: +9| Init: +8 | Perc: +13| +1 Scimitar: +10 (1d+5/18-20x2 PS) | Speed 40/30ft | Active Conditions: *None*| Channel 4d6: 5/5;
Herri nooo! The dwarves will almost outnumber the humans.
Male Human
Sorry Elaina, the city calls me back to the daily chores of life.
Female Human Bard
We will just need to make sure our cleric isn't also a dwarf and it will be okay.