Chaosorbit |
Please post the following:
1. Player/Forum Name
2. Character's Name
3. Class and Level
4. PFS# (and dash)
5. Faction
6. Day job Roll (if any)
Edit: We will get started once you all let me know you are ready...but probably no earlier than Thursday.
Garduk the Unteachable |
1. Tusk the Half-Orc
2. Garduk the Unteachable
3. Arcanist (occultist) 1
4. 199504-7
5. Dark Archive
6. Craft (bookbinding): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
Kulga Gruenakslag |
1. Player/Forum Name: Cwethan
2. Character's Name: Kulga Gruenakslag
3. Class and Level: Slayer 3
4. PFS# (and dash): 182453-3
5. Faction: Sovereign Court
6. Day job Roll (if any): Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20 to strengthen Sovereign Court interests, Survival: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16 if I check off a different achievement.
Bokkah |
1. Player/Forum - Tundran
2. Character's Name - Bokkah
3. Class and Level - warpriest 2
4. PFS# (and dash) - 161871-17
5. Faction - The Exchange
6. Day job Roll (if any) - none
Brayne |
Should have his stats and purchases up today.
1. Player/Forum - Tim P/Batpony
2. Character's Name - Brayne
3. Class and Level - Barbarian 2 Oracle 1
4. PFS# (and dash) - 222036-11
5. Faction - Dark Archives
6. Day job Roll (if any) - none
Garduk the Unteachable |
Talking to a spirit and walks with a limp? Does Brayne have two curses???
Kulga Gruenakslag |
Do you have any requests for using your Misfortune on allies? I didn't do a careful look to see if you'll sometimes not want us to swipe your swifts.
Bokkah |
I'm buying a potion of invisibility and a scroll of bull's strength from my chronicles. 450 gp total.
I think I'm all set now.
Brayne |
Yes i am dual cursed!
I'm aiming to always use my misfortune each round, thematically and mechanically these are my preferences:
1.Reroll enemy critical hit
2.Reroll enemy successfully save
If those conditions aren't met, the next preference
3. Reroll ally unsuccessful save
4. Reroll ally miss hit
As long as that general rule is applied, feel free to take advantage of my misfortune. I trust everyone's good judgement! I also accept there will be odd times where the preference needs to be broken, again, I trust your judgment!
Kulga Gruenakslag |
Awesome, grumpy Kulga's aversion to new people aside, I love adventuring with a dual-cursed oracle, just wanted to make sure to get Misfortune ironed out early.
Garduk the Unteachable |
Used my 2PP for a wand of shield, and bought 2 spring-loaded wrist sheaths (one for the wand of shield, the other for the wand of icky nasty healing), smelling salts (which just saved my group from a TPK in another game), cold iron crossbow bolts, and scrolls of abundant ammunition & gravity bow (on one scroll), ant haul, anticipate peril, expeditious excavation, identify x2 (on one scroll), Kreighton's perusal & memorize page (on one scroll), and mage armor x2 (on one scroll). Ready to roll.
Brayne |
Spending 2PP for a wand of CLW, and 1238.7gp per character sheet, for everything on persons. Updated some minor corrections on sheet as well, like cloak of resistance +1 to saves.. Ready to go!
Also feel free to give feedback about anything if you feel the need to. I'm open both to positive and negative criticism.
Just FYI, I'm an half-orc without darkvision! But I will be getting darkvision in 2 lvls time with my oracle revelations.
Garduk the Unteachable |
I'm just getting all my really awful rolls out of the way early.
Kulga Gruenakslag |
Clearly I have taken a different path...
Chaosorbit |
Hey Gang - I'll be travelling for business this week. While I think I'll still be able to keep up with a post per day. It's possible I could miss a day...just FYI.
Will update based on Garduk last post in a while tonight still.
Garduk the Unteachable |
No problem. I'll be traveling for business starting Wednesday as well, but shouldn't have any trouble keeping up.
Brayne |
I can imagine after Garduk ties up the shadow, and Brayne releases the hostage, the both just walking to the other side and talking to the other. It's very funny in my head.
Garduk the Unteachable |
So did Brayne just take the wand out of Garduk's hand?
Brayne |
Aha! I didn't think it was on the Arcanist spell list, Brayne would have asked nicely and not grab It out of Garduk's hand though :P Brayne is civilized!
Garduk the Unteachable |
No worries. But yes, arcanists get the full wizard/sorcerer spell list.
Chaosorbit |
Was travelling all day, thought I would be up to posting tonight but I'm tired...will update in morning...cheers.
Garduk the Unteachable |
After the combat, I don't suppose the shadow alchemist would be interested in hearing more about the benefits of joining the Dark Archive?
Garduk the Unteachable |
Faction goal achieved: "Recover a named text (typically listed in italics or quotes) found during the course of an adventure."
Garduk the Unteachable |
Sorry - busy day at the office, I will post later this evening.
Chaosorbit |
Another well done and successful mission, Congrats!
The game's been reported and your chronicles are here: Dropbox .
Take a look at them and make sure they look okay.
