Taisper Stozs |

With one Dragon slain, Taisper resumes invisibility and moves out with his cousin and the rest to see what assistance he can offer elsewhere.
Round 5, Initiative 8
AC:25(26 vs. Humans) HP:30/30 Saves:F/R/W 6/3/10 CMB:5 CMD:16
Buffs: Judgment Surge(Judgment class feature treated as level 8), Favored Judgment(Humanoids/Humans - all Judgments 1 higher vs. Humans), Judgment/Protection(+2AC), Judgment/Resistance(ER6 vs. Fire), Shield of Faith(+2AC, 3/10 rounds), Bane/Dragons(+2 to weapon enhancement, +2d6 damage), Prayer (+1 hit/dam/saves/skills), Bless (+1 hit/save vs. fear)
SA: cast Invisibility (2/3 L2 spells)
MA: move to wherever next Dragon is, presumably following Verik and the rest of the gang.

DM Barcas |

Round 5, Initiative 0
Citizens: 4
Guardsmen: 1
Heroes: Berrin (8/53), Akiros (10/56)
Allies: None
Enemies: Medium Dragon 1: hp 24/85, AC 20/11T/19FF/25CMD; +9F/+7R/+9W
The guardsman thrusts forward with a spear, doing hardly more to the dragon than distract it. Citizens continue to stream out behind the wall of defenders fighting the dragon, trying to make it to safety. For each one that makes it out, another comes from further in the square, desperately seeking a safe place to simply survive the onslaught.
Citizens: 2
Guardsmen: 0
Heroes: None
Allies: None
Enemies: Large Dragon 2: hp 115/115, AC 26/15T/25FF/30CMD; +11F/+8R/+10W
When the dragon lands and stretches out its crimson wings, the people scatter as quickly as they can. Only a pair, a young father and son, remain behind. The father's leg is injured, likely broken, but he stands in front of his son to protect the boy from the creature as best he can.
Citizens: 8
Guardsmen: 3
Heroes: Jemini (18/43), Nikolai (55/56)
Allies: Doctor Atago (Dead)
Enemies: Large Dragon 1: hp 49/115, AC 22/10T/21FF/30CMD; +11F/+8R/+10W; Medium Dragon 4: Dead
With a thunderous crash, one of the smaller red dragons smashes into the stones behind its larger brethren. Jemini sees arrows piercing the corpse, with wisps of cold still steaming off. She looks up to see Zander silhouetted at the ramparts above the castle.
Citizens: 0
Guardsmen: 2
Heroes: Taisper (30/30), Verik (39/39)
Allies: Kesten (24/36), Ivahn (49/49), Jhod (21/21)
Enemies: Medium Dragon 2 (Dead), Medium Dragon 3 (Dead)
The trio of brave fighters - two Founders and a new ally - continue to hold the front entrance of the castle against the oncoming storm of dragons. They eye the pair still soaring through the air warily, ready to defend it together with their lives.
Citizens: 2
Guardsmen: 3
Heroes: None
Allies: Alexey (65/65), Vinodragov (43/43)
Citizens: 26
Guardsmen: 0
Heroes: None
Allies: None
Inside the Founder's Hall, Vinodragov's voice echoes out trying to calm and mollify the nobles still inside. They seem to have stopped panicking, and are bunched as far from the entrance as they can get.
Citizens: 1
Guardsmen: 0
Heroes: Zander (22/43)
Allies: "Zander" (-7/31)
Gregary (-5/36)
> Stabilize 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (16) - 3 = 13
Enemies: None
Both Orlovsky and Gregary seem to be breathing more regularly, though they are unconscious. Blood oozes from their wounds, but does not gush. Zander spares them a glance and knows that they will survive should they see a doctor or cleric soon, but knows that he can focus all of his energy on the battlefield below.
Citizens: 0
Guardsmen: 0
Heroes: None
Allies: None
Enemies: None
Medium Dragon 5: hp 85/85, AC 20/11T/19FF/25CMD; +9F/+7R/+9W
Medium Dragon 6: hp 85/85, AC 20/11T/19FF/25CMD; +9F/+7R/+9W

Berrin Myrdal |

Round 6, initative 19 (North Square)
AC 20(22 vs. large dragon 1), touch 12, flat-footed 20 (+2 dex, +9 armor, +1 amulet, -2 challange)
hp; 8/53
Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +0
Effects; Power Attack, flanking, Challange vs. Large Dragon 1.
AC 22, touch 12, flat-footed 19 (+4 armor, +3 Dex, -1 size, +6 natural)
hp 20 (2d8+10)
Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +1
Medium Dragon 1: hp 15/85, AC 20/11T/19FF/25CMD; +9F/+7R/+9W
Keeping up his relentless assault Valnyr again rears up and lashes out at the dragon with hoof and teeth...
Bite: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 5 + 2 = 18
Hoof: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 5 + 2 = 9
Hoof: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 5 + 2 = 20 -> Damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
..his bite glances of the dragons bone riddled head, his first hoof misses the dragon completely but his second hoof lands squarely on the dragons jaw, dislodging teeth and drawing a his from the dragon.
Again, as Valnyr settles down from his pounce Berrin brings his greatsword slashing down at the dragon...
Power Attack: 1d20 + 12 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (4) + 12 + 2 - 2 = 16
..but the dragon evades the blow nimbly.

Jemini of Lebeda |

AC 32 - 2(charge); HP
Swift: smite
Charge 1d20 + 8 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 8 + 6 + 2 = 23 damage 1d8 + 2 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 2 + 8 = 14
"NOOOOOOO!!!" Jemini lunges forward in an unsuccessful attempt to make time retrace its steps. With a roar her blade sinks into the red scales leaving a fat bloody wound as the sword leaves blisters of divine fire on the red dragon.

Akiros Ismort |

Attack Bite: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 6 + 2 = 28
Attack hoof1: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 4 + 2 = 18
Attack hoof2: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 4 + 2 = 21
Ctit confirm Bite: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 6 + 2 = 14
Damage: 1d4 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Damage hoof: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Akiros Attack: 1d20 + 8 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 8 + 4 + 2 = 31
Damage: 1d10 + 7 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 7 + 4 = 16
Horse and rider continue their assault on the dragon, their many years of battle practice bwhining to tell, their movements fluid, precise, attacking almost as a single being. First Kydal's hoof gashes a chink in the dragon's scales, then the powerful warhose's teeth
sink in perfectly, ripping out a hunk of exposed flesh. Finally, standing up in the stirrups, with a mighty roar Akiros swings his sword in a powerful arc, his strength, his fury, and the weight of his blade drive the steel all the way through dragons neck, sending it lifeless head crashing into a vendor's fruit stall in an explosion pulp, flesh and gore.
Round 4, Initiative 18
hp 19/56; AC 21/11T/ 20FF wwe
20CMD; +6F/+2R/+5W (+2 vs Fear)
Special: *Cannot see beyond 30'*, Darkvision
Buffs: none
Effects: none
AC 20/13/16 (+4 vs AoO's)
hp 46/46
Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +4
Special: Multi-attack, Mobilty, Evasion

