DM Bigrin's Vault of Graves (Inactive)

Game Master bigrin42

Just another dungeon dive...or is it?

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Appears hobbit--Periblooded aasimar Init +3 (+7 w/ familiar); Perception = +8 (+10 w/ familiar) Wizard (Conjurer) 5/Collegiate Arcanist 1 AC 14, t14, ff 11 l F+2, R +4, W +7

If you can make you source of dim light about 15'--the front line can easily walk ahead of it and use darkvision unimpaired.

HP: 59/59 | spells remaining: 1st (3/8) 2nd (0/6) 3rd (1/4)| channel DC 17 3d6 (1/8)
Gnome Blackened Oracle of Life
AC 19(-) T 14 FF 16 | F +6 R +5 W +6 | Init +2 | Perc +11

i assume that should be doable, when we get into combat i will drop the pebble, but that shouldn't matter

AC 19 T 19 FF 17 | F +7 R +7 W +10 (+2 to saves vs Poison, Spells and) | Init +4 | Perc +14 (+2 bonus to Perception vs unusual stonework. Free check within 10 feet)
HP: 43/43 | barkskin (self only, 1 ki) | Perfect Strike (2d20) (5/5) | Ki Pool (8/8)

Seems like a deal ;)

If he could raise 12K in gold he could get Goggles of Night.
But for now lets go with the light gig.

If I get the Descriptions of Trihedron, Tamis and Wesley, I could make a group render,
Unless you want me to use the Avatar image as reference for the face, but the body would be open to my ideas on appearance.

Dwarf Inquisitor 4/Ranger(Trapper) 1 HP: 24/44
AC 18 T 12 FF 16 | F +9 R +5 W +7 | Init +5 | Perc +11
spells remaining: 1st (4/4), 2nd (2/2) | Blessed Infiltration (3/3) Judgment (1/2)

I imagine Tamis to be similar to my avatar, though with a little bit more dwarfish of heafiness thrown in, avatar is a little to lithe for a dwarf. Also imagine that Tamis and Trihedron should have some similarities as they are sisters.

Would you prefer armour (what type), or clothing (what style)?

Dwarf Inquisitor 4/Ranger(Trapper) 1 HP: 24/44
AC 18 T 12 FF 16 | F +9 R +5 W +7 | Init +5 | Perc +11
spells remaining: 1st (4/4), 2nd (2/2) | Blessed Infiltration (3/3) Judgment (1/2)

Armor. Using a breastplate atm, so that should work well don't see myself ever really using something else.

Drawf Sisters Preview

So, Tamis and Trihedron is the render good, or does it need fixing.

AC 19 T 19 FF 17 | F +7 R +7 W +10 (+2 to saves vs Poison, Spells and) | Init +4 | Perc +14 (+2 bonus to Perception vs unusual stonework. Free check within 10 feet)
HP: 43/43 | barkskin (self only, 1 ki) | Perfect Strike (2d20) (5/5) | Ki Pool (8/8)

Thank you for the pictures Eva - after I saw the render, I went in search of a picture that I believe I would capture how I envision Trihedron to be - and discovered it is not easy at all :D

I envision her as a mix of:

- THIS outfit;
- The face, complexion and hairstyle from the Avatar picture;
- And THIS frame;

Too much information? :D

The outfit parts I see are close to the Following clothing parts list
Ranger G1
Caped Rogue
Darkwood Heroine
Ranger G2

You can pick clothing parts, from one and mix with another, but somethings are tied togther.

Self Note:
Reduce the Heavy Morph, by about half,
reduce Gia by half and add half Heroine.

Appears hobbit--Periblooded aasimar Init +3 (+7 w/ familiar); Perception = +8 (+10 w/ familiar) Wizard (Conjurer) 5/Collegiate Arcanist 1 AC 14, t14, ff 11 l F+2, R +4, W +7

Wesley should have solved the lighting problem with three large ghoul torches.

I think you started a BBQ, The question is, will the other dungeon residents smell it and come for the meal.

AC 19 T 19 FF 17 | F +7 R +7 W +10 (+2 to saves vs Poison, Spells and) | Init +4 | Perc +14 (+2 bonus to Perception vs unusual stonework. Free check within 10 feet)
HP: 43/43 | barkskin (self only, 1 ki) | Perfect Strike (2d20) (5/5) | Ki Pool (8/8)

At least we make sure we are warm :D

you can pick clothing parts from the above links,
So I know what clothes are closest to your idea of her clothing style for the render.