I've been enjoying this group for sure and hope you all have been as well. If everyone is up for another one, I'm game...but I need about a week or maybe a little more of downtime. So post your thoughts about this and let me know.
Garduk the Unteachable |
This was another good one, Chaosorbit, thanks for running it!
I would definitely be interested in continuing on with the same group. A little downtime would be helpful - I have some work stuff to get through, and need to get Garduk leveled up to 2.
Garduk the Unteachable |
FWIW, my profile on the PFS Session Tracker is up to date. The only scenarios not shown there that I can't play with this group are those in the Shadows of Ice trilogy (PSS 2-15, 2-17, 2-19), because I am in the midst of playing them with another PbP group.
Bokkah |
Thanks Chaosorbit and all for another fun game! :D
I would be up for another one after a break as well. I wouldn't mind waiting til after the special starts even. I will work on getting my pfstracker page caught up in the meantime.
Kulga Gruenakslag |
Thanks for running!
I'd absolutely be up for another one! A week or so sounds fine.
my Session Tracker should be up to date too.
Brayne |
Just like everyone else! I'd be more than happy! Don't think I've hosted for you before Chaos, so I'd be more than happy to return the favour in the near future as well!
I will start working on a session tracker... but i'm generally low on games since I've been less than a year into this hobby.
Chaosorbit |
Sounds great gang!
I can look at the session trackers, but also if there is something any of you are particularly interested in running let me know. So specific scenarios or even themes, for example more Blakros ties, Aspis, Tian Xia, whatever really.
I leave this thread open so you all can post any ideas.
Garduk the Unteachable |
I'd be happy to keep going with the Blakros story arc -- gotta find a spouse for Brayne! -- but that's mainly because I have seen a number of references to the Blakros family in the forums. I'm sure there are a lot of interesting stories peppered through these scenarios, so I'll look forward to whatever others want to play as well.
Also, I am undecided about Garduk's next 2PP wand - I'm currently torn between getting a wand of magic missile and a wand of vanish. Vanish only lasts for 1 round, but it's enough for someone to cause mischief, but I wouldn't mind having an option to always hit and cause damage, either. Any preferences from the party?
Kulga Gruenakslag |
Both seem good. I think magic missile would probably be a simpler thing to just use all the time, but vanish can be real nice when you've got the right target.
I'd probably start with magic missile, and get vanish later, unless you're planning on enabling sneak attacks as a regular thing.
Brayne |
You sold me at Blakros! The fact there is a boon for marriage makes me intrigued and excited! But i'm really open to go any path if the group has a different preference.
@Garduk, I share the same opinion as Kulga, although personally I have never bought a wand of magic missile because the damage output seems low.
Bokkah |
I would be cool running some more Aspis scenarios or Blakros or whatever. I have hardly played any 3-7s so when we have all gotten leveled up that far I'm open to just about anything.
Agreed with Brayne on the wand of magic missile- the damage will be too low to be useable already after about level 2 since it's stuck at caster level 1.
I would probably go with a wand of mage armor or possibly shield. Those will be useable forever.
Garduk the Unteachable |
Thanks for all of the suggestions! Garduk already has a Shield wand, and my thinking on Mage Armor is that soon enough the extended duration from casting it directly will be too good to pass up, although I can see wanting to have the option to use the spell slot for something else even at higher levels, so I might reconsider that. Magic Missile trades DPR for automatic hits, so although damage output is low, even into the mid-levels it can serve as an effective counterspell simply by using it as a readied action to interrupt an opposing spellcaster. On the other hand, that's a pretty specific circumstance.
Decisions, decisions...
Chaosorbit |
I enjoyed your out of game post Garduk!
Wanted to check in and see if everyone is ready to start a new one, soonish, and if anyone had any specific requests? A couple of the scenarios in the Blakros arc are Tier 3-7, so if we keep going we'll get to those a little later. If you all don't have a specific request, I'll suggest 1-33: Assault of the Kingdom of the Impossible.
Garduk the Unteachable |
1-33 looks interesting - and I've never played or GM'd anything in that part of Golarion.
Garduk the Unteachable |
Also, based on our pace so far I expect we'll finish this next scenario before GenCon. I should be able to get Garduk another 2-3 XP there, so he will be more on par with the rest of the group.
Garduk the Unteachable |
@Garduk - You are going to GENCON! Me too, do you go every year?
Nope - we stopped by last year on our drive east to the beach, on the final day, and just looked around a bit, but aside from that, we've never been. I've wanted to go since I was around 12, and it was still held in Lake Geneva. This year, the con is a little later, so we can just leave the beach a couple of days early and go on our way back. We will get in sometime Thursday afternoon or evening, and stay through Sunday. I have tickets for myself for games in the 8am slots on Friday and Saturday, and all four of us for the specials on Friday and Saturday nights (and for last year's special on Thursday night, if we get there early enough). Didn't get seats at any of the Starfinder tables, unfortunately.
Edit - meant to ask - what did you end up with? We'll be at one of the 3-4 tables for the specials.
Kulga Gruenakslag |
I'm for Impossible things!