DM Barcas |

Round 6, Initiative 13
Citizens: 4
Guardsmen: 1
Heroes: Berrin (8/53), Akiros (10/56)
Allies: None
Enemies: Medium Dragon 1 (Dead), Large Dragon 2 (hp 115/115, AC 26/15T/25FF/30CMD, +11F/+8R/+10W)
> FRA: Move from Center Square
As Akiros deftly cuts the head off of the red dragon, ending the threat directly before them, the larger dragon in the center of the square slams towards them. Both Berrin's and Akiros's horses rock back in primal fear of the great and terrible red dragon, but their riders keep them from panicking. The air shimmers in front of it as a reminder of the arcane power native to the draconic race, having summoned a shield of force before itself. The smell of sulfur emanates from behind its massive teeth, as a fire hotter than any furnace scorches the air around the beast.
Citizens: 2
Guardsmen: 0
Heroes: None
Allies: None
Enemies: None
Citizens: 8
Guardsmen: 3
Heroes: Jemini (18/43), Nikolai (55/56)
Allies: Doctor Atago (Dead)
Enemies: Large Dragon 1 (hp 35/115, AC 22/10T/21FF/30CMD, +11F/+8R/+10W)
> SA: Cast spell defensively
>> Concentration 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
Medium Dragon 4 (Dead)
Nearly fallen, the dragon settles its hateful gaze on Jemini. Shimmers of natural arcane power surround its body, causing the sharp teeth and claws of the beast to shimmer. Whatever spell - if something that comes so naturally to the dragons can be called a spell - it cast, nothing happens immediately. However, if its glowing natural weapons, dangerous enough on their own, are any indication, Jemini's life is in danger once more.
Citizens: 0
Guardsmen: 2
Heroes: Taisper (30/30), Verik (39/39)
Allies: Kesten (24/36), Ivahn (49/49), Jhod (21/21)
Enemies: Medium Dragon 2 (Dead), Medium Dragon 3 (Dead)
Citizens: 2
Guardsmen: 3
Heroes: None
Allies: Alexey (65/65), Vinodragov (43/43)
Citizens: 26
Guardsmen: 0
Heroes: None
Allies: None
Citizens: 1
Guardsmen: 0
Heroes: Zander (22/43)
Allies: "Zander" (-7/31), Gregary (-5/36)
Enemies: None
Citizens: 0
Guardsmen: 0
Heroes: None
Allies: None
Enemies: None
Medium Dragon 5: hp 85/85, AC 20/11T/19FF/25CMD; +9F/+7R/+9W
Medium Dragon 6: hp 85/85, AC 20/11T/19FF/25CMD; +9F/+7R/+9W
Above the fray, the two dragons still in flight seem to have noticed that their numbers have dwindled to nearly finished. They appear reluctant to join their fallen brethren, except to wait and see what their larger allies do against the heroes of Newhaven.

DM Barcas |

25 Zander (North Battlements)
24 Jemini (South Square)
19 Berrin (North Square)
18 Akiros (North Square)
13 Dragons (All)
8 Taisper (Entrance)
8 Verik (Entrance)
8 Nikolai (South Square)
0 NPCs (All)
Taisper, Verik, and Nikolai are up! Should you kill the large dragon in the south side of the square, you can move two squares as a full-round action because there are no enemies between y'all and the north square.

Nikolai, of House Rogarvia |

When the rex dragon kills Jemini's savior, Nikolai narrows his eyes. His lips quiver with emption as the sragon looks them over to decide who to kill next.
Me! screams the barbarian as he steps across the dragon to divert is attention from the paladin. Face ME! Me, damn you. Me! Kill me!
greatsword 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (12) + 17 = 29
damage 2d6 + 20 ⇒ (1, 6) + 20 = 27
The Staglord bring his blade down when the beasts turns to face Jemini again, hacking nearly through its neck. It screams its ire and lilts its broken neck back toward Nikolai, who presses his sweating face up against the serpent's bleeding maw and matches its roar with his own.

Verik of Abadar |

Round 6, Initiative 8
South Square
HP: 39/39; AC: 20/10T/20F; Saves: +8F/+3R/+10W
Current Conditions: Prayer (+1 hit/dmg/saves (luck) to North Hall & Entrance Allies), Bless (+1 hit & Fear saves (morale) to South Square Allies)
Spell Durations: Prayer 1 rd., Bless 50 rds.
Free: Speak
SA: Cast Bless
MA: Single 40’ Move to South Square (completes move to South Square loc)
Abadar’s Bestowment Blessing: 1d100 + 10 ⇒ (92) + 10 = 102 Woo! Recovery of shield, CLW wand and weapons
Verik moves down to the carnage of the south square, even as Nikolai swings his mighty blade into the neck of the great beast and roars in defiance against it. Jemini is close to him now, and from this distance he nearly blanches at the terrible burns and rending wounds she has taken, along with the maimed corpse of the inhuman healer that saved her life.
Verik prays fervently to somehow extend the Master's will to this place, to aid Nikolai, Jemini and his cousin Taisper in a continuation of dreadful butchery that must be undertaken to save their home. Perhaps for this reason, or for a purpose well beyond Verik's meager understanding, Verik feels a familiar weight upon his right arm and sees his Absalom-enchanted shield return to him. Once more, he feels the weight of his mace upon his left hip and the crossbow upon his back, well-placed and situated as if he was heading to battle. With his full array of possessions upon him, Verik cries out in exultation.
A part of him yearns to draw his mace and charge boldly at the beast, to strike down the dragon before he can hurt Jemini or Nikolai. Yet the wiser part of him prevails, knowing that his cousin could not have abandoned him, his martial prowess as a Champion of true Purpose clear to his mind. Verik had to help them all strike true and withstand the onslaught that was still to come. Time enough later perhaps for the mace to be drawn in righteous fury.
"Oh Master I implore thee, bless these warriors and champions all to drive the beasts from your city! May the Lawgiver aid the strike of sword and spear upon these bloody scales, and bolster all resolve to stand against Chaos!"
Last round for Prayer to Nikolai, Taisper and the Entrance Hall NPC's! Yet the Bless adds another +1 Hit and Fear Saves starting here in Round 6, and should affect all of us here at the South Square for a good while.

DM Barcas |

DMPC - Taisper Stosz
Round 6, Initiative 8
AC:25(26 vs. Humans) HP:30/30 Saves:F/R/W 6/3/10 CMB:5 CMD:16
Buffs: Judgment Surge(Judgment class feature treated as level 8), Favored Judgment(Humanoids/Humans - all Judgments 1 higher vs. Humans), Judgment/Justice(+2 hit), Shield of Faith(+2 AC, 4/10 rounds), Bane/Dragons(+2 to weapon enhancement, +2d6 damage), Prayer (+1 hit/dam/saves/skills), Bless (+1 hit/save vs. fear)
SwA: Change Judgment to Justice
MA: Move to South Square
SA: Morningstar vs. Large Dragon 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22
> Damage: 1d8 + 6 + 2d6 ⇒ (4) + 6 + (2, 2) = 14
As his cousin intones a prayer to Abadar, Taisper silently and invisibly stalks the great beast towering above the defenseless. The dragon threatens the progress they have made with its spiteful chaos. Taisper says no prayer as he moves silently, inexorably closer to the dragon. He is the prayer. He stands for a moment in front of the raging creature, staring at it impassively as the dragon and Nikolai slash at each other mere inches away from him. With a silent surge, he brings his morningstar down on the top of the wounded dragon's head.
Taisper doesn't blink back into visibility as he slams the spiked ball into the dragon. He appears in a flash of lightning, with a crack of electric power from his judgment. The arc of power trails behind the weapon as its pierces the red dragon's brain and crushes its skull. He tears the morningstar backwards and pulls it out, leaving the dragon's skull a smoking ruin.
Large Dragon 1: Dead