AC 19 T 19 FF 17 | F +7 R +7 W +10 (+2 to saves vs Poison, Spells and) | Init +4 | Perc +14 (+2 bonus to Perception vs unusual stonework. Free check within 10 feet)
HP: 43/43 | barkskin (self only, 1 ki) | Perfect Strike (2d20) (5/5) | Ki Pool (8/8)

That is a Ranger G2 ;) Eva

HP: 59/59 | spells remaining: 1st (3/8) 2nd (0/6) 3rd (1/4)| channel DC 17 3d6 (1/8)
Gnome Blackened Oracle of Life
AC 19(-) T 14 FF 16 | F +6 R +5 W +6 | Init +2 | Perc +11

I will be traveling and attending a week long conference out of the country from Saturday to the following sunday, if this is a game I play in please bot as needed. If I am the gm then have no fear i am not vanishing. I will try to post once in the morning and once at night.

After I get Tamis' input on the render I'll render the next one.

IT has come to my attention that I didn't explain the token overlays. If it has a skull over it, it's dead :)

The maintenance has eaten any posts over the last say 48 hours.

HP: 24/28, AC: 17:11:15, CMD: 14 Saves: 1:5:4 +4 on bardic performance, sonic, and language-dependent effects. Skills: Acro +1, Dip: +13 , Bluff +13 Per +10, Sense +0, Stealth, +9 Bardic Performance: 23/26 rnds Spells/day: inf/(0), 6/6(1) 3/3 (2)

Yea that sucks.

AC 19 T 19 FF 17 | F +7 R +7 W +10 (+2 to saves vs Poison, Spells and) | Init +4 | Perc +14 (+2 bonus to Perception vs unusual stonework. Free check within 10 feet)
HP: 43/43 | barkskin (self only, 1 ki) | Perfect Strike (2d20) (5/5) | Ki Pool (8/8)

Guys, I thought I would bring this here - do you think we should perhaps have two scouts? Stealth is important (crucial even), but Perception is AS important, and Wesley is right when he points out that his Perception is perhaps not adequate to be checking ahead for dangers.

In this case, the slime did not fall on him, but if it was a mechanical trap, and not something dependent on sight, or sound, or whatever it is for a green slime, he would have dropped in without noticing - it is risky for him and for us.

Tamis, I think your character is built around stealth, infiltration and detection, correct? What do you think?

True a pair doing the scouting means one can catch what the other misses, but also means that if one fails a stealth check, they both can get buggered.

Appears hobbit--Periblooded aasimar Init +3 (+7 w/ familiar); Perception = +8 (+10 w/ familiar) Wizard (Conjurer) 5/Collegiate Arcanist 1 AC 14, t14, ff 11 l F+2, R +4, W +7

With a spell with a timer in rounds, Wesley is moving ahead.

The room is apparently free of any further hazards, and the door appears to be closed and latched, but not locked. Cautiously, Wesley opened the door and peered in. Less cautiously, but with a keener eye, Tamis poked her head through the door and saw a hallway, maybe forty feet long and ten wide, ending in another door. No hazards are apparent to either.

Here is the map

Dwarf Inquisitor 4/Ranger(Trapper) 1 HP: 24/44
AC 18 T 12 FF 16 | F +9 R +5 W +7 | Init +5 | Perc +11
spells remaining: 1st (4/4), 2nd (2/2) | Blessed Infiltration (3/3) Judgment (1/2)

ya I can certainly help scouting. Character is built around being perceptive and not as stealthy as Wesley, but still stealthy.

HP: 59/59 | spells remaining: 1st (3/8) 2nd (0/6) 3rd (1/4)| channel DC 17 3d6 (1/8)
Gnome Blackened Oracle of Life
AC 19(-) T 14 FF 16 | F +6 R +5 W +6 | Init +2 | Perc +11

This is fun! Abrosh whispers, just unable to help himself.

Oops, I apparently posted this in the Discussion thread and not in the gameplay. Please move any response to the gameplay thread :)

AC 19 T 19 FF 17 | F +7 R +7 W +10 (+2 to saves vs Poison, Spells and) | Init +4 | Perc +14 (+2 bonus to Perception vs unusual stonework. Free check within 10 feet)
HP: 43/43 | barkskin (self only, 1 ki) | Perfect Strike (2d20) (5/5) | Ki Pool (8/8)
Tamis Thimble wrote:
ya I can certainly help scouting. Character is built around being perceptive and not as stealthy as Wesley, but still stealthy.

In spite of the danger of what Eva pointed out, it may be worth it - or we can put Tamis as the scout and that's that? :D

Updated Dwarf Sisters render

HP: 59/59 | spells remaining: 1st (3/8) 2nd (0/6) 3rd (1/4)| channel DC 17 3d6 (1/8)
Gnome Blackened Oracle of Life
AC 19(-) T 14 FF 16 | F +6 R +5 W +6 | Init +2 | Perc +11

hey i haven't gone anywhere, just nothing to add ATM

Special Tavern Render R1

Special Tavern Render R2

HP: 24/28, AC: 17:11:15, CMD: 14 Saves: 1:5:4 +4 on bardic performance, sonic, and language-dependent effects. Skills: Acro +1, Dip: +13 , Bluff +13 Per +10, Sense +0, Stealth, +9 Bardic Performance: 23/26 rnds Spells/day: inf/(0), 6/6(1) 3/3 (2)
Abroshqualmie wrote:

hey i haven't gone anywhere, just nothing to add ATM

same lol also nice pics

Both images are 7680 X 4320.