DM Barcas |

Round 6, Initiative 13
Citizens: 2
Guardsmen: 1
Heroes: Berrin (8/53), Akiros (10/56)
Allies: None
Enemies: Medium Dragon 1 (Dead), Large Dragon 2 (hp 115/115, AC 26/15T/25FF/30CMD, +11F/+8R/+10W)
The trapped citizens continue to give as wide a berth to the battle in front of them, while a lucky pair are able to run out of the square. While the battle seems to have shifted more into the favor of the city's defenders, it comes at a great cost of life and security.
Citizens: 0
Guardsmen: 3
Heroes: None
Allies: None
Enemies: None
Citizens: 2
Guardsmen: 0
Heroes: Jemini (18/43), Nikolai (55/56), Taisper (30/30), Verik (39/39)
Allies: Doctor Atago (Dead)
Enemies: Large Dragon 1 (Dead), Medium Dragon 4 (Dead)
The injured man pulls himself and his child down into the square on his wounded leg, while the rest of the citizens run for the entrance to the castle. The trio of guardsmen protecting Jemini rush towards the last remaining dragon, spears in hand to assist Akiros and Berrin.
Citizens: 8
Guardsmen: 2
Heroes: None
Allies: Kesten (24/36), Ivahn (49/49), Jhod (21/21)
Enemies: Medium Dragon 2 (Dead), Medium Dragon 3 (Dead)
Ivahn and Kesten move aside to get the citizens behind them, then close ranks again with their eyes on the two dragons still above. Kesten points to the large dragon and shouts to them, "Go! We'll hold the entrance!"
Citizens: 2
Guardsmen: 3
Heroes: None
Allies: Alexey (65/65), Vinodragov (43/43)
Vinodragov's voice carries out of the hall, healing those in need of assistance with his prayers. A quiet hush otherwise carries over the beleaugered and besieged castle's main hall as the people inside try to wait out the battle.
Citizens: 26
Guardsmen: 0
Heroes: None
Allies: None
Citizens: 1
Guardsmen: 0
Heroes: Zander (22/43)
Allies: "Zander" (-7/31), Gregary (-5/36)
Enemies: None
Citizens: 0
Guardsmen: 0
Heroes: None
Allies: None
Enemies: None
Medium Dragon 5: hp 85/85, AC 20/11T/19FF/25CMD; +9F/+7R/+9W
Medium Dragon 6: hp 85/85, AC 20/11T/19FF/25CMD; +9F/+7R/+9W

Berrin Myrdal |

Round 7, initative 19 (North Square)
AC 26, touch 16, flat-footed 20 (+2 dex, +9 armor, +1 amulet, +4 dodge)
hp; -9/53
Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +0
Effects; Combat Expertice (-2/+2), Fighting Defensively (-4/+2)
AC 22, touch 12, flat-footed 19 (+4 armor, +3 Dex, -1 size, +6 natural)
hp 20 (2d8+10)
Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +1
Enemies: Medium Dragon 1 (Dead), Large Dragon 2 (hp 115/115, AC 26/15T/25FF/30CMD, +11F/+8R/+10W)
Handle Animal DC 10: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
Watching the large dragon approach Berrin and Valnyr echo each others sigh, filling their lungs, man and horse, holding their breath a bit and letting it out his a huge, resigned gush. Rolling his shoulder and rubbing his near-broken leg Berrin clicks his tongue twice and mutters at Valnyr... "Come on boy, next one up." ...and the beast snorts once, eyeing the dragon, and then steps into it with hoof and teeth...
Bite: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Hoof 1: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
hoof 2: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
...but none of it's attacks have any effect on the magically protected dragon. Ducking down into the saddle Berrin takes a tentative swing at the dragon...
Attack w flank: 1d20 + 12 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (6) + 12 + 2 - 2 = 18
...the greatsword glances off the dragons thick hide but as the dragon ducks back to avoid the sword Berrin quickly reaches behind his back into a pouch on his belt and draws out a vial with a thick, blue liquid. Seeing the ruse the dragon snarls and lashes out at Berrin with it's maw...
Dragon AoO vs. Berrin: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (16) + 17 = 33 ->F%@$. damage: 2d6 + 10 ⇒ (2, 5) + 10 = 17
...locking it's teeth down over Berrin's body, looking for a moment like it would swallow the warrior whole, the dragon raises it's head, pulling Berrin out of Valnyr's saddle, and shakes Berrin like a rag-doll a few times before tossing his body aside like a useless toy and roars at Valnyr.

Warden Zander Orlovsky |

North Battlements: Round 7, Init. 25
As Zander watches his dragon foe fall away below him, his field of view takes in the even larger Wyrm facing Berrin and Arikos in the square below. Seeing Berrin receiving the attention of the Dragon, Zander seeks to distract the beast from his prey. Without a dragon right in his face, Zander finds he can afford to concentrate on his target....two arrows slam in quick succession into the dragon's neck.
First Shot
+1 Frost Longbow, Composite (Str +1) vs Large Dragon#2 -> 1d20 + 13 - 2 ⇒ (20) + 13 - 2 = 31
Confirm +1 Frost Longbow, Composite (Str +1) vs Large Dragon#2 -> 1d20 + 13 - 2 ⇒ (2) + 13 - 2 = 13 Nope.
+1 Frost Longbow, Composite (Str +1) damage -> 1d8 + 1 + 1 + 1d6 + 1d3 ⇒ (1) + 1 + 1 + (1) + (1) = 5 Two of that was Cold damage, already applied the 50%
Second Shot
+1 Frost Longbow, Composite (Str +1) vs Large Dragon#2 -> 1d20 + 13 - 2 ⇒ (18) + 13 - 2 = 29
+1 Frost Longbow, Composite (Str +1) damage -> 1d8 + 1 + 1 + 1d6 + 1d3 ⇒ (8) + 1 + 1 + (5) + (1) = 16 Six of that was Cold damage, already applied the 50%
FRA: Rapid Shot.
Equipment Roll: 1d100 ⇒ 26
Status: 22/43 hp, 20AC, 15T, 15FF; CMD23, 6F/7R/6W; 45/60 arrows
Enemy: Large Dragon #2 (hp 94/115, AC 26/15T/25FF/30CMD, +11F/+8R/+10W)
The dice gods had a nice little chuckle over that first roll.

Akiros Ismort |

As he witnesses his friend and ally bitten and torn like a rag doll a primal scream of rage and pain is ripped from Akiros' throat "BERRIN NOOOOOO!! Argh! You BASTARD!" he roars his challenge at the vision of draconic evil before him "I'll Kill You!"
Yet even as he begins his furious assault on the beast still his tactical mind is functioning. Ripping his pouch off his waist he tosses it to the nearest guardsman or citizen commanding "Inside! A potion! For the General! Quick!"
And then all time for talk is past as battle is joined, fast and furiously, once again horse and rider attacking in concert. The mighty war horse is unable to pierce the dragon's defenses with hoof and tooth yet his attacks do perfectly set up his rider. With another mighty roar, the speed of a hero, and a strength nearly inhuman Akiros launches a wicked slash across the dragon's face, almost cutting it in twain and taking out one of it's gleaming, malevolent orbs.
Attack Bite: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
Attack hoof1: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Attack hoof2: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Ctit confirm Bite: 1d20+6+2
Damage: 1d4+5
Damage hoof: 1d6+2
Akiros Attack: 1d20 + 10 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 10 + 1 = 31
Confirm Crit: 1d20 + 10 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 10 + 1 + 2 = 27
Damage: 2d10 + 14 + 8 ⇒ (6, 5) + 14 + 8 = 33
Don't know if the guards are providing flanking or not, but didn't include it. Also not sure why I gave Akiros +4 to hit on the last round? Was that charging and flanking? This round he's getting the +1 for being mounted (which looks like I may have forgotten last round)and the +2 to confirm crits. The +4 on damage is from the challenge this time instead of power attack(but not sure it it's supposed to be doubled on the crit as well, which I did include. Two potions of CLW are in the pouch.
SA: Rip off pouch
MA:Toss pouch
Hero Point for SA: Attack
Round 5, Initiative 18
hp 19/56; AC 21/11T/ 20FF (AC19 vs everyone but the dragon)
20CMD; +6F/+2R/+5W (+2 vs Fear)
Special: *Cannot see beyond 30'*, Darkvision
Buffs: none
Effects: Challenge on Large #2
AC 20/13/16 (+4 vs AoO's)
hp 46/46
Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +4
Special: Multi-attack, Mobilty, Evasion

Jemini of Lebeda |

AC 32; HP 27
Swift: lay on hands 2d6 ⇒ (5, 4) = 9
Standard action: attack!
Screaming in anger, her hair wild with sweat and blood, Jemini thrusts her blade into the maw of the dragon in an attempt to shut down the stink of its magic. Her body is awash in a slight blue hue - some soldiers will later swear that they saw faint outlines of spirits flying around and embracing the paladin.
Attack 1d20 + 8 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 8 + 6 = 33 damage 1d8 + 2 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 2 + 4 = 9

DM Barcas |

That dragon is dead. However, I'll retcon it so that Jemini charges the remaining dragon.
With Taisper finishing off the dragon in front of her with a strike of his morningstar, Jemini turns to take in the sight of the last remaining of the massive dragons as it tears Berrin out of the saddle and flings his body to the ground. Almost before she can realize what is happening, she rockets across the stones of the courtyard. Slick with blood and charred with fire, the square is almost clear of citizens now. She thrusts forward into the dragon with her longsword, cutting it sharply right along its jaw just as it turns back from Berrin. Her friend, she can see, still lives - but barely.

DM Barcas |

Round 7, Initiative 13
Citizens: 2
Guardsmen: 1
Heroes: Berrin (-9/53), Akiros (-5/56), Jemini (27/43)
Allies: None
Enemies: Medium Dragon 1 (Dead), Large Dragon 2 (hp 51/115, AC 26/15T/25FF/30CMD, +11F/+8R/+10W)
> SA: Cleave vs. Akiros 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (8) + 17 = 25
>> Damage: 2d6 + 10 ⇒ (4, 1) + 10 = 15
> Cleave vs. Jemini 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (7) + 17 = 24
>> Damage: 2d6 + 10 ⇒ (3, 1) + 10 = 14
Greivously wounded even as it throws Berrin aside by the combined assaults of Akiros, Zander, and Jemini, the dragon roars loudly. It uses its sharp and deadly teeth to attack the closest two of its enemies with one swift, powerful movement. First it tears into Akiros, teeth running horizontally across his neck and collarbone. It would kill a normal man, but Akiros stays up and in the saddle. Badly, badly injured, his sword falters but comes back up as he focuses on ending the threat before it kills them all. The dragon's movement continues and it snaps its jaw shut on Jemini's sword arm just as she arrives and slashes with it. It pulls back before it rips her entire arm off, bleeding and injured from her attack.
Citizens: 0
Guardsmen: 3
Heroes: None
Allies: None
Enemies: None
Citizens: 2
Guardsmen: 0
Heroes: Nikolai (55/56), Taisper (30/30), Verik (39/39)
Allies: Doctor Atago (Dead)
Enemies: Large Dragon 1 (Dead), Medium Dragon 4 (Dead)
Citizens: 8
Guardsmen: 2
Heroes: None
Allies: Kesten (24/36), Ivahn (49/49), Jhod (21/21)
Enemies: Medium Dragon 2 (Dead), Medium Dragon 3 (Dead)
Citizens: 2
Guardsmen: 3
Heroes: None
Allies: Alexey (65/65), Vinodragov (43/43)
Citizens: 26
Guardsmen: 0
Heroes: None
Allies: None
Citizens: 1
Guardsmen: 0
Heroes: Zander (22/43)
Allies: "Zander" (-7/31), Gregary (-5/36)
Enemies: None
Citizens: 0
Guardsmen: 0
Heroes: None
Allies: None
Enemies: None
Medium Dragon 5: hp 85/85, AC 20/11T/19FF/25CMD; +9F/+7R/+9W
Medium Dragon 6: hp 85/85, AC 20/11T/19FF/25CMD; +9F/+7R/+9W
Like buzzards or hyenas, the pair of smaller dragons above continues to wait and see what happens. They circle rather lazily, possibly waiting for an opportunity to either pick off a vulnerable enemy or to flee entirely should the biggest of the attackers fall.
The dragon has now has this round's AOO, which he will use at the first opportunity. (bite +17, 2d6+10) Any person who charges will trigger it because of the 10-foot reach with the bite.
I left Akiros conscious because I assume he will use his resolve/unstoppable ability. He is negative because I factored in the 10 extra points already. I'm not sure how he got 19, which I assume is a typo or a copy/paste issue.
Jemini's smite ended when Taisper killed the first dragon. Her AC was lowered by 2 during the charge.

DM Barcas |

25 Zander (North Battlements)
24 Jemini (North Square)
19 Berrin (North Square)
18 Akiros (North Square)
13 Dragons (All)
8 Taisper (South Square)
8 Verik (South Square)
8 Nikolai (South Square)
0 NPCs (All)
Taisper, Verik, and Nikolai are all up! Don't forget that a charge will cause an attack of opportunity.

Nikolai, of House Rogarvia |

Nikolai stats
AC: 14 Hp: 36/56
Charge: Power Attack, flank, favored enemy, prayer, bless, rage, nifty magic charge-belt-thingy
Nikolai screams at the large dragon as its head goes limp from Taisper's strike. As the beast's head sinks, so does Nikolai's, crushed forehead to forehead to vent his frustration. When Jemini steps away from the carcas to charge another dragon, there is no hesitation on his part. He charges, giant blade held high.
I'm yer huckleberry 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (9) + 17 = 26
damage 2d6 + 10 ⇒ (3, 6) + 10 = 19
The dragon's teeth close on Nikolai's side, but such is the big man's strength that he tears free and presses a few more inches to bring his blade down.
Crit, darn you! 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (4) + 22 = 26
Awesome. 3d6 + 20 ⇒ (5, 3, 3) + 20 = 31
The barbarian spits his own blood and grips his blade as he eyes the larger dragon before him. Then, he looks up into the sky where its two cousins wait and smiles.