And there is a minor difference between the two.

And you can download them if you want.

I have a Handy Haversack we could store the bronze horse parts in.

Appears hobbit--Periblooded aasimar Init +3 (+7 w/ familiar); Perception = +8 (+10 w/ familiar) Wizard (Conjurer) 5/Collegiate Arcanist 1 AC 14, t14, ff 11 l F+2, R +4, W +7

Are we stalled?

HP: 59/59 | spells remaining: 1st (3/8) 2nd (0/6) 3rd (1/4)| channel DC 17 3d6 (1/8)
Gnome Blackened Oracle of Life
AC 19(-) T 14 FF 16 | F +6 R +5 W +6 | Init +2 | Perc +11

Not sure

I think we might be starting to stall.

I'm trying to figure out what you guys are doing. No one is posting definitive actions.

HP: 24/28, AC: 17:11:15, CMD: 14 Saves: 1:5:4 +4 on bardic performance, sonic, and language-dependent effects. Skills: Acro +1, Dip: +13 , Bluff +13 Per +10, Sense +0, Stealth, +9 Bardic Performance: 23/26 rnds Spells/day: inf/(0), 6/6(1) 3/3 (2)

im sorry new at this thought i had to give every one a turn or some thing my bad.

Appears hobbit--Periblooded aasimar Init +3 (+7 w/ familiar); Perception = +8 (+10 w/ familiar) Wizard (Conjurer) 5/Collegiate Arcanist 1 AC 14, t14, ff 11 l F+2, R +4, W +7

The perils of tandem scouting are revealed.

HP: 24/28, AC: 17:11:15, CMD: 14 Saves: 1:5:4 +4 on bardic performance, sonic, and language-dependent effects. Skills: Acro +1, Dip: +13 , Bluff +13 Per +10, Sense +0, Stealth, +9 Bardic Performance: 23/26 rnds Spells/day: inf/(0), 6/6(1) 3/3 (2)

ok so dumb question you can take 10s in this system can't you. i for got about that

Yes, unless you are under great stress. So if you are in danger of losing your job, you can't take 10. ;)

HP: 59/59 | spells remaining: 1st (3/8) 2nd (0/6) 3rd (1/4)| channel DC 17 3d6 (1/8)
Gnome Blackened Oracle of Life
AC 19(-) T 14 FF 16 | F +6 R +5 W +6 | Init +2 | Perc +11


and there are some skills that you are not allowed to do it on i believe

Dwarf Inquisitor 4/Ranger(Trapper) 1 HP: 24/44
AC 18 T 12 FF 16 | F +9 R +5 W +7 | Init +5 | Perc +11
spells remaining: 1st (4/4), 2nd (2/2) | Blessed Infiltration (3/3) Judgment (1/2)

As far as I know the only ability you can't do it with is Use Magic Device

HP: 24/28, AC: 17:11:15, CMD: 14 Saves: 1:5:4 +4 on bardic performance, sonic, and language-dependent effects. Skills: Acro +1, Dip: +13 , Bluff +13 Per +10, Sense +0, Stealth, +9 Bardic Performance: 23/26 rnds Spells/day: inf/(0), 6/6(1) 3/3 (2)

Have to make the quick I'll post me when I get home we are getting oddete at work I think I have a bard ability that I can take a 20 on K checks and I can make all on trained so total would be 26 min if I have know knowledge that can help it will be higher

As I mentioned in the PM, this creature is custom, and doesn't follow the rules for most creature creation. No knowledge check will give you any info other than basic assumptions...which may be wrong.

HP: 24/28, AC: 17:11:15, CMD: 14 Saves: 1:5:4 +4 on bardic performance, sonic, and language-dependent effects. Skills: Acro +1, Dip: +13 , Bluff +13 Per +10, Sense +0, Stealth, +9 Bardic Performance: 23/26 rnds Spells/day: inf/(0), 6/6(1) 3/3 (2)

all good ^_^

Sorry I have been completely out of contact the last few days. Ice storm took out power and internet on Friday. We got power back Friday night, but still no internet at home. I will try and catch up today.

AC 19 T 19 FF 17 | F +7 R +7 W +10 (+2 to saves vs Poison, Spells and) | Init +4 | Perc +14 (+2 bonus to Perception vs unusual stonework. Free check within 10 feet)
HP: 43/43 | barkskin (self only, 1 ki) | Perfect Strike (2d20) (5/5) | Ki Pool (8/8)

No worries, we are still here. Heroically running from a monster coming out of a toilet :D

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