Verik of Abadar |

Round 7, Initiative 8
HP 39/39; AC 18/10T/18F (-2 charge); Saves: +7F/+2R/+9W
Current Conditions: Bless (+1 hit & Fear Saves (morale) to Self & Nikolai/Taisper/Jemini)
Spell Durations: Bless 49 rds.
FRA: Charge to North Square, Attack Large Dragon (draw mace during charge)
The exultation Verik felt when Taisper brought the terrible dragon low was short-lived, cut short as first Jemini and then Nikolai were off in another rush to the far end of the square, seemingly bent on bringing themselves back to the Boneyard. It took another long moment for Verik to fully comprehend what was happening there, though it finally pierced his thick skull as to their reckless haste – Berrin was down and Akiros nearly so, with Jemini and Nikolai’s charge possibly the only distraction to keep the dragon from finishing them off.
An ill-advised risk to be sure, but then again what choice was there? He had to reach them, to be close enough to bring Abadar’s power to restore their wounds and keep their life’s blood from spilling out completely, but there was no time if he kept to orderly discipline. So as he had thrice before, he would risk himself to provide distraction. Apparently, the mace had come to him just in time to see use after all.
Turning to Taisper, to Abadar’s Champion who had just claimed another glorious kill against darkness and chaos, he quips ruefully, ”Pray this next goes better for me than at the shack my cousin!” With that, he sprints headlong towards his companions collected around the crimson-scaled beast, his shield raised but jostling around before him, his heavy mace held high and back behind him for a strong overhand blow.
Heavy Mace Charge: 1d20 + 6 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 6 + 1 + 2 = 18
Verik charges in and swings as viciously as he can, but has little comprehension for the sheer strength and speed of the dragon - a wing rears up and buffets at the cleric with perfect timing, turning aside the swing and sending him spinning off to the side and nearly past the rest of them.

DM Barcas |

DMPC - Taisper Stosz
Round 7, Initiative 8
AC:25(26 vs. Humans) HP:30/30 Saves:F/R/W 6/3/10 CMB:5 CMD:16
Buffs: Judgment Surge(Judgment class feature treated as level 8), Favored Judgment(Humanoids/Humans - all Judgments 1 higher vs. Humans), Judgment/Resistance Fire, Shield of Faith(+2 AC, 6/10 rounds), Prayer (+1 hit/dam/saves/skills), Bless (+1 hit/save vs. fear)
Swift: Change Judgment (Resistance)
FA: End Bane
FRA: Double Move
Cautious as ever, Taisper stalks the dragon currently surrounded by the others. While even Verik darts off to attack the dragon headlong, Taisper takes a slow, measured approach. Rather than slipping into invisibility again, Taisper saves his magic for the inevitable battle supporting Varn's troops from their mutual enemy. He draws close, ready to channel Abadar's power into his morningstar again should the dragon's demise prove unfulfilled.

DM Barcas |

Round 7, Initiative 0
Citizens: 2
Guardsmen: 4
> Potions to Berrin 2d8 + 2 ⇒ (3, 1) + 2 = 6
> Spear Attacks vs. Dragon 1d20 ⇒ 1
Heroes: Berrin (-3/53), Akiros (-5/56), Jemini (27/43), Nikolai (55/56), Taisper (30/30), Verik (39/39)
Allies: None
Enemies: Medium Dragon 1 (Dead), Large Dragon 2 (hp 20/115, AC 26/15T/25FF/30CMD, +11F/+8R/+10W)
The remaining guards try to swarm the dragon with their spears, but they are no match for the fearsome creature. It roars in defiance as they attack it, batting its powerful wings and breaking their weapons. Two of the other guards kneel next to the unconscious Berrin and pour Akiros's potions into his mouth. The General's body heals slowly, turning open wounds into scabbed-over gashes. If the injuries were any worse, he would be dead. The potions can only do so much and Berrin breathes easier but still remains unconscious.
Citizens: 0
Guardsmen: 0
Heroes: None
Allies: None
Enemies: None
Citizens: 0
Guardsmen: 0
Heroes: None
Allies: Doctor Atago (Dead)
Enemies: Large Dragon 1 (Dead), Medium Dragon 4 (Dead)
Citizens: 0
Guardsmen: 2
Heroes: None
Allies: Kesten (24/36), Ivahn (49/49), Jhod (21/21)
Enemies: Medium Dragon 2 (Dead), Medium Dragon 3 (Dead)
Citizens: 12
Guardsmen: 3
Heroes: None
Allies: Alexey (65/65), Vinodragov (43/43)
Citizens: 26
Guardsmen: 0
Heroes: None
Allies: None
Citizens: 1
Guardsmen: 0
Heroes: Zander (22/43)
Allies: "Zander" (-7/31), Gregary (-5/36)
Enemies: None
Citizens: 0
Guardsmen: 0
Heroes: None
Allies: None
Enemies: None
Medium Dragon 5: hp 85/85, AC 20/11T/19FF/25CMD; +9F/+7R/+9W
Medium Dragon 6: hp 85/85, AC 20/11T/19FF/25CMD; +9F/+7R/+9W

Jemini of Lebeda |

With so many of us, I assume we've got flanking (or Jemini can move into flanking)
AC 26; HP 38/43
Swift: lay on hands 2d6 ⇒ (5, 6) = 11
Standard: attack
Jemini lays into the massive creature, timing her attack to the moment of its greatest distraction. Her blade carves another deep furrow that leaves some of the dragon's muscles rend and torn.
Attack, flanking 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 8 + 2 = 29 damage 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Critical confirmation, flanking 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 8 + 2 = 26 damage 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Great lay on hands, but what a sad critical hit :/

Warden Zander Orlovsky |

North Battlements: Round 8, Init. 25
Two shots rain down but skitter off the beasts hide, as it spins to confront the closing circle of his companions.
First Shot
+1 Frost Longbow, Composite (Str +1) vs Large Dragon#2 -> 1d20 + 13 - 2 ⇒ (5) + 13 - 2 = 16
Second Shot
+1 Frost Longbow, Composite (Str +1) vs Large Dragon#2 -> 1d20 + 13 - 2 ⇒ (3) + 13 - 2 = 14
FRA: Rapid Shot.
Equipment Roll: 1d100 ⇒ 50
Status: 22/43 hp, 20AC, 15T, 15FF; CMD23, 6F/7R/6W; 43/60 arrows
Enemy: Large Dragon #2 (hp 13/115, AC 26/15T/25FF/30CMD, +11F/+8R/+10W)

Akiros Ismort |

Blood gushing down his chest and arm, barely able to hold his blade let alone wield it, somehow, someway, this man of iron will, this Ronin, this protector of the people, remains ahorse. Weary unto death, his body screaming with a pain that would drive most mad, Akiros' eyes glare, his grip firms and his resolve narrows to pinprick focus. All else fades from view but the enemy before him, for he knows, there is no other chance. Either the dragon dies or he does. His right arm nearly useless, Akiros drops his shield, for it would not save him at this point anyway, and grabs his blade in a two-handed death grip.
As his allies launch their attacks, horse and rider maneuver themselves into position. Raising his sword before him, he aims his strike for the neck when suddenly he hears a voice, a voice he had not thought to ever hear again "No! There my love! Strike there!". And, instantly obeying, he shifts his swing at the last second, nearly tearing his shoulder from it's socket in the process, and drives his blade deep into the brain of the monstrous red. The light of life and malevolence instantly winks out from the dragon's remaining eye and it's giant head crashes to the ground at Kydal's hooves.
As the dragon's falling head pulls his sword out of the wound with a wet plop, brains and gore spilling to the cobblestones, the weight of his blade drags Akiros down until his body rests full upon his horse's back. Despite all he has endured, though his eyes slowly drift shut, still he does not give up consciousness, and still he thinks first of others as his voice whispers out "The General...Berrin. Please...help him...does he live?"
Akiros Two-Handed Attack: 1d20 + 10 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 10 + 1 + 2 = 18
Hero Point Reroll: 1d20 + 10 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 10 + 1 + 2 = 31
Damage: 1d10 + 7 + 3 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 7 + 3 + 4 = 18
SA: Attack
Hero Point for re-roll (1/3 remaining)
Round 5, Initiative 18
hp -3/56; AC 21/11T/ 20FF (AC19 vs everyone but the dragon)
20CMD; +6F/+2R/+5W (+2 vs Fear)
Special: *Cannot see beyond 30'*, Darkvision
Buffs: none
Effects: Challenge on Dragon #2= Resolve regained, 2/2 remaining
AC 20/13/16 (+4 vs AoO's)
hp 46/46
Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +4
Special: Multi-attack, Mobilty, Evasion

Jemini of Lebeda |

Are we considered somewhat out-of-initiative? If so:
HP 41/43
Jemini quickly moves to ensure she does not inadvertently aid any of the dragons, then lifts her longsword. An intense blue light builds up around her and flows into the sword - from where it washes outward in a wave of positive energy.
Channel positive energy 2d6 ⇒ (1, 2) = 3
3 of 8 lay on hands remaining
Akiros: 0/56 hp
Berrin: 0/53 hp
Okay... that could've been more impressive, but at least they both "up" now. Provided Jemini can act.

DM Barcas |

As the final dragon falls to Akiros's furious assault, the two small dragons in the air make their decision and soar southwest. As the enemies of Newhaven lay defeated or in retreat, one would expect a cheer in the air from the citizens. Instead, there is an eerie silence as the shell-shocked men and women of the city creep out of their hiding places and start reclaiming their own dead. The sound of quiet sobbing and occasional cries of pain start to drift out through the city, though everyone seems to be grimly focused on helping those who need it.
Archbanker Vinodragov gathers as many of the wounded - Founders and citizens alike - in the square and channels wave after wave after wave of healing. Even those who detest him cannot deny that he has Abadar's divine power flowing through him. Broken bones and grievous wounds alike heal quickly, leaving behind pink scars of freshly-healed flesh. As he finishes, he puts his hands on his knees in exhaustion. He says in a tired voice, "I will send word to Restov. Hopefully they can send reinforcements in time."
Channel Energy: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 1, 6) = 12
Channel Energy: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 1, 6) = 16
Channel Energy: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 3, 6) = 15
Channel Energy: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 2, 5) = 11
The guards carry about their business, gathering the horses and weaponry for the Founders, though Abadar's endowment has them fully outfitted in their arms and armor before the guards can gather it all. Word comes trickling in that Varn's outmatched forces have retreated into the outskirts of the city and are trying to slow the attackers in the narrower streets. One of Varn's messengers, a young man with a badly-wounded arm, fearfully tells them of the dragon-riding warrior leading the attack, who fought and beat Varn. The burly warrior lives, the messenger explains, but is now a captive. He reports that the attackers have stopped west of the city and seem to waiting.

Akiros Ismort |

What is the word on our army? Also, what are the numbers of dead or critically wounded citizens and guardsmen and how many remaining?
Healed nearly hale and whole, Akiros dismounts and has one of the guardsman fetch water and then has the man help clean the worst of the blood and gore off Kydal and himself. He has another Guardsman run inside the castle with a private
My dearest, by the grace of the Gods, we have survived this first battle. Yet the danger is not past by a longshot, for an army now awaits upon our doorstep. Though there is nowhere I would rather be than by your side, you know as well as I that duty leads me elsewhere. For now, I ask that you remain with the other nobles and protected by your brother's side. Knowing you are safe and well shall see me through any trial or tribulation.
Should we fail, and the city fall, I beg you to flee, my love! Save who you can, but do not, I beg you, tarry for me.
Not matter what, I shall return to you my heart, my life, on this you have my word.
Forever yours, Akiros.
While doing this he pays close attention to the reports, asking for details about the enemy's strength, the welfare of the city and citizenry, and the health, strength and positioning of Stormfares defenders.

DM Barcas |

The city guard and soldiers of the army assemble in the square, taking pains to set their fallen brethren aside. They quickly pile the bodies of the dragons just inside the Founder's Hall. With the word that the enemy army has stopped its advance, the city's defenders take a few moments to catch their breath. The guardsmen's numbers are down a quarter in the fighting, while the army lost a dozen soldiers. All in all, over one-hundred fifty fighting men - guardsmen with their spears and soldiers with swords and shields - stand ready to meet up with the remains of Varn's troops.
One of the scouts, a young man named Malhew Smith, returns with word that Maegar Varn still lives, captive with a dozen men. The attackers seem to be at least two-hundred strong, outfitted in red armor like nothing else the scout - a blacksmith's son, no less - had ever seen. He describes it to Berrin and Akiros as more like dragonscale or a carapace than forged armor, with neither straps nor seams visible to him. Smith reports that Aylene Varn has rallied her father's troops just inside the city's borders, though they number barely fifty now.
Ellana pushes through the crowd to find her sister. She hugs her, caring little about the soot or the blood on her clothes. "Sister, I was so scared for you. Please, I cannot lose you again. I beg you to stay safe." She looks over to the still-smoldering Nikolai. "Your heart stands in the right place. I shall see to it that all charges against you be dropped. You are not the Stag Lord, nor should you be judged for sins of character that you no longer possess."

Jemini of Lebeda |

Jemini hugs Elana fiercely in return, her heart is still pounding from the intensity of events that even now seem just a moment ago. "No Elana, you have it wrong - I cannot lose you. You must leave this city today still, now! Father and mother must know first-hand what is happening here." She calls to the Warden as she walks toward him, Elana in tow, "Zander! Zander! I need your help. We need to spare a small detachment of your men to escort our guests quickly and safely out of here. Any able-bodied that wish to remain and fight are welcome, but everybody else should return and prepare Brevoy."
She turns to the Archbanker Vinodragov and bows: "I thank you for your decisive aid Archbanker Vinodragov - to you too I extend the courtesy of a swift escape; unless you feel able and willing to oppose this surge of foes."
When a moment of quiet arrives for her, she turns to the collection of the fallen, whispering a prayer over each - sometimes a longer one when she recognizes a face. At the body of the tengu she pauses in prayer. Then she carefully picks up the remains and carries them to Verik, "Verik. I need your help, this... man... saved my life in exchange for his own. I must repay this debt - please, can you ensure that his body remains... pristine... until I have the means to help him return."

Berrin Myrdal |

HP 53/53
Returning to consciousnesses as his wounds heal Berrin grunts as bones re-set and his flesh knits together. Fingering a hole in his breastplate where the dragons teeth pierced into his body Berrin can't help but frown at the state of it, turning to stare at Vinodragov as he exhausts himself to heal the men and women of Newhaven he gives the man a nod of respect when he meets his eyes.
Ordering Valnyr's saddle properly set Berrin listens grimly to the scouts report of Varn's men fighting through the city. "They are far better equipped than we, a stronger force for sure. But still, we must ride out to relieve them, the castle is the strongest point in this city and we must help them reach it." he answers the scouts report. "We must get to them!" he states and turns to find Valnyr and mounting up to lead the force going out to relive their allies.

Nikolai, of House Rogarvia |

With no loved ones to mourn, Nikolai surveys the work of citizens and soldiers, keeping to himself as friends and families seek one another out.It occurs to him that he's never waited around to see grieving widows before. He'd killed dozens of father as the old Nikolai, but apart from slaughtering the impatient heirs who thought to acheive satisfaction, he'd never been exposed to the tears of fatherless children.
Gods damn them, he whispers to the smoke and dust as his body begins to ache. Blood seeps slowly into his armor and fatigue sets in. He knows he can fight more if pressed, but for a few seconds he forces himself to watch the carnage.
This is why they hate you. This is what you did to them. They want only peace and you murdered their fathers. And when you stood for your crimes, the threat your life posss to their neighbors calls more death on them.
He thinks of the dragons, and the army outside. He considers the callous nobles who would sentence the whole city to death to silence one miserable barbarian. He looks into the smoke and whispers again.
Gods damn them.

Warden Zander Orlovsky |

Zander sends two arrows chasing after the fleeing dragons, but the distance and their thick hide send the arrows bouncing away harmlessly.
Taking in the carnage below him, he is reminded he has his own wounded to look after. He checks on Gregary and then on 'Zander', both in bad shape, but not dead. He calls out to the townsman hiding on the steps. "Come on out, the dragons are gone. We need to get these men to a healer. He helps load Gregary across the man back and sees him start on his way down. He then takes up 'fake Zander' himself...that name now seems a little harder having just fought side by side with him. The Zander fought bravely, even charging the dragon...maybe....just maybe...maybe he is a 'better' 'Zander'............But if that is the case, then 'our' father doesn't deserve him.
Seeing them to the Archbishop, he is relieved to see both of them healed. Although not looking for it himself, he is caught up in the healer's wash and he feels his wounds relieved as well.
Berin, also recovered from his wounds, breaks him from his thoughts with yells of orders...the day was not yet done.

Verik of Abadar |

Verik stands armed and armored in the central square, acting as a reassuring and stabilizing presence as best as he can there, assessing and directing citizens up to the castle entrance, sending the wounded over to where the Archbanker has placed himself to conduct his healing. At one point there were so many injured hobbling around the square from charred outlying buildings that he set his own wave of healing upon them, minor as it was compared to his Restovian counterpart. Paltry perhaps, but enough to get things moving again up to the castle, even as more guardsmen and soldiers were coming down to form ranks under the commands of both Akiros and Berrin.
Channeling for Random Citizens & Guards: 3d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 1) = 12
Before he can react to Berrin's orders, poor frightened Anya Amitel comes rushing down from the keep with several of the guards, her eyes wide and tear-laden as she finds Verik and nearly crashes into him with a solid hug that clangs his breastplate. It is all the poor cleric can do but to awkwardly pat her shoulder and shush her that he is all right, eventually getting Anya to respond to him and receive his pleas for calm...until Jemini approaches him with the remains of the brave tengu healer that gave his life to save her own. Anya takes one look at the strange mutilated corpse and lets out a clipped scream.
"Anya it's all right its just..." Verik's attempt at assuring her once again falters under the gravity of what is before them, as a waft of smoke cuts across the square from several buildings that are partially on fire. Who am I kidding this is so far from all right! Oh don't mind the strange corpse my dear, I'm sure we can patch it back together and pretend none of this has scarred these lands forever now. Decidedly clearing his throat and looking back up to Jemini at her request, he gives a resigned sigh and says, "On the 'morrow I will do what I can, and I think I could sustain it. Well assuming we all make it to the morning, but I will try my best. But now we head forward with the guardians don't we Jemini? Do we have all of us? Where is my cousin...no nevermind that I'm sure he is around somewhere." He is always around somewhere, though never to be found unless he wants it so.
With that he absently wipes away some soot from the side of his head and tells Anya to get back up to the keep and assist Jhod Kavken in anything he needs for tending to the wounded. He desperately wants to know if Bertram, Thomas, the boys and their newly arrived clerk-initiates are still alive at the bank, but he cannot see the bank from here and isn't about to try and send Anya to check - at least she made it through whole so far. Bertram knows what he's about and I'm sure he kept Thomas and the others down...blast there is no time but I need them safely to the castle!
He sees the warriors continuing to form up under Berrin and Akiros, and with the overheard report of Varn's men he knows they have to act soon if they are going to have a chance at turning the tide. Fiery Aylene bless her bravery...to think I was going to give her the chance to fly just days ago and how ridiculous that sounds now. Her father deserves more than this for helping us! Verik just cannot go off looking for his own and leave the rest of his companions to the fires of this beastly enemy. "Guards! A pair or more please to get to the Bank in haste and bring out those inside to the protection of the fortress!"

DM Barcas |

@Zander Zander carries down the man wearing his face, while the citizen helps carry Gregary to receive the Archbanker's healing. The young heir to House Orlovsky, legitimate or not, slowly opens his eyes after Vinodragov's magic stitches together his wounds. He looks around confusedly, apparently unsure of the situation he finds himself in. He locks in on Zander for a moment, brow furrowing in confusion. After a moment, it passes and he shakes his head lightly. "I thought I was dead. Thank you, Warden. I owe you my life."
@Akiros Steffan, the Captain of the Guard, limps over to Akiros. Apparently injured in a skirmish with one of the smaller dragons, he whispers something to the Marshal. "Sir, you should be aware: in the fighting, the guards over the assassin Esmerelda came to the defense of the city. When they returned to their post, her cell was empty. I can spare a few men to look for her, though I suspect that they would be put to better use sallying forth. What are your orders?"
@Jemini & Berrin Lady Jemini and General Berrin speak to the scout, trying to get the best idea of where their enemy's forces are in the short amount of time they have before their hand is forced. The young soldier explains that Aylene Varn is rallying her father's - hers, now that he is captive - troops outside a farmhouse on the east side of the city. The flatness of the land in the river's flood plains gives little chance for a surprise attack or for them to sneak up on the enemy. If they had more than a tiny handful of archers or any number of powerful wizards, they could take advantage of the terrain, but both Berrin and Jemini know that the only thing that matters now is what they do have. With the troops they have available at the square, they stand an even fight - except that they have something to fight for. The guardsmen and soldiers look to their leaders - military and political - for guidance on what to do next.
@Verik Archbanker Vinodragov approaches Verik and places a hand on his shoulder. With none of his usual tone of officiousness or hostility, he says, "Your actions today have been consistent with Abadar's teachings. We have not seen eye to eye on many things, Banker, but our squabbles pale next to this barbaric attack. Know that I will always follow the Master of the First Vault's guidance, but today I learned that you do as well when civilization is at risk." He nods with (begrudging) respect towards Verik.
@Taisper As Taisper watches the strange apology - if it can be called that - from Vinodragov to Verik, he plots out how to best protect the city should the soldiers fall. With enough magic, he can hide in plain sight until the moment is right for a single blow to their commander's skull. While it may not be soon enough to save the soldiers, their sacrifice for the defense of the city will be noted. His reverie breaks when he feels a sudden embrace from behind. Ilyana Flaxton sobs as she holds him tightly. "Taisper, I..." As the emotions overcome her voice and tears run down her face, Taisper turns despite himself, drawn to her as ever. Before he knows what is happening, she kisses him. Long seconds pass and he can't seem to bring himself to break it off. She breaks off the kiss and wipes her eyes. "Please be safe there. I know that you have responsibilities, but I can't bear the thought of anything happening to you. I..." Unable to continue, she looks down.
@Nikolai Ivahn Medvyed, with whom Nikolai fought side by side at the entrance to the castle, approaches him in his thoughts. "You fight well, and for the right reasons. Whoever you might have been, whatever you might have done, you've earned my respect. I see no reason to judge you otherwise." The heir to House Medvyed offers Nikolai his hand in friendship.

Verik of Abadar |

With at least a couple of guardsmen listening to Verik to head past the square towards the Bank and some nearby shops for survivors, he feels a pang of relief that he can continue on in the fight for now, but turns to where Jemini, Berrin and Akiros are in the square only to find the Archbanker at his shoulder. It is all Verik can do not to lose the meagerly composed demeanor he has left as Vinodragov speaks to him, for those words were the last he thought the Archbanker was capable of.
Ghost of Malthus, what else is in store for today dear Master? Despite his surprise, Verik has been through enough as both a Banker and veteran of battle to not squander the rare opportunity afforded to him. Bowing a slight but noticeable amount deeper to Vinodragov as befitting his rank, Verik replies, "I could not have stated it better Archbanker. Perhaps this affords us a new road to be built that will benefit all of our respective charges. Verik lowers his voice so only Vinodragov can hear him easily, tapping on his breastplate and adding, "I heard the sacrifice of your great work to the Master earlier, and I stand humbled and awed at the sincere divinity of such - the young scions of Brevoy may very well owe you their lives for that turn of the tide, though they do not know it."
Not wishing to push too far and spoil the newfound thawing, Verik puts a hand to his golden key symbol and gains a firmer grasp upon his shield, looking to see what Berrin and Jemini have in store next. He murmurs, "Praise to the Lawgiver, his crafted armor shields me, his hammer wielded to smite this spawn from the earth..."

Berrin Myrdal |

"They'll hold no advantage out in the farmhouse, the dragons can strafe them with abandon in the open field and the house will burn down around their ears before the enemy even reaches their position, we need to join them with our main forces and then the best option would be to formulate an attack Jemini." Berrin starts, giving his insights on the field as best he sees it to the nations leader.
"If we try to hole up here in the castle we might save lives but our city will burn around us and that would devastate our moral. The men and women stand ready to defend Newhaven, they may be better equipped than us but we have the advantage of defending our livelihood, we must meet them on the field."
"We have a hundred and fifty strong at our command, I suggest we send fifty soldiers led by Akiros and Verik to bring them to us, Akiros because he's used to command and Verik because they might direly need his help out there. We should lead the rest of our forces together out into the field and meet our foe. Aylene's forces should then join with Akiros and flank the enemy. If worse comes to wear then we can retreat into the castle, a siege is a poor option, for us and them."

Jemini of Lebeda |

"I agree, Berrin," Jemini replies, "Our lives may very well be carried by the brave men and women of Varnhold. We may not deny them now that our debt is greatest."
"There's not much time we need to act now - but a fraction of our force should stay behind to assist with the evacuation of the city. At the very least the representatives of the various houses and their retinue should be safely out of here while we engage the enemy forces - if nothing else we can buy the time our friends and families need to get to safety."
Considering the tactical implications for a moment, Jemini begins smiling a little, "Perhaps Iomedae smiles on us today - with an open field to do battle on, we don't risk being trapped inside a burning forest. We should be able to see and react to the enemy with little trouble. Once we relieve Aylene, she'll be eager to double-up and strike as hard as the rest of us." With her voice starting to ring louder and louder it becomes clear that she's addressing everybody within earshot, "Men! to arms! We live this day by the bravery of the Varn! Now it is time to show them our courage in return! TO ARMS!"

Warden Zander Orlovsky |

At 'the Zander's' words, the Warden barks a little laugh. "It's not as simple as all that...Zander....and you and Gregary did keep the Dragon off me long enough to get a few good shots in...I am...I'm am just sorry we couldn't bring him down quicker." He turns to include Gregary in his gaze, "....Sorry about a lot of things...but the day is not over. The General calls and the Warden responds..." He grunts a bit as he straightened from squatting next to the prone men, and smiles as he holds a hand out to each to pull them to their feet, "If you two are quite done soaking up the Banker's blessings?....and you care to follow me into the fire?..." With a yank, he pulls up his charge and his replacement.
The smile is only brief as he takes in the chaos around them. [b]"Wardens Report!", he bellows hoping to get scouting report of what still faces them.

Nikolai, of House Rogarvia |

The former Staglord has no words for Medvyed. He eyes him wearily as he waits for his strength to return, finally sticking out a tentative hand. He sheepishly notices his fingers are covered in sticky, drying dragon'sblood. Jemini and her friends shall have my blade until I am dead. After that, I will be judged again.
Ignoring the ache in his limbs and lungs, Nikolai shambles closer to Jemini and the Founders as they plan to respond to the army outside town. He sides in near one of the priests to receive healing ministrations and closes in behind Jemini.
If your god will continue to heal me, place me at the front against their army. We'll see how many of them make it home after I break them.
The big man walks back to the carcass of the first dragon he killed. Pulling out his greatsword, he hacks at its neck until the head comes free. He holds it up for those nearby, straining with the effort. I do not ask to be free of the trial your enemies interrupted. I will not flee. Until this attack is avenged and your lands are free from intervention,
Here he tosses the head onto the ground before the people of New Haven.
This is my pledge to you.

DM Barcas |

War has come to Sanctuary, and her defenders march forth to protect the city. With General Berrin Myrdal leading the way, the soldiers march through the streets of the city. While much of the city has been abandoned, a few able-bodied men - and a woman, likely inspired by Jemini - join with whatever cobbled-together weapons they can find. Only a handful of defenders, with Kesten Garess leading them, stays back as a rear guard to lead the citizenry to safety should the city fall.
They find Aylene Varn at the edge of the town, with her own men reassembled after the loss of the first skirmish. Some of them bear wounds and losses, but there are still just over fifty men capable of contributing to the defense. The fiery heir to Varnhold rides up to Berrin as they approach. Gone is the flirtatious tone, replaced by a hardened and clipped tongue. She holds a longsword, its edge smeared with dried blood. "General, their leader rides a dragon. He is fearsome and deadly with his blade. He demands the city's surrender, and for the city to turn over all those of noble blood."
Off in the distance, like an ominous cloud over the horizon, the draconic warrior and his army loom over the battlefield. Even from this distance, his size is enormous. The attacking army stands silently, without chanting or shouting, apparently waiting for orders. The dragon snorts and claws the ground angrily, visible from even this distance. It is larger - considerably more so - than any of the dragons that attacked the city.

Berrin Myrdal |

How large is that dragon on a scale of diminutive to gargantuan?
Berrin meets Aylene with a grim nod as she approaches, listening to her report he scoffs and gives his answer in a hard tone. "That'll be the day hell freezes over, the day we surrender. We just killed a half-score of dragons! As much as I don't like them, I'll be damned if we're just going to roll over and hand over every noble in the city."
Turning to Jemini he asks; "How would you proceed? Do we form up and charge or do we ride out to meet him, see what he wants? Remember that he holds Maegar, I'd want no harm on that king, noble or no."
"I'd suggest we form up the army and then send a delegation to meet him. The fight will be bloody when it comes, that's for sure, but that dragon and it's rider need to die."